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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Sorry I haven't been on! School started back up and I had to concentrate on my studies.


Red, okay just let me know when I can get him nearer or something. I'm trying to see how the story is unfolding :D


Draco, thankyou I'll be checking it out! And that did clear things up a bit about the areas ))


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((Take your time, fools. Study hard and don't do what i did, ya not the best person out there, and paying for it, hard. Try to prove to collages that you have what it takes and get good or better yet top grades, and don't let people get in your ways. My recommandation, get into something you like quickly))

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((Okay, got it Foolsmoon. Anyway, here is Cenor's giftstory, now we get to see who started the "attack other groups" idea: https://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art/DR-The-First-War-Cenor-s-characters-story-3-697385688 ))

Atlas took a good look at her foot to see the answer. She pulled the glass shard out and saw blood oozing out of the wound. Akil was right to be concerned about a blood trail being left for the enemy to see and smell. If the bad guys caught Atlas's scent then they would it to track her down and foil the mission. Since there was no healer around to fix the wound, the woman was just going to have to use her own saliva as a healing agent. She answered, "I don't think so. I think we're going to have to find somewhere to hide until my foot stops bleeding."


The magi told the man his name, "It's Kekul. Now let's get over to Mekarth." In any other time, Kekul would have wanted to know the human's name in return, but the magi didn't want to waste time with something trivial as this. So he teleported himself, Juna and the mysterious man back to the others who were all, with the exception of the canopy, waiting for him. Kekul asked about the lime green dragon, "Hey, where did that canopy dragon go?"

Rever lied to him, "What canopy dragon? It's only just us four who has captured Mekarth."

"What?!" cried the magi astounded and in disbelief at what that kai dragon was saying. "This can't be! What's going on here, guys? What did you do to him?" Kekul knew these three were up to something and that was to steal a victory for their team.

Bron told him seriously, "Nothing, we have no idea what you're talking about. There's only been three of us left with Mekarth after you went to get Juna for him." With a smirk, he continued, "Since you left Mekarth in our clutches to have, I think I can say that Group Three wins." His head lift up proudly and he smiled with triumph.

Kekul got mad at the four dragons from Group 3 as he growled, "You cheaters! You set me up."

Hewey corrected him, "I don't mean to sound <insert word>, Kekul. But if I recall, it was you who said that you were going to get Juna for us. So you basically just left Mekarth off guard for us to claim." The magma magi mix-breed couldn't find an argument against the healer's word, so he just let out a grumpy snarl in response.

Kathia noticed the halfling chained up and was pleased to see that she could keep the prisoner like this without her being able to escape. That is if the halfling didn't have any magic powers to help her break free. The mage will have to find a spell to surely keep her prisoner in place. Azera told her to take the halfling as the horse can only carry two people. The girl replied, "Alright, I'll take her and this time, she's going to have guards watching her, too." It was an extra measure of security to keep the halfling locked in the camp just in case a simple spell or tie down won't do. Then after he fell down on the grass, Kathia noticed a scale line around his eyes. It wasn't there before and the hiker's spirit didn't mention anything about this. She thought it might be some kind of injury and thought to question the man, "Hey, what happened to your eyes?"


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Ronan sighed as they landed outside Minerva's house. "You think we can handle it? Running a school?" He asked her because he wasn't very sure. "I've never taught anyone how to do what I can do." He wasn't exactly ecstatic about doing this but he was willing to try. Drake gestured for their new dragon friend to follow him as he went to the backyard. "The yard is quite large so we have room to fit. I tend to sleep under the tree for the shade."

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((Here's White_Wolf_of_the_Snow's birthday gift: https://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art/DR-The-First-War-WWotS-s-character-story-3-698080983 ))

Minerva answered, "Well we won't know for sure until we try it." Thinking he might be nervous about this, she assured him with a smile, "Try to be confident, Ronan. I'm sure you'll do a good job at this. Even if we don't succeed at first, we can always try again." Though she imagined they would have to get more loans to get their business running again. But successful businesses took risks to be the best, right?


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Akil laid down on the ground in front of Atlas. "Get on, and and no childish running off. As long as you still have that protection around your neck best you just stay in human form. Two, you need to slow donw the bleeding and for you to walk and do that is impossible." She said calmly.
After Kekul teleported Both Juna and the man she know back to Mekath, Kekul and the group of got into an argument about a canopy dragon that may be missing. Juna did not want to be hearing an argument between the childish dragons that was acting like they were fighting over scrabes of food. She stomped her foot down on the ground as the boots ade a loud sound from the bottom of the shoes. "Enough. As I see it So far neither Team have won, If I remember correctly I said bring him to me, not visavera. Do to this inconvencion of the Curse that is on him that effect the outcome of your training, you have a new target, and that would be him." She pointed to the human as she snapped at everyone in a cold tone. She looked at the human and spoke in her natural tounge quickly as he went on one knee and knowlage her command and left in the cherry pedles that he left behind from his teleport. She turn back to the dragons. "Hewey and Kekul, you two stay. The rest of you MOVE IT."
Azera kept on looking at teh sky. "It a side effect of the bond, just like how she is, I too changes a bit as well. The crap around my eyes are indeed scales, but my vision smell hearing also change.Weither or not that is the extent of the bond or it continues I do not know." He said back to her, but hear movement coming from the way he came from ((You think he got away scotch free from the lords than you were wrong.))

A slow clap came into ear shot. "Heart touching Azera, you bond with a Dark Myst, a rather ancient one at that, or maybe repair a bond from the past, frankly i don't care. I came bere because what you were hire to do have had, uninspireding conditions." Said the new comer. His golden Wings and scar across his face with golden hair was teh sign of Arch, as he wore his armor suit with his pike on his back. There was more then him though as Fully black armor units came out from behind him. Azera Spun quickly onto his feet, grabbed his sword hilt, but that was as far as he got as Arch have covered the whole distance between them and grabbed his throat and lifted him off the ground and throw him like a rag doll across the open field, making Azera slide across the ground, but he bounced back onto his feet as he drew his sword, but it was not engulfed in flames, as he was panting.

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"Yeah, yeah I know that," said Atlas. She began to limp over to her daughter by hopping over on one leg while holding the other by the foot. Then she climbed up over to the top of Akil's shoulders and winced as her movement strained the wound. After she was one, Atlas waited for the dragoness to move to a hiding place.

They heard Juna stomp her foot and tell them that nobody won as they should have brought Mekarth over to her for victory. So now they had to go after the human instead. After the human warped away, Juna told the dragons, except for Hewey and Kekul, to get that human. The magi frowned at not being able to help out his team anymore for the time being. The Group 3 trio left with Bron barring his teeth angrily for messing up, Rever scowling and Silas frowning in disappointment. They never let the halfling see their faces and feelings about this. The spring growled to his friends, "Damn it, I can't believe we forgot about this! Now we have to start all over!"

Rever tried to cheer him up, "Well look on the bright side. At least we'll be the only ones to win for sure. I don't think Juna has told the others about this."

