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Demonic Exterminators

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((Sorry, he is accepted. Feel free to start with him.))


"Hahaha! I knew you'd come through." Crowe grinned as he swung his cane around. First medium he'd ever gotten and boy was it going swimmingly. All they had to do now was get to the training and the killing. "Well, I'm supposed to go find my vessel now but I'm not really feeling that. It's easier to explain when I actually look like me. So let's skip to figuring out your power. Have you felt anything unusual recently or done something really interesting?"


Eurus glanced back at Blaise as he made a joke about coffee being toxic. What an amusing little human. He was glad that the subject of his 'cousin' had been dropped since he really had not wanted that to carry on. It could lead risky places and honestly, he did not need any member of humanity knowing he was a demon. That was just asking for persecution. "It's just around the block," Eurus replied with a faint grin. "What is really neat is the whole thing is built underground and doubles as a bookstore. So you can go and read books while drinking coffee."

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Yamiko licked his lips, downing the glass of wine in his hand. It had been three weeks since he had been abruptly brought into this world. The human world. However, Yamiko wasn't agitated nor annoyed at it. In fact, he was rather enjoying himself. Human food was great, alcohol? Even better. The human world was odd (you had to pay the humans this thing called money before you could get anything to eat/drink. Yamiko had quickly learned the art of pickpocketing due to this), but it beat the demon plane any time. You could actually relax and 'get buzzed' here instead of being forced to fight twenty four seven. Sure, he liked fighting, but it was annoying to be on guard all the time. He was currently in a bar, drinking to his heart's content. The form he had taken was that of an older version of his human child form. Oddly enough, the bartender had given him a couple of drinks for free today and all the humans were cowering away from him. He wasn't in his true form... At least he didn't think he was. Even if he were, they wouldn't be able to see him, so there really wasn't any reason for their fear. Ah well, it didn't really matter. All it mattered was that the pleasant sensation was seeping into him. Little did he know, he really did resemble a certain bloodthirsty sixteen year old a little too much.




Blaise nodded a little. "Nice... Underground, huh? Close, too. How come I never seen that place before?" He wondered aloud. He had been to most of the coffee shops in the area since he was a coffee addict, so it was odd that he would have never been to a coffee shop so close. Maybe it was because of Skylar. His demon of a brother always came after him when he was near the school.

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"Does understanding animals count? It isn't really that unusual I don't think? I'm not sure. It isn't like I hear words they're saying and translate them, it's just that I hear them making noises and understand what they want to say." Leon didn't feel like mentioning the other thing, the fact that he could, occasionally, read minds. But, since he couldn't do it on command, he convinced himself, no need to tell this bossy boy about it, is there?


((Am I allowed to have him not telling Crowe everything? I mean, threatening to break his kneecaps didn't really make him the most trusted person in Leon's opinion.))

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Annie sputtered for a moment before she was able to formulate a reply. "I'm sorry, what?" She asked. Childish fantasies were all it was, right? But something, some long buried instinct in the back of her mind told her that the kid wasn't lying to her. She could just feel it. Annie didn't understand it, or the waves of different emotions that washed over her when she was around people. Maybe she was going crazy. Maybe all her hard work was finally getting to her. Annie frowned slightly and decided to worry about it later.

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Katrinia grinned childishly. "You heard me. I'm you're reaper tutor from the spirit plane and I'm here to instruct you on how to fight demons! Understand, Annie Storm?" She chirped cheerfully. "And if you don't believe me..." She whipped out a handgun with silencer and shot the soace next to Annie's shoulder, a smoking hole appearing on the bench. "You'd better start believing."

Just then, an old woman passed by and smiled down at Katrinia. "Aw... How cute," she commented, Katrinia beaming up at her. "Kids these days... Their toys get more and more realistic, don't they?" The old woman asked Annie, even though the gum was obviously too real to be a toy. The old woman cooed over Katrinia a but more before leaving. Katrinia turned back to Annie. "So?"

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As soon as Skylar stooped talking did the owl suddenly react. She snapped at the man's fingers and dug her sharp talons into his shoulder. Her black eyes flashed with anger. Don't give me orders. I am your instructor, not your servant. If I am not treated as such I can happily leave you to the demons. Your kind, you mediums, are an especially sought-after meal. Terrin's ginger feathers fluffed up in her anger. What a rude, ungrateful child! Snapping her beak to herself, her feathers gradually settled as she calmed down. We have a meeting with other mediums tonight. We will be attending.


Oh, I nearly forgot. Watinen scowled slightly as he spoke. He, yet again, abandoned the weasel-like body in favor of his spiritual form. Tonight is a meeting. All the reapers and mediums in the area are to meet tonight. It's mandatory, I'm afraid. Our game of cards will need to be postponed. Oh what a terrible shame. No card games, no gambling for a whole night.

