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Rose of the Dragon

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Merleawe awoke to feeling feeling rather warm. As she became more aware of her surroundings she realized she didn't have any clothes on, but she was at least wrapped up in a blanket. She looked at her surroundings to find herself in her tent and wondered when she'd gotten there and how much time had passed, the last thing she had remembered was sliding off the werewolf's back after taking a chunk out of it's shoulder. Still she hesitantly pulled fresh clothes from her bag on the ground and pulled them on under the blanket. After she'd fully dressed, she hesitantly left the tent and headed to where she saw Lydon asking, "Lydon... What happen earlier? I don't remember after falling off the werewolf's back..."

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Setheiry smiled at them. "It's nice to finally meet you as well." she answered looking from one to the other so that she included both. "Yes, I am human, and the only one in this group?" she asked Crystal. Then she turned to Lydon. "It's alright, she wasn't as gruff as Altair is sometimes. She had a reason as well." She said with a halfhearted smile.


Altair almost flew out of the tree, in fact he had spread his wings out, but then the female started talking about the things he should be eavesdropping on. He could understand her not trusting him, but Setheiry was only a child, he had only taken her in out of pity. She had no real attachment to him, none that he would admit. The eagle hopped out of the tree and flew a little ways away from the two before shifting and dropping to the ground. He decided to run into them on his hunting trip, and have them think they found him. The vampire ran a little further from the two, but then turned as if going back to the camp and started hunting a doe. Surely they would see or hear him, since this hunting trip he wasn't going to use his Assassin stealth and keep quieter than a feather, but he didn't make anymore noise than a regular hunting vampire.

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Kiro shrugged, "I don't fully trust the vampire, but his human... she seemed honestly upset with him when she found out about his Rebel background. I don't think we should worry about her." He was quiet for a moment. "Crystal doesn't seem to be too worried about Altair, but I have noticed that she does still keep an eye on him. Speaking of our future Queen, she was bitten by that werewolf during battle, I don't know how potent his venom was. It is possible that she might turn. Not that it would be too difficult to handle, just a bump in the road I suppose." His ears then flicked around as he heard something moving through the trees, it was a doe, with somthing on its tale that sounded like a hunting vampire. A growl errupted from his throat as he got to his paws. He looked around and noticed that it was Altair hunting. His growl quieted and he sat back on his haunches watching what he could of the hunt.



Crystal shook her head. "Nope, Lydon is still human also." She then looked around for Altair, she hadn't noticed him leave. She leaned back on Artorious' scaley hide and let the sounds of camp take her as she rested from the fight.

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As Njoine listened to Kiro, she nodded her agreement. She definitely trusted the human more then the vampire. Still, Njoine knew well the loyalties of humans. She had raised many of them. If the girl was anything like Lydon, she would do anything to help her vampire as long as it did not contradict the girl's own morals. Of course that assumes the girl is like Lydon.


The possibility of their lady turning was a slightly worrying thought, but Njoine would serve Crystal no less faithfully then she had before. She only feared how Crystal would handle the change if it occurred. Njoine was pulled from her thoughts, by Kiro's reaction to the hunting vampire. She was on her own feet and echoing Kiro's growl with her own, before she'd finished the thought of watching Kiro's back. When Kiro's growl lowered, Njoine's settled to a firm rumbling in her chest. She ground her teeth together as she glared at the vampire and stopped her growl. Taking a breath to calm frayed nerves, she ignored the vampire and returned her attention to Kiro. "We'll keep an eye on her and help her through any challenges she faces. S'what you and I swore to do. Although, I apologize for not getting back to camp sooner to help with the banda di lupi.Ah, I mean the wolves that attacked. I think I'll stick closer to camp. I'd stop going off to hunt, but I need the cubs to know how to hunt for themselves and, in the absence of humans, the animals sustain me better then the bagged crap. S'why I pick the human's I do. They don't taste all goody-goody."


Njoine gave Kiro a sly wink to show her joking.



"Ah, I wish I could tell you, Sorella. Unfortunately I was preoccupied, Maybe Kiro or Njoine could tell you when they get back if Donna Crystal can't say. You know how to sow? I need to finish this shirt and pants before Njoine gets back. The cubs did a number on her dresses." Lydon twisted with his lap facing the opposite of Crystal, but his head was looking around the young woman. He did make sure not to lean his shoulder into Crystal, afraid of invading her personal space. He looked over to Setheiry. "You're guy does that, too? 'Joine can be abrasive. I, also think she likes you. She was far nicer to you then she was to. Hm, I forgot his name. I don't think she likes your friend, though."

