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The Eternally Guilty Sun: Revival

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When she returned to the dragon, she noticed it was visibly agitated. He seemed to view her with some measure of suspicion, even more than he had before if that was possible. What had set him on edge? All she'd done was summon water and talk to Link. Unless... he feared her magic? Or worse, if he somehow knew. But there was no reason for him to, seeing as he clearly had no knowledge of her or her world's history. It was unlikely he disliked people who associated with Link, seeing as they'd been traveling together for what she assumed was a decent amount of time.


As she turned to glance at Link, she noticed he had run out of water but still seemed to need more. Oddly enough, he made no vocal attempts to get her attention, but she summoned some more water for him anyway. Perhaps he was simply waiting till it was convenient and polite to ask. Footsteps made her turn away again to discern their origin, finding Soren a few feet away from her.


"Good morning, Cyil," he said, adjusting his shawl. "I see you've made a few new acquaintances. I'm familiar with Link, but who, or what, exactly, would this be?"


Soren quickly flicked his eyes to the dragon and back, but before she could respond the dragon took it upon himself to do so.


"I am not a mere dumb beast, Beorc. I am the Stormcatcher."


The snarls and hisses doubled in abundance as Stormcatcher made his disdain clear. His displeasure was no less aimed at her than it was at Soren, and she found herself wishing for a weapon in her hand. She was by no means easily intimidated, but the prickly disposition of Stormcatcher and his status as an unknown force made her apprehensive. It didn't help that he seemed to have developed an innate dislike of her without any apparent reason. Still, she had no wish for a dispute to happen so early in the morning, so she put on a cool, polite smile. Yet, she made no attempt to speak. It would draw unnecessary attention to herself with no real benefit, seeing as she would be unable to diffuse the situation with such limited knowledge.

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Soren turned to the dragon, who had skulked closer and emboldened its hissing. That primal, airy sound was grating to his ears, cutting through his thoughts and stoking an ember of irritation deep within his chest. He turned to this "Stormcatcher", a smooth, lightly sardonic smile crossing his lips.


"Oho, 'no mere dumb beast', you say? Deary me, wherever are my manners?." He held a hand to his chest and bowed low to him, a puff of soundless laughter subtle in his tone.


"I should know royalty when I gaze upon them by now...how thoughtless of me. Forgive my transgressions, Your Highness."


Soren rose again, as elegant and composed as he had been before. Splendid. Another churl who fancies himself a god. My fortune ceases to run dry. He could barely contain the expression of distaste lying thick on his tongue, hid well on a face trained to subdue any unwanted emotions. He'd deigned to believed he'd come to a point in this excursion where needless pretension would be forgone in favor of agreeableness, but that had been little more than an illusion constructed by Cyil's civility; he'd been too optimistic. He'd honestly believed him to be little more than a monster, but even still, he wasn't completely wrong. So long as shows of might and dominance reign supreme, so, too, will these self-professed kings. Though he knew little more than this first impression lent him, he had a well-versed approximation of the personality to follow--posturing, with a delicate ego and a penchant for violence and waspish reaction.


I imagine you're the reason it took Ike so long to get here.


"As for myself; I am Soren, strategist and mage. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Stormcatcher."


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Stormcatcher snarled as soon as he heard the term of... endearment, and then the Beorc bowed. His frill flared up, and his tail swished, chitinous prongs tapping across the ground, catching on it and coming loose. He ground his teeth.


How many times are the Beastclan going to talk like I'm a hatchling!?


The next thing also made him growl in a low tone. "I am no royal. I am a deity among mortals. The Embodiment of Thunder itself." What the electrical dragon wasn't adding was that he knew he had been weakened to the place of a mortal.


He kept his jaws shut, choosing instead to narrow his eyes in a glare at this Soren. The dragon's body was tense, his wings flared enough that the mis-set break in his left wing was clearly visible. He lowered his head, intending to get on Soren's level and into the pale Beastclan's face.


The next words served to flatten Stormcatcher's frill slightly as he considered them. Though by now, he was suspecting this Beastclan was acting like Lightweaver. Asides, covered by a mask of politeness and neutrality. He remembered this. And the grey's frill flared back up, his teeth bared.

Edited by Dusky_Flareon

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A small nod from her was all he was given in acknowledgement as she spit flames here and there. He was sure that if the ground hadn’t been black scorch marks would have littered the ground. Tiny wisps of smoke left from burning matter to drift into oblivion.


Leon followed the cat dodging the long black wisps. He had every attention to defend Solar from them till she was close enough to attack his neck. From there he would have driven his spear through its neck.



But a subtle change in the room, the air taking on a presence all its own. The density weighting down on him made him pause. A quick glance revealed nothing. It didn’t look to be preparing a attack, it barely moved. So what was causing the change in atmosphere?


Crackling sounded through the room, small flashing coming from beside him and solar.


"Severa!" Owain's shout had Leon looking at him. He was gesturing to his neck and then at the beast.


What was happening, did they finally decide that they had had enough of the pointless running and slashing. He had not taken them as smart with the way they fought, but it was like a flip had been switched and now they where working together


Turning to Severa who was on the other side of him and solar he watched her silently chanting. Her mouth moving eerily as no sound came out. She had glanced at Owian at his shout before continuing on.


"...and from the sky did his great bolt fly, Mjollnir, the lightning of a god!" with tome in hand lightening split the air as it raced to Owian, his weapon in its path. Lightening attached itself to it as he rammed his blade in, the flesh sizzling and crackling as it met the burning righteous power of their attack.


In the fading light of the lightening the monstrous head split from its body. Black worms falling and covering the ground, moving as if burning before disappearing into nothing. The head landed, rolling away from the two. A few shaky steps and it fell with a hard thud, Its back turned up to the world.




Eerily silence….


Was it over, just like that. A good blow from the two monkeys killed it.




"Stars...is...is it over? Is the beast truly destroyed?" Ascension asked from his place on the floor.


A sigh of relief puffed out from Leon.


“why Ascension, I believe it is. At least I hope so.” Waving at Solar he made his way to Ascension.


“you ok, looking a little worst for wear.”




What is that!


Leon looked around, looking for the source of the noise. Severa and Owian where rejoicing in a quick lip lock, Solar was doing Solar things and the other to where in front of him.


Scrap….. scrap…….thud


The fine hairs on Leon’s neck stood on end. Something wasn’t right, he felt as if something was still there with them. The presence from the beast never having dissipated. His silent question answered.



Floating, as if held by invisible strings was the head that moments before had been attached to its disgusting body. A imaginary smile on his face, as if taunting them. There job not yet done.





Purple flame shot out at him as he watched it float by. It wasn’t right, how is that possible.. Stumbling to escape the all consuming fire coming from its mouth he turned. The sight awaiting him there worst than what he turned away from.


A twitch, the single move of a laxed muscle. That was all he was given as a warning as the ground quaked, a large hand spazzed out landing with a heavy thud. The large body lumbered to a standing position, it’s head bellowing out as it takes a shuttering step forward.


If there wasn’t a smell before there was now. It permeated the air and saturated the space. As the body danced back to life it released more of the pungent odor. Light scrapes adorned it’s shell and it’s chest was split open. The smell must have escaped from the gash created.


It was.....Deep


The wound reached what would have been a heart if he had one beating in his large dead chest. A sparkle of light stacked on his sternum. A Sphere hidden now revealed, it was unnatural.


Given normal circumstances It would be dead. So what was keeping it alive. Was it the orb that lay attached to its bones, animating a body long past its do date.


With out a heart that’s all he could think of that was keeping it alive, if you could call it’s current state that.


Something, a feeling in his gut was telling him that it needed to come out. Without it. It’s movements would cease.


Taking off toward the monster, it headless figure haunting him as he got closer, he thought of a plan. Dread filled him as he would have to touch the walking corpse to get the orb. As he didn’t and couldn’t think up a plan at that moment he would wing it.




The smell of burning flesh hit his nose as a excruciating pain set I into the small of his back. White hot pain flashed over his eyes, temporarily blinding him. It had been a mistake, a simple one. He had lost trace of the head, and somehow it had gotten behind him.


Biting through the pain Leon twirled around. With his spear held out he felt it connect with the white flesh of the floating appendage. The momentum of the spear sent it flying in Severa and Owain’s direction, Away from Leon.


“Solar, can you distract the head? I’m going for that orb.” Leon pointed for the ball in his chest.” I am fairly certain that’s what is controlling it.”


Gritting his teeth he ran again. Putting faith in the smart cat to keep the head away from him.


That wasn’t the only worry as long tendrils reached for him wrapping around his feet, and trailing up his legs. Bringing his spear down he severed the ties, the loosened as they dissipated in small puffs of black smoke. Another set wound through his feet tripping him. They were relentless, to keep him from his prize.


