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((Apologies for my absence. Haven't been feeling too well.


Where are we all now? Ready for the next day?))

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((No... some people are waiting for other and others haven't posted yet going to bed.))

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(( Thinking that whoever has gone to bed already is ready, but the ones holding them back are afk-ers or missing people... from a long time. And le bump. ))

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((Right... I'll give till Monday for people to get to bed otherwise we will use our poof magic and push them in the right direction for now so that we could begin the new day. Is that fine with everyone?))

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(Sorry I'm late, guys! Just set up everything today.)


Elias was jumpier than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Here he had met quite a few cordial folks, mostly the girls, but then there were people like that kid who bit out at authority, the silver fiend who lunged at them, and Elias who had a spine made of jelly. There was quite a spectrum here.


U.T was about to ask if he was doing okay, since he didn't look like he hit the wall too lightly, but then the teachers began to speak and the farm boy was quiet. Diana explained that in the future, a little mistake could probably kill them, or someone else. He nodded silently to himself, tried to take this information and store it in his brain and heart. He tried to imagine the feeling of loss he had the day he first summoned Koishii and thought about it happening again. He gently shook his head as he thought about it. No, he never wanted that to happen again.


Bastian then told them that training was only going to get harder. U.T had no trouble with the weaker foes, but it didn't stop him from worrying like every other student. He would make sure that he didn't fall behind... if he sensed any weakness, he'd redouble his efforts. This he affirmed with a nod to himself.


Then, it was over. They said that there may be cold food in the kitchen if anyone was hungry, but U.T wasn't hungry anyway. Oddly, and conveniently enough. Plus, they'd eat breakfast in the morning anyway, right? He stood from his chair and stretched, taking the opportunity to watch where the guys all seemed to be going. They were probably going to the male dorm. "I'm gonna turn in. What about you, Elias?"

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As U.T. had to be silent because Diana and Bastian were talking, Elias was left without closure. He worried for a bit, but then settled into thinking about what the two teachers were talking about. Having never experienced any loss of life, even of their grandparents, he had nothing to base what 'loss' Diana was speaking of off of.


'I make small mistakes so often...I hope that Girell can cover for me.' Elias, not paying attention to the event at hand, missed U.T.'s reaction to the speech. 'U.T.'s probably going to be fine, isn't he? He might even have to help me.' Upon hearing that the class had killed some monsters previously, Elias's heart sunk further. He had missed the training and so very much far behind. He did not even know how to summon his Fiend.


Once it was over and cold leftovers were mentioned, Elias took the opportunity to stare out into space again. He didn't have a hankering for food; he had had a late and large lunch.


In response to U.T.'s question Elias said, "Yeah." With that they got up and started to head out the door, but then looked back at U.T. to confirm that they were still there. I do not want to forget about him again.' He tilted his head awkwardly, unsure of how to continue. "I guess we will be off, then?" The two walked to the boy's dorm.


Elias had only apprehension for the next day; however, they somehow managed to fall asleep at a reasonable hour.

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((Monday. Anyone who wasn't in bed has now been poofed into it.))


When Helios woke up the next morning it took him a few moments to place himself. He was at the Summoner's school, about to start his second day. As the events of the previous day started to file themselves out for recollection he gave a little groan. It had all happened. It had all been real.


Helios propped himself up on his elbows and looked around at the other beds in the dorm. He wasn't sure if he was the only one awake, but it looked like he was the first one to actually get up. Taking the opportunity for a bit of privacy he got out of bed and slipped off to the boy's bathroom to get washed and dressed.

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Warren lay silently in his bed, having woken up half an hour ago. However, he still felt slightly sore so now he was just staying in the bed. He was currently going through everything that had happened the previous day - from his rush to the new school all the way to the small skirmish with the jelly-like creatures. His gaze shifted to the right as he saw another of the boys get up and walk into the boys bathroom, possibly to prepare for the long day that was in front of them. Now that he thought about it, he had to get up and prepare too. Coughing softly, he swung his legs around the side and dropped down quietly to the floor. Then, he slowly took his folded clothing and a towel from the drawer before walking out and to the bathroom. Inside was one of the guys from the ineperienced group, who was getting ready for the next day. If Warrren was able to recall correctly, his name was Helios, and he was a Light-fiend user.

