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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Axle watch Atlas as she start to increase her pace a bit, he simple nod in approval. "Now you have walking down, we can try running. I will show you, but I must warn you, you won't be able to run for long. Your human form will not be use to it." Axle told Atlas. Axle grin a bit as he soon went into a full sprint and was soon gone in the trees, almost like he vanish among the trees.



Azera stop and turn his head to the girl, "No, that my name, and if you value your town life, I recommend not to follow or even try and find him. He a necromancer and those dragons are already dead, and he does not care who he kills, as long as he finds the dragon he is chasing." Azera snared at her. His anger was starting to get the best of him because his blood was starting to boil. 'Does she not listen? Is she really that thick headed?' Azera thought to himself. "I do have a question, where exactly is Sundown located?"


((Next post Akil, Spinx, and Dracul will be back. Maybe even Juna and Mekarth.))

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Yopple didn't know a stone hurtled towards his head until he felt a clunk on the side of his head. To prevent a bad introduction, he ignored it. If I find whoever did that, I will kill them on the spot. He stood up tall and tried to hide his new point of view. His deadly orange scales practically glowed. Not literally, but sort of. He attempted to simply look like another Cassare. "Did I hear something about the Vulture Hoard working against humans? That sounds good to me."

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((Yeah, I know the fighting school doesn't have anything to do with religion. It's just that I have aspergus and sometimes I confused with what something says. Part of me was thinking that this description applied to only religious-related businesses. But the other part of me was thinking it applied to both secular things like schools, karate classes, job education organizations and religious things like churches and synagogues. That was during the time I was reading that page. But now I know it only applies to the religious things.))


After she watched Axle ran ahead of her, Atlas decided to show him that she would be just as good as him. "Hah, we'll see about that!" she said. The woman dashed after him through the woods. But it didn't take too long for her to trip over a tree trunk. "Whoa!" she shouted before she fell down on her face. She got dirt in her mouth and spat out it out in distaste.




Kathia was mesmerized by what she just heard about the attacker. "A necromancer?" she murmured to herself. That was a wizard that brought the dead to life and controlled them, right? That would explain how the sky drake went underground. The power to control dragons after they had been slain would be something useful to her cause and pretty amazing, too. The girl had to learn how to do that, but she couldn't count on Azera's attacker to teach her since he was dangerous. Perhaps she may learn how to do that from one of the books she purchased. If they had nothing about it, then she can always go back to the book store to get a book she missed or look up it up on the internet. Then Kathia answered Azera's question, "Do you know where Trident Mountain is? It's at the bottom and it's in the direction facing Windfall."




Aeolus turned his attention to a larger cassare, twice his size, who was eager to help destroy the humans. "And you are?" the disaster dragon asked. He noticed that this cassare's scale color was orange like a magi dragon's. Then he saw a stone fall on the side of the cassare's head, after which Aeolus saw his scales glowed. 'He appears to be part magi; he might have some magical abilities he could provide. I have to know about his abilities before I bring him into the horde,' he thought. Then he answered, "Yes, you did. My name is Aeolus, the leader of this horde. If you are to join my horde, then I would like to know the name and capable abilities of my potential recruit."


((I'll do Minerva next time.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Oo, I never thought of him being part magi. Well, I like that idea, so I will go along with it :3 .))




They want to know my name! Well. I can't tell them the truth, can I?

What if these dragons don't know of the mighty Esko?

After all, it is Solomos. Not Rudvich.

"My name is Yopple, and I used teleportation to get here. I can also use telekinesis. Alas, as to my knowledge, they take lots of energy. I also mastered magics of the elements of Fire and Water. I have an unusual sense of smell, and for some reason, my scales glow. Those are my abilities, and I may develope more later on. I can also help you to persuade more allies for the Vulture Horde. I might be part Magi: who knows. I never did. My old master kept many secrets from me."

Yopple hoped that was enough to get him on the Vulture Horde. Time to avenge Esko, the only true human soul who I would care about. Killed by filthy humans. Won't the Horde like a dragon twice the size of their leader who is possibly part magi?

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Annoyed that the dragon ignored her stone, Baltia huffed a little, then directed her attention towards the other dragon. His tail looked good for a bite, and she was eyeing up another few small stones near it. She gave the tiniest of chirps, and hopped between branches until she was in the best place she could be. After a quick jump. She swooped down like a flash over the stones and the tail, biting and picking up the objects respectively. Within a second of leaving the first branch, she was on the other side of the two dragons, eyeing the pebbles closely and weighing them in her paws. They felt about right; she threw one at a branch a few meters away to be sure, and it gave a satisfying snap. I love dead, dry branches like that, she thought happily, then returned her bright green gaze to the bitten-tailed dragon.

