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"We have located the target, Sir."


Operative 74 reported. She was sitting in the cockpit of the little, black aircraft that transported Geso, his Knightmare frame and the rest of his team.


"He hasn't reached the school yet. And he is in a sparsely populated street right now."


"Excellent." Geso said calmly and watched as two snipers prepared to jump from the plane. If things went well they'd kill Helios quickly and withdraw with no one the wiser. If their target should prove problematic Geso would intervene in his knightmare frame while Helios was distracted by the snipers. He'd be backed up by the rest of the team. There was no way for Helios to escape.





"Do you see that black airplane, Ninjaboy?" Forge asked excitedly and pointed to the sky.


Rolo nodded unimpressed.


"I've seen that one before. Trouble usually follows. I bet it belongs to Kelly. I mean why else would it show up on our school exactly when he is about to have one of his rallys?"


Rolo just stared at her.


"We should find out where it's headed."


"We don't have any orders to do so. And I still have that english essay to complete."


"Oh show a bit of initative! Maybe one of our mutant breathren is in danger." Forge jumped up and ran in the direction of the plane. She turned her head and shouted in Rolo's direction. "And if I die because you haven't helped me it's all your fault, little brother."


Rolo rolled his eyes but followed her, pulling his scarf over his face to hide his features as best as he could. Forge had said the one thing guaranteed to move him.


((I have deliberatly not decided how big Gesos team is. There should be enough foes for everyone who wants to participate. ))

Edited by Laura-Lana

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Helios stopped by the school gates and watched as person after person entered the school's double doors. Most of them were adults, but there were several teenagers and younger children as well. Whether they were here of their own free will or at the behest of their parents Helios did not know, but it saddened him regardless.


There were quite a few people carrying banners today, bearing slogans such as 'Mutants are Monsters' and 'God hates Mutants'. That last one always puzzled Helios. It had been years since he had last attended bible study, but he was pretty sure that God was supposed to love all his creations.


A car beeped its horn and Helios stepped out of the way to watch it drive off to look for a parking space. He didn't think they'd have much luck, most people were parking out on the street now. Resigning himself to an hour or so of misguided lies, Helios started to walk towards the school himself.

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Nicolas gathered the items and vanished before Helios left the room. He reappeared in the kitchen placing the dirty dishes in the sink, make a note to wash them later. For now he had another matter to attend.


With a puff of smoke he disappeared to a random empty alley that he walked before close to where Helios should appear. It wasn’t long before Nicolas spotted the familiar hoody. He continued to follow the young man form a distance making sure he would not be recognized. At least some of his military skill could still be used he thought to himself still following obediently.

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The two snipers jumped out of the plane. They fell to earth quickly, their parachutes only opening for the last meters. They had readied their weapons in the air already and landed approximately 200 and 250 meters behind the target.


There were no more than three people walking that street, who looked first surprised at the sight of the parachutes and then horrified when they saw the weapons. They quickly returned into the buildings trying to avoid the attention of the snipers.


The one who was closer to the target, Operative 142, lifted his rifle and aimed it at Helios.


"You were too easy, boy." he muttered into the direction of the mutant.

Edited by Laura-Lana

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Helios was almost through the doors to the school when he heard some gasps behind him. He turned to look and saw people pointing at something in the distance. Just as his eyes latched on to what was obviously a sniper rifle someone screamed and those still outside started to panic.


Helios had frozen in place when he saw that the weapons were pointed directly at him but the surge of people racing to get inside to safety pushed him into the building. He was shoved to one side and fell down into a side corridor. While everyone else dove deeper into the school Helios picked himself up and looked out of the window. The weapons were still trained on him. He stood still and waited to see what they would do.

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Something caught Nicolas’ eye from above, it was parachutes heading towards Helios. This was rather an awkward situation, with so many people, so many innocents. Nicolas could only think of one thing to do, with all the havoc not that many would notice him appearing there out of nowhere.


