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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Ronan let Minerva do the talking when they got to the office. He figured he may have come dressed a bit too 'intimidating' to these kind of meetings especially with his sword on his belt. As long as he kept his mouth shut they'll undoubtedly get through the work without messing up. He followed her into the loaners office where the woman greeted them. He glanced around the room. Mostly taking note of anything he might need to use in case of an emergency, which he was doubtful of happening but he was very safety conscious after his travels with Drake.

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((Hey, look at what I did to my dragons: http://sta.sh/0x4oewpzeqt))


Minerva nodded, confirming the loaner's assumption and explained, "Yes. You see? We need to buy some expensive training equipment for our fighting school and to have a graphic designer make advertisements. I don't know what the estimated cost for all the things we need is, but I can imagine that it would probably be around twenty thousand gold." She turned her head to the assassin, looking for a confirmation on her guess. "Would it, Ronan?" she asked. She never got to check the store first for the prices, which she should have done first. Gods, they must look silly coming here without knowing the exact amount they need.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan thought it over in his head though he didn't really know himself but he did know how much weaponry would cost and those were definitely not cheap. "I'd estimate twenty minimal but at max.....I'd have to say fourty. Weaponry alone is not cheap, and I'm not certain how much equipment will cost. The advertisements will most likely cost the most." He said with assumption but little facts. He didn't want to be speaking but he knew they'd need to stretch it a little just to be safe. "Of course with time and how many students we get, we'll be able to pay off the loan quicker." He added.

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Axle was out hunting for another ten minutes before he started to return back to the group he some how gather thought his quest to trident mountian. He started to question his own desiction, his motive and what he really desirers and soon he return back to the group, and violet seemed to have notice he had something on his mind but did not press on that matter. Instead, she came up with an idea. She know they were pressed for time, but it might work. She got up and went over to Atlas. She whispered loud enough for her to hear hoping Axle did now hear. "Atlas. Axle have something on his mind, and not for the good it seems. Maybe you should talk with him and see what is going on, just for a little while." Violet said as she looked over her shoulder at Axle, who still look like he was in deep thought.


The blue armored one clones all disappeared except for one standing right in the way of the fire blast not moving, like he did not care. The fire how ever never made contact with the blue one, instead it stopped in mid air as now the red armored one stood there. He stopped it with only his bare hand, than soon the flames started to darken, to a pitch black flame that swirled around him. Thanks he turn his attection to the new dragons coming from the cave. Almost instantly, throw the now black fire right towards the cave entrance, aiming to burn every dragon coming alive.


The gold one soon appeared as well with the other six blacked armor one and each attack the dragon that was just used fire. Each aiming for a different spot, but none to kill. Instead they were aimmed to his let's and wings to stop him from moving.



The little girl stop running to caught her breath as kathia asked herb to tell her which direction Azera was at. She simple pointed towards the mountain. "That is all I know he went to. The place we were staying at last where Azera was healing up was just ahead, but he started to walk closer and closer to the mountain. afterwards I ran back to the camp you were at but you have disappears, so I panic, running thought the forest to find Azera. I never found him though, that when I saw the white Dragon land in the clearing. He had with him a woman in a purple collar, soon disparting from her and heading on his own. I thought he might be here to hunt Azera, because Azera haves a detail sketch of the one dragon in his pocket. That is all I know. Please find him before that dragon does or before Spinx does."She said, sounding very weak, almost to weak for her to continue to run.

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Minerva awaited the answer for a few seconds until the man told her his assumed price costs. Forty sounded too cheap, unless the equipment Ronan planned to get wasn't too cheap. Darn, she should have tried to research the costs and look for what equipment they need before coming here. The blonde really felt embarrassed for making this rash decision to come here first. Now what would she do to not embarrass herself any further? Perhaps she should just request a not too expensive loan for now and then go to the equipment store? That didn't seem like too bad an idea. "How about we get a thousand gold loan for now? We'll pay her back with the remaining gold we don't use and then pay off the rest with the profits we make?" she asked.




After a while of waiting for Axle's return, Atlas smelled his scent and anticipated his return from the hunt. She soon saw his form approaching the group. The magi greeted him with these words, "Hey Axle, how did the hunt go?" As she waited for his answer, Violet started whispering to her about the former lord having some bad thoughts. The magi looked to Axle again, more specifically his facial expression. He definitely looked uncertain about something, but what could it be? Then she looked back at the vampire before replying, "Alright, I'll see what his problem is." Then Atlas went towards the man (or dragon) as her eyes briefly shifted to the side Violet was at and thought, 'You better not do anything fishy while I'm gone.' The magi knew she wouldn't need to worry much as there as Ohimia and Garin were with her; the former could let her through telepathy if Violet ever did something suspicious. After she reached Axle, Atlas asked, "Hey Axle, something up you want to talk about privately?"




