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Sunder nudged her gently.


"Come on, everything will be okay," he said, leading the way. "Let's go home and get something to eat, o-okay?"

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"Eawt wut ehactly?" Clem asked with her tongue stuck out. Saliva spat out of her mouth as she spoke. It was pretty hard to talk with your tongue stuck out.

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"Um...We'll figure it out when we get there?" he said sheepishly. "I-I don't really know but...I'm sure we can find something."


He scratched the back of his head.


"We can stop by the stream first, though...maybe you can get a drink or wash your mouth out."

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The Terrae watched as the pink dragon rolled off of her nest and managed to wake up. Terra gave out a small giggle. She wasn't sure what "wuv" was and she still didn't figure out who "favi" was, but she found the language funny. "I'm fine." She managed to say, but her voice was nearly drowned out by the sound of scuffling noises and screams. She could see a patch of red on the floor, spread out like little droplets. She cringed. She didn't know what it was, but it was scary and it made her feel unsettled. The scene clung to her brain.

"OK, gud" Lineheart mumbled, still groggy, "how about we find u fud? u r probably hungry. i am 2"

She walked towards to exit of the cave, completely oblivious to her surroundings. She needed to find Favian soon, but Terra came first. Sure she loved Favian, but who would ever accept someone who would be so obsessive as to ignore all else for their love?


Aerix had been awake for quite some time. But he had been incapable of getting up until now. His neck ached from the way he had been laying, and his wound felt like it was burning. He needed to find Sierra and get her to tell him how to fix this. He was enough of a burden to Medea already with the power thing, he didn't need a poisoned wound too. He would find Sierra and make her give him the antidote. Then he would find the Rakushun and make him put Medea's powers back. Besides, he didn't need anyone's help. He was a loner and that's who he'd always be. Nobody was gonna drag him down under the guise of helping. No one.

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"Tfat might fwurk," Clem replied. She had no idea where the stream was and wasn't entirely sure what it was. Maybe it was like the waterfall mother took her to? That place was pretty, but Spira took her away before she could really explore it. Clem stared at Sunder expectantly. He was the leader and she was following.

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He first led the way to the cave. From there, he could find his way back to the stream, following the trail of blood he had left earlier.


"Here," he said. "W-Water."


He sat down, keeping a lookout for Clem while momentarily checking on his aching feet. They were crusted with dry blood and dirt, and he deemed that this was not a good thing. Making sure to stay downstream from Clem, he dipped his feet in the cold water and scrubbed away some of the filth. Doing so re-opened the wounds, however, and he had to sit and let them dry out again before he could walk.

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Clem dove her head under the water, letting it damp her mouth. However, it only took about three seconds for her to lurch out of the water and shake droplets off her head.

"C-C-Cold!" she stammered, her teeth chattering. Clem moved away from her current spot and to an area were light touched the stream. There, the water was lukewarm, but still held a little bit of the cold from the rat if the water. Clem began dunking her limbs into the water, washing away the dirt. By the time she was done bathing, Clem's scales were sparkling. She took in several mouth fills of water before wandering over to a sunny spot. There, she closed licked one of her paws as she let the heat of the sun beam onto her.

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Sunder washed up once his wounds had closed, going to work on the rest of his body by splashing the cold water up onto his dingy red scales and small black horns. He shuddered as the cold began to sink in, leaving the stream to join Clem in the sunshine. He then worried that she may just want that patch to herself, and decided to find one a little further away.

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Clementine closed her eyes as the sun soaked in. She laid down her stomach and raised her head. It was unbelievably relaxing to bathe in the sun. It was comfortable to fell the grass between her claws, it was calming to hear the ambiance of birds, wind, and the steam behind her, and it felt good to have the sun reign down upon her. Clem let out a content sigh, forgetting all of her previous worries and enjoying the moment.

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Sunder sighed, curling up and shuddering. His patch of sun wasn't nearly as warm, only partially covering him and leaving the rest of his body in shadow. He dared not go near anyone without them wanting him to, however. He had breached more comfort zones in one morning than he told himself he would ever do.

