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Breeding, Gifting

Breeding, Gifting! News Update 04/01/24

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Welcome to the Breeding, Gifting thread!
(This topic was approved by rubyshoes and ~Z~)
This thread is for people who enjoy gifting dragons that they breed themselves. It is also for individuals who are looking for dragons to help complete their scrolls and/or particular lineages.


Topic Mod (Here to answer your questions, I don't bite!)


Raphy: PM here


Retired Mod/Awesome bean:

velvet-curse: Message

Thread creator/Wonderful Person


Latest News Can Be Found Here <--- Clickable


BG CAFE: Our very own discord channel! https://discord.gg/z9zCFjZRGp

How does Breeding, Gifting work you ask? 

First of all, please make sure you read all the rules. If there is anything unclear you can PM the forum Mod at anytime. Once done, all you have to do is make a post using the 'I want to request a gift!' form. You will find how to fill it in below. Then you just wait for one of our breeders to pop in and breed something for you! Simple as that! Request as often as you like! Happy breeding and gifting!

For any problems with the lists, please Message the Breeding, Gifting account so it can be updated as soon as we log on.

New Breeds will be request-able only after it is announced by a mod that the new list is open.

We DO NOT allow FFAs (free for all). This is not a 'drop' thread where you openly offer something you have bred previously. This is a thread where we gift people by their requests.

Important Rules (Yep you know you got to read them!)

Failure to comply with these rules will result in warnings and bans!


1.   We do not gift CB (Cave Born) eggs! Please do not request them! This includes Dinos, Chickens, Cheese and Paper as they are unbreedable. This is a BREEDING thread only!

2.   YOU CAN NOW BE ON AS MANY LISTS AS YOU LIKE, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ALT LISTS! When requesting make sure you use ONE Request Form for each of the dragons you wish to request, even if it is the same dragon more than once. You may request to be on the same list more than once as long as there are spaces available EXCEPT RARE lists. You may only be on these lists once.


3.   Gifts MUST stay on the scroll that they were originally gifted to! If the hatchling misgenders, alts, or turns the wrong color you must have the breeder’s permission in order to regift it or freeze it.


4.   You may not kill or trade gifts you receive from BG or take actions that may lead to a gifts death such as earthquake. If you wish to Bite a gift in order to turn it into a vampire you must state in your specific conditions that you intend to do that and you must have the breeder's permission.


 5.   If you are accidentally gifted more than one egg (example: two breeders offer you what you requested at the same time) only accept the first egg that was offered to you on the THREAD, not the first one in your Messages. Mods will read the thread to determine which egg was offered first.
If you do accidentally accept two gifts please offer to return the extra gift to its original owner. Failure to do this, or refusal to return the gift, will result in a warning or worse.

Breeders: Always check all posts since the last update before offering in case a gift has already been offered by another breeder. If you still choose to gift an egg it will count as an out of thread gift and should not be reported/posted in the thread.

6.   Do not complain about wait times or pester breeders or mods to breed for you. All begging, complaining, or rudeness toward mods or breeders is punishable with a warning or worse.

7.   Offtopic posts or chatting in the thread will result in a warning. Please keep all posts thread/request related. Questions and comments should be Messaged to the person they are directed at or the BG account.

8.   Posting FFA's (free for alls/links to eggs anyone can have) will get a warning. If caught a second time you will be banned! 
If you're looking for a simple drop thread, we recommend this one: DC Community Notice Board

9.   Always check the dragon list you want to be on first before posting a request to make sure there is room on the 10 slot list.

10.  HATCHIE REQUESTS ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED! They will only be accepted if you require an alt dragon or a specific colour of Pink Cantomaris, Nebula, Gemshard or Alcedine. All other hatchling requests will be denied. If you need a certain gender of hatchie, feel free to check out these two handy threads: BSA Distribution Committee and Influence for Me

11.  Gifts are expected to be reported and accepted within 24 hours of them being offered. Do not request a gift unless you will be able to check your Messages frequently and will be able to accept an offered gift as soon as you notice it is offered. Remember that some gifts are bred within minutes. If you do not respond to a gift offer withing 24 hours you will be removed from the list and will have to request again. If it happens a 2nd time, you will be issued a months warning and not be able to request until it's over. 


I think this is an important reminder now that the requests limits are lifted.  Asking for multiple requests at once means you have to have space to collect those gifts requested. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE MORE THAN ONE REQUEST AT A TIME if you will not be able to take eggs offered. This is especially for when you make common/easy to breed requests. 


Also: To keep lists as free as possible, requests that haven't been fulfilled after a year will be removed. You may redo the same request at any time though as long as there is a slot available.


(I feel this is also an important note to add because people seem to forget.... Saying THANK YOU is common curtesy and is expected! It takes two seconds to reply to a message. There is no excuse not to and it is mandatory. ^^)

Breeders: please wait at least 24hours before canceling your offer. If for some reason you have to cancel your offer before at least 24 hours please let us know asap. You may wait longer to report not accepted if you wish but we will not expect it of you.

12.   NO MINI-MODDING!! All questions about the thread should be sent to the Breeding, Gifting account or to a mod. Any questions posted on the thread should be answered only by a mod! Messages should not be sent from users to other users explaining the rules to them. That is a mods job and explanations given by non-mods have caused serious problems in the past.

13.   Double/Multiple posting: please note that double and multiple posting is considered spam on this thread. If you have two posts touching one another they should be combined into one post. If you wish to change a request before you are offered to or an update simply use the edit button to change the request.

14.   Please do not edit a post AFTER a thread update! We simply do not have the time to back read posts after we have completed the update. Editing posts after an update will be overlooked and the gift will not count for the breeder. 

BREEDERS: if there is a hard request on the thread that you intend to work on please Message the person that requested it to tell them you will work on it and Message the BG account to let us know as well. However, keep in mind it will not be up to us to remember you are working on it. If the request is removed it can simply be requested again.


***If your request is not accepted there is a good reason for it and we will always Message you to explain why. Arguing with mods about the rules or general rudeness may be met with a warning.***

Rules are subject to change as needed

Special Rules for Specific Lists (The special stuff!)

Shimmers and Tinsels:

  •  You may now request any gen Shimmer or Tinsel but bear in mind that getting a 2g will be extremely rare. But you may only be on one list per time (with the exception of those already on the list before 04 Jan '24)


Mystery Breed:

  • To request a Mystery egg, just put "Mystery breed" where it says "Dragon Breed List to be placed on". This list is for anyone who needs a certain lineage/gen but doesn't care what breed it is or just someone looking for a nice lineage. To request on this list you MUST include something in the specific conditions. Things like “anything not on my scroll” or “preferably a nice lineage” will not be accepted as those things can easily be grabbed from the AP and that is not the point of this thread.



  • This is the list for those looking for a pretty lineage from a Thuwed dragon. Simply put “Thuwed” where it says “Dragon Breed List to be placed on” in the request form. You do not need to put anything in the conditions if you don’t want to. You may only request from 3rd gen up (as much as I'd like it, TJ is not one of our breeders).


Spriter Alt lineages:

  • This list is for if you are looking for a dragon from a Spriter Alt lineage. Simply put “SAltkin or Spriters Alt” where it says “Dragon Breed List to be placed on” in the request form. You may only request 3rd gen and over. Some specific requests may be hard to complete or impossible so please keep that in mind.


Alt Black/Vine/Undine:

  • You may request to be on ONE of these lists while you are also on any two other lists.  A lot of people have been removing themselves from the alt lists within a week of being put there which is really inconvenient to breeders who are constantly using egg space to breed these. If you put yourself on an alt list please have patience and don't abuse the fact that our breeders are hatching something for you.
  • AP catches will now be allowed for generic Alt requests. Our breeders will still be using their slots and hatching things for you so I think it's only fair that they get the merit.


Holiday Dragons:

  • See fourth post for the rules regarding holiday dragon requests.

How to Request a Gift (The fun bit!)

Step 1: Locate the dragon you wish to request on the lists posts and make sure that there is an open slot for your request. All lists with special rules are in the second posts while all other dragons are in the third. Holiday lists are located in the fourth post and are only open during their respective breeding periods. If you don't see the dragon you are looking for listed at all it may not be requestable on this thread or may not be available yet if it is a new release.

Step 2: Make a new post using the “I want to request a gift!” form posted below. Do not request using anything other than this form. Please do not change the form layout. Do not delete anything (just leave them empty if necessary). If your post is hard to understand you may be asked to fix it.

Step 3: Wait! Depending on the dragon you asked for it may be some time before your request can be filled.