After the clones disappeared, the guard's flames fell on the very last blue-armored man, but they were blocked by the red-armored human who was most likely using magic to block the attack. The guard was then surprised by seeing his own fire turn black. At the next instance, the colored flames were sent inside the cave. Then the other armored warriors reappeared and struck the guard's legs and wings. The dragon let out a pained roar as these limbs became broken, thus rendering him flightless and unable to move. "You 8@$7@rd$!" he cursed, feeling enraged by his agony.




As the villagers waited listened out for sounds of the trap crystals' strike, something unexpected came their way. A stream of black fire flew towards them. The dragons were taken by surprise and as they jumped, shield themselves with their wings or tried to duck. The pygmies were doing the former or using the bigger dragon's bodies as shields. Eitri was quick to put up a wall of water without any second thoughts to protect everyone from getting burned. The flames hit the water and doused itself out. Uvanis came out from behind the night magi's leg and sighed in relief, "Boy, that was close."




After hearing that the girl had been in Sundown, the redhead started to wonder if the campers were looking for her and if they organized a few teams to search for her in these woods. <insert Mrs. Merryweather and cellphone sentence>. Kathia didn't like having to worry everyone like that. She'll need to come back in one piece to put everyone's concerns to rest. Then the little girl said a white dragon landed with a woman in a purple collar. Kathia wondered if she was talking about Axle. Then she learned that the dragon may have been hunting Azera down. This raised the redhead's eyebrow; if Axle was going after Azera, then why did he turn tail and ran away like a scaredy cat? Well the little girl did say she thought the dragon might have been doing that, so her guess could be wrong. Maybe it was the other way around considering Azera was a mercenary and that he may have been hired to hunt down the dragon. Who knows? Then after the little girl begged her to find the man, Kathia put on a bravado with a confident smile on her face and made a thumbs up. She assured, "Don't worry, I'll make it in time before any of these two bozos get to him. Don't you worry." Then she turned and headed in the direction the mercenary had been at.


Kathia ran towards the mountain and out of the girl's sight. Figuring the given direction may not be enough, the redhead thought to use a ghost to aid her in the search. One who knew their way around this place. While on the move, the girl began to summon such a spirit. Using her magic energy, she said, "Oh soul of a person who knows this part of the wilderness and the mountain well, I summon you to come here and help me."


Within moments, a glowing white transparent form of a hiker started to appear in front of the girl who now stopped. The chubby mustached man made a hearty smile at her and said, "Hello lassie, it's nice to be back in the real world again. So how may I help you?"


Kathia told him, "I need you to help me find a man named Azera. He's got silver hair, scars on his face, he carries weapons and he wears a black sleeveless shirt. Have you seen a guy like that?"


The hiker nodded and answered, "Oh yes, I've seen 'em walking by here. He looked like he had a bone to pick with that feller in black I saw walking by here last night. I can take you over to 'em."


"Please do," the mage replied.


The ghost said, "Alrighty then, follow me." The girl followed the hiker's spirit on the way to the mercenary.


Kathia thought about the little girl she left behind and didn't want her to be all alone. Somebody needed to watch over her. The mage summoned another ghost, this time a woman in her mid-twenties. Kathia told the female ghost, "I need to you to look for a black-haired girl over there and watch over her while I'm gone. Let me know if anything happens." The woman agreed to do this task and floated herself over to where the little girl was left behind.


((Just a reminder, no one can see or hear ghosts unless they perform the See Ghosts spell.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Ronan sighed. "Minerva, how about we tell her what we will need and she can get us an estimate of how much gold we will need for what we want to get?" He tried to simplify their efforts.

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As soon as Aeolus told Yopple to lead women away, a familiar voice appeared in his head. "Aeolus." said Rina telepathically, however something was off. She sounded dead serious this time, the coldness in her voice clearly sipping through. "I want to ask you a question." she continued, "Not a while ago Raven told me something interesting. I want you to answer truthfully: is it true that you are planning to wipe out every single human in the entire world?"


Meanwhile Raven stood near Rina in the middle of the forest clearing not far from Windfall, while she was communicating with the disaster dragon with cold expression on her face. Right after he arrived to set destination, Rina introduced him to Windfall, a city where both humans and dragons could live together. Of course, he immediately disliked the idea of humans being there, but he knew all he could do is just grumble on about it. What actually impressed him was that she managed to find herself a job at local butchery as a huntress. His clan-mate told him about the local wildlife and the environment. Never seeing or hearing about that before, the black dragon listened on and on, memorizing almost everything the blue dragoness told.


And when he wasn't occupied by talking or exploring the city, he was connecting the dots made by what that dragoness said. After some thinking, he managed to connect them and figure out what the disaster dragon was actually after. Raven remembered that Fakoo wanted him not to tell anyone, but he wasn't going to keep that from Rina. At first she didn't believe what he said, but then he told her why he came to that conclusion. He watched as her expression slowly changed from disbelief to confusion, and then turned into a stone cold. She then told him to wait for a while and closed her eyes to use telepathy. Raven only today realized that all of the Eternal Wind dragons did have the ability to communicate via telepathy, but they never used it due to not knowing how to do it. And now, after some local dragons told the duo how to do it, they slowly, but surely got the hang of it.