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It took several minutes for Clem to finally look over at Sunder. She blinked at him. He didn't look too happy, nor did it look like he was drying off as easily as Clem. Clem shifted her paws uncomfortably.

Well, I'm pretty dry now, maybe Sunder can take this spot instead? I don't really need it anymore... Standing up, Clen stretched her back legs. Her muscles cracked and she let out a yawn. She could sleep happily in this sunlit area.

Maybe I will when Sunder is done drying.

Clem marched over to Sunder and stopped when she was a foot away.

"You can use the drying area now," she proclaimed. "I'm done with them now." Clem turned her head and stared at some sun-touched stones by the river.

Maybe I can sleep on those...

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Sunder stood up, his little legs shaking.


"Th-Thank you," he said, teeth chattering.


Meekly, he made his way to the warm spot where Clem had been laying, curling up and taking in the sun's rays. It was nice, and made him a little drowsy.


No! Stay awake, in case something else comes along that is trying to kill you, he thought to himself with a sigh. You can sleep in the cave.

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Clem watched as Sunder plopped himself down in the open patch before going to investigate the boulders. Clem stopped as she neared the big rocks, her curiosity piping up. She placed a paw on a single rock and grinned as she felt the warmth emitting from it. Carefully, Clem clambered up on to one of the boulders. An uncontrolled purr made its way out as Clem basked in the heat from both the rocks and sun. Her tired her squeezed shut as she lifted her head up towards the sky. Her neck swayed back and forth slowly. This was all to perfect. How could she resist slowly lowering her head down and nuzzling the smooth edge of the nearby boulder?

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Ashni had wandered over to her own nest once Jean and Michiru were settled down for the night. It was still so odd for her as she curled up, so used to the feeling of her wings blanketing her frame and keeping in the warmth that her body generated. Without this now she shivered as her smaller body lost heat to the chilled air, but sleep finally caught up to a few hours before daybreak.


More than likely she would have slept most of the day away, but noise from near the entrance of the cave awoke her. Head jerking up as she sleepy gazed in the general direction of the commotion, thoughts muddled as she tried to make sense of the whole scene before three of the hatchlings darted outside. A moment more she stared out to the entrance to really register that one of these fleeing hatchlings was Clem and the other was 'herself'. Now this little gem of information quickly woke her up as she pulled herself out of her nest and over to the entrance, looking out to see if they were just outside or had gone farther out. 'This is not good, not good,' she chanted to herself as she noticed the blood on the ground. Ashni had only seen the end of the fight and so she had no clue just who was hurt. Worry grew quickly as she thought of the possibility of this being Clem's blood or perhaps from Jean whom was in fact in her own body. The red hatchling she recalled seeing with Clem the night before and so naturally worry grew for who was assumed to be Clem's friend.


Well, there was little point in standing around the entrance looking like she was lost! With quick steps she followed the drops of blood, glancing up only now and then to note where she was or if there was danger around. It was only when she stumbled upon Lucifer and Jean that she stopped and wondered what to do about this whole brand new scenario. Lucifer would not know who she was and he most defiantly has an advantage if he wished to start a fight, something that she thought was a likely idea if rumors were to be listened to. Yet her own personal interactions with the Lucifer was lacking so she tried to take the information talked about with some leeway, wanting to make her own impression of the male. 'It is best I try to get Jean away from here. Find Clem and that other hatchling and get back to the cave,' she decided to herself as she slowly made her way to Jean, nudging him gently to try and gain his attention. "Let's go back," she spoke up in hopes that Jean would just follow along so they could get away from any potential fighting.


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The past few hours Medea had been dozing off and on as she awaited some movement from Aerix, content as she was to just lay waiting for the male to make his move while she got more rest in. Light sleeping had its advantages, but the cold of the night kept waking her up as she lacked the benefit of curling up in a ball for fear of jabbing herself with the newly gained tail barbs. It was just more reason to fix this issue before she had to do something drastic to keep warm at night, such as cuddling to another hatchling to share warmth. This was just unacceptable in her mind and she cursed that her lithe frame did not get the memo to retain heat like it should.


