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((wee! long post! xd.png

and when it's Midnight the text will be blue!))


Midnight half listened to the conversation between Adam and Rain, trying not to show her reaction to it too much on her face. Now was the time to stay cool and composed, and not for emotions to run rampant. After their talk, Rain and Adam came over to where Sayuk and her were standing. Midnight looked to Adam and spoke.

"A cleaning crew is being assembled now to clean up and repair this mess," she informed him, "and I hope they will get done as soon as possible. Anyone who is available should go and help. I think I will help myself unless there is something else you need me to do?"


Ddraig walked with Dark, figuring the man was answering people who were contacting him through a mental message. When Dark spoke to him his rage was obvious.

Ddraig stopped when Dark did, watching as the tree froze and then watched as Dark walked over to knock it down. Ddraig stood calm and composed as he watched Dark's little "tantrum." Dark then came back over, suggesting they should go watch the fight between Horo and Jade now. Ddraig nodded in agreement and continued walking with Dark.

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((Can't post tommorrow visiting cousins.))

Jade followed Brick and smiled at his coment. "I might do very nice. Who am I supposed to be going against anyway?" Jade started to spin around as she felt herself getting happier. She stopped a minute later nd smiled brightly at Brick. "This place is actually nicer then I thought it would be. Mabye I judged yo guys to harshly." Jade made a look like she was thinking to herself and continued to walk.

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((Gosh, Ddraig is so passive. Here's what Dark does, Ddraig has minimal response...repeat. biggrin.gif We need some more personality. Everyone is so cold! biggrin.gif


As for the long post =P. Really a much more graceful end to the Adam thing than I had originally intended. ))


Adam looked at Midnight. He listened to her reports and smiled to her.


"Thank you. I would like the meeting to recommence with any people that are not cleaning up. I would prefer to have you in the meeting, but it's your choice. If you were cleaning up it might go more smoothly. We should also post some guards to make sure we have not, in fact, attracted any unwanted attention. We may be forced into action sooner if we have." Adam said. He was completely composed, and didn't seem hurt by the talk at all. In his mind, he had not lost Rain. They had just established that it would be more time before they could possibly be together. And Adam was no hatchling, he was in no rush to push the matter. He would be patient.


Dark looked over at the other man, curious. He seemed so passive since he returned from the trip. Or maybe, it was just this day. Dark mentally shrugged, but took note of the behavior. If it continued for much longer, he would comment. After a few more minutes they reached the grounds. Dark could see that a rather large crowd had assembled to watch. He smirked to himself. He could see Horo standing at one end, looking cool and collected as ever. The new member and Brick had not yet arrived. As Dark and Ddraig got closer, the lower officers began bowing. Dark smiled his proud smile and nodded to them, letting them stand. This was one moment that he did not want to detract attention from anyone. Horo would be pleased with so much attention.

Edited by Key2Universe

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((lol, i know hot fix Ddraig's passiveness! Get him drunk! XD))


"I guess I'll join the meeting. After wards I can help with cleaning and repairing," she said, glad to see everyone keeping their composure. "And yes, guards would be a good idea. Regular patrols, two at a time, and so on." Adam was much better at figuring those kind of things out. Midnight was more of the person who would just relay those orders or enforce them.


Ddraig noticed that there was quite the crowd gathered and no doubt it was because they all wanted to see Horo beat up this newbie. Ddraig was going to watch just to see their skills, not to see Horo beat up someone. That didn't really appeal to Ddraig much and he wondered why others' seemed to like it so much. He simply preferred the sport of combat, two fighters trying their best in a good match.

((lol. he's such a gentleman. XD))

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((pick a fight with Horo, he'll probably win, but she'll give him a run for his money))

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((maybe, it;s your decision, and Kira, could you update Horo's app with this picture instead of the current one?