Edited by TheTron852

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"Aeolus." said Rina telepathically, however something was off. She sounded dead serious this time, and Aeolus could feel that the coldness in her voice was directed at him.


((Please don't god-mod like that, I control how my characters feel not you. Just say that there was coldness in her voice, alright?))



Minerva replied, "Okay, I guess that would work." Then she listed the things they thought they would need, "So we need wooden swords, dummies and... uh... what else??"




Aeolus heard Rina asking him if he was going to destroy all of humanity; from the tone of her voice, she didn't sound too pleased with the idea. The horde leader made an angry frown and narrowed his eyes. After he had told his horde not to let word of his intended plan slip, they had to tell someone. What if they had let Mekarth heard them, too? Thankfully up to now, the black dragon didn't seem like he knew. But it was still possible for Raven to tell him about it, provide that the Eternal Wind clan dragon met the former lord. Aeolus decided to give Rina his honest answer, knowing that she wasn't anywhere near the dragon lords. In a calm tone, he answered, 'Well Rina, I'll have to confirm your friend's words. Yes, I am. But we'll be holding that off for now since we have other things to attend to.'

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Ronan sat forward. "Wooden swords and steel swords. Something for punching and kicking....lumber to build wooden dummies, which I can do myself I just need to afford the wood.....Perhaps uniforms and weights?" They'd need heavy bags for punching and kicking. He couldn't think of anything else.

Edited by LordTorch18

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"...I see." replied Rina and sighed, solemnly nodding to Raven and confirming his suspicions. She was not looking forward to telling Aeolus her opinion about that. But she already started this conversation, and she couldn't just up and back down without an explanation, and she didn't even had one. And so the dragoness pressed on.

"Let me be clear with you on one thing, Aeolus: no matter whether it's a human we are talking about or not, I draw the line at the genocide of the sentient species. Nearly all of our clan members do. Or did, seeing as what happened to our clan. So why do you want an entire species wiped off the planet, besides the obvious?"


While waiting for the disaster dragon to answer, she looked at Raven and said: "Raven, we both know how to use telepathy now, correct? I want you to contact every single clan member of the Eternal Wind you can remember and tell them to head to Windfall. You saw the world map, you should know the directions."

"Right, and how am I supposed to pull it off by myself while you have your pow-wow with the disaster dragon?" the black dragon snorted. "And need I remind you that most of our clan mates are, y'know, DEAD?"

"I'm perfectly aware of that, but we still have to try. Include the instructions on how to perform telepathy in case you find a survivor, and they don't know how to do it. I'll join you after I'm done with Aeolus."

"...I do not like any of this." Raven sighed. Then nodded, "Alright, fine. You are probably going to get the rest of us killed for all I care, but fine. You can cremate me after I die from acquiring an aneurysm from all these psychic shenanigans," he added with sarcasm. Rina just rolled her eyes at his remark, but ignored it.

"Thank you, Raven," she nodded and returned to her conversation with the leader of Vulture Horde, while her partner started to reach out to his clan mates one by one.

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As the girl followed the hiker's spirit, she glanced to the left and right sides to make sure that neither Spinx nor his dragons and snake were seen. The coast had been clear every time. As they continued through the woods, they were getting closer and closer to the mountain. But the closer they were to Trident Mountain, the more anxious she was in thinking she encounter the necromancer. Kathia tried to regain composure by telling herself silently, 'Come on Kathia, get a hold of yourself. You're a destined slayer of dragons and savior of humanity, you can't be scared of one guy. You got spells, too. It'll be like a gunfight; strike him first before he does. Abra-kadabra and he's dead! You can do this, girl.' She hope these words would make her best prepared for that one encounter.




Looking back to the loaner, Minerva asked her, "So you got all that?" The older woman nodded and said yes. "How much would it be if we had twenty of each?" the blonde asked.


The loaner took up her pencil and notepad as she replied, "I'll have to calculate that first." After writing down the numbers of the estimated prices for the needed supplies as she mumbled out the numbers, the loaner told the couple, "And that will come up to a total of 1960 gold."


((Note to self: replace writing the total cost with using a calculator. Anyway, I don't remember how I did the value of gold in the past, but right now I think 1 gold coin would be equivalent to 1 US dollar.))




