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The Survival of the Packs

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In the beginning there was an island, a large island, mountainous and rocky, covered in deciduous oak forests. This was the home of a great number of wolves - wolves of all different shapes and colors and sizes. All the wolves were at peace.

The years passed. As one Alpha Male died, his largest son took over (a new Alpha Female would have to win their way to the top), and this tradition went on for many years, until the mighty Alpha, Pan, became the father of just two pups. The pups he named Leonardo (Leo) and Al. Both were demanding young pups, determined to escape and play in the forests filled with the coyotes that the wolves despised mingling with due to their repulsive and violent attitudes. They were indeed troublemakers, to Pan's embarrassment, but nonetheless, either Leo or Al were his heirs and he would have to put up with that. They had to wait until the pups' first birthday and measure who was the highest wolf, who would be Alpha Male.

Both were determined to be Alpha Male. They were both competitive, both longing for a great purpose. It built a rivalry, and a solid and separating one too. They bickered about it for months as their first birthday steadily approached. Who would reign supreme?

On the night before their birthday, Leo and Al fought with their teeth and claws about the matter. The fight went into the night, when suddenly their father's howl tore them apart from each other, bleeding and limping.

Upon their arrival, their were many raised eyebrows but not a single enquiry, for the moment was extremely important.

Leo and Al stood alongside each other, and all the other wolves carefully inspected them. But there was no different. The two wolves were identical twins.

No one knew what to do, and the brothers were infuriated that they were equal. They had been relying on this moment to end their fight. And then and there, they started fighting again, continuously. The other wolves tried to tear them apart, but their determination was far too strong for them to deal with. The fight went on.

And then finally, Leo pulled back.

"I will not fight anymore!" he declared. "This is silly! It will never end, brother. We must go our separate ways. The pack must split, choosing one of us. This is the only way. Come with me, please! Be MY pack!"

The pack were all reticent. They considered for a while, and then the decision was made. They split almost in half, following the brothers away. As for their father - he knew that either way he would be showing disgusting favouritism, and he could not put his sons through this. No, he walked alone into the forests where the coyotes hunted him down.

The packs were safely separated. Leo's pack was called the Oakland pack, and Al's the Moonshadow pack. Both refused to be together for years, and they still remain like this. They will fight on meeting one another. There is much danger.

The tradition of the biggest son was broken. The position had to be earnt, and that was that.

Now, they face a constant struggle for survival, packs duels, and the interpack social problems.



Ranks:(can be reserved)


Alpha Male/Female: x2. Taken - all!

Beta Male/Female: x2. Taken - all!

Queens: x3. Taken - none.

Pups: unlimited.

Hunters: unlimited.

Warriors: unlimited.

Healers: x3. Taken - 2 Moonshadow, 1 Oakland.


Please note that the specified amount for each rank is per pack.




-Normal DC rules.

-Do not detail breeding and birthing.

-Have fun!



Appearance: (description and/or picture)

Edited by woopoo

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Accepted Characters



The Moonshadow Pack


Username: woopoo

Name: Crescent

Age: 3

Gender: male

Pack: Moonshadow

Rank: Alpha Male

Appearance: big, strong black wolf with bright blue eyes. user posted imagebut with blue eyes

Personality:very intelligent and protective.

History: Grew up normally in the Moonshadow pack.

Crush/mate: Moonshadow Alpha Female.

Pups: none yet.


Username: SoiledLove

Name: Sickle Snowbell

Age: Nearly 3

Gender: Female

Pack: Moonshadow

Rank: Alpha Female

Appearance: Snowbell

Personality: Snowbell is a very strong and independent wolf. She refuses to be held down or tamed and she has a lot of pride and stubbornness. Sometimes, she can come off as hostile and rude, but in reality, she's just trying to cover up any embarrassment, or awkwardness. She's very loyal and protective of her pack, family and friends. She absolutely adores pups and they're probably the only ones she lets her emotions show with, except her mate, of course.

History: Snowbell was small when she was born and her brother was very competitive, always, besting her in everything. However, being as stubborn as she is, Snowbell never backed down and tried her best. She caused a lot of trouble when she was younger, but learned from her mistakes. Unfortunately, despite her growing wisdom as she got older, she was still as hardheaded as ever and refused to accept any mates, until she fell for Crescent. But, of course, it took ages just for her to admit that she had a crush.