The Request Form!


I want to request a gift!
Forum Name: 
Scroll Link: 
Message Link: 
Today's Date: DD/MM/YYYY
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: 
Will you accept a messy lineage?: 
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: 
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met?: 




Example of how to fill out the form:
I want to request a gift!
Forum Name: Jane the Doe
Scroll Link: <---Can be found on your scroll page
Message Link: <--- Must be included in order to be added to a list. see tutorial or Message a mod for help.
Today's Date (for inactivity checks): Day/Month/Year
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: No <--- ONLY yes or no here
Will you accept a messy lineage?: No <--- ONLY yes or no here
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Xenowyrm <--- Look at the lists on the second and third post. ONLY put the name of one of those lists here.
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met? 3rd gen gaia checker to silver <--- Any additional details must go here such as color, morph, and lineage information. Please be as specific as needed to get what you actually want.

How Do I Get My Message Link??

Your Message link:
What is it? This is a link that will send someone to a Message which is already addressed to you.
How to get it

  1. At the bottom of any of your posts there is a “Message” button. It is blue and says the word message with a little envelope picture next to it. Click on this button, then in the screen that opens copy the URL address that is in the address bar at the top of your browser. Then simply paste this in the Message LINK line of the request form.
  2. Clink on your name to go to your profile. At the top you will see a blue message button with an envelope picture next to it. Right click this and copy the url in the url bar at the top of the window. Paste this in the Message Link line.
  3. Use your member number at the end of this url: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to= (*your member number can be found under your avatar in any of your posts)

How Do I Get My Scroll Link??

  • To find your scroll link, go onto your scroll page, find the writing 'If you would like to show your scroll to others, give them the following link:' and copy the link written in the white box underneath.
  • After that simply paste the URL into the Scroll Link line.
  • Please note that your request form MUST include this link! Simply putting “its in my signature” or “its the same as my forum name” is not acceptable!

Change of Request Form (Changed your mind?)

If you are already on one of the lists on the front page, have not been offered a gift, and would like to be moved to a new list use this form:


I want to change my request!

Today's Date (for inactivity checks)

Will you accept an inbred dragon?

Will you accept a messy lineage?

Original Dragon List

New Dragon List

(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met? 

How Do I Remove Myself From a List??
If you have not received a gift and simply want to be taken off the list you are already on use this:


Please remove me from Dragon List: ___ Forum Name: ___

If you received a gift you will be removed from the list automatically the next time a mod updates. Make sure to report that you have been given a gift as soon as you accept it. If you have received a gift and an update doesn't take place and are offered a second egg PLEASE BE HONEST AND SAY YOU HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED THE GIFT REQUESTED!! If you receive the same gift twice it will not count for the breeder!!!! Honesty first!
^ Please keep in mind that these two forms are ONLY to be used if an update has taken place and you are ALREADY on a list on the front page of the thread and have not been gifted to yet. If you simply want to change or edit your request BEFORE you have been offered to or added to a list during an update then use the edit button on your post to do so!

How Do I Report a Gift??
Breeders: When you send a gift to someone you need to use the below format in order to indicate that you are offering them a gift.
Requesters: Please also use this form to report that you accepted a gift that was offered to you as soon as you accept it.

To report a gift:
Breeder name here --> Requester name here: List name of dragon here (OFFERED/ACCEPTED)


This above form is used to show that you have offered a gift to someone and are waiting for them to take it. After they have taken the egg you may edit the form to say they accepted the gift.
Breeders: you may use this post to report that a gift was accepted if you wish but it is the requesters responsibility to report accepted as they are the ones online at the time they accept the gift.
Also, if an update has occured before the gift is accepted you will need to make a new post to report accepted. Editing a post that was already included in an update will result in the mods not seeing that the egg was accepted as the mods do not look back at posts after they are in an update. This is true for all forms and posts that have already been included in an update.


Keep in mind it is usually a good idea to post this form as soon as you have bred the gift and before doing anything else. Easy to breed things like red dragons with no conditions may have several people trying to breed the egg at the same time. You need to indicate as fast as possible that you have already bred the request as the mods will believe the FIRST POST with an offer in it was the first gift offered.

Please do not quote the request post. Only use the above format for reporting gifts.
Quoting should only ever be done by mods.


Please do not STRIKE THROUGH your form after you receive a gift. It is enough just to report it in another post.  If you do use STRIKE THROUGH ON YOUR REQUEST POST after receiving a gift make sure it has been reported properly first in a later post.  Always MAKE A NEW POST when you have received a gift! This is very important.

How Do I Request a New Gift??

After you have reported accepting a gift you may immediately request another one. All you have to do is post a new “i want to request a gift” form. There is no limit to how many eggs you can receive in one day and there is no cool down time between your requests.

Please keep in mind that you do not need to delete, edit, or scratch out an old request in order to show that you received it. When a mod does an update they need to see this progression of events:
You requested a gift -> a breeder saw your request THEN bred you the egg THEN posted they offered you the egg -> AFTER they have offered to you, you accepted the egg and reported it on the thread -> NOW you are free to post a new request form for a new gift.

Failure to make sure things are posted in the proper order may result in the mods becoming confused on whether a gift was sent to a player or not and if they need to be put on/taken off a list or not.


Want to Become a Breeder? (You will be showered in hugs and cookies!)

Thank you for your generosity! Breeding gifts can be a very rewarding experience! There's just a few rules and guidelines to keep in mind if you're a breeder for us


  1. You must have at least a silver trophy on your scroll to be a breeder.
  2. You should have read all the rules and have a good understanding of how the thread works. Becoming a breeder is saying you understand the rules and can tell if requesters are following them or not.
  3. If you gift a dragon please let us know using the gift reporting form so that this thread can be updated. Just make a post like this: Example: velvet-curse ---> FireMercury: Gold Egg offered. Do not quote the request post!
  4. Please make a post with the following form filled out in order to join:

I want to be a breeder!

Forum Name

Scroll Link

Have you read ALL the rules and feel like you understand them?

Do you have a Silver Trophy on your scroll?:  



Please ONLY offer gifts if you are a registered Breeder. There is plenty of room for new breeders so feel free to sign up. We have plenty of breeders already so it causes confusion if you are not registered. No unregistered gifts will count and if they continue I may have to issue warns.



Due to so many 2g Prize requests I am adding an 'honorary breeders' section to the breeders points. Prize owners may now gift offspring even if they don't want to sign up as a permanent breeder. This will apply ONLY for 2g prize gifts though. 💗-3MTNramd9qlMKBuKKLt4H9nT7TPhgtb626UUe_gOQi7pt3GH8Zt7O5zumqi17elGP0GDmrjZB63JyxugmZYxQinL-cEBs19J8UUmiordQElmbO8MhKsdKApnMs0LxsKd6PAhDrZsMwfTx9zpDaNsbgpgo8nN0NyFy2fmFQXE6qVHH1XdW6fpb_tpX6Glw


Breeders! Want to change your name that's on the breeder points list?
Plan to change the name you use on the forum? We'll need you to change your name on our breeder list as well so we know who we're giving points to.
Please use this forum to do it:
I want to change my breeder name!!
Previous Breeder name:
New Breeder name:


Edited by Breeding, Gifting

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The Special Stuff! (Please make sure you've read the extra rules for these)
latest?cb=20130129092840 Gold Shimmer 
1Forum Name: RLibora Scroll Link: scroll Message Link: pm Date: 18/Dec/2023

---Request: 2G Shimmer from Erador / Garland / Omen / Gold Lunar Herald / Yellow Glystere, will accept any even generation checker.4. 

2. Forum Name: Myoukin Scroll Link: Myouki Message Link: link Date: 04 Jan 2024

---Request: 2G From male Tutela Cantormaris (unrelated to 2q2SA), male Blue Zyumorph (unrelated to 3Q3hH), Light Weaver (unrelated to O44Cs), or Harkfrost

3. Forum Name: Mochi Scroll Link: Here Message Link: PM Date: 22/04/2024

---Request: 2G from Erador unrelated to: bgmRY




latest?cb=20130129093016 Silver Shimmer

1. Forum Name: Dirtytabs Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Dirtytabs Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=10892 Date: 14 Nov 23

---Request: 3G silver shim checkered with glystere wyrm, unrelated to https://dragcave.net/lineage/roKvl and https://dragcave.net/lineage/aHcTq (seems like a tall order, but maybe someone can breed one! 

