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CPA Duels Castle

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This is not the OOC. This is a random RP place where our characters can interact and not duel. Well, at least, they won't duel much... I hope.


OOC/HQ Thing.


(Also. This is basically the castle.

Outside map

Interior map)



You stand in front of a large castle on a floating island. You're not quite sure how you got up there, but... Well, you're there now. Why don't you take a look inside? After all, we're welcome to everyone. Well. As long as you fill out a form.



-DC rules will always apply.

-Don't be OP.

-Please don't be rude.

-No Mary-Sues, Gary-Stus, or antis. No perfect characters or perfectly imperfect characters.

-Keep it PG 13...

-Anyone is allowed to join. Not just people from CPA. Joining here means you will duel at least once, however.

-Rules will be added, taken off, and changed if needed, so keep an eye out!-



Nicknames: (Of username.)
Species: (Are you a phoenix? A cat? A dog?)
Looks: (Technically optional. Anything you want to look like? Height is a good thing to add.)
Powers: (Don't be too OP. Five powers is normally the limit.)
Skills: (In case you have more then one life or can absorb flames or... Two is the limit.)
Rank: (...This is completely random. It also randomly changes.)
Preferred Weapon: (Sword, bow and arrow, daggers, pistol, rapier, ect.)


Current Accepted Form Things

Click here for the forms!


Compulsive Posters Anonymous(CPA for short)


~The Lists~


Grey List (Temporary # day ban)

-None! Yay!-


Orange List (Temporary # week ban)

-None! Yay!-


Red List (Temporary # month ban)

-None! Yay!-


Black List (Banned)

-None! Yay!-


Prizes may eventually be given out.


Colorless List(Has helped... Kind of)



Copper List (Has helped out numerous times)


~Fractional Pi Day~



Silver List (Has helped out lots of times)


Gold List (Has helped out countless times and is still helping out)

~Marcus Pheonix~ (...He convinced me to make this.)




Thank you!



So we know who's on when.

seacatsmew - UTC

Takhesis - GTS

Dragonhatchling- EST(Cave-time)

Edited by seacatsmew

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I am... Was, supposed to be cleaning the shop. But, the shop is awesome anyways so I thought, why not take a nap instead? And the fact that I can slack off and take naps is exactly the reason why I love my job as shopkeeper. The shop was large, behind a counter with all sorts of different items on the shelves that lined the walls. One of each. The rest were stored inside the painting of were houses I had in the back. Especially the waillords, there was only room for one in the front, the rest I stored in a painting of the sea. Who the hell would buy one of those anyways? Which brilliant people thought that they were in demand? Oh yeah, the people who are the consumers... Then I suppose there is a demand for wailords after all. Not that I'm happy about it. Outside the shop, there are tables and chairs set out for those that want something to eat/drink. I suppose the shop is more of a cafe-shop thing. Luckily for me, the food I draw to life taste brilliant. I just wish I were able to draw potions, too, but, alas, that is beyond my capabilities. That's why there's a potions lab in the back, in, of course, a separate room to my drawings.


Today is just another lazy day at the shop. I just hope no one disturbs me as I nap on the counter. Wondering where on earth everyone is, exactly, I hop onto he counter and pillow one arm beneath me, letting the other dangle. My feet stretched out, I close my eyes.


((Yes, I'm taking a nap on my very first post))

Edited by SoiledLove

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(( xd.png Naps are nice.))


I was stretched out on a table in the castle, in what we called the 'Planning Room'. Because it's where everything was planned. Sunlight was shining down on my grey-blue fur, and I was also napping. No use staying awake when no one came in. Well, okay, not right now, at least. I should be working on a new arena, but... "Nya~" I flipped onto my back lazily. The only way this could be better was if I had a tuna sandwich... But not milk. I was lactose intolerant. And I didn't like milk much anyways. I opened my eyes and thought for a moment. Then I flipped back onto my stomach and stood up, yawning and stretching, ignoring the fact I was also destroying papers with my claws. I jumped down from the table and walked out of the room. Soiled always made good tuna sandwiches. Actually, anyone did, but hers were the best. I'd go ask her. Or, if she was napping again, I'd nap on a table.


