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Beyond the Soul

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Jacus laughed, "Oh I think he could get her if he tried... It worked for me I think."

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"Not if she's mated to another wolf, it won't work then. " Arwena leaned against him, the more time alone like this with him, the stronger her resolve to be with him was. She would miss her family and home, but her dad once told her, if he comes home and her and her mother weren't there, it doesn't feel like home, for his heart is with them, so he would set out to find them, only then would it feel like he was truly back.

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((Be on later.))


After awhile they get out and into showers to rise off all the mud. They get there towels again and are lead to a exclusive room for couples.

Woman- Here begins the couple combo special. We will give you both a 10 minute break to relax and talk as we get things ready.

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Arwena was looking at her right thigh. "It's gone! My scar is gone. Some of your marks are gone too... " even her wounds have healed, the only thing marking her was her birth mark. The mud seemed to turn her skin whiter and make her mark a deep red darker then before.

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Jacus looked at her with slight worry, "Your birthmark is darker and sticks out more though... It looks painful...are you sure it's okay?" He sat next to her, eyes on the scar in concern.

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"It's fine, it gets that way sometimes, the skin is like a dark elf's, so when it is clean, it's really dark. After a Elvis bath, it's almost black. You.... you can touch it if you want, it is still my skin...." She moved her hair so he could touch it, blushing a little.

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Jacus' gaze moved back to the mark as he gently placed his hand on it. It was a obvious bump from her normal skin, but still was smooth with no scabbing or flaking. "To think a dragon would go corrupt..."

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"They can if they dab in too much darkness. It takes a spark of black magic to hatch an egg, it affects every Dragon differently." She shivered at his touch, then her teeth started chatting. "I hate being cold.."

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Jacus saw her shiver and shrugged, "Here." He turned her and hugged her close. "Felling warmer?"

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She nodded and giggled. "Your skin is soft too... or that might have been because of the mud bath. ......." She leaned against him. "Gi melin Jacus.."


((Guy meel-in - I love you in sindarin elvish))

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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Jacus blinked but smiled and sighed in their hug, "Gee Mellon..." He butchered it.

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Jacus laughes, "Well I love you too! You can teach me elvish some other time... we still have the rest of our time here, and then our journey back to the human kingdom. YOu seem to have human down so not sure how to teach... I guess visiting my home and learning how we live."

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"All elves know common. I want to learn your ways, so yes.. you can teach me them, I would be happy to learn them." She snuggled against him wondering when the woman would come back for them and enjoying her time with him.

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---We interrupt this RP for a hardcore fight scene that cannot be shown to the public eye. Please standby for the fight to be over.---

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Arwena and Jacus emerge from the "battle" both seemingly relaxed and in slight bliss. "...man... We should come back here sometimes... That was awesome..."

Edited by Dotzrus

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Arwena nods and sighs as they picked up Drago who was white as newly fallen snow and stepping in a high trot. "Hello there handsome boy, did you enjoy yourself too?" Her question resulted in a wet sloppy kiss on her face, she giggled and wiped it off. "Glad you did.. what's next Jacus? Or should we head back to relax more at the Inn?"

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Jacus pulled up the map and checked it over, "Actually I made arrangements for dinner at one of the local restaurants. Drago well return to the inn stable but be fed well. You my elvish goddess will be eating with me at the Unity Tavern. The first and most respected restaurant in the city."

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Jacus sighed, "I'm just complimenting you... It seems every human male you sees you thinks your divine or something. I'm just continuing the trend. For this date I will be wearing my formal Knight attire. You would look wonderful if you attended with one of your dresses."

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On the word date she blushed. "Oh... ok.. um... should we head back to change then?" Was he trying to court her? She took his hand looking up at him, before leaning against his chest.

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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Jacus head tight to her and walked with her back to the inn. The owner was out so the dark elf was there to check them back in.

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"You change first, I have to finish something, it will only take me five minutes alright?" She said as they got to the room and grabbed her bag that had her clothes in it heading into the hall sitting down on a chair and pulled out the cloak, she finished the Elven writing on the lapel.

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Jacus nodded and got into his formal Attire. White an with a black and gold trim. A few strands of golden lace coming off the shoulders. A leather belt with a shining gold buckle.

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