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Exalted:End of an Era

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[Hmmm interesting dilemma.... though Web did say she didn't need to drain them completely..... I'm going to guess the swine will forage something off the barrack canteen waste at least for now?]


Pheonix worked on some battle plans - figuring that Shaya needed the time to calm down before her speech.


The shopping duo returned with a couple of pigs, so Pheonix put her work aside - again. Getting up and stretching, she indicated free use of the room:


"I better see if the Chumyo's settled somewhat." Pheonix said, mainly as a thin but apt excuse not to be in the same room when Web did her thing. Knowing about it was bad enough - she didn't need to see it.


"If not, I better brace for an ass kicking....." the last few words were muttered as she left.


[Feel free to interrupt Pheonix]


Web wasn't looking forward to regenerating Essence this way - though at least she wasn't draining people. She could see through Pheonix's words - but didn't call her on them, mainly as she appreciated the sentiments behind the lie.


Her teeth sharped and elongated in preparation for the process.


[@ Bio: unless Hanzo has questions then after feeding seems a good idea.....]

Edited by Takhesis

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Hanzo gave Pheonix a respectful bow with his fists in front of his body, as was her due as superior officer. Then he watched in rapt fascination as Web's teeth elongated and fed off of the two swines. He hadn't known what to expect, but this was even weirder than anything he had imagined. It looked very efficient as there was no loss of blood visible. With every draught he could almost feel her power wax; a dreadful and dark power, anathema to his own glorious energy.


After Web had finished he was silent, watching her intently, checking for signs of megalomania or deceit...

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Having fed, Web's teeth returned to normal. She placed the swine next to its brethren - though she hadn't drained everything from them the process did leave them weakened.


She was aware of Hanzo's scrutiny, so while her Essence reserves settled after the influx, Web asked:


"Were you expecting something different?" From their previous conversation - one that occurred before the Underworld, Web could tell Hanzo had a curiosity for things in Creation.


[Things...... how eloquent Web.... tongue.gif]

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Shaya walked through the streets of Nexus.... Well, actually, it was more like she stomped through the streets of Nexus and, even in a city this brazen, people gave the fully-armoured 'Dragonblooded' warrior a wide berth. It was a good thing that she wasn't actually an Earth-Exalt, or she probably would have sent earthquakes through the streets with every step. To say that she was angry, was an understatement.


She despised Tinker's proposal to include the Mask of Winters in the support plan for the new Seventh, even if all of Thorns 'contributions' would be carefully monitored by an Exalted smith. The mere prospect of that Abomination having *anything* to do with her, made her skin crawl. But, to add insult to injury, Tinker's simple statement that she could not hope to fight the Empress, Shadow of Cities and Mask of Winters all at once, was also absolutely true. She needed to compromise or lose - and Shaya hated both.


She was vaguely aware of the need to calm down before her address; either through meditation or combat and both were more likely found in the barracks than here on the streets - even after she had deliberately taken a few 'wrong turns' and had found herself in the shadier part of town, people had thought better of bothering her. That was all right though - she didn't want to calm down. What she wanted, was to kill Tinker for being right, the Empress for destroying her city, and the Shadow of Cities and Mask of Winters for being Deathlords. Well, she stopped as she remembered the way Tinker's fiercely blue eyes seemed to soften when he gave her advise, maybe she didn't want to kill the old man. The other three, though, were very much at the top of her list. She sighed in in frustration and continued her path through the city with no attention for where she was going.


((I'll make sure to have Shaya arrive at the River Hall in time, so never mind me if the two of you want to timeskip.))

Edited by Mistress of Whispers

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Once outside and away from the - thing - that Web was doing, Pheonix wandered the compound. Partly to see if Shaya was still around and partly to make sure she wasn't there with Web's 'activity'.


Her wandering didn't find Shaya, so she asked one of the gate guards if he'd seen her.


The reply was simple:

Yes he had. She'd gone storming out into Nexus.


Well at least I haven't seen any Solar animas flaring. Pheonix thought, That's probably a good sign.


