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Demonic Exterminators

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((Yup. And, to get out of doing whatever Watinen wants her to do, Lucy would be like "I'll do what you say if you beat me at poker, but if I win, I get to slack off" all the time and Watinen would never be able beat her... Also, a demon should totally attack her and then slip and fall... That'd be funny


So we can start, right?))


Blaise yawned. He was so... Tired. He absolutely hated Mondays, they were horrible. Horribly, horrific days in which horrible things happened. Like economics class. And calculus. And biochemistry and physics... He really wanted to sleep, but he had to go to class. Because of that demon of a brother. Hopefully, his brother wasn't here... He suppressed a shiver. What did he do wrong in his past life to get such a bloodthirsty brother? He was just glad that he had arrived early enough to avoid his younger brother, the Student Council President, who'd once again attempt to coerce him into a fight and end up chasing him half way around the school. Blaise was so sure that Skylar Valentine wanted to kill him. They weren't blood related, no, Skylar was one of the other orphans that Sarah took in. And, after that, he began enforcing the peace within his so called territory. Sure, the crime rate actually did decrease with his arrival (what with the guy beating up any poor man that crossed his path), but everyone now lived in fear of being caught by Skylar on a bad day. You could get killed for crowding in this place...


Enough about his brother, but that tree over there that provided the perfect shade to sleep in sure did look tempting... Taking a glance around and making sure that none if Skylar's 'minions' (aka the people in the Student Council) were around, Blaise slipped from the early morning crowd (which had increased significantly after Skylar's arrival) and went towards the wonderful tree. He sighed and laid down under it, already falling asleep. The drowsy feeling over took him and he began to fall into a wonderful dream... Until he was splashed by cold water. Sitting up, startled, Blaise looked up, only to find the sixteen year old devil incarnate standing over him.

"Blaise," the taller (Blaise hated how tall his brother was...) boy greeted, his almost golden eyes cold as he threw the bucket from his hand, "fight me." And with that, the end of a metal pole stabbed into the ground right beside Blaise. Blaise blinked and got up slowly, making sure to not make any sudden movements as if dealing with a wild animal.

"Uh... I'd love to but..." Blaise cut himself off and made a mad dash for the school building. He hoped he wouldn't have to deal with any demons today... His brother was enough of a demon.

"Get back here, trash!"


((I actually wanted to make Skylar, but it seems as if we have too many humans and not enough of others... So... Here's Skylar. What do you think of him? Should I make him? If not, then he's not going to appear much after this. I just needed a way to introduce Blaise...))


Lucy grinned as she counted the bills in her hand. Another successful game of Russian Roulette. Gambling was so fun. She was going sky diving tomorrow. Well, if she beat Watinen at Black Jack tonight that is, but she had confidence that she could. She pocketed the money and hummed as she walked. She really did love money. It was an awesome thing that paid for her high class food, her penthouse suite, and it allowed her family to thrive on their farm. She loved her luck, too. It got her the money, after all. She paused as she heard crying. There was a child with an ice cream cone. An empty ice cream cone. She looked at the ground. So that's where the ice cream was. She frowned a little and hesitated before sighing. This really did pull on her Heartstrings so... She went over to the ice cream truck and bought an ice cream with a tiny portion of her winnings and gave the ice cream to the child. The child smiled at her gratefully and she smiled back... She may be obsessed with money, but she wasn't heartless...

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((I can't post right now but everyone else is free to. Also, Messanger, I made a character to be paired with Leon. You can decide if they already are paired up or if Crowe has yet to get to Leon (And will when I can post)))

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The Mink curled around the woman's neck appeared to be asleep, but was merely ignoring the human he oh-so carefully guarded over. Of course he had been assigned the most irrtatingly frivolous human in the world. He shouldn't have even shown her how to do anything! Living such a lavish lifestyle was sure to attract attenion to those who wanted to kill her. The more he said this, however, the more Lucy seemed to defy him. Remember, we're on a tight schedule today. His voice was soft, barely loud enough for even Lucy to hear. For some time now, he had grown used to speaking to Lucy in secret.


Almost as soon as they met had Watinen began to formulate secedules for Lucy. It usually involved rigorous training and conditioning. Soon, though, it'd involve hunting and killing demons. Demons in the mortal world was almost unfathomable. It had to be punished. As soon as Lucy was strong enough to fend for herself, he would leave to find another human with these odd abilities. He had a goal in mind and planned on finishing it.