Edited by Mijikoi

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Altair easily caught the doe, but instead of killing it or biting it yet he covered its eyes and whispered something to it. The doe relaxed and he bit into the back of its neck. It flinched but otherwise didn't move. When he figured it was enough he let the creature go and she took off into the green. He had heard the growling and so he headed over to the other two, hesitantly, but noticeably so. "Well, I've never been one of those that is near people long enough to try." he said to Njoine's comment.


She looked at Lydon when Crystal said he was also human. "I'm not alone!" she said mainly to herself. "Well at least my master isn't the only protective one. I don't know who does trusts Altair on the spot." she replied. "I think they're both over protective, that's why they're always abrasive and a little bossy." Setheiry was enjoying this conversation, she never got to talk about her master because he was the only one around.

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"Yeah, Njoine has this whole need to mother anyone she thinks may need it. Mentor said that Mel is the first one that wasn't human she's done it to. Something about making it up to humans or some such." Lydon put his thumb nail between his teeth and worried at it. "Her being bossy only gets worse when she's worried though. I also think it's the part cat in her. You know the whole "Cat and dog theology". I believe it goes: A dog says, 'You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me, you must be God.' A cat says, 'You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, you love me, I must be God.' Don't ever tell her I said that though. Seriously, why do I always find people that could hand me my butt with a pinky?"


Lydon shook his head at the idea of how everyone in the camp could beat him easily. He could handle the average human, but if they had training or "extra stuff" he'd loose very quickly.



"If you mean my feeding habits, I don't generally enjoy human contact either, save for my children. Even then it only last for the years needed to raise them. I despise humans. Some more then others. Out of respect for my Lady and my mother, may she find peace, I refrain from wanton gorging and I never kill the humans I feed from." Njoine leveled chilled crimson eyes on Altair with a frown on her mouth. She wanted nothing more then to eliminate the threat to her prowl, or pack depending on the perspective, before it became a threat. She refrained only because of Crystal and a small hope that maybe he would become an ally to their group and not a wolf in sheep's clothing, as it were. Feeling less snippy with the decision to allow a small trust for Altair but prepared to fight him should the need rise, Njoine continued. "Otherwise, I stick to animals and blood bags. I still hold that humans taste far better then any animal. Also that blood bags are only better then animals but no where near as good as the source."

Edited by Mijikoi

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Altair shrugged at her comment, the cold look she gave him didn't effect him either. "Again, I can't really disagree nor can I agree. For I've been spending the last few hundred years or so out on my own. I've killed so many humans and other creatures, that I feel to let the few animals I do hunt live." He explained. He hoped in these small things he was telling, he could have them start trusting him. Then he could prove he wasn't loyal to the Rebels.


Setheiry laughed at his last statement, but still nodded in agreement. "Altair gets worse when my training isn't as good as the day before, I'm wondering if he thinks he's failing me..." she said starting to talk to herself absentmindedly. She snapped back to reality and answered him."Don't worry Lydon, I won't tell her. Just don't you tell Altair either, deal?" she asked.

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Crystal looked over at Mel. "You don't remember what happened to you?" Kiro had mentioned that sometimes the instincts of the animal were too strong for the mind to get through. Over time she would be more consious during the change, but not for a few changes probably. "You shifted into your hybrid form, and killed the werewolf that you had bitten. Kiro was worried that you might attack the rest of us in a bloodlust so he approached you to test his theory. I thank God you recognized him." She laughed a little at the image of Mel licking Kiro, "I swear your tounge was about as big as he is in his wolf form." She then lay her head back against Artorious again with a smile as she watched the group.



Kiro shook his head, "Don't worry about the wolves. You need to hunt and as long as we have enough people in camp we will be fine. You hunt when you need to." He watched Altair finish off the deer then lay down as he listened to the two vampires talk as he kept an eye on the cubs. He yipped as one of them started to get too far out of sight and amazingly the cubs were starting to understand wolf yips and growls or Kiro the cat versions, for little Alice and Drake were coming back towards the adults. "Well, I only hunt animals so I guess you two are on your own in this debate." He stood and shook out his fur. "I'm going to take the cubs back to camp. Don't linger too long out here kids." He said as he leapt off the rock and yipped for Alice and Drake to follow.