2. Forum Name: Serotina Scroll Link: Cal-ifornia Message Link: Here Date: 19/Dec/2023

---Request: 2g from Glystere and F Silver Shimmer. Mate for: https://dragcave.net/lineage/vEHOK

3. Forum Name: Myoukin Scroll Link: Myouki Message Link: link Date: 04 Jan 2024

---Request: 2G From male Wisteria (unrelated to h8YVW), male Teal Astrael (unrelated to DVAb5), Eclipse Sonata (either gender), or Harkfrost

4. Forum Name: Rykan Scroll Link: Rykan Message Link: PM Date:  9/3/24

---Request: 2g from F Silver Lunar Herald /Amarignis/ F. Blue sonata; I’ll also accept 3g from Female Iridichi or Glystere Wyrm; FYI: I update list of mates often, since I also seek prizes outside BG, so before breeding check if there are any change of request that didn’t make it into the Thread Update to avoid unnecessary breedings, thank you!

5. Forum Name: euphoric_poptarts Scroll Link: dragcave.net/user/euphoric_poptarts Message: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/to=240183 Date: 04/14/2024

---Request: 2g or 3g from M Mirisia, mate for Vayed




latest?cb=20130129095836 Bronze Shimmer

1Forum Name: BringsTheSnow Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/BringsTheSnow Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=204719 Date: 14th June 2023

---Request: 2g from Male Bronze Shimmer x Female Sakuhana (mate for her)

2. Forum Name:  tjenni Scroll Link:  https://dragcave.net/user/tjenni Message Link:  https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=172226 Date:  01.01.2024

---Request: 2nd gen Bronze Shimmer x Whitewing Snowangel as a mate for https://dragcave.net/lineage/7Y5lJ (unrelated to https://dragcave.net/lineage/XRRFx) since my own Shimmer is already in the lineage, I can´t obviously breed this myself

3. Forum Name: Myoukin Scroll Link: Myouki Message Link: link Date: 04 Jan 2024

---Request: 2G From female Pale Shumoga (unrelated to nCY0Q), male Fanalia (unrelated to PRXvu), male White Astrael (unrelated to 3pG1H), or male Jawsplitter8. 

4. Forum Name: Rykan Scroll Link: Scroll link Message Link: PM Date:  11/5/24

---Request: 2g from Citrine Gemshard



26?cb=20110213202727 Gold Tinsel





26?cb=20110213202440 Silver Tinsel

1Forum Name: Whiteberry Scroll Link: Scroll Message Link: Message Date: 13/11/23

---Request: Seeking 2g Silver Tinsel by male Silver Tinsel from Jade Gemshard (Monday)

2Forum Name:  Terrafreaky Scroll Link:  https://dragcave.net/user/Terrafreaky Message Link:  https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=72498 Date:  04/12/23

---Request: 2G Silver Tinsel from female Silver Tinsel x male Tercorn, mate for: https://dragcave.net/lineage/Yebbv

3. Forum Name: Aleoleo Scroll Link: Scroll Message Link: Link Date: 27/02/2024

---Request: either a 2g or a 3g even-gen checker from male Terrae(s), unrelated to zhu5t

4. Forum Name: Edenello Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Edenello Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=243173 Date: 11/04/2024

---Request: 2g silver tinsel from ribbon dancer (to be bred with my tinsel's offspring next holiday)




26?cb=20110213202401 Bronze Tinsel

1Forum Name: Aqub Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/aqub Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=210985 Date: 9/6/23

---Request: 2G from female Iridichi 

2. Forum Name:  Terrafreaky Scroll Link:  https://dragcave.net/user/Terrafreaky Message Link:  https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=72498 Date:  01-Oct-2023

---Request: 3G Bronze Tinsel x Wintertide checker mate for https://dragcave.net/lineage/ANDUZ4. 

Forum Name:  tjenni Scroll Link:  https://dragcave.net/user/tjenni Message Link:  https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=172226 Date:  01.01.2024

---Request: 2nd gen Bronze Tinsel from Pryanost as a mate for https://dragcave.net/lineage/FzrcN (unrelated to https://dragcave.net/lineage/aUNUz)

4. Forum Name: Rykan Scroll Link: Scroll link Message Link: PM Date: 4/4/24

---Request:  2g from Pryanost or Female Arcana

5. Forum Name: marienine Scroll Link: link Message Link:  link Date: 4/20/2014

---Request: 2g from pink Sweetling. Preferably no long names



26?cb=20120101081139 Gold Dragon

1Forum Name: mishhelle Scroll Link: BoaHancock Message Link: message me! Date: June 14, 2023

---Request: 2g Gold from male Gold Shimmer x female Gold dragon, mate for lineage. nicely named parents with no “cb” tags, please

2.  Forum Name:  tjenni Scroll Link:  https://dragcave.net/user/tjenni Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=172226 Date: 19.06.2023

---Request: 2nd gen Gold from female Bronze Tinsel as a mate for https://dragcave.net/lineage/XYwgn

3Forum Name: LadyMadonna Scroll Link: My Scroll Message Link: Message me Date: 18 November 23

---Request: 2nd gen Gold from female Soulstone by male Gold as a mate for her (mine no egged me :( )

4. Forum Name: RLibora Scroll Link: scroll Message Link: pm Date: 7 Jan 2024

---Request: 2/3g checker with female Sunsong unrelated to MV9V1 or 2g with val'09 unrelated to DvP16

5. Forum Name: Mochi Scroll Link: Here Message Link: PM Date: 25/04/2024

---Request:  2G from Fenghuo Wyrm, named parents with no 'cb' or number tags




26?cb=20151203095231 Silver Dragon

1. Forum Name: RLibora Scroll Link: scroll Message Link: pm Date: 12/21/2023

---Request:  Prefer 4EG checker with female moonstone, not related to qICGC3omNX, BNOjv, JwmoN. Can be 2-5EG checker.





latest?cb=20200627065901 Xenowyrm (Staterae)

1. Forum Name: marienine Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/marienine Message Link:  https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=231751 Date: 5/27/2023

---Request:  3g from male Bronze Tinsel unrelated to this. Short-named parents preferred

2. Forum Name: LadyMadonna Scroll Link: My Scroll Message Link: Message me Date: 18 November

---Request: 2nd gen Staterae from female Staterae by male Silver Shimmer as mate for this one OR 2nd gen Staterae from female Staterae by male Holly as a mate for this one.

3. Forum Name: Angelssin Scroll Link:  https://dragcave.net/user/AngelsPunishment Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=206884 Date: 02/06/2024

---Request: 2G Staterae from Amarignis unrelated to https://dragcave.net/lineage/Mb3Ks

4. Forum Name: RLibora Scroll Link: scroll Message Link: pm Date:  Feb 28 2024

---Request: 2G from Xocoatl unrelated to 7nPe0, Heartstealing unrelated to AjbT8, or male Wisteria unrelated to AShIw and vToCu

5. Forum Name: Vuwu Scroll Link:https://dragcave.net/user/Vuwu Message Link:https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=242672 Date: 04/05/2024 Messy/Inbred OK




Mystery breed
To request a Mystery egg, just put 'Mystery breed' where it says 'Dragon Breed List to be placed on' and you MUST include conditions. This list is for anyone who needs a certain lineage/gen but doesn't care what breed it turns out to be.

1. Forum Name: Aqub Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/aqub Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=210985 Date: 06/04/24

---Request: 4G EG purebred Prize dragon, unrelated to https://dragcave.net/lineage/VbpyZ

2. Forum Name: Mochi Scroll Link: Here Message Link: PM Date: 22/04/2024

---Request:  3G Checker from any prize x any color Gemshard (but all the same color & prize within the lineage), unrelated to the following: sapphire | amethyst | aqua | citrine


To request a Thuwed, just put 'Thuwed' where it says 'Dragon Breed List to be placed on'. You don't have to specify a breed unless you want to. (For gold and silver lineages please still request those lists and just say you want a thuwed in your specifics)



Spriters Alt
To request a SAlt, just put 'SAlt or Spriters Alt' where it says 'Dragon Breed List to be placed on'. You don't have to specify a breed unless you want to. Only 3rd gen or above will be accepted.
Forum Name: Deathkiss Scroll Link: Deathkiss Message Link: Message Date: 19/02/24

---Request: 3g+ even generation saltkin from floral crowned or amarignis
2. Forum Name: Platykwak Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Platykwak Message Link: PM me Date: 29/02/2024

---Request: 4G Amalthean (F) SAltkin. Bottom Amaltheans. [LINEAGE SHAPE EXAMPLE IMAGE]! At least 3 SAlts please - more SAlt ancestors the better! One can also be black alt Sweetling. SAlt preference: Holiday > Vday > Halloween, but that's just extra.