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((xd.png A drunk Sayuk would be MUCH more expressive too! I saw we do a free drink round to get everyone,s moral up in the two camps! Though Sayuk IS a cold person... I can't really make him act differently. Though My two other character... that I'll play when I'll have finished my load of school work... a much more reactive ^^))


Sayuk looked at Midnight when she asked him to help fix a wall... He had NO idea how. Still he left her side to pick up some debris around. Better do something before he gets someone else attention. He was piking some random debris and pilling then when he heard the talk about Rain action. He sigh. If she loved that idiot so much she could just fly after him lit would be one less problem around him. Has he was listening to more he overheard Adam declare the session resumed. He went to pick up things much further and away from people. When no one was looking he quickly hid behind the wall and dissapeared. The stress it gave to his body made him exhausted, but he still went close to Midnight, which was proving much more difficult with so many dragon around. He was not about to let this chance pass. Still... would he actually learn anything he would not send it to Dark now unless it was primodial... he was in a bad mood again.


The four soldiers were quickly flying to their distination. When they reached a relatively good distance they slowed down. They needed to fake not knowing the position. The took a quick turn right not to go directly at it then separated themselves a bit. They kept an eyes on each other. The mansion was probably at ten minute of flight away from them.

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((you can go ahead and post Jade. monkeyboy can catch up when he gets on.

and I'll go update it, jaina. ^^

Woohoo! let's get our characters drunk! xd.png


oh, be back in about half an hour or so.))

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((thanks cause I can't post tommorrow. Going to visit my cousins biggrin.gif ))((must go at 30 after.))

Jade walked into the training grounds and as she saw all the people she blushed slightly. She sighed and lowered her gaze. This person must be a good fighter or something to have so many come here to watch this. She scratch her head and looked around. She saw Ddraig and walked over to him,"Hi Ddraig. Do you know who I'm supposed to be fighting?" She looked at the guy that was by him and thought something but just pushed it to the back of her mind.

Edited by Jadeclaw

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"Yes, and I suggest you greet Dark here," Ddraig replied, glancing over at Dark who was standing next to him. "I also suggest getting into the habit of calling me General Ddraig when we're on duty and to not be so informal," he informed her. It was good for her to start doing these things now rather than later.

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Horo took a moment to look around the practice area, when she caught sight of Dark and Ddraig, she paused to register the young woman speaking to Ddraig. After a moment more she called, "Sir, is she the one I out here to test?". She was fairly sure, but it was always best to make sure you had the targets right.

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Dark watched a young woman he had never seen before approach Ddraig and himself, not making any formal address to him, and greet Ddraig informally. One of Dark's eyebrows raised, wondering who this woman could possibly be, or think she was. Then he turned and saw Horo.


"Judging by the informal manner she address Ddraig, one of the army's top officers, and neglected to recognize the leader of the Black Empire, I would say so." Dark turned his gaze on the younger dragon. He looked into the new recruits eyes. "Considering you are new, and I am in a giving mood, I will pardon your unconscious insolence just this once." He said, giving her a very serious look. The moisture in the area began freezing because of the coldness of that stare. "Now, I suggest that you prepare yourself. You will be tested by Colonel Horo." Dark said gesturing to Horo. He turned his attention back to the people that were gathered. He wondered if there was anyone interesting here to watch. He focused his attention on looking, already ignoring the new woman.

Edited by Key2Universe

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Horo looked her up and down, trebling her strength based purely on appearance. very well then... she thought. She turned and looked at Jade calling, "please come out onto the field, I would prefer to avoid as much collateral damage as possible. Something I can't do if you continue standing next to General Ddraig, and our leader, Dark". She made sure a little impatience found it's way into her voice, when most received an order form her and she was angry, they stepped back, and this time was no exception, many of the people in the front of the ring took involuntary steps backwards. it wasn't as effective a deterrent as Dark's commands were, but it still made her glad that she could make her soldiers tremble.

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Brick paled even more when we just watched as Jade walked up to Ddraig and Dark and greeted them. He ran after her and got to her just as Horo told her to join her on the field, his dragon skull chattering as it bounced on his back. "I'm sorry sir for Jade's insolance. I forgot to tell her to be careful and obey the ranks here, as you have already figured out she is new here." He said as he saluted the pair and stepped back. "Good luck Jade, do you best and try not to get hurt to bad." He said leaning closer to her.