He still had another 5 feet to go before he reached it, but it felt leagues away. And the crushing of the vine like structures led to a numbing effect, before those to were cut short by his spear.


Tumbling he scrambled forward again. He couldn’t waist anymore time fooling with this things. The longer it took to get the orb the sturdier it got. Drawing his spear back, he closed the rest of the distance, letting loose the spear meet flesh and stone. It sank in behind the sphere allowing his long fingers to slide in behind it, securely wrapping his hands around the orb. Giving a few hard tugs to it, he huffed out in frustration.


Why isn’t this letting go?!


For the life of him and everyone else in the room, whatever power was holding it in place wouldn’t let go. With fighting to free the orb he didn’t feel the tendrils wrap around his legs again, this time climbing high with nothing to stop it.


It was crushing and all consuming, leaving no room for air. The fight to get air into his lungs almost had him letting go but If he let go now to fight off the tentacles they may not get close enough to it again.


But they pulled….


He felt like his joints where popping out and tendons and ligaments where ripping as they pulled and he held on. A sickening pop sounded, echoing through the room as silence hit once again.


In this moment Leon was flung across the room and hit the floor, rolling and tumbling as he came to a halt. The world blurred and skinned as he sat up. Nausea swirling in the pit of his stomach causing him to expel the contents of his stomach on the floor as he laid there. A smallish object held firmly in his hand, a dull shine emanating from it.


It was the orb


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Solar jumped as a voice rang out. She looked up - to see the horror fall. The worms fell writhing, burning, scorching away, bursting. Solar shuddered involuntarily at the sight. Silence. Silence. It was down.


Ascension and Leon spoke, but no sooner did they stop... than did it wake again from death. Solar winced as the creature rose, head detached from body. A pungent stink, emitting from a gape... revealing something inside. Then Leon called for her to distract the head.


Solar obliged, lunging closer, spewing fire -- and dancing back as it pursued her. The dance of life and death went on - there was a sickening pop - and then the head fell, plummeting to the ground. The scorched ground. Solar looked up to see Leon retching. The Torracat glanced at the body. It looked dead. For good. And there was a strange orb in the fox-human's hand.


With that Solar dashed over, trying to see if he was okay. Well, aside from the retching, not that she could blame him - it probably would've been her reaction to that... thing. She cringed.

Edited by Dusky_Flareon

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Stormcatcher--or rather, the Stormcatcher--lowered his head to Soren's level. The urge to recoil was strong; though he reeked of Thunder magic to a degree that it made his clothes cling to his skin, it was his unbelievably ugly face that sent shivers down his spine. He remained relatively even-tempered in spite of this, but inside, scathing thoughts threatened to spill out to poison an already sharpened tongue.


You must be the most hideous thing I've ever lain eyes on.


He doubted he would ever get used to the feral visage of the animal-kind, but even then, the dragons of Tellius were hardly as aesthetically displeasing as this monstrosity. And barely as primal, as well--at least the laguz didn't annunciate every shift or stir with this awful hissy grumbling. And now, listen to him! A proclamation of godhood, complimenting his own presumptions about this beast. Even with the barest glance, Soren doubted his claim; one of his wings was bent at an odd angle, stiffly wobbling as he readjusted them at his sides. He knew enough about wyvern anatomy from his time treating the mounts, and dragon anatomy was not too dissimilar. There were different structures in place for carrying upright bipeds and stooping quadrupeds, but seeing as Stormcatcher fell somewhere in between them, it wasn't difficult to pinpoint the source of the original break as being in the wing forearm. Though, curiously, it did not seem to be left unset. As to why that was, he assumed either it was set in haste or not at all, with the dragon being too cantakerous to be touched. He would be sure to ask momentarily, but for now, there were greater needs that required his attention. If the bone was stable, it would do.


"Oh, excuse me--a'"deity among mortals', then. Very well," he bowed again slightly and began undoing the strings keeping his shawl in place, glancing at Cyil as he did so, "I'd love to be further edified on the status of your illustrious godhood, but there are more pressing matters at hand, I'm afraid." Now that that was squared away, he turned his back to this dragon and back to the other, his expression returning to the usual unfazed scowl.


"Cyil, would you mind moving to a more private location? I'd like to speak with you in confidence, please."

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As the steps grow closer a pause left link leaning, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was coming. Both Stormcatcher and Cyil seemed to be preoccupied with each other to notice the sound, Or lack there of because it stopped.



Who ever it was must have decided that the small group wasn’t a threat as the steps picked up again. It was...A small, child?. He walked into the room stopping in front of Cyil. He looked as if he know her, and she didn’t do anything to signal he was a threat. Besides he’s a kid.

Who is this, a child. Why is he here? I mean I though I was young he’s like, what, 12? And he tiny, I wonder if he can even fight?


"Good morning, Cyil,"


Well, he seems pleasant enough! Unlike someone we know.

A quick glance rolled over Stormcatcher to gauge his reaction. His hissing and spitting only grew worse.




"I see you’ve made a few new acquaintances. I'm familiar with Link, but, who, or what, exactly, would this be?"


The young man’s eyes slide from Cyil to Stormcatcher.




He was positive he had never meet this man, boy, in his life. Skyloft had a population of about 24ish people. And the world below the clouds held no human like creatures that he was aware of. Not like him at least.


Still a smile played across Link’s face at the young man. Already he liked him, if you could piss of the dragon and provide entertainment, now that he was awake, that made you good in his books.


Another sphere or water floated near Link. A nod of thanks to Cyil and a thumbs up was all he could manage. He couldn’t say thanks but he had gotten good at signs and gestures.


Link went back to cleaning while listening to the two talk. Mostly it was the boy who spoke. He talked about storm like he was a common animal, to stupid to understand him or just not there.


This is about to get good. I can feel it!

"I am not a mere dumb beast, Beorc. I am the Stormcatcher." A snarl tore it’s way through storm at the addressment of himself.

Yep! Great you made him mad. I wonder if he will eat you, because from his tone he certainly doesn’t like you.


Link fished his shoulder out of his shirt, rinsing the cool water over the bite. A slight stinging caused a small intake of breath.


Ah, tsk


That hurt, hmm. Anyway, Yes storm, your no mere beast. You’re an annoying giant lizard at this point you stupid dragon.


Glancing back to the new comer he seen a smile a across his lips, not a nice warm smile. One given in compassion of some kind. No this one was a cold sneer dressed in finery.


"Oho, 'no mere dumb beast', you say? Deary me, wherever are my manners?." A hand to his chest as he bowed.


“Aha…ha..h…a” a laugh escaped him, broke up with inhalations for breath.


Oh yes he was going to like him.


"I should know royalty when I gaze upon them by now...how thoughtless of me. Forgive my transgressions, Your Highness." He rose from his bow gracefully.


Link hoped that he was enjoying the show he was putting on as much as Link was, he held a hand to his stomach as his laughter turned silent.


Oh man, stop your killing me. Poor storm!


"As for myself; I am Soren, strategist and mage. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Stormcatcher."


A strategist, no wonder he’s so good with words. But he looked to young to be one.


He glanced over at Stormcatcher when another growl turned up. Man he must not like this guy, all the more reason to keep him around.


"I am no royal. I am a deity among mortals. The Embodiment of Thunder itself."


Smiling he glanced at Cyil to see her reaction. She seemed to be keeping out of it, which was probably smart. And seeing as how Storm can’t drop or leave stuff alone, it may keep up for a while.


Storms frill dropped momentarily before flashing back up.


Link leaned against the pillar, wiping tears from his face. Why didn’t he have people like this in sky loft, they were awesome. The jabs he was given Storm, not direct and masked in pleasantry statements.


"Oh, excuse me--a'"deity among mortals', then. Very well, I’d love to be further edified on the status of your illustrious godhood, but there are more pressing matters at hand, I'm afraid." a bow and a dismissal was given before Soren started untying his shawl.


He watched as Soren turned his back on them. He was done, which made Link a little sad.


"Cyil, would you mind moving to a more private location? I'd like to speak with you in confidence, please."


Hmmm so he is leaving. Man don’t leave me here with sleeping beauty and a angry dragon.


He wasn’t sure how Tyrande could sleep through all that but she did. And now it looked like he would be alone with the dragon. He eyed it carefully from his spot on the ground. If he just stayed quiet maybe Storm would forget he was there.

Edited by Acornia

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"Oho, 'no mere dumb beast', you say? Deary me, wherever are my manners?" Soren smiled and bowed, but it was filled with a contemptous undertone.


She knew sarcasm when she saw it, and it sparked a slight irritation in her. With a personality like Stormcatcher's staring him down, she couldn't blame Soren for lashing out, but it was still far from wise to anger such a volatile creature. Did Soren not understand the value of keeping peace?


