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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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((Draco, I was watching the E3 just now and they announced a Final Fantasy VII remake. I bet you must be happy.


Oh look, here's the trailer:



Kathia watched Spinx talk to the dragons before they left. Then the man came over to her and said that from the look on her face, she had something to ask. His assumption was right; Kathia did have a few questions to ask of him. She was curious about how Spinx went from a fine fellow to a mad man. The man beckoned for her to follow him. "Okay, sure," the girl replied. Then she followed him over to where he was going.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((im being patient here, but......let me know when we move on to the next day please? I don't want to be left out tongue.gif))

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((I will. And I want to get to the next day, too. But I need Aeolus to be done with Raven and for Kathia to be done with Spinx, so that the night is over and we can get to morning.))

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"Nice tactic," said Garin. It's hard for me to hit those sweet spots if they're in constant motion and hard to distinguish."


Garin continued running towards Ohimia and then jumped at the last second, using his wings to give him a boost, right over her body.

((Eeeeep, sorry! I was waiting to see what Yopple could do and completely looked over that post!))


Ohimia felt a small flutter of triumph when he approved her move. She was learning something! Though she was getting sleepy...

She looked at Garin fly over her, then tried to grab him....but then lost balance and fell on her side. I think it may be nighttime, may we get some sleep?


((I THINK it was night, correct me if I am wrong. Also, where did Atlas and Axle go?))

Edited by Esko_the_Wolf

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((You guys were training during the daytime and that was when Atlas and Axle left the mountain. They're miles away in the woods and are sleeping right now. They have a vampire girl for the night watch.))

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Spinx went though the main hall, which was empty, even after people just left. He headed into a dinner room where two servants, one male and one female. The male was a halfling, but the female was human. "Please take a seat." He said as he went to the other end of the table. He sat down in a chair with silver trim, and had a scale like texture on it

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They got to the dinner room where Spinx had told her to take a seat. Kathia sat at one end of the table. The girl looked at the nobleman and figured that now was the time to ask questions. So she asked, "So anyway, about your future self. Why does he want me to be the bait? Who is he using me against?"

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((Sorry for not posting to your last OOC red, I things to do. As for the FF7 remake, *Grab a mega mic* ABOUT DA@# TIME. Now back on this topic. Ps If SE screws this up, they best prepare for war on their door))


"Future self? No child, He and I both exist at the same time. To explain in simple tongue, we, well you, are in what is called The Temporal Plane. Think of it as a place that necromancers keep undead at until they are summon, well he does." He said. "As for who he will use you against, that is really quite simple. There a white dragon by the name of Axle Incarus, who just so happen to have an oath to protect anything that lives. Human, dragons, halflings, even the hybrids if they do not pose a threat to him or the city he comes from. Here the problem, he wants Axle's heart to gain eternal life, which after, he would try to bring ruins to the world you live at." Spinx got up from his chair and walked to the door way. "As for the reason to use you against a dragon you do not know is to use Axle own oath against him, forcing him into a position that you would called inhuman. You see Axle only really reason to live, even after his own kin was slayed, is to keep to his oath that he have sworn to keep. That is the only reason he lives." He was about to leave the room before he turn to the maiden servant. "Make sure she get to her room alright, keep an eye out for the shadows." He whisper to her, as she simple nod her head. Spinx soon left after.

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((Well if we can get to the next day soon, your inspiration might come back. If after my last post for Kathia at the end of the RP's night that Tron doesn't post soon enough, I'll be timeskipping Aeolus's part to the next day.))


Kathia was surprised as if she heard something very bizarre. 'I'm in the world of Spinx's undead stash?' she thought. Then the good Spinx said that his evil counterpart plans to use her against a dragon named Axle, who apparently valued the life of all living beings, so that he can gain his heart, which brings immortality. 'A dragon's heart makes them immortal?' the girl wondered. If that was true, then it was an amazing discovery that mankind could use for their own benefit. She could gather a group of hunters to kill a dragon and then have the big-brained researchers study the recovered heart for clues to give humans immortality. No more people dying of old age; everyone will be young adults forever.