There it was, that not-all-humans-are-bad belief he had been expecting; just like with Atlas, Zeditha and the former lords. Just why were these dragons so lenient towards humans? Going back to the question at hand, the horde leader answered, 'Rina, have you ever watched your family get murdered right before your very eyes?' He already knew the answer considering that the dragoness had told him that her clan had been slaughtered. 'Have you ever been taken away from home at a young age and then forced to live grueling miserable days of slavery for centuries long? Have you watched your mother suffer through work, pain and tears until she got weaker and die?' His telepathic voice started to get a little bit bitter when he mentioned his mother's death. 'Have you heard about how the beautiful woods of your birth has been destroyed and turned into a polluted wreck of industrial factories for greedy billionaires?' His voice grew more resentful as more memories of his past poured into his head. 'Have you ever been raped by one of your masters? Have you given your trust to a few seemingly-nice humans and then end up getting stabbed in the back? Have you ever been used in painful experiments? Have you been torn apart from your children before or after their births when they're given to someone else to be slaves for them or butchered to killed for food or clothing? Because all these things are what these humans exactly did to me.'


((I'm going to go back to one of my previous chapters with Gneiss and say that he found new territory for the newly-rebuilt Gallion clan. That way, I use Aeolus's loss of his homeland as reason for revenge on humanity.))

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Rina carefully listened to each and every one of Aeolus's questions, feeling more pity for the dragon as he progressed. Did he really suffer through all of this? That would explain his hatred for the humanity. No, she couldn't understand him: she didn't go through most of what he listed. So she said: "The only things I've suffered through my life is living through the siege of our village, being isolated and cut off from the rest of the world along with my friends and family. Humans destroyed our village and killed most of us. However I already had my revenge by killing those dragon hunters, and that is clearly enough for me."


After a moment of silence, she continued, this time with a strange tone in her voice: "These reasons are not enough for me to change my opinion about this, Aeolus. Genocide is a genocide, no matter how you look at it and no matter who is involved. Yes, I do dislike humans, and Raven hates them more than me. However this is not a valid reason for us to suddenly up and go around slaughtering them left and right. I don't care if we are going to protect them, and I most certainly do not care who am I fighting. I won't try to change your views about humans in general," she added, her voice slowly shifting to threatening. "It's clear that I can't do that, no matter how hard I'll try. So let me put this up front, Aeolus: we are enemies now. We will do whatever is possible to stop your plan from progressing. If you try to attack any innocent human or settlement, we will fight back once we learn about it. And we won't be merciful to either you, or any member of the Vulture Horde who will participate in attacks. Do not say later that we did not warn you. Farewell."


With that she cut off her communication with Aeolus and looked at the Raven, only to find him griping and shaking his head. "What's wrong?" she asked, prompting him to rise his head and stare at her in annoyance. "What's wrong? Sending telepathic messages to a lot of dragons in short amount of time may cause mild headaches, that's what's wrong!" he growled. Rina just rolled her eyes in reply. "Maybe because we are not used to using it so much?" she rhetorically asked. "Alright, then it's my turn to contact the others. Who you tried to contact?" in response her clan mate listed 14 names. "None of them replied." he said. The dragoness only sighed and closed her eyes. 62 others to go then. Rest for now, Raven. she said and proceeded to send messages to other members of the clan, hoping that at least one of them replies back before her head starts to hurt too.

Edited by TheTron852

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After Rina told him what the humans did to her clan, Aeolus said, 'Then surely, you know how vicious and wicked humans are.' But she was opposed to genocide; even if humans were evil, she and Raven were willing to protect them. After declaring themselves enemies of the Vulture Horde, Rina ended her telepathy with him. The horde leader's feelings were mutual; if she tried to stop her, then he will defeat her. 'Very well then, my enemy. Let's see if you can try and stop us,' he thought. He was now more resolved in making his horde stronger to destroy all opposition, whether they be human or dragon.

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Ronan thought to himself, "The price of steel weapons is very cheap here. In the desert you have to work two years to get the money for a true steel blade." He was surprised at the amount. "If that's the case then I think a simple 3000 gold will be more than enough." He looked to Minerva to confirm.

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"By the way," said Raven, once his headache subsided, "What did you tell Aeolus?"

"I told him that we are enemies now." replied Rina, before resuming what she has been doing.

"Alright then... Hold on, WHAT?!" Raven suddenly leaped and slapped Rina across her head. "You bloody idiot!" he growled. "Did you really had to go and declare war on Vulture Horde?! There are only two of us for now, and it will be a while before survivors even reach Windfall! And even then, the whole thing will kill the rest of us! What were you thinking, Rina?!"

"Raven, calm down. I thought about this before I said that." said Rina, rubbing her cheek, and paused to send another telepathic message to next clan member.

"Really now?" Raven snorted. "Alright then, Ms. I-Thought-About-This, I'll humor you here. So why did you think it was a good idea to tell him that?"

"You saw Vulture Horde members, correct? Do you know how well in combat they are?"

"...They were still training, as far as I'm aware."

"Good." The blue dragoness nodded. "Think about this, Raven: nearly all of us have experience in combat, while they still have days of training ahead of them."

"Uh huh, and you also forgot about magic. I don't want a fireball in my face, you know," grunted the black dragon.

"I don't think they all are experts in magic. Besides, we can find means to counter it."

"And you forgot about teleportation."