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Internally Ddraig sighed in relief when he heard that Dark would pardon Jade's insolence for not recognizing them or saying their proper titles. Horo then approached, greeting them both properly before heading out onto the field as she told Jade to come with her. It was good for Horo to step out there, and it was smart for everyone to step back. Who knew what Horo would do in this fight.

Brick spoke to them, apologizing for Jade as he came up before saluting and stepping back. Now to just sit back and watch the fight.

Edited by Kira1

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((Good thing I wasn't to lazy to read.))


Shadow watched as more of a crowd filed into the training grounds. Well so much for being the only one here to watch. She thought watching some walk past her not noticing she was there. Good spot to sit I guess, no one seems to care anyway. She saw Horo and a new woman who seemed to be Horo's opponent. "This'll be fun." Shadow said to herself causing some soldiers to turn back and look. A cold stare met their eyes and they pretended not to see her which made Shadow smile knowing they'd leave her alone.

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Since no one was moving Elicia got impatient. She walked to Adam and the other member that were supposed to go to the meeting room.

"Oh come on! Are we going yet we don't have all day! we have to come up with a decision BEFORE it's too late. I mean it's already getting dark outside!"

She pointed the door, that had miraculously survived the ordeal, in an irritated way. On the bright side some scouts were already going to check the surrounding, one thing Adam did well. Not waiting much longer she entered to temple, by the door, and went for the room in which she took the same seat she had before. She waited a bit for the others to arrive and take their places. When everyone was finally sitting, it took a while..., she spoke before Adam.

"Ok now what do we DO? We have options we need to get them done point by point. Here is an order in which to take them. Point one, Do we sent the weaker and children to the others safe houses? Point two, what about Dark amry lurking around? Point three, what about the search for the gem? Let's get the answer to one of them at a time this time."

She knew she should not have spoken that way, but she was getting tired of the 'let's be calm here and ponder for hours' thing. She needed to know what to do.


((Okay sorry I brough the meeting together again if it bothers someone tell me I'll delete a good part of my post. Oh and I've finally done my sheets Kira ^^))

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((Yah... think of insane Stick drunk D:... that would be a crazy nightmare xd.png


I’m going to try the color thing with my characters too biggrin.gif cause everyone else has jumped on that bandwagon


I do like drama (but I prefer the word conflict xd.png). I prefer to avoid sitting around a table drinking tea and eating crumpets.


Just imagine what Dark would do if he figured out Rain and Stick had kissed. I would not want to be the one to break that news xd.png. Good thing only Rain and Sticky know that.))


Looking up at the sky, Falcon was starting to worry whether her father would show up. Was she wrong in her assumption that the man was weak minded and would chase after his long lost daughter no matter what? She was just about to go back on her statement and insist they return to fetch him when she heard the beat of wings above her head. Looking up, she saw the green of her father’s scales and sighed inwardly with relief. There would be no backtracking today. Stick flew a few circles around their heads before landing. Lifting an eyebrow, a little apprehension bubbled up in her stomach as she saw that Stick was crisscrossed with teeth and claw marks. “What happened to you?” she asked icily.


She didn’t mind in the least that Stick was battered to pulp. It actually sent a little thrill of joy down her spine to see him so, she just wished she had been there to see him crushed like the ant he was. Even more so, she wished she had been the one to have her teeth sink into his hide and her claws to be raking his skin.


Turning his head, he gazed at his daughter with a large yellow eye. Blinking, he raked his claws through the dirt while his mind formulated a suitable lie. I ran into a few of Dark’s forces. he lied. Allowing his dragon form to recede, he resumed his human form. In human form the injuries he had sustained looked even worse. The puncture wounds stood out like red sentinels against his white skin and nearly every surface was covered with cuts and gashes. Sighing, he looked down at his clothes. He had thought they were torn up before… now they were no better then bloody rags clinging to his skin.


