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Beyond the Soul

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Jacus blinked again, "No... I never thought you were a girl... I just... Never thought I would be able to hear you... Let alone telepathy. I'm just new to this... I mean it's really cool! I can understand you now!"

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Drago's tail started thumping the floor boards and he gave him a wolfish grin, his tongue lulling out. "Now we can have a proper talk! Now, that she wolf was pretty, she had soft fur and a sweet smell. I can see color from my connection to Arwena, so the she wolf had.. red brown fur. But, she had a mate across the sea.... oh! I never smelled the sea before, it's like fish and salt.. I like salt. Do you think I can drink the sea?"



((Drago may be a soul half to a elf, but.... he is still a dog... ))

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Jacus laughed, "No... You can't drink the sea. The water is too salty that it starts to mess with your body... But I hear it's beautiful and fresh." Jacus sat on the ground next to Drago smiling that he could talk to his friend. "Maybe if I collect enough of these talismans people might think I'm a Druid!"

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He shook his head saliva flying everywhere. "Noo.... silly human.. druids don't like having on a lot of jewelry. To speak to every animal you would fall flat from that many necklaces!" He licked Jacus and lay his head on his lap. "How are you and sister? You two are more relaxed around each other. "

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Jacus laughed, "I was kidding... Though it would be nice to talk to Kayden..." He pat Drago when he laid on him. "Let's just say the mayor set our problems aside... Follow one's heart..."

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"I know, I was there, but Sister is still upset about returning home... Thrii is strict on tradition...... tradition states, "any elf who wishes to be with a race other than their own, their names must be blotted out of the book of the family and of the Elders, forfeit their own rights and be cast out of the Kingdom never to return..." .... so you see... why she is so afraid to open up to you, I know her father and mother would follow her out. But... " He sat up scratching his ear in thought. "that would be if the knights left the king, who protect them? Sister's family keeps the spell on the gate trees strong, with out them, it will grow weak. Elder Farthen's power has diminished, that is why she handed the job over to Ethera and Songo. She can not hold the spell if they leave with Sister."

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Jacus looked down in thought but quickly looked up at Drago with a smile, "I'm not worried about that now. I trust Arwena will make the right decision when we return. Besides we need to visit the Dark Elves, then visit the Wood Elves to explain that Arwena should return to the Human Kingdom, and then we travel back to the Elves. That should take a week at least to do. So lots of time to worry about that later."

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Drago nodded and huffed a sigh. "it's getting late, lots of walking tomorrow....get some sleep tonight, alright? We stop by mayor Televere in the morning to get the letter." He yawned and settled in for the night.



Arwena was already in bed and asleep when Jacus got to the room.

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Jacus nodded, "Good night..." He headed to the room and saw Arwena peacefully sleeping. He gave her a kiss and went back outside. He found a few crates by the side of the building and climbed to the roof. Staring over the city at night, he pondered what his options were, thinking back to everything they have done up to now.

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Arwena was a light sleeper, and the kiss woke her up. They were on the top floor, so she got up and opened the window. She searched the ground for him. "Jacus? Are you down there?" She called trying to keep her voice quite.

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Jacus perked up and answer with a quiet voice and a smile, "No Arwena... I'm on the roof..."

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Arwena came out a moment later in her silk night dress and her green cloak around her. She had definitely showing her climbing skills by maneuvering to where he was and sitting down beside him. "Why up here? Did you come to clear you head?" She pulled some of the cloak around his shoulders sitting next to him with her hand on his. Her silver eyes seemed to glow like a cat's.

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He wrapped the side of his cloak over her and sat close to her, "Yeah... that and just enjoying the fresh night air... I like this place... it's a shame we need to leave..."

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"I know when I was in the market, there was so many beautiful pieces of art and clothing. I got a few things. A mechanical gadget for my dad, he likes to build things..., a rainbow wood bowl set for mom. I got some silk thread set of different colors for your sister, and a few new herb seeds for you mother. Your talisman and something for me. .. it was amazing how many things are there... also I saw this... steam powered... cart that doesn't need horses or donkeys to pull it..."

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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((Steam not stream I'm guessing))


"it's amazing what one can do when you combine the many minds of this world together... maybe one day all kingdoms will be like that..."

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Jacus smiled, "You could change that... be the elf that breaks the Elvish embargo!"

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Jacus laughed, "I mean people, not these machines. Maybe one day you can... fixed the ways of the Elves to be more open and accepting..." He put his arm around her seeing her drifting.

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They sleep on the roof. In the morning they wake up to a few birds chirping on the roof. "*Yawn*...Morning Arwena."

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Arwena didn't answer, her lips where blue and she was shivering like mad. She looked at him, afraid to speak out of fear of biting her tongue off. She got up still shaking and slipped down into their room.

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Jacus looked at her in shock and helped her to the the room and get warm clothes on. "If you were that cold we could have gone back inside!"

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Jacus holds her close, "You should go cuddle with Drago. The stable is very warm."

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