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((So, red want to be surprised with Axle's ending, or you want a heads up?))


Axle heard Atlas behind him, and than soon heard the thud of someone falling to the ground. He stop in his tracks and started to back-pace, back to Atlas. Axle saw the dirt covered face of Atlas, and just hummed a bit as he reach his hand out for her. "You still have to watch your footing still and what is coming-" Axle said as he grin a bit, "And I don't think the dirt will be a very useful as a food source."



Juna and Mekarth walked though the woods and soon arrived at the clearing where the lake is located. Though they were still a bit away from the lake it self, as they simple wonder to the lake.



Azera nod his head to the information. "I thank you for the information, now I will be on my way." Azera said as he started to walk away. "And if you need to contact me, just squeeze the arrow over there." He said as he pointed to the arrow over in the dirt that he shot earlier.


The arrow was un-damage, and look brand new as well. The tip was a shinny silver green and the wood was dark. "Each of my arrows are connect to each other and will react and let me know if someone if trying to break it." Azera said as he walked away with the dark mist.



Akil wait by the shore edge that she told Vi the three dragons were going to be at. She could hear the crash of the waves against the rough rocks on the cliff face that was a couple of meters away from teh beach. It was close to time for them to be coming and she would have to be ready for anything.



Spinx had his Un-dead ride land in a clearing south-east of location of Azera's final resting place. "Good riddance. If he remember what happen in the past or who he or I was, My whole plan would be ruin." Spinx said to himself sounding a bit crazy, like he lost a few bolts. "Well whatever, My plan will still go on course as always. Now to deal with that mage Axle have with him now." Spinx pulled out a photo and look at it closely. With them is two hatchlings and he got an evil smile. "And you are my ticket to getting rid of that mage for good."



Dracul was sitting around doing nothing but waiting for for the news he already know that was coming. He did not have to wait long as an armored solder came over the hill he was behind. "Lord Dracul, Two male figures have enter the prison with the two captives like you said, and we are waiting your order."


Dracul look at the soldier. "Good, let them take the two prisoners, and than we will spring our trap on those tratiors."

Edited by draco8967

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((I'd like a heads-up, please!))


"Yes, you're definitely part magi by sound of it," said Aeolus. He told Yopple why, "Most magis have the ability to teleport and that spell came from the pure blood magis and can be passed on to their descendants." Then suddenly, he felt a bite on his tail, causing the disaster dragon to roar out in pain. He whipped his head around to see who or what had snapped him. Nobody was there, but Aeolus knew he wasn't imagining things. 'Something had bit my tail alright, but who did it?' he thought. He was pretty sure the scarred cassare wouldn't do this, so he looked around on the ground for the culprit, but couldn't find anything. Then he heard a snap above and looked at the tree meter away from him to see a broken branch hanging down from its place.




Atlas took Axle's hand and was helped up onto her feet. "Yeah, no kidding," she said in response to the dirt comment. She hoped that she would never have to taste that again. Getting ready to move, the woman said, "Right, I'm going to try this again. Raaahh!" Then she started running again. She went on until she saw her nieces and a navy blue dragon in sight.


The bigger dragon had been chasing the laughing hatchlings for fun. Their game soon ended when the navy blue saw Atlas and stopped his pursuit. The woman also tried to stop, but she ended up skidding on dirt and throwing her upper body forward to the point where she nearly fell over. The dragon yelled, "Oh my gods, a human! Hang on, hatchlings. I'll go kill it for you."


As he ran towards the woman, the sisters tried to tell him, "No Bam, that's Aunt Atwas!"


Their words seemed to have fallen on deaf ears as Bam kept charging. Seeing how her life was in danger, Atlas transformed back into a dragoness and growled at him. The navy blue stopped and realized his mistake. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, you're a dragon?" he asked.


The magi snarled, "Yes, I'm a dragon and you just tried to kill me, you numbskull!"


Bam felt ashamed and apologized, "Oh geez, I'm so sorry. I thought you were a human. I didn't mean to..." Then he saw the human Axle behind her and cried, "Oh my gods, a human! Hang on, I'll go kill it."


As he ran towards Axle, Atlas growled, "What the *$%#?! That's not a human either, stupid!"




Kathia looked to the arrow that Azera was pointing at and was told to squeeze it if she ever needed him. He said that each of his arrows were connected to each other. She was to let him know if someone tried to break it. "Okay, I got it," the girl said. Then after the mercenary left, Kathia looked at the arrow again and thought, 'Hmm, I wonder if this is magic as well. I'll add that to my list of what-to-learn.' The girl went back up the slope and got to the car.


