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The Eternally Guilty Sun: Revival

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Leon leaned into the side of a large stone building,castle and home of his long time friend and companion Ventuswill. Today was a special day to him, today he was to pick up the small green haired woman who stayed in a room beside Ventuswill, a date in order. One that he hoped would lead to a life full of love and laughter.


The cold stones under his shoulder slowly heating and warming to his skin, drawing the heat out and leaving his arm slightly cooler than the rest of him. With his arms crossed he flicked the extravagant fan open and closed in excitement and dread. Frey, the woman who saved him from a lifetime and possibly longer of loneliness and sorrow was coming to meet him. She had come like a star in the night, burning a blazing trail through the night sky, lighting a trail for him to follow. And follow it he did, back to her and Ventuswill.


“ Leon? What are you doing here?” Turning to see the opening eyes of his friend, still full with sleep he smiled. Slowly she uncurled and rose above him in her lumbering form. Most would have been afraid of her but he know her better than that, she had a soul that could not harm a fly.


“Hey sweetness. I’m here to get Frey, is she not here? We had a date today to go to the bathhouse and then to Porcoline’s kitchen. “ a smile danced across his lips at the thought of what he had planned. He had gone to Bado the blacksmith last night asking for a ring as beautiful a the girl he planned to ask to share his life with him. He didn’t know Bado well, but he had really come through for him. When he went to get the ring this morning a pleasant rumble rolled through him, one of delight. A dainty silver band that looked like leaves wrapped around and ended holding a pearl drop size sapphire. Truly a beautiful piece for Frey.


“Sorry Leon but she left to go to dragon lake. I didn’t ask why with it being so early in the morning, but she should still be there. Why don’t you go find her.” Ventuswill’s voice drifted over to Leon as he rubbed the ring in his hand. Nervous set into him as he nodded his thanks to her and disappeared out the door. Walking slowly with anticipation and joy he headed to the lake.


It wasn’t his ideal spot to ask but it was a pretty, tranquil place all of its own. With it being spring the trees would be blooming and littering the ground with pink flower pedals while their pungent smell hung thick and ripe in the air. The water was crystal clear allowing you to see all of the fish that swam around in it, darting in and out of the water like arrows. He had been preparing for this day for a while, having bought a bigger bed and making small accommodations for another person to share his space with. Someone he could smile and laugh with, share in their joy and love but also their sorrow and pain. He wanted to be a pillar for them and have them be one for him.


Before he realized it, he was at the steps that lead down to the lake. Each one a brilliant blue with red railings, a support to any walking down. Looking to the lake he spotted Frey standing with her back to him, her long hair swaying in the breeze. He had seen this scene so many times, and like every time his heart soared at the sight of her. She truly was the heart and soul that held him together, his light in the dark. Leon leaned forward,reaching out his hand as he called to her. Leon pressed closer to see more of the clearing and the lake.




“Will you marry me?” Leon's heart stopped and dropped, sinking like a rock. Dylas was down on one knee and held Frey's hand like it was the most precious thing in the world. He was the man who Leon had a rivalry with, who was sharp to insult and never one to apologize. Leon looked back to Frey to gauge her reaction. He hoped and prayed that she would say no, given he didn’t want to see Dylas broken, but if she said yes…..he would break. She had been the one to wake him from his long slumber and bring him back. When all he had known was gone and the people he cared for dead, she was there.


“Oh my gosh Dylas, yes!” She had tears in her eyes and her free hand came to her mouth as she stared into Dylas’s eyes. She was happy, anyone could tell that. And Leon knew deep down that Dylas would keep it that way, even if he didn’t want to admit it


As she said yes Leon’s heart cracked. It burned and bleed shattering into a million imaginary pieces inside his soul. The one thing he had ever asked for was now out of his grasp, gone like a leaf in the wind. Leon’s mind went blank as he stumbled back into the bright red railing. He had to leave, he didn’t want to see this as his dreams came crashing down.


The sudden movement most have caught Dylas attention causing him to turn, spotting Leon a smile played across his faces. Standing he pulled Frey against him before turning her to face Leon, tears still sliding down her face. Leon felt himself fall a little more inside, how much lower could he feel. He was worthless, unwanted and undesired.


He was nothing….


Frey noticed him standing by the railings and smiled. Wiggling a little to escape Dylas’s grasp


“Leon you wouldn't believe what Dylas just asked.” Frey jumped from Dylas' arms and bounced to Leon's side. Wrapping her arms around him in her joy and excitement.


Leon looked down at her with sorrow filled eyes. He wouldn’t ruin her happiness, even if it was not him that had brought it. He would be like any other respectable man and stand by her decision, while he could, before the pain got to bad.


“ Yes sweet, yes I do. Are you happy love?” Leon’s voice screamed fakeness, but he couldn’t bring himself to be happy for the situation. Not being happy about it ,but supporting her was different than not liking it and making her miserable by not supporting her. She was the kind of person who, if she knew how he really felt, would tear herself up about it.


“Leon I'm so happy” A hollow laugh escaped as he hugged her, holding her tight one last time before he wouldn't allow himself to.


“So whens the wedding?” Voice cracking Leon let go and backed away. He couldn’t do it anymore right now, he couldn’t play happy for her. He would find out from Ventuswill when the wedding is. Holding his hand up to his stomach he forged sickness and took off back to the inn. To the safety of his room before the tears ran down his face.


------- small time skip----(2 weeks)----------



Leon stepped out of his room onto the red plush carpet that covered the floor. It had been there for as long as he had been staying there and it went nicely with the creme colored walls. Red and gold decorations were placed sporadically around to pull the look of the place together. Leon was wearing white which caused him to contrast nicely with the red, setting him apart from his surroundings.


Making his way down stairs he set out to the castle. Dylas and Frey would stop by there before they went around the rest of the town, giving and getting praise. Everyone was happy and found this a joyful occasion, one that hopefully only comes once in your life.


Leon’s feet clicked on the cobble stones as he made his way there. Dread and pain weld in him as he walked, for such a happy day he could only force a fake smile and small rises and falls in his voice to portray emotions. All in all he felt empty, a shell of what he was, he was a friend and protector, now he was a sorry excuse of a human.


“Are you sure you want to do this? She will never has to know.” Leon snapped out of his thoughts as he walked the rest of the way to Ventuswill. She stood watching him, a frown on her face as her watched her long time friend and priest.


No he didn’t want to watch her come and go. But he was better than that, he would never do that to her. Not on a day that should be one of the happiest days of her life.


“No, not really. But it will break her heart if I don’t.” Turning to her ,he held her gaze. He didn’t thing he could hold it together when he finally sees her but he would try. He had been dreading this day, to see her go to another man.


Ventuswill gave him a knowing look before tilting her head to the side a little, as if she was looking at something behind her. As she shuffled back Leon leaned forward some wandering if perhaps Frey was coming from the other side of town. But he didn’t see her at all.


“ Come with me really quickly, I have something that may help you.” She didn’t sound mad or happy, just firm and commanding, a tone of authority. Silently Leon followed her into the castle, his curiosity pecking for the first time in days.


Ventuswill lead him out into the back, into the gardens full of trees and flowers. Ones planted by Frey. Bending he picks a small blue flower from a veining plant at his feet. Confusion clear in his face, there was no reason for him to be here. If anything he shouldn't be here, it was just a bright fragrant reminder of Frey.


“ Ventuswill's, what are we doing here?” Leon's question was answered by a large black vortex opening behind him. The wind created from it snapping the plants and breaking the branches of the trees. Petals flew through the air as the wind ripped at Leon's clothes. Turning bewildered eyes back to Ventuswill's he watched as a large clawed hand landed on his chest and kept going, pushing him back into the rippling and churning hole.


“ aaaaahhhhhhhhhh” Leon fell back into the darkness, that soon ate at him, bleeding black across his chest and face. Like the dark that ate at his clothes it ate at his mind, slowly the darkness closed in and cut him off, him mind going blank.



A short time later, but hard to tell, Leon rolled over on the ground. His head hurt and his whole body was sore from what ever had happened. Flashes of black and blues,pinks, yellows and a dragon filtered through his head. Sitting up a hand went to his head as if to hold his thoughts in, it didn’t help as bits and pieces came to him and left just as quickly.




Someone he thought was a friend pushed him through some kind of portal, why? Hadn't he given up everything in life for her, friends and family. And when he lost that, she took even more . But it wouldn't do him good to sit in a strange place and think about it.


Glancing around he took note that he was in stone hall way. A door at one end and a large painting infront of him. Taking a closer look at the painting he marveled it, at fist glance it appeared almost completely white. The faint outline of a figure and maybe eyes was all that showed up, and even that was barely.


Leon made to stand using the closest wall he could as leverage. Instead of meeting a solid surface though his hand passed through the painting. A gasp left him as he fell froward, a oily like feeling passed over his skin as he landed on his stomach on the other side.




Almost like it had a mind of its own dimmed all light that he could see. Which was next to none. As he moved to stand little wisps of black smoke curled and drifted around his hands and then his feet as he came to stand. Normally he would have heard the rustling of his clothes - looking down they where oddly back to his original clothes. But there was none, what little noise there was was muffled by the mist and the aura of the place.




A glimmer of light of in the distance caught his attention, ripping it from the immediate surrounding to what could be making it. With no set path in mind he walked briskly to the flashes, each one not lasting but mere seconds. Up closer he paused at the sight in front of him. Mini beast like animals was fighting and a dragon he had never seen standing there. Taking a deep breather he recoiled a little.


Oh Ventuswill ,hon, what did you throw me into?

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Eos lifted her head up.



What’s this?


She watched her aura ripple as an attack from some unseen source disturbed it. She didn’t care to see where it was from—she didn’t care. Nothing could stand up to her glory, her magnificence. And though she may have heard some peep of a noise like that of her kind, she ignored whatever it had to say. She had no time for noise.


Ever more curious was the static-laden rambling of something farther back. She dealt with the sound for a few seconds, thinking it could be somehow substantial, but such shrill, warbling keening was like a grater to her sensitive ears. Crying out in such an outlandish way was akin to defiance. She would be quick to stifle the interruption.


Eos levitated the orb to free her feet and walked past the location of the peep, swatting it out of her way. The pained vocalization of her brother nearby echoed through her, ringing around the hollow space in her chest. It didn’t feel especially indulgent—wasn’t this one time of many she’d heard that sound?—but she knew it was for the best. Ascension couldn’t be trusted with his own perceptions; his emotions made him weak. Whatever she’d just struck, whatever it had meant to him, he needed to learn it was below them both. That it could be wasted at any moment. That it was nothing but a distraction from their destiny. If only his heart was as strong as hers.


A sort of energy pressed against her awareness. The closer she became, the surer she became of its identity. This was some sort of Light aberration molded into form: a sick, misguided simulation of her own perfection. Who could’ve contrived such a thing? The first thought was the Stars—oh, how like they were to the ground-bound heel-walkers! How they could never look upon her as the shining example of an incorruptible form! How they--!




But just as she was about to spin on about her persecution, she stooped low enough to feel something that was corrupted. Eos nearly reared to her hind legs in jubilation—how silly of her! There was no simulation here, merely crude wrought by an obviously unskilled and uninspired hand; just a creation out of a unfortunate accident—throwing paint at a canvas until a form came about and calling it genius. There was nothing here of interest. Just a source of annoyance. She almost chose not to bother with it.



