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Go Fish - Dragon Edition

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Go fish.


A 2g or checker of two breeds whose names begin with black? (black, black marrow, black capped teimarr, black tea, blacktip, black truffle)

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I love the thing about the Cyrpt! (Or was it "Crpyt"?) I used the idea for this guy https://dragcave.net/view/Wd3X0 and developed the description after the first sentence.


Did I share these two before? I think I did. https://dragcave.net/view/W52Lx https://dragcave.net/view/WGsbY These two? https://dragcave.net/view/vzyiI https://dragcave.net/view/nFqLj


A dragon that you've described after a friend or family member. It doesn't have to be so specific/accurate that they'd know it's them. (Like the snow above shares my mother's approach to learning English, but he's different enough that she probably wouldn't suspect anything.)

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9 minutes ago, Dirtytabs said:

Or was it "Crpyt"?


Zmobie's home is a "Cyrpt" (that is what she has carved into a stone plate above the entrance, anyway) which she has built with her own claws despite her decrepitude. In there, she is waiting. For what or who, nobody knows -- she probably does not know either.
Sometimes, she is visited by daring young dragons who figured out how they can appease this undead:
Zmobie loves cranberries.


The first couple I have seen, the second is news to me - great story-telling :D


I didn't describe anything for someone I actually know (go fish!), so I'll leave this to the next one:


A dragon that you've described after a friend or family member. It doesn't have to be so specific/accurate that they'd know it's them.

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Go fish, however I have a dragon technically named after a friend (not letter for letter). The code reminded me of them, so I consider it a "tribute?" to them.

A 3G+ EG lineage with bright colors.

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Even so, stones have bright red eyes and whites blue eyes. Teensy tiny touch. Nothing is truly in greyscale. :D


assuming the subject does not count


A 2G from two breeds whose individual appearance can change due to time, BSA, mood, or hygiene

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I don't even think I have a drake on my scroll yet, go fish.


A dragon with a pun name that involves the breed of dragon (for example Khusaned Pillow)?

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