"I should know royalty when I gaze upon them by now...how thoughtless of me. Forgive my transgressions, Your Highness."


Apparently not. Although she knew that Soren had no knowledge of her status as Queen of Valla, she still bristled imperceptibly at the false respect. History and experience had taught her that not all rulers deserved their status, but it was certainly unfair to level an insult at all of them like that.


"As for myself; I am Soren, strategist and mage. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Stormcatcher."


At least he hadn't gone for another jab, although it was quite obvious he was really less than pleased to meet Stormcatcher. The lightning dragon seemed to pick up on this as well, as he emitted a few more snarls and growls and flared his frill. An animalistic reaction. It makes him seem bigger and more intimidating. Obviously, he's agitated, but could he be threatened too? Perhaps this Stormcatcher was the sort who put out an unpleasant front to hide insecurities. An ineffective tactic in her opinion, but each to their own. It could explain his sudden adverse reaction to her affinity with water.


A shrill scratching noise assaulted her ears as Stormcatcher dragged his tail along the tiled floor, adding a cacophony of hisses and snarls to the discordant melody. His voice was no more soothing as he grated his words out past clenched jaws, declaring his superiority and annoyance.


"I am no royal. I am a deity among mortals. The Embodiment of Thunder itself."


Well, if he was trying to imitate a thunderstorm, he was certainly doing a good job with all his grumbling. As he flared his wings and got uncomfortably close to Soren's face, she noticed the odd angle of his wing bones. Was he crippled? The time she spent around her sister's wyvern combined with her own draconic form was enough for her to conclude that wings most certainly should not look like that. Even with his odd mantis forearms, the angle of his left wing made him unbalanced, likely to the point where he wouldn't be able to fly. Considering his declaration of godhood, she thought it unlikely he had been born like that, meaning it was probably an injury he had acquired during his lifetime.


Aren't gods supposed to be perfect?





No, I know better than to think that.



But if it was indeed an acquired injury, it could explain his hostile demeanor. To someone used to godhood, a crippling injury would reduce pride and make one feel vulnerable. An individual with Stormcatcher's disposition could easily be trying to make up for weakness with aggression. A shield of spikes to hide weak spots, a covering of rock to protect a brittle core. A defense. Perhaps his harsh attitude was simply a byproduct of his situation, perhaps it was inborn, but she would give him the benefit of the doubt. She didn't expect Soren to do the same, but she would at least refrain from antagonizing Stormcatcher for the moment.


"Oh, excuse me--a 'deity among mortals', then. Very well, I'd love to be further edified on the status of your illustrious godhood, but there are more pressing matters at hand, I'm afraid."


And indeed, Soren did not disappoint as he turned away from Stormcatcher and resumed his characteristic scowl.


"Cyil, would you mind moving to a more private location? I'd like to speak with you in confidence, please."


"Of course."


She would be surprised if this wasn't about the corruption she mentioned yesterday, but she obliged anyway and moved out of earshot of Stormcatcher and Link. If Soren was looking for answers, he would be disappointed. She had no more information for him than she did yesterday. Nonetheless, she maintained a neutral expression just in case he defied her expectations.


"What is it that you wish to discuss?"

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"Commander! The Breidablik is missing!"


"What!? Tell the patrols to redouble their search, we must find Aine and recover the Breidablik or all will be lost."


"Yes ma'am!"


Anna ran a hand through her hair in frustration, loosening her ponytail and retying it. She had been so foolish. How could she have let Aine out of her sight for a moment? That flicker, the scream, that image of Aine had been so close too, but she had failed once again and lost it. Everything was falling through her fingers and the patrols had yet to find anything. Worse, a scout had reported a suspicious gathering of Emblian troops just across the border. How did they catch on so fast? I swear, if we have a spy amongst our ranks... She didn't think she could deal with any more.




"Oh, it seems like the Order of Heroes has lost their little doll. Perfect."


A white-haired child sat upon a disproportionally large throne, dressed in sober blacks and reds. The scale of everything and the ornate golden crown upon her head contrasted sharply with her youth, yet she paid it no heed. She was the princess, and nothing could stop her from playing the game of war the way she wanted to. If the voices told her to kill, she would. If she willed it, then it was. There was no one in her way, after all. Anything she wanted would be delivered with haste, and right now she wanted the Kingdom of Askr. With that pesky summoner out of the way, she could finally get her pretty new toy.


Hmph. It isn't fair that they get all the fun anyway. Askr should have been mine a long time ago.


Yes, mine, all mine.


"Send the troops, and tell them to bring me back some playthings."




"The Emblian troops are advancing, Commander! Who should we send to defend?"


Anna cursed as she went over plans in her head - who did Aine usually send? Robin, Takumi, Roy, and Camilla were strongest, but Aine liked to send a healer out. Or maybe this was a dancer situation? Argh, she wasn't the tactician here, Aine was. Robin could have acted as a good substitute, but she was the commander and she couldn't have someone else giving out the orders during a turbulent time like this. Best to play it safe. She would send out the team Aine usually did and hope that they could hold their ground until she figured something out.


"Take a healer - Maria - then send in Robin and Takumi to attack long-range. Tell Roy to hold the front lines for a while till I get out there."


The messenger nodded before scurrying off hastily. As soon as he was out of view, Anna sighed and put her face into her hands. Aine's gone and she probably took the Breidablik. I knew she wanted to learn more about it, but I didn't take it seriously until now. This situation is my fault. Knowing Aine, she'd probably done the stupid thing and shot the Breidablik at herself. Out of all the things that she could have done, that was probably the worst. Fighting against Embla would be difficult and would result in many casualties, but it was nothing compared with knowing what would happen to Aine.


I should have warned her about the consequences.


But she hadn't, and now she would bear the burden of guilt.


--------Tower of Valni--------


Aine awoke with a start, nearly dropping the thermos. Ow - why did her side hurt so much? Wasn't the bed more comfy than this? She opened her eyes and realized she was sleeping on the ground, far away from her usual bed. A sudden pang of longing hit her before she rubbed her eyes and sat up, brushing away the residue of yesterday to clear space for today. There was no time to laze about reminiscing, she had introductions to make! With a flourish, she stood up and dusted herself off, making sure she still had all her possessions. Dagger - check! Phone - check! Sash and thermos, check!


Actually, that last item wasn't technically hers. It was Alex's. And she should be returning it. She was about to head towards the stairway when the noise of footsteps stopped her, causing her to grab her dagger warily. But when they rounded the corner, she sighed in relief that it was only Alex. Good thing I didn't try to stab her. Disaster averted, she safely stowed her dagger away on her belt and took out the thermos.


"Hey, this is yours. The tea was really good, thanks for letting me have it!"


She smiled as she held out the thermos to Alex, hoping that her bed hair (or rather, lack of bed hair) didn't look too bad. At least she'd brought a hair tie, if not an actual hairbrush. But it would be awkward to start putting her hair up in the middle of a conversation that didn't require it, so she kept herself still.

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Stormcatcher snarled, unamused at being dismissed. And angry. The Beastclan's attitude irked the dark dragon, and he stepped in closer as the Beorc began to leave. He wasn't ready to let these insults go.


The lightning dragon didn't care much by now about the laughter from Link or what Cyil was doing - his attention was on Soren. He had picked up on the way his words had been utilized - repeated millennia of being neighbour to someone woth a similar attitude tended to do that - and spat.


"I don't care about your... pressing matters right now. I want to hear something from you." The dark dragon drew closer, sparking and giving Soren a glare that warned the dragon was ready to fight. "Why are you repeating my words like that? And, no, I don't much like your tone either... I'm sick of hearing it after millennia." And for an instant as he spoke, he recalled all the times he and Lightweaver had gotten into confrontations.


Then the moment passed, and Stormcatcher snarled at Soren and sparked, enveloping his various claws in an aura of electricity. His tail swung stiffly behind him, and sparks practically danced across his frill.

Edited by Dusky_Flareon

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Cyil complied to his wishes and started walking toward a removed area of the room. He took the time to fold his shawl neatly together into a square and matched her steps, gaining ground quickly to reach her stride. However, heavy taloned thuds underfoot made him halt, and the ember inside grew to a flame. Stormcatcher's voice thundered through the room as he made his approach.


"I don't care about your... pressing matters right now. I want to hear something from you."


Soren turned to him slowly, red eyes narrowing with displeasure at the rude lizard that had come up behind him, interrupting him in the process. How dare he force him to listen to anymore of his nonsense! Any other time, Soren would have simply walked away, and he still had a mind to do just that. But there was a limited amount of space which he could escape from his nattering, and he'd decided that he would entertain him for just a moment more. Perhaps that would keep the thing occupied long enough. Stormcatcher lowered his head and glowered at him, putting on a show across his scales for...what reason, exactly?


