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Warriors: Return To The Forest OOC

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Ya. Like in a naming ceremony when the leader makes the apprentice say like two words. Thanks.

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Ninjapaw has been named Ninjablade and I'll have to change it on the char list; anyone can control NPC's Ryuk happy.gif

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Here are Nightcloud and Jet's kits' forms. Oh, I forgot to ask you DP, did you have any certain plans for the kits? ^^' I just kind of took over. tongue.gif


Username: Icestar

Name: Thornkit

Gender: Male

Age: Just-born

Clan: ThunderClan

Position: Kit

Description: A broad-shouldered dark golden tom, with bright green eyes.

Personality: Cheery and friendly, very outgoing and loves to tell jokes. (Even if no one laughs at them.) Second-youngest of his litter.

History: A kit of Nightcloud and Jet.

Other: Warrior name- Thornclaw

Password: StarClan


Username: Icestar

Name: Cinderkit

Gender: Female

Age: Just-born

Clan: ThunderClan

Position: Kit

Description: Smoky-gray pelt, with pale blue eyes. Personality: Shy, cute, and friendly. Sticks close to her siblings, and likes to feel protected and loved. Second-eldest of her litter.

History: A kit of Nightcloud and Jet.

Other: Warrior name- Cinderheart (May be a medicine cat, depending on Icestar.)

Password: StarClan


Username: Starsong

Name: Heatherkit

Gender: Female

Age: Just-born

Clan: ThunderClan

Position: Kit

Description: Pale gray tabby, with those brilliant violet eyes from her father, Jet. (Though Jet only has one.) Feathery tail and slightly tufted ears.

Personality: Just like her sister Cinderkit, though more outspoken and independent. She’s also got the sweetest ‘oh please oh please!’ face. smile.gif Youngest of the litter, though it seems to have given her character a fiery touch.

History: A kit of Nightcloud and Jet.

Other: Warrior name- Heatherstorm

Password: StarClan


Username: Starsong

Name: Stormkit

Gender: Male

Age: Just-born

Clan: ThunderClan

Position: Kit

Description: Thick dark gray fur that tends to stick out a lot, but gets waterlogged very easily. Has dark amber eyes.

Personality: Outspoken, angers easily, but quite kind to those he knows well and loves. A good strategist; eldest of his siblings.

History: A kit of Nightcloud and Jet.

Other: Warrior name- Stormfire

Password: StarClan

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I wanted a kit...after Wolfpounce died...


Oh well this is a kit for TC when Wolf dies....




Name: Friskykit


Age: 2 moons



Description: http://www.ragamuffingroup.com/RAG/images/salsa.jpg

Personality:Frisky and outgoing hot headed and arrogant.If he wants something,he'll get it one way or another!

History:A purebred ThunderClan kit

Other:Warrior Name=Friskyfur





I'm just putting this down since Wolfpounce died the same way as Whitefire...So no Wolfpounce or Etherealstrike,DP wink.gif

Edited by TwilightMoonDragon

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k and it looks good so 'cepted happy.gif; how is wolf going to die?

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okay so you already had him die? I'll get rid of Ether and Wolf on the char list

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k want Ether and Wolf in the StarClan section of the char list or no?

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*races back in ears flattened and tail thrashing* What the h*** was I thinking! *ears flick back* I'm not leaving, I can't. Sorry you guys but you are all stuck with me for now, I don't care what dad says. *sits down nose in air*

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*husg sis back* I'm so sorry! Yesterday was a hard day and my head was screwy and...and *lowers head scrapping paws on ground*


Cloudtail: fur-ball...


Hawkfeather: Skyfire?! *looks around for her*


Fernpaw: YAY! I'm not gonna die!

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Rowanpelt: *squeals and tackles Cloudtail, licking his face*


me: it's okay; I forgive you happy.gif


Ashfur: *sneaks up on Fernpaw, tackling her from behind*

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Me: *tackles sis* Thanks!!!


Cloudtail: o.o....*looks at Rowanpelt for a second then purrs* Hello!


Fernpaw: *yowls in fear and turns over on her back then looks at her mentor eyes wide and tail fluffed* Ashfur!


Me: *blinks* Oh lord I think I need a Re-cap...an also my computer is slow right now so bare with me lol.

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Rowanpelt: *purrs back in response* hello; I told you that I was going to tackle you


Ashfur: *smiles at Fernpaw* Hi Fernpaw


Me: well Cloudtail's in the med cat den after being poisoned by a crushed battery, we had another gathering where Leafstar and Rowanstar argued over Skyfire and Hawkfeather being mates, Leafstar later apologized and is going to meet Rowanstar and the other leaders at the Moonpool, I got a haircut on Friday, I forget where Fernpaw and Hawkfeather are along with Skyfire, Owlpaw's going to be a warrior soon with the name of Owlflare, Etherealstrike gave birth to five kits and died afterwards, Nightcloud and Silverstreak are both pregnant with kits and are going to give birth to them today, and I think that's it besides Rowanpelt crying in the warriors den.


since ware quit warriors we'll need either a new med cat for RC or an NPC controlling Dusksky

Edited by Dragonpelt

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Me: Dang! Well, okay I'll see what I can do lol.

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@ Sinder: yep and okay happy.gif; @ BA: k I'll change that on the list smile.gif


edit - my form for Blazekit:


Username: DP

Name: Blazekit

Gender: male

Age: newborn

Clan: Wind

Position: kit

Description: has dark orange fur, close to red and has red eyes like his father.

Personality: playful, protective of his siblings, serious when he needs to be, gentle, and loving.

History: the song of Silverstreak and Demonstar

Other: his warrior name will be Blazestorm

Password: StarClan

Edited by Dragonpelt

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TMD:Coralpaw's back with Ice

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-Squeals and runs, tackles Sinder- Don't you ever do that again! -hugs- I missed you.


Skyfire: Hawkfeather? Hawkfeather! -runs and tackles, licks face- You're back!

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