Medea gave a slight twitch of her tail as noise registered through the sleepy haze that fogged her mind. Cracking open only one eye to see what what making the noise before finally just giving up all pretense of getting more rest. To her it was time to get a move on anyways and if the noise came from Aerix then he was bound to be ready himself. "How is the wound fairing?" This was asked in the thought that the other hatchling was awake himself. Depending on what the answer was would then determined what Medea thought they should do. Going after the magic user to change back their powers was her main goal, but it would be useless if Aerix could not get anywhere because of the wound. If it was indeed poisoned and getting worse then that mater would have to be handled now rather than later.

Edited by Lilithachaos

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Aerix was just about to take off when he heard Medea. That could be a problem. He doubted he could outrun her in this state. But maybe if he were quiet enough she might assume that he was still asleep and give him time to get away. He had never been all that stealthy, but he figured now was a good time to learn to be. He moved surprisingly quickly and light footed as he sneaked out and took off. That was curious, previous attempts at stealth had failed miserably due to his not being very quick when he was trying to be quiet and his inability to be quiet anyway. Hopefully it was enough that Medea wouldn't follow. Now then, where would Sierra be? It was likely that she was at the birth cave, along with most of the other idiots. He would need to lure her away if he wanted to attack her. Yet another thing he had no clue how to do. This would be so much easier if he could just smash in and out like normal.


(OOC: Lilith, maybe Medea should assume Aerix went after Rakushun? Ima PM you my plan with Aerix, then you'll see what I mean.)

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Sierra cried on, wailing so loud there was an echo. Her mind began to think of possibilities again. 'What if a bear attacked them because they ran out? What if they got even more hurt? What if, because I hurt them, they couldn't run and got eaten?' These thoughts only made her cry louder, and she continued crying until she had no more tears left. Crawling to the entrance of the cave, she headed back to the tall tree she had slept in. Climbing to a place that was surrounded by leaves, she settled into the place where the branch split off the tree. 'Maybe I should just stay here. I'm no use anyway. I'll leave the cave, and everyone will be happier.' She thought. Climbing down from the tree, she began to search for a place to live other than the cave. After wandering for a bit, she found a river. Following it downstream, she found a waterfall. Next to the waterfall, a tree had fallen. The tree acted like a bridge between the bottom of the waterfall and the top. Using this, Sierra climbed down. The wood was slippery and wet from the spray of the waterfall, and Sierra slipped. Instead of falling on grass like she expected, she landed hard on solid rock. "Owww!" She cried. Her back was already bruised from flying off the red hatchling, and falling on it only made the bruise worse. After a while, the pain went away and Sierra got up, looking at the cave. It was just shallow enough to have enough light to see, but deep enough to sleep comfortably and store food in. At first, she thought she couldn't get out, but after some inspection, she saw that what appeared to be solid wood was actually just a thick curtain of moss. Going out of the cave, she saw that it was almost invisible if you weren't looking. 'Perfect' she thought. 'No one can find me here. I'll just stay here all alone. Alone is best, then I won't get angry and hurt someone.' Her stomach grumbling told her that the fight had used more energy than she had thought. Deciding to look for some food, she headed to the forest.

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Astra watched as Sunder poked his head out from behind a bush and called for the little pink one, who she now understood was called 'Clem'. Another action-filled few seconds, and they were gone. She wondered about going after them but decided against it. Part of her was thinking, 'She's won. He likes her more than me.', but the rest of her dismissed these thoughts. Someone was allowed to have multiple friends, after all. She decided to turn around and head back to the cave, but quickly remembered about the weasel she had buried. When she thought about it, she was quite hungry. So she set off in the direction that she seemed to recall the tree was in.