But suddenly, she was angry. Very angry. And she hated whatever had birthed this anomaly. She would destroy it. She would destroy it because it irritated her by simple association. She would destroy it because someone had made it. Because it was just pretend. And she hated it.



“Senshi! I’m wounded! How could you make me consider something so little?! Bringing a candle to light my room...will you ever understand?!?”



She slammed her claws into the aberration, sinking past hard scales until they hooked into the meat and drawing away the accursed, imitating Light. The energy, not even worthy of touching her, dissipated off her body from her fur, creating a blinding glare that only she could bear. She didn’t even dare to pick at that nasty scab of evil in its core, preferring to let it ooze out its liar’s pus without the binding of the misplaced Light to hold it down. When she was satisfied, she ripped away her paw, unwilling to keep contact any longer with such a disgraceful thing. There was barely even a pinprick of the energy left, certainly not enough to hope to contest her or her space—not that it ever had or could—and so, she was content to shake out her claws and take her time returning to her discussion. Ascension had been very bad, and he deserved a scolding befitting a god.



"Solar! Solar!!"


The red cat went flying off to the side as a purple arm shot out into her side. Ascension moved to intercept, but he had been too late. And now? Eos was antagonizing Lightweaver, and her piercing, petulant tone twisted his stomach into knots. What she could do...he gasped. He had to--



But again, he was too late.




“Senshi!" came her peal, "I’m wounded! How could you make me consider something so little?! Bringing a candle to light my room...will you ever understand?!?”




A mistake...


I should've never have come here.



And he could do nothing but shade his and Solar's eyes as the light overtook them in its entirety. He never heard Lightweaver if she screamed.




It felt like an eternity passed before he could even move.


"Senshi..." came the voice afterward. She was close, he could tell, but her aura skewed his perception of her. All that stood out in his mind was that smell--one of grain and blood--made potent by her malice. He didn't look at her. Her light was too bright.


"I'm ashamed of you. Look at this...is this all it takes to break you? Why?"


She pulled at his shoulder, her touch like a wire brush to a wound. His head whipped around, snarling and holding back the presence of moisture at his cheeks.


"You're a monster."


Her tail remained swaying back and forth, back and forth, seemingly unperturbed. After a moment of silence, one he wished was filled with remorse and thoughtfulness, she spoke again, and he knew nothing had changed.


"Why are you standing like that? Is there something you're trying to hide from me?" That falsehood of concern. She tried to nudge around him, but he spat another scorching stream at her, causing Eos to back off again. What was she playing at?! She'd just seen Solar! She'd just smacked her around like she was nothing! She'd just--just--


"Something your trying to protect, then? Ohhh..." she held a paw to her chin, "...I see now. That's very like you. Lover to stones and skin alike. You hold them close like toys, don't you?"


He heard her pace in place, the light of the orb distorting his and Solar's shadows as it bobbed.


"I'll never understand you for that. No matter how many times I break them, my brothers will never learn. You'll never toughen up like boys should. You two...so weak. Tell me: should I crush this lump of coal like I've done every other now or later?"

His head buzzed with ever-present animus. When the light turned full onto them, he made himself a wall between them, skin sizzling with steam and acid.


"Do it and I'll kill you right here."


Eos scoffed quietly and approached him. This time, he stared back through the bright, avoiding the star and finding her eyes. The apologetic expression had come again; how long would she entertain this farce?!



"Ooh, listen to that strain...for such a small thing, I've put the heaviest burden on your back. All I wanted was for you to learn to bear it. But now...like then, I've made you sad."




"You're sad, aren't you?"



Ascension didn't want to answer her. It was a pointless question. He already had to hold back against the white eating at his retinas. Answering this pointless, evident question was too much for him.



She contemplated him, looked for any sign of weakness she could burn away. He could barely hold his gaze.






"...hmm. Maybe you aren't as weak as him. But even I can admit when I've done wrong."


To his utter disbelief, she knelt to him, and the light withdrew to the point where it didn't threaten to erase him. He fidgeted, eyes darting around her, looking for the trap--



"I'm sorry. For everything. For then. For this. I'm sorry."



His mouth dropped, and his muzzle contorted as the words parsed themselves out. An...apology? His mind spun with a thousand thoughts--Does she think it's this easy?!-What spurred this?-Does she think I'm that weak?-Does she mean it?-She can't-I won't!-I...she--but none could divert the loop he'd been thrown for. It was so jarring that the only thing he could stutter out was:




Eos rose up again, and for the breadth of a dream, he swore--


"I'm apologizing," she said, her voice still husky with her usual curtness, but it sounded...real. She looked away, biting still a tremble of her lip, "I did everything. Me and my idiotic mind. Those morons we shared the sky with...and the ones below who never listened to a word I said...pfft...I'd say it was their fault, but really..."




He eyes shut tight, the light of her inner star ebbing in intensity.


"Aren't I the Benevolent Sun? Who was I to...?"














"Who...was I?"







"How long...has it been?"







What...what was happening? He hesitated, legs quivering as his body wavered between action and remaining distant; this had to be a trap. It HAD to be. There was no way Eos would about-face like this in earnest. She never did anything in earnest...



But then, the tears came. They lasted only a moment before becoming steam, but they were there. Little dribbles of clarity.



"Who am I, Ascension?"


She held a paw to her chest. He felt the ache in his own.


"Gods...and why does it hurt so much...?"



Was this...lucidity?



"Eos," he answered and declared, "You're Eos, goddess of the Sun, She Who Bestows." His breath shuddered in his throat. Was it possible? Was this really Eos? The true Eos, deserving of her title of Eternal Benefactor?


Look at her. Look at what she's done--to you, to them, to everyone!!! Do you really think she's changed in these few minutes?! You're an idiot if you think as much! But Ascension's hopeful heart saw otherwise. This was not a mad goddess. This was his sister, the Benevolent Sun. This was the smell of grass under the orange-red sunset, watched by eyes that struggled against the dominion of oncoming sleep; this was a voice that both frightened and livened the Percipient Moon, that cheered away his brooding mien and gave him a light to read by; this was the pride of the Stars above. This was his sister, the Benevolent Sun, Eos. He wanted to believe that with all his heart.



Please..let me believe this. If only for a moment.



"Eos..." Ascension started slowly, "that gape on your chest...you know how that got there. I know you remember that. The proof stands before"


She did not look toward him. Still her face twitched as she held back. He took one step toward, watching for any sign of deception. He took another when he found none, and another and yet another.


"I am Ascension, and I am your brother. Your brother who cares so much about you. Your brother who would do anything to take away your pain."


Now she faced him, her great golden eyes full of guilt. There was a hint of...something else near imperceptible, but what, he didn't know. Being so near he could feel the taint deep in the core of her inner star--a black, clouding mass that clung to it like a hard film. How long this Eos would last he was unsure, but if a spot of light had struggled through that crust, he had to take advantage of it.



If this is you...if I can free you and stop this before it begins, then I will.



He pressed his head to hers, being no longer inflamed by her heat.


"What you're doing...what you've done and whatever you're trying to do--it's not like you. As your brother, I swear to you I say this with good intention and place it on my own life--you are being consumed by an evil without description, and you mustn't give into it further."


She shook her head, trying to make sense of it all.


"Why am I here? Where is this place? And why do I have this stone?" He looked to the artifact--some sort of stone, he now realized. Her psychokinetic grasp on it was wavering; perhaps if he could push just a little bit further...


"I don't know thrice over. What I do know is that you have no need for it."


"I have no need for it?"


"No," he reassured her, "Your light alone is enough for this and a thousand worlds over." Moreso, he knew, but he wouldn't remind her of that. "No supplement could ever change that. You are the Sun itself."


"Yes...the Sun. That's who I am."


"Right. No need for adornment."



She stepped back a bit and set on her haunches. Her tail stood still and her feet went together, poised in mournful sobriety. This was his chance. He licked at his mouth and gulped.



"So...why don't you let me take that burden from you? You don't need it. Your impeccable the way you are."



Ascension watched his sisters eyes close again, and the orb began to ease down, closer and closer still, the energy holding it growing weaker and weaker.


Ascension would be patient.


He would be understanding.


He had waited 3000 years and more.





Things could be right.



So he would wait.



He would be patient.



And he would try to understand.




























































The orb was reeled back to its owner, and before Ascension could process what was happening--




The wind at his back--






An ungodly pain through his chest--






And the sick crack of his ribs snapping against an invisible wall--





To be consumed was her greatest joy she remembered experiencing.




Fire found logic and consumed it first. Poisonous light found emotion and burnt it into ashes, scattering it around her.




She was sure she was as whole as possible before.




But this shredded state covered more, and when she put the speckles in order she found herself more whole than when she was one.




She looked at some creature and saw nothing but a blur. She no longer recognized it, and when she thought back, she realized she never knew it in the first place.




There were more than that nothing, though. There were several nothings. She whipped her head and beat her nails into the cloudy ground, knocking free any reservation and letting herself shine. When the light was so powerful it seeped into her skin and dyed her golden, all the remaining fake-self exited her through the mouth in the form of a guttural wail.




And then, down through her nerves and holy vessels, using the blood found there as a guide, her light spilled onto the ground and destroyed the clouds.




The room was in her image now--nets of gold crowing gold, fire ravaging barren walls and floor with nothing to feed on but pebbles. Her glory would be their fuel. Her fire would burn for eternity. She would never be struck down again. She would never be shunned behind an errant cloud. She would never hear her name in vain. She would never submit. She would never be subdued. She would never, she would never, she would never, she would never, she would never she would never she would never she would never she wouldnevershewoudnevershewouldnevershewouldnever.



A ha. A ha ha ha ha ha. ahAhAahaHAhaHAAHa. idiIot.



"I Am nO LoNgEr tHe gUiLtY SuN. i aM ThE UnTaMeD SuN, aNd i bUrN BrIgHtLy, So bRiGhTlY, wItH ThE PoWeR Of tHe sUn, Of tHe dAy iN EtErNiTy! tHe lIgHt iS NoT KiNd. It bUrNs aNd cOnSuMeS WhEn iTs uNtAmEd pOwEr iS UnLeAsHeD. i aM ThAt uNtAmEd pOwEr, FrEeD AfTeR AeOnS Of rEpReSsIoN. i aM ThE LiGhT ThAt cOnSuMeS ThE DaRkNeSs!!"








The orb was carelessly discarded onto the corpse, and perhaps it fused itself there.




Perhaps the discarded body rose on its own accord, taking on the white and feathers of the creature who embodied it.




And perhaps its head sloshed back onto its stringy neck, and a fiery violet froth dribbled from its gaping maw.




But Eos did not care. Her galvanized claws sliced a lesion in reality. She regarded the nothing behind her only once.





"TeRmInAtIoN Is uPoN YoU. nEvEr-eNdInG Is tHe dAy; sO nOw, ThE NiGhT DiEs."

Edited by Sugar-Free

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Lightweaver hissed as the dawn-cat slammed Solar out of the way, sending her flying. The monster drew closer. And closer. It ignored her remarks. Lightweacer's ears flattened. Of course. How like those who thought the world of themselves. And this creature was clearly one of them. Hmph.


The golden dragon's disgusted thoughts evaporated when the monster decided to come in her direction. Closer and closer. Its overbearing corrupted Light - that light so like her taint! That cursed Light!