"Good morning," Warren said to him and nodded slightly as he put his clothing aside and walked up to the sink. He let the water flow from the tap and cupped his hands together. Then, he gathered some water in them and splashed it on his face so he could remove the obvious signs of sleep.

"So, what do you think of the school? To be honest... I had a goal to come here, but now that I've been here for a day I feel like I... overestimated my capabilities. And you?" Warren asked softly as he grabbed the towel and dried off his face before starting to dress up. He was still looking at Helios and waiting for his answer.

Edited by SkullKrusher

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((We don't need both of those posts Skull smile.gif)


So much for privacy. Not long after Helios entered the bathroom someone else walked in, Warren from the 'experienced' group. When Warren offered a 'good morning' Helios managed to return a "Morning" of his own and then tried to get on with getting washed. A few minutes later Warreb spoke again.


"So, what do you think of the school? To be honest... I had a goal to come here, but now that I've been here for a day I feel like I... overestimated my capabilities. And you?"


"I didn't have much in the way of expectations" replied Helios drying his face. "But I didn't think I'd have such a rough start. I'm not sure I'm cut out for this at all.


There was no point in lying and pretending he was capable of anything better. Helios didn't want people getting a false sense of security around him. His Fiend was dangerous and until he could get some measure of control over Cerberus it would be best if people stayed on their toes.

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Sandor woke up to the sound of the dormitory door opening and closing. He just lay there for a minute before sitting up with a yawn. He stood up groggily. Sandor was very sleepy, during the night, he had woken up several times, but it was probably already late enough that he was allowed to leave the dormitory. I wonder what we are going to do today Sandor thought as he got dressed. After he'd finished, he went to the bathroom to wash his face. When he walked in the bathroom, he saw two of the other students were already there, and the were having a conversation, but he didn't want to bother them, so he just walked up to a sink to wash his face.

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Waking up was weird without the loud crow of a rooster, or the demanding voices of family ordering everyone else out of bed. His mind was muggy like a tropical fog, but as his unfocused eyes opened slowly everything came back to him. Not the farm, summoner school.... Wait summoner school?!


His brain snapped back into focus, and he pushed himself out of bed. Apparently he had been hugging the pillow like a teddy bear while on his stomach all night. Like a real manly man. No matter, he was hopping into his pants while pulling his day shirt over his head at this point, summoning his fiend all at the same time. He wasn't used to getting up calmly, morning were always hectic even on his rare days off. That much was unavoidable in a house of six, five if you didn't count the incarcerated one, siblings.


He was buckling his belt as he entered the bathroom, Koishii close to his heels to avoid tripping anyone else up. He focused on cleaning his face up like everyone else, taking great care to wash behind his ears and even wetting a towel to reach his scalp under the dirty blonde hair. He wasn't listening to the conversations of others, too engrossed in cleaning himself.

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Bastian stretched out in his bed yawning several times before he got up. He sat up and rubbed the back of his neck a little. He was glad that Isabel took the night’s shift of patrolling Niefir. After spending a bit of time at the tavern near the docks really got the better of him. He even had a little brawl with some of the men there. Finally standing up he walked towards one of the basins against the wall. Luckily they didn’t need to share a bathroom with the students seeing that the teachers had their own in their quarters. Tapping in some water into the basin Bastian touched his face slightly noticing a small bump under his eye. Luckily it wasn’t visible but he could clearly feel it. None the less the man started to rinse his face and clean himself ups. He wondered what Diana had decided to do with the students today but all he knew was is that he was going to see his cousin no matter what.




Bella was laying half of her bed, her left leg and arm hanging of the side. Her pillow had a small wet spot where she had been drooling most of the night. Clearly yesterday’s events had the better of her.