Figuring Shaya would be better off left to vent in her own way, Pheonix turned from the gate and considered what else she could be do to pass time before the meeting.

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Shaya wasn't sure how long she had walked or how she had found herself in front of the River Hall, but here she was. Staring up at the majestic building with its impossibly tall and stately columns, she had to admit she was very impressed. She had never been inside of course, but Tinker had been before and had described the building on one of the unit's patrols. Like the building's outer facade, the central chamber was round and partially capped with crystal to let the light in. It was also large enough to house meeting between all 300 ambassadors that made up the River Council. Around that chamber were rings with smaller suites serving as offices to the ambassadors, though some of the poorer envoys, lacking the funds to rent lodgings in the city proper, also made their house there. All in all, it was one of the largest buildings in the East.


Shaya sighed and her shoulders sagged a little as righteous anger fled to be replaced with a sense of the largesse of her undertaking. Up until ten days ago, Lookshy had been the leading voice in the River Council. Great Forks and Nexus might both be financial superpowers, but it was Lookshy who had the military might and protected the whole of the River Province from the Dynasty. But no more - the Dynasty had struck a crippling blow and all that was left of one-proud Lookshy, was a handful of field troups. Did she really think she could persuade the Council to rebuild? It seemed impossible now.


Overhead, the Sun rising to its zenith spread its light and warmth over the plaza in front of the River Hall. Of course, here in Creation the Sun was more than just a source of wamrth and light. Aeons ago, it was the Unconquered Sun who led the Gods in their rebellion against the Primordials; setting in motion the events that would cast down those dread tyrants and release humanity from their grasp. As such, the Sun was also a source of protection, justice, and

comfort. No matter how hard the Dynasty tried to promote the Dragonblooded as the objects of worship, in their heart of hearts the people of Creation still answered to the call of the Sun on an instinctual level and Shaya, as one of his Chosen, felt the call stronger than most. Without even realizing it, the Dawn Caste turned to face the East and sank down on the edge of a nearby fountain. Tilting her head up to fully catch the light of the Sun, she closed her eyes and simply basked in the radiance of His presence.



Still sitting on the Council Hall steps, Mia watched the Earthblooded soldier with interest. The design of her armor and the topknot clearly marked her as Lookshyan, so Mia could only surmise that she was part of the Chumyo's entourage. Most likely, she mused, a guard of sorts who had been sent to make certain that all was safe before her leader's arrival. If that was indeed the case, then Mia was disappointed. She had heard so much about Lookshyan discipline and duty - even the Bull of the North was impressed by the tales of these great soldiers - and the first one she saw, was relaxing in the sun and literally closing her eyes while on duty. Though, underneath the dereliction of duty, Mia could also see the small bags under the soldier's eyes and the slump of her shoulders - clearly she was affected by the loss of her people, which was only natural, if still no excuse for her lax behaviour. Perhaps the Chumyo was similarly effected, in which case Mia might have another opening to diffuse the brewing war...


Rising, Mia cast one last look at the weary Lookshyan soldier and made her way inside. It was time she took her place for the upcoming meeting.


((Poor Mia has no knowledge of military rank insignia, so she doesn't recognize the 'Chumyo' when she sees her.))

Edited by Mistress of Whispers

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Having fed, Web's teeth returned to normal. She placed the swine next to its brethren - though she hadn't drained everything from them the process did leave them weakened.


She was aware of Hanzo's scrutiny, so while her Essence reserves settled after the influx, Web asked:


"Were you expecting something different?" From their previous conversation - one that occurred before the Underworld, Web could tell Hanzo had a curiosity for things in Creation.


[Things...... how eloquent Web.... tongue.gif]

Hanzo looked on transfixed in fascination. When Web asked her question, he was shaken out of his reverie. He turned a bit red in the face. "I don't really know what I expected. I think something more... evil and dramatic. It is rather... clean." He looked somewhat sheepish. "I hope that makes sense?" Web hadn't disappointed him, but rather he was genuinely surprised...


