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The Zauberstein Academy of Sorcery

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The OOC: [x]


At the prestigious Zauberstein Academy of Sorcery, teenagers are taught the ways of the five magics: Air, Water, Fire, Lightning and Earth. The most able of these students are then allowed to undertake missions in eliminating demons and monsters from villages and towns as teams. Each student specialises in a separate element and is taught to use a accompanying weapon in conjunction with their magic, such as swords and spears.


You are student at Zauberstein, at the age of 16 or 17, and full of wonder, yet on one of your class missions, you find out something that changes everything you knew of the Academy you have entrusted your life to. And soon, they start to try to take your life from you, and you have nothing to do but protect yourself.



Map of currently player-named countries

Simple campus map

The Zauberstein Academy is set in the kingdom of Redendorf, which is equivalent to rural 1930s Germany if the wars had never happened: very picturesque and fairytale-like. The school itself is a huge expansive mansion with around 80 acres of green pastures surrounding it. There is a large lake full of magical creatures and a small path that leads from the school to the small train station where students can board to reach other places in the country



You are a skilled student at Zauberstein, and can control one of the five elements. You also wield a weapon to help you control the element. All students wear a uniform comparable to Japanese high school uniforms, and must wear a tie, cravate, etc. in the colour of their element (air is black, water is blue, earth is green, fire is red and lightning is white). Your weapon is placed in your locker when not in use. You can be of any race, gender and sexuality.


ATTENTION: You can be of another species, but they must appear and act similar to humans.


Other species introduced by players include:

  • Angelides: Similar to humans, but they gain wings when they find true love. Those who don't gain wings are ostracized. -DrakonSpite.
  • Air Nymph: Air Nymphs are beautiful minor female nature deity with control over winds and storms. -mipuppy1.

1) No moding, godmoding or powerplaying.

2) Three characters max.

3) Fight's can't be too gory.

4) Romance must be pg-13.

5) Put the word "oz" in the other section on your form.

6) No one is omnipotent.

7) No one's perfect.

8) Improper behaviour won't be tolerated (e.g. real life racism, not in game or directing singling out characters for no reasons).

9) If your character is killed, you can make a new one, or bring a minor character forward into major-dom.

10) If we started the RP without enough characters, the existing players can make more - I'll alert you of the changes in character maximums.

11) My word is law.




Character name:






Age (16 or 17):





Edited by MendezLightning

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Username: MendezLightning

Character name: Elias Stern

Gender: Male

Element: Lightning

Weapon: Rapier

Race: Caucasian, Human

Looks: clickedy clack here

Age (16 or 17): 17

History: Coming from the rich and powerful Galendian Stern family, Elias was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but made every attempt to make the most of his situation and is renowned for his charity work, yet was disappointed to find it was usually ruined by demons and monsters destroying his work. Therefore, he decided to become a fighter wizard.

Personality: Elias is stubborn and wilful, yet is soft at heart. He falls completely in love and has extremely strong emotions, despite rarely showing it.

Sexuality: Homosexual




Username: DrakonSpite

Character name: Kazusa Touma

Gender: Female

Element: Water

Weapon: Violin. Harnesses the Power of Water into her music.

Race: Angelide. The Angelide (plural and singular) are normal humans but can gain wings. They gain their wings when they find true love. Angelides who do not gain wings are singled out and tormented. The wings of an Angelide can be easily and comfortably concealed and cannot be used for flight, only hovering.

Looks: Kazusa has long, black hair and blue eyes. Her face is slender and elegant and a bit pale. Her father was White and her mother was Asian which explains the rarely seen black-haired blue-eyed look. Her fingers are perfect for playing the violin and the edges are frayed as a result. She is medium-tall and quite slim.

Age (16 or 17): 16

History: Kazusa's mother was a talented pianist and her father was extremely skilled at the cello. The two fell in love after meeting at a concerto and soon they had Kazusa. As a young girl, Kazusa developed an interest in music and the violin after her parents took her to an orchestral performance. She quickly grasped and became skilled at it and had her first grand performance at the age of 11. Her mother left to another country when she had to do performances there and there she got a contract which forced her to stay there for 6 years. Her father is rarely ever home from his job so Kazusa had the place to herself most of the time. She was then sent to the Zauberstein Academy after discovering she could manipulate fluids. She thoroughly enjoys her time at the school and even learned to harness her powers into her music, using soothing songs for healing and violent songs for harming.

Personality: Kazusa is normally reserved but when confronted, is friendly and fun-loving. She is fiercely loyal to her friends but is socially awkward and unpredictable at worst. She is calm and collected at best. Though many consider her an introvert with her spending most of her time practising music, she still needs company from friends and may even have a crush.