Then Spinx said that the reason she was being used against Axle was to use his own oath against him. Then the man left the room, leaving Kathia by herself with the maid at the door. Her thoughts went on about Axle. Even though it was a shame that he was a dragon, she admired him a bit for cherishing human life. She felt sorry that an awful man like the evil Spinx would use a dirty trick against Axle. "Hmph, I guess that's one good dragon I'm willing to spare," she said to herself. Well just as long as he didn't interfere with her undeadening of the dragon species, he'll be alright. Then she went to the doorway and asked the maid, "So where is my room?"

Edited by Red Dragonette

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"Sure, why not?" Garin said, landing on the ground. "I'll go sleep in the corner over there if you don't mind." He pointed towards a dark corner at the back of the cave. Edited by DJVoxel

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"Rina?... Oh, her." replied Raven, without much enthusiasm. "Dark-blue, almost never smiles, very brutal in combat, has a weird obsession over that multi-colored cube humans call 'Rubik's Cube?'"

'Well, at least Rina's better than Aero: she is actually competent compared to him.' a thought crossed his mind. He really hoped that if that prankster is still alive, he won't have to meet him in person. When the leader inquired whether he should teleport Raven straight to Rina. "I still have some unfinished business here, it won't take too long." black dragon replied. "I'll come back here after I'm done with it."


Meanwhile in Windfall, Rina was sitting near the shop at the center of the city, carefully studying the map she bought with her earned money. After fully checking it for umpteenth time and making sure she memorized important parts, she folded it and put in her bag. 'So I guess now is the time to familiarize myself with the forest.' she thought. She wanted to familiarize herself with surroundings and local wildlife, so that she would have better chances at hunting. Before she caught what the butcher called a 'deer', she spent a lot of time trying to catch it, failing every time either with her inability to sneak up on it, or by being unable to catch up with it due to forest's density. Rina came back only at evening, and though the butcher reprimanded her for being inexperienced at catching prey, he gave her a couple of hints and payment anyway.

Thinking it over, dark-blue dragoness stood up and headed towards the gates. She didn't notice a human clad in black clothes watching her from afar.

((Welp, finally done with school.))

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((Ooh, cool. Also, no clue what to do with Yopple ._.))


Ohimia nodded. Whew. Must have trained till night! Tomorrow will bring more surprises!

She curled up in another corner and started to shut her eyes...

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Aeolus had seen a small cube with multiple colors on it a long time ago. But he never got to hear its name. Perhaps that was the Rubik's Cube that Raven mentioned. Then the black dragon said that he'll take care of something first before he returns. Aeolus replied, "You may take your time."

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The maid looked at the girl and nod her head. "Yes, it just up around the corner upstairs. Please follow me." The maid said as she smiled . She turn on her heels and walked a fair pace back into the main hall soon arriving at the staircase.she waited a bit before heading up the stairs. As she walked however her head seemed to eye at the shadows as she made her way upstairs and banked around the corner. She stop at the third door on the right and open it. The bedroom was large with a queen size bed in the right hand corner. The room also look like it belong to a noble person with high standards. There was a two people in there, a female in a gold dress sitting on a chair over by the door. The other looked like a kid dressed in military uniform leaning against the wall. "You room miss, um." The maid started to say before she realise she never know the girls name.

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Kathia followed the maid up the stairs and to her bedroom. The girl was amazed at the grandeur of the bedroom; it felt like a room fit for a king. Then she noticed the two people inside the room. She wondered if they were guests or if one or both of them also lived in this castle. The maid was trying to say the girl's game, so the girl answered for her, "Kathia; my name is Kathia."

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"What the heck happened? Who's there?" He just barely finished his statement before being struck from an unseen fist. He was then lifted to his feet and he heard another voice.


"My gosh! Who hit me!" Every now and then his coughing interrupted his speaking, but he was finally able to open his eyes. The sight that greeted him was quite unexpected. The two men from The Graveyard were the ones that were attacking him.


"What are you two doing here?" Cynder secretly knew that they were here for their blades, but he didn't plan to tell them that the swords were at the bottom of a river.


"We want our blades back! Where are they?!?"


"I don't have your blades!! Anymore." The two men appeared to be much more hostile as they heard the wizard speak. Of course they did not even know of the wizards affiliation with magic, or that he was even a wizard.