Megan looked at her and asked, "Did everything go alright down there?"


Kathia answered, "Yeah, everything's fine. I saved some guy named Azera, who told me he was a mercenary. The other man who attacked him was an evil necromancer."


"A necromancer, well that sounds scary," the driver commented.


"Maybe," the girl replied. Then she smiled, "But not if somebody uses necromancy for good."


"For good?" Megan asked, intrigued.


Kathia nodded and answered, "Yeah! Like after you kill a dragon, you can control it to your will and make it do everything you want to do. A dead dragon would make a much better slave than a live one. No free will to turn against you at any time."


Megan liked the idea and said, "My, that sounds good! Makes me wish we thought of that earlier."


"Yeah, that could have save us all those lives back then," the girl said, thinking about the night her parents died.




While going through these sub-articles, Minerva found a "Fine a Lender" link that would tell where the nearest lender would be in Windfall. She clicked on the link and put in the location data in the search engine to find the results. She received a list of banks and financial groups. She wrote the names down on paper, so that she could look up their addresses later. Once, she was done with Step 4, she went on to Step 6 which was registering a business name. Come to think of it, Ronan hadn't thought of a business name yet. She wondered what kind of name would he call his fighting school.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Nick said nothing as Albel threatened Akuma, and only watched as the other dragon flew off. He didn't speak until Akuma had carried them up into the air and started to fly off. "What the hell was all that dragon? Does he have multiple personalities or something? At first he's just all like 'you two are the only hope to stop the war.' and then out of no where he went full on psychopath." Leaning low on Akuma's back he sighed. "So what now? Do you think there are still a bunch of idiots parading the streets of town, or should we go somewhere else?" he asked wearily. "Although there seems to be idiots everywhere we go now a days. It's like we're a magnet for weirdos and psychopaths or something." he half laughed.

Edited by picknick10

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Ronan had finished his practice and was sitting in his room in a type of meditation. Focused on his breathing. His senses were 'slightly' expanded to their peak. Complete focus on himself and his surroundings.

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Baltia smiled as the larger dragon searched for her, and looked at the branch she snapped. Exactly as planned, the branch had drawn attention away from her. She wondered if the cassare would react to a new stone, and threw one at exactly the spot the first had hit him. She missed the spot she has aimed for, but hit his ear, then flew over and poked the other one and landed in a small bush on the ground.

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((How did Baltia even get NEAR the camp? Wouldn't they have noticed her? I get that Aeolus and Yopple teleported, but there still is a magic-deadening barrier...))

Salvo turned at the sound of a voice behind him, teeth bared. "Who are you? Why are you on my territory?" As the disaster dragon explained, something about a hoard that was bent on eliminating the human race, a second dragon appeared, this time a Cassare. Although the newcomer was part of his species, Salvos felt strangely uncomfortable around him. The dragon was just slightly taller that him, and his scales shone orange. He and the disaster dragon engaged in a conversation, and the clan leader realized that the stranger was part Magi. But how is that even possible? Cassares and Magis are polar opposites!! To add to the confusing, a rock fell from the branched of a tree and onto the head of the new Cassare. Frustrated and confused, Salvo reared up on his hind legs and roared, slashing at the air. "ENOUGH! You are all trespassers on MY territory, and I have the right to know why you are here! That goes for you as well!" The last statement was addressed to the dragon in the trees. The leader called to one of the females below. "There's someone up there. Stop them." As the female flew off, Salvo turned to the two other dragons. "Start explaining. And don't try anything funny. Your magic won't work here." He glared at the other Cassare.

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Aeolus felt something poke him on the leg and looked down to see what it was; nothing. But he did hear a rustle in a bush, which he looked at right now. His attention was soon taken by the scarred cassare who yelled that he and Yopple were trespassers on his territory and that included the mysterious character in the tree. The cassare told someone else to go after the newcomer in the tree. When told to start explaining, the horde leader said, "Right, so as I said. I am the leader of the Vulture Horde and I am in need of cassare recruits. I won't ask of you to bring in the whole clan, since I understand you need some of your members to protect your turf." Remembering the army and Spinx, he added, "The reason I need cassares is so that we're likely going to face magic-using humans and halflings in the future. Some of them may be necromancers who have used the dragons they killed as their new slaves." To be more convincing, Aeolus warned, "You probably may think that you don't need to join the horde as your clan can nullifying the humans' magic and you will always be safe here at home. But you mustn't underestimate humans; their innovative and clever minds can work around their lack of advanced weaponry from the Spell and their lack of magic from your fields. One day, they'll find the best way to kill your whole clan with either a new strategy and/or new weapons." He had seen humans evolve in their technology and culture throughout his lifetime, so he knew what to expect from them later. "That is why I need your help. We need to destroy all the humans around the world as soon as possible to protect all dragons, including your own clan." Hopefully this emotional appeal would work to win the cassare leader's support.




