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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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5 hours ago, catstaff said:



And good news is, I've just been told that barring some kind of major setback, they're going to spring me tomorrow. Equally as good in my mind, they're sending me home with a prescription for a liquid oral antibiotic, so I won't need to wrestle with horse pills either!

I'm so glad to hear that. I've had cat bite infections before and , seperately, cellulitis in my leg (which didn't want to clear up). Both sucked. 

You'll have to tell us if oral antibiotics still taste as awful as they used to. 

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I mean, idk if that will ever really change. don't want people drinking it cuz they like the flavor cuz that's not what it's for (no OD plz)

@catstaff glad to hear you're better!

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Wronf thread. Damnit.


(I HAVE A TOUCH PEN, remembering to use it is totally different thing...)

Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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@catstaff yikes! Fingers crossed there will be no issues and you have the speediest of recoveries.


@Lagie I feel it. I haven't felt good for two weeks now (part S.A.D, part woman issues, part lack of sleep because distractions lol)


work was good, this week is flying by for me (ended up not having to do 3rd shift OT yesterday because they ended up not needing me. Ben is supposed to stay tomorrow night but we'll see.)

Roomie has another girl here, but at least he's known this one since high school. we'll see how this goes.

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4 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Wronf thread. Damnit.

can sympathize, happens a lot. uwu

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Windy and grey. I guess I'll be opening the shop since the weather's not really horrible enough not to, if that makes sense.

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hey all, now that it's afternoon.


my monitor went wonky earlier, and i have no idea why.  it showed some things, but the screen wouldn't stay on.  after talking to our techy IT owner, he said to check a few things out hardware wise, but i couldn't actually open my computer :blink: so after i started it up again, it worked.... until the screen saver came on, and then the screen turned off.  so i changed the setting to turn the screen off, and we'll see how that goes.


also. my one antivirus program decided to tell me that my OS was out of date, and to install 2 updates.  turns out, they're already installed! :blink: so for giggles, i installed another antivirus program, which isn't playing nice (two days later!) with my current antivirus program.


it's fun times all around.


i did get another egg from Shala and D'Argo, that stayed on my scroll this time - on account of the fact that i didn't have any eggs or hatchies before i bred this egg. XD

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Congrats on the eggy!

And yay for updates. :unsure:


Tropical storm watch. Flooded and closed roads. Yet our shelter and my shop were still open.  Good thing the two volunteers who came both live in the same area as I as coming in from there the roads were fine!  We had a decent day, too. :D

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Glad your roads were okay, Lagie. Stay safe!

We are supposed to get rain from that storm Friday and/or Saturday.

I have a head cold and am feeling yucky. Did Covid tests just to be sure -- negative both yesterday and today. Will we ever  be able to just have a cold any more without worrying about Covid?

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You stay safe, too, purplehaze!

I know, right? I sneezed at work today and found myself hoping no one had heard me. The shop cat had been on my pricing table while I had my tea, so I'm pretty sure it was a reaction sneeze to the cat! XD


The wind has died down here, though we're still on hurricane watch.

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2 hours ago, Lagie said:

And yay for updates. :unsure:

i know, right? XD


2 hours ago, Lagie said:

Tropical storm watch. Flooded and closed roads.

glad your roads were good, stay safe out there!


2 hours ago, purplehaze said:

We are supposed to get rain from that storm Friday and/or Saturday.

where i am now, we'll be getting rain all day friday, with some heavy stuff during/after rush hour.  i won't be out that time of day!


2 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Will we ever  be able to just have a cold any more without worrying about Covid?

36 minutes ago, Lagie said:

I know, right? I sneezed at work today and found myself hoping no one had heard me. 

every time i've been feeling bleh/off/icky and ended up testing, i've been negative for covid.

i'm always sneezing, thanks allergies!

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I think I go home tomorrow. Just saying... I'm gonna miss my little brother, but I won't miss watching a million movies with my parents. lol

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 Ben didn't have to stay for OT tonight after all, which was awesome, but we hit a bunny on the way home (well actually, bunny ran into the side of our hubcap, so bunny hit us? lol) It was fine, we stopped and made sure it was alive. It even let me get close enough and pick it up, so I checked for injuries, blood, ect. It seemed fine, little spooked and dazed but we sat with it for a bit, and he started walking around and snuffling the grass, so I think he'll be alright. Other than that, I had a decent day, work was alright. Hoping to go look at and potentially purchase that SUV I mentioned last week.

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Aww. Bunny. Good luck with the SUV!


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brrownies, and toast with marula jelly*


It's @sarahfish89's birthday! *adds cake*


It's still windy here, and there was some rain during the night but not a lot. I hope to get our rain covers dried off today.