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"Gahh!" Annie jumped when the reaper shot. "Are you insane?!" She hissed. "Assuming you're telling the truth and I haven't gone completely insane, I would like to know why I'm so special. Out of everyone on the earth, you chose me. Why?" She asked, tilting her head. So the seven year old scared her a little - but come on, who wouldn't be scared if said seven year old had a gun and knew how to use it? And as for what he was saying - well, kicking demon's butts did sound kind of fun... Ahh, what the heck. "So," Annie said with a smirk, "when do we start?"

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Skylar grimaced at the pain and snarled slightly at the owl in an amazingly animalistic way. "Don't you know that respect is earned and not freely given? I won't give you any of my respect unless you give me reason to, owl," he hissed, eyes almost going gold as his bloodlust and anger spiked. "None of my other so called instructors have ever given me any reason to respect them, I don't see why you should be able to demand it from me. Not a single one of them could beat the ten year old me. Not even my father, whom I shattered the wrist and lower arm of when he fought me," he drawled, sounding bored rather than arrogant. He narrowed his eyes when a meeting was mentioned, expression becoming one of disdain. Then he realized something and smirked. "The other mediums are like me, right, owl? They're strong... Stronger than most of the other insects that call themselves humans, right?" He asked. Perhaps he could find a worthy opponent there.




Katrinia smirked at the other's reaction. "Because you're special," she answered the question rather simply. Her smirk dropped at the next thing that came out of her medium's mouth though. Huh. She'd never gotten that response. How interesting... Her smirk came back wider. "I think we'll get on very well, Annie Storm, assuming that meant you accept (not that the other had a choice). For now though... You need to be trained. We're going running. I want to figure out your current skill level."




Lucy gasped and pouted. That meant... No gambling for an entire night! No way! "I don't wanna go," she said petulantly, "Skylar's gonna be there and I don't wanna go."

Edited by SoiledLove

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"Wow kid, you really got the bad end of the stick on that one," Crowe replied with a laugh. Talking to animals? How stupid was that?! He wiped an imaginary tear from his eye as he floated in an idle circle around his medium. "That's okay because I'm here to help you! Even if your power is useless, I'm sure we can do something to keep you from being eaten." He smiled as he set his hands on his hips, smiling at Leon. "You're lucky, you know. There's a meeting tonight between all the Mediums and Reapers so you'll have some allies to make right away."


"Probably because it doesn't look too much like a bookstore," Eurus replied. "The entrance is in an alleyway so it ends up looking more like a bar. Their advertising is not all too great." He stopped and turned to look down sideways before stepping to the side so Blaise could see what he was looking at. A rickety old sign hung in the alley with an arrow pointing down some stairs. There wasn't any clear markings, only the word Coffee written on the sign. It was clearly and obviously suspicious. "That's it. It doesn't look like much from the outside but I can assure you the inside is much better."

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Yamiko grinned a little as he got up and walked outside. That had been refreshing... He sniffed the air slightly, red cheeked and somewhat drunk. Oddly enough, his demon ability didn't really work much on alcohol tolerance. There was a delicious smell in the air... Of... Another demon. And a human. A very delicious smelling human. He smirked a little as he walked down the alleyway, towards the main street.




Blaise frowned a little at the look of the place. It looked, well, suspicious. But, then again, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover... "Huh. Well, I guess we should go in so I can see if you're telling the truth or not," Blaise said with a playful grin. It abruptly faltered though as he saw a familiar figure approaching them, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. "Oh dang.. Is that Skylar?" He muttered, but then frowned when the man, who wasn't Skykar, passed them by with only a narrowed eyed smirk in their direction. The man was drunk, if the red cheeks and slight sway was any indication. Blaise breathed a slight sigh of relief. "Oh good, it's not..." He muttered. Yet, that man still gave him the creeps.

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The hairs on Eurus's neck stood up as well, though for a completely different reason. He wasn't afraid of Blaise's brother like everyone else seemed to be because at the end of the day, he was human. But the deadly, familiar aura that radiated off of the man was clearly demonic in origin. It was almost covered by the stench of booze but being a demon himself, it was an unmistakable feeling. "Let's go in," Eurus quickly declared, watching the man walk past them. With all of the alcohol there, he couldn't get a good reading off of him. Was he strong or weak? It wasn't clear. He took a few quick steps towards the sign, waiting for Blaise to follow him. Hopefully the other demon would just ignore them and move on. He didn't want to have to fight in such an open area.

