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Minecraft: The Dark Army's Rising.

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((Lol Come back cobra! xd.png Anyways, just a heads up [i can't remember if i told you guys or not.] I might be missing a bit. My sister and i are spending most of our time being dibolical. Long story.))

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(Sorry guys. My brain is kind of dead right now. ._. )

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(Sure. Maybe we can keep this going. happy.gif Just pm me the character sheet. )

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(I simply can't post because Ariana has nothing to do right now, and would much rather not have another close encounter. >.>)

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((Like I said, you guys can always find a way to get kicked out of the city. It needs to happen at one point or the role-play stops. Can’t fight the world of evil if we stay underground. wink.gif ))

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John secured the leather strap to hold the spade in place to the staff, successfully constructing a wooden shovel from the limited materials he had. There was something to living out in the country, the limited resources and skimpment of trees made it particularly hard to forage materials, though he did it, a durable wooden shovel he could use, and he could also construct a wooden pick axe to use for later, he'd just have to see. Maybe the mining would turn out good today, though he didn't dwell on that, the chances of fighting more durable materials, like Iron or Diamond were slim. THough it wouldn't hurt, right?

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((Ummm... An attempt at a post.))



looked for a mining shop. She noticed a few and she had a few emeralds with her. She walked up to the shop owner. "I have a deal for you." She said to the owner, they actually knew each other pretty well. "This ain't like ya Taylor What's goin on?" He asked. "I need to get out of here I hate it! I was wondering if you could mine me out of here." "Ya know I'm not that good with secrets. But if ya paid me we could make a deal." "how about 5 emeralds." "Fine I would usually make it more expensive but you did save my son." "Thank you." She said happily. "Is that Taylor?!?" A small voice squeaked "Yep it's me! But I have to go." Adam and his father Alex where nice to her. "Hey I'm going to go get some supplies, I'll meet you back here soon." "Got it." Adam said.


Taylor ran around the city grabbing necessary supplies. It took her awhile but the mine would also. She came back and Adam was sitting manning his shop. "Finished." He said with tears in his eyes.

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It didn’t take Aaron long before he had stolen, scavendged, and even created any supplies that was possible to obtain. Sure, he had a bit of a struggle with some merchants and he may have stolen some little girl’s doll to use as kindling- but it was all for a greater cause. Well, ‘greater cause’ is a bit off the mark but it will do for now.

Aaron tried to think of anything else he could use or obtain but thought of nothing. He had a stone pickaxe (which he used materials from someone’s marketing stall to make.) He stole a couple torches off the walls of the city; he stole some food from the black market, and his pocket knife. It wasn’t much but he could make do with it. He was just traveling to another city. Approaching the only exit out of the city, two guards spotted him. Without a word he shoved his way pasted them and walked out the entrance. The guards didn’t care- if he was leaving the city he couldn’t harm anyone. He wouldn’t last long out on the surface anyways.

The guards closed the heavy metal door behind Aaron. Aaron could hear the lock click into place as the door closed. He continued down the tunnel. There was no light in the tunnels aside from the glow bugs that had decided to fly in the tunnels to light the halls.

The tunnels where dug out strategically. There were many paths, turns, and crossroads. Each way lead to the outside, but only one lead its way into Maelik.

After seemingly a hour, maybe even two, Aaron found his way into a dark cave. He went the only logical way that there was- up.

Finally he climbed the last ledge and saw the mouth of the cave. He slowly walked out into the world that not many people dared to go.

It all came back at once. There was a refreshing breeze that pressed against his skin, the moon shone down on him gracefully. The cave’s entrance was in the middle of a plain. A single tree was in front of the cave but aside from that nothing stood out for miles.

Grass, flowers, the stars… Aaron didn’t picture it this way. From what he heard it would have bodies thrown across the ground, dying people, raging monsters, and a blood moon.

But it seemed peaceful.

Something was in the back of Aaron’s mind though. There was a question; there was something he noticed that didn’t seem quite right. What was here that wasn’t supposed to be?

“Where are the animals?”

As if someone had heard his question there was an answer. As Aaron took another step forward he stepped on something hard and stiff. He looked down to see a sheep. It had been brutally killed. Its neck was snapped and its ribcage was torn open like some predatory animal had killed it. But what he noticed most was the fact that it was burned.

