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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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well that's cool! :) 


edit - Top o'th Page to you!


Edited by trystan
toppa da page

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I'm so sorry trystan.  I know how hard that is.  


Naming a Guardian is a great idea. I think I'll do the same. 


How is Rocky?


The puppy is a cutie Lagie.  Is that you in the pics?


This whole Corona virus thing is getting to me.  I'm ready to scream.

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16 hours ago, trystan said:

my dad died this morning. :(😢

Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry to hear Trystan!

My deepest condolences. I am truly sorry to hear about the loss.

Keep strong and stay safe!



Such a cute puppy Lagie!


Good morning everyone.

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4 hours ago, Classycal said:

The puppy is a cutie Lagie.  Is that you in the pics?


This whole Corona virus thing is getting to me.  I'm ready to scream.

Yes, that be me! XD

Scream away. That's what we're here for.


Pup and I had a good night. A feeding at 10:30 p.m., the next at 2:30 a.m. and then he didn't wake again until 7:30 this morning, well after I did.


Good morning, CPA! B)


*sets out goats milk... erm, that's the pup's. Hang on... coffee and toast*


It's another beautiful sunny day but surprisingly cool for here for April. I wonder if there are any statistics yet on how all these lockdowns are affecting the globe.

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Good morning. *takes coffee*


It's raining here. It was raining yesterday too. I had plans to see a friend (staying 2 metres apart) but who knows with this weather. I'm not feeling the best, but I'll try to power through it.

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7 hours ago, Classycal said:

This whole Corona virus thing is getting to me.  I'm ready to scream.

You are not alone in that!!


2 hours ago, Lagie said:

Pup and I had a good night. A feeding at 10:30 p.m., the next at 2:30 a.m. and then he didn't wake again until 7:30 this morning, well after I did.

That's good. He was very considerate of your need for sleep. ;)


Raining here today, too, @subwoofer -- supposed to keep it up all day with some severe thunder storms mixed in. So far it has just been heavy rains with some strong wind gusts. A good day to be isolated at home!


We made a quick trip to the grocery store yesterday -- tried to get in and out as quickly as possible. I just feel so uneasy and can almost feel the virus lurking around! Gives me a strong need to decontaminate everything once I am home again! I'm always afraid I have missed a spot.

Edited by purplehaze

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thanks Spirit, Fortune, and Classy teal_hugs.gif.3a30776d5e6eb17d2445db29d3075a24.gif


Rocky is looking to try to escape from the office where he's been since saturday.  Blackie is suspicious about "something's going on on the office."


it's quite rainy here today too.

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Well, pup did not get to rejoin his mom this morning. The idjits next door who have her and his siblings, aunt, and cousins, were gone from work before 10:30 a.m.

Very annoying that our tax dollars pay for these people.  Another staff member will be taking him home this evening.


Hope Rocky and Blackie like each other in the end, trystan!


Thinking about food store shopping makes me panic, @purplehaze, but somehow the actual doing of it wasn't so bad.  I did decontaminate the stuff I had to use immediately, and the rest of it is still (nine days later) sitting in the bags I carried the stuff home in. :P

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1 hour ago, Lagie said:

Hope Rocky and Blackie like each other in the end, trystan!

so the shelter said to keep Rocky separated for 7 to 10 days, and sunday will be Day 8 we've had Rocky here, so we might try for a meeting for that day.... unless Rocky runs out of the office before then.  he's been trying. ;) 


the shopping part isn't all that bad.  i have a pick-up scheduled for sunday from 12 noon to 1 p.m.  each time i've gone on the site to add stuff, i have a message saying things have been removed from my cart.  last time, for example, my store-brand pancake syrup was removed, so i selected a bottle of Aunt Jemima.  THIS time i went, that was removed!  so i selected the STORE BRAND again. WTF?  also this time my roll of paper towels was removed.  well, since i also have to go in to the store and get some bananas and lettuce, i added that to my in-store list. *sigh*  also, my cut-off time to change my order is saturday at 3 p.m.  i'm expecting a call saturday night to ask if i can pick up my order sunday night instead of sunday at noon. *sighs again*


....it's the ordering that's frustrating.


speaking of frustrating, i had a Tiny Little Question about DC i wanted to ask earlier.  i didn't post it, and now i've forgotten it.  🤷‍♀️ eh, maybe it wasn't all that important....

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You know, Trystan, hearing of your experience makes me think I will continue to take my chances with going to the store. I have heard from many others who are finding it very frustrating as well. The stores are obviously overwhelmed with the volume of orders that they are getting.


Do you think Rocky has any idea that Blackie is out there? I do hope they get along. Blackie may not approve of an intruder.


Lagie, I hope the poor little puppy gets to rejoin his mom and siblings soon. Someone will be watching to be sure he is accepted back again, I hope!

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8 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

Lagie, I hope the poor little puppy gets to rejoin his mom and siblings soon. Someone will be watching to be sure he is accepted back again, I hope!

I hope so, too! The person who has him tonight will hopefully be the one to take him over and watch.

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@purplehaze - well, yes.... but i already know i have to go into the store for a few things, so i've learned to take it in stride.  the concern with this virus is the longer i'm in the store, the more exposed i could be to the virus.  so, a few small trips over a few days every like 10 days seems to work.


we think Rocky knows, Blackie definitely does. and i do hope they get along! :) 



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13 hours ago, Lagie said:

It's another beautiful sunny day but surprisingly cool for here for April. I wonder if there are any statistics yet on how all these lockdowns are affecting the globe.

Because there are less cars on the road and less factories open, there is less smog.  The astronauts have said that the atmosphere is remarkably clear.  It's odd that the planet is healing, isn't it?  


1 hour ago, trystan said:



we think Rocky knows, Blackie definitely does. and i do hope they get along! :) 



Oh they definitely smell each other, so they know.  


I need to go to the store, but I hate to go.  I'll bite the bullet and go tomorrow though. 

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4 minutes ago, Classycal said:
2 hours ago, trystan said:

we think Rocky knows, Blackie definitely does. and i do hope they get along! :) 

Oh they definitely smell each other, so they know.  

Blackie knows there's someone in the office, that's for sure. :) 

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That's probably why Rocky wants out, too.

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ello, how are peeps?


tonight's my last night of "vacation". going back to work tomorrow as I am essential to my workplace.

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hey all.


Dad's funeral was today.  it was kinda surreal, we were all wearing masks, but in the end we hugged mom at different times, and i hugged my older daughter for the first time since like March.  all in all though, it was a nice service, and the rabbi - even though i think he forgot a lot of it - has known my dad for maybe something like 40 years.  the rabbi gave a good eulogy, although we had all pretty much told him what to say on a zoom conference yesterday.

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I'm glad the funeral went well.  That's kind of an oxymoron though under such sad circumstances.  {{Hugs!}}


Gotta go to the store.  

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these are strange times, that's for sure.


i got a text from my manager at my retail weekend job.  while we're not open to the public for a while, he said there's still things to be done and the store, and asked if/when i want to come in.  there's safety precautions in place and the store is all clean and safe, so i sent him two days with a four-hour shift each day for next friday and saturday, hopefully he'll get back to me about it soon. :) 


if this happens, i can stop with the unemployment and that whole process which i had a crash-course in over yesterday and today, and how crazy this all is.

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We had a 'shop by appointment' day at my shop today, as an experiment. With only 7 customers, we brought in $395! Which is as good as a regular day in normal times. I think people have missed us. XD


Mom took pup back with no issues this morning.


*inhales the Chinese food she brought home for dinner*

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oh wow, that sounds like a good day for you.


i made pizza for dinner.  yum.

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