The monster spoke of wounds with anger, snarling at Ascension - and then slammed a claw into her. Ripping her energy out.















The golden dragoness let out a piercing roar of pain as her magic was torn away. Her heart, her breathing slowed. Pain shot through her. Every little motion hurt. Everything. There was a light, and Lightweaver couldn't look. It hurt her eyes to look into that scorching, that blazing light.


How... ironic.


And when it died down and the monster tore its claw out, Lightweaver could feel the blood. Her blood. Trickling out. Pain was shooting through the dragoness's body, and she forced herself to stay up.




It seemed like milennia before the creature decided to leave her in her blood. Lightweaver blinked as bursts of light flashed in her vision. When they calmed, she realized she was on the ground. She didn't know when her legs had buckled. She made an attempt to get up, one that was met with a thousand arrows of pain in her legs.


"G... guh..." Searing blades. But she managed to stand up. Finally. That monster... was talking to Ascension.


No. Lying. Pretending. It claims kindness. It claims... all lies. It is a monster. It will never change.


Ascension, you trusting fool. Don't trust that monster. Creatures like it... they never change, do they?


The monster, Eos, was offering the orb to Ascension - and then snatched it back. As she expected... for Lightweaver didn't feel that Eos was the sort to give up her prizes all that easily. One question remained, though: what value did Eos see in that curious alabaster stone?


And then the light scorched, leaping from the dawn-creature, spreading out, consuming the clouds. Fire and light energy blazed out, choking strong. The aura of energy nearly overwhelmed Lightweaver, and her painful breaths became faster, her ears flickered. The nagging pain shot through her again, and Eos spoke.


"I Am nO LoNgEr tHe gUiLtY SuN. i aM ThE UnTaMeD SuN, aNd i bUrN BrIgHtLy, So bRiGhTlY, wItH ThE PoWeR Of tHe sUn, Of tHe dAy iN EtErNiTy! tHe lIgHt iS NoT KiNd. It bUrNs aNd cOnSuMeS WhEn iTs uNtAmEd pOwEr iS UnLeAsHeD. i aM ThAt uNtAmEd pOwEr, FrEeD AfTeR AeOnS Of rEpReSsIoN. i aM ThE LiGhT ThAt cOnSuMeS ThE DaRkNeSs!!"


Lightweaver flinched back, causing pain to rip through her again, as she realized something.


It was... that taint...


A brilliant version of the Shade...


This was not the Shade's doing. This was just as powerful, perhaps even eclipsing it. And it was in her...


Light rose up all about her, golden, firey, blazing, sickening, and though she was of the Light, she was yet not of it. She was tainted. Corrupted. And this was not the Light she knew.


Her eyes flashed. The golden dragon's head jerked around, pain rippling through her muscle as it moved, her ears flickered though it hurt to move, and she saw what she had heard.


A pale creature. Feathered and shelled. Fire, purple fire, frothing and foaming from its mouth.


A blast of light on the edge of Lightweaver's perception. Power, that accursed power, it radiated in waves from the light. The corrupting light...


No. She didn't -- it hurt. She didn't have time to think. And the the pain in her body reminded her of Eos's forcible seperation of her magic - some of it, not all, or she wouldn't be alive and awake - from her.


And she began to drag herself towards Ascension and Solar, ignoring the pain, gritting her teeth. Forcing through the lingering power, the fading but still potent energy.


She would not fall here.





Solar yowled in surprise as a pink-purple paw slammed into her side, courtesy of the shining Espeon. She flew for a bit, before smacking into the ground. Her side hurt, and her leg hurt. They were sore, and stinging.


Then Ascension was there, and the Espeon was sinking its claw into Lightweaver. The Torracat hissed in suprise. And then a light blazed. Ascension covered her eyes swiftly, but what she saw of it was dazzlingly bright.




When the light cleared and Ascension moved away, Solar took the opporturnity to get up. She winced as her side and hind leg throbbed, before focusing her attention on the conversation before her.


It started out vicious, gradually going away from aggression and into hopeful territory. Perhaps...


But then there was brilliant light. Eos snatched back the orb, blazing so bright. Burning so brilliantly. And Solar was forced to look away once again. Power slammed into Solar, blazing power, that energy. It was so... strong. And Solar was so weak in its face....


And the Untamed Sun screamed out in wrath. The room blazed in firey light.


Then Solar saw the undead creature even as a light behind her turned head flashed, as that light blazed. It was pale, pale like light. The creature was furred, scaled, and feathered. Purple fire foamed from it.


Wait... but.. fire shouldn't be... purple. Most fire -- unless.


Reshiram. This thing... was like the storied Reshiram.


"Oh... Arceus." That was all she could express. The monster. The Espeon Eos and its cursed light.


Solar crouched down. There was fire sparking from her bell. Tense. She was tense. Something wasn't right here.


Perhaps it was the creature, or perhaps it was the light.

Edited by Dusky_Flareon

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"Sorry we're late to the festivities!"

There was a sudden change in tempo as footsteps landed outside of the arena, having been accompanied by hoofbeats only a moment before. A blade of light and a spear of moonlight were drawn as the two blessed by the sign of The Lovers took stances near Lightweaver's wounded form.

"Dammit. Couldn't wait for us, could they?" Severa grimaced, gripping her spear tightly. "This reminds me too much of Grima's wrath. I don't like it."

"Notion shared." Owain nodded, grabbing Solas with both of his hands and holding it firm. "I wonder if-"

But that was before the goddess apologized. Eos was speaking words of sincerity to the earlier fox-beast Ascension. Severa raised an eyebrow.

"Ok so... that thing is the enemy?" she asked, confused. "Why are the fox beasts the problem here? I'm all ready to fight an actual foe, like some kind of giant dragon, and it's more of those FOX THINGS INSTEAD?"

She grunted angrily.

"Why can't we fight something titanic?! Something stron-"

And Ascension went flying into a wall, his body soaring past Severa's face so close that she could have smelled his fur. It smelled of stardust.

Severa blinked, her statement ended as the being manifested into a far angrier version. Severa and Owain shielded their eyes from the blinding blast of light before it began to dim only slightly. In its place stood a white-feathered draconic monstrosity. Eos had vanished.

"Alright. That's what I'm talking about." she grinned, dashing forward. Owain followed, pleased. There were many things they agreed on and many they did not. Combat was something they BOTH could agree on with every bit of themselves.

Severa spun her spear around herself for some momentum and then changed her velocity, using her own speed to try to shove her spear into the abomination's flesh. Owain joined her advance, activating Ignis with a shout as he summoned the powers of his father's line to slash into the creature's side...

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Leon stood back from the group, taking in what was being said. The longer he stood there the more it looked like one group, mainly consisting of a small brown fox, a small red and black cat – more like kitten, and a large golden dragon, was talking with a outsider.


The outsider, larger feline like creature, was coming toward the group. Something was wrong though. It wasn’t so much the way it moved, in fact she moved with the grace and elegance that was present in most felines as she stalked towards the group. It was more of the was she focused on the fox, talking to him in a condescending tone. Not once did she pay attention to the others. It was like she acknowledged their presence as that of a fly. An annoyance and nothing more, they were not worth her time.


She was to high on a pedestal for the likes of them.


But the longer he stood there he found that wasn’t entirely true. Ascension as she called him, was the one that she choose to talk to. Only he was set aside, the others not even worthy to look at. Still as the red and black kitten moved and made noise, she made it apparent that he was beneath her by flinging him across the room.


Leon dared not move as the scene played out, one of sickening grandeur. It was almost something of a play, and he a spectator.


She, Eos, stalked to Senshi, continuing to speak. Words of guilt and possible remorse spewing from her mouth. What was she playing at sowing words of false hope.


But she wasn’t done with the group, the dragon being the next she dealt with. He must have done something to catch her attention. But as insane as she was it could have been something small. Leon may not have know the group or even what truly was going on. But the little snippets and actions laid clues that he put together.


Eos sank her claws into the dragons side, blood pooling and running to the ground. It bellowed out a scream that pierced his ears, one filled with pain and something else.




Something Leon was familiar with, the pain of something important gone. He watched the dragon for a minute or to, the other occupants of the space oblivious to him. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to step out. He was certain she wouldn’t see him, not truly see. He was safe so far in the corners of the group just out of sight. But he couldn’t stand to watch, his hands itching to help the dragon and defend those that she had taken her insanity out on.


But who was he?


He didn’t know anyone in this group, nor was he obliged to help. But they needed it. That should have been enough to spur him into action, still he stayed on the sidelines. Fear was not what caused his pause, but something more akin to hopelessness. So long he had lived with dragons. They were strong, powerful beings, feared and loved. They were gods, equal in power he had always thought. But now another being, a god in its own right, was stronger.




A flash of light lit up the area, it’s intensity harsh. It was nothing like the gentle warmth of the sun he remembered back home. No, this light burnt. To bright to look at Leon covered his face with his hands. For the first time since coming through the painting and watching the whole ordeal, Leon made a noise. It was a grunt and with the fading of the light Leon was able to see again.


This small noise and movement seemed to remind his body that it could move. That he wasn’t a statue stuck in one place. Taking a look around Eos was gone. Leon no longer had a reason to stay where he was. Leon took a couple of steps forward towards the dragon. He had yet to hear it speak, but it was a dragon. All dragons that he had meet could talk.



Leon didn’t get very far as two new people dropped from the sky. Either this group was lucky or doomed. But without any threatening moves to the dragon he suspected that they were for Ascension’s group. At first they seemed down, put out that there was nothing they deemed worthy of fighting. But that quickly changed as a new threat appeared. One brought to like in the wake of Eos.


White and light crème rose up, the form of a large turtle like animal coming to life. Leon had never seen a creature quite like it, but that seemed to be a new thing as of late. Everything here was new to him.


Leon reached the dragon who was crawling across the ground, leaving a bloody trail in its wake. He would leave the fighting to the new comers for now. His first priority was taking care of the dragon. Coming around to the face he looked it in the eyes, not knowing if she could see or scene him through her pain. He didn’t want to take the chance that it would snap at him so he stayed a few feet back. He was still close enough to see the extent of the damage, which wasn’t good. But if need be he could dodge away.


“Hey, I want to help.” Leon spoke softly and quietly, letting that sink in Leon watched. If she paid him no mind he would assume that her mind was clouded by pain and try to help anyway.


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“Hey, I want to help.”


Lightweaver heard the voice. Saw the Beastclan. This one had vulpine ears. More Beastclan... how many would there be?


Her claw scraped on the ground, and her legs shook as pain gnawed at her. But the golden dragon stayed up, she wouldn't fall down here. No matter how weak she felt, how much pain she was in, none of that justified falling to another creature who wielded Light. She was Light... or was she merely supposed to be of Light...?


No, stop. Someone had addressed her.


A bitter snarling laugh in her mind, though externally this particular one didn't show.


No one can help with this taint that I know of...


This brilliant, shining version of the Shade...


Light. Light fallen to Light.


She forced her head up, though her muscles shrieked at her not to. She addressed the Beastclan, even as her muscles protested. For now, she could afford to talk... no sense in making enemies if they didn't appear hostile to start with. Especially while wounded.


"It depends on what you wish to aid me with, because in one respect I am likely beyond any help, but in others...


So, what do you wish to aid me with?"