Alt Dragons

You may be on ONE of these lists while still being on other non-alt lists.

latest?cb=20091212232716latest?cb=20090314161021 Alt Black
1Forum Name: s3w3rr0ach Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/s3w3rr0ach Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=242981 Date: 03/08/2024

---Request: curled version please! INBRED/MESSY OK

2. Forum Name: kaisinel Scroll Link: Scroll Message Link: Message Date: 05/04/2024

---Request: Hatchling version doesn't matter. If you can influence it to be female, it'd be much appreciated! If you can't, I request permission to freeze or regift the hatchling if it misgenders! I can also give it back to the breeder to do with it what they want to instead. 


40?cb=20140802232708 Alt Undine (yellow)




latest?cb=20091212232916 Alt Vine





Edited by Breeding, Gifting

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All the other Non Holiday Dragons

latest?cb=20160822010152 Aeon Wyvern

1Forum Name: RLibora Scroll Link: scroll Message Link: pm Date: 7 Jan 2024

---Request: 3g checker with Wintertide unrelated to k2Zli and KMTDU.

2. Forum Name: rinoa26 Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/rinoa26 Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=82541 Date: 24/04/2024

---Request: 2g from Xocoatl, mate for https://dragcave.net/lineage/gpNXq


latest?cb=20190521040528 Aeria Gloris

latest?cb=20181001083843 Aether Wyvern

26?cb=20100326224342 Albino

latest?cb=20200521040355 Alcedine

latest?cb=20230319040143 Algarre

26?cb=20160822010152 Almerald

latest?cb=20200521040355 Amalthean

26?cb=20150427002538 Anagallis

29?cb=20160320050143 Antarean

latest?cb=20190310101609 Aqualis

latest?cb=20191201140542 Aranoa

26?cb=20160521041840 Aria

latest?cb=20230521040343 Arrakyma

26?cb=20180827045901 Ash

latest?cb=20200823040223 Astaarus

latest?cb=20230730041341 Astrael Lime

latest?cb=20230730041328 Astrael Brown

latest?cb=20230730041304 Astrael Tan

latest?cb=20230730041250 Astrael Green

latest?cb=20230730041235 Astrael Teal

latest?cb=20230730041220 Astrael Pink

latest?cb=20230730041202 Astrael Blue

latest?cb=20230730041146 Astrael Black

latest?cb=20230730041130 Astrael White

latest?cb=20220521040308 Astralophyne 

26?cb=20140521053209 Avatar of Change

26?cb=20140521053131 Avatar of Creation

26?cb=20140521053229 Avatar of Destruction

26?cb=20161127013747 Azure Glacewing



1. Forum Name: RLibora Scroll Link: scroll Message Link: pm Date: April 13th 2024

---Request: 3g balloon from male spring unrelated to DCHR4


28?cb=20100326223523 Black

26?cb=20130522043007 Black Capped Teimarr

26?cb=20130524040513 Black Tea

26?cb=20180702062340 Black Truffle

26?cb=20130527050847 Blacktip

latest?cb=20210328041752 Blazeback

26?cb=20130707042236 Bleeding Moon
26?cb=20140705170852 Blue-Banded


latest?cb=20120815075436 Blusang Lindwurm

1. Forum Name: KittyHawkMC Scroll Link: KittyHawkMC Message Link: Here! Date: 4 Feb 2024

---Request: 3g Blusang from Erador, unrelated to him and her please! Would greatly appreciate named parents


latest?cb=20160710113251 Bolt

26?cb=20180827050153 Boreal

latest?cb=20100401041622 Bright Breasted Wyvern

26?cb=20120815075555 Brimstone
26?cb=20140302125336 Brute

26?cb=20160521092957 Candelabra

26?cb=20100326231533 Canopy

latest?cb=20210124051516 Cantomaris 

latest?cb=20140705171239 Carmine Wyvern

latest?cb=20170828210236 Carina

26?cb=20140705171227 Cassare

26?cb=20160401042937 Celestial

latest?cb=20220828040128 Ceriuth

latest?cb=20200521040354 Cloudplume


26?cb=20100704152019 Coastal Waverunner

1. Forum Name:  tjenni Scroll Link:  https://dragcave.net/user/tjenni Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=172226 Date: 19.06.2023

---Request: 2nd gen Coastal Waverunner from male Silver Shimmer as a mate fohttps://dragcave.net/lineage/DlZSm


latest?cb=20130526045552 Copper (Brown)

1. Forum Name: Deathkiss Scroll Link: Deathkiss Message Link: Message Date: 05/10/2023

---Request: 2g brown copper from male black dragon him. Named or readable code parents preferred.


latest?cb=20130526045553 Copper (Red)

1. Forum Name: Kovia Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Kovia Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=178066 Date: 6/7/2023

---Request: 2G from M Bronze Shimmer, unrelated to him please!

2. Forum Name:  Terrafreaky Scroll Link:  https://dragcave.net/user/Terrafreaky Message Link:  https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=72498 Date:  26/01/2024

---Request: 2G red Copper from female Bronze Tinsel, mate for https://dragcave.net/lineage/91r5E

3. Forum Name: Dirtytabs Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Dirtytabs Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=10892 Date: 14/05/2024

---Request: 2G red copper from pryanost lindwyrm (she should be from Forest or Alpine or Cave)


latest?cb=20130526045553 Copper (Green)

1. Forum Name: shades-of-chaos Scroll Link: Here Message Link: Message Date: 10 July 2023

---Request: 2g green copper from M silver shimmer as mate for this guy


latest?cb=20210521040907 Copper (Hybrid)

1. Forum Name: Aleoleo Scroll Link: Scroll Message Link: Link Date: 22/04/2024

---Request: 2g Pennybright Copper from Verdigris Copper mom and stunned Electric dad, named parents prefered


latest?cb=20200322040309 Crystalline 

26?cb=20100326230213 Daydream

26?cb=20100326230434 Deep Sea

latest?cb=20240324111553 Delta

26?cb=20160925094229 Diamondwing

latest?cb=20100327185304 Dorsal (Purple)

latest?cb=20100327185321 Dorsal (Red)

26?cb=20210508060837 Electric

latest?cb=20200726040101 Elux Lucis

26?cb=20101010122918 Ember


latest?cb=20200922050527 Equinox

1. Forum Name: Deathkiss Scroll Link: Deathkiss Message Link: Message Date: 05/12/2023

---Request: 2g from a female oracle wyrm. Named or readable code parents preferred.


latest?cb=20140503170353 Falconiform

latest?cb=20220521040732 Fanalea

26?cb=20161127013746 Fell

latest?cb=20140302064611 Fever Wyvern

26?cb=20170319130600 Fire Gem (Blue)

26?cb=20170319130600 Fire Gem (Green)

latest?cb=20170319130600 Fire Gem (Red)

26?cb=20100828164905 Flamingo

latest?cb=20180328001658 Floret Iris (Purple)


latest?cb=20180325214241 Floret Iris (Gold)

1. Forum Name: euphoric_poptarts Scroll Link: dragcave.net/user/euphoric_poptarts Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=240183 Date: 04/14/2024

---Request: 3g+ from Snow, mate foILgtb or his offspring


latest?cb=20210521042248 Floret Iris (Pink)

1. Forum Name: Aleoleo Scroll Link: Scroll Message Link: Link Date: 10/04/2024

---Request: 2g Pink Floret Iris with the same lineage pattern as SMh5W


latest?cb=20210521042301 Floret Alstroemeria (Pink)

latest?cb=20210521042312 Floret Alstroemeria (Purple)

latest?cb=20210521042324 Floret Alstroemeria (Gold)

26?cb=20180328001706 Freckled

26?cb=20160521112351 Frilled

26?cb=20140503170238 Frostbite

latest?cb=20190521040542 Galvanic


27?cb=20150329015520 Gemshard

1. Forum Name: Whiteberry Scroll Link: Scroll Message Link: Message Date: 13/Nov/23

---Request: Seeking 2g Jade Gemshard by male Silver Tinsel from Jade Gemshard.