Sexuality: Heterosexual





Character name:Rose Simons




Race: Human


Age (16 or 17):17

History: Rose was an only child to a couple that were up in years. So she grew up with parents who didn't know how to show their emotions properly leaving Rose stunted. When her mother died it just became worse in that her father was so busy in his grief that he ignored Rose. As she got older it was discovered by an Aunt that she was able to manipulate fire of any kind so she was sent to the academy to learn better control.

Personality: Rose is normally standoffish and seems as if to like being alone. However deep inside she craves touch especially to those she calls friends. With strangers she is a cold robot, but with her friends she is warm and happy.

Sexuality: Bi.




Username: Switch

Character name: Rune Winters

Gender: Male

Element: Water

Weapon: Bow and arrows

Race: Human

Looks: Rune is 5'6", with a thin build and pale skin with dark freckles across the bridge of his nose. He has a round face, shoulder length dark auburn hair, and deep blue almond eyes.

Age (16 or 17): 17

History: Rune was born into a family made up mainly of water magic users and has lived an easy, uneventful life. He decided to attempt to become a fighter wizard due to a desire to be useful to the world somehow.

Personality: Rune is a very shy and quiet person. He is timid and is anxious when talking to other people, though kind to people he trusts. Rune prefers to avoid open conflict, but he can be quick to judge others, slow to forgive, and may be passive-aggressive to those he dislikes for any reason.

Sexuality: Homosexual




Username: mipuppy1

Character name: Inanna Aerilyn

Gender: Female

Element: Air

Weapon: Fan

Race: Air Nymph. Air Nymphs are beautiful minor female nature deity with control over winds and storms.

Looks: Inanna has the appearance of a supermodel. Tall with an hourglass body type to die for, she carries herself with grace and confidence. Her skin is porcelain, her eyes are sapphire blue framed with long dark lashes and her lips are a dark red color like blood.

Age (16 or 17): 17

History: Inanna's childhood was a happy one. That was until she reached the age of eight, where her mother was taken away by one of the many monsters or demons that haunted the small and rather defenseless village. Because of her mother's death, Inanna's father decided to move the two girls to the mountains where they felt most comfortable and wouldn't be hurt. In the absence of her mother, Inanna raised Ciela with love, care and is very protective of her.

Personality: Graceful and beautiful Ianna has a tough girl I-am-better-then-you attitude. She has a short temper and usual gets what she wants. When she dislikes something, she isn't afraid to voice it, hurting others feelings isn't a problem to her.

However, to the defenseless, and physically weak she is very motherly and gentle. Physically weak that is, she hates people who are mentally weak and can do things to help their state. To those type of lazy people who just sit there and whine, she is very unsympathetic. Inanna is a very stubborn girl who is very quick to judge. To those who are close to her, she shall protect them like an angry mother bear.

Sexuality: Hetero




Username: Lore_Master

Character name: Mason McDurman.

Gender: Male

Element: Earth

Weapon: Maul

Race: Human

Looks: Mason has short, shaggy brown hair and green eyes. His skin was normally pale white, but working with his family has tanned it into a more normal colour. Outside of the uniform, he tends to wear more causal clothing, trousers that reach to his knees and a long-sleeve cotton shirt.

Age (16 or 17): 17

History: Mason was only just a year and a half when his whole family left the Green Isles and came to Manitka, so he doesn't remember much of the trip. Growing up was fairly boring, his older bother and father became carpenters, and learned a thing or two from them. He quickly realised that his perception of the world was different than his family, so he kept that his secret out of fear of rejection. Eventually, during a side job, he discovered his talent for controlling the ground around him. His family was surprising supportive, and looked for ways to nurture his talent. The Zauberstein academy quickly became their best option, thus he travelled across the ocean once more.

Personality: Mason can be a rather sociable person, but he's usually not the one to initiate a conversation. He tends to prefer quiet locations, and as a result his love of fishing emerged. He's really good with his hands, and can make a variety of crafts. In terms of intelligence, he's above average, since he got pulled out at sixteen to help his family's business. He also likes to experiment, whether its with sounds or crafting. He has almost no romantic experience, and doesn't feel sexual attraction to any gender.

Sexuality: Asexual/Demiromantic

Other: Mason was born with Synesthesia, a condition where he feels an involuntary sensation when another is triggered. The most prevalent trigger is when he hears sounds or words, 'colourful fireworks' appear that vary in intensity and hue.