"Why are you repeating my words like that? And, no, I don't much like your tone either... I'm sick of hearing it after millennia."


The dragon made more of the throaty noises, sending Thunder magic jumping down his body to liven his claws. His tails swung out and whipped back and forth, but Soren only looked on in disinterest. How could such a thing be so conventionally menacing, yet act so utterly juvenile?


"If you expect me to be intimidated by this pathetic display, prepare to be sorely disappointed," Soren turned a hand inward and tucked it into his belt, leaning onto his Mend staff, his entire demeanor reading as nonplussed as possible. That wasn't a show, either; Soren didn't have the slightest concern for barbarians. Let him puff and pout like a child--he would whip his ego right back into place.


"I don't care what you like. And if you're so dense as to need a basic concept such as 'mockery' explained to you, then neither I nor anyone else here can be of any help to you." He tapped the staff on the ground and flicked it back to a resting position, straightening his posture.


"Now, can you make this quick? I thought I'd made myself clear the first time, but I guess I should elaborate for your sake: I'm through entertaining you."

Edited by Sugar-Free

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Stormcatcher let out a furious roar, the Beorc's words making him see red. The drahon's tail crashed down on the ground.


"What did you just say!?" He raged, the Beastclan's attitude having squandered his temper. Another shrieking roar of wrath, and lightning coalesced in his mouth. How dare that Beastclan. How dare he!


The grey dragon started towards Soren, going faster than he had been before. Lightning pulsed across his body, then formed into an orb in front of his mouth which was glowing cysn with energy. His maw opened wider, and a stream of lightning magic, bolts sparking out, came forth.


"That display was merely a warning." Fury sparked in his eyes as they glowed brighter with energy. "Now silence, you insolent Beastclan."

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Rounding the corner brought Alex to the image of Aine, brandishing a knife in her direction. She startled, pursing her lips and widening her eyes, but she sheathed it back shortly and Alex relaxed. Again, probably not the greatest threat she'd face, but boy, that was a jumpy reaction! Good thing was that she seemed perfectly corporeal--especially mussed, but she wasn't bothered by it. You traded ease of caretaking for luscious locks!--and she had her beloved thermos in tow. She smiled to both sights and received the thermos held out to her gratefully.


"Hey, this is yours. The tea was really good, thanks for letting me have it!"


She pushed her palms into her cheeks, squeezing her lips together in a comical display of gratitude.


"Aww, yaaaay~! I'm glad you did, Aine, and no prob! Any time you get a hankering for more," she flung out an arm and gave her a big thumbs up, "just lemme know!"


Alex then went about the slightly tedious process of cleaning the thing, first by tapping out the basket and sealing everything back, giving it a hearty shake to clean out the inside, then pouring the remnants over the lid, basket and mouthpiece to clean off the excess tea. It wasn't the most sanitary means of doing so, but she was impatient and there wasn't a sink to be found, so it would have to do. Later on, once they were back in civilization, she'd give it the care it needed. For now, though, she began to refill the basket with the spiced tea, reveling in the promise of ginger and all sorts of lovely things to come.


While she did this, she glanced up to see Aine standing stock-still. She looked back, confused--was she being rude?--but then an idea occurred to her. Aine was probably more of a lady than herself, not that that took much, and leaving her there without the means to fix herself was unusually cruel. She peeped and reached into her jacket before setting her thumb alight, producing a cruddy red rectangular brush and holding it out to Aine.


"Hey, if you want to, I have this thing you can use. It's the worst, but beggars can't be choosers, right?--n-not that you're begging...or even asked in the first place...so..." She bent her lip into her teeth and looked down.


Extra smooth there, Alex. Extra smooth.



The ground shuddered underfoot, the dragon lashing his tail into the stone with such force that stones broke and clattered across the floor. He shrieked and yowled and tossed his head, rushing at Soren in a fugue and summoning an orb or Thunder in his maw. He could hear the screeching deep in his throat as he breathed in, the magic streaking up though him as massive lungs prepared the blast. Blue-white flashed for a second before engulfing his vision completely, and he succumbed to the sensation of cold burning and ozone consuming his senses.





"Now silence, you insolent Beastclan."





But it was not the end. Not hardly. At all.




The feeling was negligible, truthfully. Powerful, scintillating, invigorating, but not painful at alll. The spirits that had always inhabited him threw up their guard at once, familiar Wind negating the power as soon as it dare threaten its master. Waves of magic emanated forth and guarded every conceivable weak spot, and the undulating forces fighting for dominance of his space became palpable as a blustering gale throughout him. Though there was no pain, when the Thunder magic dissipated and the Wind spirits broke their collusion, there was left a lingering metallic flavor on his tongue and a light prickling numbness across his skin. No worse for wear, but admittedly impressive.


Tendrils of green wafted about before disappearing in vapor, and Soren stared back at Stormcatcher in defiance.



"Tell me something, Stormcatcher: are you an idiot? I just told you I'm a mage, and yet you still insist on countering me with magic? I should have taken you at your word when you said you were no 'mere' dumb beast."


He shifted and pointed the staff at Stormcatcher, the flame growing to a hot blaze at the supposition in his prior words. Such conceit. This creature could never hope to control him. He was a fool to think he ever would.


"Let me make this clear to you: I take orders from no beast, no matter his shape or mettle, and certainly not one so evidently ruled by its quarrelsome instinct and frail self-worth. I owe my allegiance to but one man and one man only. You'd do well to remember that. Now, then..." He rounded sharply on his heel and headed toward Cyil again. The conversation was over. There was nothing left to say.

Edited by Sugar-Free

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Stormcatcher bared his teeth, shock and anger running through his mind. How? How? HOW?! How was this creature immune to his magic? No Beastclan should be immune-- they're not naturally magical beings. They shouldn't be able to shrug off Lightning magic!


And his words. The puny Beastclan's words. Stormcatcher snarled in anger at the largely foreign concept of being disobeyed by a mortal. He was a god. No mortal, whether standing after a blast of the grey's magic or not, did this. Did this.


A deep snarl from his throat, and another bolt of lightning. The Beorc still stood, largely unaffected. The anger was building up even more, leading to a poorly-executed blast that, while hitting its target, also spread a large amount of power out in a storm of sparks. And yet the irritating thing still stood! No marks from any magic on him.


Stormcatcher roared in wrath, punctuating the end with a noise that was almost like a screech - once again of anger. The dark dragon tensed, before he lunged, jaws snapping, tail swinging, and a mantis claw aimed at the Beastclan. That Beastclan would pay. The dragon was not going to stand by and let himself be insulted and made a fool of!




Xker stalked through the oily plants, ignoring the stench as the oil rubbed off. There -



Aaaughh!!! Xker's mind cried out as some force grabbed the Volt unceremoniously.


"What the--" Someone's voice from behind. Xker opened aer mouth to call out - before the force threw aer. The words about to fall were silenced by the rushing of some celestial wind, as a light seared and shone - and suddenly became dark, darkness filled with stars - flashes of worlds of all sorts, reminding the Volt of planets - some with strange constructs resembling nothing aer had seen, radiating a kind or wrongness - and then the wild ride stopped with a stone tower. And Xker in midair, still flying through the air.


At that precise moment, two things happened in succession. One - a blast of lightning, coming so close Xker's skin prickled and small sparks came off aer cybernetics. So close indeed, that all hope would've been lost if it were a few scant millimetres to the right. And it was blue. Not yellow, or white, or purple-white - cyan. Two - an unholy roar split the air, the sound of pure wrath buffeting aer ears.


Clang! But the roaring covered the noise of metal hitting stone.


Xker hit the ground and, disoriented, struggled to find the source of the roar. A terrific noise had Xker up in a moment, wild-eyed. A large winged lizard was attacking a mammal of some sort while another one with longer head-fur looked on and a third watched from a distance. The lizard was practically humming with electricity, and Xker's eyes flashed as though the Volt had just seen aer death.


Xker backed up, taking a swift observation of the surroundings. Cool. Dim. Stony ground, tiled. The gravity is about the same as Spathe's - thank Ka-kyerk. Not much cover, but it's a big room. Another noise - something chitinous hitting the ground - convinced Xker to turn tail and make for the end of the room. Best to withdraw away from the fight, what with that... thing's... electricity.


Holy Spode! Spode! What was it? And how did it control electricity without any devices that the Volt could see? This wasn't possible... was it? No - magic was just a fairy tale. A tale for children of another star, not of proud Teshkare. Not those of the planet Spathe. Reality, war, those were the blood of Spathe's warriors. This shouldn't be. So how is it?