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Unfortunately for Eurus, Blaise's curiosity had gotten the better of him. Despite feeling odd about this man, Blaise wanted to know who he was. He looked so similar to Skylar and yet just by this one meeting Blaise could tell that they were very different. Blaise hadn't ever seen him before, either. "One sec," he muttered to Sam, darting forwards and tapping the man's arm. "Excuse me!"

The man turned with an eyebrow raised, leaning against the wall. "Yeah?"

Blaise put on his charming mask. "I wished to ask of your name. I haven't seen you around town before, so I was curious."

The man smirked lazily at him. "Name? Don't you know it's rude to ask that of another without introducing yourself?"

"Well, I'm Blaise Valentine."

"Yamiko," he man replied, "I moved here recently from... Far away. I'll be going now, before I give in to the urge to eat you." Then, he left.

Blaise blinked. Eat him? Was that some kind of sexual innuendo? He really wouldn't be surprised if it was. It wasn't rare for Blaise to attract the wrong sort of attention in places like this (dark, out of the way places) due to being a 'pretty boy'. It had happened before, after all.

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Though Leon didn't think the power at all useless, he decided not to argue. Though Crowe seemed quite harmless once again, he didn't feel like risking it. "Tonight? When? What if I need to be somewhere else at the time?" he asked instead. Suddenly he realised he had the perfect excuse to get rid of Crowe for some time at least. He looked at his watch and said, "Oh, it's getting late. I'd better go home now. Oh well, see you later then!" He got up and started walking.


((Can't wait to see how Crowe reacts to that! wink.gif By the way, what time of the day is it exactly?))

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((School just ended so late afternoon at the least.))


Crowe quickly jumped over Leon's head, hovering slightly above him. He floated upside down in front of him, making sure to cut off his escape. "Hold your horses, kid," Crowe declared, setting his arms on his hips. It was miraculous his hat didn't fall off but it seemed firmly planted onto his head. "The meeting is later but you don't get off so easily. Since you're completely useless, we're going to do some training. I can't have you dying on me, after all." He rolled over, rightening himself and looking around. "Let's start with agility! Go climb on that roof there." He pointed nearby to a 3-story building then back at Leon, fully expecting him to be able to accomplish such a feat.


One sec? One sec?! Blaise was going to get himself killed! Grinding his teeth, he forced himself away from the stairs and followed Blaise, keeping a fair distance behind him to watch. He'd never tried using his powers to defend other people before but it seemed like a possibility. Thankfully, however, the man reeking of demonic energy was rather quick to leave. Sighing in relief, Eurus quickly approached Blaise and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, let's go inside." He wanted to get out of sight before more demons showed up. The city seemed filled with them now.

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Blaise took one last look at the man who had just disappeared around the corner and shrugged. "Sure, let's go," he said, finally deciding to follow Sam into the cafe/bookstore. It was then that another thought hit his head, one that really should have hit before. He abruptly paused in his walk, blinking rapidly. Could that man have been... A demon? He glanced backwards again, even though the man was long gone. It would make sense with the eat him thing, after all.

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Having lost her patience, Terrin was quite finished with this Skylar. She scowled at him through her dark, intelligent eyes. I believe you'll have to discover this for yourself. Perhaps, when you gain enough humility, you can be my student. You will be contacted if you are decided worth our time. Upon finishing speaking, she spread her wings open and flew from Skylar's shoulder. A few beats of her wings, and she had gained a fair amount of distance. She needed to speak with another reaper. One that had been around longer. The only, more experienced reaper around was...Katrina.


Silently did the owl settle upon Annie's shoulder. It was easy to sense other, closer Reapers. Katrina. Carefully did she shift her weight. She didn't want to hurt the medium, after all.

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Annie's day had been strange. Well, stranger than usual, at least. "Yeah, sure, sounds like..." And then an owl landed on her shoulder. She took a deep breath. She wasn't scared, at least not after Katrina hand almost shot her with her gun, but she was a little surprised. "Why is there an owl on my shoulder?" She asked calmly, turning her head to look at it. "Tyto Alba, aka the common barn owl. Since when did they become people friendly?" She joked.


Annie shrugged ever so slightly. "Weider things have happened today. Guess having an owl land on my shoulder isn't that strange." She smirked to herself before continuing. "Wow, that is one thing I never thought I'd say."

Edited by polaristar

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Leon stared at the building. Then he stared back at Crowe. He could climb trees if he tried, but this!

"I thought you said you didn't want me dying on you!" he exclaimed. "Well, I can assure you that climbing a 3-storey building is NOT the best way to keep me alive! I'm not in the mood for falling and breaking my neck today! Sorry if you consider me a disappointment, but I'm not climbing that." With that he ran towards the other road, which was in the wrong direction, but at least if he could escape, he could go back later.

