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Eragon (semi-lit)

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((You take after me in a way. aside from the town trying to kill you due to a neighbor...and henry...idiot sucked henry into it! I miss ya anyway Henry I really do.))

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((DX Sorry I wasn't posting for that long... Kinda forgot. tongue.gif))


Kianna listened to Eragon’s explanation. It wasn’t exactly what she’d been hoping for; the pain in her heart didn’t leave. However, she didn’t want to push Eragon. She could tell it was painful for him to speak about it any more.

“Where are the Ra’zac now?” she demanded. “We must avenge Brom’s death if we want him to truly rest in peace,” The ferocity in her voice surprised her. It didn’t sound like the normal Kianna. This girl wasn’t kind and gentle. This girl wanted to kill and destroy. The realization scared her more than the thought of the Ra’zac. Am becoming… bad? She wondered.

Revenge is a confession of pain, a voice said in her head. Revenge consumes the avenger just as quickly as it destroys the enemy, It continued. These were quotes the spirits had left her. Only now did she remember them. They seemed to almost parent her; tell her what she should and shouldn’t do. It was extremely frustrating. Screw ancient wisdom. Those Ra’zac need to die! She thought.


((Where are we going? I mean, on the trip? Are we going to confront Draith and Zailik? That would be... interesting. tongue.gif))

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(well I'm waiting for you to say if you want dragonhachling to say where we go cuz I think it would be fun is she said where we were to hunt)

(hay this is what Emily looks like


user posted image )

Edited by dragonsword

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((Cool! Yeah, I think dragonhatchling/Eragon should decide where we go. However, I would put a vote in for wherever Draith and Zailik are headed. tongue.gif))

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((Well Draith and Zailik are headed to Surda...he just doesn't know why yet. So technically you'd all meet 'em anyway but whichever vote you come up with I'll side with since I should be doing math homework....curse you for being online you stupid number stuff! oh and now I officially think Zailik's more worried about himself than he should be....Draith's not all bad and gloom, she just acts that way most the time. Insight helps...even just little things. Pugglemuggle Kianna made me laugh but I won't say why. Are all the Ra'zac dead? *doesn't remember clearly* 'cause last time I read that third book...still can't spell the name (sad) I think Eragon and Roran (was it?) killed 'em and their parents off..... *leaves to do homework* oh trust me, I'll be around...and edit this if I have to to post....which due to giant OoC it will be much much longer. More fun!))


Eragon backed up a little when Kianna's demeanor changed a little, although he still meant to answer her question. "Actually they're all dead or thought to be." He said coolly, trying to at least calm Kianna a little. "Roran and I killed them off, with the help of Saphira of course." He added, gesturing to Saphira.



Draith turned away from Zailik, still with the odd smile on her face. "So eager, always so eager. They always are, wanting to know their fate and all before I'm done." She said to Zailik pleasantly. She sidestepped when Zailik charged her and laughed. "Careful. I wasn't changing the subject, no I was merely making a comment."

Zailik quickly turned and took another swing at the shade only to have her intercept him with lightning speed. His arm was wrenched backward, causing his sword to fall. He struggled a moment before stopping. "Let me go! Or tell me what's going on and then let me go!" He yelled at Draith, trying again to break free.

"You'll find out, trust me, they always find out. Everyone does. Whether you want them to or not, they always do..." Draith whispered into Zailik's ear before releasing him. "They come back doubly angry afterward too, never satisfied with anything, never wanting to see anything through until the end...such a shame it is."

Zailik stepped back from Draith, confused and scared at what she was rambling on about. She looked almost sad when she stopped speaking. He didn't say anything though in fear of what the shade may do. He watched her make a move toward his sword and stepped back again, taking double his normal stride, knowing he wouldn't make it to his weapon before she did.

Draith picked up Zailik's sword and handed it to him hilt first. "Just put it away, it won't do you any good anyway." Once he reluctantly took it from her hand, Draith returned to the firepit and sat.

"Are you sure you're ok? You're acting a little odd." Zailik commented, sitting down opposite her after returning his sword to its sheath on the horse's pack. He stared at the damp firepit and whispered a word. Weakly a small fire sprang to life, slowly drying the damp wood as it grew. He saw Draith glance at him with a smile. "I did tell you I knew magic right?"

Draith nodded slightly to Zailik's last question. "I'm sure I'm fine. Just reminiscing is all."

Zailik didn't comment to Draith's words, he simply stared at the fire, letting silence creep into their area.


((anyone guess what Draith's reminiscing about? and no I'm not doing a * thingy....give too much away to quickly. and bye for tonight. Pick where ever we should go and if I don't post, Eragon went along, K? ....if it gets that bad that I'm not there....email me.))