Silas told the kai, "For now. Just wait until somebody sees Mekarth and then she tells them who to look for next. We should hurry while we still have the time."

Bron agreed, "Silas's right. We need to pick up the pace fast before someone gets that human."

The honeycomb pygmy volunteered, "I'll tell Aeolus about this. He'll share the news with the others." Then he used telepathy to contact his team's leader.


Aeolus woke up to find the members of his team, who helped him against Tavurth and his teammates, all unconscious. The red dragon who fought him was still laying on the ground, but Tavurth and the spring dragoness were gone having moved elsewhere. The horde leader wondered how long he had been out since the brute struck him. His thought was cut short when he heard Silas telling him, 'Aeolus, Juna has just changed the objective.'

'She did?'
asked the leader. 'What is it now?'

The pygmy answered, 'Apparently, we have to capture this human friend of hers she brought with her.'

'We do now?'
asked Aeolus. 'What happened to Mekarth? I thought our game was to capture him.'

'We were, but he got badly hurt by a curse, so Juna labeled it an inconvenience and we're to go after the human instead. This change is just now in case you wanted to know when. I'll show you what he looks like.'

Aeolus got the image of a cloaked human carrying a purple-bladed sword. He said, 'So this is our new target now. Thank you, Silas. I'll be sure to tell the rest of our group about this right away.'

The pygmy replied, 'Okay, but don't tell Bron, Rever, and Hewey this. We already know what he looks like.' Grateful to the honeycomb for the convenience, the horde leader began to share this info with the rest of Group 3.


The cousins were just arising up from sleep. After Bam and Meubu were fully on their feet, the navy blue said, "Man, I can't believe we got jumped by Evony. What the heck was that all about?"

Meubu shook his head and answered, "I don't know. He probably mistaked us for Mekarth I guess?" Then he realized the stupidity of his guess and retracted, "No wait, that wouldn't make any sense since we're not black and there's three of us."

Bam got confused about this and asked, "Then why did he attack us?"

Then they heard their cousin chief speak, 'Group 3, Juna has recently just changed the objective. Due to the inconvenience of Mekarth being now unsuited for the exercise, we're now to look for a human in the sector and bring him to Juna.' As Aeolus spoke these last words, the cousins received a telepathic image of what the human looks like. 'I don't know if he will fight back. But if he does, treat him as you would a formidable foe, for he may have magic. That is all.'

Bam got puzzled about this news as he asked, "Mekarth unsuited? What happened?"

Meubu replied, "I don't know. I guess we'll have to ask later. Come on, let's go find that human." Then the two cousins went off to search.


So Azera knows about the bond, too. Does that mean that he and the halfling were friends? Then Kathia looked to the clapping halfling who was gold in color on his wings, hair, armor and pike; but not the skin. Accompanying him were people wearing black armor; looking at them felt like they were evil knight enemies that just came out of a video game. Before Azera could attack, the halfling got to him first and flung him away. Kathia looked at the halfling and the knights nervously and with fear. They were outnumbered and she wasn't sure if she could beat them all, even with her magic. Even the ghost hiker was wary of this as he said, "Oh boy, I got a bad feeling about this, lassie."

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Akil Got up of teh ground once Atlas was on her back. she said quickly. "Hold on," as she started to move rather quickly, but yet quite for her size and strides she was doing. In the time it took them to move one block tought the city she have already moved four blocks in total. Each time she came up to a block she would peak around each cornor quickly before dashing across the road. She soon came across an empty warehouse that could be used as a shelter and provide cover if they need it too. She got down and waited for Atlas to get off. "Find something to tie around your foot to stop the bleeding."

Arch reached to his back and pulled the pike out from the hilt it sat. He pointed the tip to the ground as a small amount of lighting discarged to the ground below. He quickly pointed at teh unit he brought with him and spoke in the same tounge he did when he address the merc, than pointed at Kathia and the knocked out halfling Miseva, and teh sprung towards the two girls. He turn his attection back to Azera who started a charge towards Arch, but met only failure as Arch brought his pike up and let loose an energy blast that knocked Azera back to the ground, as Azera landed square on his back and his sword flew into the air and stuck into a tree.

Juna looked at Kekul and spoke. "I need you to go and retreive Aeolus and one other dragon from any group that either have magic or enough fighting experaince against another dragon. ask me why after you have gather up the two dragons first."

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Ronan smirked at Minerva. Her confidence and reassurance still surprised him. "I hope you're right." He was grateful to have her by his side on this. Teaching combat wasn't going to be easy but he had to try. Drake got comfortable in the backyard under the tree. He yawned a bit tired from the days adventure.

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Atlas did her best to hold on to her daughter as they rode through the city. They eventually got to a warehouse where Atlas climbed down from Akil to the floor. When she accidentally set her wounded foot on the floor, the woman hissed through her teeth in pain and jerked up her leg. She needs to remember to be careful with that foot until it is healed. Akil told her to find something to stop the bleeding. "Alright, got it," said Atlas. She looked around at the spacious room they were in. It was practically empty; how was she supposed to find something here? Turns out there was a door in this room that could very well lead her to something she could use. But before she could go there, Atlas looked down to her foot and turned its bottom up for her to see. She spat on it and rubbed the saliva on the wound to start getting it to heal. Then she went to hop on her unharmed foot to get to the door. The way she was going was much slower than walking on two legs and going on all fours as a dragon. It must have taken a minute or two for her to reach the door. She noticed the round iron handle on the door and knew that it was one of these door that a human turns the knob to open it. Atlas turned the knob and tried to pull the door towards her, but it didn't budge. She kept the knob turned and pushed instead, which made the door swing open. The woman saw not another room or a hallway, but the outside where there was a patch of ground with a few small debris on the ground. There was nothing she could use to tie around her foot. Atlas closed the door and sat at the side of the wall. The only thing she could do was wait for the saliva to finish its job on her foot.


Nobody understand the unknown language the halfling spoke, but they did catch on to what the male halfling was doing. The hiker's ghost alerted the girl, "Run lassie, they're going to get you!"

Kathia got frightened when she saw the men going for her. Without thinking, she shrieked and made a dash for her horse while carrying the halfling woman. She nudged the creature in the rib as she shouted to it, "Go! Go! Go!" The horse neighed and it bolted off away from the men. The girl kept her eyes on her path, resisting the urge to look back and see how far away she escaped her pursuers. She needed to get back to the camp fast and get help. She hoped Azera would be alright without her. The guy seems to be survivor of such ordeals like when he fought Spinx 3 times and lived, but that was only because she saved his life. She wasn't sure how he would fare against that halfling fiend. He was not Spinx, but would Azera win this time or would he get beaten to near death again? Probably not as the men chasing her would probably give up and aid the halfling instead. Kathia didn't think Azera could handle himself against a bunch of men plus a halfling. They would surely overpower him. As she kept on going, she neared the mountains and saw a gray dragon near two boulders. She made her horse stay away from the mountains to avoid attracting the dragon's attention. Now is not the time to be fighting dragons, now is the time to flee.