As he looked through the tall grass he found more carcasses. Not only that of animals but he found a human one as well. It didn’t faze him, really. He felt sad for the people who had died along with the animals but he was expecting as much.


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((sailing hasn't posted for almost a month now, so I'm just going to continue along.))



After talking to Marcus, Ember started walking home. She decided to take a shortcut through a deserted alley, which turned out to be a bad idea. She heard Flare give a warning bark, but before she could react she felt the cool blade of an iron sword pressed against her neck.


Three people had appeared out of the shadows. All of them wore a mixture of iron and leather armor and carried iron swords. One was standing behind Ember and had his sword against her neck, and the other two threatened Flare. Flare snarled at the robbers, but didn't attack.


"Give me all of your emeralds," said the first robber quietly.


"I don't have any," Ember said, as calmly as she could. She couldn't think of anything that she could do, besides bluff. Her neck would get sliced open the moment she drew her sword.

"Yes, you do. You sold a large amount of ores at a shop for five hundred emeralds. Your argument with the shopkeeper wasn't exactly quiet, you know."


Well, there went that plan. "And what will you do if I don't give you the emeralds?"

"Oh, that wasn't obvious enough for you? I think it was quite clear. If you don't hand them over willingly, we kill you and take them anyway. We're really being quite charitable, letting you go."

"Charitable!? You want credit for not killing me when you're stealing my hard-earned emeralds. You don't exactly look like you're starving."


The first robber hissed. "I really hope that you'll shut up soon. If not, then I'll at least be happy knowing that someone with such a low self-preservation instinct has been removed from the gene pool."


Glaring at the robbers murderously, Ember threw her remaining emeralds to the ground.


"Good. Now, are you sure that's all of the emeralds you have?" One of the other two robber reached down and picked up the emeralds.




"Lovely. Now, me and my friends are going to walk away, slowly. You are to remain exactly where you are for three minutes. If I see any sign of trouble, from you or your wolf, you both be shot. If you move before the three minutes are up, you will both be shot. If you try to follow us, you will both be shot. If you tell the authorities about this, we will know. We will find you and kill you. Is that clear?"



Slowly, the trio of robbers started to back away. They replaced their swords with bows and drew back the strings, with the clear intent of shooting Ember and Flare if they moved. Eventually, they faded away into the shadows.


Ember waited for a minute after she couldn't hear footsteps, trembling with rage. Those thieving piles of rotten pond scum aren't worth the air that they breath. Once she was sure that the thieves were gone she walked home, tears tracing down her face. She wrenched open the door of her house and collapsed onto her bed, sobbing. She knew that she couldn't survive on the little amount of emeralds that she could get from finding odd jobs, and a spelunking job probably wouldn't come up for a month.


Stealing was obviously out of the question, after what happened. She could sell her spelunking equipment, but then she wouldn't have a source of income at all.


There was one last option, but it was almost unthinkable. She could try to travel to a different city, but how could she expect to survive out there?


Die there or beg for scraps down here. Your choice.


Well, that wasn't much of a choice, now was it? Begging was not something that Ember would ever do.


She had a few stone picks, a few stone shovels, a half-used iron pick, a stone sword with Bane of Arthropods II, an almost-broken iron sword, leather boots with Feather Falling II, a bow, a half dozen arrows, some torches, and a raw chicken. After ransacking her house for anything that could be of use (even taking the furnace and chest) she also had a bit more food and a saddle that she found in a dungeon one day and couldn't sell. Well, the legions of Herobrine won't stand a chance against my incredible equipment. I'm sure that they're shaking in their boots. Maybe once my sword has broken I can beat them to death with a chicken.

"Come on," she said quietly to Flare, who trotted along behind her. She closed her door softly, and looked at her house for what would almost certainly be the last time.


She reached the door to the outside, and said to the guards "I'm leaving."


"What? Are you sure?" replied one of the guards. "It's really not-"


"I said that I'm leaving."


The guards looked at each other and then opened the door a crack, allowing Ember and Flare to slip out.