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morning! err, afternoon!

got the official recording that our previous house was sold and the mortgage was satisfied.  the address was our new street number and name, and zip code, but the previous city!  although, hubby said he saw a documentary that said all the post office really needs is the street number and the zip code and it'll get to the correct place. i seemed to remember that the point of the zip +4 was so that the post office would only need the 9-digit zip and the mail would get to where it needed to be.

and then some of the places - like my credit card - send a letter that says "you changed your address.  we sent a letter to the new address and the old address to make sure you actually did this and it's not fraud." and then i get both - one with the new address, and the one with the previous address has the yellow forwarding sticker on it.


BUT i have a funny about mail going weird places.  when i changed our address, i did it as a family - which meant that younger daughter would get stuff forwarded here, but older daughter changed her address to be my brother-inlaw/her uncle's address.  she sends me a text the other day with a picture of a mail-in ballot addressed to me, and asked if i was looking for it.

the answer is no, and how she got it, i have no idea, but here's what happened:  since we were moving the third week in october, back at the beginning of the month, i decided to not risk not being able to vote in the new place after i moved, and so sent a request to my original county (Bucks) for a mail-in ballot.  when it got to the second week of the month and no ballot, i called and asked how could i vote? i was told i could go to one of the government buildings (there's three spread throughout the county, and one was like 5 minutes down the road from where i lived), and request a ballot there.  they would cancel the one en route and give me a new one to fill out.  so i did that.  she updated (most likely) my voting file on her computer and gave me a new ballot, which i took out to the car, filled out, yadda yadda, and brought back and dropped it into the slot.  from there, it went up to the county seat, and the following week - October 20 - i got an email saying my ballot was received and it was recorded that i voted.  (being PA, they couldn't actually count that vote until election day itself, but whatever. i voted.)

somewhere in there, though, i'd checked my voter record, and it said that one of the ballots was still pending.  i'm like *scratches head* okay then.....

and then it showed up at older daughter's new address of record; despite the fact that the lady i spoke with at the voter info office said that they usually don't forward ballots.  oops. XD

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Happy Birthday @sarahfish89!


Welp, no SUV for me, it sold first thing this morning. Gonna have to wait until my next day off to go to the lot and look at what they have. But since we were already up and dressed, Nightshade and I went had a besties coffee date, then I cleaned the cat boxes and cleaned out our current vehicle.


Also, my credit is now at 0. 😕 I paid off the two debts I had, it shot up to 552 and then when the last debt cleared it wiped it to 0. I do not understand how credit is supposed to work and am mad that instead of improving my credit, paying the debts off has obliterated it. Now I have to start all over again.

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19 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

Welp, no SUV for me, it sold first thing this morning.

:(  But good for besties coffee!

19 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

Also, my credit is now at 0. 😕 I paid off the two debts I had, it shot up to 552 and then when the last debt cleared it wiped it to 0. I do not understand how credit is supposed to work and am mad that instead of improving my credit, paying the debts off has obliterated it. Now I have to start all over again.

Credit scores are totally weird! Seems really unfair that it did that, tho.


52 minutes ago, trystan said:

despite the fact that the lady i spoke with at the voter info office said that they usually don't forward ballots.  oops. XD

Oops, is right. They are not supposed to, I'm pretty sure.

At least you were able to get your vote in.

And it seems PA has realized that Dr Oz is not Senate material! Yay!

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purple - yeah, i didn't think it would get forwarded either.

but yes, getting my vote in was very important!

and yay for PA! :)

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G'day! :)


I'm calm again, after losing my cool mentally yesterday and having it carry over to today.  I have a really good team on Thursday, and they're good at keeping me calm!  One of them, though, did observe that I've been noticeably more stressed since one particular person returned after three months away, so it's not only me that notices that!

We did over $1,000 again today.  *collapses in math exhaustion*

Edited by Lagie

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Drive carefully!


The time change is still messing with my appetite.

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24 minutes ago, Lagie said:

The time change is still messing with my appetite.

Yep! And my sleep, too.

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1 hour ago, purplehaze said:

Yep! And my sleep, too.

Yes, sleep, too.

Stress is also messing that up.

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Home! Now I'm home but tired. Lol. 


Next weekend, Mom and Dad are driving back to Alabama to help him move to Wisconsin with a friend of his. Poor little brother is having a tough time, lost his girlfriend, was strung along by her, then he lost his job, so now he can't afford his apartment. So he and Kiki (his cat) are moving to Wisconsin with a childhood friend! ^^ I really hope this helps him out! We did manage to get some fun done though, and watched two movies with the Rock in them (Jungle Cruise and the first Jumanji). 


(Also Nano is not happening and I don't care. lol)

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OK, so. Last night I had a dream about dragon cave. 

I haven’t posted here since 2011 - I was 15 years old! Checking my post history is a total time capsule. 

I have strong memories posting here and chatting in the CPA, it’s blowing my mind that this forum is still chugging along! 

I remember you Lagie - you always seemed like a really kind person. This forum was really influential on me growing up. 

I know there’s no chance forum culture is going as strong as it used to, but how is the site going in general? Are frill lizards still unable to breed? Did the neglected dragon mystery get cracked? These are the things my subconscious must have really wanted to get to the bottom of!


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