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Eurus was worried. His fingers tapped gently on his desk as he stared at the front of the room, waiting for class to start. The human world was so very interesting and so very great. Even this place he was in called school offered up a great deal of secrets and information demons did not have. The natives were willing to just give up information easily and rarely engaged in the same forms of violence that demons took part in every day. It was like Heaven, even if he had to fight tooth and nail to make sure he could continue living here. But now everything was being thrown away.

Being a demon himself, Eurus had much more awareness for his kind than the average human. Seeing some low-class trash on the street had been a shocker to him and it had only taken a little bit of questioning to learn of the breach. This was exactly what he didn't need. The sudden influx of demons had already attracted Reapers to the place. He didn't need or want to be caught up in a massive fight between the three species. But as long as Reapers were aware, it would mean his situation was more likely to be uncovered. Even if he was doing nothing to harm humans, he highly doubted those horrible Reapers would let him just carry on. He could count on being returned to the Demon Plane either; they'd probably just kill him. He couldn't have that happen. But he was a smart, intelligent demon. He just had to stay low and hide himself. He'd carry on like he always had. He had to pretend everything was fine to fool them. They thought he was dead so how else would they be able to hunt him down? He'd lay especially low, not use his powers and hope for the best. It was all he could do until all the rest of the demons who slipped over had died and the Reapers left.

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Blaise slowed and looked around. Had he gotten rid of his demon of a brother? Skylar was no where in sight. Good. He sighed in relief, not surprised to find that he wasn't even out of breath. He had panicked, after all, and that usually made him more physically powerful. He looked at the door in front of him and knocked, opening it. The teacher in the class turned to face him.

"You're late, Blaise!"

"I'm sorry I'm late, teach," Blaise replied, rubbing his head sheepishly and stepping inside.

"Just go and sit down," the teacher sighed, waving a hand dismissively.

"Yessir!" Blaise gave a mock salute and went to close the door, but it was blocked by someone.

"Do you think you could get away that easily, trash?"

Well, dang. It was Skylar. Blaise reacted before he thought as the metal pole came at him. He picked up he nearest desk and used it as a shield. His face paled as he heard an audible crack from the desk and it split down the middle.

"S-Skylar. De-destroying school property is against the rules..." The teach spoke up hesitantly. Skylar gave him a glare, to which the teacher flinched, and kicked the broken desk out if Blaise's hands and into the wall before walking out. Blaise sighed in relief and went to his seat, which was right next to Eurus'.

"What is he, a demon in disguise?" He muttered to himself, face still pale from the confrontation with Skylar. "That brother's like the devil incarnate."




Lucy pouted when she heard Watinen's words. Seriously, that mink didn't know the meaning of fun and freedom. Why did she have to fight these demon thingies anyways. All she had was luck... And that wasn't really a weapon. At least she had been able to get out of the majority of what the other had planned for her to do. "Ill tell you what. If you beat me at Black Jack 21 tonight, I'll do whatever you say. If I beat you, we play Russian Roulette with beer instead!" She proposed, voice quiet. She grinned a little.

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Calla hacked into the alarm system, turning it off. She easily picked the lock and slipped into the silent house, closing the door with a soft click behind her. She walked soundlessly to the secret door that led to the cellar, opening it and entering the small passage. After three flights of stairs she finally reached the bottom, and walked inside the room, alert for any threat. Her eyes scanned the walls stocked with food, finally falling upon the one farthest from the door. She made her way over too it, grabbing an unassuming box and flipping open the lid.


Two innocent looking daggers lay inside. Calla let off a low whistle. "These are demon artifacts. How did they get here?" She murmured curiously. Shrugging, she closed the box and stored it in her bag before exiting the building. Only real idiots left an artifact as valuable as this one unguarded. Not that she was complaining, considering this theft would give her more money than she knew what to do with.

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The door opening off to the side gathered Eurus's attention well enough and he turned, along with most of the class, to stare at the late student. Eurus wasn't one to really 'hang out' with his classmates so the boy there was unfamiliar to him. But the fight that broke out was interesting as another boy stepped in. That one, he recognized. Who didn't recognize Skylar? But Eurus hardly reacted to the quick-to-end human fight and watched the late student slink into the classroom, taking a seat beside him and mutter about a demon. "It is unlikely," He muttered back, though he highly doubted the question was direct at him. If they were actually brothers, it would be a difficult thing for the boy to be a demon. Deciding the lecture was largely just review anyway, he turned his head to look at the boy who had always been next to him. He never really paid much attention to him before. "My name is Sam," He added, announcing himself by his false name. Since coming to the Human World, he had adopted an alias. His real name was simply too strange and caught too much attention. "I do not think we've spoken much."


