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Sweet and Pudding 1x1

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Loki frowned slightly. Neither friend nor brother. He clicked his tongue quietly and shifted away from Thor when he was touched. He moved the tesseract away from his brother, pressing it even closer to his chest in a protective manner. "Don't touch."

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"Loki please, I promise I will not. I simply wish to help you," Thor murmured with the same kicked puppy look. Darcy bit her lip, wishing they hadn't given him the cube. He wasn't in pain sure, but now he didn't remember any of them. "Are you hungry? Tired?" She tried.

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Loki glanced down at the cube then reluctantly relaxed. He glanced over at his friend Darcy and mused over the question. "Coffee," he said suddenly, a strange memory of eating with Darcy suddenly sliding into place. "I remember coffee. Can I have that?"

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Coulson lifted his little radio again and sent someone off to get coffee for all of them. Darcy grinned at the look on his face, glad that he remembered that part. Then something occurred to her. "Hey Loki, you know, you have another form? One that's pale and looks like us.. Can you try and change back?" She asked curiously. Did he have powers now?

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Loki paused then glanced down at the cube. The tesseract glowed softly as his blue skin quickly turned pale and his red eyes turned a cloudy blue color. His horns vanished from sight and the hospital gown he had been fitted with shimmered as it was replaced by an illusion of leather. He glanced up at Darcy, his cloudy blue eyes slightly confused. "Like this? I feel like I remember this shape but I cannot tell. She seems willing enough to let me change into this form, though. I think it is the one you spoke of."

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Darcy nodded encouragingly. "Yup, just like that," she said, choosing not to comment on the fact that his eyes were supposed to be green. Maybe it was an accident. "You seemed to like that form better, though the other one is your true form," she went on as someone came in laden with coffee. It was passed out, though Darcy handed his to Loki to prevent him from freaking out again.

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Loki slowly nodded to show he understood. Sort of. He glanced down at the tesseract then reluctantly tucked it under one arm so he could take the mug from her and quietly sip the coffee. He thought about it briefly then closed his eyes as he breathed in the smell of the coffee. "We ate cheeseburgers at the diner," he said when he opened his eyes again. "I remember that now. It tasted good."

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Darcy's face lit up at the fact that he remembered. "Yeah, we did. You tried to cut yours up," she replied, taking a sip of her own coffee. She was glad that he was taking things so well, but she wished he had his memories back. "Sir, do you remember anything else?" Coulson asked.

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Loki smiled and nodded cheerfully. "Yes, that was silly," he agreed. He turned to Coulson and stared at him. He took his time answering the question, taking a sip of the coffee before he answered. "No. I remember a few things. Words and objects. But not where I learnt them or any memories."

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Coulson nodded, folding his arms and considering this. "Let us know if that changes, maybe certain things will jump start your memory," he suggested. Thor, who had been quiet for a while, lifted his head. "What are we to do now? We are both cast out to your planet," he said quietly, gaze on the ground.

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Loki stopped and stared up at his brother. Cast... out? This was the second or so time he had heard this but why? He set his coffee on the bed nearby then moved back over to his brother and awkwardly leaned against him. "Could you tell me what happened?" he asked, staring up at Thor.

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Thor's expression seemed a tad less dark as Loki touched him willingly. "It was my coronation day, for we are princes. You lured frost giants, our enemies, into the castle to stop the ceremony and to prolong the wait before I was king. I do not believe you meant any real harm, but the Allfather insists that you are a traitor to the kingdom. He revealed your true, frost giant form to us, and that you are also a frost giant by birth, and therefore adopted. He thought you knew of your heritage and for this he cast you out to live and die here, on Midgard. He then made you so terribly ill and refused to fix it, so I too renounced my titles and cast myself out. I am mortal now as well," he finished, gaze on the floor. He wouldn't leave just because Loki was well again.

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Loki stared up at Thor, his expression quickly growing sad and remorseful when the tale was told. "Oh," he replied softly as he watched Thor stare at the floor. That wasn't a nice story. So... it was his fault, then? Everything that was going on was his fault and Thor was sad because of him. He glanced down at the tesseract then shifted it to one hand. He reached out and embraced Thor like how his brother had embraced him earlier. "Sorry," he mumbled, looking down at the floor. "It's all my fault and I can't even remember. I am truly sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

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Thor wrapped his arms around Loki, the hug not as desparate and pleased before but sad. "Do not fault yourself. It was my choice to come here, and I could not rule Asgard without you by my side. I am simply glad you are well, and that we are together," he said quietly, closing his eyes. Yes he wished to be king, and be home with his friends and fighting battles, but not if it meant Loki had to suffer alone. At least they were together in this. Perhaps they would get lucky and settle down with Midgardian women. It would be seen as a disgrace by their people- but they weren't 'their' people anymore, were they? The brunette seemed to have a sweet spot for Loki, he hoped they would end up happy together. He deserved it.

