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Breast Cancer Hope Lineage

The NEW Pure New Pink Breast Cancer Hope Lineage!

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@cladus - Thanks for your interest and I will get you on the list as soon as I can. smile.gif I am very sorry about your grandmother.


@eaturbyfill and/or SpiritWolfe - Please post the lineage link of the egg that got bred and transferred. It makes my life much easier when I go to update the lists! Same goes for anyone breeding an egg, transferring an egg, receiving an egg. I would rather have it linked 3 times than have no link posted and have to go hunting it on someone's scroll. wink.gif Make sure your eggs leave a trail everywhere they go.

Edited by purplehaze

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Lists updated to here!


Added pevil and firepelt00 to the wait list.


Did not add LoveLoveNightmare's new baby because I was not sure if she kept it or found a new home for it. wink.gif



Sadly, I was not able to find a home and thus kept it. On another note, let's welcome Hope Is Where The Heart Is!

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*bashes head on keyboard* I hate the trading forums....... hatehatehatehatehatehate........ I finally catch a cb blusang (that i don't need myself) and it becomes obvious that that they are not as rare as they were when i was trying to get a hold of one to breed with one of my shimmers... and then they could easily be traded for a cb gold or silver(which is currently what i want)...... now i'll be lucky to get a 4th gen shimmer.......


btw I went through the list and Cynthia's Hope Dra'axi is not listed....

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Sadly, I was not able to find a home and thus kept it. On another note, let's welcome Hope Is Where The Heart Is!

Congrats! Seriously, it's not really unfortunate, as we are building an army of Hopes and we all have some we bred ourselves.


Can't have too many pinks, after all smile.gif

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@eaturbyfill and/or SpiritWolfe - Please post the lineage link of the egg that got bred and transferred. It makes my life much easier when I go to update the lists! Same goes for anyone breeding an egg, transferring an egg, receiving an egg. I would rather have it linked 3 times than have no link posted and have to go hunting it on someone's scroll. wink.gif Make sure your eggs leave a trail everywhere they go.

Here: Lineage~

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I have sent a link for a female CB pink hatchie to pevil, and offered to breed an egg from the male side.


I will influence and hatch it for her/him.


Of course, we all know that someone will likely breed more smile.gif




I have bred an egg:




his code is ulP9z, which is kind of cute, I think smile.gif


EDIT: 9/18 - 4 hours till the female hatchie matures.


My friend may end up just keeping her sad.gif And if that happens, I'm keeping my egg, too!

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you're welcome smile.gif


might be easier to find a name when you have your Hope boy to put her with.


he's just waiting to hatch laugh.gif



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Here's Zealous Hope with the code zpgH0. I saw an early post about z code dragons starting with a z for the z project, so "zealous" it was. Unfortunately, the CB pink I had has the same gender so I'll have to wait to get another CB before I can pair up. =)

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Does anyone need a CB pink female hatchling? If not I'd be happy to keep it for a future male hope.

I'd take it! I find myself with more Hope than I do mates.

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Desperately waiting on my lovely egg from Chryse to hatch, another day to go yet! Daba's cave born donation is fully adult and has been named "Pevils Gladys" and I managed to snag another cave born yesterday that I've influenced to be male so hopefully I'm good to go regardless of what gender hatches.

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Many thanks Daba. Now I have a definite pair (when this new boy grows up) and a possible second pair as well when Chryse's egg/my new CB hatch and grow smile.gif

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Many thanks Daba. Now I have a definite pair (when this new boy grows up) and a possible second pair as well when Chryse's egg/my new CB hatch and grow smile.gif

And if those two don't end up being a pair then you just keep collecting CBs and Hopes until you do have even pairs! xd.png And then you collect some more!

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And if those two don't end up being a pair then you just keep collecting CBs and Hopes until you do have even pairs! xd.png And then you collect some more!

it only occurred to me after reading this, that they could refuse...


well, I *hope* not!!!



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