Crush/mate: Crescent

Pups: None, as of yet


Username: Joste

Name: Icis

Age: 3

Gender: female

Pack: Moonshadow

Rank: Healer

Appearance: user posted image

Personality: Icis is a very kind and caring wolf,

but if she feels insulted/threatened ETC the beast in her will show. She has a short fuse, and because she is a Healer knows where the to strike to make it fatal for her opponent

History: When she was 5 months she was Exiled from her old pack, because she attacked the alpha male, after he had called her a useless child.

She bumped into the Moonshadow pack, and after som hard tests she was a member

Crush/mate: none yet

Pups: none yet


Owner: DarkOFSorts12

Name: MacBeth (Macky)

Gender: Female

Pack: Moonshadow

Rank: Healer

Pups: N/A

Personality: Macky is a she-wolf that is full of stubbornness and refuses to be held back. On the contrary, she is good with pups, loves pups (is willing to rescue Oakland's pups if they are in trouble!), but she is proud, stubborn, caring, loyal to her pack, and kind.

She also knows where to hit, and where weak spots are.

History: She would kill me if I told you. laugh.gif

Crush/Mate: N/A

Image: Macky


Username: Tiga

Name: Toral

Age: 4

Gender: Make

Pack: Moonshadow

Rank: Beta Male

Appearance: Toral

Personality: Demanding and excepting. Toral comes off harsh and strict, but in reality he just wants the pack to thrive.

History: N/A

Crush/mate: Beta Female

Pups: N/A


Username: SL

Name: Willow

Age: 2

Gender: Female

Pack: Moonshadow

Rank: Hunter

Appearance: Willow is a small wolf with a blue-grey coat. Her pelt is impeccably groomed and it appears as if she's never had to fight a day in her life, dainty and delicate. Of course, that's not the case.

Personality: Willow is a sweet wolf and acts like a princess. She dislikes fighting, but doesn't mind hunting, even though she's more often seen with the pups than any of the other wolves.

History: She doesn't know it, but she's the long list daughter of Moonbreak of the Oakland Pack

Crush/mate: N/A

Pups: N/A


Username: Joste

Name: Fortuna

Age: 4

Gender: Male

Pack: Moonshadow

Rank: Warrior

user posted image

History: Ever since he was born, one could see he would one day become a strong Warrior, Fortuna is strong and has a Sharp mind, he loves water, and can often (when not on guard) be found swimming around in the lake. He has lost the sight on his left eye, because of his youth fighting. Fortuna loves to joke With the females in the flock, much to their annoyance

Pups: none


Username: Astrodeath3

Name: Khayen

Age: Two.

Gender: Male.

Pack: Moonshadow.

Rank: Moonshadow Warrior.

Appearance: His fur is a deep maroon

Personality: Khayen is a silent guardian. He rarely speaks, and only when he feels the situation is ready to blow or his opinion is asked. He is one of the best fighters in the pack, and is loyal to the Alpha beyond the shadow of a doubt. In short, he's a quiet giant.

History: Rough in his younger age, Khayen has mellowed with time. However, he is still a beautiful beast and skilled in the art of war.

Crush/mate: None. This may change, however.

Pups: N/A


Username: RavenWolf1010

Name: Rain

Age: 4

Gender: Female

Pack: Moonshadow

Rank: Beta Female

Appearance: Rain is a silver she-wolf with grey eyes to match. She's lithe, but big.

Personality: A friendly she-wolf, she's naturally caring and empathetic. However, she's like a coin. Flip it, and you'll find an angry, vicious, built-to-kill animal. Be wary what side you end up on.

History: Rain's origin is unknown. She's secretive, and seems to always be lost in her own thoughts.

Crush/mate: N/A

Pups: N/A



Username: kingcobra2018

Name: Aster

Age: 4

Gender: Female

Pack: Moonshadow

Rank: Queen

Appearance: Aster is a fairly small wolf with a light brown coat. She has a white spot on her chest that goes to her mid belly. Her leaf green eye compliments her dark brown paws nicely. Her other eye is now a giant scar and the tip of her right ear is gone. Her tail is mostly cream except for the very bottom which is the same light brown as the rest of her.