Puppy shivered at the sight. Blood, so much blood. Bile started to rise in his throat, but he managed to push it down. Gazing at Stick, he sighed. He would have to be the one to handle the injuries. He knew Mark wasn’t a healer and Stick obviously wasn’t one either, though it would have been a good thing considering the number of times the man got injured. Looking at Falcon, he wasn’t sure what her powers were other then changing her eye color, but if she was a healer she could assist him. He was fairly sure he wouldn’t be to handle the majority of Stick’s injuries. Pushing a stray lock of his hair out of his face, he trotted over to Stick’s side and began.


Falcon felt panic rush in her chest. “Dark’s forces? This is worse then I thought. We must move on as quickly as possible.” Her heart skipped a beat. Dark must have figured out her intentions just as she had thought. He knew she was playing a game in which she intended to kill her father. She had sent Ddraig a message earlier just in case this wasn’t the truth, but she was convinced now that Dark was going to track her down. Dark was toying with her. Spitting on the ground, she scowled and accepted the challenge. If Dark wanted to pretend he didn’t know what she planned to do while sending troops after her behind her back then fine. She would play along… for the moment.


She watched as the baggage ran over and started to heal Stick. Grunting, she wished the boy would just leave him alone, but she had to keep up appearances. Trotting over to Stick’s side, she aided the luggage in his futile pastime. It pained her to have to heal the man she hated, but she had to… for Mark’s sake. Mark did not know her private intentions. He knew she carried a grudge against her father, just not how bad. If she refused to heal him, Mark would start to suspect her true purpose and it would wound him deeply. Mark wasn’t as insensitive and heartless as she and as such he needed to be protected. She had to do all of her less then pleasant doings behind his back. That was why she had not ended this earlier. Mark had been watching and she didn’t want to hurt him. It was the reason that she had healed Stick after Mark had gotten into a fight with them. She had done so for Mark’s sake and his alone. Anyways that had been Mark’s private vengeance, and she wasn’t one to interfere with another person’s vengeance… unless it got in her way.


Stick watched as his family healed his injuries. It was a futile concept he knew. He was wounded deeper then either of them could fix, but he didn’t fight them. As his skin grew back over the gashes, the sensation to itch was overwhelming, but he ignored it and embraced the discomfort. As soon as the two were finished, he stepped back and nodded. “You are right Falcon. We should leave.” Resuming his dragon form, he watched as Falcon, Mark, and Golden changed into their dragon forms, but one in particular caught his eye. Turning his head toward Mark, he let the man’s scent float towards his nostrils. His eyes widened as a stray memory floated into his mind. Growling, Stick glared at Mark and raked his claws in the dirt. You! I remember you now! Rage built up in his breast as the memory came became clearer in his mind.

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((My poor Rainy-poo. sad.gif ))


Adam stood where he was as those on guard and more began heading to the perimeter. As Midnight had ordered already, more people moved to clean up debris. Adam stood there for a moment. He still had no idea what exactly had happened here. He looked over at Rain and decided that they had done enough talking for one day. He would ask someone else to report later. While Adam was waiting for everyone to head in, one particularly impatient woman began shouting and telling people to get to the meeting. Adam's eyebrows raised as he watched the woman head in that direction herself. He knew his place was in the meeting, and glanced over at Rain. He wondered what she would decide to do.

Rain took in the situation as well. She heard a woman begin to yell about heading back into the meeting, and the remaining Agnimitra headed that way. Adam was still standing there, looking at her expectantly. He probably wanted to know what she would do. She glanced over at him. She did not want to go to the meeting just yet. She needed some time away from Adam and conflict.


"I will stay and help with the clean up." She stated. Her statement was obviously directed at Adam, but she avoided looking at him. She didn't want to be hurt anymore, she just wanted to be happy again.

Adam nodded to Rain, then headed towards the meeting room. She looked as though she needed time apart from him. He could understand that. His main impulse was just to hold her and that just didn't fit the situation at all. As he entered the meeting room, he pushed thoughts of his romantic aspirations away to focus on the matters at hand. He took his seat at the head of the table, and before his butt even touched the seat, the woman was practically shouting again. Adam tried to place her face as he finished sitting down. The other dragons in the room began mumbling to each other. Most were not happy with the girl for her impatience. Adam gave up on her face and stood once more. When he rose, the room's attention was back on him. He nodded to the woman, but couldn't say he was completely pleased with her outburst.