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As soon as Lucy ceased speaking, the weasel-like creature reared up onto its haunches and nipped at the girl's earlobe. Not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to make a statement where words were inappropriate. He hadn't agreed to play cards the way it was. although usually not as uptight as other Reapers, Lucy was grinding on his nerves. Or, you could complete your combat training with me so I can give you a weapon. Once she was able to defend himself, he wouldn't be so stressed. Her powers broadcast to every demon and spirit in a ten-mile radius. It was a dangerous situation, at the very least. Being that Lucy had been assigned Watinen, he was tasked with keeping her alive. Having a reckless woman who constantly threw herself into danger was somewhat traumatic to the Reaper.


Their training was somewhat...unorthodox. Having the ability to possess others (with permission, of course), Watinen usually showed Lucy combat techniques using her own body, and let her try them on her own. Once the concept was mastered, He continued back to his own vessel. It made training fast and efficient-two words that Reapers swooned over when it came to work. Settling back onto four paws, he huffed. Your wagers do nothing but endanger yourself. Besides, the only way I could possibly play Russian Roulette is in my spectral form, and that would be rather useless.

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((He can arrive later. Also, question. (sorry if it explains it the text, but I can't understand) do humans know that they're going to be hunting demons, or does their reaper tell them that?))

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((The Reapers tell them. They find out about their powers first then the Reapers find the ones with powers they'be been assigned to. There can be a short gap, or a long one.))

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((OK. Can you do Crowe arriving when you have time?))


Leon was sitting on a bench, reading a book. He liked reading books, even though he was always teased about it. But, on the other hand, even if he stopped reading books so much, he'd still be teased about not being strong or brave. So, he figured there wasn't much reason to stop. Besides, books are so fun! He always was surprised at how anyone could possibly not enjoy reading. He even sometimes thought that he should become an author when he grew up, so that he could write books as well.


This book was one he'd found at the library only yesterday, and he already liked it. It was about how an ordinary boy was called upon to help save the world from demons. He marvelled at the boy's bravery. He knew that if he was ever needed to do something brave, he'd be utterly useless. He didn't like fighting, and if demons had actually existed, they would probably have scared the wits out of him. Still, it was only a story. In real life there weren't any demons. And he was quite glad of that.


((and, just after he thinks that is a perfect time for Crowe to appear! wink.gif ))

Edited by MessengerDragon

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((Finally putting my sheet up!


Username: Lil’Liz

Name: Kit

Age: Unknown, but looks 18 or 19

Gender: Male


--Regular Reaper ones

--Location Swapping: He can distort space to exchange one subject/object with another. In the Spirit Realm, he can do this with anything he touches. (He only has to be touching one thing, and he has to know the location of the other thing in order for it to get swapped.) In the Human Realm, he can only swap little things (like he could swap a frog for a pastry, if he wanted too). He can do this in his dog form as well.

Human they are helping: (You can leave this blank for now)

Personality: Kit isn’t pleasant. He’s rather an ill-tempered Reaper, and he doesn’t necessarily care about what others think of him. He isn’t a bad person, but he also isn’t a good person. He doesn’t have any friends, and he’s perfectly fine with that. He isn’t well known throughout the Spirit Plane, he often slacks on the job, but those who do know of him are somewhat intimidated by him. He has an interesting sense of humor, seeing people get hurt makes him laugh and watching demon fights entertains him, and he hardly smiles. In fact, no one has ever seen him smile before. He just smirks. He actually has a soft spot for animals or young kids, and he is a lot gentler with them. (He still doesn’t smile at them though.) He is quite a talented Reaper (he comes from a long line of famous Reapers), but he doesn’t like to exert a lot of effort into doing his Reaper duties. If he did, then he would be very powerful and probably one of the top demon exterminators. He views the demons he meets in a gray scale: if they are doing something bad in the Spirit Realm, he’ll stop them, but if they aren’t he’ll let them go on their merry way. This gets him in trouble, though, so he’s been trying to avoid hanging around portals (where the demons most often come through). Though he would rather die than admit it, he admires people and Reapers who try their hardest at things. He also enjoys watching humans, and he often goes into their realm often to learn about them (this okay?), hence why he chose a dog for his host appearance. When one gets to know him (not that anyone has ever taken the time to), they’ll learn that he isn’t as cold as he seems and he has a wall built up around himself. On the other hand, when one first meets him, he’ll often rub them the wrong way by being uninviting and cold, often showing up late to places or not bothering to show up at all. He has a sharp tongue and knows when to say what needs to be said, and he uses sarcasm like a cat uses its claws.