Personality: Aster very child like and stuborn. She is sweet most of the time but turns into a bomb if you aren't careful. She is deathly afraid of swimming and loves to run and fight. She was fierce in battle until she became a queen and no longer was able to fight.

History: She used to be a loner with her mate. They worked as a team until one day. Her mate was out hunting while she was watching their den with her unborn pup. A wolf walked up to her he was unknown, blood around his mouth. She called her mates name for help. She looked around helpless. Aster saw him, Shade her mate. He was dragging one leg calling her name. His side was torn into and he whimpered. He finally arrived and he said "run, leave me behind, I love you." Aster hesitated said "I love you too I'll never forget you." and ran. After awhile she got tired and the unknown wolf caught up she fought and fought. That's how she got her scars. She slowed him down and ran into the Moonshadow pack

Crush/mate: Dead but you can try to become her mate.

Pups: Soon to come.


Username: 20mia08

Name: Avi

Age: 2.8 Years

Gender: Female

Pack: Moonshadow

Rank: Hunter

Appearance: (description and/or picture) Silver-gray and white with dark gray eyes. She's long-legged and thin, a natural runner. Avi

Personality: Avi's sweet and very understanding, and she's very well known to be loyal to her pack and friends. She's one to comfort, and is well-known to be a very motherly she-wolf, befriending all and taking everyone under her wing.

History: Descendant of Al. Lived and grew up as a Moonshadow wolf, no known drama.

Crush/mate: None / N/A

Pups: None



The Oakland Pack



Username: woopoo

Name: Eve

Age: 4

Gender: female

Pack: Oakland

Rank: Beta Female

Appearance: small but strong reddish wolf.

user posted image

Personality: curious and optimistic.

History: Eve was very unimportant within her family beside her brother - until he was killed by coyotes. They finally made up to her but she still feels a little underloved...

Crush/mate: Oakland Beta Male

Pups: none yet





Username: Raven301

Name: Megiddo (Meg)

Age: 5

Gender: Male

Pack: Oakland

Rank: Beta Male

Appearance: Megiddo is a fairly large wolf with very long legs, he has thick white and gray fur in winter and thinner blacker fur with silver glints in it in summer. Megiddo's eyes are a deep green and his ears are a bit on the large side, he has excellent hearing. Meg

Personality: Megiddo is very clever and a great planner, he is also a good leader and can analyze a conflict and come up with a solution in seconds. He will always try to first resolve violence with words rather than violence, in fact you could say he avoids violence and he is always ready to listen to any wolf in the pack.

History: Megiddo lived in captivity for the first year of his life but always wondered what was beyond the fence. Eventually it was planned that he be moved by boat but when a storm hit he was thrown over board. Luckily Meg need up on the shores of the wolves' island and was taken in by the pack.

Crush/mate: Eve

Pups: N/A


Username: Tiga

Name: Baron

Age: 5 and a half

Gender: Male

Pack: Oakland

Rank: Alpha Male

Appearance: Baron is a brown and gray large brute of a wolf. He has a very large frame, and therefor he has a large amount of power and strength behind his movements. But due to his size, he isn't the fastest.

Personality: Loyal and indeed very easily annoyed, he has been the alpha for some time. He is what a normal alpha would be. Proud of his pack, but very hostile to intruders.

History: Nothing of interest

Crush/mate: The alpha female

Pups: None as of yet.


Username: RavenWolf1010

Name: Raven

Age: 5

Gender: Female

Pack: Oakland

Rank: Alpha Female

Appearance: A stunning wolf, but she never accepts compliments. With bright grey eyes, the she-wolf seems to be able to see right through you. She's larger than average, but not by much. Raven gets her name for her glossy black coat that is like a raven's feather.

Personality: Raven is a serious wolf. She takes caring for the pack very seriously, and spends little time doting on her love life. However serious she may be though, she is a friendly wolf with a sweet personality.