((and...I'm back..sorta. well I'll be around...just not...forget it. *fixes a spelling mistake*))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(*holds up hand* I vote we should bump into Draith and Zailik as we are hunting *puts hand down* that is all I have to say *sits and waits for you guys to post*)

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(Well, as Zephyr has to accompany Raven everywhere...I cast my vote with dragonsword.)

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((and I'm one of those people who count as the long A word in the bottom of this whole blog thing...the one that's too long/complicated for me who's in a not so hurry/hurry to get this there so you guys know, for me to spell correctly. And my vote goes to whoever puts the other votes up on a pedestal and says "It wins." 'cause no one bothered to cast that down....one against somewhere near forty isn't fair....don't ask, trust me it as to do with a neighbor. and a town and man I rambled! Darkshadow: Zephyr can have a vote. he can. he counts. everyone always counts, always, as Draith says...which sometimes I think isn't a good thing considering she actually is my cousin...well not the one here...just she is and well I can't explain it further due to the fact I'll keep going, well she is and whatnot. *knocks self out to stop rambling*))


((I forgot this! I'll post later for both of well three of the people that are needed...that I have the ability to. so, uh, how do we go about that anyway? pugglemuggle you're coming along whether you want to or not, that's that!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(I think if I don't do this it will just keep going on and on and on and on.... well I think you get the pont


Dragonsword(a.k.a me): voted that we meet Draith and Zailik


Darkshadow: (you can vote to NOT meet Draith and Zailik if you want)


pugglemuggle: (same as me) voted we should meet Draith and Zailik


Dragonhachling:(I quote) 'So technically you'd all meet 'em anyway but whichever vote you come up with I'll side with')

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(I still vote we meet Draith and Zailik)

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((Alright alright. quit beating the bush, I get it. I'll post later to somehow set that into motion while not having Draith explain anything to Zailik along the way....which probably will make her mad later...zailik's fault! *blames and runs away* blasted homework I hate you so much! ....maybe I should leave...maybe....*is here too much*))

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Eragon sighed and answered Raven's question. "Right about now if that's ok with everyone. But I'll be right back." With that he disappeared back inside his tent and checked everything over once again. When he was sure nothing was overlooked, Eragon walked back out and saw Emily had joined the group. He nodded to her and grabbed his things. "Shall we go to the forest by Lake Tudosten?" He asked, starting to walk.



Draith laughed when Zailik didn't speak for a while. "So now the silent treatment? Never works Zailik, I don't care to talk to most who do this anyway." She said bluntly, watching him for a moment. "Did I bother you or something? If I did I'm not surprised." She saw Zailik move but slightly and wondered if he'd fallen asleep with his eyes open.

"Just tell me what you're going to do now we're close by Surda. After all we aren't supposed to be down here." Zailik said quietly but forcefully. He heard Draith laugh again but didn't look up to see why. The horse was nearer to him that held his sword which he took note of.

"I don't need to tell you anything. You came along, by yourself, willingly, and even offered a head-of-time, why? I'm not sure, but now you blame me for leaving you out of information? That's low even for you." Draith spoke, once again testing the boy's reaction to different situations.

Zailik looked up at the shade. "I only offered because you gave me no choice! It was either that or be locked away or die or something!" He didn't expect his voice to rise but when it did he saw that Draith didn't seem to care much. The fire rose a bit which worried him, had he gotten her mad even though it didn't show?

Draith smiled when fear struck Zailik's face. "Scared of some fire?" She asked, teasing him. She let the fire rise a bit more before going back to normal. "I won't hurt you unless you absolutely deserve it."

Zailik was beginning to think Draith was lying to him about not hurting him. He raised his hands, palms up, in surrender before this situation got out of hand. "Ok, just no more of that alright? I don't want anything to burn on accident or on purpose."

((edited and done))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(ok Dragonhatchling....... hay darkshadow is THIS what Zephyr looks like (sry for all the pics but I gatta know what ravens daragon looks like


user posted image)



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(sure, when he grows up.)

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((edited the posty thing and I'm done editing it. Darkshadow: I see you found my frill in my sig. Glad he could be of some help to you. smile.gif ))


((Pugglemuggle: Check last page to see post that applies to all. and the other post that I posted for you...if you haven't already and please because I forgot please...whoops sorry.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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"I'm fine with that" said Emily as she tucked will into his small bed in her backpack.

Raven tried to think of where she had heard the name of the lake before but gave up as it sliped out of her mind.

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((cool...what? *thinks pugglemuggle went Poof! gone on us* but that's ok....now what to do..homework! do that and then come back...maybe I won't be stuck then...oh and eat I must eat....wish I could wait three days to eat...that'd be cool for the three days and then meh all the rest xd.png ))


((HI Pugglemuggle! I thoughtyou were gone for a momemmt.))


(( blink.gif thought you and moment are in there somewhere...))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((Yeah, I'm here!))