In seconds he reappeared behind Helios, standing behind him like a guard dog. He did not teleport Helios out of trouble at all, instead he stood by his side waiting for intruders to make their move, and if they did he was ready.

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"What the..?" Forge said as she detected the parachutes. They were flying into one street farther, seperated from the pair by a row of houses.


Her eyes gleamed excited. "I knew there was something off. Let's take the shortcut, Ninjaboy."


She held her hand against one of the doorlocks and melted it. The door swung open.


Rolo just rubbed his eyes and followed her inside, not bothering to point out that he could have flown them over the rooftops easily. Their luck held and the room proved to be empty.



Their target froze, giving him the chance for an ideal shot, but Operative 142 hesitated for a moment trying to avoid hitting any of the innocent humans, who raced for the gate in front of which Helios stood.


It was just a second, but that was too much, because their target was swept inside the schoolground on a tide of bodies making their assignments so much harder.


Geso's curses ringing in his ears, he sprinted toward the school, hoping he'd be able to simply shot his target through a window.


Operative 65 melted into the shadows as soon as he had landed, sure that any watchful eyes were distracted by the direct approach of his partner.




142 made a mess of things unfortunately he noticed.


"Hold" He told Geso urgently. "I'll get him. It might just take a bit longer."


The last thing he wanted was for the insane boy to intervene in his fight-robot while in the midst of a horde of school-children and their families. Especially since these people where on their side


As soon as he believed himself to be unseen he got rid of the parachute and packed his riffle into an innocent looking bookcase, then he hurried into a side-street intending to enter the school through another entrance.

Edited by Laura-Lana

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Helios watched as one of the gun men started to run towards the school, but they came to a sudden stop. Perhaps they has realised that a school was not an ideal place to start shooting, or maybe they were awaiting further orders. Helios didn't know, but whatever was going to happen could not be allowed to happen here.


He looked over his shoulder at Nicolas who had appeared behind him. He should have known that Nicolas would be nearby. He always had a knack of turning up right when things started looking bad. Helios was grateful for his friend's protection, but he did not want anyone to get hurt for his sake.


"I'm going back outside" he said. "I do not want them trying to enter the school. There are too many children here."


He moved away from the window and for a few moments was protected by the brick wall as he walked down the corridor. He approached the double doors and stepped through them.

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((I'll have to use a different colour for Rolo. I just noticed how easily he can be confused with Helios posts))


Rolo and Forge crossed the house quickly. Luck was with them again, because the shooter paused right on the other side of their house. Weapon aimed at the school.


Forge stared at him a moment out of hatefilled eyes and then before Rolo could react, she opened the door and jumped him. The man let out a yelp of surprise and then another of supreme pain, when her touch started cooking him alive.


Forge started to laugh manically.


And in front of a big anti-mutant audience.


Rolo stayed in the house and stared in disbelief.


"Way to prove those idiots wrong." he muttered sarcastically. Of course the objective of the brotherhood was to fight the humans not to prove their peaceful intentions to them, so probably Forge had made the right choices. It still seemed surpremly idiotic to Rolo.



Geso's hands were balled. His knuckles were white. Operative 74 watched him, concern in her eyes.


Suddenly everything changed, as a rouge mutant appeared out of one of the houses lining the street and and did something that made 142 scream in agony.


74 gave Geso a worried look sure he'd give the signal to join the fight now, despite 65's assurances.


Instead of adding to his anger Geso had relaxed though. He was actually grinning as he watched the scene with shining eyes.


"Bad move." he whispered.

Edited by Laura-Lana

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Helios came to a stop several feet from the doors of the school. None of the visible gunmen had appeared to move. He was under no delusions of what they were here to do, either to kill him or capture him. As much as Helios hated bloodshed, he didn't intend to let them do either. He still had a lot of work to do.


Before anything more could be said or done another person leapt into view. They attacked the closest gunman to Helios and did something to make him cry out in pain. Even at this distance, Helios could smell the burning flesh.


"No!" cried Helios taking a step forward. "Don't kill him."