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"Of course Sir Kiro. I'll be right behind you. I have a few packs in the camp calling my name. I simply have a few words for our friend." Njoine fairly spat the last words at the vampire, seeing him as hardly a friend. She had expected no less from the male for his response. Such was the way of their kind, after all. Truly, she had no right to judge, but the thought of such a careless attitude near Crystal, made Njoine's hackles rise. She was aware her temper was getting to her, as was her hunger. "Ah, such humane sentiments from a vampire for a critter. How quaint."


Njoine jumped off the rock she chosen, Njoine began her trek back to the camp. As small sign of trust and her dislike of him mixed together, she pointedly turned her back to the vampire as she left. Njoine shot a few parting words as she walked away, caring little if the vampire followed her.


"Mayhap, you should talk with Sir Kiro. He may enjoy any of your pretty words far more then I, Vampire. You'll garner no aid from me, unless it's to protect the girl and only then, because I'll not see a loyal fool harmed."



"It's a deal. Your lucky though. He trains you. Njoine just made me take track and then taught me how to run faster." Lydon laughed at some of the exercises Njoine had put him through. There had been the time with the pool and the time with the spider. He'd never run faster then he had trying to escape Njoine. "One time to make sure I hadn't stopped keeping in shape, Njoine had me run for a full 24 hours. Course I got revenge, though.Njoine isn't really scared of much, but she's terrified of spiders. I do mean terrified. So, as a I put a fake spider on her pillow when she woke up. Turned out that was a bad idea.We had to buy a new home after that.Long story short, when Njoine found out what I'd done, she chased me for six hours in her leopard form. That was the fastest I ever ran and I still got bit on the butt."

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Altair raised an eyebrow as she turned her back on him. He did follow her, closely too. "Well in that case I shall speak with him, and I would thank you for protecting Setheiry." he replied. He saw she was fighting her temper, and knew any sort of thanks would calm anyone down. Whether it be because they were flattered by themselves, not likely for the leopard, or because they were just flabbergasted. "Before I depart I wish to ask if you know an Ezio Auditore da Firenze? He's an old friend from Italy." the vampire explained.


Setheiry laughed at his story, but winced at the fact he still got bitten. "It's not fun to have revenge backfire... One time, when he was teaching me to sword fight, I got bruises everywhere. So to get him back I rolled him and his bed roll into the lake we were camped by. Well, it was a few minutes later when I pulled him out he told me he couldn't swim..." She said guiltily. Setheiry looked around to see if he was around before continuing. "I accused him of being scared of water, and he made sure he supervised me while I learned ho to tread it, all day long.... When he finally left to go catch dinner I hurried out and hid up in a nice dry tree for the rest of the night." she finished.

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((ah damn I had been gone so long I missed that, sorry I'll delete that one then))


"No... I don't remember, but thanks for telling me Crystal..." Merleawe replied. She was a little less nervous now, at least she could tell who her friends were when she transformed. Still she had more then enough anxiety left as she went in search of Nijoine, tracking her by the scent she had left behind.

Edited by jaina

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((Miji?...please tell me she's alive.... I'll give her three more days.))

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((I'm not dead, just kind of hectic. Have I mention I hate shopping and I think I hate the concept of giving out presents for Christmas when it costs more the 600$ for everybody... Oh and I wasn't certain if, Njoine should actually know Ezio? It wouldn't be to far-fetched for her to know him, but I didn't want to step on toes, so I gave a loose reference. That should allow you to say yay or nay to her actually knowing him.))


Njoine paused in surprise at Altair thanks. She looked at him suspiciously for a moment, before sighing. "Sei il benvenuto, suppongo. You're welcome. As for Signore Auditore, I have met an Ezio. Whether he is the same, I'm not certain. We did not have time to exchange complete platitudes and I don't spend much time in Italy unless it is in Matera and Vercelli. Though he does send me letters on the occasion if he has heard of il mio Padre. As I send him to simply chat as it were. The Ezio I met was the man that helped me save my Lydon a few years ago. Haven't seen him since."