"This woman has a good point. We may be attacked by The Black Dragon's army very soon and it is imperative that we finalize our plan. I would appreciate it if everyone did not ignore our traditions because of the situation either. Yes, this is a pressing decision, but that doesn't mean we should be too rash. Anyone that has a plan that addresses who should stay at the temple, how we should approach Dark's army if they don't stumble upon us on their own, and what to do about the gem, please speak it now. If you are missing any such part or just wish to object to someone else, please refrain. The only people speaking from this point on will be those with a proposal of action." Adam said and sat down. The mumbling began once again as people tried to get together a response with all three parts.


Rain watched Adam nod, then enter the building. As soon as he was gone, she headed over to the remains of the roof. She saw dragons already there, picking it up. Rain approached the mess, and when she came upon a piece of roof, she bent over to pick it up. When she bent, the smell of blood assaulted her nostrils. Not just any blood, Stick's blood. Rain froze. She stayed there for a minute, paralyzed. Then memories of him tearing at him self came back to her. Rain stood and ran to a patch of bushes nearby. Once she was close enough to them, she began throwing up. Her body was trying desperately to purge its system of the horrible memories. After a few minutes, when her stomach was empty and she could breath safely again, Rain stood up. She glanced back over at the mess and shook her head. There was no way she could handle going so close to his blood again. She began walking in the direction of the Western gardens. She walked as quickly as she could, trying to get away from the world. She hurried through the maze, pushing through the parts where she had grown the plants together earlier in the day. She thought back to then and how peaceful she had been, happy to see Stick. Now, she was pale and throwing up and any sort of thought of him made her sicker. She hurried and when she reached point where the maze curved outwards into a circle, she stopped. She saw her fountain, but a part of it was crushed. Rain broke into a sprint and jumped the edge of fountain, landing in the water near the broken pieces of stone. She dropped to her knees, not caring that she would get wet and stroked one of the broken stone's pieces. Something smelled off. Rain leaned closer and saw that there were small pools of blood in the crushed stone. When that registered, she jumped out of the fountain and ran back to the hedges, emptying bile onto the plants. When she was finished, she walked to the edge of the fountain and sat down with her back against its rim. She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her arms of her knee tops. After a moment, she laid her forehead down on her arms and began sobbing. She couldn't hold back the feelings that everything she knew was now falling apart or being destroyed.

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((hopefully jade will get home from her cousin's soon))

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((yes, i hope Jade gets back soon too.

poor Rain. sad.gif))


Midnight followed Adam to the meeting room, a bit disappointed that Rain was not coming along but was distracted by this girl who was yelling. Once in the meeting room, Midnight took her seat and looked to the girl who was still yelling. Adam then spoke to tell them of what was to be said and done in this meeting. Maybe now they would get something done.

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((Ok note she was not yelling, but speaking a bit louder to be heard... and when attention was on her her tone was normal...))


Elicia sat silent. She had passed a limit, but Adam was willing to let it slide. She was not about to break anymore of them. She joined the group talking about who should stay. She let the other do most of the talking pointing a detail from time to time. After a good debate, since some were not to happy about some choice, they had finally reached a decision. All of those who could fight would stay, those too weak or not trained enough were going to leave with the non-combatant and children. The nurses would stay since they would still need healing if a battle broke out. They then choose the best course of action the evacuate the others. A group of three at a time, in human form and in a car. It would be much more discrete than people walking or worst, dragons.


Satisfied with this one of them stood and went to Adam to expose the plan they had.


Sayuk was walking around the room. Seemed like there was a bit more order this time. He was listening to them walking to other group each time someone would have something important to say it was bound to reach Adam's ears so he just have to be close to him. He just hope no one noticed that he was not around anymore... some seemed to have a rather good sense of smell. Though he should not worry to much about it. What would it say? Hey I was smelling someone and then... the smell disappeared! It would not make a fuss, but the work outside itself... He shook his head he had to forget about this for now, when the meeting would end he would rush there and start working again.

Edited by Skarx

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