Enemy or not Helios did not what the man to be murdered. Helios had only ever taken one life himself. And that had been one life too many.

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Nicolas nodded in silence. His eyes scanned the area back and forth making sure nothing would sneak upon him as well. His barrier around the two of them was still firmly there. He followed Helios a secure distance giving him a bit of space, he didn’t want to suffocate form the over protectiveness. He heard the young man’s voice, worried he rushed closer watching what happened.

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"No!" cried a darkhaired, young man, who looked relatively frail. He took a step forward. "Don't kill him."


Forge let the contempt in her eyes speak for itself. It was mutants against humans. There was no place for mercy.


She straightend and let the cooked corpse splat on the pavement.


"Too late." she called back mockingly. "What a shame. Oh wait... NOT"


The crowd behind Helios started to get over their shock and slowly became angry. It began with a quiet muttering and now the first shouts rang out.



"Filthy mutant!"

"Someone kill that thing!"


They hadn't yet realized Helios was one of them too, their anger focused on Forge.


"Forge" Rolo hissed. "What the hell are you doing? Come back inside. There is still the other sniper around."


He could probably stop the other sniper and save Forge but only if he knew when and how far to cast his suspension. And right now he saw no trace of the other operative.


"Aren't we going to do anything, Sir?"


"Not yet. Let's see how Helios reacts."

Edited by Laura-Lana

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Helios watched in horror as the gunman fell from the woman's grasp and landed sizzling on the pavement. Such a pointless and avoidable death. Why had she done it? The man had been no threat to her.


The shock of witnessing such a horrible fate and the smell of the burned corpse made Helios feel faint. He took a few dizzy steps back and almost bumped into Nicolas. He shook his head and righted himself when he heard the disgusted and horrifed cries of the watching humans behind them.


"You should go" he told the female mutant. "This is not a safe place."


He wanted to protect his fellow mutant from the humans as much as he wanted to stop her from hurting them. He knew that if she pressed the issue he could do little to stop her, he would never turn on on of his own kind, but he did not want to witness any further deaths. It would serve no purpose.

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((How does Nick look? The link doesn't work))


Forge ignored Rolo's plea and focused on the dark-haired man and his companion instead. The pair of them didn't look at her with the hatefilled eyes of the crowd behind them. Where they mutants too? Where they the targets of those gunmen maybe. Unknown brethren?


She walked toward them quickly, trying to get a better feeling for them. If they were mutants it was her duty to escort them out of here.


"There is no safe place." She replied, sounding almost sad. "Not for me and not for you. You have to pick your side or you'll be cut down where you stand."


The mutant walking toward of them had inspired some of the humans to retreat deeper into the school, trying to evacuate the children.


Others had tried to find weapons for themselves and as Forge came closer the first missles started to fly.


An overripe tomatoe hit her straight in the face.


"Die, mutant!" the man who had thrown it shouted.


"Why are you trying to talk with that thing?" A grey haired woman wanted to know from Helios. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Are you one of those monsters too?"


((Edit: I hope you aren't hanging your heart on saving Forge. One way or the other she is going to get killed.))

Edited by Laura-Lana

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((I've amended the link a bit. Hopefully you can see it now.))


Despite everything that was going on around him a tiny part of Helios' mind wondered where on earth that man had gotten the tomato from. Had he brought it to the rally for some reason? Why? He doubted that he was planning on pelting Kelly with it. Or did he carry rotten fruit around with him in general in case he bumped into a mutant? Like many things that people did, this perplexed the young Helios.


When the female mutant spoke Helios gave a little internal sigh. Everyone wanted him to be on their side. Why? Why did he have to pick a side at all? Why did there have to be sides? Everyone acted like mutants were some strange race that had popped into existence over night, but mutants were born from humans. Sometimes they had human children themselves. Mutants were humans. Why couldn't anyone see that?


It was the woman with the grey hair that broke through Helios' internal struggle to make sense of things and he replied without really thinking.


"We're not monsters" he said sadly, not looking at her but at some inner vision of his own. "And she's not a thing."