"Where are our blades? Tell us now!"


((This will continue another time.))

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The maid bowed to kathia. "These two will protect you for the evening, for thing lurk in even the most safest of places." The maid said as she took her leave.

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The maid told Kathia that the people in the room would protect her during the night before she left. She figured the maid meant that the evil Spinx would have his zombies come here to attack her, or most likely drag her out to use as a bait. The girl looked to the two figures, wanting to know who these people were before she could trust them. She went over to them and asked, "So you're my guardians, right? Who are you?"

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((So is it night time yet in solomos?))


The woman in the gold dress looked at kathia. "Yes we are and my name is Elisabeth. I was once a great mage of unimaginable power, however I was, you could say banished here by my master. That really all you need to know about me. Over there,"she pointed to the kid leaning against the wall. He could have been no more than fourteen years old boy. "His name is Van. I do not know much about him, just the fact he a closed off person." She said. Van did not even move nor reply back to kathia.

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((No, but after Raven leaves or whatever, then it will be.))


The woman introduced herself as Elisabeth, who was banished here by her master or so she said. Then she pointed to the boy and called him, Van, who was apparently an introvert by nature. Kathia turned her head to him; she found him just standing there quietly. "A quiet one, huh? I guess he's not one for conversations," she said to Elisabeth. Then she looked back to the woman and said, "So the maid said there are things lurking around everywhere, right? Was she talking about Spinx's zombies coming to get me?" She figured that the necromancer's zombies would be the one to drag her out back to the real world once the time was right to use her against Axle.

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Raven nodded, turned around and headed back to the cave he wanted to check. At first he was walking while everyone saw him, but once he got out of their sight, he bolted towards the cave as fast as he could. While he remained visually calm in front of the leader, he was actually glad to hear that one of his clanmates is still alive. And if it's Rina, then no doubt she is somewhere looking for the others. Why else he wouldn't be able to locate her near the destroyed village?


The black dragon reached the cave in record time. Not looking tired in any way, he delved inside the former home of the clan member, looking around for anything useful to take along with him. So far finding nothing of the sort, he was about to turn and leave in frustration, when something caught his eye: a small ornate box in the corner. Curious, Raven approached and tried to open it, but noticed with frustration that it was actually one of those human puzzle chests. He considered breaking it apart to retrieve whatever was inside, but then he changed his mind, clearly not wishing to invoke the wrath of one of his clanmates, to whom this box probably belonged. 'And besides, it looks pretty nice to the eye.' he reasoned, and decided to just take the chest with him. He put it inside his bag, and then after he went out of the cave, he sprinted back towards where the dragon group was.


He slowed down at the sight of the more larger dragons, and when the leader saw Raven, he was already calmly walking towards him. "I am done." he huffed, once he stood before the green dragon. "Whenever you are ready."

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The horde watched Raven leave to go back to the village. After a while, the black dragon came back with his business completed. Aeolus telepathically contacted one of the magi dragons, 'Kekul, come to me. I need you to teleport an Eternal Wind clan member over to one of his clanmates.'


The magma magi dragon immediately appeared via teleportation and spotted the stranger. "That's him, right?" he asked while looking at Raven.


Aeolus nodded and answered, "It is. Now let me show you who to take him to." The horde leader sent Kekul an image of Rina, whom the magi used his tracking spell on.


After memorizing the dragoness's appearance, Kekul said, "I got it." Then he looked at Raven and concentrated on the mental image of the dragoness. After he channeled enough magic energy, he teleported the black dragon over to his clanmate. "There, it is done," said the magma magi.


Throughout the rest of the day, Aeolus had his horde training against many of their fellow soldiers to get the combat experience they needed against various breeds of dragons. During that same day, the horde leader was contacted by the leader of the cassare clan, who finally made his decision. He and his clan wanted to join the horde. So Aeolus has his magi dragons teleport them over to the desert, where he then informed the clan about everything about their current agenda, which must be kept secret from Atlas and the dragon lords. Then night finally came and the horde went to sleep in the village. The cave where Juna tested them was the perfect place to hold many dragons.


((Okay, now I got only Kathia left before I end the day on my part.))

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