26?cb=20101122013655 Geode

26?cb=20120123163245 Golden Wyvern

26?cb=20110917090713 Gold-Horned Tangar

26?cb=20100326231142 Green

26?cb=20100326233611 Guardian

26?cb=20101010122414 Harvest

latest?cb=20100401041551 Hellfire

26?cb=20130525040908 Hellhorse

26?cb=20100326232132 Horse

latest?cb=20220521040238 Hooded Murkling

latest?cb=20230521040707 Hunter

26?cb=20210328041807 Hydrophidius

26?cb=20100326231405 Ice

26?cb=20130707042308 Imperial Fleshcrowne

latest?cb=20230625091906 Incense

latest?cb=20230827040222 Jaw Splitter Wyrm

26?cb=20170828200205 Khusa

26?cb=20160821174632 Kingcrowne

latest?cb=20200521040353 Labradorite 

26?cb=20180521131301 Lacula

latest?cb=20240324111615 Lalopias

26?cb=20180521131302 Leodon

latest?cb=20230521040621 Lightstreak

latest?cb=20190521040440 Lihnseyre

latest?cb=20220424040109 Lotaan

26?cb=20120522161915 Light Lumina


26?cb=20160821180014 Dark Lumina

1. Forum Name: Dirtytabs Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Dirtytabs Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=10892 Date: 14/05/2024 Rykan OFFERED

---Request: 2G from male dark lumina and female purple siyat (like this)


latest?cb=20190721045238 Luminox 


26?cb=20150829075158 Lunar Herald (golden)

1. Forum Name: rinoa26 Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/rinoa26 Message Link: click me Date: 20/04/2024

---Request: 3g Golden Lunar checker x Pryanost, unrelated mate for https://dragcave.net/lineage/W1fM9


26?cb=20150829075216 Lunar Herald (bronze)

26?cb=20150829075222 Lunar Herald (blue)


26?cb=20150829075208 Lunar Herald (silver)

1Forum Name: Dracaena Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Starfyre Message Link:  https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=83970 Date:  10/14/23

---Request: 3rd gen checker with male desipis, mate for https://dragcave.net/lineage/k4tnx


26?cb=20100326232645 Magi


26?cb=20091124051821 Magma

1. Forum Name: Dirtytabs Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Dirtytabs Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=10892 Date: 03/05/2024

---Request: 2g from vermeil

2. Forum Name: Angelssin Scroll Link:  https://dragcave.net/user/AngelsPunishment Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=206884 Date: 06/13/2024

---Request: 2G Magma from F Gold Shimmer unrelated to https://dragcave.net/lineage/8i9KY or https://dragcave.net/lineage/MEOlC


latest?cb=20230521040316 Marocephalic

26?cb=20180521131302 Melisor

26?cb=20100326231927 Mint

latest?cb=20210926040149 Mirisia Amphiptere


latest?cb=20200922050512 Mistra

1. Forum Name:  tjenni Scroll Link:  https://dragcave.net/user/tjenni Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=172226 Date: 19.06.2023

---Request:  2nd gen Mistra from male Silver Tinsel as a mate for https://dragcave.net/lineage/y3icL

2. Forum Name: shades-of-chaos Scroll Link: Here Message Link: Message Date: 10 July 2023

---Request: 2g mistral from M gold shimmer as mate for this guy


26?cb=20160925094249 Monarch

26?cb=20110718053551 Moonstone


26?cb=20100401041445 Nebula

1. Forum Name: marienine Scroll Link: link Message Link:  link Date: 4/3/2024

---Request: 2g from m green Nebula x f Gold Tinsel. If the egg miscolors I will keep it but will need another

2. Forum Name: euphoric_poptarts Scroll Link: dragcave.net/user/euphoric_poptarts Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=240183 Date: 04/14/2024

---Request: 3g from M Moonstone, mate for tupdF


26?cb=20100326230713 Neotropical


latest?cb=20131130094503 Nhiostrife Wyvern

1. Forum Name: Iside Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Iside Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=58441 Date: 3rd February 2024

---Request: 3rd gen nhiostrife x rosebud, unrelated to https://dragcave.net/lineage/7QzKu and to https://dragcave.net/lineage/p4FaS


26?cb=20210124051359 Nobleshield

26?cb=20100116171826 Nocturne

26?cb=20120815075525 Olive


latest?cb=20210725040109 Oracle

1. Forum Name: Bacon Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/BaconLady Message Link: PM Link Date: 3/05/2024

---Request: 4th Gen Checker from female pinks.


latest?cb=20230827040204 Peach Pied

26?cb=20110316055144 Pillow

26?cb=20100326231252 Pink

26?cb=20150329015425 Plated Colossus

26?cb=20100326231236 Purple

26?cb=20140920173132 Pyralspite (Almandine)

26?cb=20140920173142 Pyralspite (Pyrope)

26?cb=20140920173137 Pyralspite (Spessartine)


26?cb=20210822040310 Pyropellis Wyvern

1. Forum Name: Aqub Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/aqub Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=210985 Date: 1/3/24

---Request: 2g from M Green Pyropellis x F Exalted Pitfire


26?cb=20180702062338 Pyrovar

latest?cb=20220521040254 Pyrrhichios

latest?cb=20180521131300 Razorcrest

26?cb=20100326231225 Red

latest?cb=20100828155817 Ridgewing

latest?cb=20100828163556 Ridgewing (Tan)

latest?cb=20190630212532 Rift

26?cb=20170625075014 Risensong

26?cb=20120123055741 Royal Blue

26?cb=20130407052417 Royal Crimson

latest?cb=20210521041110 Royal Eminence

latest?cb=20191201141103 Sandwaste

latest?cb=20200521040353 Sapo

latest?cb=20160320050131 Sapphire

26?cb=20210425121423 Sawtooth

latest?cb=20170428203409 Scimitar-wing Wyvern

26?cb=20170718093724 Script


latest?cb=20100328012039 Seasonal (Winter)

1. Forum Name: Tiira Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Tiira Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=43844 Date: 20/03/2024

---Request: 2G from female bronze tinsel and male spring seasonal

2. Forum Name: RLibora Scroll Link: scroll Message Link: pm Date: April 13th 2023

---Request: 3g spring from male purple unrelated to HhW2t

3. Forum Name: Rhikasa Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Rhikasa Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=235962 Date: May 6, 2024

---Request:  3G Spring Dragon from a male Spring Dragon x female Arcana Dragon, unrelated to this dragon


latest?cb=20210508062118 Serrati Wyvern

26?cb=20170625075013 Setsong

26?cb=20100526071332 Shallow Water

26?cb=20210822040335 Shumoga (normal)

26?cb=20170428203616 Siinai Krai

latest?cb=20230521040548 Silvershade Wyvern


26?cb=20180729053741 Siyat

1. Forum Name: Rhikasa Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Rhikasa Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=235962 Date: March 15, 2024

---Request: 3G Siyat Dragon from a male Floral-Crowned Dragon x female Green Siyat Dragon, unrelated to this dragon and this dragon


latest?cb=20190427192330 Skysilk

latest?cb=20200823040209 Skystrider

26?cb=20100326232320 Skywing

latest?cb=20230430040225 Sonata

latest?cb=20230430040139 Sonata


latest?cb=20230430040206 Sonata

latest?cb=20210508062422 Sophrosyne Dragons

26?cb=20130304065259 Speckle Throat

latest?cb=20170930230404 Spinel (Violet)

latest?cb=20171002031618 Spinel (Green)

26?cb=20150726071712 Spirit Ward

26?cb=20100704151956 Spitfire

26?cb=20110917090613 Spotted Greenwing

latest?cb=20230521040603 Stellarum

26?cb=20090310172424 Stone

latest?cb=20100326231836 Storm

26?cb=20160710113249 Storm-Rider

latest?cb=20200322040247 Stratos

latest?cb=20100405160707 Stripe (All Colours)

26?cb=20150329015542 Striped River

26?cb=20100326235413 Sunrise/Sunset

26?cb=20100401041314 Sunsong

26?cb=20110718082207 Sunstone

26?cb=20110316055643 Swallowtail

latest?cb=20190901161503 Tercorn


26?cb=20140809085417 Terrae

1. Forum Name: Dirtytabs Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Dirtytabs Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=10892 Date: 14/05/2024

---Request: 2G from male delta


26?cb=20170319130559 Tetra

1. Forum Name:  Terrafreaky Scroll Link:  https://dragcave.net/user/Terrafreaky Message Link:  https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=72498 Date:  03/04/2024

---Request: 3G Tetra from Val 09 checker,  not related to https://dragcave.net/lineage/cGssr



latest?cb=20220521040331 Thundersnow

latest?cb=20210508085022 Tideweaver Lindwyrms

26?cb=20121123081638 Tri-Horn Wyvern

26?cb=20120522052309 Tsunami

26?cb=20120425065122 Turpentine

26?cb=20100116232848 Two-Finned Bluna

26?cb=20120522051151 Ultraviolet

26?cb=20140802171030 Undine

latest?cb=20230319040131 Ushgorn


26?cb=20100401052333 Vampire

1. Forum Name: SQDragon Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/SQDragon Message Link: Compose New - Dragon Cave Forums (dragcave.net) Date: 9/4/2024


latest?cb=20200426040653 Venturis


26?cb=20100326225900 Vine

1. Forum Name: Iside Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Iside Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=58441 Date: 27th January 2024

