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Fixing Rarities

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We all know dragons have specific rarities. Creatures are super rare, coppers are uncommon, etc. 


However, I do not see any need to keep older dragons that came many years ago to stay super rare. I understand the rarity mechanics, but it gets old.


They really aren't super rare anymore, because of the mass breeding of rares, so there's no need to keep the CB eggs rare.


dc user willwoof

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What exactly are you suggesting? 'Fixing rarity' is very vague. If you are asking for stuff like CB Golds to be more common, that's probably not going to happen. Rares are rare for a reason, and we only have a few 'true' rares in the game to begin with, and especially now that we have the Market even rares hard to find in-cave can eventually be obtained by everyone. 


However, if you are asking for a more general overall-rarity/ratio change, especially in regards to uncommons and commons.... Well, there are many suggestion threads for that. 


Most recent:




I suggest reading through the first one especially. Ratios are kinda screwed up and have been for years, but that's more on the common and uncommon side. The thing about 'rarity' is that it's directly tied to 'ratios' and ratios are a very complicated thing that none of us users really know the exact mechanics of.


What we do know (or know based on past confirmation) is that ratios/rarity is a yearly thing, as in dragons only 'count' in the ratio-mechanics for a year. So no, older rares aren't less rare after so many years because of years worth of breeding, they are the same base rarity as they always have been (excluding that horrid period long ago when they were much more common than they were supposed to be and then when that got fixed they became way more rare than normal for a long time...). 

(If anyone has any updated info on how ratios work, please jump in, this is just based on what I've seen over the years.)


I'm not sure I really understand your last point, if they "really aren't super rare anymore", then why would they need to be fixed? If you mean *bred* rares aren't super-rare anymore, well that's debatable but doesn't really have much to do with the reasons and mechanics behind CB drops. 

Edited by HeatherMarie
adding info

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I think there needs to be a balance in rarity: if a rare is no longer rare, they lose some of their appeal. If a rare is too rare, it just gets plain frustrating trying to catch it and the game is no longer fun. For me, CB gold are too rare now but I understand that others disagree.

However, imho the two species that would need the most adjustment would be Copper and Aeon. Copper because they ended up rare even though they were supposed to be merely uncommon (according to the wiki). And Aeon because of their useful BSA. One of the great thing about BSA is that they make common breeds much more attractive. But if you give them to rare dragons, it just makes them even rarer.

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What is posted on the wiki is not official; it's based on players' experience. Aeons BREED pretty well, though. And I suspect one reason coppers are HTF is that so many people make lineages with them.

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Sorry, my post was unclear: Copper should be uncommon according to one of their sprite artists, as cited on the wiki.

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Fair enough. Even so - they do show up rather a lot more often that golds. Aeons - just bred some and sent to the AP....

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Thing is.... Why assume that Coppers *aren't* 'uncommon'? Us users don't actually know exactly how the site classifies different breeds, and we really can't just go by our own experience since we are never seeing the entire picture across the whole userbase. Are Coppers hard to get, sometimes. Are they less common than other supposedly 'uncommon' breeds, maybe. But we have no reason to think they aren't actually uncommon or that there is anything that needs 'adjusting', in terms of actual coding and classification and such. 


edit: Also, there is a difference between user-driven 'rares' and *true* rares. To my knowledge the only *true* rares in the cave are Golds and Silvers (and perhaps Staterae now). Aeons have a very useful BSA, yes, so even if they are exactly at the 'uncommon' level they are supposed to be they may seem rare because of how eager people may be to get more. 

Edited by HeatherMarie

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Like purples, which - because of all my lineages - where a refusal would cause more than offence !  - I need more of. They breed like rabbits - which is just as well, as I rarely see them in the cave and especially not in the AP.

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