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Beyond the Soul

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When he came out she flung a royal blue silk cloak around him and clasped it. It Han no hood, only a thick lapel. On the shoulders embroidered with green was a outline of a Dragon one on each side. Gold thread was on the length of the lapel, it looked the same on both sides, a mirror image. "Here, .. I'll go get dressed. "She went into the room and put on a dress and braided her hair walking out, she didn't have on her boots, instead red velvet slippers that matches the dress.

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Jacus admired the cloak around as she got dressed. When she came out, "I love it! It's so fancy and... You look beautiful..."

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Her cheeks colored a little. "And you look rather dashing in that suit.... I bought the cloak back at that little town, the embroidery is my own... the elvish is a protection saying, a blessing more like for a traveler. It's think too so it can double as a blanket .."

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Jacus smiled, "And I love it completely. Thank you."He kissed and and took her arm into his own. "Shall we be off?"

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They slowly strolled down the city street. It was a beautiful evening as the night starts started to flicker on. Songs could be heard from taverns and bars, children were playing. As they got closer to their destination, they found the restaurant was connected to the Town Center.

Edited by Dotzrus

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When Arwena saw the children she smiled watching them run around and laugh. She always loved children, and baby from animal to human she tended to them like a mother would. "There are so many kids here it's wonderful!.... oh... looks like we are back to where we started..."

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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(((If I post something that is a complete mood changer or goes against the rest of my post, question it first...)))

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Jacus nodded. He led her into a large banquet hall that screamed money and riches. The centerpiece was a massive skeleton of a mammoth that seemed to be almost as big as Televere herself. The skeletons tusks curved and seemed massive in size. A waitress brought them to a table in the back center next to a low stage for performances.

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"Wow.... elves don't have a place like this.... " She gasped around at the beauty of the place. She looked sadly at the mammoth display. "Sad that such huge beasts died out.. .. hmm.. tell me more about your home. Your cat's name, what kind of house you have. I should know what to expect if I'm going there.."

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Jacus smiled, "I will tell you all that and more over dinner." The waitress sits them down and takes their order. The menu is large and has almost everything from ever lingdom or territory. "...I don't know what to order..."

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"Have you ever had garlic lobster with buttered jumbo shrimp and grilled chicken of the forest mushrooms? It's a delicious delicacy of my kingdom, we only have it on special occasions... I can barely remember the last time I had it, ... I think I'll have that if it's ok..."

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Jacus' mouth watered as he heard her, "...That sounds fantastic... I might die here..."

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((Yes, die. So much good food like that, and I would want to die there...))


Jacus looked to the waitress, "We will share the meal she mentioned. Are there any acts planned?"

Waitress- "We have a special speaker and then some music from a variety of players. Your food should be ready in 20 minutes. I will bring you a complimentary bottle of wine made from a Unity vineyard."

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Arwena blushed again at the mention of wine, she would make sure her drinking was in check tonight. "Anything you want to talk about before we get our food?"

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Jacus looked at her a smiled, "Well... I guess you could talk more about Elvish tradition. Or even better, Elvish history."

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(Oh... well I'm going to wing this and make it up as I go.))


"Well, we are history. " She giggled. "Let's see, five thousand years ago, the four small tribes of elves came to the land, two lead by females, the other two males. Those four where the most powerful of our kind and the strongest. They settled in the place where my kingdom is. But, humans and dwarves used that land, so the human king of the time lead a war against them, and many where killed before they took up a truse. The human king gave the four elves a oak sapling, the elves enchanted it and sped up it's growth to form the Tree of Ages, the council's hall you saw. The dwarves who where miners and was working the area only wanted the gold. So the elves made a pact. They give the dwarves gold and the dwarves, who lived in the mountains would give them the white gems that where in the mountain. A thousand years later, the elves grew steadily and one of the elf men the next in line for a leading seat, found power with the magic of demons, in a uproar, the elf and his followers left to form the dark elves...."

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((Sorry for leaving after you posted a long on, I gtg for a bit but I'll reply before tonight is done.))

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Jacus blinked, "Wow... that's very interesting. Humans started here seemingly made in a storm and raised by dragons until we began to kill them and banish them to the mountains. As history showed our kingdom was corrupt and warring. Only the last 5 rulers brought peaceful times to the land."

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