Alice, on the other hand... Thanks to some fancy mirror stuff, she wasn't exactly me right now. Nor was she impressed. The pale girl was sitting just outside of the castle, arms crossed, and malice in her eyes. There was nothing to do and she was going to kill the next person that passed her if they didn't entertain her. See, Alice, or wenstacaes, could be childish. She was often childish, actually. And she disliked being bored. And she was seriously planning to kill the next person who passed her, unless they entertained her.


Reina was gathering aloe vera juice in small little glass bottles.


((...Reina's thing is short because she could care less about what's going on. Feel free to go bother her.))

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I pulled my wings in tightly as I turned myself toward the ground again. It took a few moments for the familiar clouds to brush past me as I sliced through them. Just a little more...! There we go!!

I unfurled my wings quickly, relaxing my body and allowing them to catch the air naturally as my body lurched forward before being pushed up with one powerful stroke of my wings. I shot upward again, laughing to myself. This was fun!

A barrel roll suited the moment well, and I evened out shortly after. My tail lashed a little in the wind as I glided around in a circle above the castle. Someone outside it probably figured I was insane. Dragons playing in the sky was a rare sight noadays for some reason. If any dragons were around, many of them seemed to stay inside.


The thought saddened me as I hovered there for a moment; my wings working hard to keep myself in the same spot. Whoever thought hovering was easy never too into account the factors of the wind, the exertion and the gravity. All those were working against you when you hovered. But! I saw my target soon. A small sparrow whizzed past underneath, darting around the grounds outside the castle.


The birds hated my playing with them. What wouldn't? A fully grown dragon wanting to play chase was scary! But I adjusted my course to intercept the bird and tucked in my wings again. Soon the air whistled past me as I became a red blur in the sky, darting straight for the bird.


I alighted, grasping the terrorized bird in my right claw gently as it spurted out curse words and various insults meant to insult a dragon. I held it closer to my snout as I landed on the ground. "Eaaaasy.... I just wanted to say hello!" I explained cheerfully, letting the bird go. It flew off quickly, still spouting various obscenities at me as it went. No doubt that it would tell its friends. Oh well. The more the merrier. Made it more fun for me to scare them then.

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((I know. I really should stop napping in math class, but... xd.png It's just so comfy... School desks are great for napping, so long as the teacher is the kind that doesn't care))


Just as I was drifting off, I rolled and...




Fell to the floor. My eyes snapped open and I let out a surprised yowl, then a pained one when I landed on my tail. Quickly jumping up and grabbing my tail with both hands, I whimpered, tears in my eyes. Stupid sensitive tail... It didn't hurt so much as sting, but it was still a sharp sting and it surprised me. I sighed. Well, there goes my nap. Looks like its karma for not cleaning the table. Maybe I rolled off because I subconsciously felt the counter was too dirty? Ah, whatever. I sighed nd got a rag before animating it.


It started dancing on the floor.


Wow. That was exactly what I wanted. Urg. I'm too lazy to do crap. I walked around the counter and jumped onto a table, turning once before curling up like a cat. Ah, that's better.

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((My mom doesn't care. I'm homeschooled. ^^'))


"Soiled!" I shot into the shop...And ended up crashing into a wall. I fell backwards, and didn't move for a while. Then I sat up quickly and stood. "Soiled~" I said, walking over to the drowsy cat. "I'm hungry." I stood on my hind legs, placing my front paws on the table, and looked straight at her. "...Can you make me a tuna sandwich? Please~?" I didn't actually expect her to make me one, now. But I'd try...


((Short post and wall-crashing. I'm lazy.))

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I was in my Phoenix form, darting around the sky. There wasn't much to do right now, so I thought I would fly to the shop. Spotting it, I landed there. I casually strolled in as a Phoenix, spotting them both. There was also a...intersting...rag dancing on the floor. Icing it up, I set it on fire. I had a tendenc to set stuff on fire, I liked watching stuff burn. The rag soon burned completely, leaving a pile of dust and ashes. Turning back into a human form, I faced them both. "Have you seen Revlis? She did some weird trick to escape me, and I don't want her killing everybody she meets." I said to them. I tidied up the wall a bit and cleaned, I figured that I should help a little. Spotting a Wailord, I petted it. "Hey there big guy. You want a Poke Puff?" I asked it, holding out one for it. "Waaailll" it cried out happily, eating the Poke Puff. I patted it once again, before flying on top of it and sitting on it. Leaning back, I lay down and lazily watched the two. "How's your day?" I asked to no one in particular.