Rina opened her mouth to reply, but then closed it. Raven made a good point here: she didn't know how many dragons in the Horde knew teleportation spells, let alone how powerful they were with them. But then again, there were many dragons that are yet to receive enough training to fare well in battle. So perhaps...


Her train of thought suddenly was interrupted by a voice in her head. It sounded very familiar and...

"Hello? Rina? Are you there?" said a male voice. It was a member of the Eternal Wind. Rina smiled. "Raven, we got a survivor!" she said, and telepathically replied, "Yes, it's me. Where are you?"

"Thank the winds you are alive! I'm still in Solomos. When humans attacked, I laid low before making a run for the eastern lands." There was a short pause, before the voice continued: "Hard to do this telepathy... You said Rudvich, Windfall?... I'll try to get there... as quickly as I can! Who else... is with you?"


"Oh. Well, until next time, Rina... Stay safe there!" With that, the voice stopped. Rina looked at Raven, who, surprisingly enough, was grinning. "Well then. Seems like it isn't a lost cause, after all." he said. His grin turned into a frown, when he continued, "However I still don't see how all of this is a good idea."

"I'll continue later. I think all these telepathic communications are getting to me." replied the dragoness, feeling a weak, but clear throbbing in her head, then she listed everyone she contacted. Raven shrugged and took his turn sending telepathic messages.

Edited by TheTron852

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He was thinking about what had been happening. He realized that he wasn't too involved in what was happening, and Aeolus seemed to know much more than he did. That tiny skinsac that used to be my tamer must've been keeping a lot of censorkip.gif from us, eh? I wonder what else he kept from me, or the others...oh, I'm going to to find out what's going on besides a war between humans and dragons, and I'm going to get involved, make my mark.

He lifted his head when the horde leader gave him the order. 'Women? Oh, alright.' He picked the women up and moved towards the village.




She placed her chin on her front feet and thought about things. Ah, I remember when Esko told us we were safe with him. I'm starting to think that those words weren't entirely true. A man full of secrets. What were they?

She turned her head to Garin. I realized...that I'm not entirely sure what's happening besides "oh, the humans and dragons are fighting." I have a feeling that there's much more. I wanna know more. What about you? She asked.


((OOh, looks like things are getting serious.

Hm, are all the Eternal Wind survivors not avalible for play, are they planned, or could I...possibly snatch one? I have an idea for a new character, but I want to check with you guys before making them an Eternal Wind survivor. From what I read, they were a dragon clan who got nearly wiped from human attack?))

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Ronan thought to himself, "The price of steel weapons is very cheap here. In the desert you have to work two years to get the money for a true steel blade." He was surprised at the amount. "If that's the case then I think a simple 3000 gold will be more than enough." He looked to Minerva to confirm.


Minerva nodded and said, "Yes, let's go with that for now."


The loaner took out a clipboard with a paper on. She told them, "Alright then, please fill out this form and I will give you your funds." After she gave them to the blonde, Minerva took a pen off the desk and filled out the form before returning it to the loaner. The loaner said, "Alright then, I will send the money over to your bank account. It should be over to you by the end of the day. And we'll send you a letter by mail to let you know when the loan is due."


Minerva said, "Thank you, ma'am. I do hope our fighting school goes well so that we can pay you back."


"I hope so too," said the loaner. "Well anyway, have a good day you two."


"We will," replied the blonde. Then she left the building and asked Ronan, "Okay now, what's next?" They got the school built and the loans are in the process of being sent to her account.

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((Yes, Eternal Wind is a dragon clan which once had a village on Solomos, which was destroyed by dragon hunters. There were about 76 in total (Rina could be mistaken), so that makes around 20 or so survivors.

As for creating a character, I'll send the details after I come back home.))

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Ronan smirked at her. "Well, we've gotten so much done today, why don't we take the rest of the day off until tomorrow? Then we can gather our supplies and start setting up the school's inner workings." He smiled. "What would you like to do?"

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(I'm back. Also red yes Axle is in his dragon form))


Axle seemed more distance from everyone than normal. When Atlas spoke to him, it seemed to snap him out of his trans and back to reality. "I.." He studder a bit before his mind finally caught up with what she said to him.

"I think a private talk will be fine." Axle said as he turn. and walked from the group. He walked slow enough though for Atlas to walk beside him if she chose too.


The black fire started to be put out by the water, than something strange started to happen. Once it seemed to have put itself out, the flames seemed to come back alive from nothing, and this time was destory the earth itself, however no heat was being produce. It was seping from the cracks in the ground, as more started to appear from no where. It seemed the red armor have turn his attection to the dragons in the cave, as now all but the golden one stood infront of the mouth of the cave. The golden one stood next to the dragon that was just brought down and is helpless.


The gold one stabbed his pike into the ground just inches away from the dragon head, and bent down also like he was examining the dragon physical strength, weight and length, along with wings span. He simple shook his head in disgusted before picking up his pike once more and placed on his shoulder and head for the cave entrance. The lighting trap spring that the dragons have placed, but instead of frying him to a crisp, the lighting seemed to spiral around him, almost as if he was controlling it, and redirected it back to the trap's source.