Step 7 was how to get a tax identification number. Minerva read up about the EIN and the requirements for it. There weren't going to be any employees, the school wasn't going to be a corporation, they weren't going to file tax returns, she wasn't sure if they were going to need a Keogh Plan, and they weren't going to be involved with any organizations. So she figured they didn't need an EIN. She skipped Step 7 and went on to Step 8, which was registering for local taxes.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((there may be some employees, but it'll be a while before that happens. Even a master has instructors working for him. tongue.gif for the time being though, yeah, no employees. just the two of them))


Ronan finished his meditation and went back downstairs to see how Minerva was doing. "How's it looking so far?" He asked curiously.


((sry I have very little to reply with right now))

Edited by LordTorch18

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He listened to the scarred Cassare say that they were trespassers and the disaster dragon explained his reason. "Yes, and I came here to join the Vulture Horde. I realize that the Horde is in need of Cassares to kill humans, and since I grew up with a human, I know their secrets and how their minds work. The majority of them are stupid but somehow clever as hell. That is why the Horde needs me. Because I know how humans work." His scales started glowing again. Yopple made himself a little taller. "And with your help, the Vulture Horde will be unstoppable, and humans will get a taste of their own treatment. Fellow Cassare, I would love it if you could join the Horde with me and become glorious. Imagine, standing above all those human corpses. Don't you want to see all of them die under your claws?" Yopple hoped his convincing had worked.

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((What kind of dragon is Baltia?))

Salvo listened as the two dragons explained, fascinated. Their offer to eliminate the human race was tempting, but the Cassare wasn't completely sure he could trust them yet. "Is that so? Well then, where is this Vulture hoard you speak of? And how did you manage to get into my camp unnoticed?" Meanwhile, the female had flown off in search of the trespasser in the trees. Realizing nobody was there, she began to search the ground. Movement by the disaster dragon caught her eye as something dashed behind a bush. The female jumped down quickly, swatting at the bush with a huge paw.

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"How did I get here unnoticed? Well, maybe they thought I was just another Cassare? No, probably not. Hard to miss orange scales. Ask your clan why they didn't notice us." Yopple stared at the other Cassare. He didn't need to look bigger. He already was. He wondered why the clan didn't catch either of them himself. He simply kept a poker face and waited for response.

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((Baltia's a Dark Myst Pygmy. She doesn't really have magic, just good aim with a stone and really fast wings. Therefore, Cassares don't affect her.))


Baltia saw the female coming a fair way off, and flew away quickly, rustling the bush as she did so. Slightly annoyed, Baltia swooped down and bit the female's ear before flying around into the trees again. She noticed the new cassare, who looked rather annoyed, and threw a stone at him, then hopped away.


((She never stays still after throwing a stone at someone; otherwise, they could simply follow the trajectory to find her.))

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((Oh, okay.))


Salvo glared back at the Cassare as he explained. "Most of my clan is out hunting. That's probably why nobody noticed you." He looked up when someone dashed out from behind a bush, swooping down to nip at the female's ear. She roared in annoyance and thrashed her tail, attempting to knock the pygmy out of the air. Suddenly, Salvo saw a rock flying towards his head. He dodged and the stone hit the ground with a thud. The female began to chase after the little dragon, but Salvo raised his tail to stop her. "Don't worry. It's not worth our time." She nodded and flew down to her den.




((Anyone wanna interact with Seliss? I have nothing to do with her…))


Seliss walked for a few minutes before realizing the Mint dragon was still following her. She stopped and crossed her arms, wondering what she should do with it. "Please stop following me." That might be the stupidest thing I've ever said! The little dragon blinked once and, to her surprise, scurried off in the direction she had come from. Seliss sighed and continued on her job search.

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"I'm over halfway done with how to start a business," Minerva answered him. "I only got step 8 left and then two others." The woman looked up the taxes for Windfall to see how these things worked. After she clicked on the first link in the article, it took her to another website with several links. She turned to Ronan and said, "This is going to take a while."