Kekul was told get Aeolus and another certain dragon meeting her requirement. "Alright sure," said the magma magi. He thought about the dragons he knew with magic and those who fought other dragons. He knew for sure that he wasn't going to be taking a dragon out of his group as he wants everyone on his team to find Juna's human friend. Hopefully, the dragon he takes with him would be from Group 3, they deserve to have 1 less teammate after they tried to cheat behind his back. He thought of one of the albino sisters and teleported over to get her.

He found Albina snooping around inside a building. She got startled when she saw him and let out a shriek. She asked, "Kekul, what are you doing here?! You know teleporting is against the rules."

"I know," said Kekul. "But Juna wants me to send a dragon with magic powers over to her. And you fit the bill with these solar magic powers of yours. Don't believe me, ask her yourself."

Albina stared at his eyes for a bit to see if they held any truth. When she confirmed they did, she replied, "Alright, I believe you. Warp me over to her."

"Alright," said Kekul before he teleported her over to Juna. He focused his mind on Aeolus next and warped over to him.


Aeolus went inside one of the nearest buildings to see if the human was inside. The building had only one floor and it was very spacious with only two smaller rooms. He went to check each room for human scent, since there was nothing to see in the large room. With nobody here, the disaster dragon left the building to next its neighbor. As soon as he was halfway there, he was met with a surprise appearance of Kekul teleporting in front of him. Aeolus asked, "Kekul, what is the meaning of this? You know I can report you to Juna for breaking the rules."

Kekul replied, "Oh don't worry. I'm not doing any rule-breaking. In fact, Juna wanted me to bring you over to her."

Aeolus looked at the magi skeptically, wondering if this was some kind of trick to distract him. Then again, he could be telling the truth given what happened with Mekarth and the change in objective announced by Juna. Just in case, he telepathically asked the dragoness, 'Juna, Kekul claims you have need of me. Is this true?'


Minerva replied, "Me too. Come on, let's go inside and rest." She went inside the house and washed the dishes, keeping the sink clean so that roaches won't be attracted to the smells of unwashed plates and utensils. With that done, she went to grab a novel out of the bookshelf and read it.

((Note to self: Replace the book-reading with one last TV-watching in the story version.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan followed her inside. He helped with the dishes before going up to his room. He got out of his clothes and took a shower before getting dressed. He opened his window and sat next to it just staring off in the distance. Drake laid his head down to sleep. Ronan's mind drifted in thought. Mostly thinking about his master, who was like a father to him.

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((Well since it's night time around Minerva's time. I might as well try to hurry up with the horde.))

Tavurth and the spring dragoness searched through another building for Mekarth. Many times, the black dragon failed to turn up and the two were getting tired of this. The brute growled, "Damn it, when are we going to find Mekarth? Somebody's probably already taking him to Juna as I speak."

The dragoness said, "Patience, Tavurth. We won't know until Juna tells us. Maybe he's still around somewhere."

The brute replied, "Well we better hope so, because--" Just then he picked up a peculiar scent and said, "Did you smell that?"

The dragoness smelled the same scent too and answered, "Yes, it seems like it's coming from over there." They looked towards the double doors and went to open it. Inside the room was a human in a cloak.

"Intruder!" Tavurth roared at the human. "What do you think you're doing here?!"

The dragoness growled, "He must be another one of Dracul's soldiers. Get him!" She went to blow her sleep pollen breath at the human.


((Btw, Group 4 is unaware of the change in objective, since Silas only told his own group. I think I can have Group 2 be aware if I decide to have Kekul tell them beforehand. Group 1 is also ignorant to the change in who to capture now.))

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((I would say it around Twilight sunset around shadowwind as well which would put the dessert some time around coming sunset or close to shadowwind time))

Akil turn and looked at the twilight sky as night approched. Night grasp was coming and Akil know they were not in a safe spot to stay but it was the only protection she could find with some sort of roof and a single entrence that dragons could come though. She went to the side of the warehouse door and slide it close as quickly but quitely as she could tillthe door caught on something under the door frame and stopped her motion, leaving only a few inches left of an open gap. She turn and went back to Atlas. "sadly we are going to have to stay here for the night best thing i can say stay away from the view of that gap and sleep on teh side of it. You should be find to change into dragon form for the time being, but we are going to rotate watch cycle to be safe about it." She said than turn around and found a cornor out of view in the right cornor and curled up to keep her heat in. "I'll keep first watch so you better get some rest."
((This part is just asking what about yopple, and the other groups in Shadow Wind.))
Juna saw teh albino get teleported into the room that she was in than she hear Aoelus in her head. "Yes, now hurry up and get over here, also tell group five they have one hour to come back, and the other groups incase word have not spread about the change in targets forgot to tell Kekul to do so." She replyed back in her thoughts. She looked at Mekarth who was still dormant in his state. "Howey After Kekul groups go after their target you will need to help me sustain Mekarth because i need to remove as much of his tainted flesh as I can before the curse spreads even farther."
As the horse made ground between the knights and their targets, hope of escape was more and more possible, Till a bolt of blue lighting stream right passed the horse and a very reflective surface almost like ice formed from the air and bounced the lighting towards the horse.
((That all i got for the time being))

((Forgot Human that juna knows))
The Human was humming to himself before he heard a few dragon behind him accuse him of working with Dracul, and that pleasent tone he was humming stop. One of dragon blow a pollien at him as he simple turn and walked to themas the pollen Split into two ways, than it came back in a circle, back towards the dragons. He reached down to the hilt of the sword and teh sword clicked as teh safety clip was removed.

Edited by draco8967
Added Human Part.

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As Godsend was gazing to his left side, he heard the cloppity clop of horse hooves treading on stones and gravel well before he could see it. He allowed his solemn gaze to drift around ibfront of him and soon, he saw a girl riding on the back of the horse. He noted how transfixed and fearful she looked coming up the side of the hill where he rested. He knew somehow that she was ib trouble as she turned away from him. He lifted his wings and beat them down, making dust and gravel fly into the air bellow his draft. He soared into the air above the girl, his shadow streaking across the ground and the rumble of his breath sounding loud and frightening.

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((I made a giftstory for Airazena: https://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art/DR-The-First-War-Airazena-s-character-story-2-701968532 ))

Akil told Atlas that they were going to have to stay at the warehouse for tonight and that it was fine to change back into her dragon form. The woman wasn't sure if her daughter is right about the suggestion to transform in this city, but Akil did know more about the city than Atlas did. As the woman took off the collar, she said, "I'm not so sure if those guys will pick up my magic energy at a time like this, but whatever you say." Then she transformed back into a dragoness. After Akil volunteered for the first watch, Atlas replied, "Alright, I will. Tell me through telepathy if you see anything fishy." Then she went to the left side from the gap and fell asleep.


((I'm going to make a past and present parts for all 5 rescue groups, since I forgot to respond to your NPCs last year.))