((BTW, I'm for moving to the heroes meeting up at the steps of the council hall for the delivery of the speech. Is that ok? Hanzo is not going to ask any questions, since his Chumyo forbade it. But if Web still has questions, we can RP that of course smile.gif ))

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[Moving on seems like a plan. I'm guessing Tinker will get a chance to report on the lack of new info before going in?


Also - what's going to happen to the swine? - shall we assume they stay put while meeting goes on?]


Web considered Hanzo's reply,

"I guess it does seem less showy than most Essence effects."


Having little to do Pheonix made sure provisions were in place for the rest of the unit. Then she had to face the Abyssal and Hanzo, to get them moving to the Council Hall.


It wouldn't do for the Chumyo to not have an entourage at the upcoming Council.


A brief moment of doubt crossed her mind, as she mentally swore at herself. Hesiesh's flame, did I really leave the Abyssal alone with Hanzo? Granted Web hadn't betrayed them - yet, but Pheonix remembered the last time Hanzo and Web had interacted.


Picking up her pace, she entered the room - thankful to see that the Abyssal had finished, with no mess and that it seemed nothing untoward had happened.


"Time to see how effective that speech of yours is Web."


[Time-skip to Council?]

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Shaya stood somewhat uncomfortably on the centre stage. She had rallied people before, but never so many of them. Scanning the crowd, she easily recognized Ambassador Lenco. Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him, though not in anger - this time, she merely felt a steely determination to deal with him later. While she had never met either of them, she also picked out the ambassadors to Celeren and Mount Metagalapa easily enough, as she recognized their style of dress. The 297 ambassadors though, were all a blur to her. Finally, her eye fell on an almost tangible darkness emanating from one of the ambassador's loges. Shaya could guess whose loge that was and her eyes narrowed again - this time it was in anger. Good, she welcome the righteous fury welling up in her, she much preferred anger over feeling overwhelmed. Her hand instinctively went to her side, until she remembered that she had given her sword to Hanzo - none of the ambassadors or speakers was allowed to be armed inside the Council Hall, though ironically and perplexingly, they were allowed to bring a small security detail.



Mia stood in one of the shadowed alcoves reserved for the Hall's guards and servants. She watched as the Earthblooded she had seen before, took the stage; no doubt ensuring that it was safe for the Chumyo to come out, though that was an impossible task. Given that each ambassador was allowed to bring 'personal security', the Hall's guards were also fully armed and the centre stage was very prominent and completely undefended, anyone standing there was an easy target. It took courage to address the River Council, in more ways than one.


It took her a moment to realize that the Earthblood was unarmed. Admittedly the woman had been more than lax dozing off at the fountain earlier, but surely no one did a security check without carrying their weapon. Then it dawned on her - could this be the Chumyo himself? Err, herself? Mia was so accustomed to the North, where tribal warriors were traditionally men and the greatest warlord of them all, the Bull of the North, was also a man, that the had failed to account for the fact that the East was much more gender-equal. Indeed, she now remembered that the Lookshyan army made no distinction between men and women. She sighed deeply as she realized her mistake - she could have ended this an hour ago. Still, nothing for it but to wait; she would still have an opportunity to sabotage the Chumyo's plans if it was necessary.



((We never decided who is representing Thorns today: the Mask or his trusty ambassador Typhon? On the one hand the Mask himself showing up might be cool, but isn't his mask supposed to drive mortals insane just by looking at it? That might be 'disruptive' to the proceedings - the major powers might have Exalted and something-blooded to serve as ambassador for them, but the majority will have plain ol' mortals.))

Edited by Mistress of Whispers

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[it would most likely be Typhon - though the Mask would have a - personal -interest in this meeting, since the summons was issued after Lookshy's destruction. So who's to say he isn't watching through a scry/ via a spirit-link? I'm assuming Web, Hanzo, Tinker and Pheonix are Shaya's security detail.]


Behind the central stage, Pheonix kept an eye out for trouble. Being a martial artist - she had no need for weapons, though it did put her at a disadvantage in this situation. Ranged attacks could easily come from anywhere.


