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Kit woke the next morning, shivering slightly from being drenched in nightmare-induced sweat. She cuddled closer to Cryptic...who seemed much bigger than before. She looked at him, surprised. "Surely my eyes aren't deceiving me...But he certainly wasn't that big last night!"


She stood up carefully then, so as not to disturb him from his sleep, and stretched silently. Yawning, she padded over to Ryu, who had also just woken up. "Ryu...would you walk out to the grass with me? I'd like to bring in some food before everyone wakes up..." she whispered, keeping her voice low.


He nodded and stretched as well, then followed her outside. Warily, they hurried down to the fruit trees and brought back several fruits and handfuls of flavourful grasses, and even some herbs to give to Cryptic, to hopefully give him energy, setting all the food down in a pile near Cryptic, Jai, and Faeyth.

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Faeyth had already awakened, having seen her brother's growth spurt when she awakened. When she saw Kit coming, she smiled, and when she saw Ryu with her, she blushed faintly. Surely these friends of theirs must be tired of her brother and herself, concidering that their powers were such a nuisance. She hoped this wasn't the case, seeing as how they'd been so kind. She greeted her friend with a nuzzle as Kit set down the food, and was about to do the same for Ryu, but froze when she decided he might not like that. Instead she looked down at the food, as if pondering what to eat first.

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Ryu watched, smiling, as Faeyth nuzzled her friend. For a brief moment, his mind entertained the thought of her doing the same to him, then shook himself. She was a gorgeous little Silver; what could she possibly see in him? Yesterday, he'd thought maybe she liked him, but today, it just seemed ridiculous to think such a thing. He sighed softly, then turned his attention to Cryptic.


Cryptic, now twice as large as before. Twice as powerful, as well? Who knew. Certainly not someone to mess with, that was for sure.




Kit returned the nuzzle happily, glad to see Faeyth seemingly feeling better about things. She watched, amused, as Faeyth looked as if she was choosing a fruit, so she pushed an orange one over with her nose. "I got this one especially for you." Her senses told her this fruit had good sugars and nutrients to help raise spirits.


Then she rolled a large purple fruit, and grabbed some herbs, over to Cryptic, somehow sensing these things would help build up energy. "These will help you feel a bit better..." she murmured softly, not quite sure if he was awake, or if she was just talking to herself.

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Cryptic, who had been in half-sleep with his eyes just barely open, lifted his head when Kit approached. He seemed at first very far away, but he returned to his senses shortly. "Thank you," he said, smiling at her. She looked even littler than usual due to his growth spurt, though not at all in an insignificant way. Kit was more dainty and feminine than flat out tiny. He nuzzled her chin a bit in thanks, making that purring sound again before he began to eat.


Faeyth smiled as her friend offered her the treat, and she gobbled it up quickly. The taste was unlike anything she'd ever tasted, and she adored it. She took a different fruit from the pile, then glanced at Ryu. She looked back down at the fruit, tearing it carefully in half with her claws, then nudged one half to him.

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Kit froze as Cryptic nuzzled her, slightly shocked, then relaxed and smiled softly, sitting down and curling her tail around her front feet ((think, Cat xd.png)). "We have some more, if you're still hungry once you finish that..."




Ryu lowered his head slowly to pick up the half-piece of fruit, his eyes locked on Faeyth's, knowing he was blushing, but not quite caring. "Thank you," he said quietly just before truly biting into it. The fruit was so juicy, so delicious...

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Faeyth blushed also, not even noticing him doing so. She just watched his eyes as she too picked up her piece and ate it. She licked the juices from her lips, then leaned foreward slowly. She licked his cheek very gently, her heart pounding in terror as she did so. She pulled back, staring at her paws with bright pink cheeks.


Cryptic shook his head, smiling down at her. "I just.. need rest," he said, lying back down again, slowly. He looked out of the burrow, into the sunlight, desperately wishing he could go there, rather than being trapped in this den.


ooc;; Sorry. I'm used to doing a second charry on a different board. Ugh, got to get used to this.

Edited by TheSporkMaster

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Ryu leaned back, so surprised he almost spit out the fruit in his mouth. He blushed furiously, stammering nonsense. After a moment, his mind finally cleared, and he sat still, blinking. Slowly, he reached a paw toward her, using a single claw to tilt her face up, so he could look into her eyes. "Faeyth..." he murmured softly, then leaned in and nuzzled her. "Let's take a walk, hm? Back up to that cave I showed you yesterday? We can actually enjoy the view this time..."




Kit nodded once, slowly, frowning when she saw him looking wistfully outside. She wished she could heal him up good and proper, so he could go out, but she could see that he just felt too tired...She curled up against his side again and began grooming him, hoping to relax him into sleep.

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Faeyth smiled faintly, thinking that that was a wonderful idea. She was full of hyperactive butterflies, and the cheek where he'd nuzzled her was tingling. She stood, following by his side. Still she couldn't look him in the eye, and was too embarassed to speak.


Cryptic shut his eyes, his head resting on Kit's shoulders. He sighed deeply, and his muscles relaxed; it appeared he was asleep, and in a very deep sleep at that.

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Ryu led Faeyth out of the cave and around the bend, to the rocky steep hill they'd climbed up the day before. He stood beside her then, gently entwining his big tail with her littler one. "Ready?" he asked. He began climbing, his tail not only keeping physical contact with her, but making sure that if she slipped, she wouldn't slip too much.