Edited by MendezLightning

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O.O I cant seem to accept the fact that they have to wear Uniforms,its sad ;.;


How my char should look like


user posted image



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Elias did his yellow tie up with ease. He often had to wear ties for his family's social events in Galendia. The country was much more interesting than Redendorf - there were cities and towns and his family produced electricity for most of them using their magic. Although, he was happy to leave Galendia for the time being; his family had become obsessed recently with trying to set him up with every eligible bachelorette noblegirl under the sun, ever since he told them he was a homosexual. Or, has he had so tactfully put it, a sausage-stuffer.


To be frank, he'd rather be out there, making a difference than having to go to these classes and learn how to fight, yet he knew that the only way for his charity work to have an actual outcome was for the demons that plague Galendia, Redendorf and every kingdom, principality and Durona-knows-what-else in between. Sighing again, he took his rapier in hand, holstered it and grabbed his bag to go to his first: an introduction to the history of sorcery. Yawn.

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Kazusa picked up her violin case and her suitcase from the storage section above her head. She got off the train and walked up towards the academy. The academy came into sight and my, was it magnificent. It was truly breathtaking and Kazusa was excited to have finally left home and come to this marvellous academy.


She walked in through the gates and set foot into the school. It was a truly magnificent place with marble floors that had been polished so much, you could see your own reflection. The ceiling was tall and it looked very fairytale like.


She settled in her assigned room and looked at her watch. She unpacked a bit and headed straight for her first lesson, History of Sorcery with her trusty violin and her suitcase-like schoolbag.

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Locking his dorm room behind him, Elias spied out the window of the stairwell to see flocks of students coming into the school. It seemed kind of late to be turning up for lessons, to him, but if they got their stuff together and managed to get to lessons on time, who was he to complain? The Lightning Dormitories were the northernmost tower of dorms in the school, and he was glad that he wasn't placed too far up the tower. Getting to the bottom of the stairs, he headed straight for class, swinging his bag in his right hand as he went.

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Rose sighed as she looked into her mirror as she brushed her hair slowly. Sitting at the bench she then moved to put her make up on making sure to try and cover the scar on her forehead as she sat there. Once she was finished she then set a drop of perfume on her inner wrists before standing up. Picking up her book bag she then headed out of her dorm and making sure to lock it headed to her first class. History of Sorcery.

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Rune hummed quietly as he checked his reflection in the mirror one last time. His tie was on, albeit rather clumsily done, and a few strands of his hair were sticking up as they often did. He quickly brushed the hairs down to his scalp and sprayed a bit of perfume at his neck, then tossed his school bag over his shoulder and stepped out the door of his dormitory. He skipped down the large stairwell and turned down the hall towards his first class of the day, History of Sorcery. Hopefully he wouldn't daze off, history lessons were prone to causing him to do so.

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Throwing his bag into a chair, Elias sat near the back of the classroom, which was shaped like a miniature semicircular auditorium. There was a massive, old, dusty blackboard that made up half of the wall in front of him. He took off the belt that held his rapier to his hip and put it on the desk in front of him as he sat down, and he was given a concerned eye by the other students around him, despite the fact that they all had their weapons with them too, even if they were less ornate and heirloom-y. Sighing and leaning back, preparing himself for the boring lesson of history, he felt his magic try to take over, and felt his hair start to move with static electricity. Lightning magic was prone to bouts of exuberance, especially when the vessel it was in got bored, or boring.

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Kazusa came into the class and saw the other pupils had all taken a seat and there were not a lot left. Not wanting to be bothered by pranksters and troublemakers, she took the seat at the back and placed her violin under her desk. She had a clear view of almost everyone from her seat and saw that everyone had a weapon. But the weapons were all swords, lances, bows etc. She seemed to be the only one with a musical instrument as a weapon. Feeling a bit embarrassed, she made a futile attempt to conceal her violin and put her head down.

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As the knew girl sat down near him, Elias leaned over toward her and asked in his most flattering voice, 'Is that a violin?' It wasn't common for a person to use an instrument as a weapon, yet it wasn't unheard of. Khion, a great folk hero of Galendia had used a drum to shatter the earth and create the Dust Islands, but he hadn't thought someone so young could be skilled enough to use instrumental magic. She must be strong.

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"N...no..." Kazusa said. It was clear that she was lying through her teeth and it was apparent she was not very good at it. Kazusa blushed in embarassment as the boy next to her looked enquiringly. She noticed that the boy had a rapier and blonde hair that had sparked slightly before. Guessing he specialised in Lightning, she made a mental note of that in her head.