She could only hope the Hall guard were prepared for the Exalt Web had mentioned interfering. At that she glanced at Web, wondering if she'd picked up the Exalt yet.


Web was doing something similar to Pheonix, though she wasn't looking for physical threats - she was looking for Exalts. In particular, the Exalt whose interference she'd countered.


As her gaze drifted across, she couldn't help but feel cold as it alighted on Thorns' seat. Though since that was within normal expectations - Web shrugged it off and resumed her search.


Catching the Fire Exalt's glance, she gave a subtle shake of her head - hopefully it was enough to indicate no success so far.

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Hanzo watched in amazement at the sheer uncountable seats of the River Council. Well, not uncountable, he knew it were 300 seats, but still. He wondered how this many people could ever agree on anything and was evermore convinced that they needed the Seventh to get something actually done.


He also looked for threats to the Chumyo, as he was part of her security detail. He was not at all pleased with how many people were standing behind the ambassadors with weapons. An assassin could very easily slip in, pretend to be a guard and shoot from the recesses of one of the loges. He'd prefer to be down in the centre with Shaya, so he could properly survey *all* the seats and openings.


He also felt constrained, for he realised he couldn't use his full power in here. If he'd do that, the chances of a new Seventh would evaporate like dew in the noonday sun. And neither could the Chumyo. That made her extra vulnerable. Hanzo hoped people saw her as an Earth aspected Dragon Blooded. They were notoriously hard to kill, so any attack would have to be up close and personal... at least the Chumyo could expertly handle that herself.

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Feeling the Sun rise to its Zenith, Shaya stepped forward on the stage before the young Council Aid could even signal her that it was time. She swallowed once, nervously, and began.


"Representatives of the River Council, I stand before you today to discuss the future of the River Province.


The Realm, led by the Scarlet Empress, has destroyed the city of Lookshy; the one bastion preventing complete subjugation of the East to her Will.


Fortunately, the spirit of fortitude that belongs to Lookshy and her legions still lives on. As the highest ranking survivor of this massacre and Chumyo of Lookshy, I urge the council to create a united army in the memory of those slain and to protect our homes. This united front will – like Lookshy before – be dedicated to keeping the River Province independent from the Empress’ grip."


As she spoke, pride welled up inside her and her nervousness vanished. It didn't matter that the Empress destroyed their city, or even whether the Council agreed to rebuild or not. Lookshy was more than a city, more than an army; it was a way of life, an indomitable spirit that could not be stopped by any force or hardship. As long as there were soldiers willing to fight for freedom and independence, Lookshy was alive. An almost imperceptible change came over Shaya as the Sun bathed the stage in light and she seemed to *grow*; somehow becoming more real as everything else became of secondary importance.


"I nominate Captain Dace of the Bronze Tigers for the position of General of the United River Province Forces in the event of its creation. He has proven time and again his dedication to keeping those under his protection safe and I believe he will give that same dedication in the role of General."


The Dawn's voice was unwavering and for the briefest of moments, it was already decided - the new army would be led by General Dace - until the Council representatives remembered they still needed to vote on that. As a matter of fact, they still needed to vote on the entire army to begin with.


"I ask each and every one of you to consider the services that Lookshy has done willingly and without thought of compensation. I want you to think on those services and think of how it would have been without Lookshy championing the cause of independence.


Now, the Memory of Lookshy needs your aid, in terms of military might and resources. Can you say, truly and honestly, that you do not owe this? Do not shame the memories of those that served willingly and died protecting the Provinces with internal squabbles and empty words."


Her voice was softer now, and tears shone in her eyes as she remembered Lookshy's sacrifice and willed the Council to do the same.


Shaya had reached the end of Web's speech, but rather than stop, she continued in the same soft voice, as if she spoke to each ambassador individually rather than to a gathering of three-hundred.


"I know that you are afraid. If the Empress can wipe out an entire city - the most powerful city of the East - in one single attack, then what hope do we have? But we have exactly that: hope. We fight for hope, freedom and justice. Let them do their worst - no force can defeat us if we do not let it. They will run themselves ragged on our just cause and our determination because WE WILL NEVER YIELD!"