No. You must never treat a person as a thing, no matter who they were. That was the root of al evils.


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((Yes. Thanks! And since I don't know why one of my charries should reflect on it.. here is the ooc explanation: They got the tomatoe from a rubbish bin in the caffeteria. A whole nice rubbish bin filled with rotten vegetables that have been thrown away earlier that day. ))

Operative 65 had entered the school from the back-entrance and climbed on the roof of the gym. Carefully moving from cover to cover he neared the other entrance and found to his delight that his target had left the safety of the building.


"Mutant!" the old woman screeched, backing away from Helios. "He is one of them too!"


The other people hurriedly backed away from Helios and Nick



"Perfect!" Operative 65 concluded and pulled the trigger.



"Watch out!" Rolo screamed as he saw someone rising up on the roof of the nearby gym, riffle in hand. But it was too late. The shot had fallen already. To Rolo's surprise no one went down.


The angle was perfect but the bullet was deflected by Nicolas forcefield and burried itself harmlessly into a wall ((Hope I understood that power correctly))



Forge hadn't understood exactly what the dark haired, frail man had said, but the reaction was all the clearer.


"Mutant! He is one of them too!"


"Watch out!" Rolo screamed behind her and a shot fell but did no harm.


"Well that answers that question." Forge concluded and fire came to her eyes again.


"You've come here wanting to invent new reasons to hate us?" She shouted at the crowd, trying to draw the attention toward herself again. "Damn you all! Let me give you what you desire!"


She streched her hand out, heating the car next to her to boiling in a second. The fuel still in the tank ignited, setting the car on fire. Unaffected by the flames Forge picked up the burning car with her superstrength intending to hurl it at the crowd behind the frail man and his blueeyed friend.


"Target is protected by some kind of invisble barrier." 65 reported. "I am not shooting again. I don't want one of my bullets to be reflected into the crowd."

"Don't worry. We'll find a way around it." Geso replied, his gaze still at the screen, his smile growing wider as he watched.


"Well, well." he said satisfied. "Someone remind me to grant that particular mutant a quick death. That was VERY helpful. Execute plan VIIa!"


"Executing plan VIIa!" the pilot confirmed and brought the plane close to the earth, allowing Geso to jump out in his knighmare frame, followed by the rest of the operatives who immediately dispersed, looking for cover and trying to block possible escape routes for Helios.


"Citizens!" operatives 74's lovely voice echoed over the speakers. "You are under attack by rouge mutants. Don't panic! We are here to protect you. Evacuate in an orderly fashion! Woman and children first."


Geso's knighmareframe had landed in a crouch and now slowly straightend itself, the machines making an omnious whirring sound.


"Let the party begin." he mouthed silently



((Sorry for giving you not more opportunitys to react. I've got to go now and I wanted to make sure that open conflict has errupted before that. Feel free to take over any operative you want to or make up new ones. And if the post is a real problem I'll edit the post tomorrow. *hugs*))

Edited by Laura-Lana

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((Yup. You understood the barrier part well happy.gif))


Nicolas felt something against his barrier and looked upwards. There where people on the roof and one of their bullets gave their spot away. Feared by another bullet soaring towards them and bouncing of his barrier, hitting someone, Nicolas slightly extended his barrier the entrance behind him. No one else was going to get hurt by these people.


“Helios what is your plan of action?” Nicolas whispered as he leaned closer to his ear. They were outnumbered indeed but both of them had been in worse.

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Ferals have always been a 'sub-species' as it were of the evolving human race, their rules and customs not something that is tangible or can even be explained sometimes. With so many different potential and new animals that Ferals can take the shapes and/or attributes from the rules quickly become more like guidelines, as a person could simply be a human with some animal-like senses and tendencies, to those who have spent and will spend their entire lives as some form of animal.