When asked where the Vulture Horde was at and how he got here, Aeolus answered, "My horde is back at the lake. I used a magic stone from one of my magis to warp myself here." Then Yopple said that the cassare leader's clanmates thought that he was another cassare. Then the cassare leader said that most of his clan was out hunting and that was probably the reason Yopple made it in unopposed. Aeolus heard the bush rustle louder this time and saw a dark myst pygmy dragonet fly out of it nipped the female cassare's ear. The dark myst threw a stone at the cassare leader, who dodged. Looking at the pygmy, Aeolus thought, 'So that's who's been troubling us. What a pesky little hatchling.' The disaster dragon thought about dealing with her later, if she didn't leave the clan's home before then.


((I'd have one of my characters interact with Seliss, but they're all busy at the moment.))

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Baltia noticed that she was in plain sight, and stopped, hovering. She huffed, and made a strange chattering sound that was somewhere between a grumble and a chuckle, and then sighed. "I'm Baltia," she said. "Dark Myst Pygmy - as you can no doubt tell - and the best aim with a small stone you're likely to see. Or get hit by." She did a backflip and then landed on the head of the Disaster dragon, blinking her bright green eyes. "So, there's a Horde?" she said. "Any chance I could help stir up some trouble? I'm a good distracter." She grinned, knowing her earlier performance would suffice as proof to her claim.

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Axle saw the Navy blue dragon come at him as he slide his foot across the ground and came to a quick stop without falling over. He change into his dragon form and walked by the Navy blue dragon and went to Atlas. "Now that you have the Basic down, you can train in weaponry, Archery, climbing, swimming, free style running. The whole nine yards if you wish." Axle sounded if he was happy about Atlas progress on her training of the basic. "And don't worry about permission from now on, once it given, it does not go away unless you wish to stop the training."


Juna and Mekarth came up to Axle and Atlas. Mekarth simple look at them than ask "Done with training already? That did not take long."


Juna than spoke. "That was quick. But than again most of your training section were. Now that you got that out of the way, can we get to the more pressing matter." Juna said with almost authority in her voice, sound like a high rank officer now.


((Sorry red for the wait, next post I will bring everyone back again.))

Edited by draco8967

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Ronan gave a frustrated look. "Well, you have a better chance of understanding this than I do. Need any help with anything?" He asked, trying to do something useful around here.

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((Maybe Seliss ends up joining Ronan's business? Or Minerva's?))


Salvo grumbled when the pygmy introduced herself as Baltia and asked about the hoard. "If your looking for trouble, my clan is the wrong place to be." He turned towards the dragon named Aeolus. "As for wether or not I'll join your 'hoard', I'll consider it. For now, you can go back to where you came from and wait. If you don't hear from me by night fall, then I'm not coming." He glanced at the small crowd of dragons. I need to tell my patrols to keep a better lookout at the border. We can't have any more strangers wandering in.

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((depends on what business you refer to. if you mean the company Minerva works for, that's for you and her to decide. if you mean the business ronan and Minerva are going to start together...that's a talk for all three of us to discuss.))

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((I just realized I forgot to put a birthday story for Sai here. Happy Birthday! http://fav.me/d8ecl10 ))


The dark myst introduced herself as Baltia and told how she was good with throwing stones. Then she landed on Aeolus's head and voiced interest in the horde. "Yes there is, but we only allow those who are interested in ridding the world of ALL the humans in," he answered. She was definitely good at messing with others and look like perfect bait to lure out the guards. But for some reason, she doesn't seem like the type to go around killing "innocent" humans. Aeolus needed to make sure who he was dealing with, because he didn't want another Zeditha who would go desert the horde and warn another human settlement about them. Then he turned to Salvo, who said that he'll consider whether join the horde or not. "Very well, I'll be patiently awaiting your answer. The three of us will take our leave," the disaster dragon said. Knowing how magic would be ineffective to use in the clan's home, he decided to Yopple use his spell far from here. "Yopple, Baltia, let's go," he said before flying out of the clan's home and into the sky.




Bam once again stopped after Axle transformed back into a dragon. He pushed his front feet back as his rum skid on the ground for a few seconds. Then Axle went around him and over to Atlas. The dragoness grinned and replied, "Sweet! I can't wait to get started on them." Then Juna and Mekarth returned with the former wanting to get to a more pressing matter.


Bam went over to the sisters and said, "Well false alarm. Come on, let's go back to playing tag!" Then the three went back to their game.




((If you want Seliss to be in the ADR, then sure.))


Minerva could see that Ronan was frustrated and she knew that even he thought it was taking too long. When asked if she needed help, she knew it was now the right time to ask this question. Turning away from the laptop, she asked, "Yes, Ronan do you know what you're going to call this school of yours? We need a business name for this school."

Edited by Red Dragonette

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