Her voice rose to a thunder on the last part, reaching high into the Heavens and down deep to the darkest recesses of the Underworld.


The Exalted in the assembly found themselves standing in a field of bodies, with Darkness Incarnate circling above them. Standing before them, was a tall, muscular woman clad in simple armour adorned with the skulls of slain enemies. Her jewellery was just as crude - gaudy and bulky - as if she sought to show her wealth and power, but lacked refinement to do so in an elegant matter. Nevertheless, she exuded power and her red hair, lifted by rising winds, was set ablaze by the light of the Sun to form a crown of fire. She spoke to them about holding the line against impossible odds, about standing fast against unstoppable forces, and they believed her. Today, on this day, the Darkness would die. Then, as quickly as the vision had come, it vanished and they found themselves standing in the River Hall again.


In the Hall of Bells, Walk Silently, Chosen of Battles, looked up as every single alarm began ringing at once.

Edited by Mistress of Whispers

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[Looks like Web's speech got modified lol - perhaps all Shaya really needed was the base format to inspire her.]


Pheonix kept a careful eye out for trouble as Shaya took to the stage for her speech.


This was the one thing she didn't doubt the Abyssal with, if the speech had been designed badly with betrayal in mind - Shaya would have already dealt with it and Web.


Pheonix's gaze was then drawn towards Shaya as power incarnate seemed to manifest on the stage. For a moment, she feared an Abyssal trick as the ground changed to that of a battlefield. - but it was only briefly. A commanding presence assured her that it was no trap - that the Darkness would be beaten.


Web was also swept up in the vision, the Darkness above both calling to her and repulsing her. Tearing her gaze away from it to focus on Shaya's location, Web encountered a force of will so compelling that she couldn't help but be emboldened by it - yet at the same time part of her recoiled from it, wanting to flee.


[Web's good nature vs the Black Exaltation.... currently in a standoff.... since Web is standing still.]

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((Shaya actually stuck to the speech as written for the most part. I just added that last bit as a 'past life flashback' and changed phrases like 'I'd like to nominate...' to 'I nominate...' since that seemed more of a Dawn thing to say (subtle they're not).))



When word had reached the Bronze Faction that the Jade Prison, intended to imprison the Solar Shards for all eternity, had been breached, they had rallied the Wyld Hunt to track and kill Solars in Creation. They had also created the Hall of Bells in Yu-Shan to warn them if any particularly notorious Solars reincarnated. Since Lytek, God of Exaltations and self-proclaimed champion of the Solar Exalted, refused to lend his cooperation to this endeavour, the Sidereals were unable to track the Shards from the moment of their reincarnation and were instead forced to rely on memories resurfacing in either the Shard or the Host. The Hall of Bells was infused with the memories and lifetimes of the ten most powerful Solar Shards and if any of these memories resurfaced in Creation, the bells were set to ring. The more powerful the Shard was, the more bells would ring and right now, ALL of them were clamoring.


Walk Silently looked about her with a mixture of intrigue and despair. Had she more time, she would have investigated *which* Shard had just remembered its past life - with all the bells ringing, there were only three candidates. However, the ruckus would draw the attention of the Bronze Faction if she didn't stop it soon, so rather than investigate, she began to manipulate the neccesary Essence threads to quiet the bells down.

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As Shaya finished speaking, the delegate of Celeren rose and started clapping with deliberate and powerful claps. As the sounds reverberated around the hall, more and more delegates rose from their seats and started showing their approval. Clapping and rustling of robes filled the hall and within a few more moments, almost all delegates were on their feet. A few even using their voice to signal their enthusiasm.


Only the ambassadors of the great powers were at first still hesitant, knowing they shouldn't agree blindly to so eloquent a speech. But after witnessing an uncharacteristic unified response, their resistance melted and even they rose to their feet, applauding the woman at the centre of their attention.