Ferals are never formally taught these guidelines, don't go to classes to learn about them or follow a mentor in a school such as Xaviers, but learn through instinct and mistake, and when they are ever in doubt about a social situation with other Ferals it will be instinct that guides them. If they are lucky, they will make an error around an older, wiser person who will not mistreat them for the social gaffe they have caused. If they are unlucky they will make that mistake before someone who is more in touch with their animalistic nature and as such will react accordingly. Fights are therefore not uncommon between those who have something of the animal about them.


Kez had been fortunate enough to have been born or blessed with good instincts; that, or he had been ready enough to admit to his feral nature and at times immerse himself in it, accepting that he was not entire human and enjoying the freedom it gave him. At the same time he still had a firm grasp on his humanity and while he was happy to submit at times to the animal, in turn the animal knew to submit to human thoughts and human ways. It was established, for example, that he was a rather Alpha personality; he had territory in the school grounds that he regularly exercised in and other Ferals respected him enough not to needlessly trespass on his grounds, and he was respected not just as a graduate student but also as an Alpha. At the same time he knew not tear into students or staff who were walking in what was considered "his" turf and to accept the intrusions - although he was swift to deal with any of the students who should learn better - and while he was dominant, he knew not to push that attitude too much around the senior team members.


It was a combination of both his feral instincts and human conscious that meant he had a lot of respect for Logan, who he had eventually looked up to as a student and later graduate, but that didn't mean he scraped and bowed at every opportunity. Yes, Logan was someone to respect and, to an extent, fear, but that didn't mean the Mansion's resident feline wouldn't speak his mind around the wolverine.


With a smile at Storm as she walked out of the room Kez nodded to those students who looked to him as he entered with a smaller, but no less sincere, smile, moving to take a chair just to the right of his team-mate. "Mr Logan, they probably learn too much of that from us as it is," he replied, looking at the news report. While it may have been some time since Wolverine's childhood, Kez's own school career at the Mansion was so fresh that some of the oldest students could still remember the rambunctious, somewhat-bitter young man who had turned up in a ragged state one evening all those years past. A teenager who could be as foul-mouthed as only a teenage boy could be, who would regularly make sojourns to the quarters of his female friends at night (which, despite rumours to the contrary, were innocent trips whereby he would indulge in his feline nature and curl up in a basket under his closest friend's bed), and had both impressed and exasperated all of his tutors at some point or another. Kez knew all about the bad habits of the students; he had taught them a couple!




- Post by Tyger

Edited by Kestra15

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Wolverine turned his head at someone sitting next to him, who turned out to be Kez. Sweet kid. At least, he was a kid to Logan, seeing as he himself was so old. And he was only- what? In his early twenties? That didn't matter; what mattered was that he had improved from the teenager who had arrived all those years ago. And had become a respectable member of their team. Of course, not many people gained visible respect from Wolverine (Xavier being one of few). "Just call me Logan. I'm not 'Mister.' And everyone needs a good reserve of swears," he rumbled. Oh, yet another mutant attack they were flipping to now. Breaking news. Some crazy people shooting near a school. This couldn't get any more stupid. He grumbled something about the American government and crossed his arms. If only that damn idiot Kelly could get some sense into that head of his. His skull had to be pretty thick if he couldn't see past his own nose. Mutants were the future. More and more would be born as the mutant gene was spread wider. "I'd like to stick my claws through people like this. That just adds to my list, though," he growled, gesturing to the screen.

Edited by Chicogal

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65's message was the last he would transmit for a while; as he finished the message and his reinforcements descended from the sky, the man heard the faintest of footfalls from directly behind him. Even as he started to turn he was aware of a tremendous pressure on the back of his neck, and then only darkness. Perhaps, if he was really fortunate, he might have just made out another footfall or two moving away quickly, but the ugly bruise already forming at the base of his skull meant that he would hear little else for a while to come.


If he was lucky, it was just a concussion. Most likely it was cerebral compression, and if left untreated he'd be dead in a few days. He wouldn't have been the first to have had his skull or neck broken, but fortunately his assailant had been reluctantly careful to avoid any directly-fatal blows this time.


