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Scroll Grouping Updates

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I'm not sure how feasible this is to code, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to suggest. I adore the grouping feature on Dragon Cave, but it makes me wish there were more organizing options regarding how scrolls and groups are viewed. I would like to suggest a few features that would allow for more scroll customization, for both aesthetic and technical purposes.


1) Allow us to toggle which group first shows upon visiting our scrolls, enabling users to control which dragons others see first. This could be done through the 'Groups' section under the account tab, in which you would be able to select your "primary" group. 


2) An option to automatically show growing dragons in your primary group. These would remain here until they matured or were frozen, in which they would return to the default scroll until manually re-added to your primary group.


I'm open to critique and additions to this! These are features I'd really love to see in the game, and as such I'd like as much feedback as I can get. Thanks!

Edited by Rhahatl

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I'm not sure how feasible this would be? I'm not against any of this, but it does sound very very different from how groups currently work. I don't know anything about coding, but right now groups aren't actually tied to *showing* our scroll in any way. A user's scroll is the entirety of their collection... Groups are artificial 'tags' that don't actually change anything at all other than just being able to see all dragons tagged as a certain thing at once. I'm not sure I'm explaining myself well, but I feel like a lot of stuff (including how links/urls to scrolls and groups work) would have to be changed to support a filtered scroll-view (ie a group) being the default when you visit someone's scroll. 


That said, I hope others can respond with ideas for how this could actually work because I'd love to see something like this actually be possible.

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1 hour ago, Rhahatl said:

2) An option to make our default scroll private. This would function just like the visibility feature of any other group, meaning you could leave only certain dragons visible to the public.

I do not support any sort of hiding certain dragons on scrolls. This would immediately be exploited by people whom want to be gifted rare gifts (2G prizes, CB rares, etc) by people whom want to gift said things to those that do not yet have any. All the person would have to do is "hide" theirs and pretend they don't have one in order to get more. Not cool.

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From what I understand of coding in general the logic for this would be pretty simple, as long as tying the group functionality to scroll display works... personally while I support the suggestion as a whole, I don't think it should be tied to the Group system.


For much the same reason as LadyLoki I don't necessarily support the second part of the suggestion; it's better, imo, to just have what dragons you want to put on display in a highlighted group and hide your adults entirely.

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Quick thanks to everyone for the responses! I'm not entirely sure how or if these things could be implemented either, unfortunately.


1 hour ago, LadyLoki said:

I do not support any sort of hiding certain dragons on scrolls. This would immediately be exploited by people whom want to be gifted rare gifts (2G prizes, CB rares, etc) by people whom want to gift said things to those that do not yet have any. All the person would have to do is "hide" theirs and pretend they don't have one in order to get more. Not cool.

This wasn't something I had considered, so thanks a ton for bringing it up! It's definitely an aspect I overlooked, I'll go ahead and remove it from the original suggestion.

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What I want more than ANYTHING is the ability to hide growing things and show adults. Could this embrace that ?

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I'd originally hoped groups would work this way. (As a way to organize the scroll easier) so guess I'm in favor.

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23 hours ago, Rhahatl said:

This wasn't something I had considered, so thanks a ton for bringing it up! It's definitely an aspect I overlooked, I'll go ahead and remove it from the original suggestion.

You're welcome. :)

Now if there was a way we could hide dragons from our view, but are still public so anyone whom looks at your scroll can see them, that would be neat. I would love not to see all my freaking BSA dragons except for when I actually go to my available BSA to use one, or go to breed a dragon to one. :lol:

But that's probably just a me thing and not really something the majority of people would care about. XD

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WELL - one person here who hates her scroll name has put ALL their dragons in a group and only lets people see that. You could do the same - put everything NOT BSA in a group and look at that ?

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