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What not to say to a Newbie

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You didn't love it enough and it died of a broken heart.


How do I get one of those bright pink dragons?

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Explode and feed your heart to a potato. If it eats it, you have one.



How many lick-/shot


How many dragons does it take until they eat you?

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None, i just ate you.


What do i do if my scroll burns?

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The Ice Dragon - since not even a Magma can thaw the ice of an Ice dragon it can never be medium or - god beware - 'well done', it will stay rare forever.


How can I breed a little tree?

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Well, when one tree loves another tree very much, sometime soon those two trees will get together and decide they want to have a child. So they go somewhere private.....


How do I get an alt black?



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Well, you give it options of moving or sitting because blacks don't have the alternatives!


How do I an alt vine?


Edited by dr.bieber229

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You must go to a daycare steal a teddy bear then throw the teddy inradiated water along with a normal vine



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Because you must first put it in a crib and make it comfy with many teddy bears and jelly beans.



Why can't I see my scroll?

Edited by dr.bieber229

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Tinsels, because they are so bright and they run onto others scrolls.


What do I do when my egg is cracked?


Edited by dr.bieber229

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That's not a chicken, it's a bomb! Abandon it now!


Why, when I throw money at teh screen, no eggies come owt?

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Because when you throw real money at the screen the computer is afraid and puts its shields up.You must throw virtual money at it.


How do I get a black stripe egg?

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Get yourself a white stripe egg and use this on it.


Why is there no scroll name on the egg I missed?

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Chuck Norris got it before you, and he doesnt need a scroll name.


Why are Neglecteds so hard to get?

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Because the DC Gods say neglecting a dragon is against the 10 Commandments of DC.



Are there any secret caves?

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Get a sock dragon. It'll come in time..


OMGawd! Will you clikz me eggs?

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I won't, but ask the Datamonster. I'm sure he'll be very happy to meet your hatchies. He is available weekdays from 7 P.M. to 2 A.M. but he is difficult to find. He will probably be found lurking in a computer filled room while munching wires. Or, if you are lazy and do not wish to seek him out, send an email request to datamonster@messedupserver.net .


How can I get a Guardian of Nature?


((Oops, I forgot mah question. Nice save Lagie!))

Edited by Lalasa

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Had you asked me a question, I would answer it to the...uh, the best of my abilities...yeah, that's right...*whistles*


EDIT: You just added a question.


By pestering TJ09 and flooding his E-mail and PM box.


What happens if I incubate a Winter Seasonal?

Edited by SilverX7Studios

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@Lalasa ~ Plant seeds in your garden and when the thunder flashes and some ice forms and a volcano erupts, your seeds will sprout into a dragon.


@Silver ~ It melts. Don't do it!


ninja.gif 'd!


@Squertle ~ Use a TARDIS to travel back in time, then lure one back using brownies.



Why do eggs need views?

Edited by Lagie

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So they will feel loved but it will make them stay in their shell longer because they feel they won't be loved as much when they hatch.


How do I get a paper dragon?

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Fold one yourself using an ancient, secret origami technique that can only be learned during a full moon on a leap day in an odd-numbered year.


Why are there dragons, drakes, dinosaurs, and chickens in the cave, but no kittens?

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