Suddenly a small thud could be heard in the room as Bella’s weight had finally caused her to fall of the side. She was quite bedazzled as she shot up from the ground looking around on what happened. Blinking the a few time the young woman finally figured out what happened which caused her to smile a little. Shaking off what had happened Bella quickly grabbed some of her things and went to the girls bathroom.

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(( Privacy? What's that when four guys walk into the bathroom together? xd.png ))


Warren slightly turned toward the door as two others walked into the bathroom and started preparing for the long day. He sighed softly and turned back toward Helios to pick up his words as he started pulling his shirt on.

"I didn't have much in the way of expectations," Helios replied as he dried off his face. "But I didn't think I'd have such a rough start. I'm not sure I'm cut out for this at all."

Now that he thought about it, Helios was the one who had trouble with controlling his Fiend, right? He was soon reminded of the outburst of the Fiend who had almost directly attacked a few other Summoners - that made Warren feel slightly worried about him. However, he smirked slightly and patted Helios' shoulder to reassure him.

"Hey, don't be so negative about it. You'll do just fine. In fact, because you're a Light-Fiend Summoner, I bet you'll be one of the most useful people around here - to be able to help your fellow Summoners will make you feel better once you get used to your... friend." He spoke slightly before nodding to himself and taking his hand off of the boy's shoulder.

"Okay, time to have a look around. I'll see you around," Warren spoke out as he took his stuff and walked out from the bathroom to his drawers. He quietly put them away and then closed the drawer before exiting the dorms and heading toward the kitchen.

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Helios flinched uncomfortably when Warren touched his shoulder. Not only was he not expecting it, being facing the other way at the time, but he hated people touching him. Some people could get away with it, like Imari and the other children back at the orphanage, but near strangers? No.


Warren didn't seem to notice though and gave what Helios supposed was supposed to be a reassuring speech, although Helios didn't share his sentiment. When Warren left Helios finished getting ready in silence, not wanting to draw the attention of the other two boys who had entered the bathroom.


He returned his personal items to his own corner of the dorm and after a moment's reflection picked up his bow and quiver of arrows. Helios had a odd feeling he might need them at some point today, so he slung them both over his shoulder and stepped out into the corridor in search of breakfast.

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A healer never needed money.


Selena had learned that early in life, when her talent for spotting the right herb and binding a wound just so was picked up on. Even an apprentice healer could expect a small meal and perhaps a corner of the outhouse if they were willing to tend to the minor ailments of a household. The blacksmith was willing to forge an extra blade if one could show him the right salve to sooth his pained shoulder, and a few years later would repair said blade to pay back what he saw as a career salvaged by the use of a few simple leaves and berries. A master healer commanded so many favours in their locality that he could always find a warmth hearth and a fresh tea at any door.


Selena shared her gifts openly with those around her, and while she would not deny that it helped to have a favour or two in waiting, it was because of her belief as well. Vundiha had seen fit to bless her with healing hands, and it would not do to hide that gift from the world or expect payment to cross palms before she tended to the sick and dying. Her services came at a cost - where she felt she could justify charging - but it was not always money. Herbs, ointments, arrowheads, the gift of knowledge...Selena accepted many forms of payment, if indeed payment was required. And on the fields of battle, payment was never in question.


The young lady drew her cloak tighter around her as she passed between the fountains of her patron, Vulpis taking a moment on their behalf to dip head and tails to the effigy of the goddess. As was her way Selena dropped a hand to her Fiend's head and stroked as they walked, comforting each other with their presence. The two had stalked through skirmishes and fights to retrieve the wounded and - in the most bitter of cases - the dead; a casual stroll on a cold morning was a simple luxury, one that few took for granted these days. The memory of the Titans was fresh in the minds of all but the youngest, and even if had been some time since they had last walked the lands there were still the Abominations to watch for.