Njoine cast a look at her cubs, only to note that they had followed after Kiro. She did notice Mel approaching and called out to her to make sure that Mel wouldn't get lost.



"That's kind of like the first time Njoine took me to Italia. We had to pass through Venezia to get to Matera. While we were going through, she accidentally dropped me in the river. I was five and didn't know how to swim myself. Njoine, being herself, pushed the gondolier in the water and made him fish me out of the water. Only when I accused her of not liking water, Njoine took me swimming until I could and then sent me other with mentor. Did you know that that the half vampires can get colds?" Lydon wrinkled his nose at the memory. Njoine had spent a good three days in the waters during the cold season. "Now enough about the old folks. What's your favorite place you have ever been to, Donne?"

Edited by Mijikoi

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Username: deathweaver666

RP name: Dude (alex helx really but nobody knows him as that)

???Creature: Human Sorcerer

???History: Always the popular kid. Always the smartest kid. Always the most athletic kid. Always what it says on his track record. Always the different kid. But then there's what the teachers or kids dont know. He's an orphan. Ran away at age 6. Found some stranger and they became friends then he told the man the truth about him... he ran away. The man didn't like this but since they were friends and they had noone else the man took the boy in. After that he called the man dad, and the man called the boy Dude. He never knew the wars that were going on all around him. He never knew he had special powers. He never knew he could just get up close and shock the bullies to death. And he was always warm to the touch. Hot almost. everyone who touched him almost got their fingers burned. But as he is soon to find out, it's really just that he's... full to the brim with power? His school counselor always looked at him funny. Mad almost. Then one day his counselor walks up to him and says "release it now!". "Release what?" "The power, idiot! Release the power!" Finally, after a lot of confusion the counselor says "Meet me at the gym at 3:00 for training". still confused he goes to the gym at 3:00 as he was told, and after more confusion he gets it. He's a sorcerer. Just like the counselor. He stays all night learning a new language. Then he goes home with lots of power and knowledge of exactly how to use it... he'll never forget that day. Never. Now he spends his days in the 'gang fights' of the various clans, just walking into a battle and killing them all with a nova of pure flame, a cover-up flash, and then a confusion spell within the surrounding 100 miles.

???Side: His own


??? - wondering if its allowed (please say yes, please)

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((delete the posts, we have delete buttons for a reason. And I'll add a post soon responding to you Miji))

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((Ouch, no it's not a good concept.... And Ezio sounds good. I'm gonna post his sheet soon (when I figure out what he is.) And he is an outgoing person, so it would be probable that Nijoine knows him.


Jaina, I can't decide to make Ez a vampire or a werewolf, so perhaps he could be a hybrid that is in control of his powers and can teach Mel? Just a suggestion.))


Altair thought about this. Ezio never really stayed in one place for too long, and if he did it was in Florence or Venice, but there was a possibility that this was the same person. "It might possibly be him, thank you Nijoine." he said the last part after pulling himself from his thoughts. The vampire then headed off towards camp, his apprentice hadn't practiced for almost a week.


Setheiry smiled at his story, she liked being able to talk with someone around her age. her smile widened when he brought up Venice. When Lydon asked his question she paused. Thinking back, she tried to remember all the places she had been. "I really loved Free-Running through the big apple, but it wasn't nearly as fun as spending a few weeks in Masyaf. Boy I got in so much trouble..." she said trailing off. "That's where Altair is from, so of course he was pissed when I went Free-Running. I think he enjoyed chasing me though." she shook her head to get back to what she was originally getting to. "Sorry, I do believe I have ADD. Anyway. My favorite place I've ever been to has to be Florencia in Italia. Altair's friend lives there, they're almost brothers. In fact I just call him Zio Ezio." she finished.

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((You mean another Kinsmir... Eh I guess I'd be okay with it, I really liked having Mel be so unique though. Plus each time she shifts, she's keeping more and more of her mind intact, one or two more and she'll be normal when she changes. and I would suggest reworking that profile, cause he listed him basically as the best at everything he does, and always at the center, really that doesn't seem fair or even balanced. I didn't mean it as an order or to be ruse, I meant to tell him there was a delete button on the post for that purpose))


Merleawe trotted off after Nijoine, more then a little nervous about the whole situation. They'd been attacked by assassins now, and more were likely to continue coming. "Nijoine, shouldn't our group get moving? I mean now that they know where we are, I think it's time for us to move, plus I want to get to that library you guys told me about." She said quietly, walking about a pace behind the woman she was now seeing like a mother figure.

