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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty-One

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I'm putting them on my bookshelves XD

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I have too many books to do that with, I think! lol. And I keep finding more...

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream*


Bright and sunny. I get to finally rest today and then have my sister's memorial to attend this evening.


Those are really neat, @trystan! But, like @AsymDoll13, I have no shelf space for them. XD

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Still in exile,


Went to the house to check on the birds and fishes.............


All alive and kicking.


I miss them so much.


The smell is horrendous from the floor stuff. My clothes still reek of the varnish............... 


The bird bath at the back of the garden had toppled over.


Not broken at least.


Puss and I are sharing a room.


Well Puss has a room and I am permitted to stay in it.


For now.


So over it.



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2 minutes ago, LightOfTheNight said:

so, while waiting for views/clicks/etc., what do you do?

Compulsively post all over the Games forum. XD

Read books. Eat. Sleep. Do crossword puzzles and Sudoku. Update dragon spreasheets and shift dragons around when I have internet. Pet the cats. House sit dogs. All kinds of things.



1 hour ago, sithdragon said:

All alive and kicking.

Excellent. I hope you are able to move back home soon.

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I dont know what I do I just found this game yesterday haha. Its a very different experience to what I am used to but a fun idea for sure. Almost like a social game... but with dragons!

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2 hours ago, LightOfTheNight said:


I dont know what I do I just found this game yesterday haha. Its a very different experience to what I am used to but a fun idea for sure. Almost like a social game... but with dragons!


It is fun. You get to know a surprising number of people here, too. The two hardest parts are 1) waiting for your first eggs to hatch, and 2) waiting for any hatchling to become an adult.


I still say we need a Vitamins BSA to take a day off the growing up time. XD

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9 hours ago, Lagie said:

Those are really neat, @trystan! But, like @AsymDoll13, I have no shelf space for them. XD

I mean.... I don’t have room either!


7 hours ago, LightOfTheNight said:

so, while waiting for views/clicks/etc., what do you do?

panic! kidding.

hello and welcome! like Lagie says, compulsively post and play games. and ask questions! feel free to message me, it's never a bother to answer questions! it's how you learn!


3 hours ago, Lagie said:

I still say we need a Vitamins BSA to take a day off the growing up time. XD

oh yes!

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2 hours ago, trystan said:

I mean.... I don’t have room either!


I saw something like what we were discussing today at Joann's, and I needed all of them. One was Van Gogh themed. So perfect, so pretty... still no room. *sighs*

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2 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I saw something like what we were discussing today at Joann's, and I needed all of them. One was Van Gogh themed. So perfect, so pretty... still no room. *sighs*

yep, that sounds about right! :D 


3 hours ago, LightOfTheNight said:

Wow everyone here so far has been incredibly nice. I think I like it here :)



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Just now, trystan said:

yep, that sounds about right! :D 



If it hadn't been 30 bucks... I may have had it. lol. I adore Van Gogh's style!

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1 minute ago, AsymDoll13 said:

If it hadn't been 30 bucks... I may have had it. lol. I adore Van Gogh's style!

i get that.... the kits i got were more than that, but i got the one yesterday when i did because we had a coupon! yay!


so on wednesday, i got some Antareans for a lineage I'm working on, and did my usual thing, put them in groups, assign a name for them on my spreadsheet/.... figured on a m/f pair.... guess what i didn't do? nope, didn't influence them, although i thought i did.  imagine my surprise when they both gendered female!  it's all good, they're further down in the lineage, so I'll get some more and make sure to influence them male.  sheesh.

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Finished a book~ ❤️ I will start the second one tomorrow! 

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Posted (edited)

I've started a book...............


But I'm scared.


The author is out of control.


We got shipwrecked in the last book and went into the sea...................





Puss wasn't happy...........



Edited by sithdragon

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morning all.

i might stalk the cave for Pipios.  i have 2, and only one is CB.  and they're expensive at the market.

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I wonder if pipio prices have gone up after the new hybrid was released. I haven't been tracking them.


New avatar! Got a commission of a cat version of one of my Flight Rising dragons and am absolutely in love with it. Radio may be back another day but I was starting to get a bit tired of him jumping around my screen so much lol.

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Posted (edited)

12 minutes ago, Edenello said:

New avatar! Got a commission of a cat version of one of my Flight Rising dragons and am absolutely in love with it.

aww cute!


12 minutes ago, Edenello said:

I wonder if pipio prices have gone up after the new hybrid was released.

it's possible, yeah. i might need to get the ones i want from the market though. i have one CB, so i'd like to have a total of 4 (2m, 2f) parentless Pipios. (so that's 3 more that i'd like to get)

i DID get two more Antareans, to influence male for my lineage, so i'll also be stalking for more dragons for that too (Nebs and Eluxes)

Edited by trystan

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Good afternoon, CPA! B)


*sets out coffee, teas, and assorted biscuits, along with cheese and crackers*


I had to go get my blood drawn this morning (and had practically zero data) hence my absence.


The memorial event last night was lovely.

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I just had a good google session about slavery in Korea because I... *checks notes* googled why a guy's toe got hurt and... *checks notes again* found out that he may have committed a bit of cultural appropriation, maybe? I dunno. 


My day is weird. Anyway... Hi. 

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2 hours ago, Lagie said:

I had to go get my blood drawn this morning (and had practically zero data) hence my absence.

Blood draws suck. Make sure to get lots of water and a nutritious meal to replace the blood! They always knock me out for the day otherwise.

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7 minutes ago, Edenello said:

Blood draws suck. Make sure to get lots of water and a nutritious meal to replace the blood! They always knock me out for the day otherwise.

Lots of water always drunk! :)

I go through this every six months.


1 hour ago, AsymDoll13 said:

My day is weird. Anyway... Hi. 

Hi. XD


Working on a jigsaw puzzle now.


One of the cats I feed decided my heel was a scratching post so my finally-healing heel injury now has two sizeable cat scratches just beside it. :rolleyes: I can't win.

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Guys! Mom's gift for Mother's Day is almost finished! It just needs to be sealed tomorrow after it dries fully!


Watercolor on a wooden birdhouse~











Bestie drew the images, and I did the painting~ ❤️ I love watercoloring! It's so soothing and fun~

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cool birdhouse, asym!


yeah, i get bloodwork either every 6 months or every year, depends on what the Dr wants. XD 

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