The gravity of this moment in time sank in, as it was the first time in the history of the River Council that all delegates were unanimous and by their applause supported the proposal brought before them.




Web's speech and Shaya's performance were brilliant: Hanzo felt deeply moved and certain sentences rang especially true with him. His structured mind however kept vigilance. During and just after the speech were the most opportune moments to strike, so he scanned the crowd with his acute senses while another part of him listened to the powerful words, blinking away tears that threatened to distort his vision.


Naturally, Hanzo was swept up in the vision as well, smelling the death and destruction of that particular battlefield, feeling the exhaustion and the wounds he had been suffering from in that moment in time, recognizing the woman before him as the leader she was right then and there. For a split second he was completely in awe of Shaya. For the smallest amount of time, he stopped scanning the crowd and drank in the glory of this exaltation. To his mind, however, it seemed to last an eternity.


As the vision faded and the delegates started to give a standing ovation, cheeks burning red with shame for his perceived dereliction of duty, he thanked the Unconquered Sun that nothing bad had happened yet, focussing his mind to all possible and impossible threats he could think of...

Edited by Biologist

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Shaya slowly turned, making eye contact with each ambassador and setting up an unspoken personal report that would draw them deeper into their agreement. She appeared in control and confident, but those who knew her well could see a brief flicker of insecurity - the River Council was notorious for its indecisiveness and the Dawn had NO idea how she had persuaded all of them so quickly.


Tinker gave her a reassuring nod, but in reality his mind was focused on a different conundrum. Like all Sidereals, he was fully briefed on his previous incarnations, but that did not necessarily mean he *remembered* them all. He was fairly certain - based on the bodies, the style of armour and the tangible darkness overhead - that he had just witnessed a scene from the Pirmordial War, but since he had no active recollections from that time, he was left wracking his brain trying to figure out who the woman in the vision was.


Mia stared in disbelief and shock at the scene before her. Carefully extending her senses, she read the emotional currents of the room. Even the ambassadors she had 'primed' earlier, were now fully comitted to the new army. How was that possible? Focusing her Essence to read their mood more closely, she sensed the tampering of another Exalted and a powerful, terrifying undercurrent of darkness.


Could it be?


The Eclipse turned her attention to the Chumyo and her entourage. By now she was certain that she was dealing with more than a mere Earthblooded. Accompanying the Chumyo were a Fireblooded and three mortals - ostensibly. Letting her gaze sweep over the two men, it finally rested on the dark woman. Mia lacked the power to see Essence, but she had always been sensitive to the energy of the Underworld and when the Bull of the North created a Shadowland in the Valley of Tears, she had been exposed to the whispers of the Neverborn. She might not know what an 'Abyssal Exalted' was, but she knew Darkness when she saw it.


She shuddered - the new Chumyo must be some sort of Celestial Exalted serving the Neverborn. Considering the damage the Bull of the North, a servant of the Sun, had done to Creation, Mia was now more determined then ever to stop the Chumyo and her new army.

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[xd.png Looks like Walk Silently was wrong about the Abyssal betraying them in council - though the Warning Bells are probably worse than the expected problem.


And yes Dawn are not subtle, the Moonshadow's writing however would be...]


Pheonix, for once, was smiling at the delegates - or more appropriately at their unified response. She kept one of her eyes at the dark seat, it seemed even Thorns had joined in, the other eye caught the brief moment of insecurity in Shaya.


Her gaze flicked quickly to Web and back, wondering if the Abyssal had done more than just write the speech. Well, that and approach some Ambassadors with Tinker. Looks like that pair had been very effective.


If Shaya could read Pheonix's actions in that split second, then perhaps she'd pick up on Pheonix's thoughts that Web had something to do with the fast agreement.


Web scanned the standing ovation, also somewhat stunned at the speedy and unanimous resolution. Even though it was the hoped for result, she couldn't help but feel they were overlooking something. Mainly the Exalt who's interference I detected earlier..... this is bound to make them act.