Azera continued to walk, as blood still slowly flowed from his now newly open wound. He left a noticeable trail behind him, but he did not care at all. He need the answer that Spinx was holding. He soon collapsed to his knees as he rested his hand on the sword hilt for support. 'I can't give up now, not yet. I most find out what Spinx knows' Azera thought to himself as he pushed harder to continued to the mountain, but still being extreamly slow.


It wasn't until about ten minutes his body finally gave in to the blood lost and the lack of energy he need to make the journey. His sword layed next to him as his mind slowly enter a realm of nothingness. In the back of his mind he could hear something moving closer to him, almost as if it was running quickly. He did not care, for without help he know he was surely going to die, and he accepted that.



Akil mind wonder though the pain and torture of the experiment they were putting her though. No matter how much she roared in pain, no matter how much she crystals for help, nothing seems to reach the outside world from apart of her own mind.


The experiments were by hours, each lasting forty five minutes long. The reason they were doing this is to make mindless soldiers out of dragons is what Akil was able to gather so far, and she need a way out. Do to the continues experiments and lack of food or water, her body was in no condition for a solo escape. What worse is even if she wanted to get out, the chains around her legs and wings where strong and heavy and would cause her to become burden by the weight. Her mind was slowing down as well do to not getting any sleep and lack of nutrition to think clearly. When it came back around for the people sound experiments on her, it was a bunch of new people than the ones who have been experimenting on her all night. They started quickly on the torturing and attempting to mentality break her as well. About half way though it how ever, one of the new personal make a very critical mistake. He accidently loosen the chains that held her in place and she took full advantage of it.


She slashed quickly before any of them notice, cutting everyone in the room to ribbons. She spun around at a quick pace to counter the dragons that was in the room incase of emergency, as they got caught by her barbs. She killed one on impace, and sent the body flying into the other crashing them onto the ground. She made a mad dash to the close area as the alarm went off that there was a Dragon loose.


She then the corner coming face to face with an armored Dragon, but that did not stop her as she put all the ztrenght she had left to crash right into the armored dragon as hard and as fast as she could go, and it seemed to caught the dragon off guard as she crashed into him, soon breaking though a stone wall to the outside world. They were extreamly high up, and with her wings bound still to her side, Akil know she wound need to barrow a pair, and grab hold of the armored dragon as his wings shot out from his side to stop his fall, but instead of stopping his, it broke her fall as he was crushed under the weight of both the chains, his armor and the chains around Akil side.


Akil head ringed from the impact, which did not help with the mussel attached to the collor around her head. It took her a second to collect her barrings before she could decide on the next course of action. Dragons were now coming from the hole she made ramming the other Dragon that was now below her. She got up and ran as fast as she could go, but the other dragons were faster, and soon there were nets and ballistic shoots coming at her, as of the narrowly missed. Soon thought one of the ballistic met it Mark and impaled though her back leg stopping her dead in her tracks. She weld in pain, but it did no good as soon nets met their own marks. Her attempted to escape have failed, and she had no more strength to resist the coming dragons. As she waited for their arrival, something strange happen, there was a flash of bright light, soon being followed by the winds suddenly shifting. She felt someone touch her side before the air around her shifted again.



Juna made her way to the city and notice her brother was not there. She was pissed that he was not here, so the question was where could he have gone. She stopped really quickly to look at how the city was coming along before she felt the wind started to spiral arounded near her, just about twenty-five meters or so. She notice two figures in the distance that were not there before, and soon could see that one was a dragon she know quite well. She wasted no time to run over there to find Akil, and a human, however the human was not going to survive because of a ballistic bolt have went square though his chest. He lifted his hand up towards Juna, mouth something to her before his eyes fade as he died in front of her. He turn her head in disgust because he sacrifice himself for Akil. She looked at Akil and notice the wounds she had now and how exhaustive she was, than soon notice the hole in her back right leg and the collor and mussel on her.


"Aeolus, get over here and bring your medic, Now" Juna yelled into the air, but also telepathicly told Aeolus as well with a tone like she wanted it done like yesterday and with urgency.

Edited by draco8967

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Soon Rina and Raven were already over half of the sent messages. With each turn more and more survivors were showing up, including some the duo personally knew, and things were looking up for them. Now there were just 24 clan members left to contact. The dark blue dragoness, having just received her turn, thought about the rest. They still haven't contacted their chieftain, and some of their best friends. So far they counted 12 survivors, and it was unknown whether they would be in the list or not. Rina sighed, silently gave a prayer and proceeded to send a message to another dragon. However before she could finish it, Raven spoke up with an even bigger grin than the one he made earlier: "Rina, I got contacted by Geron."

"...Huh?" the dragoness looked at the black dragon in surprise. "Geron? The shaman?"

"The very same."