If the creatures were speaking, Xker couldn't understand it, and aer translator was beeping rather annoyingly as the Volt retreated to a more-or-less safe distance that still allowed for observation of the battle. The lizard had insectoid claws, and was trying to use them on the mammal. Xker winced, seeing as the battle seemed rather unfair. All the mammal being advanced on had was a smooth stick. The unnatural lizard on the other claw... it was sparking. It had those insectoid claws. Presumably other claws and teeth, too. This definitely didn't seem much like a fair fight...

Edited by Dusky_Flareon

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With the fallen Bowser truly fallen at last, and with the mysterious white orb popped from his moldering carapace by the kind stranger clad in browns and greens, Ascension looked on in dazed fixation as a blackness consumed the edges of the walls, driving out Eos's power and eating its way toward the alabaster sphere in Leon's hands.


He did not see what became of him. As soon as the shade passed him, his vision emptied, and he was left with a spiraling imbalance as he fell from nowhere to unknown....








The sensation of wind whistling by his ears made his entire body spasm in panic. It was all for naught, though, as he rolled from Owain's grasp and deposited harshly onto grass-bladed ground, forcing a strangled howl from his tiny body. A roar caused his heart to flutter, and Ascension's eyes struggled to open, but when they did, they were treated to the sight of the once-magnificent castle of the departed Princess Peach deprecate and crumble. He tried to cry out, as if his voice would somehow convince the castle from imploding, but it was deaf to him. White and pink tumbled and folded into grey and checker, plumes of dust billowing over the moat and dying it brown as chunks of stone fell down to decorate its basin. When the final brick had met its demise, no semblance of the palace remained, not even the flag that had adorned its highest peak. In death it followed its patron, becoming only a memory, a crumpled husk devoid of life.


His muzzle trembled and he squeezed his eyes shut. With the last vestige of water shed down his face, he morphed back to his Eevee incarnation and collapsed entirely to the ground.



All of this...and for what? For what is this all to be traded? What could possibly outweigh the debt incurred?



He didn't lay for long, though, as his wounds were beginning to seal back. Ascension forced himself back onto his feet with a bit of sway and resumed his composure. There was a headcount to be taken. Owain and Severa were still nearby, Lightweaver worse for wear, Solar was still in working order, and from his position, he found the silver-blue of the newcomer's tail and hair. Within his tan arms he held the orb from earlier, and he knew not all was for naught.



But what does it mean? And why did Eos want it?



That left Valerie and Co.. Shawn and Ratchet absent. Where could they be? His eyes lingered on the decomposed castle beyond, fighting back the cold creeping into his heart.

Edited by Sugar-Free

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"I don't care about your... pressing matters right now. I want to hear something from you."


Before Soren could respond, Stormcatcher was back up and at him. She wasn't sure whether to be annoyed or relieved - with him around, Soren wouldn't be able to press her for info - but the possibility of a fight was increasing all the while. There was nothing she could do at the moment either, because the dragon's attention was solely focused on Soren.


"Why are you repeating my words like that? And, no, I don't much like your tone either... I'm sick of hearing it after millennia."


A... millennia? Who had lived long enough to talk to Stormcatcher for that long? It had to be another god, she was sure of it. But if that was the case, then this Stormcatcher could very well have been in a circumstance similar to the First Dragons of her world. Constant war, danger and enemies so great that only five legendary weapons had been able to stop it. And eventually... the combatants of that war had succumbed to savagery, reduced to their innate bestial urges. From the actions of Stormcatcher, she wouldn't be surprised if he was on the verge of madness.


Yet another reason to be wary of him.


"If you expect me to be intimidated by this pathetic display, prepare to be sorely disappointed," Soren shot off coldly, seemingly unperturbed.


"I don't care what you like. And if you're so dense as to need a basic concept such as 'mockery' explained to you, then neither I nor anyone else here can be of any help to you." A quick rap of his staff and he was back to business, his tone just as cutting. "Now, can you make this quick? I thought I'd made myself clear the first time, but I guess I should elaborate for your sake: I'm through entertaining you."


A moment of silence. Then, a crash and a roar.


"What did you just say!?"


Stormcatcher dashed towards Soren, faster than she expected. Crackling electricity rose in his maw, forming into a pulsing current of cyan energy. Instantly, the Yato was in her hands as she took a step forward, yet Stormcatcher moved even faster than she did. A hand rose, ready to ward Soren with draconic power, but the blast had already made contact.


"That display was merely a warning."


A warning? A warning?!? This dragon called attempting to fry a teammate "just a warning"? If she hadn't been convinced about his insanity before, she certainly was now. He had no control over his temper, no common sense to reign in his godly pride.


"Now silence, you insolent Beastclan."


And now - he had the nerve to order Soren around? And not even use his name - whatever "beastclan" meant, it certainly didn't seem respectful. She had given him the benefit of the doubt, but she was now sure he was undeserving of it. Harsh words she could forgive, but actual physical altercation? That was inexcusable. At least Soren seemed no worse for the wear, as he had the energy to glare back at Stormcatcher and continue directing condescending words towards him. Both of them have such tempers... Soren is at as much of a fault as Stormcatcher is here. There was no need to egg him on, yet he chose to do so anyway.


"Tell me something, Stormcatcher: are you an idiot? I just told you I'm a mage, and yet you still insist on countering me with magic? I should have taken you at your word when you said you were no 'mere' dumb beast."


He pointed his staff towards Stormcatcher, a flame of defiance blazing in his eyes.


"Let me make this clear to you: I take orders from no beast, no matter his shape or mettle, and certainly not one so evidently ruled by its quarrelsome instinct and frail self-worth. I owe my allegiance to but one man and one man only. You'd do well to remember that. Now, then..." Soren dismissed Stormcatcher, turning his back on him to face her again.




You never turn your back on an enemy, no matter how lowly you view them.


And indeed, Stormcatcher was still seething, firing off bolt after bolt of ineffective lightning.


Both of them...








She foresaw the attack before it even happened.



A claw snapped out, shooting towards Soren's back -



- a step -



- lunge -



- the clash of hard carapace on metal -



- and she deflected the attack, swinging the Yato back to point at Stormcatcher.



"You will cease your attack immediately."



Power coursed through her, whipping her hair around wildly as water erupted around her in a ring. A distorted echo crept into her voice as the dragon blood in her veins responded to her emotions, sharpening her senses and narrowing her pupils.



"Or there will be consequences."



Stormcatcher was arrogant, and the only thing that would stop him would be an equal show of force. He had proven he would not listen to logic or calm words, so she would resort to physical restraints. Soren was just as much to blame for this situation, but he was not a pressing threat with his staff, so she chose to focus her attention on Stormcatcher. It would be easy to end it now with a single wave, but she was going to give him one last chance. If he had only accidentally allowed rage to overtake him, now would be his opportunity for apology.

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Stormcatcher's claw smashed into a sword as the other Beastclan suddenly lunged, blocking his attack and pulling the blade on him after his clawas no longer making contact. He snarled in a deep, guttural way, drawing his tail around. The grey dragon sparked with fury, humming.


"You will cease your attack immediately."



The words made Stormcatcher angrier at being ordered around, and angry that a blade was being leveled at him. Sparks jumped as he prepared a blast -


- and then water magic erupted in a ring around this Beorc. He backed up sharply and growled, the lightning humming threateningly, ready to fire off. His frill, which had flattened with wrath earlier, rose again. He spread his wings now, and his tail thrashed. The dragon drew his lips back, baring his teeth, eyeing Cyil's ring of water. His body tensed.


"Or there will be consequences."


Stormcatcher snarled again, in anger but with an undercurrent of fear. Water magic. Water. His tail continued to thrash - though sliding intermittently into an aggressive stiff lash, before upgrading back to thrashing, and he crackled even more with lightning. Then he hissed once again, opening his mouth so his teeth were visible. The electrical dragon drew his head back in one swift motion as energy charged, before firing off a bolt of lightning from his open mouth as his head came forwards again.




Xker clicked nervously as things escalated. Perfect. Just perfect. Aer Plasma Pulser hummed to life, glowing faintly. The Volt's ears were pricked, and aer attention was squarely on the scene ahead. The reptile had gone for the first mammal, attempting to stick an insectoid claw in it while its back was turned -- why, in Spode's name, did you even DO that? -- and had its attack blocked by the longer-head-furred mammal, and it -- WHAT. How?! Another freak of nature? This shouldn't be possible, by all the laws of the universe Xker knew --!


Xker rumbled in frustration, clicking again as aer translator's grating beeps continued. First getting somehow thrown... and now in an unfamiliar location. With creatures that shouldn't be. That... shouldn't be... possible. Why the... the Volt shook aer head.


The reptile was now exhibiting a display of aggression and fear, before striking out with electricity in that unnatural way of its. Given its prior (witnessed) behaviour and the fact at least one of these mammals was like it in violating the physical laws of the universe, Xker didn't think things were going to get any better. And of course, circuits. And electricity. And water. They don't mix.