I strolled around the castle, inspecting its details. I occasionally made some small figures out of darkness and fire, but I never kept these, instead dispersing them by thinking up a death for them. "How fragile mortal life is..." I muttered. Turning the corner, I noticed an angry looking girl. She didn't faze me, I simply asked her to move. "Hey. Could you move out of the way? It would be a shame to kill you, considering I haven't started to dislike you enough yet." I formed a dark scythe and twirled it around, not minding the fact that any plants it touched wilted a bit. "I really would like to see more of this fascinating castle, and blood would ruin its uniform color."

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"No clue. Speaking of which. I need to find Alice. And fix the mirror that she broke. But I need Reina to make a new seal for her, first..." "You needed a seal, Lady Seacat?" The green-scaled girl stood there, wearing a black dress with white lace. "U-Uh, yes." Reina wasn't nice or cold. She was... Emotionless, or so it seemed. It always made me uncomfortable. "Alice escaped again." Reina walked over to me and I flinched, but she didn't care. She handed me a small present and turned, walking to the back of the store.

Taking the present in my teeth, I realized something. "Wait a second... How'd I get from the table to here...?" I was over by a wall.


Alice's annoyance vanished and she looked at Revlis with her two white eyes, smiling. "If you entertain Alice, then maybe Alice will move~" She stood up and a scythe made of dark mirrors appeared in her hands. "If Alice wanted a fight, Alice would go find seacatsmew. Entertain me?" She giggled. She knew her; The Dark Insane Alice Mirror had been in a room with Silver once. And she had seen Revlis. But she didn't know her name.


((...Alice isn't her actual name. She's basically the living embodiment of the Dark Insane Alice Mirror, made by me, so she just goes by 'Alice'.))

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Of course Tiga was in her pixel form. She loved it. She moved jerkily towards no where in particular. She loved being tiny, and people's reactions to being talked to by a pixel cat. Tiga changed back into her normal cat before racing forward towards the shop where Soiled worked. She could also sense seacat, her cat friend around there as well. She entered the store before jumping up onto a chair, flicking her tail. "Hi!"

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((Silver, you make my iPad lag...))


I groaned. Oh god, I was just about to fall asleep, too... Voices. God why!? I opened my eyes to see Silver burning the rag. SeaCat had said something about a tuna sandwich. Hmm... Tuna. Great, now I'm hungry. I roll off the table, landing on all fours (yay) and get up, padding to the back to make us all some tuna sandwiches. Now... Where were those painting of tuna sandwiches I drew last night? Aha! Spotting them, I quickly made it 'come to life' for the lack of a better word and reached inside the painting to take the platter of sandwiches out. Luckily, time didn't pass in inanimate paintings so they were fresh. I set the platter of the counter and took one, chomping lazily.

"Hello..." I drawled, my mind still in a sleepy haze. I bet everyone was glad I wasn't the kind of person to be grumpy when roused from sleep. I could sense three people. I looked around to see who I just greeted. Huh. SeaCat, Silver and Tiga. Okay. "Tuna sand... Witches?" Alright, I was still sort of asleep, but that's what happens when I don't get enough sleep.

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"Sandwiches, not sand witches." I ran over and leaped onto the table, only slightly slipping, and luckily, not falling onto my face. instead, I fell onto my back. I quickly got back up and grabbed a sandwich with my tails. "...Soiled, where's Lillian?" I asked, noticing the two-tailed version of Soiled was nowhere to be seen. Two tails... Oh, I should go looking for Alice. Nah. She could wait. I hope. This sandwich was delicious. Reina was scary. And my thoughts apparently didn't stay on one subject for too long... "Also. Hi, Tiga!" I waved a paw as I continued to eat the sandwich, grateful for the fact two tails were awesome for holding things. Sometimes...