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Loki leaned the side of his head against Thor's chest and closed his eyes. "But your heart says you are sad," he replied as he moved the tesseract so it was in front of him. He stared at it then looked up at Thor. A small smile formed on his face before he moved away from Thor and started moving around the room, looking at all the machinery. The tesseract pulsed gently as knelt down and unplugged one of the large machines.

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Thor didn't object, nor did he ask how Loki had seen into his heart. He frowned however as the man got up with the Tesseract and began unplugging machines. "Brother, what are you doing?" He asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

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Loki stood up and looked at Thor as he pushed the unplugged machine away from the wall. He glanced down at the tesseract then looked up at his brother, a strange smile on his face. "I have no idea," he admitted before he shoved the machine over. "I... need to make something. She's showing me how. It'll help your heart be peaceful instead of sad."

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Thor opened and closed his mouth, a confused look on his face. "She..?" He echoed, eyes settling on the Tesseract. He had a bad feeling about this- of course, energy sources such as the cosmic cube would indeed behave and act almost like a personality, but this one seemed like it was controlling Loki. Coulson had a hand on his holster, but did nothing yet, curious to see what exactly was going on here.

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"Yes, her," Loki said, looking exasperated as he turned to face Thor. As if it was obvious who 'she' was. He turned back to the machine and kicked it a few times before he pulled the back off of it to expose the wires. He frowned as he examined the inside then stood up and dragged a different machine over and threw it on the floor beside the first. He frowned and tapped his foot as he examined the two machines. He looked at the piece of metal he had pulled off the first then set it on the bed. Yes, that was what he needed. He began stripping the two machines of their metal casings, leaving behind the wires and the insides.

Not setting down the tesseract once, he tucked it under his arm then used a small bit of blue magic from it to twist the metal pieces together, forming an odd-looking staff mixed with a spear. The left over energy swirled until it formed a glowing orb near the top of the spear. The spear dropped back onto the bed where Loki promptly picked it up and turned to face Thor. In one hand, he held the staff. In the other, he held the tesseract. "See? She told me how to make it. It'll help your heart."

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Thor watched him do all of this with a childlike curiosity on his face. There was concern there too, but he was mostly intrigued. What was he doing with that metal? When Loki turned towards him, his lips quirked up into an uneasy smile. "You're not going to stab me, are you?" He found himself asking, since that was the only use he could seem to find for the spear in his hands. Darcy found herself edging away nervously, because he was starting to look and sound crazy.

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Confusion spread across Loki's face as he looked down at the cube. "I don't think so," he replied, staring at it as if for confirmation. He frowned then moved closer to Thor and raised the spear. "It's not going to hurt you," he said reassuringly even though it looked like he was about to stab Thor with the spear. "Just let me do this, alright? She told me how to do it. It'll help."

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"I don't think that's such a good idea," Coulson warned, slowly rising and moving the strap of the holster off the gun with his thumb. Thor turned and motioned for the man to stay. "If my brother believes it shall help, then he may do it. I trust him," he said, then turned back to Loki and nodded. He was growing slightly more nervous, but hopefully this would alleviate some of Loki's guilt.

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Loki stopped dead in his tracks as he turned to face Coulson. His eyes moved down to the weapon he had tucked away and he frowned before turning to Thor. He could ask about that later. Raising the spear again, he moved the end to Thor's chest and tapped it gently against his brother's chest. The blue orb glowed and wispy bits of blue light moved from the orb, towards Thor's heart. "Do you feel at peace?" he asked, staring at his brother.

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Thor went rigid as the makeshift spear touched his chest, blue wisps of energy flowing directly into his heart. His pupils surged until his entire eye was black, then slowly receded to leave that same, unnatural, cloudy blue that Loki's eyes seemed to have. Thor smiled, nodding in response. "Verily.. I have never felt so free," he said with a dreamy expression. Coulson nudged both girls with his foot, motioning for them to get the hell out. Darcy stood, edging towards the door and hoping not to be noticed. She was terrified of Loki.

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Jane quickly backed away, going with Darcy out the door. Loki seemed to be entirely focused on Thor so they should be able to sneak out easily.

Loki let out a relieved sigh then reached up and put a hand upon Thor's shoulder. "That is good," he replied happily. The staff was held at his side now and he didn't seem to notice the two girls sneaking out. "The tesseract... she told me things. Apparently, I can help everyone with this staff. Does she speak to you as well?"

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