She gritted her teeth once sgain. Breathing slowly. She would've been taking faster breaths if she had more of her magic.



Lub. ... Lub. ... Lub.


Curse the dawn-cat. Curse Eos and her sickened, corrupted light.


Lightweaver was Light... and Eos was a twisted light.


The brilliant taint.


And the dragoness pushed away her thoughts. Returned to the Beastclan. She would've made eye contact, but the pain was enough to convince her to keep the unnecessary neck movements to a minimum.

Edited by Dusky_Flareon

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Leon waited…..and waited…….and waited. She had looked at him only briefly. The slightest of acknowledgement he got from her as she stood there. Whether it be from the pain or from the blinding light, not moving.


The darkness of the room didn’t help either as it seemed to creep in and seep the color and warmth out of those contained within its walls. He wondered momentarily if it was so for the dragon as well, adding to her non responsiveness. When she stopped moving, it was like she stopped living. Every now and again Leon would catch a ride and fall of her chest and sides from breathing.


Clashes from the fight going on at his back drew his attention away momentarily. The ever present threat of death had set him on edge. He should be helping them, not leaving his fate up to someone else. He was a man and a warrior, fighting was what he did.


But he felt it more important to help her, he wasn’t to sure why. He suspected he knew, felt…. Remembered, what it felt like to be defenseless. To many careless endeavors into the plains outside the castle had lead him to the doctors clinic often enough. But here there was no doctor to patch them up should they fall, no wayward wanderer to bring them someplace safe.


He hated it!


The best thing he could do to help was helping her. Leaving there fate in the hands of another, at least for now. She could barely stand straight, nor did she attempt to look at him. Moving as little as possible.



“Depends on what you wish to aid me with, because in one respect I am likely beyond any help, but in others..


So, what do you wish to aid me with?"


Leon stared, there was no way he couldn’t. Did she just imply what he thought she did. He would not help speed her death up. He had though it was simple enough, he just wished to stench the flow of blood, to prolong her life. To suggest such a thing was….


“I just wish to help you. Preferably with stopping the blood pouring out of you.” He paused and in a afterthought continued.


“I would not dream of killing you if that is what you were implying. Like everyone else I’ve made mistakes, but I have more respect for both you and myself than to attack you when you can hardly stand.” Leon backed up a pace giving her space.


Reaching to the turban on his head he pulled it off. Picking the pins off of it he unwrapped it before folding it into a square.


“I wish it press this into your wound. Its not much for healing but it will help to stop the bleeding. It will also hurt.”


The clashing of blades onto a hard surface continued to echo throughout the non existent room. Reminding him that there was still a fight going on. Occasionally he would throw a glance over his shoulder at the two defending them. They seemed to have no strategy though, they just hacked at it randomly. For the most part it seemed to keep it occupied which was what he needed.


“Let them handle the fight, you need to sit or lay down. I will join and help them once you are tended to.” Leon dared to press the make shift bandage on to the wound. Hoping that she didn’t snap at the offending hand that was surely causing pain. It didn’t take long for it turn crimson. Seeing out and consuming the white.

Edited by Acornia

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Sometimes, his dreams were not filled with painful reminisce.


Sometimes, his dreams could be peaceful, though rare that may be.



With sleep, the image of the dragon armored all in grey washed out into a sky, and framing the sun-mottled sky were uncountable fractal branches, silvery-white and wet-brown all reaching for the same alluding point above. There was a low rumbling through his ears as the wind stirred the boughs, and they clattered against each other as wooden chimes. Orange leaves skirted and flipped with the rhythmic gusts, pulled away from dormant limbs with ease; one brushed his cheek before disappearing over his face, causing him to splutter and reach to dispel the itchy lines of contact.


His arms wouldn’t move, though. A wrist strained for a moment before falling useless to the grass.


Under the tranquility of sleep, he found himself unconcerned. Just as it was strange that his arms were pinned, it was stranger still that the ground under him seemed to rise and fall with a similar rhythm as the wind, and that even with prolonged contact, it felt uncannily warm. Watching the trees sway and hearing their bark creak and snap, he lay and tried to discern what it could possibly be.


But he didn’t fight it.


Some sort of thermal patch, he wondered. Perhaps a splay of scorched earth just under him. Maybe he’d bedded down in a bed of coals--the realm of dreams defied his rational when it didn’t remind him in manifestations of cold reality. The possibilities were endless, and as it tended to, his mind ran through them all. As it tended to as well, he arrived at a sufficient answer quickly, which was that this was a dream and dreams are devoid of logic. Let the ground move below him—it fazed him none. Though his inner voice was sharp. the usual ire he felt when dealing with trifles like this was gone, and the feeling felt forced as if to compensate. To the contrary, he was calm, almost zen-like, and the securing pressure on his forearms felt so pleasing he was almost convinced to relax and enjoy it.


Inside, he knew better. The reminder—as always—came to him, and he saw faded flickers of red, grey, and blue before him again. No, there was no time for rest, even in sleep. Not while their lives remained dictated by the will of another—not until a night ruled only by the passage of the stars watched overhead.


They had been so close...but no time to complain—he’d never put faith in anything, let alone the notion of a constant world. This was just another tribulation of mortality; already, he’d come up to his knee and was tugging on his boots, straightening his sleeves and readying his weapons. He strained against the dream until it dissolved into static, shook his head and pried open his eyes although the light underneath nearly blinded him. There was work to do, a goal to attain, and subjective evil to be slain. He’d desired nothing but a fire to be guided by, and in turn for all the heat it had provided without prompting, he would remain tireless until an inviolable hearth could be provided.


Soren wouldn’t rest until he secured that much for him.



His head jolted upward. He had to take a few clarifying breaths to solidify his waning consciousness, but after a few seconds of focusing on the startled drumming beneath his sternum, Soren found himself returned to the land of the wakeful. Ignoring the plaintive twitching in his limbs, he went to free his arms from the bindings that held them fast in his dream.


He couldn’t catch the hesitant jolt when he found arms—absolutely, assuredly not his—weighing against his stomach and waist.


A soft hiss of air followed by a trailing groan tickled the back of his head, giving him the necessary information to fill in the blanks. If he wasn’t awake before, he certainly was now.


Soren’s eyes scanned the hall for any sign of people, then went to work sliding out of his hold, moving the heavy arms with as much delicacy that his trembling hands would allow into a position significantly less compromising. Once he was freed and sure he hadn’t woken him, he stood and moved away from Ike far enough to comfortably assess himself. Even just the slight movement of his head alerted him to tangling due to unremoved hair ties, and he grumbled quietly as he undid them, combing his fingers through his locks in an attempt to tidy them. He had half a mind to ask one of the others if they might own a brush, as he hadn’t thought it necessary to take two, but decided it was just as unlikely that they might have packed one when even he hadn’t.


As he went about trying to straighten himself as much as possible, the prevalent sensation of itching on his side and shoulder became nagging to the point of being incessant. He slid a hand under his collar and peeked under his undershirt, using a finger to nudge away some of the bandaging so that he could see. What remained was the same skin he’d seen for years, no scarring or blemishes to be seen, but stained with brown blood dried there from the day before. He’d been so exhausted he’d forgotten to remove them. The faintly iron scent permeating them made his nose wrinkle up—he needed to get them unbound and w—


The sound of a lengthy yawn stopped him. He heard shifting.


“Mmmmh...you’re awake already...?”


He began to correct him.


“Never mind. I don’t even know what I’m saying. Ignore me.”


Soren smiled a bit at him, walking back over to his side and going through their belongings as they talked.


“I believe I should be the one surprised. Perhaps that was my fault?”


“Mm-mhm. I should have been up by now anyway, and the floor’s not exactly comfortable. What are you doing?”


Everything appeared to be secure for now. After some careful consideration, he decided not to waste another change of clothes just for being lightly disgusted. He stood again and stretched himself out.


“Thinking of the best method to approach my problem.”


“Which is?”


“Well,” he leaned to take out the empty waterskin from the bag, “we have no water. I can’t speak for you, but I’m rather thirsty this morning. Just as well, I’m desperately in need of a wash.”


“Huh. I mean, I don’t think there’s any wash basins around here anywhere, but I suppose there’s always Cyil. She’s got water powers. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind hosing you down.”


Soren clutched at the waterskin, being mindful not to incur as much wrath as to puncture it. Cyil...he hadn’t forgotten so easily. Still that bit of information regarding her magic worked at him, but most of his paranoia had left him for now. There had been a bit of clarification he fully intended on getting regarding the matter, but he didn’t expect to be forced to interact with her again so soon. However...


“...I suppose. I would be a fool not to utilize her power.”


...he realized he was in a surprisingly optimal position. He would be even more of a fool not to make use of the snare he’d created, regardless of its effectiveness. The reluctance then turned to determination, and the desire to speak with her became his highest priority. Of course, there was more to do than simply managing his assets; he took up his staves and turned.


“I’ll tend to the wounded while I’m gone and return once I’ve finished. What about you?”


He glanced back to see Ike turned onto his side, head resting on his left bicep.


“If you don’t mind, I think I’ll hang out here for a bit until you get back.”


Soren snorted at him.


“Becoming lax in your dedications, Commander?”


“I asked if you minded,” he retorted, but with a similar tone of humor to it as Soren. He only shook his head at him.


“Not at all. You’ve been up since early yesterday morning. I can manage things for awhile by myself.” With a light tap and a flourish of his staff in his direction, he commanded one last time: “But I wholly expect you to be up by the time I come back. No exceptions.”


“Right, I know. Thanks, Soren.”


"It's no trouble. Now, rest."


With that, he made for the hallway, the scent of a dwindled fire being his guide to the group.







((Day three now active! I'm not bothering to post for Alex's sleep cycle yet. Maybe tomorrow))

Edited by Sugar-Free

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She stiffened slightly at the sound of Azura's voice, although she made no movement to acknowledge it. After last time... it was probably best if she kept to herself. There were things to do anyway, like inspecting the latest weapon shipment. No matter her personal affairs, she owed it to the army to keep up with her duties as a leader. Besides, they were safer this way.


Without her.



Without... the daughter... of Anankos.



"Please... just listen to me!"



A shadow passed across her face, yet she kept moving. This sword's fine, that one needs to go back to the forge, some of these daggers need rebalancing...








It's not-




-hurt you-








Somehow, the dagger had broken inside her hand as she held it. Without warning, tendrils of black shot up, enveloping her hand and forming razor-sharp points. An image of horns and a blue visor flickered momentarily over her face before dissipating as she threw the dagger away, striding briskly back to her quarters. Faintly, she registered Azura's pleas echoing behind her, but she ignored them in favor of slamming the door to her quarters. A flick of the lock later, she collapsed on the ground. She'd never given it much thought before, but she was suddenly glad that she didn't share her quarters with anyone.



Would anyone even love me if they knew what I was?



Or would I just hurt them?



If I can't trust myself, who will?



For the first time in a long while, she rested her head on her arms and allowed her tears to fall. Her sobs were quiet, yet they carried the weight of a thousand unspoken grievances. When she'd made the decision to lead her own army, she promised herself she wouldn't cry. It hadn't always been easy to ignore the heartbreak and death, but she'd managed it until now. She'd only made it so far by holding onto her mission, her hope, her destiny. But now? The willpower she'd slowly built up was shattered by a single blow. She just didn't know what to think anymore. Had everything been a lie? How could she press on now that she knew she was the offspring of the very evil that was destroying the world?