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The newborn Cavern Lurker watched as the green creature eventually stifled its crying and crawled out of the cave, leaving her alone. After a second of frozen stillness, she swung her head around to survey the rest of the cave, black pupils narrowed into slits.


There seemed to be a few other different colored creatures around, but all of them seemed to have their own agendas.


Agenda. That's such an interesting sounding word...


Sniffing quietly, she turned her attention to the spherical shapes that were scattered everywhere. Tilting her head to the right, she could make out the shape of her own ball shaped shell. Making a quick and simple decision, she started towards it, interested in the things that didn't seem to have their own 'agenda'.


Stopping in front of the round shape with the cracked hole in the middle, she sniffed it, snout just barely touching the surface. After a second of searching it over, she hesitantly touched it with her tongue.


Dusty....blackness? Very dark, almost...cobwebby...hmmm.


The fact that her own round shape had a taste was intriguing, to say the least. Licking her lips in wonderment, she turned to another round shape next to her own. They were bunched together in a large nest of old, dry moss, and she wondered briefly if the round balls rolled there themselves.


The round ball close to her own, but not exactly touching it, was completely black. It had a slightly pebbly surface as well. As she placed her face close to its surface, she could feel a level of heat radiating off of it.


Blinking a few times in surprise at this new discovery, she placed a clawed hand on its surface.


It was very warm, almost burning but not at the exact point. Taking her hand off, she squinted her eyes and licked it quickly, pulling back with the expectation that it would burn her.


Charcoal...maybe ash? Very warm, but not much discernible flavor. Not too hot on the tongue, but seems so to the hands.


Shaking her head at the bland taste, the hatchling started around to another shape in the nest. This one was shiny and had different bands of color on it. Tilting her head to the side, she wondered why all of the round shapes had different compositions.


Maybe to show individuality? To be able to tell between each other?


Placing her thoughts to the side, she quickly sniffed the surface of the shiny ball and then dragged her tongue over it. Blinking a few times, she pulled back from it and shook her head.


Very...sticky? Bland but...sugary at the same time.


Looking around the moss nest, she couldn't see anymore round shapes bunched together. Sitting back on her haunches, she looked around at all of the other nests scattered about.


Why so many? Why did they all come together and why didn't they run off when all that chaos happened earlier?

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Lucifer's eyes narrowed in suspicion as a newborn came forth and started to nudge Ashni away.

"Oh, ho, ho," Lucifer chimed as he padded over to the newborn, curling his body in the direction the newborn was dragging Ashni off to.

"Why the rush? You both just got here and the sun has just risen. You haven't answered my question yet and you're both acting very suspicious, especially you, Ashni. What's with calling me 'Mr.' and those random compliments that are obviously out of place. I don't know you very well, but I know from rumors and seeing you speak with others that you don't normally act the way you currently are." Lucifer flexed his claws, fresh blood shining off of them.

"Now I don't want any trouble," Lucifer said with a shrug. "Just explain why you ran into me so suddenly and blurted out those strange words and we'll both be on our way." Lucifer didn't plan to let these two go without explaining themselves and not saying anything was not an answer.

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Kalana's eyes blinked open. Only a small amount of sunlight was able to shine through the overhanging roots. Opening and closing her eyes a few more times, she cleared the grogginess out of her mind and stood up. Skylene's already awake! Oh no, I hope she hasn't been waiting for me... Good morning. Sorry I slept in so much... Should we explore the tunnels now? There should be enough light for us to see a little in front of us...

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Skylene glanced over to her right, seeing a small and dirt-ridden tunnel that branched out to form many paths. She could not recall having seen something so remarkable before. To some, the mere sight of the root tunnels could bring about disgust at the filthiness of it all and fear of both claustrophobia and the possibility of complete darkness along the way. Darkness that one could suspect of engulfing them in a dreaded thick blanket with no sign of recovery. The Blusang, however, was excited. Not only a sense of adventure but the possibility of getting to hear what Kalana would say made her enlivened, the latter of which had already required another journey. Skylene grinned at the thought. She was not one to give up listening to a dark secret or a dramatic story.