Eitri's group (past)
Eitri replied, "Oh okay, well I guess it's good that we still have a lot of time." The bad part he worried about was how to escape that dreaded arena in one piece. The night magi could only imagine that the arena's staff would have the fighting slaves locked up in cages to prevent their escape and the guards present to make sure no one tries to free them. They might even remove his protection collar to make escape through teleportation impossible. "Alright, we'll go talk to Verona and see what we can do," he said.

Eitri's group (present)
Eitri explained the situation to Verona about how his fellow villager, Sparqus, was made a slave to fight in the death arena and that escaping from that place would be nearly impossible. The night magi continued, "So that's why we came back to you. I was hoping you might have some ideas on how we could get out of this place with little-to-no trouble."


Yopple's group (past)
With the coast clear, Yopple swam out of the lake and stepped onto the shore. He spat out Fable, who coughed and hacked like he was sick. After the saliva-covered pygmy's throat was clear, Fable scowled up at the cassare and complained, "Geez, you got bad breath! Don't you ever clean your mouth?! I think I'm going to smell like you tomorrow."

Yopple was offended by the flower pygmy's statement. He retorted, "Oh, so would you rather get taken by that M. Slaver instead, eh? I'd bet you'd prefer getting whipped all day than take a bad smell."

Fable well understood the threat of getting captured and turned into a slave. He knew the obvious choice he would make and answered, "Er, no thanks. I already suffered slavery for decades."

Yopple growled, "Then don't insult me with rude comments like that or else I won't save your hide next time." He didn't care too much about insignificant critters like that pygmy. It won't be big loss to the horde if that flower pygmy was gone. The cassare began to walk up the grassy slope leading to the bridge.

Fable replied, "Alright fine, I'll shut about your mouth. Anyway, we should get back to the others and see who's still with us." Yopple didn't need to be told what to do as he already intended to do just that. The two went back to rejoin the members of their group.

Yopple's group (present)
Yopple found out that a few of their own had been captured by the M. Slaver dragon. He didn't tell anyone this, but he has no intention to rescue them. His job here was to save the villagers, not Shadow Wind's people. Earlier, Enamora had requested his help to aid Enamora through the danger sector. He temporarily put off his search for Vika to look for Pixie, whom Enamora and Annar were to rescue. After all these hours, it was now twilight and night was about to come soon. It was too bad that nobody didn't get to have any dinner tonight, but hopefully they will tomorrow to make up for the lack of meal. Fable, who had stayed behind with his group, asked them, "So anybody know where we can take shelter for tonight?" The flower pygmy still had not found Vika.


Enamora's group (past)
Enamora was discouraged by how dangerous the sector sounded. A magi like her was going to be at a huge disadvantage if she ever were to trek there. But maybe another breed of dragon will do better there. She replied to Tomas, "Alright, maybe I can get someone to help me." She thought about getting Yopple to go with her through the sector. She telepathically asked the cassare, 'Yopple, we got to a danger zone where there's too many trap spells. My group won't go with me as they're too afraid of that sector. But you're a cassare, your presence should be able to dispell the trap spells. Will you help me out for a bit?'

Yopple answered, 'Alright, fine. But Eitri is going to have to warp me over to you. You know I can't use my magic here in this cursed city.'

'Don't worry, you won't have to. Because the sector we're going into disables our magic powers until we're out of there. I'll tell Eitri to get you.' Then after she ended her telepathy with the cassare, she asked the night magi, 'Eitri, can you teleport Yopple to us? I need him with me to go through the sector that's filled with trap spells.'

Eitri replied, 'Alright, I'll take him to you.' Within a minute or two, he warped in with the group with Yopple at his side. After Yopple joined Enamora and Annar to go through the sector, Eitri went back to his own group.

Enamora's group (present)
Yopple's presence has been a huge help in avoiding triggering the trap spells. Though they haven't found Pixie yet, at least they got a lead on where she would be tonight. The trio made their way to rescue Pixie there.


Volkin's group (past)
Volkin heeded the warning with caution and replied, "Okay, we'll try to be careful." Then she looked to her two comrades and said, "Onslou, Niben, let's go." The charcoal dragon and the flower pygmy followed her over to the dangerous sector.

Volkin's group (present)
Volkin had accidentally triggered a trap spell and now a M. Slaver dragon was chasing them. Niben held on tightly to Onslou, whom he was riding, and let out a panicking scream. How could it have gone so wrong? She was pretty careful for so long until now. Her night vision allowed her to see well in the dark, but the trap she pulled was perfectly hidden like a moth to a tree bark. Now they were at mercy of an incredibly large dragon seeking to destroy them. Onslou panted as he ran before he looked to the black ghost dragoness and told her, "Volkin, save yourself! You must take your ghost form now!"

Volkin knew that her comrade was right, but she was hesitant to leave her friends behind to their doom. It felt like she would be abandoning them and it would be just plain wrong. "But what about your two?" she asked him.

Niben told her, "Don't worry, we'll find some way to get out of this. Just hurry up and de-corporealize yourself." Volkin understood that her comrades didn't want her to die with them. So she reluctantly turned into her ghost form and stopped to let the M. Slaver dragon run through her. She watched Onslou still fleeing with Niben on his back. The dragoness sighed and hoped that they would be alright.


Eatorn and Paymar were glad to learn that Atlas's nieces and one of the villagers had been rescued earlier. Now they only had 4 to save. Eatorn decided to go help Group 4, which his mate Volkin was a part of, rescue the others. He went with his group to go look for her.


Aeolus replied, 'Very well, I'll tell this to everyone.' Just when he thought that he may have fewer groups getting in the way of the competition, Juna had to go tell him to announce the news to them. It was no use keeping this a secret anyway as an opponent dragon might find Mekarth and then learn the news from Juna, who would be mad to find out that the horde leader withheld that information the whole time. He telepathically told the other groups about who they would be searching for now. After this, he began to tell Group 5, 'Attention Group Five, Juna is giving you one hour to come back with the foods you have found.' He noticed the specific time he mentioned and realized that the other groups may have the same time left needed to find the human. They better hurry up or no one might get declared the winner. But if no one wins, who would eat first? He shrugged offer the concern about food and said to Kekul, "Alright then, send me over to her." Then the magi teleported himself and Aeolus over to Juna.


Hewey replied, "Understood, I'll tear off the flesh right now." He began to used his claws to sink into the tainted flesh and tear off them. He hoped the curse didn't go too deep into the body or it might take long for him to regenerate the wounds with new flesh.


Both Tavurth and the spring dragoness got their nostrils hit by her own pollen. They closed their eyes as if they were in pain as the brute dragon yelled, "No!" He knew they lost before they could even fight him. At an instant, they both collapsed in sleep.


The moment Kathia and the horse saw the lightning bolt bounce towards them, she jerked the reins back in panic and got the horse to stop. She let out a terrified scream as she began to see her whole life flash before her very eyes. Even the horse whinnied in the equal amount of fear. It looked like she might die sooner than she thought. The lightning struck the horse and its body flashed like an x-ray as it let out the loudest cry in pain and reared up, throwing Kathia and the halfling woman off. The two females hit the ground and Kathia's breath was knocked out when her back and skull got hurt by the hard ground. She raised her upper-body up and rubbed the back of her head to soothe out the pain. Then she saw her horse before her lying dead on the ground; the lightning bolt had killed it.