The operatives were not the only ones who knew how to disappear from sight and move unnoticed through the city; in fact, some looked at them as amateurs, noisy and obvious individuals who wouldn't last five minutes in a favela. It was one of these expert urban ghosts who had successfully tailed 65 since he first descended from the roof-tops and made towards the school, waited for them to get onto the roof and even allowed them the grace of firing off a round before moving in for the kill. And had it been her choice, a kill it would have been. Quick, painless and necessary, but her leader asked that death be avoided, and much as it chaffed her to do so, she would obey.


Slipping back into the school Elizabeth took barely a moment to compose herself as she slipped out into an empty corridor and headed towards the commotion that was the public trying to find shelter in this complex. Her beautiful face no longer held a blank expression, but instead she now looked like just another panicked New Yorker. Perhaps she was a university student, given her dull denim jeans and t-shirt, or a new teacher. She could have been a mother trying to find her young daughter. Gone were the graceful, controlled movements of a street-honed fighter, but now just an unremarkable member of the public, like hundreds of others.




- Post by Quickstep


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~




Perhaps surprisingly Kez was a believer of violence not always being the answer; although he was no great negotiator or orator himself, he did hold somewhat to Xavier's philosophy of trying to find a peaceful resolution if possible. But the young man was no stranger to violence nor was he hesitant to ever use it - after all, what use was a tracker/field agent if they couldn't make those calls in the blink of an eye? A small part of him did always regret the unnecessary deaths, again shared between the human ruled by consciousness and ethics, and the instincts of an animal who would only kill for food, territory or pack. Regrets he could and would live with, and regrets he knew Logan had carried far longer than Kez would ever live for. Thus he decided not to make mention of there perhaps being a peaceful resolution; that, and it was clear that in this instance there seemed to be no choice but to fight.


"Herr Wagner already has enough of a job dissuading me from expanding our students' repertoire," Kez chuckled, one of his German students joining in with a lighter, feminine laugh to complement his own deeper rumble. His voice was not as deep as Logan's, his accent still English but not over-powering. A 'flat accent,' he'd once heard it described as, neither Northern nor Southern, country-lad or city-dweller. Just...English.


"Possibly best if we didn't go hunting today though; not a situation we should go sticking our tails in right now," he continued, becoming more sober. "It would appear to be that adding another party to the mix would get a lot more people hurt."




- Post by Tyger

Edited by Kestra15

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((Rolo: I wouldn't worry, Kez. It looks as if a great many people are going to be hurt regardtheless.))


Forge hesitated and didn't follow through with her throw, when she saw the plane sinking apruptly. She threw it against the plane instead. It fell far too short unfortunately, the debris ignighting several other fires in the street.


Forge shrugged and reached for another car to set it on fire, more concerned with the newcomers than with the people in the school now.


"Operatives 17 and 83, deal with the people in House Number 12! No survivours." Geso ordered coldly. It was the house from which the new mutant had come. Someone from there had tried to shout a warning when 65 fired the shot. Geso didn't know if it was yet another mutant or a collaborateur. A full-blooded human who aided these abdominations. He didn't much care either. He wanted that person dead and everyone else in there too, just for good measure.


"Confirmed." 17, and 83 replied.


Geso fixed his sights on his true target - Helios - and started to walk toward the mutant. His progress seemed slow, but with the long legs of the Knightmareframe he was actually faster than an olympic sprinter. Always provided the sprinter in question was a normal human of course..



Operative 17 had never thought of himself as a man with many scruples, nor had he thought that of 83. Neither would have qualified for Team XG if they had.

Yet somehow ever since Operative 24, one Geso Lamperouge, had become their teamleader, he had started to change.


Maybe one couldn't constantly trying to redirect someone elses bloodthirsthy impulses into something more rational without starting to secondguess ones own actions.


Whatever it was, when they entered the room and Operative 17 detected nothing but a teenaged boy in school uniform trying to hide in a corner, neither of them tried to shoot. They were defying 24's orders in unspoken agreement.


"Don't panic, kid" 17 said gently. "Come out here slowly and show us your face. If you aren't a mutant, nothing will happen to you."