"But we haven't contacted him yet. Does that mean...?"

"Yeah. It seems like they figured they could help us out, eh?" he chuckled. Rina just shook her head in disbelief and growing happiness. Forget that the Raven was happy, which was rare: the clan is still alive! And then she heard a very familiar voice that she really wanted to hear again:

"Rina! It's me, Itakira! Are you there? I know you know telepathy, please respond!"

"Kira!" exclaimed the dark blue dragoness. If she was less calm by nature, she would be in joyful tears. "I am so glad you are alive! Where are you?"

"Heh, you will be surprised even more when you hear the answer: I am on Rud... vich, that's how they call it, right? And chief is also with us!"

"Wrong guess, I am more surprised that the chief is with you." grinned Rina. "Can she speak right now?"

"Uh, no, she is busy checking other members of the clan. And thank you for telling us about telepathy! I really feel stupid now that we learned about it only now, and not when we were under the siege..."

"Like most of us do."


Raven looked at Rina mentally chatting with Itakira, while he himself reached out to the remaining dragons. And just now he was talking with another dragon that Rina would be glad to hear too.

"So my daughter has avenged the dead?" said a female dragon.

"Yeah. Said she killed around 120 or so herself, and the rest were killed by other dragons. She did feel bad when I learned about it: she was in a state of rage when this happened. Can't say I blame her, though: would've done the same with those damn humans."

"I'm just glad she is alive and well. That is plenty enough for me."

"Sure. So, Louran, what will you do right now?"

"What else? I'm heading towards this Windfall city you were talking about. And, Raven?" Louran's voice suddenly became solemn. "Do you think we should remind her about, you know, her?"

"Let's not." harrumphed the black dragon. "She still considers her a traitor, Louran. She would just kill her right where she stands if she even shows her nose here."

"...I see. Thought I would bring this up." Louran sighed. "Alright, I'm setting off. Stay safe, Raven."

"Same to you." Raven stopped and put a paw on his head, trying to ease the discomfort.

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"Okay," Minerva responded, taking a liking to the idea. Some leisure time would be great after all the work they were putting into building up the school. The woman pondered her thoughts on what to do next. Her mind brought up the dragon literacy program that the ADR initiated. She would love to help dragons learn how to read, so that they can learn to interpret human-made signs and get by in society. Knowing where the program would be at, she said, "Why don't we go over to the Summer Park Community Center? The ADR's over there teaching dragons how to read. Want to help?"




Atlas followed after him and came up beside him. Once they were away from the others, the magi asked, "So Axle, Violet's told me that you seem to be in bad thoughts. Want to talk about it?" She was concerned about him and wondered if there was anything she could do to help him out with his problems.




((Oh Draco, have I ever told you that it was okay to kill the villagers if you wanted to?))


The guard glared up at the gold-armored human and growled. When the human walked away, the guard roared, "Get back here!" He blew his fire breath after the man. The trap crystals were destroyed by the lightning bolts.




The dragons were taken by surprise when the black flames rekindled themselves. The ground beneath the flames cracked and became dark like it was being charred, even though no heat was being produced. It was almost like the flames had completely transitioned from an element of fire to that of the element of darkness. The cracks went past the water barrier and beneath the villagers. The dragons looked down below themselves, expecting something bad to happen. One of them asked, "What's going on?" Then more black fires rose from the cracks and torched the villagers. Roars of pain filled the air as there of shouts of the fires hurting and telling someone to put them out. Dark types like Zylanon and Uvanis received less damage from the flames. Eitri used his water aura spell to douse the fires that were burning him. He did the same for the other dragons, so that they would stop burning. The night magi dispelled the water barrier, now that it was pointless to have with the cracks producing fire beneath them. Now seeing as how the trap crystals failed, they had to destroy the humans themselves. One of the dragons yelled, "Attack!" The villagers charged at the men as they spewed fire and cast spells at them. Zylanon went into his shadow form, crawling through the shadows beneath the other dragons and avoiding the light of the flames, so that he won't be re-materialized.




While watching the telepathic scene of the battle, Pendra was frightened by seeing his father in flames as he shouted, "Dad!"


The autumn dragoness and the hatchlings abruptly turned to him, wondering what he just saw. Danielle asked him, "Pendwa, what happened?"


The dragoness was mad at the imperial fleshcrowne for his disobedience and scolded, "Pendra, did you ask someone to show you the fight?!"


The male hatchling flinched under her harsh tone. Not wanting to get himself into trouble, he tried to save his skin by lying, "Uh, no?"


The autumn didn't believe him and questioned, "Then why did you shout for your father?"


Pendra's brown eyes shifted to the side for a bit before looking as he answered, "Um... because I... uh... forgot to give him a present?"


The dragoness growled, "I don't believe you, I can see that you're lying. Pendra, you are getting a time out. And you will stay there until your parents get back!" Throwing her head in the direction of the cave's corner, she told him, "Now get in the corner!" The male hatchling grumbled under his breath as he walked over to the corner.