"$#17!" she cursed, knowing her only ride back to the camp was gone. If only she was more proficient in necromancy would she be able to revive the horse and try to escape again. She heard footsteps and looked back to see the knights were regaining distance she had been widening earlier. To make matters worse, she saw a shadow of a dragon on the ground. The creature must have seen and followed her from the mountains. Kathia cried out her fright at the bad situation she was in, "Oh craaaap!" She knew she couldn't carry the halfling away on her own two feet as the weight would just greatly slow her down and allow both the knights and the dragon to get her. Instead, it looks like she was going to have to fight. The mage cast her lightning bolt spell at the knights in hopes that she would kill one of them.


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((Meep, give me a few days to sort though my mind and written plots. That is a lot of stuff to sort though. -Draco))

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((I know, right? This is like my longest post on this thread yet. And it would have been longer had I not forgot to include Ohimia's part.))

Finding food in the desert was pretty hard; the harsh sun made the weather too hot that it burned her scales. It was nothing like the forests of Rudvich where though it is warm during the summer, it was no where as intense as this place. Ohimia was afraid that she would have a heat stroke at some point. But thankfully she didn't and even better was the weather getting cooler as the sun gradually fell from the sky towards the horizon. It gave her more energy to hunt as opposed to having to rest and cool off a lot. After a while, the dragoness heard Aeolus telling her that Juna is giving Group 5 their last hour to hunt. Ohimia recounted all the foods she's found. She ended up with 3 gray foxes, flowers and some lizards. Probably not enough to feed the horde. She would have to continue hunting. But for now, she decided to take what she had back to the horde. The lumina made her way to the village.

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((Going to start with Axle for upcoming events =P))

A small breeze blow though the quite forest floor, til it was broken by a small snap sound of a twig snapping loudly in the forest as a small black armor unit came wondering tough the forest. Two dragons a pygmy and two humans came across a Heavy wounded slumbering Axle.

"Well I'll be damn, we finally found our target we were looking for. And look he basically gift wrap for us to take back." One of the humans said

"Yes, but remember what Dracul said, he wants him back alive. we would be luck to get him back home let alone get him off the ground with those wounds. look at him if we even so as much breath on him incorrectly we could just end up killing him."

"Ya,ya. Ornn scout out the area and search for any enemies that could be larking around. Rev apply first aid to this 'mess' and get him in a condtion were we can take him airborne and get him back. Lisk contact Dracul and tell him we found the target."

The three said roger to their orders, though a bit hesitant from Lisk, who contacted Dracul like she was told too. The other two stood guard as rev went to inspect Axle wounds that he had, or should have. Rev wiped away some blood from what look like to be a deep gash and what he found was that it was a piece of flesh from another animal completely.

"Commander. I don't Think he wound at all. This mark is deer flesh and rather new too. I think he is just sleeping heavily."

"Alrightly than let get him chain up and get him back to hq and let do this quickly so we can get there by afternoon."

Rev got up and said right but as he started his small gap between him and the other two, Axle wing shoot out from the side of him and sent Rev flying into a tree, where a loud snap was heard. 

"You know it bad to your health when you wake up a sleeping dragon." He said he got up from his position as Lisk Hisk and the commander all looked at Axle, and what they saw behind him was the blood and guts of multiple animals torn to shreds. They looked back at Axle who open his eyes and they saw was the black and blue eyes of a psychopath standing in front of them.

"You son of a -" the commandor said but he was quickly interrupted as Axle slashed him clean into threes strips.

"Lisk run and find ornn he can't be far."

"What about you."

"Don't worry about me, get out of here." He said as he keeped his eyes on Axle who have not yet moved from the commander last position before his death. Lisk did what she was told and ran off to find ornn.

"Darn what a waste of perfectly two good bodies to torment. Oh well, I guess you will have to do."

"You are a damn psychopath."

"No I rather be called a exquisite artist. It all-" Axle said before Hisk Jumped at him, but what his was met with was a tail hitting him in the side and causing Hisk to crash face first into a  tree causing it to come crashing down on top of his back, pinning him to the ground. Hisk went to start pushing the tree back up but Axle turn and bit down hard on his rear leg and completely shatter his bone, causing Hisk to roar in pain as the tree went and pin him down again. 

"Now that was not very nice, but oh well. Where to start where to start. Ah I know." Axle said as he jumped on top of the log and bit down on Hisk right wing where it connected to his body and brutally ripped it from his body as slowly as he could, causing hisk to roar even louder. The same happen to his other wing. Than he broke every leg on Hisk, removed his left eye and than his tounge last but not lest his Spine was fully removed from his body as hisk body was brutally ripped to pieces. 

"Aw he died to soon." Axle said to himself as he saw in the distance Ornn flying off. 

"Now we can't have that." He said as he wrapped his tail around Hisk spine which had sharp points and launhed it at the fleeing dragon. It made contact and speared him rear to front, completely though as the spine came out Ornn mouth, killing him instantly. Than he saw a small object flotter down from the back of ornn as ornn body fell and relised it was the pygmy that was on his back. 

"something else to play with." He said as he started to head in the direction the pygmy come down at.
Juna looked at the three first and looked at the ground. "I have zero room to ask this but Mekarth may survive if we can not retrieve what he needs. I need a part of Axle, more blood than meat, to reverse any permanent damage the curse may have cause during that last few days. Both Axle and Mekarth have the same blood type and do to Axle having high than normal healing in his blood line, it the best changes Mekarth have at surviving, so please can you do this for me, I can't bring my self to do it." She said painfully.
Verona listen to Eitri report and the report from the squad members. "I'm afraid to say this there only two ways in one is to watch the games the other is to be part of those horrible games and rescue mission in that area is more suicide than anything else. To put it simplify we have already tried to recover some of our friends and family from there to no availed. We lose more than what we can recover from there. There are to many guards there, and way to many traps to stop anyone from trying to retrieve people from there. So unless you can come up with what your friend is worth in coins, there is nothing you can do for him. I'm sorry."
The group with the small dragon pointed to an empty building that had very few windows to see into. Once inside the group kind of spread out in the building, and the ones with bags started to rummage though them and started to pass out small shiny metallic bags to the humans first, than the dragons but with them open up for them, till they came up the small dragon that yopple made smell like a garbage can. "carno or herba?" the human ask as he had his hand in the bag.
((you can descried the fight between the unit and Kathia. I will drop Azera post next time.))

Edited by draco8967

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Godsend circles above Kathia, observing what is happening below him. He notices that a small army is following her, her horse is dead, and there is a half-ling with her. He inhales and exhales black smoke which swarms around the girl and the halfling. The smoke is thick and warm, seemingly alive. He stops when it covers both of them and blocks their view as he considers eating them as a light snack

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((Okay, I got sick last Sunday after a long and stressful day at work. I've even missed 2 days of work because of this.))