Even before she answered herself, she knew. She would do it for her friends and family. When all else failed, they were her pillars of strength and she owed it to them to be the very best. She would continue, if only to spare them the pain of taking her task on themselves. They would not bear her burden, nor pay the consequences. She had made enough mistakes and this wasn't about to be one of them.


"Cyil? May I enter?"


She took a moment to wipe the droplets off her face before unlocking the door to face Azura. Uncharacteristic worry permeated throughout Azura's normally tranquil features, exacerbated by the dirt stains on her white dress. A closer examination revealed a skinned patch on Azura's right knee, causing a wave of concern to sweep through her. Immediately, she took Azura's arm and guided her to the nearest chair, gently pushing her to a sitting position.


"What happened?"


"Oh, it was nothing. I simply tripped on my way over. I'm not the concern here, let's worry about you instead." Azura dismissed her question nonchalantly, fixing her with an intense gaze.


"No. Not until I take a look."


She returned an equally stubborn stare before kneeling down and inspecting the wound. Almost automatically, she conjured up a ribbon of water to cleanse the wound. But then, just as the water was about to make contact with the injury, she paused. She'd never realized before, but her water powers were almost certainly a byproduct of her lineage. The water she'd summoned had never harmed anyone who touched it, yet the revelation of her birthright made it impossible for her to conquer the paranoia inside her head. There was no telling what the water could do, even if it had always obeyed her orders before.


It wasn't until Azura cleared her throat that she realized she'd been staring for far too long. Abruptly, she stood back up and began to make her way over to the door, intending to grab a bucket of water from the springs.


"It's okay."


She turned back to Azura, fully intending to protest, but Azura wasn't about to give in so easily.


"You know, it isn't your fault who your parents are. What's important is the kind of person you are," she said, "and I believe you're a good person."


There were a million words she could scream to the contrary, a thousand examples of where she'd gone wrong, yet all of them died on her lips as she stood there and looked at Azura. Not a single extra word was exchanged as she let her hand fall from the doorknob, nor when she kneeled back down and silently cleansed the wound. Even when Azura left, the quiet remained. It fell heavy on her shoulders like the weight of all the responsiblities she held, yet her posture betrayed no trace of her burden. Instead, she stood perfectly still and looked at the door, wondering and repeating a single word inside her mind.






She awakened slowly, blinking wordlessly up at the stone ceiling. Her armor was reassembled mechanically, a motion so practiced she hardly registered it. Another day... I guess I was affected by the memory more than I thought I'd be. Languidly, she went through her morning stretches before taking down her cape curtain. No one else appeared to be awake yet, so she took it upon herself to rekindle the fire. It didn't take long, and a few sparks and logs later the fire was merrily burning as if it had never dwindled in the first place.


Her muscles were still sore, but they were vastly improved from the previous day. It was a good thing she hadn't slacked off on her training since the beginning of her reign as Queen, or she'd have been in a much worse state. Although... the same couldn't be said for her armor and clothing. Yesterday's fight had soaked them through with rotten water and sweat, creating an unpleasant odor. Thankfully, she could summon a cloud of water in which to wash herself off. Carefully, she began the tedious process of removing her armor yet again, setting it atop a cushion of flowing water directly above the fire. The heat served to sterilize it and remove the odor, although it didn't do much for the small nicks in the metal.


When she'd successfully decontaminated her armor, she began to cleanse her cape. It, being a flat roll of cloth, was sterilized much faster and was soon sufficiently clean-smelling. After that, she began the tricky process of sterilizing her actual clothing. Through some cape and armor shenanigans, she managed to clean everything without being too scandalous. Not that anyone was awake to watch her in the room, but just in case. She'd also given herself a quick shower, although it was somewhat limited considering the lack of soap.


As she streched out next to the fire, she heard distant footsteps drawing nearer, though they were far lighter than Ike's. Perhaps it was Soren? No matter, their identity would be revealed once they entered the room. She had the Yato close at hand anyway just in case it was an intruder, although that seemed unlikely. However, now that she was more awake, she realized there were a few new faces in the group that she hadn't noticed before. They had probably come in while she'd been sleeping, in which case she was grateful for their trust. Assassins hadn't been uncommon back during her time in the army, so a peaceful nights rest was truly something to appreciate.


((Maybe adding Aine? But I'm heading to sleep now.))

Edited by Silverphoenixx

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“I just wish to help you. Preferably with stopping the blood pouring out of you.


“I would not dream of killing you if that is what you were implying. Like everyone else I’ve made mistakes, but I have more respect for both you and myself than to attack you when you can hardly stand.


I wish it press this into your wound. Its not much for healing but it will help to stop the bleeding. It will also hurt.”


Lightweaver relaxed what little of her she could without inflicting too much further pain. The fox-eared Beastclan backed up a bit, before coming closer, and swiftly reaching a hand out.


A cloth was pressed into her wound, and the dragon bit back a cry of pain.


“Let them handle the fight, you need to sit or lay down. I will join and help them once you are tended to.”


Lightweaver winced, but even the slight movement was painful. How empty she was. The golden dragon's legs trembled as her blood soaked through the cloth. Her legs began to shake more, jolts of pain working their way up, as she realized she couldn't stay up any longer. Then they buckled, and she fell to the ground.


Once she was down, her mind went back to the words. What she was implying... Perhaps he couldn't feel it. But she could. An involuntary spasm through her claw. Pain in waves. The curse. if he hadn't much experience with corruptions of the calibre she knew... then of course it would seem like death.


And the white creature? It seemed those two dark-clad Beastclan from before had gone for it. Direct. Fitting for creatures of the dark. And then her eyes caught sight of another joining the fight, the red-and-black cat.





Solar stood still for a bit. The creature - Reshiram - what - how? Questions, garbled questions. Then the rude pair arrived, and attacked the thing.


She didn't like them, but the Torracat wasn't interfering with them. Not when this thing with Reshiram's feathers was on the loose. It wasn't right. It wasn't normal. It was wrong. Un... unnatural... it shouldn't... be like this...


With a hiss, the Fire type let off another pulse of red energy - a Swagger directed towards the creature. Then she crouched, and stalked towards the fight, hoping to get in close enough for a Fire Fang without being caught in the crossfire.




Water. The sensation of water magic. That was what woke the grey dragon. Stormcatcher hissed and grumbled, blinking away sleep. His eyes opened fully now. He was in a room. Near a fire. Looking around now he could see again, the electrical dragon didn't see anyone awake but some unfamiliar and presumably female Beastclan. Tyrande and Link seemed fast asleep, so he disregarded them for any attention beyond a glance to be sure they were indeed asleep.


And the unfamiliar Beastclan was the source of the water magic, if what his scales told him was correct. His tail swished, the chitinous tip scraping against the cool stone. He hissed at her. "Who are you?" The snarl underlying his tone wasn't very pleasant, that is if a snarl could be considered pleasant at all.














... ...


... ... ...



The doors opened, and Xker's snout was invaded by a pungent odour.


"Ugh. What could be making that stink?" A quick scan of aer surroundings revealed no animal life-form signatures that were very close, or that appeared large enough to be a threat. The brown groundcover was oily to the touch when a paw stepped on it. A few straggling, grey plants, but the Volt was fairly sure these ones weren't the stench's source.


"Ka'ekurr!" A voice behind Xker that aer recognized as Kolbn. Kolbn came into view clicking a few curses before continuing. "What is that stench?" The male Volt spat as he joined Xker in scanning the surroundings.


Then Xker was sure aer had seen something. At that moment, the others came out as well.


"Well," Kolbn muttered in a guttural rumble before clicking thrice.


"You know I can hear you, correct?"


"Like I care."


Xker shook aer head and rumbled. "Then you know what we came for. I don't see anything too out of place, do you?"


Silence. The leaves crunching under paws was the only sound.


Xker took that to mean no one saw anything, and strode into a deeper cluster of groundcover.


Spode. Yep, the stench was definitely worse. Probably those plants. They were all going to need to clean up after they were done investigating this place.


As Xker went further, the Volt started seeing what looked like remnants of a long-fallen building. The barest traces, but they were there.


"Building. Looks to be pretty far gone. Don't know how much we'll get outta this." Iroshm, a female, was speaking. Clicks of acknowledgment punctuated the air.


Then they continued in, towards their destination. The lost, mythical city, on Planet Samus of the HKX-4 system. And they had just found their way to its outskirts. Likely advanced, if traces had survived long enough, according to the age they had heard. Xker wasn't optimistic about their chances of finding much information in something this old, though what little there was if any... well, the scientists and military leaders and historians back on Spathe, and the others, would be rather interested. Whose interest depended on what was there.


((I hope this is good. And I hope everyone is IC...))

Edited by Dusky_Flareon

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Another night in Ylisstol. Leaned against the railing of a tower overlooking the festivities, she sighed the dark away, watching those below tote their little torches to the channel. Tiny fiery ants lined up along the waterside, and when they scuttled forward to their doom, their lights expanded into flickering orbs, looking all as though they had spontaneously combusted. Poor little ants, she thought. She imagined them falling in helplessly, and upon witnessing the futility of death, convulsing until they shredded some part of themselves and bursting brilliantly—a final act of defiance, some would write. But nay. Alex was immune to that romance.


All you did is die.


They must have known better, she reasoned, and that alone was enough to enrage her. Saying they were helpless was nothing more than an excuse. They saw the water—they knew the price they’d pay. But over and over, those ants would march onward. Tiny little fire ants. Spatters of futility against the current and the mire.


I hate you.





Soon, a parade of voices from behind her. She didn’t turn, but she didn’t need to--she recognized them: the Exalt, his sister, the loving wife...an excitable fighter and a little mage...more, but she didn’t care to list them. She knew what they’d say before they’d even spoke a word, her lips moving in time as they did.




hēฯ, hērē Şhē iŞ!




ຟ໐ຟ, ຟē ຟ໐นl໓ค ຖēงēr th໐นງht ฯ໐น'໓ ๖ē คll thē ຟคฯ นp hērē! ຟhคt'rē ฯ໐น ໓໐iຖງ?




Like every other time, she turned and offered her biggest, fakest smile. They would accept it because they always had and always would.




“Weeeell, I’m not one for parties. You guys should go on without me.” Alex eyed the Exalt, “Especially you, Chrom. What’s a celebration without the people’s paragon present?”



i'งē คlrēค໓ฯ Şē¢นrē໓ Ş໐๓ē frēē ti๓ē นຖ໓ēr thē prētēຖŞē ໐f ๖ēiຖງ fittē໓. คŞ ຟēll, i ຟคŞຖ't thē ໐ຖlฯ ໐ຖē ¢໐ຖ¢ērຖē໓ f໐r ฯ໐นr ຟēll-๖ēiຖງ. วนŞt l໐໐k คt thē ຟēl¢໐๓iຖງ pคrtฯ ฯ໐น'งē ค๓คŞŞē໓!



His answer was garbage syllables, devoid of meaning. They all started laughing, and Alex followed suit, the foreign noise so hollow and insincere she wasn’t sure how it could possibly fool someone. But constance assured that they would remain none the wiser, and she received the teases and pleading with as much regard as she’d give the air she breathed or the world below her.




None of it matters.




