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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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1 hour ago, Lagie said:


3 hours ago, IzzyCat91 said:

...I come sets him on fire?

Yes, please. I'm sure @Long_Before_Sunrise and @Fortune86 would join you. ;)


I was thinking along those lines, too, Lagie. It seems we have several CPA members with, uh...shall we say, an affinity for fire.


@trystan It worked! (First chance I have had to try it since you told me how!

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16 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Emma has a clean bill of health!



10 hours ago, Lagie said:

We have a new executive director. My opinion of him cannot be printed here. And, now that the shop has all this 'extra' space with the new shed, guess who gets my office of eleven years while I have to squeeze myself into either the shed or into the gallery once we unearth it from all the donations in there? Grrrrr.

grrrr indeed.  that's totally rude.


6 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

@trystan It worked! (First chance I have had to try it since you told me how!

yaaay! glad it worked :D 


i worked 9 to 1 today, had lunch, and got some binders to tame the amount of crochet patterns i have printed out.  as i mentioned on another forum, we seeming to have ended up losing some space for stuff, but maybe it's not so bad, i need to learn to downsize all my stuff. XD 

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5 minutes ago, trystan said:


What blasphemy is this? :blink:


1 hour ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Uhm, do you want the office to continue to exist? Because we can't guarantee that.

Ah... good point. Maybe do the dirty when he's out in the road on one of his many phone calls. (Seriously. Because he does not yet have an office, he goes into the road to talk 'privately'. Idjit clearly doesn't realize he can be heard from my shop yard. :P )


1 hour ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

This man sounds like he'll run the place into the ground if his ego is that bloated.

Like the **** who decided the tree had to go.

Yup. And yup. Also related to the idjits who decided we needed a roundabout along this road and made the National Trust sacrifice property and trees to it.


14 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

I was thinking along those lines, too, Lagie. It seems we have several CPA members with, uh...shall we say, an affinity for fire.

XD Indeed!


I'm trying now to piece together a Minecraft set from the bulk lot. The sun went down so I had to stop.

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54 minutes ago, Lagie said:
1 hour ago, trystan said:


What blasphemy is this? :blink:

i'm sorry, i literally LOL'd! XD 

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2 hours ago, trystan said:

i'm sorry, i literally LOL'd! XD 



3 hours ago, Lagie said:

I'm trying now to piece together a Minecraft set from the bulk lot

Amazingly, nearly all the pieces were there! :)

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6 hours ago, Lagie said:

I'm trying now to piece together a Minecraft set from the bulk lot. The sun went down so I had to stop.


3 hours ago, Lagie said:

Amazingly, nearly all the pieces were there! :)




mmm.....gonna see how tomorrow plays out. it's my birthday and all I want to do is hang out and play games all day. (darn seahawks game gotta be in germany so it's at 6:30 am PST *mumble mumble* Iwillprobablynotgetupforthatsleepissacred)

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Duncan can eat his pellets, but we haven't seen him drink from the water bottle, so more force watering of pumpkin water. He hates me for keeping him alive. It's tough being a mom to a sassy guinea pig. 

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and Belgian waffles with strawberries and whipped cream*


Happy Birthday, @WaterScorpion!

*adds cake and decorations*


Bright and sunny. I really ought to be prepping more stuff for next weekend's Jollification but I'm tired and would rather go back to sleep.


6 hours ago, AsymDoll13 said:

It's tough being a mom to a sassy guinea pig

I'm sure it is.

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It froze last night. If I'm supposed to believe the weather forecast, the highest temperature is supposed to 60 F. tomorrow followed by overnight rain and another drop in temperature with multiple chances of overnight freezes and rain between now and Thanksgiving.

And it was hot last week. 

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Roller coaster weather. How fun. :P


It's suddenly heavily raining here.


I've managed to be very productive with both Jollification prep and the piecing out of another Minecraft set.

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Mmm. Lasagna. I haven't had that in a very long time.



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8 minutes ago, Lagie said:

I've managed to be very productive with both Jollification prep and the piecing out of another Minecraft set.

Yay for being productive. :)

4 minutes ago, WarEagle1996 said:

i'm eating lasagna for breakfast, it's gonna be a good day

Any day with lasagna is a good day!


My cold has progressed to coughing now. :( But at least my nose seems to have dried up. And I generally feel much better.


@Long_Before_Sunrise We are on that weather roller-coaster, too. But it is supposed to stay "seasonably cold" for at least the rest of this week. Which means nighttime temps in the 30s and 40s and daytimes struggling to get much above mid-fifties, if that.

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1 minute ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

@purplehaze, I'm not ready for winter before Thanksgiving.

Me either!

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All I have left growing right now is kale, which is pretty hardy.

And some marigolds.

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saw some flurries a little bit ago, but it's to be expected that it'll be winter sooner here than where we were.  there's mountains out here!


went to a UU service this morning - first one in person since february of 2020. wow, that was.... weird, being at a service in person again.  when i signed the visitor's book, i was asked if i was familiar with UU, and when i replied i'd been at my previous fellowship since like 2002, the person was like WOW! guess we don't have to tell you what we're all about. :)  i'm off next sunday, and i do plan to go back.... we'll see if i get up early enough.  which, to be fair, is like 9, 9:15 a.m.  XD 


also, is it wednesday yet? that's when i can breed Shala and D'Argo again for the lineage i made for the 20 week challenge.  two weeks ago, i bred while egg locked.  last week i bred and totally did NOT influence the egg.  so.... is it wednesday when they can breed again? XD 

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2 hours ago, Lagie said:

It's suddenly heavily raining here.

Two hours later, it's still raining.

I broke one of the cat bowls trying to move it to where the rain would rinse it out. :(


1 hour ago, purplehaze said:

My cold has progressed to coughing now. :( But at least my nose seems to have dried up. And I generally feel much better.

Keep feeling better!


1 hour ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

I think it's here to get the last of my plants. :(



54 minutes ago, trystan said:

WOW! guess we don't have to tell you what we're all about. :)  

:) Nice to be a 'pro' sometimes.


Third Minecraft set half done.

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1 minute ago, Lagie said:

:) Nice to be a 'pro' sometimes.

lol, a 'pro'-UU XD  there's always more to learn.  i've seen UU referred to has a 'living religion.' (i think it's more of a spirituality than a religion, but that's a semantics thing)

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Yeah. It's supposed to freeze tonight. I think. Or else it's not going to? Georgia weather, amirite?

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10 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

Yeah. It's supposed to freeze tonight. I think. Or else it's not going to? Georgia weather, amirite?

I have some leftover cold weather. I'll send some your way.

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41 minutes ago, AsymDoll13 said:

I dun want it. lol

I don't, either! And there's more coming behind it.

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