History: She comes from a small family. It'd been a rough winter, and the cold had claimed her siblings. It'd just so happened that she'd been born with the thickest coat out of them all. Her father had been killed by rouges, and her mother struggled to support her. Eventually, they came across the Oakland pack, and was soon absorbed into it. Which explains why she has a black coat, while her pack members have lighter browns.

Crush/mate: Ha, good luck with that.

Pups: N/A



Username: Tiga

Name: Crimson

Age: 1

Gender: Female

Pack: Oakland

Rank: Healer

Appearance: Crimson's picture

Personality: She is very skittish and scared, even of her rank. She is very polite and quiet.

History: Nothing of interest

Crush/mate: N/A

Pups: N/A


Username: SL

Name: Moonbreak

Age: 5

Gender: Male

Pack: Oakland

Rank: Warrior

Appearance: A large grey wolf with scars along his flank. His tail seems like it's been chopped short and his left ear is missing the tip

Personality: Moonbreak is a rather stoic wolf. He usually doesn't talk much or anything. However, he's known for being vicious and aggressive on the battlefield.

History: Moonbreak used to have a mate, but she was killed in battle and their pup was lost. It was after that that Moonbreak became stoic and aggressive, when before he was cheerful and passive.

Crush/mate: N/A

Pups: Willow



Username: woopoo

Name: Gideon

Age: 2

Gender: male

Pack: Oakland

Rank: hunter

Appearance: Brown, big wolf. Strong for his size. user posted image

Personality: Very fun, he loves to play around like a pup. Never properly grew up. Now he wants to settle down with a mate and have some pups, although he loves his job and would never give it up.

History: normal, nothing particularly interesting.

Crush/mate: crush on Crimson.

Pups: N/A



Username: Dragongirl10188

Name: Kaia.

Age: 3 1/2 years.

Gender: Female.

Pack: Oakland.

Rank: Hunter.

Appearance: This, the rest of her body is the same brown-ish colour, but she has light cream coloured paws, cream coloured tip of tail and a dark brown saddle marking on her back. Yeah, she has two feathers in her ear. (( I drew that art work, so if you steal it I will gladly find you. c: ))

Personality: Kaia can be somewhat sarcastic, stubborn and overall an unfriendly wolf if she comes across someone she doesn't like. It isn't easy to earn her trust or befriend her, but once you do, she can become a loyal friend. Although selfish when it comes to other wolves she doesn't know, she can protect or serve her friends well in the long run. Kaia doesn't believe in many things, and one of them is trust, so be careful if you earn her trust then break it. In a friendship, she can be quite funny and somewhat kind.

History: Her history is pretty simple, she was born into a normal litter and a normal pack quite a few territories away. A bushfire ripped through the pack's territory, however, and she found herself alone without her parents. A tribe found her, and she was raised there, often being 'painted' and two feathers were put behind her ear. For most of her life, she was raised within the human tribe and learnt to trust others easily. However, towards being two years old, a man in the village betrayed everyone and set a tent on fire. The tent had been Kaia's master's tent, and he died in the fire. Terrified and not sure what to do, she ran away, and soon found the Oakland pack.

Crush/mate: Meh.



Username: Sweet_Wyvern

Name: Maktow

Age: Newborn

Gender: Male

Pack: Oakland

Rank: Pup (future rank tbd)

Appearance: Maktow

Personality: Being a pup, Maktow is naturally very impressionable and naive. He's also very playful and has a habit of getting up under everyone's paws to the point of annoyance. He's unlikely to get into a fight, unless its a play fight in which case he won't be stopped unless he's physically dragged away. He'll be friends with anyone.

History: Born.

Crush/mate: none

Pups: none

Pups: ...


Username: Tiga

Name: Ivory

Age: 1 and a half

Gender: Female

Pack: Oakland

Rank: Queen

Appearance: http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-me...mie-dutcher.jpg (the white one)

Personality: A younger queen, Ivory is a gentle mother. She holds a lot of spirit and is very energetic, but is very protective of her first and only pup, Maktow. Her mate was a dark gray male (in the picture) who was a warrior of the pack. Sadly, he was trapped by human hunters, and was shot in front of Ivory. She fled, but lost half her tail and gained a lame front paw. She can use her front left arm, just not move the paw it self. She walks around awkwardly on three.

