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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war.

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Slytha opened her eyes a bit. "Hm... What happened?" She looked up at Albel. "Your fully awake now?" She yawned and closed her eyes. "Well, I'm almost asleep..." She crossed her arms and leaned back. "Fayt, if you wake me up I will kill you." G'night Albel.

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((I'm about to fall asleep myself...going to bed. Sorry xd.png nn!))


Albel bowed his head over Slytha, hugging her again with his head in an almost protective way. "Yes..." he said, shutting his eyes also. He might as well sleep. She wasn't getting up any time soon anyways.

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((kk, me too))


Slytha opened one eye slightly. So much for not getting atatched. Oh well, I guess its ok...Goodnight.. She closed her eye and fell asleep quickly.

Edited by snowdragon10

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Rika and Buttercup finally got home late at night with some supplies. Rika had the dragoness put away the supplies. Afterward, Rika went to bed and the dragon slept on the carpeted floor next to the bed. Fayt had by this point gone back upstairs and slept in the guest room.


Albel opened an eye and glanced out the window. It was still on the darker side outside but it was morning. Slytha seemed to be asleep still so he just shut his eyes.

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Slytha blinked open her eyes and yawned quietly. "Albel, you awake yet?" She said softly, not wanting to wake him if he wasn't. Hm... Is it morning yet.. She glanced over towards the window. I think it is...

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Albel opened his eyes again. His eyes glowed slightly in that dark, somewhat resembling a cat. "Yes" he said quietly. He picked his head off hers slightly so she could move. It seemed Rika had turned the lights out when she got home last night.

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Slytha sat up and smoothed her hair back into place. "Um.." She paused, figureing that if she said that it wouldn't turn out well. So she descided against it. "Nevermind." She looked around. "Is everybody else asleep?"

Edited by snowdragon10

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Albel glanced around and twitched his ears. So it would seem. he said, sighing. He knew Rika and Fayt slept like a rock anyways. A group of stampeding Elephants could probably go by without them noticing. He wasn't so sure about the dragoness though. He was sure if she was awake she'd have her head suck under the couch again.

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((lolz thats how I sleep xd.png usally someone has trouble waking me up, but my cat wakes me up all the time, somehow... ))


Slytha nodded. It is kind of early though.. There was something nagging the back of her mind, so she decieded to ask. She glanced at him. Do you really think I don't like you?

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((I used to be like that, but now I'm the lightest sleeper alive. If something like a spoon falls all the way across the house, I'll wake up xd.png. Reason for me being like that now: Mom + Bucket of cold water + multiple occasions. sad.gif ))


I suppose it is... he said, staring blankly ahead. His ear twitched at her question. he was silent for a minute. So it would seem he repeated. He kept staring straight ahead.

Edited by Sai

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((xd.png my mom threathed to hit me with a snowball if I didn't get up, but that would be pretty cool! lookys! ♥ ☻ ♣ ♦ » ╨ ♦ ◘ ○ ☺))



Slytha paused. 'I won't ever get attached to anyone, I won't ever get attached to anyone' rang in her head. She brushed it away and looked Albel in the eye. No. I do like you. She kept herself from looking at the ground. I'm not lieing, I mean it.

Edited by snowdragon10

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'Like' me, huh? he said dully. He already knew she 'liked' him. But that words just wasn't the same. But not the other. You're too concerned about loosing things. he continued. He didn't really understand Slytha. He'd lost more than her, but he understood dying was part of life. Whether you get attached or not, it will still happen.

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Slytha tilted her head to one side, something she still did since becoming a human. The other one? She sighed. I almost have nothing left to lose. Except Tamtam, but he can take care of himself. and.. She paused. You.

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You won't loose me.....Tamtam is able to weasel his way out of things too. he muttered. And as it turned out, it was quite literal considering his shape-shifting ability. He pulled her in closer to himself.

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Slytha sighed softly and leaned against Albel. Your a danger to yourself. You've almost died three times.. because of me.. She looked at the ground. Its my fault..

Edited by snowdragon10

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I've almost died many times in my life. I never seem to be able to, even if I try to kill myself. I always survive. It's my nature. he said. he looked down at her. "I don't care if it's your fault. I would die for you anyways.[/i] he murmured.

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Slytha shook her head and looked up at him. No don't. If you died for me then I couldn't live with that. How about we both just agree not to die? I won't go running off in the woods alone and you try to kill yourself.

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Heh, agreed then he murmured. But if it ever came to it... he thought. Albel smiled faintly.


The sound of someone coming down the stairs made Albel's ears twitch. He glanced backwards. The dragoness came into the living room half awake. She stuck her head under the couch again and just laid there. It was an old habit.

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Slytha shook her head. It wouldn't come to it. She turned her head to the side. Its Buttercup I bet. She grinned. She's the only one who tries to fit under the couch. She looked back up at Albel. So... Are we just going to sit on the couch all day?

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Hmm, I suppose not Albel stood up, holding Slytha so she wouldn't fall off. He glanced over the couch. Sure enough, there was Buttercup. Head under the couch and ass in the air. "Why do I have the sudden urge to kick it?" he mumbled. Albel glanced down at Slytha and made a mischievous grin.

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Slytha narrowed her eyes. "You wouldn't." She crossed her arms. "Your not that cruel, anymore at least." She glanced towards the kitchen. Is there anything here to eat? She was a bit hungry.

Edited by snowdragon10

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"I don't know, it's pretty tempting...." There was just a thing in nature to make it tempting to kick things sticking in the air. "Food, lots of it" Albel said, looking towards the kitchen. The dragoness tilted her head to the side and pulled her head out.

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Slytha sighed. Please try not to. She looked at fridge. "I can walk.." She said softly. It wasn't that she minded being carried around by Albel, but she minded feeling like she was too weak to walk. She glanced back up at albel. When is your birthday anyways? She said randomly.


((g2g eat, brb))

Edited by snowdragon10

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Albel set her down. He dulled his eyes at her. What does that have to do with anything? he asked. Albel walked into the kitchen. There was lots of deer still left over. Rika had gotten more supplies anyways.

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Slytha shrugged and followed after him. I was just wondering... You don't *have* to answer if you don't want to. She sat down on one on the chairs and put her head on her arm. I was thinking about something. Why do you stay here? I don't see any reason why you would...

Edited by snowdragon10

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