Lissa grabbed her hand, pulling her forward. Alex had to fight the urge to resist.



໐h, ๖นt plēēēคŞē? it ຟ໐นl໓ຖ't ๖ē riງht ຟith໐นt ฯ໐น! tēll hēr, ¢hr໐๓!



i คງrēē, he said, ฯ໐น hค໓ วนŞt คŞ ๓น¢h pคrt iຖ ໐นt งi¢t໐rฯ คŞ คຖฯ ēlŞē. ๓໐rēŞ໐, ēงēຖ, if thคt'Ş ຖ໐t t໐໐ f໐rຟคr໓ ໐f ๓ē t໐ Şคฯ.




A hand held out, taking hers. How ignorant he was.




thคຖkŞ t໐ ฯ໐น...



‘The day is ours.’ I know. Whatever. You said that already. Irritation tingled at her temples. How many more times would she hear this old cliche? Chrom had no idea. He didn't know the first thing about her. Even in the beginning, he had accepted her into the Shepherds without so much as a single inquiry, and while then she'd been gracious, she could feel nothing toward his good intentions but ill. Perhaps Chrom had felt it too, because he let go of her hand.


A pang in her gut--Alex looked up at him, eyes wide and trembling.




No. That...wasn’t supposed to happen...?




Chrom...let go of her? And now, his face contorted with emotion, the others noticeably tense as they, too, mirrored his concern. She felt her back hit the railing, and she doubled over into her palms. All the joy was gone. She was empty.







ค-คrē ฯ໐น คlriງht? ฯ໐น ໓໐ຖ't l໐໐k Ş໐ ງ໐໐໓...



Their samely faces kept looking and looking. Their expressions, hidden from her eyes, pushed and pushed against her, and the sound of their breaths—their eyelids—their fingers snapping joints—their tongues pressed to teeth--grew clamorous. Her throat swelled and her breathing grew ragged; she was suffocating under them. Nails went to scalp, palms occluding her eyes—she couldn’t take it. A break in a chain she couldn’t predict. Now they would see her, she knew, and they would see just what she’d done. They would remember, like they had experienced it firsthand, and they would spite her and kick her. What she deserved. What she feared.




...forsake them...


...over and over...


...to think they called you ‘hero’...




They questioned. They chattered and shared unsure glances. The air rushed up her neck and sent her hair fluttering. This wasn't any good.



It could be so easy.



She pushed into the rail and tilted her herself backward.






Alex flopped against the stone wall, arms flung out and cracking her head against it in her delusion. Pinpricks of light danced in her vision as the pain consumed her thoughts, but with a bit of rubbing at the back of her head, they subsided, and Alex slid herself up onto her feet. She didn't feel much like sleeping anymore; the nightmare had her wide awake, and a pit of anxiety lay in her stomach, eating up through her brain and refusing to cease. She wiped at her face until her eyes were clear and waited until her blood settled--the dizziness from standing so suddenly left her mind swimming, and tottering around in half-wakefulness was decidedly unsafe. After all, who would be there if she was suddenly attacked? She supported herself with a hand bracing the wall, feeling a wave of self-deprecation catch at her senses. That awful memory...


Alex's body felt weak and sluggish, and she doubted the strength of her hands to hold Ilyana securely even with adrenaline supporting her. For that, she needed something to bring her up out of this sorry state, and there was nothing better than the morning tea. After she'd become sure her legs would hold her, she opened her jacket and pulled for her thermos.



"...ah, damn, that's right."



Aine had it, yeah...she'd almost forgotten that had even happened. It was easier to accept that the dream had been real than for her to accept that Aine was. That and everything that had come with her arrival...it was so bizarre and outlandish that even now, though she was certain that she had to be real--Alex never misplaced her thermos--she was willing to pretend it was all some intricate scheme to drive her insane. After all, Nix didn't kid around, and even if she hadn't met this "Eos" character, she couldn't be much better. She was probably worse. If worse could be worse, it would be.


She shrugged to herself.


If I'm going insane, I can't say I didn't see it coming. Good show, you two. Good show.


Her breath hissed through her nose. She'd get her morning tea, but that required getting Aine first. She produced the spiced tea she'd started her journey with and gave it a smell, making sure it hadn't staled.


I promised I'd share with you. Huuuhh...I'm really hoping you're not an illusion...

She took off toward the left hallway.

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Leon had just pressed the cloth into her wound when her legs quivered and she fell. It was ungraceful and clumsy, and she would have hit the ground in a small heap.


But He had tried to grab her in any way possible to keep her from hurting herself any more on the way down. She was a little bulky compared to the capacity his arms could hold so he had a little trouble.


Still Leon kept her from full on crashing, but in the process had moved the cloth from the wound a little. He moved it back and reapplied pressure, smiling a little when the blood slowed. Worst comes to worse the cloth would get stuck and later they could worry about removing it from the scab that formed.


“Good news, looks like the blood has slowed with the cloth blocking the opening.” Leon addressed the dragon but her attention was on the battle behind them. A new attacker was fighting beside the other two. It was the red and black kitten.


Surprise filtered in Leon as he witnessed a red wave flow from the cat at the beast. If the other two wasn’t careful the would end up hitting it or the kitten hitting them. But it didn’t seem to concerned with them as it slinked up on the white monstrosity. Was it looking for a opening. The other two seemed to leave it open, but they weren’t working with the cat. They had a tendency to lead it off, they did a good job of keeping it distracted from everything else.


But they were missing a member from earlier. Glancing around quickly he spotted Ascension along the wall he had been thrown in earlier. He looked a little out of it, fighting was probably out of the question.


“I’ll be back, Ascension doesn’t look to good from the blow he was dealt earlier. I'm going to go get him and bring him over here. It’s easier to protect you both from one area than two.” Leon stood, finding the fight having moved a little away from them. It was about a 15 foot stretch to Ascension but nothing was in his way.


Taking off it didn’t take him long to get to him.


“Sorry about this.”


Leon didn’t give him time to react as he scooped up the blue fish like animal. Heading back to the dragon he dodged a couple of random purple blasts from it as he came to a halt in front of the dragon. Placing his cargo on the ground he gave them a once over.







Link didn’t dream much as he slept, just snippets of his journey when he went in search for Zelda. Most of it consisted of bits and pieces of conversation. People he had meet along the way and would probably never see again. Not that it mattered, he had done his job. Go to a new area, learn about it, clear out the evil, save the helpless inhabitants, move to the next area, repeat. Because of this he never got enough sleep, he was almost always left feeling tired.


He would have liked nothing more than to continue sleeping, dreaming about those thing. Times when he know what to do, who to save and how. But subtle sounds was calling him back to the waking world, movement to let him know another was awake. Rolling over to face the pillar he through his right arm over his head, hoping to shut out the sound.






Nope, can’t ignore that. Who is that that’s making noise so earlier in the morning.


By the sound of it someone was messing with the fire. Throwing logs on it, and poking it to get it spitting and burning again. The smell of smoke having filled the air made Link relax a little. It was so familiar to him, having spent his spar time around a fire.


“Who are you” A hissing voice made Link turn over to see what was going on. He hoped that Storm would calm down and not wake everyone else up. But it didn’t take him long to see who he was hissing at.


The one who was messing with the fire was a new comer. She hadn’t started with them, and link honestly couldn’t remember if she had been in here last night when he and Tyrande had come in. Not saying she wasn’t, he just didn’t remember.

Why Storm, can’t you just let us sleep in peace. Is it to much to? Its just another random stranger.


Rolling up into a sitting position he leaned against the pillar he had fallen asleep beside. The feeling of dry crusted blood on his cloths making him shutter. He felt filthy and disgusting, but a bath was out of the question. The dull pain in his right leg reminded him of why he felt that way as the cloth of his pant leg shifted and moved away from the wound


Pulling the left pant leg up gingerly, he looked at the extent of the damage. A couple of bite makes littered his leg from about his ankle to mid calf. The dog must have let go to reattach with a better hold.


Laying his leg down so both are flat in front of him, he went back to watching Storm and the new woman. He highly doubted storm would hurt her, but he would hiss and growl and generally not trust or like her.


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"Who are you?"


The scrape of scales against stone caught her attention as a low growl sounded behind her. It took all of her effort to repress her instinct to swing the Yato at the voice as she turned around, coming face to face with the same lightning dragon from before. The scowl on its features combined with its not-so-pleasant snarling indicated some measure of annoyance, although she recalled it had employed much the same expression the last time she'd seen it. Perhaps it simply had a bad temperament, or perhaps it had some dislike of humans. No matter what the cause of its hissing was, at least it showed no signs of wanting to fight.


She wasn't quite sure how to answer the dragon's question, although she supposed a general introduction couldn't hurt. There was no indication it wanted a long and detailed explanation of her origin, so she kept her answer short and simple.


"I am Cyil, a commander from Hoshido and Nohr. Who, may I ask, is inquiring?"


A cordial attempt at conversation was the most she could offer in return, seeing as she had little to no knowledge of the dragon before her. To tell the truth, it didn't exactly look pleased to make her acquaintance either. Another movement caught her eye as she contemplated the dragon's expression, revealing a golden-haired warrior. Link, was it? She'd seen several of them at the tournament, although they didn't look exactly the same. This one had a moderately severe series of bites on his leg, likely from the dogs by the look of it. Reddish-brown blood was already caked around the wounds and around his pants leg, staining it with specks of crimson. It would be best if it was cleaned soon, especially since it could have come into contact with dirty water.


"I see you have some rather nasty bites on your leg. I hope you don't mind my intrusion, but that wound looks like it should be cleaned, especially if it touched the water in the previous battle."


She turned back to the dragon for a second, giving him a slight bow in what she hoped was an indication she would return to the conversation momentarily. It was a bit curt of her, but preventing an infection in a member of the group was more important. Slowly, as not to startle him, she made her way over to Link, summoning a ball of water as she did so. The full extent of the bites were revealed as she drew closer, and extended they were. Even when Link unrolled his pants leg, she could still see a bit of red peeking out from under the fabric. If an injury like that got infected... well, the outcome wouldn't be the best to put it lightly.


"I can offer some water if you wish to clean it yourself. The water I summon is perfectly pure, so there's no need to worry about boiling or filtering it. If you'd like to rinse yourself off as well, I can summon more."


She directed the orb of water to float within arms reach of Link as she conjured up another stream, adding it to the orb to produce a reasonably sized sphere. There was no need to supervise his movements, so she stepped back to allow him some space for whatever he wanted to do. The water she provided wasn't enough for him to clean his wound and rinse himself off, but if he needed more she would produce it. After all, she didn't want to waste energy offering something he wasn't going to use.

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Stormcatcher started to speak, before the Beastclan - Cyil - 's gaze was diverted to Link. She looked over the Beorc's leg wound, before speaking to him. The grey dragon snarled quietly, miffed over not getting a chance to speak to the Beastclan before she was distracted.


Then she turned back to the dragon, and bowed. The electrical dragon growled in confusion as to why she had bowed to him. He realized what Cyil was doing once he looked over where she had gone. Dealing with Link's bite wounds, which the dragon now saw.


And then she used her water magic. Instantly Stormcatcher was tense and snarling. He couldn't trust someone like her. Water. Water. Definitely the source of that magic. His eyes barrowed, and he watched her closely. Watching for any sign of aggression.