The boy stepped out of the corner slowly. The scarf that had covered his face, slipped down.


"Operative 24?" 17, said surprised. "But if you are here, who is sitting in the knighmareframe?"


83 was thinking more clearly. He activated his com and his next word was a report to 74, who was coordinating from the air as well as a warning for his partner.




Simultaneously he lifted his gun, intending to make up for his earlier reluctance and go for the kill. There was no way Operative 24 could be in front of them now.


Suddenly a strange, red mark, like a V with wings flashed in Rolo's eyes and a red sphere filled the room. If the two operatives had still been aware of what was happening, they would have proof that he was a mutant now.

Rolo didn't hesitate. He stepped toward Operative 83 and took the gun out of his fingers, ignoring the pain in his chest as his heart started to fail.


"You shouldn't have looked into my face." he said, while he slid the darkened visor of the operative upward, revealing the man's face in turn.


Then he blew the man's head away.


Knowing his heart couldn't take more, he reluctantly lifted the time-suspension, which released the other Operative who stared dumbfounded at the place where Rolo had stood, not having noted yet that his partner was dead.

Edited by Laura-Lana

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Logan's nostril twitched. Although a part of the X-Men, he was more of a solitary character than a group worker. And so, it always got him slightly riled when someone even seemed to be trying to tell him what to do. But he refrained from spitting out a biting remark, instead settling for the slightest of nods. If it had been a student instead of Kez, he might have lashed out with words. Picking up the remote, he clicked across to another news channel out of curiousity. They were also covering the same attack. It wasn't too surprising really; although the conflict was nothing new or unusual, the media was getting a good time out of it. The only people who were. He growled lowly in irritation, quite tempted to throw the remote at the screen if only to release some of his frustration. He didn't really feel like having to go and purchase another one. Yet he was becoming restless anyway. Suddenly rising, he chucked the remote in the lap of one the students he was more fond of than the rest and made his way toward the exit of the lounge. "I'm going for a lope," he called over his shoulder, an open invitation for some of the more feral mutants in the room.

Edited by Chicogal

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In human-form his senses were not as enhanced as Logan's, but Kez could pick up the low growl and the restrained manner in which his team-mate nodded, and didn't take it too much to heart. Logan was a gruff personality all around, but he was straight-talking and it was something Kez had come to appreciate over the years. As the shorter Canadian rose and passed the controller onto another student Kez took a moment before standing up too, understanding the older man's energy and need to run; any student who had yet to see a white Amur running the woods was either blind or perpetually indoors (both real possibilities).


Smiling slightly to the students once more Kez followed Logan out of the room and into the corridors of the Mansion. "These attacks are becoming far more common-place," he said quietly as the pair moved through the Mansion. "The kids are getting scared to leave the Mansion."




- Post by Tyger


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~




Moving through the surging crowd that had taken shelter in the school, Elizabeth was neither upset nor afraid at some of the anti-mutant signs that had been left leaning against walls or trampled underfoot. Yes, it would be lovely to live in a world without fear of mutants, but even before mutants came to light there was still much more to fear. Elizabeth had spent her life on the streets, first in Rio, then briefly Sao Paulo, before being brought to New York where for all Helios' work she was as much a gutter-rat as she was some fifteen years or so ago. In all that time it had been humans who had been her hunters, humans who knew little or nothing of what she could do. Why did they think that ridding the world of mutants would change anything? Humans had an almost-unlimited capacity to hate, and it was that ability to loathe so deeply and utterly that would forever cripple the entire race.


Looking for all the world like a worried mother looking for a son or daughter, she managed to make her way to the window as the massive mechanised walker began to walk, each footstep causing the whole building to shake and windowpanes to rattle, and with an ominous thud a couple of large cork display boards toppled to the ground. Now the panic was multiplying; people wanting shelter from the mutants and their unknowable powers, and now wanting to escape to open air so that their so-called saviours didn't cause their sanctuary to collapse around them. It was madness, a stampede in the early stages, a disaster that could not be stopped; if anything, the mad rush and crush of people would probably cause more injuries and deaths than the battle outside.