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I hummed, my mind on the tuna sandwiches and how delicious they were. Exactly as I thought they would taste... Oh, wait, they were supposed to taste exactly as I thought they would taste because that was how my ability worked. Yeah, like the time I gifted Techno a miniature Earth and forgot that by thinking that way Earth and the mini-Earth would have the same strength for the gravitational field (but that's another story in a world different from this one). I DO wonder why the gravitational field came on only after she unwrapped the present... Wait, was it even Techno that I gave the Earth to? I don't remember. Then, Seacat's question registered in my brain I answered. "Oh, she went outside this morning to butcher someone for ingredients..." Mhmm... Tuna...


My eyes then widened in shock and sudden wakefulness. "Oh my Holy Minji! She's gone outside to BUTCHER someone for cooking INGREDIENTS!" I shouted out my realization, almost dropping my tuna sandwich.


"What's all this ruckus about?" A sleepy voice asked and I turned around to see Lillian, my darker half, rubbing her eyes and walking over from the storage room. She had, by the looks of it, just gotten out the painting of a cat's bed. I gave a sigh in relief.

"I thought you said, you went out to butcher someone for cooking ingredients..." I told her, slightly confused.

"Oh, I already finished doing that," she replied cheerfully.

"You did?" I asked, frowning. When?

"Totally, otherwise why would you be eating my 'tuna' sandwiches," she said, putting an emphasis on tuna. My chewing stopped and I paled. Did I really draw tuna sandwiches last night...?

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I was lost. On purpose. Again.


I was somewhere inside the castle in a dark dark room that probably I had lost the door to. Or at least it had shut closed as soon as I entered. I didn't care. I really didn't. Darkness was fun sometimes too. Besides, when you could light yourself on fire; what did it matter?


My tail-tip sprouted fire, it flashing and following where my tail led it as I moved it in front of me like someone carrying a torch would. The room seemed empty. Except for one box. I neared closer to it, careful not to burn it with my tail.

DO NOT TOUCH was scrawled all over the box in sloppy, but deliberate writing.

In smaller writing poisonous was splattered in places.


Poisonous? In a box that wasn't overly large. And a warning. I cocked my head in amusement and poked the box. Nothing. No movement. Nothing. I didn't feel any different either. Maybe it was a fluke? I neared closer to it to listen and found it quiet. Alright. So it was empty then? No, it couldn't be. Who would leave an empty poisonous box lying around in a dark, otherwise empty room? Me. I would. Definitely. But who else stole my preference to do such odd things?


I rested my tail near the box's side so it was warmed by the fire on my tail as I walked to the other side of it to see if it had an owner listed anywhere. Someone left it in the middle of this dark room for a reason. Right? Maybe it was an old reason. Maybe it really was empty.

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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I paused. Then I put the sandwich down, slowly. "...Lillian," I said, smiling. You could sense my anger. "I swear. If that was cat, then I'm going to throw you in the dungeon and let Reina use you for a 'potion'." Yeah, 'potion'. Because the 'potion' to grow a heart- Literally- had special ingredients. And what were those? ...Ask me no questions about it and I will tell you no lies about it. I really need to stop thinking like I'm talking to someone.

"Speaking of Reina. Where'd she go? ...Actually, I don't want to know..." I shuddered. Then I snapped back to topic 1. "But seriously, Lillian..."


Cue Reina walking in.


"Lady Soiled. Lady sea. Lady Lillian. Please keep it down so I may resume gathering ingredients." Her tone was kind but her eyes showed no mercy. Her hands were injured in multiple places from the pointy things on aloes, and she held multiple small glass bottles. She stood there, and seemed to have no plans of moving. And knowing her, she could stand there for a year and still be there.

Edited by seacatsmew

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I was locked inside a room, mostly lost. Fortunately, it was my own room, and I was locked in intentionally. Being lost wasn't intentional, though. I couldn't really believe that I couldn't find my way around, but I already had a solution: stay in my own room at all times. My sense of direction was so terribly terrible, especially when I was daydreaming. After the episode of being lost and seeing a giant dragon outside, I had switched to battle form and run back to my bedroom, but the experience given me a good reason to never leave. I had a washroom, books, and even a TV and video games here, thanks to the people who invited me here. No reason to ever leave.