Approaching the school Selena hoped that her message had arrived ahead of her; as was her way, she had missed the original caravan from Tehgrimm Suda as a result of a patient (her first childbirth in nearly a season, nothing was going to take the young nurse away from that experience!) and had to instead wait for a second, smaller travelling company. As ever it was no trouble to find a place; a merchant could hardly say no to one of the Military's nurses asking to accompany them for the price of meals and a space near the campfire. She had the pleasure of a journeyman healer to keep her company, teaching the young man what she could as they walked, and coming away with a clutch of rarer herbs as his way of saying 'thank you.' And when she had come across bitter-root berries just off the track on the second day of travel...


Now, with bow stowed away in quiver across her back, kopis sitting at her hip and satchel of wares over her shoulder, Selena was but a day late entering the grounds of the school. She'd rose early to make the last hour's walk, electing to take Vulpis as her only companion, bow in hand the whole way. Yet no bandits or monsters had approached the pair, and they had safely reached the outskirts of Niefir and proceeded up the street to their new place of work and study. The Military had been reluctant to lose one of their field-healers - the Military was reluctant to lose anyone in fairness - and now she was here to 'wet-nurse children and geldlings,' as one of the sergeants had bluntly put it. Selena had smiled at the gruff older man's simplification of her new role, but all in earshot were aware of the Laws of the land and that Summoner school involved many things, but wet-nursing was never one of them.


Reaching the heavy front doors Selena looked down at her Fiend, the pair sharing a smile as she ruffled Vulpis' fur, before pushing the heavy wooden doors open, stepping into the entrance hall of their new home.



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Bastian had finished getting dressed and leaving the room he wandered the hallways. It was still early but he could hear some movement within the school. He figured it would be a good idea to get breakfast first and wait for Diana before they gather the students.


Just as Bastian opened the kitchen door a pan came flying towards him. Luckily he ducked quickly and the pan hit the wall before falling to the ground.


“Gladys?” Bastian whispered as she stared at the older woman in shock.


“You ate those biscuits I’ve made, didn’t you.” Growling as she spoke. “They were for the children.”


Bastian knew he was in trouble now. He was indeed the guilty one. He had snuck into the kitchen last night after his event in town. After the meeting at school Bastian hadn’t went to eat or anything and after a night of ruffing it out he was quite hungry.


“It... Was an accident.” Bastian tried to calm the older woman. “I thought it was for everyone.”


“Oh no this was no accident. On several occasions you’ve done this and this time you’re going to get punished.” Gladys spoke as she took another pan in her hand and a knife in the other.


Bastian’s eyes went wide for a bit knowing she was going to give a bit of a beating. There is one thing he is afraid of and it was slowly approaching him. “I’m sorry. I wont do it again. I’ll ask next time I promise.” he tried to convince the woman otherwise but she was clearly in a killing mood.


For a few seconds there was a whole lot of noise coming from the kitchen and finally Bastian had escaped out of the door followed by another flying pan. Gladys just growled at him again before she shut the door leaving Bastian outside in the hallway with a grumbling stomach.

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Helios walked around the corner and instantly stepped back around it. Bastain was standing outside the kitchen door looking slightly peeved. He risked poking his head back around and noticed that past Bastain up the corridor the door into the entrance hall and been propped open, and tha someone had just entered it from the outside door.


While he couldn't make out too much of them at this distance Helios could at least tell they were female. He also felt that he had seem them before.


Feeling a little braver now, motivated by the hunger building in his stomach, Helios stepped into the corridor properly.


"Bastain? There is someone up in the entrance hall."

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The commotion from the door at the other end of the hall intrigued person and Fiend, and with a faint smile on her lips Selena led her companion to the smaller door opposite. There was a resounding 'clang,' and muffled words being exchanged; no stranger to mess-hall brawls Selena couldn't help but wonder if her services would be required the moment she arrived. Pulling the next door open put her at the focus of a T-junction of corridors - and straight ahead a dark-haired man her own age was quickly exiting a room, followed swiftly by a frying pan that managed to whistle past his head and bounce off the opposite wall. With a disgruntled look the man watched as the door was slammed behind him.


"I would suggest leaving whoever that was a wide berth," she chuckled as she leaned against the door frame, Vulpis sitting on her hind haunches just in front and to one side. "Frying pans make for incredibly dangerous weapons in the right hands."