((Yikes, that's a long post. Just a note, my internet will almost certainly be cut off for a week.))






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(Yeah, i'll send everyone who hasn't posed in a while a pm. And thanks for telling me. happy.gif))

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((Uggg!! I've been so lazy! I'm going to send you another character ASAP and then turn this into a post.))


Taylor & Alex

"Why are you so sad?" Taylor asked "Let me tell ya. I mean you. Sonialka never like me talking like that." "I know, but still why are you sad? You don't get sad easily." Taylor said. "I'm coming with you... and tha-that means I have to l-leave Adam with Miss Sonida." Alex said with multiple voice cracks and stutters. "You don't have to do that! No I'll stay here if it means that much!" She said starting to cry. "Hey don't worry, he'll be in good hands. Her friend is a guard and he has other guards always guarding her and whoever is with her. Adam understands. Adam!" He calmed down and called Adam. "This soon?" He asked crying. "Goodbye!" He said hugging them both. "I don't want you two to leave. I don't wanna to not be with you." "It's for the best. I would rather know that you're safe than know your with your mom." He said. "Now Taylor we should go. I found the cave that connects to the tunnels out of here." "Goodbye Adam. You're right we should go." She said.


After they dropped Adam off at Rillia Sonida's house they headed in the tunnel. "I have some dirt to cover the hole once we're out." He said. They walked the lit tunnel to the cave. It was dark in the middle of the path. "Ran out of torches and didn't feel like making any." Taylor nodded. Once they reached the cave they saw someone. Once they stepped towards him they noticed he was standing on a sheep. "Gross I'm going to cover the hole." Taylor said. "Alrighty." He walked up to the man who seemed to be in his twenties. "Hello I didn't expect to see someone else here. I'm Alex." He said. Taylor finished covering the hole from like twenty blocks in and walked up. "And I'm Taylor, you are?" She asked.

Edited by kingcobra2018

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It didn’t take long for Aaron to gain his sense of cautiousness. This world he once knew was no longer safe, he knew that much. There could be Nether Warriors wondering around nearby.

The first thin Aaron thought to do was find a place to rest for the night. Traveling in the dark was much too risky and In fact wasn’t a very smart move. He had to gather supplies outside whilst he could.

He heard something behind him. Was something crawling out from the cave?

There was nothing to hide behind, Aaron would just have to fight.

"Hello I didn't expect to see someone else here. I'm Alex." "And I'm Taylor, you are?"

Although his reaction time was slow Aaron distinctively turned around and threw his pocket knife behind him, hoping to catch someone right between the eyes. It wasn’t until after he threw it that he realized he had made a mistake.

censorkip.gif! I’m sorry I didn’t… I mean…censorkip.gif!”

His cussing rampage continued for a while afterwards. Luckily the knife had missed both of the civilians. He was a thief, and yes he had killed people before; but he never killed civilians who didn’t put him in danger or did no harm. Aaron could be rude, and even prideful, but he knew when he was in the wrong.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to throw that! Well, I did but not at you! I mean to throw it at people who aren’t here and—“

Now he was just rambling like an idiot.

Edited by Shyrus

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It was dark in the tunnels, but that wasn't anything that Ember wasn't used to. She easily picked her way around rocks and ledges that threatened to trip her, until she reached the end of the cave. Cautiously, she stepped forward, listening carefully for any sounds coming from above. When she was sure that she couldn't hear anything, she poked her head through the hole in the ceiling of the cave. All she could see was tall grass ringing the exit, so she sighed and pulled herself all the way out of the hole. Flare jumped up beside her.


Once she had gotten out of the cave she could see a lot better. She was in a horribly open field, with no cover except for a lone tree some distance away. It was wonderful to see the stars and breath fresh air again. Still, she had to be careful. Although she couldn't see any, Nether Warriors could be nearby. The good thing about the field was that she should be able to see enemies coming from a distance, but Ember hated open spaces. There was nowhere to hide or set up an ambush, and once the morning came there wouldn't be any shade to hide in.