Aeolus noticed that Albina was here too as was Hewey who busy tending to Mekarth. Then Juna made her request to the trio. Remembering Juna's warning about Axle going berserk back at the lake, Aeolus understood that they would have to fight him in order to retrieve his blood. He said, "Very well, we'll do it. We'll keep him alive as we take a piece of his flesh off. But I won't guarantee that we won't hurt him too badly. Tearing off a part of your body is indeed extremely painful after all."

Albina asked, "Wait, we're going to fight Axle? But isn't he on our side?" She, unlike the other two, had no clue as to what happened back at the lake.

Kekul said to her, "He is, but some suppression spell that's been keeping his bad side down is wearing off and now he's gone crazy."

Aeolus said, "We're going to have to get ourselves ready for anything now that Axle's become dangerous. If he's able to bring his sister to near death, he can do the same to us." This team going to have take precautions when dealing with this aggressive white dragon, lest they get themselves killed. "Kekul teleport us over to Axle."

"Got it," replied the magi. Then he teleported the himself and the other two horde members over to Axle's location. The moment they got there, they were met with a horrifying sight that disturbed them. There were blood and guts of multiple animals torn to shreds; a human cut into 3 strips; and most gruesomely, a dead dragon with his wings torn off, spine removed, legs broken, an eye removed and his tongue torn out. There was also a another dead human, whose body was one in piece, leaning against a tree, but his death was nowhere near as ghastly as the others. The horde members' mouths dropped open as Kekul murmured, "Oh TJ..." Albina let out a terrified gasp. She knew that the dragon and humans were recent kills, given how fresh their blood smelled. Axle must have killed them all at the same time. If this was how dangerous he was going to, then the dragoness did not want to fight him. She could very see her death at his claws.

Aeolus gritted his teeth and knew that Axle's suppression spell must have completely disappeared. This was no ordinary white dragon; he was indeed a living breathing weapon. The horde leader wasted no more time looking at the corpses as he began to watch for the white dragon before he attacks them. The leader found Axle walking away and telepathically said to his soldiers, 'He's behind us. Kekul, get ready to cover us with your barrier spell. I'm going to attack him now.'

'Right,' replied the magi as he and Albina looked behind to see the white. Aeolus charged up his volts to a level where it was just enough to leave Axle unconscious. Then he released his lightning breath at the white.


Bam and Meubu entered one of the buildings to explore and see if the human was inside. The place was large and wide with a lot of space, making it seem like it was a store of some kind. Bam commented, "Man, this would be a neat place to sleep in tonight. I would have all this space to myself."

Meubu agreed, "I agree, we can even use any building in this sector as our dens. That way, we won't be crowded up in these village caves with the rest of the horde. I'm sure Juna won't mind." Then they found some double doors and pushed them through to get to the other side. There, they found something surprising. Tavurth and a spring dragoness with him were both lying on the floor unconscious.

Bam dropped open his mouth and asked, "What the? What the heck happened to them?"

Meubu smelled a particular scent and looked to where it was coming from. Without taking his eyes off from there, he said, "I think he happened to them."

The navy blue looked to what the geode was seeing and discovered a robed man. He cried out, "A human! That's the one we're looking for. Let's get him!"

Just as Bam began to charge towards the man, Meubu quickly stopped him by grabbed his tail with his mouth. He cautioned telepathically, 'Wait Bam! Remember what our cousin said. Treat him like a formidable foe.'

The navy blue stopped moving and looked to his cousin to ask, "So what do you suppose we do?"

Meubu advised, 'Let's just blow our breaths at him. A safe distance keeps you well-protected.'

"Okay, got it," Bam replied, thinking this idea was good. The two cousins breathed out fire and a volley of rocks at the human.


Eitri was disheartened by these obstacles against them. Shadow Wind was just as inescapable as a typical human settlement before the Spell, if not, more so. Being a dragon himself, he didn't have any money to free Sparqus. He was basically left with nothing to save his fellow villager. The night magi said, "Alright, I understand. Maybe if I wait until then, I might find the solution." Then he walked to go find a place somewhere here to sleep for the night. Hopefully, a few days would be just enough to plan for a successful escape for Sparqus.


Fable answered, "I'm a herba."


Yopple and Enamora eventually made it to the slave compound where the delivery-slaves (I think that was why Pixie was made as a flier for. If not, I'll edit) were kept. There were a few guards keeping watch outside and worse, there was an M. Slaver dragon patrolling about. The rescue team did not like what they were seeing. Yopple quietly said, "This is going to be complicated than I thought. We can't teleport in and sneaking our way is going to be pretty tricky."

Enamora said, "Then we need to start making a plan now."

The cassare asked, "What do you propose we do? Send Annar over to spew her sleep pollen at these chumps?"

The flower pygmy turned to him and said, "I can knock the guards out easily, but that giant dragon is going to take long to tranquilize thanks to his size. He'll probably call for reinforcements before sleep takes over."

Yopple suggested, "Then maybe we need a distraction."

Enamora looked to him and asked, "What kind?"

He held up his talon and curled his claws in. He grinned sadistically and said, "A fighting kind." His bloodlust was acting up again and he was aching to draw some blood, even thinking about slashing open the M. Slaver's throat.


Onslou kept on running as hard as he could, trying to get the M. Slaver off his tail. But the fiend was gaining on them and the charcoal dragon wasn't sure how much longer he could run before he gave in to tiredness. Niben looked at the M. Slaver and wonder if he could pull off their escape with his sleep pollen. He got off of Onslou's back to confront the M. Slaver. The charcoal stopped and turned as he cried, "Niben, what are you doing?! That's suicide!"

"Maybe," said the flower pygmy. "But I need to try this anyway." As the M. Slaver got closer, Niben flew up to his nose and blew out his sleep pollen at it. The giant dragon shook his head and grunted after feeling one of his nostrils get assaulted with the pollen. Before Niben could go for the other nostril, the M. Slaver opened his jaws and captured him in the mouth.

Onslou was fearful for the pygmy's life and shouted, "Niben!" He immediately went back on the run again the moment the pygmy's plan failed. The M. Slaver also resumed pursuing him. The charcoal kept on running and running until he tripped over something and fell. Then he saw the M. Slaver's shadow over him and looked back to see the slaver's huge claw reaching for him. "Nooo!" Onslou roared. The M. Slaver captured him in his talon and he began to fly away. Onslou twisted, squirmed and tried to push open the talon, but his efforts were in vain as the fingers didn't budge and he was unable to move even a centimeter.


After her two comrades along with the M. Slaver dragon run off out of sight, Volkin smelled 2 scents, one of them familiar and emotionally pleasant. That one called out to her, "Volkin!"

The dragoness whipped her head around see Eatorn and their flower pygmy comrade coming to her side. She smiled and said, "Eatorn. I'm glad to see you're still around."

Eatorn smiled back a bit and said, "Well nothing can keep me down. Not even a place well guarded compared to other human cities I know." Then he noticed that his mate was completely and knew why she said what she just said. He became concerned and asked, "So where's the others?"