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((I'll have her know him then, but believe it's a different guy unless they meet up. How's that? Ezio is an awesome character, but I think he looks best younger? You agree? Bout of randomness. Hey Mambo Italiano!))

"If he is the same, vampire, I'll make the attempt to be amici with. If for nothing else then the friendship I have with him and for you child. If I can't from there, at least my Lady will have an extra guard." Njoine called out to Altair's back. Sighing to herself and not certain that he'd heard her poor attempt to apologize for her rudeness, she turned her thoughts inward. Njoine pondered the last letter she'd had from Ezio. He'd mentioned a friend but not the specifics. She'd definitely have to get in touch with him again. At the least, she'd enjoy talking with him in her favorite language even if he wasn't the same as Altair's Ezio. At least she'd be able to flirt without him taking it wrong and if he ignored her or not. It was awfully fun getting a rise out of the man. She was still trying to see if she could make him blush. Looking up at Mel when she noticed her friend, she offered the girl a smile and an answer. "I agree, mia bambina. It's up to Sir Kiro, though. He and Lady crystal are the pack leaders. I'm just a tag along. I do believe until we make that plane, the rebels are going to continue to know where we are. Il mio padre, my father, is following us, I believe. I can't be certain. He was always good at hiding his stench."



"Free-running? Is that like Njoine does? She has this habit of running on roofs to get to places or climbing on buildings to get to the roof rather then go inside like a normal person. It's how she gets around Matera all the time actually." Lydon stopped a moment as he mentally went back over what Setheiry had said. Lifting a completed shirt for Njoine, Lydon sighed at the fact it'd be a short dress on her unless he hemmed the bottom. She'd probably not wear the pants anyway, so he set about fixing one more shirt for her. After a moment, he paused as he remembered she'd mentioned an Ezio. "I know an Ezio. Well, Njoine does. He trades letters with Njoine. Has since he helped her save me from a group of.. Really I don't remember what they were. It was about seven years ago. I was being dragged off and he joined Njoine in getting me back and then helped her with the ones that caught me when she had to fight them. Weirdest thing I ever saw was them flirting and insulting each other depending on who talked. They did that while fighting. Oh, wait. Hai detto che parlava italiano? Njoine'll be ecstatic if you do. I prefer English, but she prefers Italian.

((If I need to change that was said about Ezio let me know. I figured if you used Ezio that he'd be like in the game, right? Just let me know. As for the non speaking populace, Lydon just asked if she said she spoke Italian.))

Edited by Mijikoi

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((Yes I'll use the younger Ezio, and everything said about him is great! Don't worry about the Italian either, I know some words, and plus where it's placed will help.))


Altair was glad of her words. When he was far enough away from the leopard he shifted into an eagle and flew up above the trees. He looked around for the camp and once he spotted it, he made a mental map of the surrounding area for later need. The vampire then landed in the trees by the clearing and shifted before going into the camp.


"Yes, that's Free-Running. My master, Ezio and I were trained to do it. I've never asked why..." she added as an after thought. "That sounds like Ezio. Io parlo solo un po italiano. Not that much, a few words and a couple of sentences. Perhaps she can teach me if she wants someone to talk to." The young Assassin suggested.


((You know, it would be interesting if there was an AC RP. But I'm to lazy to make one. Also, Google translate helps with a lot of things. In fact that's where I learned a few words, but amici and well a few others were learned from playing Assassin's Creed.))

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Mel shrugged with mild impatience at the fact they would have to wait for a joint decision to leave. "Fine. Can we talk to them about going then? I don't want to stay around here any longer, it doesn't feel right in my gut, and doesn't seem particularly smart either." Merleawe said. She was edgy, and she only becoming more so by staying in the area. The feeling of hers probably was shared by others in the group given they'd just been attacked she thought, but she couldn't be sure, given the way Crystal and Lydon had been talking, they made it seem like it was almost an everyday occurrence.