---Request: 3rd gen vine x arsani, mate for https://dragcave.net/lineage/Wo1oE


26?cb=20100326233452 Water

26?cb=20100327001313 Water Walker

latest?cb=20090826054221 Waterhorse

26?cb=20100327001427 Whiptail

26?cb=20100326232036 White

latest?cb=20240428040050 Windrider Wyvern

latest?cb=20220328045632 Wisteria

latest?cb=20200627063340 Xenowyrm (Aquilo) 

latest?cb=20200627064700 Xenowyrm (Aso) 

latest?cb=20150627180046 Xenowyrm (Astrapi) 


latest?cb=20150627180111 Xenowyrm (Chrono)

1. Forum Name: marienine Scroll Link: link Message Link:  link Date: 4/20/2024

---Request: 2g from m Chrono Xeno x f gold Tinsel. Preferably no long names


latest?cb=20150627180116 Xenowyrm (Gaia)

latest?cb=20200627065137 Xenowyrm (Ke'maro)


latest?cb=20150627180103 Xenowyrm (Mageia)

1. Forum Name: purplehaze Scroll Link: Scroll Message Link: PM Date: 12/14/2023

---Request: 2G from enraged Aegis, unrelated to this


latest?cb=20200627065437 Xenowyrm (Obidar)

1. Forum Name: kaisinel Scroll Link: Scroll Message Link: Message Date: 19/03/2024

---Request: 2G from Male Blacktip x Female Gaia Xenowyrm. 


latest?cb=20200627064814 Xenowyrm (Pharos)

latest?cb=20150627180121 Xenowyrm (Pyro)

26?cb=20150627180055 Xenowyrm (Thalassa)

26?cb=20200627065006 Xenowyrm (Umbra)

latest?cb=20200426040352 Xol

26?cb=20130908041618 Yellow Crowned

26?cb=20170521115306 Zyumorph (Black)

26?cb=20170521115308 Zyumorph (Blue)

26?cb=20170521115308 Zyumorph (Pink)

26?cb=20170521115309 Zyumorph (Red)

26?cb=20170521115309 Zyumorph (White)

26?cb=20170521115309 Zyumorph (Yellow)




latest?cb=20190630212602 Avea Pygmy

latest?cb=20220328045607 Avin Pygmy

latest?cb=20190901161524 Coral Pygmy

latest?cb=20110521085052 Crimson Flare Pygmy

latest?cb=20170625075013 Dusk Pygmy

latest?cb=20230521040721 Flare-Tail Pygmy

latest?cb=20220521040224 Furor Pygmy

latest?cb=20190721045310 Glowback Pygmy

latest?cb=20190521040423 Kovos Pygmy

latest?cb=20160821113518 Kyanite Pygmy

latest?cb=20220703112429 Lightning Pygmy

latest?cb=20150521041218 Magelight Pygmy

latest?cb=20190427192442 Mariner Pygmy

latest?cb=20180729053613 Mimic Pygmy

latest?cb=20110521085150 Misfit Pygmy

14?cb=20210508061553 Mistlet Pygmy

14?cb=20110521085236 Nilia Pygmy

latest?cb=20210521041935 Nilia Pygmy (Hybrid)

latest?cb=20230430040242 Occulri Pygmy

latest?cb=20220925040304 Painted Ray

latest?cb=20200521040354 Pargulus Pygmy

latest?cb=20180930222118 Pipio Pygmy

latest?cb=20100327182554 Pygmy

latest?cb=20180422064034 Red-Tailed Wyrm Pygmy

14?cb=20210508061820 Seawyrm Pygmy

latest?cb=20210926040139 Scymrian Pygmy

latest?cb=20240428040132 Twinklecape Pygmy




latest?cb=2017071809372226?cb=20170718093722 Baikala

26?cb=20170930230350 Bauta

latest?cb=20190310101620 Blancblack


latest?cb=20210508060318latest?cb=20210508060525 Ciriax Lindwyrms

1. Forum Name: Dirtytabs Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Dirtytabs Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=10892 Date: 18/04/2024

---Request: 2G green from male vilvoor and female green ciriax


26?cb=20130804081540 Duotone

latest?cb=20220703113637latest?cb=20220703113658latest?cb=20220703113631latest?cb=20220703112816latest?cb=20220703113624latest?cb=20220703113706 False-Headed Hydra

latest?cb=20190521040458 Geminae

latest?cb=20220424040126 Ghanser

26?cb=20130523040507 Gilded Bloodscale

26?cb=20150521041533 Hooktalon

latest?cb=20200521040353 Jester

26?cb=20210425121438 Magnesium Amphipteres

26?cb=20160521092956 Nexus

latest?cb=20220828040100 Quonebb Dragons


latest?cb=20220521040209 Scourgekeeper

1. Forum Name: Dizzywing Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Dizzywing Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=242534 Date: march 14 2024 

---Request: 2g from male scourgekeeper x female quonebb, please

2. Forum Name: Deathkiss Scroll Link: Deathkiss Message Link: Message Date: 04/22/2023

---Request: From Male Crypt X F Scourgekeeper unrelated to him. Named or readable code parents preferred.


latest?cb=20100327194305 Two-Headed/Split

latest?cb=20231001040143 Tangledrakin

26?cb=20210725040132 Temple Wyrm

latest?cb=20231001040127 Vilvoor




latest?cb=20220925040248 Berry Drake

latest?cb=20160522045206 Glaucus Drake

latest?cb=20160522045209 Greater Spotted Drake

latest?cb=20161126214544 Honey Drake

latest?cb=20160522045209 Howler Drake

22?cb=20160521092957 Morphodrake

22?cb=20160522045210 Ochredrake

latest?cb=20200726040115 Pseudo-Wyvern

latest?cb=20210627040316 Sabertooth Bull Drake

latest?cb=20210627040258 Spotted Teal Drake

22?cb=20210508062910 Sunbeam/Moonglow Drakes

22?cb=20160521092957 Tarantula Hawk Drake

latest?cb=20180422064035 Tatterdrake

latest?cb=20230625091946 Vespine (Yellow)


latest?cb=20230625091930 Vespine (White)

1. Forum Name: Dirtytabs Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Dirtytabs Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=10892 Date: 18/04/2024

---Request: 2G from male tatterdrake and female white vespine


latest?cb=20190521040514 Vremya


Edited by Breeding, Gifting

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HOLIDAY GIFTING RULES (The festive ones!)


Please follow these rules to make sure gifting goes as quickly and smoothly as possible:


  • In order to allow more gifts to be given during the short breeding period there will be 15 slots per list.
  • AP catches will be allowed for the holiday dragons only in order to allow as many people as possible to get what they are looking for.
  • If you have a normal request open you MAY STAY on that list and still request to be on ONE holiday list at the same time so that you do not have to move back and forth for the brief time that these dragons can be bred.
  • With the above rule, please keep in mind that you are still responsible for having the room to accept the dragons you ask for AS SOON AS YOU ASK FOR THEM. Holiday gifts will not be expected to be kept waiting for more than 24 hours as this breeding period only lasts a week and failure to accept an egg from either of your requests will still result in removal from the list and a warning like usual.
  • You MAY NOT request hatchlings. If you need a certain gender then you must make sure you have enough pinks before hand.
  • DO NOT request holidays before it has been announced that the lists are open. The lists will open the day that holidays are able to be bred again and will be closed when their breeding period is up. Requests that are unfortunately still on the list at this time will be removed and all lists will be closed.


Failure to comply with these rules may result in possible warnings and bans!


Reminder: rules are always subject to change.






