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Who needs a plan?

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After Rose finishes her food she does her dishes, goes upstairs and grabs her sword and case puting the strap across her chest then putting her jacket on over it and pulls up her hood. She walks to the front door and yells "Shayd I'm going out for a bit." She steps outside and closes the door behind her. Rose walks up to the gate wall then takes some steps back and sprints at the wall, running up it then grabs the pointed rods that are on the wall and flips over landing on the other side. "That was really lucky, maybe i wont try that again" Rose says to herself as she heads for the area she heard the explosions from. As she reachs the area she fines some kids hanging around in the area. Rose stickes the the shadows to stay out of sight. "I'll bet Shayd was here today, no doubt about it he couldnt resist this" Rose smiled.

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((lesson on a Cats xd.png))


Cat lifted up her head and stared into the shadows when she saw a shape moving. Cat's eyes reflected the light that there is making her have night vision like any other kitten. Cat knew it was no use trying to tell the others about the figure because even if they looked for it they probably wouldn't find it, Cats only need about one third the light humans do. Cat jumped off Crash's shoulder and ran to the figure. It probably couldn't see her untill she went to it ,noticing it's a girl,"Meow" Cat said to catch the girl's attion.

Edited by catlover232

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Shelly watched as Crash ran away to do whatever it was that his sister wanted him to do. Then, she suddenly got up. "Wait a minute. I think I'm forgetting something..." she mumbled. With a snap of her fingers, she exclaimed, "Oh yeah! We totally forgot about the kids!" She immediately ran out of the house, before halting and walking back to Jen. "Wanna come? Now that everyone has been separated, I'll need all the help I can get!"

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"Shhhh cat, there is no need to go meowing and telling people im here" Rose said as she makes her way to were a group of four are. From this distance one looks to be laying down, two look like they are digging for something, and the last one just came out of no where. Rose decides to get closer to see if she can hear what they are talking about. She makes he way quietly through the trees around the clearing melding into the shadows almost as though she is one with her full black attire.

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((Well shadow was killed we think and my Character Noah died, Lilith and Shayd had a dissagreement and Jen is mad at Shayd. Then we have some new players and i believe your character was accepted))


((Also nice new picture))

Edited by Syris

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((Yeah, I'm a total Hakuouki fan...

BTW, have they gotten to the orphange place yet?))


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((Six posts up they brought it up so just about to head there...or a few people are))





((Hard choice.....Sleep.....or Doctor who......sleep then doctor who? doctor who the sleep? i only have the last season to refinish before then next one starts....now later now later))

Edited by Syris

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Cat followed the girl wodering where she was going. She didn't look like she would hurt anybody so Cat kept following. Then when the girl told her to be silent Cat got mad. If you want me to stop talking say it nicely! Cat raised up her chin about to yowl and froze waiting for a sorry, and if she didn't get one she would yowl.



Jen looked at Shelly. "Sure! i will live to come.'!

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Kyoko tackled Zarxis playfully.


Shelly smiled. "All right! Let's go then!" She walked back to the place where Jen was fighting the shadow. Then, she paused. Truthfully, she herself didn't even know where the kids were. She was just mindlessly following the crowd. "Eh... Do you by any chance know any orphanages around here?" she asked Jen.

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Username: Foxfairy34759

Name: Silvia GoodWill

Codename(if you have a power, it must relate to your power): Copy

Age(Can not be over eighteen): 12

Personality(optional): Quiet and shy she rarely speaks. She often just nods.

History(optional): She doesn’t know much, an orphan at birth.

Appearance: Her eyes are a deep brownish-red. http://static.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/...igthumbnail.jpg

Ability: Able to copy others powers for a short time. This can happen from contact or even by being around them.

Weakness: Only able to use another person’s powers for an hour or less. Sadly she can only use on persons power at a time.

Gender: Female

Family(if any): She doesn’t have any, or ones she knows.


Edited by foxfairy34759

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Jen thought about it for a secind than said "No lets go to the place where shadow was and mabye we can get better look".

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Jen started walking toward the place where she battled Shadow. "why do you need to know were some orphanages are"? Jen asked confused.


((short post means me bord!!))

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"Well, the reason why that huge group of people suddenly came across your fight is because this girl called Ashamun told us that there were lots of orphaned little kids who were being all whiny and she wanted us to help her take care of them," said Shelly. "Or, something along the lines of that." She flicked a lock of her hair off her face out of boredom.

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"Ok i'll come!. I'm not that good with kids but i can help. My mane plan was to get to the border though. You do know I can't stay forever. Jen looked at Shelly. "Do you want to come with me. You can bring your friends if you want. I'm tired of journeying alone..."

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"Hmm... Wow, uh... The border..." said Shelly. "Um, can you give me some time to make that decision? Truthfully, I'm kind of a wuss when it comes to adventuring scary places like that... But since I'm not going to be alone... I guess I'll consider it..." Going to the border was not a decision that Shelly would walk straight into. "For now, why don't we just focus on the task ahead of us!" she said, changing the subject.

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Zarxis ruffled Kyoko's hair, smiling and beckoned for her to follow. He walked away from the group and towards a large, old house.


Sharon looked out of the window. There were some people outside talking. Wanting to get a better look, she came out of her room and opened the front door slightly. Looking around, she saw someone walk past and a few others doing... Something. Quickly, she slammed the door shut and ran upstairs. She could hear the annoying crying sounds of other children as she did so and older kids trying to calm them down. Frowning, she quickened her pace and slammed the door shut. Sharon walked over to the window to set her mismatched gaze on the strangers again.

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((Sorry it took me such a long time. I was on a 13 hour plane trip. Plus, I'm tired.))


Crash petted Cat. "Don't worry. He'd in a better place now." Better than what we are facing now, at least. Noah won't be only one to die. Then he looked up, then snapped his fingers. "Why don't we-" Before he could finish speaking, he noticed some new strangers. And Shelly and Jen. "What's up?" Crash called to them.


Lilith shoveled Noah's body into the hole. Sighing heavily, she used the shovel to scoop some dirt, then let it fall on the body. This was about as tough as it could get. Grasping the shovel in her sweaty palms, Lilith glared at her work, wishing she could just disappear from this mess. She shoved some more dirt on Noah.

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Shelly pointed to a big building a few meters away. "Hey, you think that's the place?" she asked. It was kind of a pointless question. That building HAD to be the place.


Kyoko happily skipped after Zarxis.


Jay was franically trying to get the kids in the orphanage to calm down. He was already trying building a new generator for the building out of random parts he had painstakingly salvaged himself, and now the other kids expected him to act as a babysitter. "Why did I sign up for this?" he grumbled, pulling two squabbling children apart.

((edit wow I forgot that I renamed my character! ohmy.gif ))

Edited by greenglassesgal

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"I think so". Jen ran ahead then waited for Shelly. "Is Spider-man gonna be there. I don't want anyone anoying me to death." Jen said a spark of humer in her eyes. Hay what is his power anyway. I bet it should be dangerous because he didn't seem afraid of a fight. Whatever, my power will be better." Jen said self centeredly. "But just out of curosity what is it"

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