History: (Optional)

Appearance: He has a haircut similar to this, and his hair is brown. His eyes are a sky blue. He has a tongue piercing and he’s unhealthy skinny. I’ll end up drawing him eventually, so I’ll just end up describing him better in posts in the future.

Host Appearance: This pooch

Other: I may add his history in later, if I feel it becomes relevant or if I just feel like typing it up sometime. Also, I forgot to mention, if someone comes back and talks to him after he first meets them he'll be kind of surprised.


If his other power isn't okay, I'll change it (although I had a hard time figuring out what he should have XD) I also sent Soiled a PM asking about our characters, so I'm waiting for her to reply.))

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"Ha ha!" The ghostly boy declared as he clapped his hands together. The two tails of his suit jacket fluttered slightly behind him as he looked down at the bustling town beneath him. This was it! Finally back in the human world and it felt oh, so sweet. Breathing polluted air, seeing the people with ambitions crawl over one another to try to claw their way to the top. It was so refreshing! And how it had changed too! It had been a really long time to the point where humans actually had buildings that went up much more and strange, shiny objects zoomed back and forth below him. He would have to have his human show him around a bit, introduce him to everything all over again. Humans were such clever little things and he was really looking forward to seeing what cute things they had invented.

"Let's see," He mused, lifting up his black cane. He held it horizontally then let it go, watching as the ghostly object floated in air before spinning about like a compass. Very quickly, it stopped, pointing down at the ground. "Down there, huh? Alright, let's go see what my cute little human looks like!" He snatched his cane out of the air and zoomed down towards the ground, screeching to a halt behind a bench where a boy was reading a book. Here it was, perfect! Floating slightly off the ground, he held his cane in both hands and grinned. Perfect. "HEY KID!" He suddenly bellowed, knowing very well only a medium or demon would be able to hear his voice and see his real body. It was spectacular how that worked since it meant normal people couldn't see him. But it also meant he couldn't directly interact with people unless he had a host. He was really hoping the kid would freak out about seeing him suddenly appear, floating behind him. He missed amusement from those kind of things.


((Accepted, Littlelizzie. I'll put the sheet up soon but your Reaper will go with Blaise.


MessengerDragon, just a note, but humans who haven't met their Reapers yet shouldn't know about demons or the Planes. Imagine it that the Spirit Plane causes the awakening of powers to happen in random humans by the breach [which is in a very specific place to explain why all the Reapers and Mediums are all in the same town] and then identifies the people who have powers manifest. They then send in a Reaper to explain the situation to them and introduce them to demons and such so they can kick ass and stuff..))

Edited by pudding

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((I'm gonna make Skylar. Currently, all the humans would run from a fight with demons (Blaise and Leon) or just wait until they get bored of tripping up/challenge them to poker/curse them with bad luck then run (Lucy). Skylar won't become a medium until later.


Username: SL

Name: Skylar Valentine

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Medium for how long? Not yet

Abilities: Aggression/Ill Intent/Negative Emotion Empowerment - Skylar is empowered by any sort of ill intent, anger, or just negative emotions around him. He gets stronger physically and mentally.

Spirit/Reaper Helper: (You can leave this blank for now.)

Personality: Violent and bloodthirsty, Skylar is often compared to a demon within the town. Everyone knows him and many are afraid of him. But they also know that Skylar is very keen on keeping the peace within town, so, as long as you follow the rules and stay away from him on a bad day, you're pretty much safe. Skylar's always looking for a challenge, a fight and he's stubborn and hard headed. He doesn't give censorkip.gif about what everyone else says and refuses to be ordered around. He's cold and distant towards most people and absolutely hates crowds. However, he possesses a soft spot for defenseless little creatures (children and small animals). He has a tendency to look down on those who aren't powerful (in a fight) and call people names like trash or insect. He loathes teamwork and always works alone. He also gives little regard to people who are politically or financially powerful, but he has a certain amount of respect towards those that are selfless and kind hearted. He uses violence to solve most problems, however, he's actually quite reasonable as long as you don't anger him. He loves to be in control, but, oddly enough, he's not at all sadistic. He doesn't fight weaklings or people who won't fight back, unless they break rules/annoy him.

