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Bloodwing quickly thanked the purple dragon and hoped Tenebris had not heard, then he pardoned himself for a moment from Malkan and walked over to Tenebris, "Here you go." He said as he opened his wing a little. Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Seraza scoffed, do you really think I didn't hear them? Did you not hear them? You need rest. Halith may have used magic to heal you, but as she said, it still takes time to completely heal. Think of it like a painkiller: it doesn't hurt, but it's still not fixed. Seraza was becoming annoyed. Was Tenebris really going to insist on getting himself hurt again? Seraza added, and if you try to escape and hunt, you'll have to go through me. There is absolutely no way I'm letting you get hurt just because you can't rest. Seraza drew herself up to her full height in order to seem more imposing.

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"Thank you." Tenebris said to the new dragon, taking a long drought from the water.

Then, turning his head to Sereza he said, "In case you have forgotten what I had just said, she has not yet healed my left side which contains all of the broken ribs."

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Seraza replied to Tenebris, still, you wanted to go hunt. Do you expect me to ignore what you said? You're not hunting, even after Halith heals you again. Not today, not tomorrow. Maybe the day after. You still need to rest. Seraza lay down again. Her energy stores were returning, but just barely. She hoped that she would be able to fight by the end of the day, if only to stop Tenebris from sneaking out during the night to hunt. Seraza knew that Tenebris would not give up so easily.

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Tenebris growled.

"You won't find it that easy to subdue me." He said.


((OOC: Sorry shiba, but he's as stubborn as a donkey.))

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((OOC: Yes, but Seraza's as stubborn as a mule! I can foresee future problems like this when they disagree.))


Seraza sighed. Fine, but don't say that I didn't warn you ... then, she added to Sparkly Scaler telepathically, he won't listen to me. Maybe he'll listen to you? Come on, help me out here, please? Seraza was genuinely afraid for Tenebris' safety.

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Sparkly looked at Seraza. She wasn't sure if she could convince Tenebris either. But she could try.


"Tenebris, Seraza's right. Just rest for a few days...I-I don't want you to hurt yourself again. Please? For me?" she pleaded with Tenebris.

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Glad to be helping for once, but a little upset with the other black dragon. "She is right." He said to Tenebris referring to the purple one, "You need to rest." Then to the other, "But you are not helping just standing arguing with him, you are obviously not getting through to him. Why don't you go get me something to put this water in, or more moss to help make him more comfortable."


(OOC: Ah okay, I was guessing based upon the color of her text.)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Tenebris sighed. He suspected Sereza had something to do with getting Sparkly to ask him to stop, knowing that it would be difficult for him to say no to her.

You know I'm going to have to get you back for that right? He said to Sereza telepathically.

"Very well. If that is what you wish." He said with a sigh.


((OOC: Sereza is a black dragon, like Tenebris, but not an alt, unlike tenebris))

Edited by Narath

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((OOC: Yes, Seraza is black. I chose green as a text color due to the black dragons' bright green eyes.))


Seraza smiled again, her emotions quickly shifting from annoyance to glee. Telepathically, Seraza replied, I agreed to help you, and you agreed to help me. Tough love, it seems. We've put down no boundaries on how to get through to each other, and I don't plan to. However, I am intrigued to see how you plan to get back at me.

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It wasn't Seraza that had made Sparkly plead with Tenebris not to go. Sparkly herself had been doubtful of Tenebris' wellbeing but she had been too shy to have spoken up. She gazed at Tenebris. Did he have the same feelings for her? The same question from earlier popped up.

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((OOC: oh shenanigans! I forgot about Efflorere!))


I'll think of something... Creative. Tenebris replied to Sereza.




Efflorere followed Halith to the black hatchling he saw earlier, who seemed to be hurt, and watched in amazement as she began to heal him. After staying quiet because he was a little shy of the others, he walked up to Malkan.

"Do you need any help?"

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Bloodwing looked at the purple one and thought that word again, but this time he was able to restrain himself and not say it out loud.

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Seraza watched Sparkly Scaler carefully. It appeared to her that Sparkly was concerned for Tenebris, though not in a normal way. Seraza decided to try to console her, and telepathically said to her, trust me, Sparkly, he likes you too. Not just as a friend, but something more; he just doesn't realize it. I'll be here to keep him from getting hurt untill he can do it himself. I won't allow him to go off oblivious forever, Sparkly. Not for your sake, or his. Seraza lay down again, but kept one eye open. She knew that Tenebris was probably joking, but it would never hurt to stay alert.




Malkan turned to Efflorere, who asked him if he needed help, and replied, I'm fine, Efflorere. But thanks for the offer. I was just about to go back anyways, seeing as Tenebris here is mostly patched up. I guess I should get Halith, again, though. If he promises to not go hunting, that is. Malkan raised his voice on this last section, and directed it towards Tenebris. The conversation had flitted in and out of telepathic thought, but Malkan had heard enough to get the gist.