Mystery Christmas

latest?cb=20231225050104 Harkfrost 

latest?cb=20221225050055 Light Weaver

latest?cb=20211225050135 Pyranost

 26?cb=20201225053851 Glystere

latest?cb=20191225050109 Wintertide

latest?cb=20181226075741 Starsinger

29?cb=20171225071828 Garland

26?cb=20161225050715 Snow

26?cb=20151225050241 Aegis

26?cb=20141225051053 Mistletoe

26?cb=20131225053132 Solstice

26?cb=20121225055209 Wrapping Wing

latest?cb=20210508061237 Blizzard Wizards

26?cb=20101225051954 Ribbon Dancer

26?cb=20101227034458Snow Angel

26?cb=20090423185228 Yulebuck







Mystery Valentine

latest?cb=20240214050118 Fenghuo Wyrm

latest?cb=20230214050232 Xocoatl

latest?cb=20220214050034 Vermeil

26?cb=20210214050111 Amarignis 

latest?cb=20200214050129 Erador

 latest?cb=20190214082959 Sakuhana

26?cb=20180214073617 Floral-Crowned

26?cb=20170219235756 Soulstone

26?cb=20160214050112 Mutamore

26?cb=20150214063338 Heartstealing

26?cb=20140214110806 Radiant Angel

27?cb=20130214051557 Arsani

26?cb=20120214050456 Heartseeker

26?cb=20110214053658 Rosebud

26?cb=20100214060518 Sweetling

26?cb=20091226115201 Valentine 09






Mystery Halloween

latest?cb=20231031040102 Abyss Watcher

latest?cb=20221031040042 Crypt

latest?cb=20211031042056 Iridichi

26?cb=20201031040253 Pitfire

latest?cb=20191031040549 Kohraki

26?cb=20181031060545 Arcana

26?cb=20171031053452 Omen

latest?cb=20161031042523 Witchlight

26?cb=20151031040155 Caligene

26?cb=20141031040823 Desipis

26?cb=20131031041612 Grave

26?cb=20121103040826 Cavern Lurker

33?cb=20111031040512Shadow Walker

26?cb=20101101062600 Black Marrow

26?cb=20101029133918 Pumpkin



Edited by Breeding, Gifting

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The Breeders (aka The ones who make it work)

Breeders List <--If you are an active breeder you will be added to this list. CLICKABLE LINK 

(If you are an inactive breeder and gift again you will have to re-register as a breeder to be moved back to the active breeders list. Your past stats/points are also on this sheet.)


Breeder Stats
Crystal Breeder (500+)

velvet-curse: 585x

Diamond Breeders (250+)

Dirtytabs: 453x

Iside: 334x

Raphy: 360x

--Seven--: 283x

Platinum Breeders (100+)
clara954: 112x

Lavinia: 147x

Flamecrystal: 118x

natli: 146x

Aleoleo: 114x


Gold Breeders (50+)

rinoa26: 82x

Terrafreaky: 79x

Sketch: 88x

Feesh: 80x

Deja: 67x

DevilAngelWolf27: 76x

Absurde: 53x

Dark_Angel12345: 90x

BringsTheSnow: 87x

Aqub: 86x

amamiyaRitsukabi29: 63x

purplehaze: 64x

Silver Breeders (30+)

Tigerkralle: 31x

purple3485: 34x

Dark-Shadow: 39x

tjenni: 38x

Kovia: 43x

Deathkiss: 44x

Rykan : 49x 

Mochi: 30x

Bronze Breeders (10+

Natevaelle: 24x

Terces: 26x

Ruby Eyes: 26x

Long_before_sunrise: 20x

Rousalka: 17x

Electric-Borealis: 10x

Laura-Lana: 13x

Zack: 12x

0x08: 13x

Dracaena: 24x

Missy_: 10x

Rhikasa: 21x

Painted: 10x

Rainsparlke: 24x

blinkdog: 12x

bluelizard02: 12x

zippuzzle: 11x 

Dizzywing: 17x

LadyMadonna: 22x

baoser: 10x

polaristar: 21x


Soulsborne: 4x

Chanilove: 2x

Shadowdrake: 3x

Oxuna: 6x

Sans-Undertale: 1x

brevi: 2x

EnderQueen0320: 1x

Moriaty: 8x

SeaCrestStar: 2x

KitNLi: 2x

titinian.masquarade: 6x

mishhelle: 3x

ChewyBoba: 7x

MysticMusician: 9x

SickSoul: 1x

Elizabeth Moonstone: 1x 

KittyHawkMC : 3x 

11th: 1x

ArgentiAertheri: 1x

gayrurumon: 1x

Cal-ifornia: 5x

ryon_brink: 2x

euphoric_poptarts: 2x

Fuzzbucket: 1x

Edenello: 1x


Honorary 2g Prize breeders




Breeders Badges: (Please only use the badge corresponding to your breeder status, any misuse may lead to warns and/or bans)


Anniversary Badge YkRIXa1.png




Bronze Breeder:     sidDqab.png 




Silver Breeder:       iTTNP7f.png




Gold Breeder:        Uv8pcwf.png




Platinum Breeder:  YlTA4cy.png




Diamond Breeder:  9IoCsvG.png




Crystal Breeders

Edited by Breeding, Gifting

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Warns and Bans lists:

1 Month Warning
People who have not paid attention the rules (i.e CB requests, failure to follow rules etc) will be issued a month long warning. You may still make requests though. If you get issued a second warning in this period of time you will get a temporary ban.


Temporary Ban
People who have been issued 2 warnings will be issued a 1 month ban. Posting in the thread before they are off this list will result in longer ban periods or permanent banning from the thread if deemed appropriate.




Permanent Ban
People permanently banned from the thread. If they are seen posting in the thread and/or requesting eggs from the thread, you should report them to a DC forum moderator



Edited by Breeding, Gifting

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News update:


All bred gifts will count from now on, even if not picked up. It's only fair that you awesome breeders get your points even if the gift isn't picked up in time or if the giftee has gone inactive!


Also, due to the huge amount of Prize requests, I am tentatively going back to allowing only one request per Rare list from now on.

What does this mean you ask? This means if you are already on the list for a Gold Tinsel, you may not request another Gold Tinsel until your first request is gifted But you may request a Silver Tinsel or different rare at the same time.


I am also going to do a time limit of 1 year for requests. If a request has been up for 12 months without being bred, it will automatically be removed. You may redo the request immediately if you so prefer. This will start as of today.


For any questions or suggestions, feel free to PM or drop into discord


Raphy ^^ 



News Update 01/01/24 Happy New Year!


Whats new for 2024 you ask? Apart from our new smol BG discord channel, as of this month there will be a small monthly award for the breeder who gifts the most each month! 😉






Latest news!

News Update 01/12/2021

Hello everyone Velvet here, I'm retiring as a moderator for this thread due to time restrictions I haven't felt I've been giving it the love and attention it deserves in a while now and the brilliant Raphy who used to mod with me has offered to take over ownership and run the thread. I'll still play the game and be a breeder but it's time for me to step down as a mod. I've enjoyed all these years helping people get the dragons they desired and the thread will continue to do so with Raphy as the owner.


Thanks for the memories everyone. If you'd like to respond to this at all please feel free to Message me directly so you don't clog the thread :)


Edited by Breeding, Gifting

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Fun Breeding, Gifting Banners for your signature!





user posted image ~ Pryanka




user posted image ~ Holocast




user posted image ~ Holocast




user posted image ~ CafeNaRigara




user posted image ~Timbre




user posted image ~ dirtytabs





user posted image ~ Bohem




XGvQZYb.png ~Natevaelle




Pst255Z.png ~Natevaelle




r9DL6Yd.png ~Natevaelle



user posted image   ~Pryanka
guofTbQ.gif  ~Raphy


rH6b3JF.gif  ~Raphy




OM9EO0B.gif  ~Raphy




r7VRNx9.gif  ~Raphy





2xOJocq.gif  ~Raphy




Edited by Breeding, Gifting

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I apologise sincerely for the confusion caused by my absence. Health and other circumstances haven't been on my side over the last few months but hopefully by the end of this year I will be back with the same strength as before.


For now I will do my very best to get things back on track and for this reason all requests will be wiped to start anew. So many were old requests of almost a year ago. Please do feel free to request the same thing once again as soon as the thread is updated and cleaned. 


Please DO NOT post any requests until everything is ready and the thread has been cleaned by a mod.


Thank you everyone for your patience and please take a cookie from the plate whilst you wait!







Please if you use STRIKE THROUGH ON YOUR REQUEST POST after receiving a gift make sure it has been reported properly first in a later post.  Always MAKE A NEW POST when you have received a gift! This is very important.


New breeders that applied have been added and ALL breeder points for gifts over the last few months have been added accordingly! Thank you everyone for keeping up the good work.

Edited by Breeding, Gifting

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On 12/8/2023 at 9:22 PM, ishtaryasha said:

I want to request a gift!
Forum Name:  ishtaryasha
Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/ishtaryasha
Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=44093
Will you accept an inbred dragon?:  yes
Will you accept a messy lineage?:  yes
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Xenowyrm (Staterae)
Any specific conditions that must be met?:  Any  egg/hatchling would be a fantasy 💖


@ishtaryasha please edit and repost your request. Hatching requests are not allowed (just delete that part and repost request)

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On 12/12/2023 at 9:40 PM, purplehaze said:

It has been more than 48 hours and the egg is still on my scroll. I will hold the egg until I need the space for something else, or until it is ready to hatch, whichever comes first. If it is accepted before that I will post back here.