History: Skylar was born into a family who was relatively rich. His father worked at the police station for the majority of the time, going on undercover missions or assignments that took up most of his time. However, when he was at home, he'd encourage Skylar to learn self defense, telling him that he had to protect himself and his mother. Skylar learned a variety of fighting styles and mastered many weapons when he younger. But his father demanded perfection and made sure that Skylar was on top with his grades as well, telling him to aim to become a detective or cop. Skylar exhausted himself, trying to impress his father. However, his mother fell into depression because she rarely saw his father and, when his father expressed no reaction to his mother's ill state, Skylar snapped and broke the man's wrist. Not wanting to let others know he had been thrashed by his own son, Skylar's father returned to work not soon after. A month later, Skylar received the news that his father had been killed in a gun fight. A week after that, his mother committed suicide. However, Sarah Valentine, his father's sister, took him in and introduced him to a new town. From them on, Skylar lived in that town. Now, the police and teachers all fear him and let him do as he wishes and he is the head of the students council.

Appearance: Skylar above average height, standing at 6'2 with neck length dark brown, almost black hair and light brown eyes that look gold under the light. Like his brother, Blaise, he's very well muscled, but doesn't look it while wearing his clothes. He's usually glaring and carrying a metal pole around. People often say he's the devil incarnate, but when he puts on glasses instead of contacts, girls tend to call him cute.

Other: His eyesight is really bad, so he wears contacts. However, his contacts irritate his eyes so it looks like he's glaring all the time. He hates glasses because they would become a liability in fights.))


Lucy sighed. "You should loosen up. I can protect myself. Or else why would I keep risking my lie if I didn't know that I'd come up safe and sound? What about this then, I'll adhere to your plans tonight, but you have to go sky diving in my place tomorrow, deal?" She asked, smiling. "Sky diving is awesome. Bet you'll love it!" Lucy knew that her reaper was pretty much frustrated beyond end by her, but she really wasn't someone who'd go and fight demons and whatnot. Well, maybe she would, if it was like a game... But... Eh. Her reaper should just be glad he didn't get Skylar Valentine as a medium. The kid was evil. Pure evil.




Blaise blinked, surprised that someone had heard him. Or, well, had heard him and replied. "Eh. You never know. With the way he behaves, he's like a devil that kills people in the name of justice. Which is just contradictory..." He muttered. "I'm Blaise, Blaise Valentine." Blaise introduced himself with a warm smile, "or Prince Charming, according to my fans... And no, we haven't, have we?" Blaise shrugged slightly. "I guess we're both quiet people. Or in different social circles."

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((Accepted, SL! I look forward to seeing him more often.

And Messanger, that looks great.))


That was slightly amusing. A small smile formed on Eurus's lips as he nodded to show his agreement. It was interesting how he had never really bothered to get to know the human that sat next to him, and yet he seemed like a very nice guy. Friends had never really been his thing but perhaps it was time to make some. It would certainly help him blend in a bit more and maybe he could learn more about humans from him. There was always knowledge to be gathered somewhere. And perhaps it would keep all of the clubs off his back. Since he knew so much information, school came easy to him and it was a very simple feat to get top grades. He was known for it among his classmates and that often drew the attention of the clubs to try and recruit him. After class was always difficult because he had to dodge people trying to recruit him. He wasn't trying to be rude, but it did make him seem like a very elusive person. Maybe one friend would not hurt. "I suppose you are right. Why don't we meet up after class? There is a very nice coffee shop I like to go to downtown. My treat."

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Blaise blinked at the offer and gave a heartfelt smile. He had never really talked with the person next to him because he didn't usually initiate conversations. People came over and talked to him, not the other way round. He was rather glad that Sam decided to talk to him, of all people. They were both quiet, but Sam wasn't social. He knew that and he knew that Sam avoided quite a lot of people who were after his intelligence. For clubs, of course. It gave him a sense of achievement to socialize with unsocial people. It wasn't like he was shy, or anything, he just preferred listening and observing over talking. "Sure, great idea. I don't think I have any other plans today," Blaise said, agreeing readily.

"Valentine!" Blaise blinked, hiding his startle, and snapped his head around to face the teacher. "What are your thoughts on the passage you were assigned to read yesterday?"

"Well, sir," Blaise began as he stood, plastering a polite smile on his face. His Prince Charming facade was back with full force, a somewhat noticeable difference from his behavior when coming into class. Some girls swooned. "I thought that it was quite a realistic portrayal of man. Oedipus may have been arrogant, but his reactions towards the accusations of killing the previous king were rather expected. I think it was very revealing to the true nature of men." He then sat down. Thank god for the internet and Sparknotes and anything else that helped him get out of reading last night.