After a while of going through the woods, Kathia noticed a trail of blood on the group. An uneasy feeling nagged at the girl, thinking what kind of harm could have come to Azera. "Oh my god," she said in disturbance.


The hiker's spirit noticed the tracks too and said, "That probably must be the lad. We should go and see."


After 10 minutes of following the trail, they saw a body lying on the ground in a pool of blood. Recognizing who it was, Kathia cried, "Oh my gosh, it's Azera!"


The hiker shook his head in pity and said, "Poor lad, it looks like his wounds caught up to him."


Not ready to accept that he was dead, the girl ran towards the mercenary and knelt down to check his pulse. The beat was really slow, perhaps he can still be saved. Kathia was resolved on her promise to not let the little girl down. She cried, "Hang on, Azera. I'm going to try and save you!" She searched his body for the wounds and began to use healing magic on them.




The earth dragons closest to Juna were distracted by the sudden entrance of a wounded green dragoness and a dying human. They wondered who the dragoness was and what happened to her for her to be in this state.




Aeolus heard Juna telling him to come over to her with a healer to help. It sounded like an emergency. 'I'll be there, right away,' he replied. The leader stopped sparring with the crimson flare as he moved his head out of the way of the fireball. He told the pygmy, "It looks like we'll have to cut our sparing session again. Firefly, why don't you train with Volkin? She'll need a partner when I take Hewey from her."


The crimson flare replied, "Okay."


Aeolus contacted the healer dragon, 'Hewey, Juna needs us right now. Come with me to the Shadow Wind replica. Firefly will train with Volkin for now.'


Hewey replied, 'Sounds like it must be important. Alright, I'll come.' The horde leader left the training ground as he telepathically let Volkin know that she will be training with Firefly. Hewey joined up with the leader and they went over to the city's replica.


There, they saw a green dragoness and a dead human with her. Aeolus told Hewey to go and heal her before he asked Juna, "Juna, who is this dragoness and what happened to her?" The healer dragon removed the net and pulled out the ballista arrow out of the leg before he started to heal the wounds.

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"Well, to some degree, that's why I came here." Garin said. "I want to help develop a solution where humans and dragons... and mix-ups like me can all live in peace and harmony. Don't you?"

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Ronan smirked at Minerva's suggestion. "I don't think I'd be of much help. Drake would but....I'd be better off acting as protection over there. Keeping gangs or terrorists from doing any more harm to the ADR." His smirk changed to a smile.

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Axle kind of lowered his head a bit when she asked him about what he was thinking. "I was think about my actions and i if i was on this journey for a good reason, not just because I was told by my father to do it." Axle said as he continued to walk. "I also was thinking about my own desires. if really needing to reclaim shadow wind was the best way to go. It does trouble me that Dracul did kill my father, but...." Axle said as he went quite, almost if he wasn't sure of himself.



Juna remianed looking at Akil as she got healed up. "Meet Akil, Axle's right hand genaral. The human next to her goes by the name of Shadow, Axle fastest and deadiest message deliver in shadow wind. Simple put it he sacarfice his life so she would escape." She said as she turn and picked up the ballistic that the medic dragon removed from Akil's leg. When she looked over it and than look at Akil for a few more seconds, she know where Akil was at. She grab both ends of the ballisitic and snap the wooden shaft into two and removed the metal part of it. She put the metal part up to the collar that was still around her neck and cut it clean off, almost as if the metal collar was butter itself.


While the medic was still healing Akil, Juna walked up to Akil head and still using the ballistic tip, cut though the bars that connected the mussel to the collar, and removed the mussel for Akil, but left the collar on her.


"Do not removed that collar at all." She said as sheath the ballistic tip in the boots she now had from when she broke out of the prison. "Now, I must find Mekarth."



The golden armor human was hit with a fire from teh now un-moveable dragon. The fire seemed to engulfed him but what came out of the fire, was not a burnt to crisp human, but a large golden dragon. He turn his head towards the dragon that blow the fire on him. He cleared the way of the trap for everyone else and went back over to the dragon that spit fire on him, than took his paw and slammmed it down on the dragon injurded leg, looking to break bone.


The rest of the humans fell behind the blue and red armored one, almost as if they were more afraid of them than the dragons, as the black armoed humans got ready for the fight. The red Armored one raised his hand to his sword hilt and pulled the giant sword from his back sheath, letting it hit the ground. It pure black metal seemed empty like a void, Than he took his other hand and removed the helmet from his head. What it revealed was a mad man, almost seeming to enjoy playing with the dragons. He throw the helmet at the close dragon, than charged it , with was followed by all the other humans. It seemed they had a death wish charging in with only eight humans and no other support.



Arch was torturing the injured dragon, seeming to build up pressure on the injured dragon leg leg. "You wanted me to come back, so i want ot hear you scream for forgiveness." Arch said with the evil grin.


((Azera is out cold for right now, but he is stable a bit.))

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