Removed from list


On 12/14/2023 at 8:42 AM, Rykan said:

Rykan -> mishhelle: 2g gold floret iris from starsinger (OFFERED) didn’t go enough back in time through pages… user doesn’t need it anymore, thus doesn’t count as gift 


I was too much of a breeding enthusiast 😅 need to double check before breeding

Learned my lesson 😓 


@mishhelle to avoid this next time please remember to fill in the Please remove me from Dragon List: ___ Forum Name: ___ request form if you no longer need something.


@Rykan I checked the thread but saw no posts about it not needed so it wasn't your fault. Thank you for breeding it! 



Thread Updated! If you notice anything amiss or wrong blame it on the heavy pain killers please let me know ASAP for pm 💗


PS Xmas lists are now open!

Edited by Breeding, Gifting

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I want to request a gift! - Yay, Holidays!

Forum Name: LadyMadonna
Scroll Link: My Scroll
Message Link: Message me
Today's Date: 17 December
Will you accept an inbred dragon?:  No
Will you accept a messy lineage?:  No
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Solstice
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met?:  2nd gen by male Snow from Solstice.  Partner for this one.  Named parents appreciated.  Received! Thank you, --Seven--.


I want to request a gift! 

Forum Name: LadyMadonna
Scroll Link: My Scroll
Message Link: Message me
Today's Date: 17 December
Will you accept an inbred dragon?:  No
Will you accept a messy lineage?:  No
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Snow
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met?:  2nd gen by male Snow from Solstice.  To expand checker pattern with this one.  Named parents appreciated. Received! Thank you, --Seven--



I want to request a gift! 

Forum Name: LadyMadonna
Scroll Link: My Scroll
Message Link: Message me
Today's Date: 17 December
Will you accept an inbred dragon?:  No
Will you accept a messy lineage?:  No
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Light Weaver
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met?:  2nd gen by male Blue Fire Gem from Light Weaver.  Not related to this from blinkdog or this from Rhikasa (thanks, again to both of you).  Named parents appreciated. Thanks.

Edited by LadyMadonna

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I want to request a gift!
Forum Name: Rykan
Scroll Link: Rykan
Message Link: PM
Today's Date: 12/17/2023
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: No
Will you accept a messy lineage?: No
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Snow angel
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met? 2g white wing from Gold Tinsel (not related to Dracaena’s)


I want to request a gift!
Forum Name: Rykan
Scroll Link: Rykan
Message Link: PM
Today's Date: 12/17/2023
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: No
Will you accept a messy lineage?: No
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Aegis
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met? 2g Aegis permanently pacified from Silver Shimmer unrelated to her (not related to purplehazes’ SS)


I want to request a gift!
Forum Name: Rykan
Scroll Link: Rykan
Message Link: PM
Today's Date: 12/17/2023
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: No
Will you accept a messy lineage?: No
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Solstice
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met? 2g rose wing from Silver Tinsel


I want to request a gift!
Forum Name: Rykan
Scroll Link: Rykan
Message Link: PM
Today's Date: 12/17/2023
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: No
Will you accept a messy lineage?: No
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Snow dragon
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met? 2g from Gold Tinsel 



And hoping I won’t have to modify it further:


I want to change my request!

Today's Date (for inactivity checks): 12/17/23

Will you accept an inbred dragon?: No

Will you accept a messy lineage?: No

Original Dragon List: Gold Tinsel

New Dragon List: Gold Tinsel 

(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met? 2g in order of preference from Snow dragon holiday / Snow Angel white wing holiday /  M gold dragon or Soulstone; if not possible I’ll also accept 3g pref. Staircase


I want to change my request!

Today's Date (for inactivity checks): 12/17/23

Will you accept an inbred dragon?: No

Will you accept a messy lineage?: No

Original Dragon List: Bronze Tinsel

New Dragon List: Bronze Tinsel 

(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met? 2g in order of preference from Gold sonata dragon / leodon dragon/ Enraged Aegis/ Pryanost;  if not possible I’ll also accept 3g pref. Staircase


I want to change my request!

Today's Date (for inactivity checks): 12/17/23

Will you accept an inbred dragon?: No

Will you accept a messy lineage?: No

Original Dragon List: Bronze Shimmerscale 

New Dragon List: Bronze Shimmerscale 

(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met? 2g in order of preference from starsinger holiday  /blizzard wizard /Citrine Gemshard/ Xocoatl;  if not possible I’ll also accept 3g pref. Staircase

Edited by Rykan

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I want to request a gift!

Forum Name: Whiteberry
Scroll Link: Scroll
Message Link: Message
Today's Date: 17 Dec 
Will you accept an inbred dragon?:  No
Will you accept a messy lineage?:  No
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Solstice
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met?:  2g by male Chrystalline.  Named parents please.

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I want to be a breeder!

Forum Name: ryon_brink

Scroll Link: ryon_brink

Have you read ALL the rules and feel like you understand them?: Yes

Do you have a Silver Trophy on your scroll?: Yes

Notes: I can mostly breed 2G dragons as I collect primarily CBs on my scroll.

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I want to request a gift!
Forum Name: purplehaze
Scroll Link: Scroll
Message Link: PM
Today's Date: 12/18/2023
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: no
Will you accept a messy lineage?: no
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Ribbon Dancer
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met?: 2G from Dark Green (Vine) This will be added to a very long lineage, so best from a pair that has never bred before.

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I want to request a gift!
Forum Name: BringsTheSnow 
Scroll Link: Scroll
Message Link: PM
Today's Date: 12/18/2023
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: no
Will you accept a messy lineage?: no
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Snow
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met?: 2G from Snow x Antarean (unrelated to https://dragcave.net/lineage/zKcJm)

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I want to request a gift!
Forum Name: Deathkiss
Scroll Link: Deathkiss
Message Link: Message
Today's Date: 12/18/2023
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: No
Will you accept a messy lineage?: No
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Light Weaver
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met?: 2g Blusang Lindwyrm X Light Weaver

[Thank you Rykan!]


I want to request a gift!
Forum Name: Deathkiss
Scroll Link: Deathkiss
Message Link: Message
Today's Date: 12/18/2023
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: No
Will you accept a messy lineage?: No
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Light Weaver
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met?: 2g Radiant Angel X Light Weaver

Edited by DeathKiss

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I want to request a gift!
Forum Name: Dirtytabs
Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Dirtytabs

Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=10892
Today's Date: 2023.12.19
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: no
Will you accept a messy lineage?: no
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: pryanost lindwyrm
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met?: 2G with brown astrael


I want to request a gift!
Forum Name: Dirtytabs
Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Dirtytabs

Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=10892
Today's Date: 2023.12.19
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: no
Will you accept a messy lineage?: no
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: mistletoe
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met?: 3G checker with silver shimmer-scale, not related to


I want to request a gift!
Forum Name: Dirtytabs
Scroll Link: https://dragcave.net/user/Dirtytabs

Message Link: https://forums.dragcave.net/messenger/compose/?to=10892
Today's Date: 2023.12.19
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: no
Will you accept a messy lineage?: no
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: snow
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met?: 3G checker with gold tinsel, not related to

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Deathkiss --> BringsTheSnow: Snow (OFFERED)

Deathkiss --> Whiteberry: Solstice (OFFERED)

Deathkiss --> purplehaze: Ribbon Dancer (OFFERED)

Deathkiss --> Dirtytabs: Pryanost (OFFERED)

Edited by DeathKiss

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want to request a gift!
Forum Name: RLibora
Scroll Link: scroll
Message Link: pm
Today's Date: 12/18/2023
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: no
Will you accept a messy lineage?: no
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Gold Shimmer
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met?: 2G Shimmer from Erador / Garland / Omen / Gold Lunar Herald / Yellow Glystere, will accept any even generation checker.


want to request a gift!
Forum Name: RLibora
Scroll Link: scroll
Message Link: pm
Today's Date: 12/18/2023
Will you accept an inbred dragon?: no
Will you accept a messy lineage?: no
Dragon Breed List to be placed on: Gold
(Optional) Any specific conditions that must be met?: 3EG checker with female sunsong unrelated to her.

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DeathKiss -> Dirtytabs: pryanost lindwyrm (accepted)

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Deathkiss --> purplehaze: Ribbon Dancer (ACCEPTED)

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  • Recently Browsing   1 member