"Oh, don't worry about sleeping in." she responded, "If anything, that was the best you could have done for yourself. Last night you seemed a bit.....unsettled." She paused for a moment, allowing a period of reflection to reach her friend. "But of course, we should go see what's in here. Maybe we'll find something interesting. I could always use another piece of jewel or something." She flashed a light-hearted smile. "Shall I lead the way?"


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Thanks for not minding. Yeah, it was quite a nasty air that was floating around last night. As long as sh doesn't ask, you don't have to tell about your problem. You can just pretend that you forgot.. It'd be a nice adventure. And maybe there will be more gemstones for your bracelets. Maybe gemstones are made underground in tunnels like these! Kalana really didn't know how plausible or unplausible her idea was. Were those colorful Anthony rocks even made? Were rocks even made? Kalana was fine not knowing or thinking about it, but she couldn't help but wonder. How was the world even made? Maybe I can ask Skylene and we can talk about it during the tunnel travel... Hey, Skylene, where do you find you bracelet gemstones? Did you make them or something?

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(OOC: Wall, for anyone who cares)


Viden slowly rolled awake. He felt less stupid now and was okay with narrating himself again. He wondered for a moment if there was some mystical narrator out there who narrated his life when he wasn't up to it. And narrated everyone else' lives too. Or maybe many of them all working together to give everyone the best life they could live. It was a silly notion, but he couldn't help but wonder if there was someone out there watching over him when he couldn't watch himself. He decided that someone more level headed. Someone named Bathory. Wouldn't even think such nonsense, let alone believe it. So he wouldn't believe it either. Narrators for everyone's lives, who would believe that?


Viden decided to work on his wall a bit. He walked over and carefully began spreading his paints on it. The paints had taken so long for me to- him to make. He had needed to find things of the right colors, and then ways to keep them from washing off. He had just recently gotten enough for his wall, which was why it was so incomplete. Someday he hoped to complete it. And he hoped that some of his ships, even a few of the sillier ones, would come true. Especially a certain one that had formerly been at the bottom. He smiled as he thought about it.

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Voices... So many voices outside! So tight inside! Inside will kill me, outside is too strange! Inside a glittering red egg, a tiny hatchling argued with herself. She could tell it was time for her to leave her beloved, safe home. But she didn't want to. There were lots of other dragons outside, dragons who were unbelievably different from her. She could tell, if she tried to be herself, she would be cast out to be alone. Azre, she had decided that was her name a while ago, did want company, despite feeling like an outcast. She wanted to feel like she was part of the family, the family that everyone else was from. But she wasn't. Everything about her was different, especially the way she thought. For her, survival was number one. For everyone else, the entire cave was. What do I do? She thought desperately. I want- no, I NEED to get out, but I'm so afraid... I can't survive out there!

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Although Kalana had not answered her question, Skylene decided that she would not object and began heading through the closest tunnel. The path was barely brightened with sunlight, yet wasn't dark enough to create a problem for either of them. Her main obstacle was the task of carefully fitting through the tunnel as it gradually grew narrower. The lack of hind legs did not allow her to walk like the rest of the dragons, and sturdy roof of roots above her made her wings useless. She would have to slither to get through.....the mention of the foul-sounding word brought a mood of disapproval with it. She hated that word with all her might, more so than even her worst enemies, who did not stand a chance against it.


She gladly switched over to a more sophisticated topic. "The bracelets, I did not make those. I wish I could! I would make so many, I would be the most beautiful thing in the world!" She hummed softly, entering a state of vain daydreaming. "It would be such a pleasure! I would search forever for the best combination of colors and designs, nobody could-" Her musing was cut short by the arrival of a hard root to her forehead. Rubbing it while uttering profanities, she went back to answering her question. "No, the bracelets I find where I go. Sometimes the forest, other times the sand at the beach. Who'd ever leave them there? They're too pretty to just leave around randomly..."

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