Edited by Drakonspite

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'Interesting,' Elias smiled. 'Because I've seen many a violin. I play, you see, and that seems startlingly similar to the kind I used use. But, you're the expert ...' As more students came in, Elias spotted her blue necktie - Water. It made sense, a violin's sound was long, fluid and graceful: a very apt choice for manipulating water. Then, an old woman with a perfectly straight back walked it, a long, ornate and frightening archaic flintlock pistol in her left hand. She set it down on the desk before her and waited for silence.

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Kazusa was now blushing even more furiously. She had just embarrassed herself AND been humiliated all in under just 5 minutes. Suddenly, a woman walked in with a vintage pistol in her hand. Her straight posture made her seem strict and Kazusa ha no doubt that this woman may use the pistol if she did not get what she wished. It was apparent she wanted silence so Kazusa took this chance and turned away from the blonde boy. She say quietly and waited for everyone else to quiet down.


History of Sorcery? She had no chance. Back in her non-magic school history class was the most dreary and boring lesson with many students bunking off several days. And that was the more polite rule-abiding kids. The more unruly ones did not attend a single lesson no matter how many times they were threatened to be expelled. Kazusa wasn't very good at history and the only parts she was OK at was the music history.

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The woman at the front began to speak in the thickest Redendorf accent Elias had ever heard, and it was almost uncomfortable to hear. 'Jhallo. Hyou are orll heeyah tudayee to lurn. Jhowevarr, unlike vot is said on your scheduellz, tudayee, hyou vill be pliced into grupps.'


I thought this was a history lesson ...

'Trughout hyour educassion, hyou will be vorking in grupps of tree to six. This is colled, coven. Hyou will be pliced in hyour grupps, if there is a prublem, report this to me. Hyour grupps vill go on missions togetter, and hyou vill jhunt demons togetter. Teamvork is paramount. Haff hyou understand?'


The class nodded.


'I colled by Mrs Gegenteilenfriedenhauptsachen. Hyou may coll me by Mrs Gegen.'


You'd think you'd say that first ...

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((Mendez, you might want to assign teachers as well tongue.gif))


Kazusa nodded even though she didn't understand a thing she said. The accent she had was not familiar to Kazusa yet all the others nodded so she did too. All she caught was groups, three to six, demons, teamwork and understand. Not wanting to embarrass herself further by her poor knowledge of the world, she didn't bother to ask the boy next to her and just lay low on her table.

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Rose walked into the class knowing that she was a bit late. With all the new students that had appeared she had had trouble walking through the halls. Getting into the seat left open behind the lightning and water students that had sat together. Looking up she listened to Mrs. Gegen before tilting her head. A group project wouldn't be the best for her she knew. It was a pain trying to understand the intricate nuances of the other students.

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Rune quietly stepped into the large classroom and glanced about for a seat. Everyone seemed to have arrived early, so he sat down at a desk near the back of the room and set his bow down. He began spacing off as soon as the teacher started her speech with a barely coherent accent.

"Groups?" Rune frowned. He barely knew any of the other students at the academy and was already uncomfortable at the idea of working with complete strangers. He knew he would need as much help as he could get when fighting demons, but he was already nervous at the thought alone.

Edited by Switch

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((Nah, we won't be spending that much time in the school, so there's no point. If we need more, I will but for now, it's fine.))


Elias sat up as Mrs Gegen began calling out names in her thick and difficult accent, but the sound of his name was familiar in the Redendorf accent - Stern was a Reden name. 'Elias Stern. Kazusa Touma. Rose Simons. Rune Winters. Inanna Aerilyn. Dees is Coven 3. Please move to front of classroom. Bring weapon.' Taking his rapier in hand, Elias made his way down the steps and stood at the front, before he was handed a passport, of sorts. It was his student ID, complete with photograph, birth date and all other kinds of information. They even got his blood type. 'Please continue to Coven Room 3. Down hall. You go now.'


Stepping out of the room, Elias waited in the hallway for the others.

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Kazusa heard her name being called. From what we was guessing, the string of names that were smothered in the teacher's heavy accent formed a group. She was apparently in a group called Coven 3. Oh no she thought. This meant she had to walk with her violin letting everyone else know she had a violin to defend her life. Putting her head down, she walked quickly towards the teacher, snatched her passport and stalked out of the room.


The blonde haired boy next to her was already out here so she leaned against the wall and turned her head away.


((Ok :3))

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Rune slowly stood up as his name was called, watching as his new Coven members retrieved a slip of paper. He took a deep breath then walked down the stairs to the teacher, bow in hand. He briefly looked over the paper that was handed to him, his Student ID, then pocketed it and stepped outside. Two besides Rune were already waiting in the hallway. He considered saying something, but decided it better to let one of them speak first, so he silently glanced at the floor.

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