((Earlier you said something about Kianna making you laugh. Now you say that I'm going on the trip, whether I want to or not. Why does Kianna make you laugh? *thinking it must be something about Draith*))


The knowledge of the Ra’zac’s death brought up numerous emotions she couldn’t even comprehend. She felt extremely glad that those foul creatures were dead, but at the same time, she felt… What was it? With surprise, she realized it was jealousy. Eragon had been the one to deliver his revenge, but by doing so he had delivered her revenge as well. He had stolen her vengeance. Unexpected anger filled her heart. Why did she feel so angry all the time? She’d almost never felt angry until just recently. It was infuriating! She hated being angry!

Great, she thought grimly. Now I’m angry at myself for being angry. She looked up at Eragon. She wanted to say something to him, try and give him a piece of her mind, but the words didn’t come. Speak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret, the voice in her head said. That little voice was more irritating than it should be. Without warning, another wave of grief over her brother’s death hit her like a tsunami. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. It was too much. Too much to think about, too many emotions to deal with. Kianna dropped to the ground, pulling her legs into her chest and pressing her hands against her temples.

Okay. Lets just go through this slowly. No rush. There really wasn’t another choice. She went through her emotions, labeling them, analyzing them, and attempting to subdue them. That was just the way she was; organized. Emotion number one… she thought. I guess that’d be sorrow. She figured it was useless to try and restrain that one. That was the entire reason she’d come her in the first place. Emotion number two is probably anger. She was angry beyond belief at the Ra’zac, even if they had already paid the ultimate price. She was also mad at Eragon for killing them without her, even if he hadn’t known of her existence. Emotion number three… Fear. The new power she processed was scary enough, but the new bursts of rage were unnerving. Emotion number four is happiness, because the Ra’zac are dead. Emotion number five is envy. Then comes irritation at the spirits’ voice, she continued. The next one is… helplessness, I suppose. Brom’s death was still ripping at her soul. She wanted the pain to go away, but the only way that could happen is if Brom came back from the dead. There was nothing she could do about it, and there was nothing she could do to avenge Brom either. And lastly… This one was harder to place than the rest. Eragon must have gone through the same fury and pain she was experiencing now. The both cared about Brom like family, and missed him terribly. They both sought vengeance on the Ra’zac. It’s kinship. She decided, satisfied with her mental scrutiny. With that, she stood up again, a little embarrassed at her breakdown.

Looking around her, she realized that the others had already started off. “Hey! Wait up!” she called, skipping toward them. “Don’t leave me behind, or you’ll regret it,” she said with a laugh.

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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Emily stoped and waited for Kianna to catch up with her, she really liked her.

Raven cept wondering about the name as she walked along after Eragon

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((why? something about her wondering is she was becoming 'bad' made me laugh. just seems such a simple way to explain things...wait...great now that's not normal, not at all. maybe I shouldn't have made draith...why's she in my head now? quick post, doing homework and eating. if I leave, I'll be back a little later after I'm done cleaning bird and have time.))


Eragon turned around slightly when Kianna called. He hadn't realized she's been left behind, too many things on his mind at the moment, most of which consisted of what Kianna had asked and how he explained. He wished he could have explained better but knew maybe later he would.



Draith stood up and drew her sword quickly and threw it over Zailik's head, missing on purpose. It landed in the tree behind him as he ducked down, embedding itself into the tree. "But never surrender around me." Was all she said, sitting down again while her sword still twanged slightly in the tree.

Zailik looked back slightly but kept his eye on Draith. He knew why she'd thrown her sword but was it necessary? He didn't believe it was but didn't speak up. "Alright...one thing, try not to decapitate me anytime soon please." He said, wondering whether to grab Draith's sword.

"Don't bother. It's fine where it is, no more scaring you that way." Draith said, knowing what Zailik was thinking just by his voice.


((tsk tsk, bad Draith! no nearly killing your allies after you say you wont!))

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((That's fine, we'll keep you along with us, unless you don't want us too....er anyway...I'll be in/out and if not posted in like 4 hours, I'm gone until tomorrow-maybe.))


((*has a feeling pugglemuggle has long post in store for us all* ......just no yelling at me for laughing....it's not, well it is...but ...))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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((No... No long post. I really don't know what to do with Kianna now... Maybe she should learn the ways of the sword from Eragon? xd.png Just kidding. ))

((Hmmmmmm...... Possibilities, Possibilities...))


Kianna followed the rest of the group, a few steps behind. She’d taken he book from her pack and was reading it as she walked. The journey wasn’t going to allow her much time to read it, so she figured she’d get as far into it as she could while there was time.

Speeding up a little, she fell in step with Emily and closed her book. “So… How did you come to the Varden?” she asked, attempting to start a conversation. Unfortunately, that wasn’t exactly one of her strong points.

Edited by Pugglemuggle

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