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"Oh, shut up." Tenebris grumbled at the orange hatchling.

He layed down near the base of a tree and got as comfortable as one could with broken ribs. He longed to go hunting, to search for food. He longed for the rush of adrenaline one only got from a fight. He longed for his freedom. Sighing, he resigned himself to just doing nothing. After all, he did make a promise to Sparkly.




"All right." Efflorere said, slightly disappointed.

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"As it would be best to not let Tenebris alone while he rests, I volunteer myself to keep watch. I can, for the most part," and here he glared at his left head with his right, "stay awake while I am asleep, because I have two heads." And he glared at himself again.


(OOC: Was not trying to. Sorry. At least I assume you mean me.)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Sparkly sat quietly as she watched Tenebris. She nodded to Seraza but she just couldn't take her eyes off Tenebris. She decided to stay back from the expedition, as it was highly unlikely that Tenebris was going with them. She rolled her eyes at Bloodwing.


"Tenebris isn't alone. There's me and Seraza," Sparkly said, half-snapping.



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Dream Dell slowly looked up as Taffy covered her up. Then she dropped her head back onto the floor and sneezed. She soon fell asleep, worn out, although she had just wokent up earlier.


<OOC: Sniped. Give me a moment, please. :3 There, much better.


EDIT: It's alright. Us role players here snipe each other all the time. *Glances at Shibadruid*>

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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((OOC: Hey! You do it to me, too! Like just now xd.png . But I get your point.

Edit: Huzzah! Sniping all around. MasterWeavile sniped Dream, she sniped me, and I sniped MasterWeavile and Narath!))


Malkan was not unaware of Tenebris' scathing remark, but decided to let it slide, and not even bring it up. Instead, he asked Bloodwing, isn't that a paradox? You can not be awake while you are sleeping, since those are two distinct states. You are either awake or asleep. Do you mean that you can stay awake for long periods of time by existing in a state of half-sleep? That would make more sense. By this time, Malkan realized that he was rambling. Anyways, he said, I don't think you need to stand watch. Seraza and Sparkly are both able-bodied enough to save themselves, or call for help should the need arise. Now, I will be on my way. Malkan turned his back to the other dragons, and headed back to the cave. On his way, he motioned to Halith, and said, Tenebris is still complaining about his ribs. He says that they were hurt on the other side. He also was complaining about wanting to hunt. Just thought I'd fill you in. Malkan continued on, and lay down by the stream on a flat rock. Spreading his wings, Malkan allowed the sun's warmth to cover him.

Edited by Shibadruid

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The purple one was getting annoying. "Fine then, I was just trying to be helpful, I assumed we intended to leave." Bloodwing said to her, he turned to Sereza, "It is nice to finally know your name Ma'am." he said and bowed politely. "Tenebris, would you like more to drink?" He offered the wing that was still full of water.


He then went after Malkan amazed at his knowledge of science, when he reached him he said, "That is exactly what I meant, you sir are amazing. I simply said it like that to help them understand. It feels to me like half of me is a asleep and the other half is awake."


(OOC: I think that what I have now fits with everything. ninja.gifninja.gif)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Tenebris grinned as Sparkly started getting defensive over him. He kind of liked it when she started taking charge. She was cute in her own little way when she did that. He did agree with her about the dragon staying and watching him. He was beginning to feel like a pampered toddler.

"No thank you." He said, declining the two headed dragon's offer.

Now he was really starting to feel pampered. He did not like that feeling.

Edited by Narath

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<OOC: Lol, Tenebris thinks that Sparkly's cute! xd.png >


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Sparkly was a bit surprised at her own self. Bloodwing had done nothing wrong and he was trying to help, so why was she snapping at him? Never mind, she was sure that Tenebris didn't want too many dragons around, anyway. She remembered how uncomfortable he looked when a lot of the other hatchlings were introducing themselves the night they met. She grinned back at Tenebris.

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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((OOC: he was just thinking her behavior was cute. Sorry, but that's as close as he's getting for now. Clueless guys for the win!))


"I'm going to rest now Sparkly. That fight took a lot out of me. ((OOC: no pun intended))" Tenebris said after she smiled back at him.

Resting his head on his front paws, he closed his emerald eyes, and tried to fall asleep.

Edited by Narath

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Ruscella had something itching in the back of her mind. Then she realized. She walked towards the group around Tenebros and walked to Sparkly. "I need you for a moment." She told her. She walked to a secluded clearing and waited for her.

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Sparkly looked at Ruscella, confused. What was there to talk about? She glanced at the sleeping Tenebris before following Ruscella.

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She looked at Sparkly very seriously. "What is bothering you? You've seemed out of sorts since yesterday." She asked.


((Sorry, short post.))

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