Speaking of which, it would have been much better to come up during the daylight. Despite Ember's dislike of sunlight, she knew that it was safer to be out during the daytime. Well, there wasn't much she could do now. Unless it would be better to just go back and wait in the caves until-

censorkip.gif! I’m sorry I didn’t… I mean… censorkip.gif


She whipped her head back in the direction of the tree, where she saw three people. How did I miss that? She ducked into the grass before thinking about whether or not she should walk over. On one hand, she had no idea who those people were or why they were on the surface. On the other hand, travelling with someone else would be much safer. I'm a little short on safety at the moment.


Slowly and in a non-threatening manner, Ember stood up and started to walk towards the people.


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Taylor & Alex

"Hey it's alright." Alex said in a calm manner. "Hey look! There's a girl!" She said softly. Taylor walked slowly towards her. "Hey who are you?" She asked loud enough for only her to hear. She felt the cold night air against her skin.



The moonlight was enough to see that she wasn't a Nether Warrior. "Why are you here?" She asked wondering why the girl was there. Another cold breeze brushed past them.



"I wonder if she's trying to get herself killed." He said in a steady tone. He was still sad about his son but he tried to hide it. "We should probably go to sleep and take turns being on the lookout. I could take first watch. I'm sure Taylor has supplies for beds. She's always prepared." Alex spoke thoughtfully. "But if you're uncomfortable with a stranger taking watch than you can."


"I'm so sorry for the short post.))

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(Lol Kobra it's fine. And Melomancer welcome to the roleplay! Thanks for joining.)

((On another note I posted different mobs that our characters should be encountering. You don’t have to read it but it would be awesome if you would to avoid any confusion later.

The list can be found on the first page under accepted character sheets. Tell me if I should change anything or if you have a probable with any abilities they have.))


Edited by Shyrus

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(Lol Kobra it's fine. And Melomancer welcome to the roleplay! Thanks for joining.)

((On another note I posted different mobs that our characters should be encountering. You don’t have to read it but it would be awesome if you would to avoid any confusion later.

The list can be found on the first page under accepted character sheets. Tell me if I should change anything or if you have a probable with any abilities they have.))

((Oh a minecraft roleplay! Eeeee! I am going to join!! Sent you my application))

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" It's been like that for an hour! Is it going to be okay?" The young man asked. Samuel coldly replied." It will. But even if it isn't, it doesn't matter." They pressed their faces to the glass to see the massive slime hopping about the room as if in pain. Finally, the slime split apart, leaving two medium sized slimed on the grime covered floor of the Farm. "Get in there and pick one up. Be careful." Samuel commanded the man. "But-" Samuel slapped him with the back if his hand." In. Now!" The man whimpered and entered the room. He leaned down and slowly lifted one slime into the air. " bring him out here." The man obliged and walked through the door that Samuel was holding open."Great. This may have been a rough first day on the job, but you'll get amply paid. Send the check to Thompson bath fixtures." Samuel took out a shovel and scooped the slime into a hole in the wall. Next are the blazes. he thought. He trudged out of the slime farm.

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((Oh I forgot about creepers. I’ll add that to the list but they’re not going to be playing any major role.))


Aaron sighed and walked past the man to pick up the pocketknife. Alex almost immediately started to throw orders around like he was the leader; and if that wasn’t bad enough there was someone else who had just emerged from the cave. Aaron started to get irritated, he was always by himself and he liked it that way. People didn’t lean on him, bother him, or get in the way, but now here they where, a group of four people just standing around like they had all become friends.

“Hey, Alex was it? Look, I don’t know about you but I’m not too keen on suddenly being in a group of people I just met. I don’t know you or anyone else here. Don’t expect me to just take orders because they came out of your mouth. We have different paths to follow and I really doubt we’re going to go together until everyone’s dropped off at their destination like a bunch of girls needing horse rides to sleepovers. You guys can become a group and do whatever you want but—“

In the middle of Aaron’s arrogant speech there was something moving behind him in the grass.


Aaron detected the sound of the grass and the hissing sound but he was too slow. A spider had leapt out from the grass And pinned Aaron down within a split second. Not too far behind a skeleton with a dark cloak stood with his bow pulled back aiming for Aaron.

((And this, children is why you shouldn’t be arrogant! The world has a way of slapping you in the face when you become an idiot like Aaron here. tongue.gif)


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