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The mink growled to itself, small tail lashing back and forth. The only reason she was so confident was that she had never actually faced a demon before! Remember, it was you who agreed to help us catch those who had crossed over unwarranted. It was a contract, in a sense. A Reaper supplied training and then the medium carried out the hunting of demons on his/her own. Even though he had been assigned Lucy, Watinen seriously debated asking for a different client. Saying as he was a skilled Reaper, he'd get a new assignment in no time at all. Pff. Skydiving sounds boring. What about...what about a freefall? Beady eyes glinting in the sunlight, his tiny claws dug into his client's shoulder. Being a frequent traveller of wormholes, skydiving was nothing to him.

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Leon kept reading. The book was getting to the point where the demon was creeping up behind the boy, who was so intent on his ambush that he didn't realise he was about to be captured...

"HEY KID!" somebody bellowed behind him. Leon, terrified, jumped up from the bench, dropping his book. "Who's there?" he cried, looking behind.

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Perfect. A grin appeared on Crowe's face as he clapped his hands together. "Just little old me," he replied, floating over the bench. His feet gently touched down on top of it and he swirled his cane about, smiling wildly at the terrified kid. His gaze drifted down to the book the boy had dropped before he jumped down off the bench and picked it up, looking the title over. What the heck was this thing? He shook the book around briefly as if expecting something to fall out of it, frowning when nothing happened. "Hey, what the heck is this thing?" He asked, looking over at his assigned Medium.


Eurus watched as he sat back down, slight amusement flicking across his face. "That sounded forced," He muttered, turning his head back around to face the front of the classroom. He had seen the act and it was such a strange thing. Sure, he had his fair share of humans try to engage with interactions with him. But the thing they called dating never seemed interesting to him. He was after information, not whatever that thing was humans called love. And if he did want love, he would not find it in a human. They were interesting creatures with their language and literature but he was a demon, when it came down to it. He didn't have the capacity to care about other people. But the Prince Charming act seemed just like that-an act. "Did you even read the material?" he asked.

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((Since Skylar needs a Reaper...


Username: shadow_claw

Name: Terrin

Age: 742

Gender: Female

Abilities: Control over life-force/aura. She can take it and give it, but never destroy it.

Human they are helping: Skylar, if possible

Personality: Terrin is a rather motherly woman. She took her her human quickly, and often irrationally fusses over anything that's near enough to fuss about. She can be, however, harsh. Her words usually cut like blades and bruise egos when provoked. Usually, she's a pleasant and calm woman, however.

History: (Optional)

Appearance: Terrin

Host Appearance: A lovely barn owl

Other: ))

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((Accepted but SL did say Skylar won't be a Medium until later. Maybe she can just lurk for now?))

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Lucy sighed. She had only agreed because she had thought someone was planning a prank on her. How was she to know it was all real? Oh well, no backing out now! But wait. Skydiving? Boring? Oh, right, reaper. "Oh, right, reaper..." She muttered. "Fine. Tell me about something you haven't experienced before and we'll try that! Horse riding? Helicopter? Bungee jumping? Roller coaster? Diving? Submarines?" She listed. Opening her mouth to say more, she abruptly cut herself off when she saw Skylar Valentine. It was rather easy to see him, too, everyone made way for him. And boy, he didn't look happy. "Skylar Valentine... censorkip.gif. He's doing a patrol, probably..." She muttered, quickly walking to the side. Her entire body was tensed when he walked passed and she let out a relieved breath when he went passed. "Oh, right, I should probably tell you about him, huh?" She muttered to the mink. This was, most likely, the first time they had been near Skylar together. The mink would probably want an explanation for her extreme reaction.




Blaise sighed a little. He was tired and he was not a morning person, it took a bit of effort to be Prince Charming. Usually he could assume his persona effortlessly. Honestly, he wasn't sure when he started assuming the persona, but his looks and nature had something to do with it. Probably. He blinked at his newfound friend (?) and smiled. "Well... No, I didn't read a single bit..." He said. "Thank god for Sparknotes..."

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"Sparknotes?" Eurus asked, this obviously being news to him. Ah, something else he could learn. Curiosity sparked up inside his eyes as he leaned slightly towards Blaise. Since he liked learning, the topic of Sparknotes had never come up to him. So, naturally, he wanted to learn more about it. "What on Earth is that?" He asked with slight smile.

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