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Sakka was walking along in the heart of the forest. Then, a branch snapped. He didn't flinch becuase he knew it was his foot cracking it. Another crack. But, He wasn't walking when that had happened... Suddenly a huge Bobcat sprang up in the air. He quickly dodged out of the way, then ran towards the cave he slept in. But the Bobcat was quick. The Bobcat swooped its paw, then he was dangeling by the tail in the bobcats paw. The Bobcat took him to another cave, not anywhere near his. He couldn't catch a hatchlings scent anywhere near. That must mean he had gone farther with the Bobcat then anyother hatchling that was wandering off and exploring.


( And esnipplee, You are accepted.)

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Faeyth nodded, getting a firm grip on every single rock before she advanced onward. Fortunately, though she was small, she was nimble and strong enough to cling to the rock well. She smiled at Ryu, then looked up at the cave entrance above them. That wasn't so bad, she thought, liking to come to this cave more often. The view was well worth the climb.

Edited by TheSporkMaster

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Ryu continued climbing, awed at Faeyth's great climbing ability. Since she'd been dragging along behind them yesterday, he hadn't been able to really get to see what a good climber she was. He smiled inwardly, very proud of this little hatchling that he found he had great feelings for. "I just met her...This feeling...it's so sudden, but wonderful, and she seems to feel the same. I've never felt this way before." he thought, his mind racing even as he helped her up to the lip of the cave.


As he looked out, he was filled with such happiness that he'd never felt before. "-This- is how life should be. Happiness, being with those you like and love, not running, searching for a home for the rest of your life..." He sighed happily, and glanced over at Faeyth, admiring how the sun shone on her beautiful scales, how the little sparkles fell from her tail...Her eyes...oh, how beautiful her eyes were...

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Faeyth crawled up into the cave thanks to the help of Ryu. She shook herself off and sat down to look at the view. She glanced over at Ryu, realizing he'd been looking at her. Eyes quickly returning to the view before them and cheeks flushing red, she looked out in silence. Before she realized it, she'd leaned over and rested against Ryu's shoulder. He was larger than she, but just the perfect size where she rested her head where his shoulder met his neck. The view was beautiful, but that wasn't her focus at the moment.

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Ryu sighed again, extremely content when she'd rested herself against him. He curled their tails tighter together, moving them so they wrapped around her front feet together.


He tried to return his focus to the scenery, but knew he was failing just as he said, "You know, I've always wanted to see the desert, up close." He pointed out ahead of them; far out in the distance, they could see waves of heat emitting from the ground, light brown colouring, which he'd heard was called "sand", covering vast distances. "I've heard it's unbearably hot, with no water, and vicious sandstorms during certain times, but it just sounds so unbelievable..." he rambled. "Apparently, there's lizards who get their water from the animals and insects they eat, and those animals and insects get their water from the plants they eat...But who knows where the plants get their water. I'd love to ask a Vine dragon, one day."


He stopped suddenly, realizing he was rambling, and looked over at her, blushing.

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Faeyth saw his blush and she laughed softly. "It sounds like a different world," she said, regarding the barren lands she'd never payed attention to. "I'd love to go someday. I've always wanted to explore, but I would be so scared out there alone." She sighed wistfully, musing about what it was like in far away lands.

Edited by TheSporkMaster

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"Really?" he asked, amazed. "Maybe...maybe one day...we could go?" he offered shyly, pressing himself against her very lightly. "Once you can fly, we could go anywhere~"

Edited by Katzyn

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"Will you teach me?" Faeyth asked, looking up at him. "I always thought I couldn't fly, since I don't have wings, but my brother was flying... Maybe.. I could... too.." she faded off, deciding that it probably was a concept that was out of reach. She pressed against him also, the pastel rainbows swirling in her eyes as she thought.

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Ryu nodded. "Sure, though, since you don't have traditional wings, I'm not sure how Silvers fly, exactly..." He grinned at her, his shyness mostly forgotten since he was talking about flying, which came so naturally to him. "We should probably talk to your brother when he's feeling better, to see if he remembers what he did when he flew..." He closed his eyes for a moment, remembering the incident from the day before as if it had just happened.


He opened his eyes again and nuzzled her gently. "Should we go back now? It's quite peaceful and nice up here, but I don't like leaving the others alone for too long, especially since Cryptic is pretty much incapacitated right now...Wasn't there and adult with the Clan? She seems to have disappeared..."

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"Maybe she didn't want to take care of us anymore," Faeyth said softly, her mind in far away lands. It then sank in what he had said and she nodded, regretfully uncoiling her tail from his as she began climbing down the rocky slope.

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Ryu watched her for a moment, then followed her, carefully climbing down, but keeping an eye on her in case she slipped.




Back at the Cave, Kit had stopped grooming Cryptic and had her head resting on her paws, listening to him breathe, sleeping. Lulled by the sounds of him breathing, she fell asleep as well.

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Faeyth reached the bottom, feeling grateful to be on solid ground despite her decent climbing skills. She glanced back and waited for Ryu, feeling like she was just a burden to him. Hopefully somehow, someday, she could make it up to him. When they arrived at the cave, she saw her brother and Kit asleep, and decided that the idea sounded good at this point. After all, they would have to wait for Cryptic to wake up anyways. She curled up on a pile of leaves, yawning wide and forming a tight silver ball of pink fluff as she coiled up.


ooc;; Got to go! Au revoir!

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Ryu laid down next to Faeyth, facing the cave entrance, and laid his head on the ground, to feel vibrations, should any enter the cave. He fell asleep, dreaming of silver and pink, the two most wonderful colours in the world.



Edited by Katzyn

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((Sorry for the double-post...


I'll be gone for a couple days...I'm going out of state. I'll be gone tomorrow [Wed] and Thursday. Spork, if you have a storyline you want to continue, and if you feel you can take care of my charries good, go for it, I won't mind at all. I just don't want to miss too much. >_<


Take care, ladies~))

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