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((lol. That's how I've learned mine. Online that it. AC2 taught me how to swear. Well that and Olingo. I lost my disc one though. I was thinking about the same thing about AC, but I don't think I'd have the time.))


Lydon laughed and gave a nod to Setheiry. He didn't have to think for a second about Njoine being willing to teach someone. She'd do it in a heartbeat if it meant speaking her favorite language. "I'm sure she'd love to, la mia amica. It's her favorite language and if she's not careful she slips back into it easy. She's good about translating herself though. Well, unless she's mad. Then I have a hard time keeping up with the varied swears she does. As for Ser Ezio, she still gets letters from the guy. I honestly don't know how they get along. She insults him and he flirts or some times they trade. Most interesting one she's made for him so far involves a duck. You don't want to know the rest."



"I know, la mia bambina. I do know that we'll be leaving soon. I believe at this point we're just making sure that everyone is fed." Njoine resumed her walk to the camp and gave a gesture for Mel to follow if she liked. "I just need a blood pack. Lydon is fed if not he can wait until our next rest. The cubs are good to travel as well. If the others are ready, I'm sure Sir Kiro and Lady Crystal won't delay for long. I promise, Mel. If we don't leave with in the hour I'll tell Sir Kiro of our concerns, but I can't press or I disrupt the prowl and that would not be wise, I think."

Edited by Mijikoi

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Mel trotted after Nijoine with the eyes of a child following their parent after being told they couldn't buy something at a store. She hoped everyone else had eaten by the time they got back. One last fact driving her desire to leave home, she didn't want to stay near the city where her attack had occured.

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Kiro came into camp with the cubs on his tail. He sat by the group and spoke. He knew they needed to move soon, but if Njoine was right then her father would still be able to report to the Rebels and tell them where they were. He flicked his tail in annoiance. "It's time to pack up. When Njoine, Mel, and Altair get back we will move on." They were getting closer to their destination, and safety. Just then he heard something and looked up. A rather large flock of birds was flying west, further into the forest. He scented the air and nodded. Shifters, allies headed towards the homefront. There were ravens, hawks, falcons, doves, and many more speicies of birds. The Rebels weren't the only ones gathering their armies.

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((Sorry, I didn't post yesterday, but Halloween is my all time favorite Holiday. Despite not being a actual government Holiday. So, yeah, a 28 hour horror movie marathon later and I'm posting now.>.>))



"Go ahead and strip down your tent and be ready to when, Sir Kiro gives the all clear." The words were spoken low enough she didn't feel anyone not meant to hear would catch, but loud enough for Mel. A bit later, Njoine stepped into the small camp in time to notice the same flock that Kiro had, but little else. She immediately surveyed everyone for any tenseness or injury, finding none she smiled. When Lydon looked up to her and began to rise, she moved to his side and gestured for him to stay sitting. She took the shirt he handed her and made short work of entering the tent she'd claimed to change. The dark green shirt dwarfed her small frame, hanging off one shoulder and stopping at mid-thigh. Pleased that she wouldn't have to wear the pants, Njoine pulled on a pair of soft leather moccasins. Once the boots were pulled up, she used the leather throng to tie them in place just blow her knee.


Comfortable now that she was fully dressed, Njoine set about stuffing the two empty packs of clothes before tossing them out of the front of the tent. The packs landed with a soft thud next to Lydon. Smiling at his squawk of surprise, Njoine set about taking the tent down. The routine of it made her relax until the tent was broken into it's pack. Hefting the pack next to the clothing packs, Njoine took a seat next to Kiro. Her legs were stretched out in front of her and crossed at the ankles. She gratefully caught her last two blood bags and drained them as cleanly as possible.


"So, what'd a I miss?"

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Crystal smiled, "Not too much, just getting to know each other. Oh, and we are about to head out." She stood and headed for her tent, but then jumped at Lydon's surprised sound. She was ready to attack something until she realised the cause of it. She then chuckled and continued to her own bags.


Kiro had shifted to his human form and was already almost packed. When Crystal had finished she put her bags with his. They spoke for a moment and she shifted to her dragon form. He then began strapping together a make shift harness and strapping the bags to it. Crystal stay still and watched as the rest of the camp broke down and prepared to move. "This will help with your endurance. You will carry them until the next time we rest." he said as he strapped the final bag onto her back.

Edited by RavynWolf

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