Volkin frowned and said, "Axle's men had to stay behind, because this sector has lots of traps. Only Onslou and Niben came with me. We were doing fine until we triggered a trap and had a giant dragon chase after us. They told me to de-corporealize myself, so that I can be passed through without harm. But now they're the only ones being chased." With a shake of her head, she continued worriedly, "I don't know if they'll be able to get out okay, Eatorn. I can only hope fortune is with them."

Her mate told her, "Don't worry, we can use telepathy to check how they're doing. I'm sure they'll let us know if they're in trouble."

Volkin looked at him, still doubtful, "I hope you're right, love."


The man she was aiming at, got struck by the lightning and fell unconscious. The other two knights jumped back to avoid getting shocked before they retaliated with their own lightning spells. Kathia shrieked and quickly ducked down to try to save her own skin. The spells missed her, but one of them zapped the halfling. Just then, pitch dark smoke started to surround her and the halfling. She heard the knights shouting some strange words she couldn't understand, but their tone made it clear that they were taken aback by surprise. The knights didn't make that smoke, the dragon must have. The smoke the girl is in was hard to breathe and it singed her nostrils, making her choke. Kathia coughed as her eyes teared up. She gathered her strength to focus on casting a spell to save her lungs. She cast a wind spell to clear away some of the smoke away from her. She looked up at the darkening sky to see the dragon flying above her in a circle. The creature had caught up to her. Kathia gritted her teeth, now she was caught in a rock and a hard place. She was now going to have to fight both of them now. Seeing that the dragon was still in the sky for now, Kathia decided to go for the knights for now and cast her lightning spells at them. She hoped they were still in the same spots before the smoke appeared. A hiding place was good for ambush, but she would have to move after this as the knights would try to strike where she stands.

The knights noticed the dragon flying above him and assumed that he must be helping the girl and Massiva to escape. They cast their lightning spells up at the dragon. Just then, a different set of lightning bolts came out of the smoke and one of the knights shouted, "Watch out!" The lightnings barely touched them as they zapped on by. Each knight took cover behind a tree and retaliated with their spells zapping at the smoke, hoping to kill the girl.

As Kathia moved away, she saw white flashes behind her. It was just as she thought would happen, these men would retaliate. They won't stop until she was dead. She used her wind magic to blow away some of the smoke, so that she would talk to a ghost she needed to summon. But then it turns out that she wouldn't need to as she saw a glowing white and transparent spirit. It was the hiker's ghost and she was glad that he found her fast. He greeted, "Hey there, lassie. Looks like ya've gotten yourself into a fight."

"I know," said Kathia with the stress she felt in this situation. "These guys are going to kill me. Listen, I need you stay outside the smoke and watch for when these jerks attack. Also, let me know where they're at too, so I can zap them."

The hiker's ghost said, "Alright, you got it." Then the ghost flew outside the smoke and watch the attacking knights.

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((sorry to hear that red, hope you get better soon.))

Axle was stuck from behind by a lighting bolt that was meant to bring him down temporally, as he buckled under his weight. He fully hit the ground but only for a second before he got u quickly and turn his head right towards Aeolus and those black and blue eyes locked right onto them, and they look angry as ever. He turn his whole body towards them and flinger out his wings. 

"You really want to embrace death that quickly I will be happy to-" He started to say before a quick little Silver light flinger across his chest, drawing blood as a deep gashed suddenly appeared, and a small pygmy rolled into view covered in little razors blades across her armor. She was growling at Axle but her eyes caught Aeolus and the group, than she saw Hisk. She snapped her head back at Axle, just in time to see a the talons slashes her straight into a tree behind her, and her razor blades acted as ice picks as she got lodged into the tree behind her. She was upside down and there was blood dripped from her armor, as Axle haves crushed the side of her chest piece, piercing her side

"Annoying Pest, I will deal with you later" He said as he never took his eyes off Aeolus and the group. "Now where was I, Oh yes, Think fast." He said as he Spun rather fast flinging all the blood and deer shreds on him in a full 360 degree around him splattering blood on everything. During any type of confusion went and pounced on Kekul. ((Injures if any on keluk is at your discretion red.))
Yopple Group
The M. Slaver was wondering though the road, each part of their movement was that of a machine, including the movement of if talons as they tapped the ground below him. The dragon whole body was cover in armor from head to talon, even the eyes were cover in a armor, so how was this thing seeing. It was different from the M. Slave yopple would have saw back at the lake, that one had eyes to see, vs this one that seem to be completely blind. The guards said something out load and started to move away, leaving the M. Slaver alone for the time being, as it went over to the main doors and laid right down in front of them.
((I call shot on This M Slaver.))


The human with the bag rummish though it for a second and pulled out a bar wrapped in a shiny package. He open it and set it down. It was a tan bar with bits of green and orange in it. "For warning it going to taste like crap, but it better than nothing." He said as he move on to the next giving out this bar to everyone in the group, some was redish brown rust color other was the tan bar.
The Human that Bam and the other dragon have blow breath on seemed to have been completely turn to dust because there was no evident of him ever being there, but an little bit odd cherry blossom pedal was on the ground.

Somewhere else in the city the cloacked figure lean against a wall breathing hard. "That was bit to close for comfort." He said to himself as he gripped his wounded arm that had scorched marks and shards of rock implanted into it. blood was dripping from his fingers as he stood there.

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(Sorry it's taken so long for a reply. I've been trying to swim for my life in an ocean of homework(which is not at all fun :( ). Im going to have Godsend back off for a bit tho.)


As Godsend watched the knights and the girl and the halfling throughout their battle, he didn't come closer than he already was. As he saw some of his smoke disappear around Kathia, he was quite shocked as a thought came into his head " A mana wielder... "


He kept circling and got a little closer to the ground but before he knew what happened, there was a bright white flash of light and a sting in his side by his left wing shoulder. He got hit by a lightning bolt, cast up at him by one of the knights. Godsend let out a terrible howl of pain as his wing stung from the shock and it went up to his head and down to the tip of his tail. He hovered in midair for a moment unmoving as he came hurtling down to the ground in the same direction as the knights. He came down with an ear splitting CRASH upon about half of the knights, crushing them under his weight, flinging some to the side as well. His body went limp. There is a long trail of blood from some of the knights he dragged under him and from scratches he gained from the crash landing; along the trail of blood is upturned dirt and gravel from the trail they were on.


The smoke gradually clears, as there is not a constant source that is keeping it going anymore.