...Unless you missed the last two meals. I unfortunately didn't have the foresight to bring food with me and store it for emergency uses, so here I was starving. For all the goodness this castle brought, the excess amounts of space were terrifying for me. But now it was being weighed against my stomach's anger towards my lack of food intake. Rather unfortunate really. So there I was, lying on my bed, and debating with myself whether or not to go find some snacks. It was a wonderful day.

Edited by KoalaNoob

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I had fallen asleep on the wailord, dreaming about cannabalisim and fake tuna sandwiches. That was...weird...

((Ok I feel like doing nothing with Silver right now so I'm just having her fall asleep.))


"I don't do entertainment." I said monotonously. "I do butcher people though." There was no emotion in my voice, just a cold certain tone. This girl was another form of Seacat, she knew that from Silver. Oh well, it didn't matter. It wasn't like she was going to play favorites or anything. Nobody meant anything to her. Not even Silver, although Silver was rather entertaining to annoy. "Move. You're proving to be quite the roadblock." Swinging the scythe, I had it next to her before she could even blink. "Now." I didn't budge, staring down at her coldly. So be it. I didn't mind a little spilt blood, as long as it wasn't too annoying.

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"What a shame. Too bad killing me would be rather hard," Alice said with a light giggle. Then the malice returned and her smile vanished. She slashed at the air angrily. "Since when did I ask you?!" she snapped, darkness gathering around her with shards of glass mixed in. Then the darkness faded and the glass fell to the ground. She turned back to Revlis, smiling, and showing no signs of the madness she had been 'infected' with seconds before. "But isn't butchering people their job? Especially those two. Hmm... Well, I'm not going to move, and you're not going to kill me. So. Entertain me." A glass shield appeared around her.


((A dark scythe wouldn't work on someone immune to darkness... And this shield basically is attached to her body.

...Alice can be easily entertained, also. ^^' I can just make her call Alice,

though, if she isn't entertained...))

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The first thing both me and Lillian did was frown. "Wait..." She began and, before I knew what I was doing, I continued her sentence, "You're afraid of Reina?"

"Huh, what do we have to do to get you creeped out like that?" We said in perfect tandem, "We've been trying, albeit subtly, to freak you out for ages." We both looked to Reina and then to each other. I hated when we did this, since it just proved that me and my darker half were the most alike pair out of everyone that had darker halves. But it WAS fun, since so many people were unnerved by it. Unfortunately, it had the side effect of people avoiding me for a while afterwards.

"So all we had to do..." Lillian muttered.

"Was be emotionless?" I concluded for Lillian.

"We could do that."


"It would be easier if we did do that, actually," Lillian added thoughtfully, "You guys might not know this but..."

"Shut it Lillian, how many times have I told you..."

"Both of us are certified sociopaths or even psychopaths..."

"That one out of four in America..."

"And we have trouble feeling emotions and empathy..."

"Suffer from sociopathy and the inability to relate to others..."

"But we are great at pretending to be normal! As most sociopaths are..."

"I have the potential to be a sociopath, but I'm not a sociopath and most certainly not a psychopath!"



"You know, it was very fascinating to watch my organs grow back that time Soiled cut them out. Though it hurt a lot..."

I facedesked as Lillian began cheerfully telling SeaCat about the time I 'harvested her for potion ingredients' in great, graphic detail. It wasn't true, not really, I was imagining about doing it, but I swear I didn't actually do it.

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Melomancer yawned and opened his eyes sleepily. He had fallen asleep in a patch of his own Melons. A single snail crawled lazily along a Melon vine, nibbling it. He leaned down and picked up the snail, placing it on the ground a short distance away. Groping around to find what he was looking for in the Melon patch, he grinned and pulled out an RPG, before firing a rocket at the poor snail, obliterating it completely. "Don't mess with my Melons. Ever." Dropping the RPG, he walked off towards the castle, staff in hand. That Melon patch was his pride and joy. Not to mention he occasionally gave Melons to his friends as a snack or meal. He was okay with people tasting them, he got a little pissed off when people wasted or stepped on them. But the one thing that angered him most was when pests nibbled on the Melon without bothering to appreciate the taste. They also went for the vines most of the time too. Calming down, he walked into the shop, taking a seat. His friends were eating Tuna sandwiches. He felt a bit hungry. He remembered the delicious Tuna sandwiches his mother used to make. He was hungry, but since Soiled looked pretty busy, he decided he'd wait for the others to finish. He was still hungry.