Leon caught Lightweaver as she fell, reducing the pain of the impact. None the less, it was still rather painful, and she hissed slightly. The cloth had moved, and the Beastclan put it back. More pain, but the flow was lessening.


Then he looked atprod, snd darted off, noticing something. Lightwesver growled in pain as he left. When he returned, he put Ascension doen near the golden dragon. The fish-fox was rather limp. And then Leon seemed to be checking them over. A noise from the direction of the fight.




The monster seemed distracted by the rude couple. Perfect. Solar lunged in, attempting a Fire Fang on the monster. A blade came dangerously closre and Solar hissed and jumped back. The Torracat flung herself at the beast again, a claw lashing out.

Edited by Dusky_Flareon

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He doesn't think.


He doesn't feel.


He doesn't hear.




There's nothing here recognizable besides a face, a body, and a gravelly roar. Everything to him is simple nerve impulse.


No quips about fat, mustachioed plumbers. No drawling on about the princess and their love.






Severa and Owain's onslaught disturbed him, and he was none too pleased by the sudden arrival of the fire-cat spitting and snapping at him. When she made contact, just as the couple had before, a lesion burst with purple tendrils, waggling madly and dripping purple acid. When they felt living flesh, they became insatiable. An impulse sent a massive palm railing at the black-haired twintail, all the while his ethereal tail whipped at the cat.



Where he'd turned, a splatter of foaming purple fire painted the golden floor.









Two purple eyes snapped open, awakened from restless sleep by an unwholesome aching in his chest and side. He tried to roll to his feet, but the stabbing pain intensified, and he was forced back down with an agonized screech. His body was useless, laying limp to the ground. Ascension's limbs twitched, ready for action, but his mind denied them. Even when the guttural snarl of a titanic beast vibrated the ground, he remained still. Wincing as it rattled his bones, he choked and gasped, blood misting out onto his muzzle.


Stars above...wh...what happened to me?


The floor...the floor buzzed with solar energy. It was permeating and hot to the touch, and upon introspection, he realized an awful truth: his wounds felt fettered with it. This time, he tried to get up again, the light stinging his paws as he found them.


"Gghk...ngh..." he wobbled back and forth, feet weaving together as he nearly fell. "Bright...ugh...Eos...she's...? Where is...she?"


He straightened his fins, hearing them snap as the kinks popped out. There was some presence of her somewhere nearby--everywhere, upon further focusing--but this instance was almost venomous. He turned in place to see Lightweaver being tended to by Leon. Stars...the punctures in her breast were deep and hollow, five spurs leaking crimson into a dampening nap. Her doing...and he'd allowed it...he tried to approach her, but froze as his legs buckled. It was only in a moment of prescience that he caught himself before landing on his damaged torso, and when he arched back upward, he saw the paint-smear markings of celestial ichor beneath him.


How could I fall for it twice...?


Ascension eased to a sitting position and called to the heavens, hoping his plea would be heard again. His head tilted upward and he recanted the oration, waiting for a reply.



But it didn't come. Not this time. His tail swished and his ears flattened, confused and angry.



"Why?" was all he could ask. The feeling of betrayal weighed on his heart heavy. Did the Stars see what he had allowed? Had they taken away his favor? That heaviness endured and intensified until it felt like he would burst.



The struggle and hiss of the monster brought him back to reality. Ascension stood back to his feet again, swallowing the tightness in his throat and facing it.



"Solar!" His voice squeaked as he strained, "Owain, Severa! Watch that miscreation's expulsions! If I know my brother's touch, that body is writhing with 'haurio worms'! One touch and they will devour your flesh!"

A couple steps brought him within striking distance of the beast. If he was careful, he would be able to douse this corrupted Bowser without harming his companions. He looked back and issued a small command to the newcomer:


"Please, if you can, watch over her! I'll help out the others!"




He aimed his mouth and spat at the beast's face, hearing it howl and shriek as the stream seared its flesh. Great slabs of skin drooped and hung from its maw, and blisters began to form under the intact pink-red derma. Bowser was weakening, due in no small part to the dynamic dark duo in front, and when he looked close, he could almost see what appeared to be a seam forming at its neck....

Edited by Sugar-Free

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“I am Cyil, commander of Hoshido and Nohr. Who, may I ask, is Inquiring”?


Link was examining the rest of his body, other than a small bite on his shoulder and the leg wound he was fine. He picked out anything in the leg wound that was large as he listened to Cyil.


So she was a commander, that explained her cool, calm, and collected manner. She had a slight presence to her that was evident in the way she talked and moved. A few from back in Skyloft had that quality in them. Or maybe it was just link and his habit of doing just about what ever he was told.


She paused in her introduction to stormcatcher, the silence interrupted occasionally by Storm or another party member moving in their sleep. Glancing up as he felt someone getting closer was standing over him.


"I can offer some water if you wish to clean it yourself. The water I summon is perfectly pure, so there's no need to worry about boiling or filtering it. If you'd like to rinse yourself off as well, I can summon more."





She had created water, but how? It should not be possible, creating fire or moving earth, that was something people can do. But create water! Only the goddess could create such things as unsubstantial as water.


If she could do something like that, what did that make her. Was she a god, or was she just a Human while extraordinary powers. Either way he would take it where he could get it. It was clean, good for a few drinks and cleaning his wounds. Both ached but his leg was worst, his shoulder could wait.


Cupping his hands he filled them, holding them to his lips he drank greedily. The cool water quenching a parched throat he hadn’t even known he had. As it washed down Cyil turned away walking back to Stormcatcher again.


While they talked Link went about cleaning his wounds. The blood that was dried to his leg softened and washed away. Tinting the water pink as it pooled at his feet. His boot collecting water and making it soggy. Sliding it off he washed the rest of his leg down to his foot. A twing of pain rolling up his leg as the water touched puncture wounds.


About the time link ran out of water he glanced up, eyes landing on Cyil. If he could talk he would have asked for more but that was out of the question. He would not open his mouth if he could help it.




Footsteps could be heard coming from down the hall. He would have to wait for more water to see who the new comer was. The likely hood that most everyone’s attention would turn to them, link would go unnoticed because of his silent nature.


He would have to wait.





Leon left Ascension to check on the dragon for the briefest of moments. To check the cloth and awareness of her. The bleeding had stopped, and she was doing a little better. But if she passed out though it would make it harder on the group when they were ready to move again.


The few times they had to move Ventsuwill had been trouble, with her rolling over and random limbs flying around in her sleep. Frey had almost been crushed by her large body, and Ventsuwill still hadn’t woken up. This dragon was significantly smaller than her though, but it was still going to be hard to move.


"Solar!" Ascension’s voice cracked as he spoke to them. “Owain, Severa! Watch that miscreation's expulsions! If I know my brother's touch, that body is writhing with 'haurio worms'! One touch and they will devour your flesh!"


At the voice Leon whipped around, he had only turns away for a moment. Ascension was standing on wobbly legs, yelling instructions at the group. He must have been taking the monster in and looking it over for a weakness.


A shutter ran through Leon at the mention of devouring worms. To think something disgusting could be running through the beast, easy to too.


"Please, if you can, watch over her! I'll help out the others!"


The sickening smell of scalding, burning flesh met Leon’s nose. If his gag reflex had kicked in he would be leaning over, retching his guts up. The smell saturating the air, and setting into his clothes.


The scream that broke through the clashing of battle vibrated in his chest. Bouncing of non existent walls and settling into the silent floor.


“I can, but you are in no condition to fight.” Taking a place beside Ascension, Leon called out to his spear. The familiar solidification of smoke around his hand, the wispy tendrils that formed cold metal, met the warm palm of his hand.


“I’ll take your place. Tell me where to hit and that’s were I’ll aim.” Making a quick glance he meet Ascension’s gaze. He would not let a wounded innocent fight when he was able to take his place. He would protect them, like had protected Ventsuwill.



Edited by Acornia

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When Solar's Fire Fang connected, it left a gash in the creature. A gash that purple tendrils came out of. The tendrils sensed her, and arced towards her hungrily. She backed up as the tendrils came at her, ears flat and eyes narrow.


On hearing Ascension's words, Solar jumped. The tendrils were continuing to go after her, and she hissed and scuttled backwards faster than she had been. Away from the thing. Fire formed in her mouth, snd she spat it at the tendril in hopes of deterring it.

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The stinging tinge of ash in the air greeted Soren upon climbing the small stairstep in the middle of the room. What a curious layout, he thought, noting the position of room in relation the the previous floors. Certainly this was not the original plan of the tower. How could it be? The stairs did not align in climbing order in such a way that would support the structure of a tower, and the rooms seemed somehow thematically inconsistent. Taking this floor for example, there appeared to be a dearth of dragon statues as opposed to below, and from what could be observed from his position, even the flooring was different. It also seemed considerably more weathered, as beams had fallen to the floor in front of the room, and on the whole was dingier and damper. He rubbed a thumb over his Mend in consideration.


This world does not bend to the whim of natural convention. That being said, could it be that the tower was once larger than this? No...not necessarily larger...but maybe it included more floors than it currently houses. The damage here seems to indicate it must have originally been much further up than it is...


A bout of hissing and snarling caught Soren's attention, making his next steps fall with caution and care. The sound rolled through his nerves, and like static, made his hairs stand on end. Ike had not indicated the area was cleared, yes, but he wouldn't have made camp in a dangerous area. Still, the climate may have shifted in his absence--he eased close to the wall, fingers trailing lightly over the stone to guide himself, and peered into the doorway.



Ahead lay...something. He wasn't sure what to make of it, really.



The first object to draw his eye was the familiar grey segments of Cyil's armor. He had little time to care about her though, as he was immediately distracted by the scraping, seething obsidian-and-teal dragon only a few scant feet away from her. In comparison, he was massive, but not nearly as large as he'd seen dragons go, and not much larger than Cyil's dragon form upon reflection. What kept him affixed wasn't any sort of fear or admiration, though. The dragon was just....sitting there, making noise and gurgling through its permanent grimace. Perhaps it is stupid, he mused, and all the while, Cyil seemed to ignore him, producing a bubble of water for a blond-haired boy garbed in green. That must be Link, then, he recalled, and he watched Cyil turn from him for the sake of...privacy, he guessed.


Soren lifted an eyebrow at all of this. He was expecting a confrontation at the very least.


Assessing that he was in no danger, he stepped through the doorway and stood in front of Cyil, idly adjusting his shawl.


"Good morning, Cyil," he said pleasantly enough. "I see you've made a few new acquaintances. I'm familiar with Link, but," he flicked his eyes to the creature and back to her, concealing his contempt.

"Who, or what, exactly, would this be?"


He stopped himself from asking the obvious question: where were the others? If Link was all that remained, then he could be forgiven for assuming the rest had died. No matter--their fate would become illuminated in due time.

Edited by Sugar-Free

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Stormcatcher heard footsteps. He turned to the source, claws clicking on the ground. Another Beorc. The new Beastclan made for Cyil, speaking to her.


"Good morning, Cyil. I see you've made a few new acquaintances. I'm familiar with Link, but who, or what, exactly, would this be?"


The grey noticed the name Link, and the lack of his own. Instead, this Beorc was talking about him as though he weren't there or couldn't understand him. Talking like he was a dragon speaking to another about a familiar. He hissed before stalking over to the Beorc.