So be it. If they turned their aggression on aer... then let aer fight back. Because the price could well be death.




The room began to be consumed even as Solar stood near Leon. Darkness. It came, consuming the strange fire. It came, swallowing up the room. And then it came to her, reaching for the orb, and she fell.


Fell from the darkness, and onto earth. The smell of grass. The sensation of a great wind, then dust. Wait. Her eyes snapped open, and she looked around. Ascension was lying on the ground, abd Lightweaver too. The Vaporeon wasn't bleeding, but blood oozed from the dragon. Nearby the rude duo appeared to be getting up, and Leon was there, still clutching the odd orb.


The other humans were gone, though. And Ratchet? He's not here. Where is he? And then she, looking around, spied the fallen catle.


Of course... the source of the wind and dust...


She shuddered. The Torracat looked back to the group again, but no one was there. And now? It looked like she was back to square one. Nobody to talk to beside the wounded Vaporeon - no, now he reverted to an Eevee. Reverted?


She stalked over, looking to him, hoping for an explanation... if he could.

Edited by Dusky_Flareon

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A portal went open in the painting with yet another bright flash. Ascension was quick to enter it, followed by Solar, Ratchet and Lightweaver.


Valerie was hesitant, it looked like it'd be quite a long fall and she wasn't really dressed for high-speed collisions with the ground, same for Kali and Blossom.


Shawn still needed rest. Fighting back Aiden had taken a lot of his energy from him. He needed to get himself back together.


After a while, Shawn decided he could wait no longer and prepared to run into the painting, only to be greeted by a loud, rumbling sound.


Startled, he ran off to a corner, cowering off in a protective fetal position, terrified by the memories of the avalanche that had taken his parents and Aiden away from him.


"Shawn!" Blossom shouted at him, worried a lot. "What happened?!"


Shawn just sat in the corner, too traumatized to even speak.


"Give him some rest, Blossom. He doesn't look like he wants to talk about it - yet."


"Yes, Valerie. But... we can't just leave him here like that! Who knows what could happen to him like this?!"


"You're right, we should stay here to protect him. The others should be able to take care of... whatever is happening there."


"Besides," Kali joined the conversation, "There are two people who haven't returned yet. If they do, somebody needs to be here to tell them where to go. I guess I'll wait for them at the start of the hall."


"Good idea, Kali. That way we can still be helping here while making sure Shawn doesn't get hurt."


Shawn, in the meanwhile, didn't even notice he was being talked about. His mind was too preoccupied being frightened by the rumbling sounds that kept coming.


Then, they suddenly warped. Lightweaver was quite visible in the distance, so it was everybody's first idea to go to her.


((Anyone can notice Valerie & Co. and Shawn joining up with main A Team again in their next post. - Tyrande post coming tomorrow-probably))

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Leon rolled over onto his back, pains and aches making them selves know after he was done puking. He felt marginally better with nothing in his stomach, and the nausea receding. Sitting up he had enough time to see the evens around him, before he was plunged into blackness.


The whole area was being consumed buy darkness, darkness that was condensing down onto those around Leon. It made its way to the orb held tightly in his hands, as he watched his vision blackened before he fell through nothing. He landed hard, knocking his breath out of him before the cool of grass hit his skin.


His eyes snapped open as he glanced around willing himself into a sitting position again. His stomach rolled for a few moments but settled, as his eyes did on solar and Lightweaver. The blue fish fox thing had transformed, is fur turning brown leaving a new creature in his place.


Standing he made his way over to the small group, eyeing himself over while walking. The back of his clothes wasn’t in to good a shape and his back smarted from the burn. Pulling his vest open he looked for a pocket or something where he could have possible stuck some herds, one pocket about halfway down caught his attention. It was hardly ever used, so he was surprised when he checked it and pulled out a pocket tome.


The cover was made out of light brown leather and the spine was done in a pale green. Beige binding and leatherwork gave it a finishing touch, adding to the beauty. It was a cuts tome. One Freya had given him after a particularly hard encounter with some giants.


Setting the orb down so he could have use of both hands, he took a deep breath ready to start the spell.


” well this is useful, give me a second. I found a cura tome, I can heal some injuries.”


Leon flipped the book open and held it in the palm of his hand. Glancing at the group he continued, his voice now rolling out in waves. As he spoke green lines of words rolled out from the binding, some snaking around his hands. Others swaying in front of his face, His eyes following the scrolling magic as he read from it.


A green haze covered everyone in the small group, even those who didn’t need it. It was a part of the magic, internal injuries healed and outside scabbed over. Energy was given back into muscles and aches and pains eased away.


“ok tots, every one feeling alright” Slapping the tome closed with a soft thud he dropped it back into his pocket. Sliding to the ground beside the group he laid his arm across the orb, and laid his head down for a moments rest.





Links laughter died down, it appeared that Soren was done talking to the king of dumb beasts. He turned and started to follow Cyil away from them, ready for a change in conversation.


That wasn’t a good idea. For a strategist, he’s failing. Because storm wasn’t don’t with him.


"I don't care about your... pressing matters right now. I want to hear something from you. Why are you repeating my words like that? And, no, I don't much like your tone either... I'm sick of hearing it after millennia." Link watched as storm readied his claws. Sparks dancing across him in places, a show of his powers. It was a display of a child throwing a fit, It made Link wonder at his age.


Was he really that old? But he still acts like a child?


Maybe dragons matured at a different rate than humans. It would make sense with how he was acting vs. how old he was.



Given it was mildly entertaining, but things where starting to get a little outside of his comfort zone. Soren was hit with a FEW strikes of lightening and survived.


How was it possible. Just what was he?! No human he know of could survive a blast of lightening. By all rights he should have been dead.


HE may be able to survive getting hit, but link wouldn’t. That was enough reason for him to leave.



"You will cease your attack immediately."


The tones of Cyil voice changed, giving way to power and authority. She spoke as water erupted from around her, a barrier taking form.


"Or there will be consequences."


Stormcatcher must not have liked it as his frill rose and his tail thrashing picked up. More hissing and growling resonating from him.


Link hobbled to a standing position, he was not going to stick around. To long had the air held a static charge from stormcatcher, the threat of electrocution growing.


Hobbling on sore and stiff muscles, he all but speed walked to the exit. If they wanted to kill each other so be it. His time as a hero was done, and he wasn’t stupid. He didn’t wish to die.


The best thing he could do would be to find Ike, as he seemed to be the leader, maybe he could stop them. But he had disappeared the night before. If he didn’t sleep in the room with them, and he wasn’t in the hall he and Tyrande had come down yesterday. That only left one hall unexplored.


He took one last glance back at the trio, tension running high with anger flashing in two sets of eyes. Turning back with a destination set, he started at a light jog. The wound on his leg flaring up, a dull reminder of what happened. For the most part he ignored it, in favor of keeping that steady pace.


It felt like he had been walking for ages, although he knew it had been only a couple of minutes. The other hall didn’t seem to be this long, but they were identical ? He figured it would be long before he came across Ike.



Stepping around a corner, a largish form accented in blue popped into view. Finally he had found what he was looking for. With hurried steps he came to a sliding halt beside him. Reaching his hand out at the same time to shake him awake.




Making a noise seemed about the best thing to do to get his attention along with the shake. He couldn’t necessarily talk to.



Edited by Acornia

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"Aww, yaaaay~! I'm glad you did, Aine, and no prob! Any time you get a hankering for more, just lemme know!"


Alex seemed comically grateful, and it made her feel slightly worse about almost stabbing her earlier. Despite her own seemingly unfazable behavior, she had a tendency to be paranoid, and her jumpiness was a byproduct of that. At least Alex wasn't as easily startled as her, or she'd likely be a fried shish kebab. There was no way she could tank a sword hit or a jolt of lightning without suffering serious injury, especially from a Robin who likely had a decent attack stat. Focus Aine, this isn't a game with stats and the like. It's real life! People are more than just numbers and letters on a screen!


"Hey, if you want to, I have this thing you can use. It's the worst, but beggars can't be choosers, right?--n-not that you're begging...or even asked in the first place...so..."


Alex's next words reminded her of that fact, and she gratefully took the red brush from Alex's hand. Immediately, she got to work on the tangles in her hair, frowning in concentration as they put up a fierce resistance. At one point, the brush had managed to somehow become completely enveloped in her hair, causing her much frustration and annoyance. But eventually, the beast that was her hair succumbed to her beating and became presentable. Better yet, she hadn't broken the brush, which was a common occurrence with hair like hers.


"Thanks! I didn't need too great of a brush anyway-"


"What did you just say!?"