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((I'm totally well again now. I got two giftstories that I have finished: https://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art/DR-The-First-War-Picknick10-s-characters-4-707788694 and https://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art/DR-The-First-War-shibathedragon-s-characters-4-708719056 ))


With Axle down, the horde leader took a step forward, but then a sudden surprise happened. The white dragon got up fast and looked at them with one of his eyes now a eerie black color. "What?!" gasped Aeolus who was taken aback by this. He could have sworn he had enough voltage to paralyze Axle, but the white just got back up like it was nothing. Before Axle could attack, the armored pygmy struck him like a fast swing of a sword. Axle retaliated, swiping her into a tree, and then he flayed blood and pieces of deer flesh all around him. The horde roared and turned their eyes-closing heads away from being pelted with nasty bits. Aeolus could even feel some of the blood touching the edge of his mouth. He would have to lick it away later after this. Before Kekul could cast the barrier, Axle pounced on him and began to bit down on his neck. Aeolus and Albina heard the magi let out a pained roar and opened their eyes to see him getting attacked. The dragoness was about to rush at the white to attack, but the horde leader stopped her instantly with his talon grabbing onto her shoulder. He told her, "Stop!" If Albina were to attack Axle like that, she might have accidentally made Axle either sink his teeth in further and rip the flesh off the magi's throat. Then he looked at Kekul and telepathically told him, 'Warp yourself to Cirrus and get that neck healed quickly!' It was urgent that the magi did or else he would die. Then Kekul teleported away to his gray dragon friend. With him gone, Aeolus and Albina went to attack Axle with another lightning breath and a sunlight laser spell.


Enamora doubtfully asked, "And how would your claws do anything to him? Look at him, he's completely covered in armor."

Yopple took a good look at the M. Slaver to see what it looks like. She definitely right about it. He said, "Well I guess fighting him is out of question then." It was too bad, because Yopple had been looking to take someone's life just for the heck of it. Then they heard the guards talking and looked to see them going away. The M. Slaver dragon laid in front of the doors, completely covering them. The cassare frowned and groaned, "Great, he's blocking our way in. Now what?"

Enamora suggested, "Maybe we can sneak around him and see if there's another way in."

Yopple assessed the building's surroundings to look on where to go. "Follow me and walk quietly," he told them. The cassare led the way as the magi and Annar followed him to go to the right side of the building, keeping as far from the M. Slaver as possible.


Fable took the bar from the human and looked at it with hesitation. He had to get his tastebuds ready to endure whatever terrible flavor the food has. He took a small bit out of the bar to sample it and was hit with bitterness. His face twisted in disgust with one eye shut tight as he stuck his tongue out and cried, "Yuck!" Was this thing expired or something, or was its flavor supposed to be like that? The pygmy swallowed the small piece quickly so as not to endure the taste any longer. He begrudgingly ate the rest of the bar, taking only one small bite at a time, chewing it quickly while keeping his tongue away, and then swallowing it. He continued like that until the bar was all eaten. He thought, 'TJ, I'd never thought that I'd be eating crap again after my freedom.'


The two dragons were surprised by the sudden disappearance of the human. Meubu asked, "Where did he go?"

Bam asked, "You don't think we killed him, did we?" Meubu doubt they did and assumed that the human must have magically warped himself away. Then he noticed a pink flower petal on the ground and was bewildered. When did that get there?


Corona the phoenix dragoness was walking with two pygmy dragonets of different breeds, a dark myst and a wasp. They soon smelled blood and stopped. The dark myst asked, "Hey, did you smell that?"

The wasp replied, "Yes, it smells like blood. I wonder who's bleeding."

Corona volunteered, "I'll walk ahead and check it out." She walked ahead of them and peered around the corner. She discovered to her delight, the human they were looking for. Luck had favored her; when she catches this human, then her group will win.

The dark myst hovered over the dragoness's head and asked, "So who is it?"

Corona jolted with grabbed the pygmy in her mouth, fearing that her blurting would alert the human to their presence and make him flee. 'Quiet you!' the phoenix told her, urging the dark myst to hush. After she pulled the dark myst out of sight, Corona looked back at the human to see if he had heard her.


The knights saw the dragon falling them on them and one of them shouted, "Watch out!" The one knight barely managed to escape the impeding crash of the dragon and the impact send him flinging across the ground. But his comrade was not so lucky as he and the other unconscious knight were crushed underneath the dragon and killed.

The ghost watching this scene shuddered as if he was feeling the immense pain of both the dragon and the knights. He said, "Blimey, that's gotta hurt!" The smoke gradually cleared and Kathia was able to see her surroundings again. She saw blood and a few armor pieces on the trail of upturned dirt. Her eyes followed it to the dragon and knight, and immediately knew what happened to them. The knights had attacked the dragon and the moment they tried to alert the other, the dragon had crashed down on them. This was good as Kathia and the halfling were now safe again and they would be able to get back to camp with no trouble. The girl went over to the halfling and picked her up. She put the halfling's arms around her neck and held them together by the hands. Then she began to walk away with the woman carried. But they weren't out of the woods yet as the hiker's ghost saw the last knight getting up and looking at his dead comrades first before he turned to the females. The knight let out an angry scream and was about to let out another lightning spell. The ghost quickly alerted the girl loudly, "Duuucckk!"

Kathia shrieked as she swiftly threw herself down and avoided the lightning bolt just in time. She pushed the halfling off and looked back to see the last knight still alive and ready to kill her. Now that it was only just him and no one else to threaten them, the girl was feeling courageous and eager to destroy this man. "You want to fight?" she asked angrily. She got up to stand and turned to face him with her magic energy ready. She yelled, "Then die!" She cast a lightning bolt at the knight, who quickly dodged to the side. The girl knew he was going to retaliate after evading, so she ran to the side before he could attack. His spell missed as she hoped it would. After she hid behind a tree, she cast her lightning spell at him again.

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Axle mouth clap shut when keluk teleported away to safety, leaving the other two there. He saw the bolt and beam casted at him but he did not react fast enough to dodge both energy as as he took the sunlight beam, barely being missed by the lighting. He landed hard on his wing as he rolled a bit on his right side and back onto his feet, as the burn mark from the sunlight was visable for a few seconda before it disappeard from his body. He looked dead at the dragoness and made a dash for her but in a zigzag pattern to avoid anymore lighting or beams from the dou. 


Juna monitor over hawey progress on mekarth before she put a hand on hawey. "That enough hawey. Most if not all should be gone right now. All we can do is wait and hope the team gets back soon, mekarth wont survive for long without help." She said sound a bit worried by Mekarth condition. She know if the team fail she would have sent three dragons to their death and lost her brother. "Hawey how long can you sustain Mekarth for?"


The M.Slaver claws were still tapping the ground with a cling cling cling, till the clinging stop, and the air started to get colder as frost started to run across the wall and the road from the M.Slaver. He turn his head towards the group, as it was clear he notices them even if he was blind. The frost surrounded around the dragons but not getting close to them thanks to yopple anti magic zone around him, but a small rodent got spoked by the frost and attempted to out run it, but it got caught by it and instantly turn white as the frost encased it. The M.Slaver stood up and turn to the dragons as his claws were started to cling against the frosted ground.


The human was picking out the rocks from his arm when he heard a voice from the side of him and it sound rather close. He know they smelled his blood and he was not prepared for another breath attack. He did not turn to face them as he simple removed the rest of the rocks from his injured arm before he ripped part of his robe to wrap around his arm and tied it off to slow down the bleeding, before he made a sign with his hand towards the window the dragon was looking though as a small gust of wind came out the window and he was gone, all that was left was a cherry blossom pedel floating down.

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