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Skylar watched the owl fly away and scoffed slightly. He didn't need anyone. He could survive alone. He kicked one of the downed bodies and smirked. No insect was worth his time.


Skylar blinked and looked down, only to see a white cat with blue eyes blinking up at him. His eyes softened and he smiled, crouching down to pet the cat. The cat purred and pressed itself into his hand. Giving a slight chuckle and looking around to make sure there was no one around him, he maneuvered himself into a sitting position, the cat on his lap, and closed his eyes as he carded his hands through the soft fur of the cat.




Oh! That was good! That felt reeeeaaaally good! His human, his human sitting among the downed bodies of his fellow humans, had miracle making hands. Yamiko really really liked this human, oh yes he did. And no, it wasn't because he was a cat who loved to be petted (he was NOT damn cat. No way! The regal yokai, Yamiko, a cat?), but because this human was - oh yes, right there, behind the ears! - or, at least seemed, really strong and would make a great demon.




"Ara, Terrin!" Katrinia greeted her coworker cheerfully, easily recognizing her. "Annie, this is no ordinary owl. Meet Terrin, my coworker and another reaper!" She introduced. "Also, weren't you supposed to be running? I expect you to scale that building and be at the top in five minutes." She pointed towards a tall, six floor building that she just knew didn't have an elevator. "Get to it, Annie Storm. Chop chop."

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No what was his human doing?! Crowe watched the retreating form in disbelief before settling his head in his hands, rubbing his brow. "You!" He finally yelled, soaring after the fleeing boy. "Don't be stupid, boy! Come back here this instant! You're making me angry!" There wasn't any reasonable way the human would be able to escape for him long and if he did, Crowe would just be sure to go after him after he was properly inside of his host. He'd be able to do a lot more physical damage then and break some of Leon's belongings along with some of his bones.


Good, good. Eurus started forward and began moving back down the stairs again when the absence of a presence behind him caused him to stop. He turned and looked back at Blaise, a slight frown on his face. Now what? He really wanted to get into some cover and out of the open. At least, not when he was escorting a human. He didn't want to have to fight off the demons that had slipped through the cracks in the barrier when it would risk his identity being discovered. "Are you alright?" He asked, stepping back over to Blaise. "Is something wrong?"



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Blaise blinked as Sam's voice reached him and gave a somewhat forced, but bright smile. "Ah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about how weird that guy was," he said cheerfully. "Let's go in!" He did not want to get his friend, or anyone really, wrapped up in this demon business. He really did hope that the man wasn't a demon. He had only had one encounter with one and that was enough. Kit had shown him one when he asked. Speaking of, where was his reaper? Usually he'd stick to Blaise like glue.

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Username: ktav13

Name: Sondyr

Age: Unspecified, appears as a fourteen year-old

Gender: Male

Reaper-assigned Rank: 9

How long have you been in the Human Plane: Three weeks

Type of Demons: Young Demon; Just as the name states young demons are exactly that. Young. And more importantly inexperienced. This is a demon that has not yet reached adulthood. They often feed on attention, especially that of parents, mentors or any parental guidance. However they can feed on just about anything; a young demon's preferred food often points at what kind of demon they will be as an adult. Their food is often influenced by the adults around them.

Abilities: Sondyr manipulates Earth. His favorite is taking large chunks of earth or stone and hurling them at enemies. He's very adept at masking his demon heritage.

Weakness: Due to his inexperience Sondyr can often get ahead of himself or be careless. He has good defenses with his abilities, but because of them it requires a lot of his focus and doesn't leave much room for moving quickly.

Appearance: Click Here Without Vest

Other: Sondyr is curious about everything. He finds humans and other "Earth things" incredibly interesting and tends to ask a lot of questions about what things are.

Edited by ktav13

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Leon slowed down. He seemed to have actually gotten away. After breathing a sigh of relief, he turned into one of the many smaller roads and went home. He wondered what Crowe was thinking now, about him having escaped. He grinned at the thought, then felt guilty, then felt that Crowe deserved it for calling him dumb and then denying it, and for trying to make him do life-threatening things. Suddenly he realised something. Didn't Crowe say something about not being able to interact with other people? That meant he couldn't actually do anything to him, besides being very annoying, but Leon felt he could cope with that if Crowe found him again. He relaxed. Now that he thought of it, he didn't actually have anything to worry about any more! He found a nice spot to keep reading, since mentioning the time was really just an excuse to get away, and now that no-one dangerous was chasing him, he might as well make himself comfortable again.

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((Wait. If Sondyr is an inexperienced and young demon, why is he so powerful?))

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((Oh is he over powered?? I figured due to his lack of knowledge/experience/self-control it would compensate but if he seems over powered I'll fix that .o.'))

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