An echo of a shout cut her sentence off midway, causing her to turn quickly in its direction. That didn't sound too good... and it was from the direction of the main group. Maybe she should introduce herself later. Actually, she'd be nope-ing her way out of the tower if the doors could open, but of course they couldn't so she was stuck here. Great. But if she was going to introduce herself to some potentially bad-tempered strangers, it would be a good idea to check out what they were like. After all, she was mostly defenseless, so her only real weapon would be knowledge.


"...I think I'm gonna go check out what that's all about. Wouldn't want to introduce myself at a bad time and get hurt."


She set off towards the main hall at a light jog, braiding her hair along the way to keep it out of her face. When she drew closer, she slowed her steps to a stealthy glide before peeking around the entryway. From what she could see, a Corrin was facing off against... Stormcatcher? It was hard to tell from this distance, but he was definitely the large dragon which she had seen in the room last night. His distinctive cyan lightning was what gave him away in the end, reading as the unmistakable product of the Lightning Flight's deity. The quantities of snarls and screeches coming from him exceeded the amount she thought possible, and his entire body language indicated aggression as he rushed the Corrin. From the look of the ground, this wasn't even the first attack he'd launched.


Oh boy. I'm in for a ride.




...He's not gonna charge my phone, is he?



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Murmuring. Talking. No, shouting. Fierce screaming. Thunder. Why was there a powerful shaman attacking? It couldn't be Al'Akir... Al'Akir had been killed in the Cataclysm. Perhaps another wind elemental?


"What did you just say!?"


On spur of moment, she shook wide awake. Seeing the scene the dragon was putting up, she concluded that she must've been half-sleeping. There... appeared to be someone on the other side of the room who she didn't remember havning seen before. Even more people got drawn here? Well, the more the merrier, she guessed.


The situation wasn't optimal for introductions, though. After overthinking it a bit, she decided to attempt calming down everyone.


Silently praying for Elune's help, which she probably wouldn't be able to get here, she spoke.


"Everyone! There are more pressing matters at our hands right now than fighting out personal grudges! I have led armies, governed a nation, helped protect two worlds from their downfall, so if you'd all mind listening to me, I'd advise you to calm down for now, until this is all over. We seem to have yet another newcomer."


She hoped that this hadn't just directed the aggression at herself. She had remained completely neutral, but that dragon... didn't seem to be the most reasonable person.


Come on... kill him. You know he's only bothering the others. It would be better for the team to get rid of him. You know you can do it.


The Old Gods? But... how did they reach here? Elune wasn't even capable of doing that. Were these her own thoughts?


Slightly worried, she tried to ignore it for now. She had said it herself seconds ago, there were more important matters at hands right now.

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... ...


... ... ...




...nngh, everything hurts. What happened...?







Lightweaver's eyes snapped open. The world was bright. Her whole body was still sore... the energy drain. A groan, and she stretched out a wing, wincing in pain, before a spectral golden light swept over her body.


Light in the air. The magic. Her element. But there was also that tainted, burning light - the light of Eos. The light of the Sun. She hissed, her flesh almost withdrawing from that tainted light, even as the glow pulled in the Light magic, absorbed it.


Her breaths sped as more of the magic flowed into her, and the pain subsided. She got up, pushing herself off the ground. The unnatural trees were all around, and the grass was... odd.


And there they were. The others. And of course, now there were more of them coming, late or so it seemed. Hmph... She looked around. The cat seemed to be approaching ... Ascension. The fish-fox was gone now. And there was the Beastclan who'd healed her, as well. He seemed to have just been speaking. The rude duo... a hint of a snarl made its way across her lips before disappearing just as quickly as it came.


So now she turned to look at the latecomers. She recalled one from the Shifting Sands Land, two from in passing, and the fourth...? They all seemed to know one another, so she wasn't too worried about the last one. She flickered one ear as she looked at them, wondering why they hadn't entered the painting with the others fighting Eos.



Then she realized one was missing - Ratchet. And there was a rather damaged castle in the distance. It seemed he hadn't made it out, though the others had.

Edited by Dusky_Flareon

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Not long after Soren’s departure, Ike had settled back down on the floor and dozed off to sleep. It was a bit strange to do so--he tried to keep up with Soren’s sleep schedule, both because he’d fallen out of it in the span of the resulting peace after the war and to take off some of the burden he was so eager to take upon himself--but just like the night before, he found himself unnaturally tired. It was a little selfish to ask him to go on without him, but what could he do? No hope in asking him to stay, he knew that all too well, for Soren was so dedicated to working himself dead that to deny him the opportunity was almost taken as a personal insult. The niggling only managed to cease once he’d given into dreams, but it lingered on in his chest regardless. It wasn’t as if he didn’t understand why.


If that’s what it takes to make him happy, I don’t guess I’ll complain.


The sensations to follow were especially odd. If he’d wished for restful sleep in a place like this, he’d have been too hopeful. Murmuring, footsteps, images of Stormcatcher accompanied by an uncanny likeness of his voice...his face wrinkled up at the sound of it. Though the cause of it was unclear--his dreams were only vivid a few scant times to be that elaborate--the dragon and his ire was perfectly emulated even in his subconscious. It was almost funny. A lazy chuckle left him, thinking of the impression he’d left.



The humor didn’t last for long, though, as a round of beating against stone vibrated his entire body, and his hair stood on end as his voice boomed and crashed like the storm of his namesake. Can’t give it a rest long enough for anyone to get some shut-eye? But Stormcatcher ignored him, wherever in the grey void of his mind he was, and the thrum of Thunder nearby was realistic to the point of actual discomfort. He furrowed his brow in confusion, but in sleep, the question wouldn’t come. He looked around, seeing nothing--




It was about then that the steps came. Hurried, frantic, heavy with panic--




--he turned onto his side--




--a hand? snatching at him--



Adrenaline broke the veneer of tranquility and sharpened his battle-honed reflexes to to infinite precision, his eyes flashing with an intense focus as they sought an opening from his position. It was just instinct now--There it is!--when he knew he’d found it, and his arm shot out, grabbing the offender by the collar of their shirt and hefting them from the ground. With an invigorated growl, he rolled and took the enemy with him, using his momentum to throw them with enough force to send them flying, and without bothering to acknowledge the crack as they struck the floor, immediately flung a hand back to arm himself.


Within a second he was over them, the golden blade swinging down at their neck with the strength and speed of a muscular arm trained and ready to kill. It was only by temperance of his might that it stopped just before it made its mark, and only did the recognition of the garb and posture halt him from slaying him right there on the spot.


Ike scowled at the display of Link on the ground in front of him, scoffing before backing off and waving the blade away from him.



“Tch! Watch what you’re doing there! I almost killed you, you know!”





Link had every intention of just a simple wake up. Stopping to shake him, explain what happened and leave with him. It should have been simple, easy.


He should have know better, from his years of running through untamed lands and fighting monster. Ike was a warrior just like him, fast with reflexes and sharp movement. Just like the hand that shot out.


The offending limb latched onto his shirt, pulling him ahead up and over the form on the ground.


Grey and blue, red and brown.




Crashing into the ground on the other side he had moments…. Seconds before a large golden blade came seeking his neck.


I'm going to die……


Silence followed by shuffling. Link pried his eyes open from when he had closed them mid flight.


Ike was sweeping the blade out, a show of false security behind his movements. If he choose to turn on him at any point, he wasn't so sure he could take him.


Scooting back a little he stood, his legs a little shaky and his heart racing. Over the fear that was slowly fading, rage bubbled up. He could understand why he'd had done it, But was it needed? In his opinion,




Stalking forward some he glared up at Ike. He needed to talk to him but if this was how it would start, maybe he would let Soren, the stupid child, get what was coming to him. Only a idiot would pick a fight with the temperamental dragon.





Ike just stared at Link as he got up and recomposed himself. He let Ragnell relax for the moment and watched him come forward, giving him a withering stare. At first, he was perplexed by his lack of verbal reaction, expecting some chiding of the sort, but was quick to remember that Link--or...Links?--was--were?-- nonverbal. His eyes shifted off to the side before coming back to the boy’s. His anger was depleting quickly; in this state, Link could be hardly considered a continuing threat, and watching the way his legs and hands trembled made him sigh.



“Ugh...sorry. But you shouldn’t’ve walked up on me like that. I’ll try not to throw you again if you do, but don’t make it a habit.” He looked around and saw no one else with him, and it dawned on him again.


Wait. He can’t speak to me. How’s this gonna work, exactly?


“...sssso…”, he said, flipping the hilt and letting the blade rest on the floor, “what are you doing here anyway? I know you can’t say, but maybe you could show me or something?” He cocked an eyebrow and shrugged. He was woefully inept at charades, so he hoped this wasn’t another case of practical language barrier at work again.





Link turned away his glare losing its heat. Ike had apologized and grounded his sword, wanting peaceful grounds it seemed. Now he just had to move on to what he came here for, Soren and the death trap.