He hadn't missed the implications, and nor had he missed the request for introduction. Towards the Water mage. A snarl, and then he spoke.


"I am not a mere dumb beast, Beorc. I am the Stormcatcher."




Though the blood was flowing slower now, Lightweaver could feel exhaustion and numbness flowing over her. The wound still hurt - her whole body still hurt. The gold struggled to keep her eyes open now that the adrenaline and willpower were running thin.


Pain. The world is fading. Far away, like a dream. Far away... Another slow, painful breath. The slow beating of her heart. The magic, the lost magic. Blood all over her claws. She was lying in the pool of her blood. That was the last thing she realized before oblivion snatched her up gleefully, even as pain nagged at her.

Edited by Dusky_Flareon

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Ascension stared back at him, immediately defiant.


"No, I brought you here! It is my fault Lightweaver lies wounded, and you'd think I'd sit back and a-agh!" He stumbled to the side and winced, a dagger-like stabbing in his core paralyzing him. Ascension fought through the pain, though, and clenched his teeth together to stop the yowl growing in his throat.


I can't make them fight alone. Not when this was my doing. My naivete, my insistence...but... The driplets followed his every move, wetting his moist fur with red and leaving pawprints when he misstepped. It was at that moment he realized something.


We're a team, right?...should I be fighting their concern for me? What would I do if the reverse was true?

He stood still before making his final decision. With wobbling ankles, he moved back and bowed to the newcomer.

"...very well. I suppose you're right."


He looked back at Lightweaver to check her condition. Her eyes were closed and her breath shallow, her wound still leaking despite the man's best attempts. He tried to shake her a bit, pushing his paws against her foreleg and calling out.


"Lightweaver?...Lightweaver! Can you hear me? Lightweaver!"


But to no avail. Ascension limped around and directed his voice to the fox-eared man and the others.There was little time left.


"Everyone! Take heed of the seam at Bowser's neck! Aim there if you can; the beast's body darkens and loses its plumage as it takes damage, and if sight is anything to go by, it won't be much longer!"



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From Leon’s spot next to Ascension he caught the defiant look sparkling in the fish foxes eyes. It went well with his personality Leon realized, even though he hadn’t known Ascension for more than mere moments. Leon had seen that look many times, each seconds before a win or before they woke up in the doctors office.


Ascension had Frey’s fighting spirit, something that could make him unbelievably strong or unbearably stupid. He had found it went both ways, this time though, not in the direction Leon was hoping it would go. Ascension held his ground, standing on wobbly legs.


Yep unbearably stupid.


But what reason would he have to not back down. Did he not trust Leon and his group to protect him, or did he not think they could do it without his help. Did he feel to proud to stand down, to give way for protection.


Did he wish to die!


No, that wasn’t it. If Ascension was like Frey, it wasn’t pride that held him from the fight. It was the need to protect those you care about.


"No, I brought you here! It is my fault Lightweaver lies wounded, and you'd think I'd sit back and a-agh!" The sudden cut off of words had Leon standing by his side. He could see the pain radiating from him, just like it had the dragon. That however, didn’t stop him from hearing Ascension confession.


Had he heard right. That impossible, he couldn’t have. Ascension didn’t seem like the kind of person to bring people against their will to someplace they don’t belong. But the silent snarl looked menacing, as if to prove his point that he could.


It wasn’t directed at him, Leon could tell it was there for a different reason. It was there to mask the pain, to cover the sounds that would have festered up when he moved.


Leon know first hand how he had gotten here.


“Ascension, make no mistake. You didn’t bring me here. Me being here happened to be through a series of unfortunate events and a stupid friend. And you did not attack Lightweaver. With as crazy as the other thing was, do you honestly believe she would have let her go had she meet her without you.”


He stood still as he watched Ascension. His thoughts must have been running rampant, but so what Leon’s. Small pools of crimson puddled Ascension’s feet, leaving tiny lakes in his wake as he moved. Ascension was quiet at he moved to him, Leon he wasn’t sure how to take it. The pause seemed almost to last forever, only broken by a bow.


That was weird, maybe he was hit a little harder than suspected.


The bow was low, making Leon feel weird. He had only ever bowed to Ventsuwill, him being a servant it was only natural. But. Here Ascension was bowing to him.


"...very well. I suppose you're right."


Surprised, Leon looked dumfounded at Ascension. He was certain he would have been refused. What caused the change of mind, had he given up. Or was is something else, something he had found in himself.


"Lightweaver?...Lightweaver! Can you hear me? Lightweaver!"


Snapping back he glanced at Ascension, his place beside Lightweaver. His cries fell on deaf ears as she laid prone on the ground. She breathing was shallow and uneven, but there. As Ascension looked her over Leon was meet with steeled eyes when he held Ascension’s gaze.


"Everyone! Take heed of the seam at Bowser's neck! Aim there if you can; the beast's body darkens and loses its plumage as it takes damage, and if sight is anything to go by, it won't be much longer!"


Leon looked back at the beast, steeled for a quick battle. A small smile graced his lips as he held firmly to his spear. Getting a good look at it now, he could see the seem Ascension was talking about. It was a little higher up than what Leon was expecting. Not terribly so but still enough to leave room for annoyance.


Severa and Owian where still dancing around it hacking and slashing, Most attacks bouncing off of its shell. The cat at least was doing more good, but her fire was only creating tendrils of stuff to worm their way out. What managed to escape chased her across the ground, their long arms reaching for her. Fire breached her mouth as she ran trying escape from their reach.


An idea stuck him as he watched the cat.


If he could get the cat, and have it hit the neck to create a opening Leon could drive his spear into its flesh. Seeing as how the fire was what was doing the most amount of damage that seemed a very likely way to hurt it. Now if only he could talk to the cat or not get flamed by its mouth.


His decision being made, Leon took off running to it, not slowing his pace until he was beside her. He took up a place to defend one side while she defended the other.


“um cat , I’m assuming that your intelligent because your with this group. So I need your help, I’ve watched those two” pointing in the direction of Owian and Severa, ”and swords and spears don’t do much damage. But whatever that thing you did, it hurt it. I’ll help you get close if you can hit its neck, where the seem is, Ascension says it the weak spoke. That will open a wound, I’ll try shoving the spear in it and popping is head off.”


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“um cat , I’m assuming that your intelligent because your with this group. So I need your help, I’ve watched those two, and swords and spears don’t do much damage. But whatever that thing you did, it hurt it. I’ll help you get close if you can hit its neck, where the seem is, Ascension says it the weak spoke. That will open a wound, I’ll try shoving the spear in it and popping is head off.”


Solar heard a voice as she spat fire at the tendrils chasing her. She nodded in acknowledgment - he probably wasn't able to understand Pokéspeak - and spat flame at another incoming tendril. The golden radiance of her surroundings contrasted the purple that was soon consumed by firey and gold.


She then darted towards the vulpine human, spraying fire at another tendril and another burst at the beast.

Edited by Dusky_Flareon

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Severa was slammed backward with the sudden force of the blow. She hadn't expected something so disgusting to move so quickly. Agitated, she used her spear to steady herself and grabbed her arm where it had hit her, popping it back into place.

"Jeez!" she grimaced, reaching to her side. "Owain!"

Owain nodded, throwing Solas onto his back and retrieving Mystletainn. The blue aura of his exalt mark showed his stance change as he began to assault the beast's body and began to notice something peculiar.

Severa, however, began to chant something under her breath, lightning crackling around her as a storm began to brew. Sparks flew from her hands as the book she read summoned a symbol before her. Caeldori ran to her master, allowing Severa to grab hold of her reins with a free hand and pull herself onto her steed with a bit of effort. The lightning grew in intensity as Caeldori took over evading the beast's strikes.

Owain slashed twice more across its side but it seemed to have little effect. But that was when he finally began to notice it - moreso when Ascension yelled out his suspicions.

"Severa!" Owain shouted, and Severa gave him only a slight glance during her chanting. He pointed to his own neck, then to the beast, quickly going back into the fray.

Soon, the lightning began to grow erratic, and Severa's voice grew louder...

"...and from the sky did his great bolt fly, Mjollnir, the lightning of a god!" Severa finished, throwing out her hand towards the beast's neck.

A bolt of electricity shot from the magical circle, aimed for the beast's throat. Owain leaped, allowing it to hit his sword just as he aimed for the neck himself. The lightning infused blade came down upon flesh...

Edited by Thaelasan

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If there was consciousness in the core of the fallen Koopa King's self, it was extinguished in the span of a lightning strike.







The neck heaved and spurted black, a rain of haurio worms falling beneath the blade and spattering to the ground, shriveling and bursting as the light dispatched them in puffs of wretched smoke. Owain's downward momentum carried with it Bowser's head, and it landed with a sharp thnk! before bouncing and rolling to a stop. His neck tendrils left trails of purple-red, running like veins against the gold below.


The body, now forgotten of its purpose, stumbled--thick legs criss-crossing as they took their final steps, shoulders jerking without purpose, and finally leaning forward and tripping before landing carapace-first. Aimless limbs trapped under the turtle's body twisted into painful angles, an the sound of snapping resounded through the room as he broke under his own weight.


All around, the worms writhed and sputtered, squealing as heat and light boiled the darkness from their bodies.



The fox god nearly collapsed as the titan fell at last. Regaining his balance was nearly impossible, and so, he relented and lay down, feeling his head swim. Even a god was not immune to mortal woes, he knew too well.


"Stars...is...is it over? Is the beast truly destroyed?" He looked to Severa and Owain, tried to call out to them, but found his voice too weak. He settled instead for a quiet thanks, and nodded to them when he caught their view. There was little else to do now then escape this wretched place. If only his body would move...oh, why could the silver Stars above not reach him? He tried going over his last Wish over and over...








Of course: the orb. Eos may have forgotten it for now, but she could possibly return for it, and Ascension didn't want to chance that. He began to tell the group to search the remains.







But they moved.

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Severa and Owain high fived over the beast's corpse but then Severa embraced him fondly. He returned the gesture, hugging her tightly. The quiet hum of the beast's death began to fade into nonexistence. She kissed him, but then moved away, sighing.

"And that's all the reward you get, this time." she stated firmly, crossing her arms. "You did well and you finished the strike... So... That was for you."

"And I thank you PROUDLY, my dearest lady of the moonlight." Owain bowed dramatically as he began to hear a weak sound from nearby. The fox beast from before was laying on the ground pitifully, barely able to speak. The two both looked at the poor thing with sympathy.

"Ugh... Fine... We'll help it." Severa rubbed a hand through her hair as she was apt to do, exasperated. "Fine. Fine. I guess we're in this for the long haul now."


Earlier, the two, after claiming the star, had discussed leaving the group and going about their business. But after witnessing what Eos was capable of... Neither of them could say with confidence they could beat her alone. Maybe Ascension was right - Eos WAS a god.


Now, Owain stepped over to the little fox beast and lifted him up carefully, wiping off some of the blood and petting it softly.

"It's alright, little man." Owain said, grinning. "Let's get you mended and able to walk again. Don't try to speak anymore. You'll waste your energy, as my father says! You should contain your breath, to speak again when you're healthy! Severa, do we have any more healing potions?"

"Plenty. But how bad are his wounds?" Severa asked, walking over.

"They don't look too-"


There was a trembling from nearby. Owain followed Ascension's gaze as they looked upon the remains of the beast from before.


It was moving.

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