Since she was thinking of it, she could feel a small tickle at the back of her mind. Just a brief one, as if someone had used a very small amount of Essence. Web tried to focus on it, to find the source but it slipped away like mist from grasping fingers.... Not enough to even identify it - though I can rule out Death Essence. Web's familiarity with Abyssal sources meant that she could be reasonably certain of that.


Now she kept her senses open for any further disturbances - hopefully the next time, I'll be ready for it.


[The tickle being Mia sensing her 'tampering', plus since Abyssal/Solar Essence are opposing natures, Web would be more sensitive to it. Even if she doesn't make the connection.


And oops, looks like trouble a-brewing....]

Edited by Takhesis

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((Mia basically used Wise-Eyed Courtier Methods for 3m, 1w on the crowd. She's too cautious to use a charm directly on the 'Chumyo' or her 'entourage'.))


Mia considered her options - the Chumyo had nominated Captain Dace as her general. Did that mean he was a servant of darkness too? From what she had heard about him since her arrival in Nexus, he was a servant of the Sun and a just man. Perhaps he was being controlled by the Chumyo? If so, her best course of action now was to find and free him - together they'd stand a better chance at stopping the Chumyo. Moving quietly, she retreated deeper into the servants' alcove before turning to leave the central hall.

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[True - but Web was looking out for signs of the Exalt before the speech and the immediate agreement of the council would - in Web's opinion - alert the Exalt to her counter and potentially act again... That's why she could sense the Essence but not trace it... If she had been included in the AoE, then she'd have been able to get a better location.]

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((Agreed - if Mia had used a charm directly at Web, she probably could have pinpointed it.))


Back at the barracks...


Dace looked in disbelief at the young woman sitting in calmly on the chair in front of him. His disbelief stemmed from two reasons. Firstly, she had managed to get into his office without anyone noticing her, which was quite a feat (and more than a little worrisome to the Dawn Caste; he made a mental note to review his security measures later). And secondly, she was telling him that the Chumyo was a servant of darkness.


Dace had spent several hours talking to Shaya and he was convinced that she was exactly what she claimed to be: a Chosen of the Sun. But he was also convinced that the young blonde - Mia she had said her name was - was absolutely sincere. So where did that leave him? He sighed deeply and wished his circlemate Swan was here - at least the Eclipse was good at dealing with intricate riddles like these.


"Tell me again from the beginning: why do you think that Sha- the Chumyo is a servant of the Neverborn?"


He could sense a measure of irritation rolling off Mia, but she kept her voice perfectly pleasant as she went over her findings again. Dace nodded and carefully dissected the story in his mind. Discounting the girl's prejudice against war and, therefore, the founding of a new army, there was still the fact that she had felt a dark influence surrounding the Hundred Kingdoms' Ambassadors. Of course, he thought, it was entirely possible that there was a second power at work here; a dark force whose purposes currently coincided with Shaya's without her working with them. Or...


Suddenly all the pieces fell together. He knew he never should have trusted that Abyssal travelling with the Chumyo. Seeking redemption, my ass.


He rose and called Risa to his side. They only had a little time before Shaya and her people returned, and he wanted to be ready. He knew his fellow Dawn would resist him at first, but she'd thank him once she came to her senses....


((Based on the premise that the group wasn't quite as succesful at hiding Web's anima when they entered Nexus as they had hoped.))

Edited by Mistress of Whispers

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The river ran swiftly underneath the large galley, adding to its already impressive speed. The slaves groaned at the oars and the beating of the drum was harsh. Silune smiled, calculating the travel time again and again in her mind. Great Forks to Nexus was quite a distance, it would take several days at least. She was lucky this large ship was heading in the same direction with the same haste, even if it was filled with what looked like an entire army of Lookshyan soldiers.


She had persuaded the captain to let her sleep in his quarters and she planned to stay inside for most of the voyage. Better no-one would know of her itinerary. She'd deal with the captain when they would arrive in Nexus.


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[That's true - Web's anima was behind 2 bright ones, so the contrast wasn't in her favour. That and the Shadowland travel would be suspicious anyway....]


