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Prize Dragon Disscussion Thread

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Person could have been oblivious to its value; it happens.


@Xeriina: Recorded. Especially if yours is a different color. smile.gif

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Didn't Amazon say that the egg /was/ fogged? So it doesn't sound to me like the owner did anything wrong.

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Didn't Amazon say that the egg /was/ fogged? So it doesn't sound to me like the owner did anything wrong.

It was... eventually. Long after the worst damage had been done, I think. :/



ETA: Just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words - I was so excited at the possibility of making someone feel a bit like I did when I caught Catch. I'll still aim to do more AP events in the future, though. It seemed like people enjoyed the chance and the hunt and it can't always end in tears...

Edited by Amazon_warrior

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It was... eventually. Long after the worst damage had been done, I think. :/

well we r all sorry that it happened

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Well, they fogged it hours after they caught it, the damage was well over and done by that time. It's not like the views were slow to accumulate either, they started pretty much the moment the egg was on the person's scroll.


I think it was just a rather unfortunate case of a newer player not knowing what was going on with the egg. I sympathize, but the scroll alerts people that they have a sick egg and HELP tells you what to do to save it.

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ETA:  Just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words - I was so excited at the possibility of making someone feel a bit like I did when I caught Catch.  I'll still aim to do more AP events in the future, though.  It seemed like people enjoyed the chance and the hunt and it can't always end in tears...

I'm sure it will go better next time. You will get to give someone that happiness! And those of us on the forums wub.gif you for it. Thank you!

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I'm sure whoever got the egg feels really bad about it dying. I know I would feel TERRIBLE. sad.gif

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Strange, the hatchie's code almost seems like it knew....


Oops...wrong code!! laugh.gif

Edited by Riverwillows

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Strange, the hatchie's code almost seems like it knew....


iBNcl I Been kill

thats not the code of the egg that died xd.png im not sure what code the dead egg had, but iBNcl is the code of someone elses third gen egg

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I'm getting excited. I am 12th on Prowl's list (I think) and already 4 have been bred. Getting closer!!!



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pretty good ... I gonna wait for couple month ^^ TEEHEE i dont have one LOL

Edited by khanhs

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I'm getting excited. I am 12th on Prowl's list (I think) and already 4 have been bred. Getting closer!!!



Try being 4th on Connacht's list and 2 have been bred already o3o


(PM me about it and you die, general public)

Edited by TheCompleteAnimorph

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Try being 4th on Connacht's list and 2 have been bred already o3o


(PM me about it and you die)

I'm three behind you tongue.gif

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Woot owo -high-fives DarkEternity-


Yeah, I'm definitely excited. Also, I managed a trade for a 5th-gen shimmer the other day, so that's fun too.

Edited by TheCompleteAnimorph

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*mumbles* Newest 2nd gen REFUSED her mate *mumbles*

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These eggs have almost 2K views each and they aren't even /cracking/.


Should I take them out of the ER?

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Congrats Forest!


When I get mine from filly, I could breed that to http://dragcave.net/lineage/0MPi0 providing it stays male.


Yes! Or maybe, once you get your hands on all 2nd gen Shimmers owed to you, you could make a two sided rainbow. You can haw Shimmer rainbow going from the left side and Tinsel rainbow from the right side and have them meet in the middle.


ETA: Leave them for now. They aren't sick. Even if they do get sick, if they are close to hatching just let them hatch and then fog them.

Edited by PointOfOrigin

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Just received my very first shimmer baby!! Sooo excited!!


user posted image


Fogged and 24 hour guard posted.

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It's rather silly of me to be uspset, isn't it.

It's my fault I was too shy and scared to PM winners right away.

I should have tried to get things to trade.

Same here. I didn't want to overwhelm them with more PMs, but because of that I totally missed the 2nd gen boat xd.png.

Edited by Mistress of Whispers

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Same here. I didn't want to overwhelm them with more PMs, but because of that I totally missed the 2nd gen boat xd.png.



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*mumbles* Newest 2nd gen REFUSED her mate *mumbles*

I see you're having as much trouble as me. :c


My Tan Ridgewing line refused earlier this week, and I got no interest from Purple Nebula x Bronze. :|


I did just breed: http://dragcave.net/lineage/MMDJH though. \o/

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Most of them have been on lists since the beginning, and they are just now starting to get their promised shimmer.


And I have seen trades now for 3rd gen and up.

Edited by Riverwillows

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