History: Ivory left Maktow in camp, and she and her mate, Smoke was out hunting, but instead began to mess around. He ran ahead of Ivory, teasing her before he fell and was crippled to the ground. His front paw was in a metal trap. Ivory tried biting it away, causing her to trap her own tail in the process, but then Smoke fell down dead and limp. She could only take in a little of what had happened when the hunters shot their gun. However she moved and the bullet his her front paw, and deciding it was enough, the hunters let her go.


But after she had fled, the hunters followed her trail. But she learned quickly. And make a mock trail, before licking up her wound carefully and leaving, careful to not leave blood.

Crush/mate: Smoke (deceased)

Pups: Maktow


Username: 20mia08

Name: Dallas

Age: 2.3 Years

Gender: Male

Pack: Oakland

Rank: Warrior

Appearance: (description and/or picture) He's a black male wolf, dusted with an ever-so slight silver color. His eyes are a brilliant yellow-amber, standing out on his face. His paws are massive, and his legs are long and muscular, making him a powerful fighter. Dallas

Personality: Dallas is an intimidating wolf, but he's known to be gentle on his friends. He's a very loyal wolf, only to his pack and friends, and he's very defensive. He's never afraid to state his opinion or speak his mind.

History: Dallas was born and raised in the Oakland pack, but his mother and father died when he started eating meat. He lived a lonely life, only his friends comforting him.

Crush/mate: None / N/A

Pups: None

Edited by woopoo

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Can I have the Moonshadow alpha female?




Username: SoiledLove

Name: Sickle Snowbell

Age: Nearly 3

Gender: Female

Pack: Moonshadow

Rank: Alpha Female

Appearance: Snowbell

Personality: Snowbell is a very strong and independent wolf. She refuses to be held down or tamed and she has a lot of pride and stubbornness. Sometimes, she can come off as hostile and rude, but in reality, she's just trying to cover up any embarrassment, or awkwardness. She's very loyal and protective of her pack, family and friends. She absolutely adores pups and they're probably the only ones she lets her emotions show with, except her mate, of course.

History: Snowbell was small when she was born and her brother was very competitive, always, besting her in everything. However, being as stubborn as she is, Snowbell never backed down and tried her best. She caused a lot of trouble when she was younger, but learned from her mistakes. Unfortunately, despite her growing wisdom as she got older, she was still as hardheaded as ever and refused to accept any mates, until she fell for Crescent. But, of course, it took ages just for her to admit that she had a crush.

Crush/mate: Crescent?

Pups: None, as of yet

Edited by SoiledLove

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Username: Joste

Name: Icis

Age: 3

Gender: female

Pack: Moonshadow

Rank: Healer

Appearance: user posted image

Personality: Icis is a very kind and caring wolf,

but if she feels insulted/threatened ETC the beast in her will show. She has a short fuse, and because she is a Healer knows where the to strike to make it fatal for her opponent

History: When she was 5 months she was Exiled from her old pack, because she attacked the alpha male, after he had called her a useless child.

She bumped into the Moonshadow pack, and after som hard tests she was a member


Crush/mate: none yet

Pups: none yet



Is this one okay?

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Username: Raven301

Name: Megiddo (Meg)

Age: 5

Gender: Male

Pack: Oakland

Rank: Beta Male

Appearance: Megiddo is a fairly large wolf with very long legs, he has thick white and gray fur in winter and thinner blacker fur with silver glints in it in summer. Megiddo's eyes are a deep green and his ears are a bit on the large side, he has excellent hearing.

Personality: Megiddo is very clever and a great planner, he is also a good leader and can analyze a conflict and come up with a solution in seconds. He will always try to first resolve violence with words rather than violence, in fact you could say he avoids violence and he is always ready to listen to any wolf in the pack.

History: Megiddo lived in captivity for the first year of his life but always wondered what was beyond the fence. Eventually it was planned that he be moved by boat but when a storm hit he was thrown over board. Luckily Meg need up on the shores of the wolves' island and was taken in by the pack.