A veteran of thousands of mobs, Elizabeth was already at the fire-exit as critical mass was reached and the heaving, sweating horde pushed for their escape, spilling out of the glass door at the forefront of the crowd and swinging straight to her left, keeping close to the bricks and mortar as a surge of scared civilians streamed out and into their stationary counterparts who were watching the drama unfold between the fiery mutant and her over-compensated opponent.




- Post by Quickstep

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Logan was silent for a couple of moments. In a way, he could sort of emphasise with them. Being scared. But that feeling was washed away by his own tough past - and he wasn't the most understanding man on the planet, either. "They need to toughen up," he grumbled deeply after his silence. "Fright won't help them in the real world. If they want to survive, want to make a difference, they need to be able to step into the open. Else they can't become a member of our team when they graduate. And they need to take their combat and survival skills more seriously." He scratched his sideburns. In his opinion, those lessons were far more important than math and history. What good would those do if they needed to find refuge in the wilderness? Entertainment at best. He proceeded to open the front door, stepping outside and deeply inhaling the lovely fresh air. Ahh. "I swear, kids - and people in general - become more cowardly by the decade..."

Edited by Chicogal

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Operative 74 watched the light of 65 go from green to orange, indicating that he was unconscious but not dead. A moment later 83 activated his com informing her of a shapeshifter.


"Unknown Shapeshifter in house number 12" she warned the rest of the team. She hoped no one had forgotten their identification codes, because with a shapeshifter on the loose anything else would spell death.


The light of 83 turned from green to red. The operative was dead.


74 muttered a curse.


"Operative 17. Status!"


"I think it is a teleporter too. One moment it was in front of me and now it's behind me. It has a gun."


17 sounded much more spooked than an experienced Operative like him should have. 74 made a mental note to have him removed from the team after the mission.


"I'll send reinforcements. Stay calm and keep your back to the wall."


"Confi..." He stopped talking midword.


"Operative 17?"


No reply. But the icon symbolizing him stayed a perfect green. 74 frowned.


"Operative 17! Reply!"






The 17 icon changed from green to red.


74 gritted her teeth and sent reinforcements.




The crazy mutant woman threw a burning car after their leader and when she missed she set another one on fire obviously intending to try again.


Operative 211 was one of the remaining snipers. He lifted his rifle calmly, aimed and shot.



Unlike Helios there wasn't any barrier protecting her, but luckily Forge was hit in the shoulder instead of her head. She let the burning car fall and took cover behind it.

Only now the scope of the problem began to register in her mind. She had wanted to intimidate a group of largely unarmed civilians and not get herself killed.


She had impressive skills and had had faith that Ninjaboy could have protected her from the remaining sharpshooter, though even that was obviously not something she should have taken for granted. Anyway Forge knew the limits of her "brothers" powers all too well. She was aware that he couldn't protect her from such a large widespread group.


"Uh... I know this is largely my own fault." she admitted to the frail young man and his companion, who stood between her and the school. "But if you have any nifty tricks up your sleeve now would be the moment to use them."




Rolo wiped a drop of blood from his cheek and tried to figure out what he should do now. Probably the wisest thing would be to retreat and hope Forge would come to her senses and flee too. Rolo wouldn't be of much help. His breath came in short gasps and his heart was aching despite him having let go of the second suspension already. It had been foolish too use that power so quickly again, but he had had no choice. Those two had to die. They had known Geso and would have told him that their "shapeshifter" had been using Geso's face and form. He couldn't count on his twin not to start wondering why and begin to look for alternate explanations.


He should leave. Through the backdoor. Now. Rolo stayed and stared out of the window at the big robot. He knew who was in it now. His brother. His twin. Right in front of him.


((This feels kind of strange. I am used to playing villains who for some reason or the other don't like killing. These two aren't restricted that way. ))

Edited by Laura-Lana

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