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Prize Dragon Disscussion Thread

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I'm hoping for a few spiral lineages to start popping up, those are my favorite.



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@ Counsler - same here. and i know that when i do get a baby from that line they will be named after tLoTR's *nods*


maybe, "Gandolf the Gold from Bagend" or something like that laugh.gif



@ Draco - same as well, i love spirals more that stairs as well. their just so lovely to look at and a-symetircal *nods*

Edited by Red2111

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I got on a list for a Shimmer!!! OMG I'm so excited to know I'll eventually get one!!! WHEEEEEEEE!!!!!

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... well, I had to have someone hold me a 2nd gen Shimmerscale because I was too locked to breed for them, LOL.


(It's back in my hands now, xd.png)


Dubious: Oooh, that looks nice with the bronze!

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love to see a spiral pop up, but not thrilled about the pairing, no offense. i got burnt out on Shadow Walker pairings from Tinsels and Metals.

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... well, I had to have someone hold me a 2nd gen Shimmerscale because I was too locked to breed for them, LOL.


(It's back in my hands now, xd.png)


Dubious: Oooh, that looks nice with the bronze!

You gave away my baby ;-; You monster!! D:


In other news, I love the spiral. I think the mate is lovely and compliments the dragon well.


Grats TCA smile.gif

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Ugh...I finally grew enough of a spine to try PMing a shimmerholder about getting on a list. Probably waaay too late though...*sigh*

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love to see a spiral pop up, but not thrilled about the pairing, no offense. i got burnt out on Shadow Walker pairings from Tinsels and Metals.

Yeah, I would have rather seen something besides Shadow Walker (at least it's not Black Marrow, they're even more overused), but at least it's still pretty and having a holiday mate will make it easy to breed for now.

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I was a little surprised by Grox's request for a Balloon x Shimmer pairing. But he (she?) liked the code, and I'm secretly hoping maybe there can be a code-based lineage too. <.< Someday. Maybe.

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Ugh...I finally grew enough of a spine to try PMing a shimmerholder about getting on a list. Probably waaay too late though...*sigh*


I'm still too spine- less to ask to be put on a list >.< What did you have to pay for it? xd.png

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I was a little surprised by Grox's request for a Balloon x Shimmer pairing. But he (she?) liked the code, and I'm secretly hoping maybe there can be a code-based lineage too. <.< Someday. Maybe.

Haha i love that balloons code xd.png epic.

and i think that lineage would look really cute, balloons are just...cute c:

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Haha i love that balloons code xd.png epic.

and i think that lineage would look really cute, balloons are just...cute c:

Balloons aren't my favorite breeds, but they are very cute. Also, I don't think there's a Shimmer x Balloon lineage yet?

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I'm still too spine- less to ask to be put on a list >.< What did you have to pay for it? xd.png

All I 'could' offer is to help out with fullfilling their wishlist, mostly easy stuff I can do without breaking my 'no IOU' self rule 'too' much.

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Yeah, I would have rather seen something besides Shadow Walker (at least it's not Black Marrow, they're even more overused), but at least it's still pretty and having a holiday mate will make it easy to breed for now.

very true *nods*


that is the nice thing about using a Holiday, is that everytime you breed you either dont get a baby or if you do its guarenteed to be a shiny. i think the reason why the SW's are used so much is because their a nuetral color (like the whites) and will complement every breed.



my Tins that use SW's i've started breeding with Lurkers, to try and get a multi-Halloween lineage going.


i have one baby that is multi-holiday will take me 2 years to get a proper holiday mate for him to continue the scheme, but until then i'll have fun trying my different CB holiday girls to see the pairings laugh.gif


i'd love to see a sprial with that sort of scheme, or one that just alternates the different holidays in order

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All I 'could' offer is to help out with fullfilling their wishlist, mostly easy stuff I can do without breaking my 'no IOU' self rule 'too' much.

I was gonna say, are you caving in on your no IOU rule for a Shimmer? :0

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I was gonna say, are you caving in on your no IOU rule for a Shimmer? :0

I'm willing to bend that rule if it's regarding stuff I can easily catch/breed myself. Things like metals/nd/etc though...forget it: hell, I don't even have an ND yet....

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I'm willing to bend that rule if it's regarding stuff I can easily catch/breed myself.  Things like metals/nd/etc though...forget it:  hell, I don't even have an ND yet....

I get you, that's something you can at least pretty much guarantee to fulfill. Which color/gen was the list, if I may ask?

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