Web hesitated to mention anything to the Chumyo, since all she had were vague hints. And it would spoil the current atmosphere if she approached, that wouldn't stop her from confiding in Tinker however...


Leaning closer to him so she could keep her voice low, Web spoke:


"I think the other Exalt is here - I could sense the tiniest amount of Essence in the room during the standing ovation. And it didn't come from our party."


Web was certain she'd have recognised it if it had come from closer - but the Hall was large and it could have come from anywhere.


[Web doesn't know Mia's slipped out, but perhaps Tinker can think of something to help determine that....? His experience would give him the advantage in matters of intrigue.]

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Tinker nodded his understanding to Web and considered their options. Detecting an Exalted was not easily accomplished; if it was, the Wyld Hunt would have a much easier time of it. It was, however, possible to feel expended Essence 'on the air' (even if that might still not reveal the source). His real problem, lay in the fact that 'feeling Essence' would require him to activate a rather high-power Martial Arts Charms and Web was already on the look-out for Exalts using Charms - she might be alerted to him. Not to mention that he was under strict 'look, but don't touch' orders and using his Charms to help the group solve problems, would definitely cross that line. So all in all - as usual - he could only give advice and hope for the best.


"There are 300 ambassadors present, each with their own entourage. Add to that the Hall's own guards and servants, and you're dealing with roughly a thousand people. I'm afraid finding our saboteur in here is simply impossible unless they blatantly reveal themselves. And it may not have been the saboteur that you felt - several of the ambassadors are god-blooded, ghost-blooded, fae-blooded, enlightened mortals or even Terrestrial Exalted; any of them might have used their power to 'gauge' the mood of the assembly. In short: there is nothing you can do right now. But I doubt the saboteur would strike now; the room is too heavily set in the Chumyo's favor right now to easily sway back, and they can't kill her or they'd risk the ambassadors laying blame on each other and starting a war - our saboteur is pro-peace, after all. Therefore, we can afford to 'wait and see' what happens next."


Had Tinker been fully on the ball, he might have realized that the saboteur could also try to sway Dace to their side as 'inside man', but he was still pre-occupied trying to place the vision he had experienced just moments ago.

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Web nodded at Tinker's advice - it made sense, and she wanted something more tangible before she spoke to Shaya. The vagueness of the feeling wasn't concrete proof that the Exalt was actually present.


That didn't mean she'd dismiss it entirely, it would settle on a mental back-burner of sorts. Web decided to frame the situation as a theoretical puzzle to solve, perhaps that would help in organising a more thorough plan of action - other than the 'wait and see' position.


Fact 1: Unknown Exalt opposes the formation of an army, yet encourages the Hundred Kingdoms to settle their differences.

Evidence for fact 1: The second group of Kingdom Ambassadors were pre-influenced.

Conclusion: Exalt is pro-peace.


Fact 2: Exalt's plan has failed.

Evidence: The council is unanimously in favour of the army.


Assumption 1: Same Exalt was present here - and therefore heard the speech and the result.

Assumption 2: If 1 holds true, then Exalt's plan has to change earlier due Fact 2.


If these assumptions are correct; what would be the Exalt's next move?


Web agreed with Tinker's assessment, the Exalt couldn't afford to strike in council. And based on the previous encounter - the Exalt acted in the background rather than directly. That means a direct attack is extremely unlikely - so I'm looking for a more subtle chance to change things.


Web's thought process continued, not knowing the Exalt in question - she made a slight substitution: If I was that Exalt - how would I go about 'rectifying the problem'?



Web reviewed the events, this time trying to picture herself on the other side - looking down on the stage.


This will take some time......



[Lol a mental exercise for Web - though she'll probably only make a potential link to Dace as they approach the barrack districts.... mainly as I suspect Silune will show first.]

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((Silune is still a few days away - she'll likely arrive only a day or so before the Lookshyan military top.


I do have a post planned for Dace's 'welcome back' party, if we want to timeskip to that? Though I'm just off to bed, so odds are I won't be able to make the actual post until tomorrow.))

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