(All this talk of Tuna is reminding me of the delicious Tuna sandwiches my mother used to make for me on weekends. Ahh, the memories.. )

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I sighed as I looked over the notes. The budget for these things was through the roof and as someone who can fly that was saying something in terms of the roofs height. I sighed again and lightly organised the sheets into a pile.

"I've had enough with the accounts for the day, that case was last month I'll finish it tomorrow..." I stood up and casually checked the time, I then placed my watch back in my breast pocket and through on my jacket.

I exited my room and walked down the hall pausing as I heard some commotion.

I casually looked down the hallway and my face fell.

Who the hell let those two out... I thought as I spotted Revlis and Alice.

I angrilly walked down and with strength that didn't show from my size picked the two up by their collars, easilly knocking aside Revlis' scythe and melting through Alice's shield.

"What do you think you're doing?!" I roared at them, fire trickling around my eyes.

"I've just had my head thrust into the paperwork for the last lawsuit that got filed against you two! If you're going to cause more destruction, keep it out of the castle!" I roared again before dropping them both on the ground.

I didn't have any of my preferred weapons with me, but in my current form neither of them, even Revlis who was immune to fire, wouldn't be able to take me in combat.


((Enter the OP lawyer, hey seacat add head of law offices to my rank biggrin.gif ))

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"NYAHAHAHAHAHA!" I whooped as I careened around the corner on Kozuki's back. "Wheeee! Go faster, Tsuki!"


She leaped over a shrub and skidded to a halt in front of seacat, throwing me off. I crashed into a chair and rolled twice, still giggling. I picked myself up and tried to stopping grinning as I brushed the dust off my robe. "Hey guys! Whatcha talking about? Ooh, is that tuna? Gimme!" I was in my HYPER MODE. Yayyyy! I grabbed Soiled's sandwich and scarfed it down. "Oh and by the way," I mumbled, spraying breadcrumbs everywhere. "This is Kozuki Enrei! You guys haven't met her before, are you?" Kozuki had been with me for years, but not even Soiled had seen her before. I'd told her stories of her "jobs", though.


((Ha. Short-ish starting post. OH WELL.))

Edited by Techno_Elf

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((It isn't tuna... It's just something that looks like tuna, but is actually made of, well, bits of human))


I sighed as Techno burst in, too. I couldn't do it. I just couldn't deal with both Lillian and techno's hyper state at the same time. "Tech, that ain't a tuna sandwich. That's a..."

"A human sandwich!" Lillian filled in, cheerfully before continuing to talk with SeaCat in great detail about how her organs grew back.

"... A human sandwich... Apparently," I said monotonously. I sighed again and turned to Kozuki with a smile. "Hey, nice to meet you, I'm SoiledLove, but you can call me Soiled. The one describing her organs is Lillian, my darker half. The one she's talking to is seacatsmew, but just call her Sea. The pixilated one is Tiga and, oh hey, Melon! That," I waved towards Melomancer, "is Melomancer!" I took a deep breath and exhaled. "Introductions: over."

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((Yeah, I know. But it's too late now!))


I spat out whatever was in my mouth and dropped the remains of the sandwich. "What. The. censorkip.gif ?!" I practically shrieked. "Man, that is MESSED UP!" I'd heard about Lillian and her...antics, but this? Ugh! And seacat and Soiled were eating it just a moment ago...! I was instantly launched out of HYPER MODE.


Kozuki blinked at the sandwich. Yeah, knowing her, she was probably used to this kind of stuff by now. Slaughtering people was her job. She bowed her head slightly to Soiled. "I've heard a lot about you from Techno," she said. "It's an honor to finally meet you in the flesh."


Oh god, flesh. Not the best choice of words, Kozuki.

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