Looking back to meet Ike's gaze he thought of things that described the smaller boy. That was one. Holding his hand out in front of him he motioned to his shoulders. Soren was probably a little taller that that but he hoped that ike would understand anyway as soren was the shortest person in the group.





When Link leveled his hand for what was as good as no particular reason in response, he felt his stomach steadily beginning to sink.


Oh, boy...here we go…


“Uhh...I guess this is related…? Um, you’re looking for something smaller than me?”






Is he stupid…


Everything's shorter than him!

Link through his hands in the air, turning in a small circle before coming back to face him again. What else would be a good identifier that Ike would know?


Soren’s hair?



Nodding his head head then giving it a small shake, he pulled a lock of his golden hair away from his head. Motioning from it to his waist, he glanced back.


Please you big idiot….. don't make me look any stupider than I already do. Soren and stormcatcher are going to kill each other, and possible everyone else in range.





Now Link was trying to convey something by using his hair as an example. The motion to his waist was...strange. Ike pursed his lips and slightly shook his head.


“Hm. There’s this princess in a story I heard of who was blonde with long hair. I’m not one for fairy tales, though.”


Maybe Soren would be a bigger help here? He was the reader out of the two of them...but something told him that wasn’t what he meant.







This man….


Is a idiot!

Link sighed running a hand down his face, he felt as if he was talking to a moblin. Maybe those would be able to understand him, unlike this idiot!


“Aaahhh” his fingers fisted in his hair as he pulled on his scalp in frustration. Is the two biggest things about Soren couldn't be used as a identifier there was not helping them.


Why are you so stupid? Gaaa I hate you!!


Well, if his height and his hair isn't enough, what about the stupid mark on his stupid head! Will you remember that you stupid censorkip.gif**?

Will this free hand he jabbed his finger at his forehead, right where the mark would be. Against his pale skin it had stood out, if you could see past his hair-which obviously wasn't important to someone.


His eyes held open, begging him to understand. If this didn't work he could always just attempt to drag him there. But if he didn't wish to come that wasn't happening.





He winced as Link cried out in frustration at him. He couldn’t fault him for it--he really didn’t know what he wanted, and he was absolutely terrible at guessing--but that didn’t make it feel less awkward.


Then there came a point when he just started motioning to his forehead with a rigid finger over and over. At first, it was more garbled intent to him, but every punctuated point to that specific spot…



“H-hold on a second!” The shortness, long hair, and the mark on the forehead--


“You’re talking about Soren, aren’t you?” He nearly shouted once he’d gathered it, but there was no way to make that mistake. And it was terribly relevant, too--Soren was late.


He should have come back by now, and though he’d missed it before, he now made out the ugly mark of a bite on his leg and shoulder. He hadn’t done what he’d set out to do? That couldn’t be right...unless…


“Link,” he said with an edge of seriousness to his voice, “what’s going on? Where are Soren and the others at?”





Relief washed over link.





The idiot gets it.



A nod of his head and he visibly relaxed. How long had that taken, what the fight even still happening? Even so….


He still had to get a across to him what was happening. Having a hard time with the last game of charades he wasn't looking forward to this new round.




Now for Stormcatcher




No, nope I am not doing that again. Just follow me please.


Reaching forward his hand wrapped around the upper part of his arm. His hand didn't even come close to closing and he lost his hold when he pulled. This time he aimed for the front of his shirt and stepped back, pulling him in the direction he wished to go. A small tug, a indication for Ike to follow.





Being pulled on was extremely annoying, but given the circumstances, he let it slide. He took Link’s hand away and walked over to his belongings, quickly re-equipping and slinging the pack onto his shoulder. When he returned, he gave Link a quick nod before looking toward the end of the hall, his expression strengthening.



“Alright. Let’s get going.”

Edited by Sugar-Free

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With his attention drawn by the wreckage before him, he was startled by the wisps of green that enveloped his body, matting around his wounds and leaving a slightly chill but pleasantly wholesome feeling behind as they drifted away. Confused, he turned to find the source of the magic, expecting interference by Severa or Owain, but it was the blue-silver haired fox-man who held aloft a strange little book, and then collapsed without warning as if the life he'd given stole away from himself.


"Ah! You, Outerfolk!"


He rushed to his side, pushing him a bit to inspect him, finding a myriad of lesions littering his body. Ascension's head snapped up in remembrance of Lightweaver, and he knew what he had to do. He at back and assume the position he had when Solar had been hurt, and quickly recanted his plea to the Stars above, hoping--praying they would hear his call. They couldn't have left hom, no...that wasn't possible. He knew it in the pit of himself they would never leave him to walk alone.



Just as before, the sky darkened momentarily and the tiny white tendrils descended upon all wounded forms. Just as before, they pulled closed the skin and withdrew any taint, coming away once their mystical work had been done, and headed toward the sky from which they came. Upon dissolving, the sky went light again--Light like this?...hasn't it been longer?--and any remaining pain should have faded with the darkness before. He made sure Lightweaver was fine and found she was exceptionally so.


Perhaps she was healed before? He looked to the stranger again, nudging under him to help him stand to the best of his ability. Was it your doing? That was...kind of you...


"Interloper from another realm, how can I thank you? It was by your hand that my flesh is mended, yes? It was especially thoughtful of you to do so. My words will not be enough alone..." So he bowed to him again like earlier. He, a god, had nothing to give, but without his spell neither he nor his companions would be standing as they were now. The tinge of regret acknowledging it was especially pinching, but at least things had turned mostly for the better. He rose again as Solar approached his side and gave her a nod, then turned to the man again, eager to finally know.


"I must know your name, sir. If it helps for me to go first, I am Ascension, envoy of the Stars above. And you?"



Alex winced at the sight of Aine..."brushing" her hair. The brush held fast in her dark locks, giving one heck of a fight in the process, and at times, it even hung from her head in defiance of her will. She had half a thought to offer help her brush it herself--it wouldn't be the first time; she had patience for repetitive tasks and apparently a gentle touch, though she fought folks on that--but she'd already violated her personal rules once, and to push it again would be...potentially disastrous.


There's always time for you to be a creep later. One step at a time, jeesh.


But Aine did prevail, and after it was all worked out properly, the brush was nearly returned to her. Nearly. Not really. Sorta-kinda.



A horribly echoey boom of hoarse, lizardy screeching cut her off before she finished. She turned and watched after the noise, then moved to follow after it.


"...I think I'm gonna go check out what that's all about. Wouldn't want to introduce myself at a bad time and get hurt." And she took off. Alex's heart dropped for a second, but then her feet caught up to her common sense and she grabbed ahold of her circlet, keeping it from bouncing in her haste.



"Ooooooop! Hold on, hold on, imma comin' with!"





As the two headed toward the hubbub, Alex dove beside Aine and took a looksie on the inside of the room. Off in the crux of the action, she could see Stormcatcher lit simultaneous by the glow of a fire and the sparkling of his blue-green aura. What was that all about? Was it time to employ "Befriendment Mode"??? As she studied the layout, she found--



"Le gasp! What a turn of ill fortune! Hark! For it is Corrin the Knucklewalker, Bane of the Infinite Realms!" She cast out a palm and sucked her lip in, visage becoming the purest expression of horror this side of classic art. She smacked the hand to the side of the doorway when she saw what ended up investing her even more--the familiar flurry of grey-and-green sleeves.


"Hlghglrgshlll it's SORBO! Holy crap! Now it all makes sense!" She pointed a finger at Aine and waggled it madly.


"She's holding him hostage! And Stormy's trying to protect him! What a slimy cur that water snake is--gurl, imma bout to fix this."


And Alex started inward, too determined to consider.

Edited by Sugar-Free

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Owain shook his head to clear his thoughts as he groaned and moved from where he lay. Severa grimaced painfully and shared the notion as she tried to stand to her full height.

"Dammit... what the hell happened?" she whispered, absolutely infuriated. "Didn't we... kill that thing? What happened to the castle?"

Owain stared at it for a long while, then mused.

"And without its lady to sit upon its throne, the castle already felt as though to die... but a power of corruption gripped it and held it fast, keeping it alive... Yet without that same power... twas destined to crumble..." Owain held out both of his hands with a flourish. "Oh woe be upon the fallen kingdom of such a princess, to meet such an unfortunate end!"

"What are you blabbering about now? You sure that's the case?" Severa asked, wiping herself off. Her armor had seen a lot of falling and dust today, not too mention that heat that had almost seared her beautiful hair... "Or are you just spouting more lunacy again?"

"A bit of all of the above, I suppose." Owain shrugged. He turned to where Ascension was running to another individual.

"Do you still need that elixir, Ascension?" Owain asked, but he was sure the answer was no. "And who's that fellow?"

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