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Bastian scratched his chin wondering how he was going to get something to eat. He could go to town but if he steps out of that door then he would go to see Imari and not return until his business was finished. His eye slightly caught movement and as he turned to look he saw it was the cause for his sudden planned trip. When Helios mentioned someone’s at the door he quickly turned to look but the person had already approached them.


It was clear to him that she was a summoner and wondered if this was another late student. She seemed a bit younger than him but she also seemed to have had some experience.


“Yes well sadly Gladys and I actually come a long way so I’m use to her threats... and beatings.” Bastian spoke half grinning as she rubbed the back of his neck. His smile slightly faded as he took another good look at the woman.


“May I ask who you are?”

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The woman smiled first at the teenager who identified the pan-dodger, then at Bastion himself. "I am Selena, and this is Vulpis," she introduced themselves, waving a hand towards her Fiend, who dipped her head at both. "I was required to come here to formalise my training as a Summoner - and was also informed that you required a nurse in the facility," she added. "I hope the messenger has passed on my apologies; babies are not known for their punctuality, especially during birthing."

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Helios was about to move past Bastain into the kitchen, more than happy to let the teacher deal with the newcomer, but a few words caught his attention.


At the mention of 'babies' and 'birthing' he did a double take and looked over at Selena feeling a little panicked. Babies? Where? Here? Now? He looked around him, as though expecting babies to come tumbling down the corridor.

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“Ah I see.” Bastian spoke as he tried to hide the dumb look on his face. He did not know of any arrangements but then again Diana don’t tell him much either. When she mentioned that she was a light summoner Bastian slightly looked over his shoulder at Helios. Maybe this woman would be of some guidance when it comes to healing.


“I believe Diana, the senior teacher here, might know something. I better go find her so we can sort things out a bit. Helios!” Bastian spoke as he looked over his shoulder again.


“Please assist lady Selene and help yourselves to some...” Bastian stared at the door before him. “Um... yes see if you can get some breakfast. I will meet both of you in the mess hall in a bit.”


With that Bastian gave Selene a little smile and walked down the corridor heading towards where the woman would be.


((That last part sound so wrong but I have no idea how to put it xd.png))

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The bland tone and momentary blank look was enough to tell Selena that this gentleman had not been informed of her delay - perhaps not informed of her at all - but that did not faze her greatly. She was required to be here by Law, she had been asked to carry out nursing duties - someone on the staff would know something. She had been with the Military long enough to know that information was not always spread as quickly and efficiently as it should be. Life was chaotic as it was, and to take offense at any and every twist would leave one angry and confused far too often.


"I look forward to meeting Diane," she replied with a smile as Bastion moved away, and left her with the younger man identified as Helios. Vulpis rose to her legs and moved toward the teen, tails gently swaying as she walked, and Selena followed her Fiend. Vulpis stopped before the boy and sniffed softly at the air before her.


"Helios," Selena smiled at the boy as she easily carried her satchel and weapons. "Good to meet you."

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Helios took a step back when Bastain asked him to assist the newcomer. He was still so new himself. Was he really the right choice? Then again, all they had to do was get breakfast. That wouldn't be too hard right?


When Bastain left Helios turned his attention to Selene, whose Fiend had approached him and was sniffing at the air.


"Um. Nice to meet you too" he said in reply to Selene's greeting. He still couldn't shake the feeling he had seen her before. Looking over her shoulder he realised she had a bow too, then suddenly it all clicked.


"Hey...are you with the military?"

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"Yes," Selena replied simply as Vulpis looked back at her, then to the boy again before padding up to him and reaching out her head to his hand, her tails still swaying gently. "As one of their healers, not one of their warriors," she added as she noted the boy's gaze, aware that despite her words she was clad in light leather armour with a blade at her hip and a quiver at her back. It would have been foolish to approach battlefields without even a simple knife tucked in one's belt, and all Military had to undertake basic weapon handling classes. The curved short sword at her belt was one that had rarely seen action, while the bow at her back could claim to have done more in it's life.

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