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Warriors: Return To The Forest OOC

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How long does Ice want Coralpaw to be trying to get him

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Wouldn't it be best to add the genders as well? I can't tell who's male and who's female. Thanks ioin advance. Oh, and tell me which gender Nightcloud is? Lightkit just approached him/her.

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yeah what Ryuk said

Edited by Dragonpelt

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Oh, ok, I see. But if she's pregnant, wouldn't she be labeled as a queen? Just saying. Anyways, is the next apprentice ceremony starting when Holly's on? And when will that be?

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She hasn't been pregnant long enough yet to need to be stuck in the nursery. And Holly's sorta unpredictably all over the place with her bilingual&musical insturments. tongue.gif

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Nightcloud's in the nursery and she was labeled as a queen at the last gathering

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any word on Ice?

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yes yes we did tongue.gif and I bet they are; my right knee is now quadruple jinxed sad.gif


edit: anyone want super's char, Icestar? we'll have to make her a regular char since we already have a leader for WC.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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okay and I don't know; for that, you'll have to pm super

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Oh...I looked back and she was always Icestar. I'm going to make her Icesong now if that's okay with you guys.

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I already have 8 charries... what clan is Whirlkit in anyway?

Edited by yukinflake

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Weeell... thing is, I also habe a lot of Windclan characters... could be fun, I dunno.. could I?

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