Crush/mate: Eve

Pups: N/A

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Owner: DarkOFSorts12

Name: MacBeth (Macky)

Gender: Female

Pack: Moonshadow

Rank: Healer

Pups: N/A

Personality: Macky is a she-wolf that is full of stubbornness and refuses to be held back. On the contrary, she is good with pups, loves pups (is willing to rescue Oakland's pups if they are in trouble!), but she is proud, stubborn, caring, loyal to her pack, and kind.

She also knows where to hit, and where weak spots are.


History: She would kill me if I told you. laugh.gif

Crush/Mate: N/A


Image: Macky


Accept biggrin.gif

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Not yet, we don't have all the Alphas and Betas, etc, plus I want at least some hunters and hopefully some warriors first. Oh, and maybe a queen or two. More people needed, tell your friends about it!

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I'll make a Queen if someone could make her mate? Cause a queen is like a she wolf with or expecting pups, yes?

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Username: Tiga

Name: Baron

Age: 5 and a half

Gender: Male

Pack: Oakland

Rank: Alpha Male

Appearance: Baron is a brown and gray large brute of a wolf. He has a very large frame, and therefor he has a large amount of power and strength behind his movements. But due to his size, he isn't the fastest.

Personality: Loyal and indeed very easily annoyed, he has been the alpha for some time. He is what a normal alpha would be. Proud of his pack, but very hostile to intruders.

History: Nothing of interest

Crush/mate: The alpha female

Pups: None as of yet.


Username: Tiga

Name: Crimson

Age: 1

Gender: Female

Pack: Oakland

Rank: Healer

Appearance: Crimson's picture

Personality: She is very skittish and scared, even of her rank. She is very polite and quiet.

History: Nothing of interest

Crush/mate: N/A

Pups: N/A


Username: Tiga

Name: Toral

Age: 4

Gender: Make

Pack: Moonshadow

Rank: Beta Male

Appearance: Toral

Personality: Demanding and excepting. Toral comes off harsh and strict, but in reality he just wants the pack to thrive.

History: N/A

Crush/mate: Beta Female

Pups: N/A

Edited by Tiga

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I have the Alpha Female of the Oakland pack... Baron is going to have one Hell of a time trying to woo Raven. xd.png


Username: RavenWolf1010

Name: Raven

Age: 6

Gender: Female

Pack: Oakland

Rank: Alpha Female

Appearance: A stunning wolf, but she never accepts compliments. With bright grey eyes, the she-wolf seems to be able to see right through you. She's larger than average, but not by much. Raven gets her name for her glossy black coat that is like a raven's feather.

Personality: Raven is a serious wolf. She takes caring for the pack very seriously, and spends little time doting on her love life. However serious she may be though, she is a friendly wolf with a sweet personality.

History: She comes from a small family. It'd been a rough winter, and the cold had claimed her siblings. It'd just so happened that she'd been born with the thickest coat out of them all. Her father had been killed by rouges, and her mother struggled to support her. Eventually, they came across the Oakland pack, and was soon absorbed into it. Which explains why she has a black coat, while her pack members have lighter browns.

Crush/mate: Ha, good luck with that.

Pups: N/A

Edited by RavenWolf1010

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I have the Alpha Female of the Oakland pack... Baron is going to have one Hell of a time trying to woo Raven. xd.png


Username: RavenWolf1010

Name: Raven

Age: 5

Gender: Female

Pack: Oakland

Rank: Alpha Female

Appearance: A stunning wolf, but she never accepts compliments. With bright grey eyes, the she-wolf seems to be able to see right through you. She's larger than average, but not by much. Raven gets her name for her glossy black coat that is like a raven's feather.

Personality: Raven is a serious wolf. She takes caring for the pack very seriously, and spends little time doting on her love life. However serious she may be though, she is a friendly wolf with a sweet personality.

History: She comes from a small family. It'd been a rough winter, and the cold had claimed her siblings. It'd just so happened that she'd been born with the thickest coat out of them all. Her father had been killed by rouges, and her mother struggled to support her. Eventually, they came across the Oakland pack, and was soon absorbed into it. Which explains why she has a black coat, while her pack members have lighter browns.

Crush/mate: Ha, good luck with that.

Pups: N/A

Haha i can imagine it. But they did become mates one time.

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