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That depends. Per the site terms of service, you may play the theme song to Barney the Purple Dinosaur when catching dinos, otherwise you may only play polka music.


Why can I only have four eggs? I see other players with many more.

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Release all your rares and uncommons, then you can have infinite egg-slots.


At what level does my Shallow Water evolve? And what does it turn into? *shot* x3

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at level 100, it turns into a magikarp, the pokemon world's most utter failure until it evolves into Gyarados at level 20


why is inbreeding bad?

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Because its illegal, youll go to jail if you mate your dragon with its sibling


How do i get rare golds?

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You've got to find an even rarer 'Lead Dragon' and cast an alchemaical spell upon it.


zomg! Why isn't my Vampire dragon sparkliee!?

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Because TJ is an anti-Twilight person and utterly refused to make them sparkly.


Is it possible to have an inbred caveborn dragon that's purebreed?

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No, they all got whacked with diamond sledgehammers a while back and died.


why can't I eat cheese dragons?

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Because they're made of moldy cheese and are no good for eating.


Why are the scrolls scrolls?

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Because you can scroll up and down on them! ninja.gif


Why is the code/text/whatever for the ninja smiley ph34r surrounded by colons?

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Because the name of the Uber-Ninja (the one in the emote) is "Fear" but if you type its true name too much, it'll be summoned along with its friends the Datamonster and the Lagmonster, and an army of alot.png s, and they'll swallow up all of DC. So if you ever have to refer to it, use ninja.gif.


If the Nyan Cat is an emote on the forums, why can't we have them on our scrolls?

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Because TJ is afraid that everyone will kill their dragons and spambreed/hackbreed all the Nyans and then DC will no longer be DC, but NC. Nyan Cave.


What's an alot.png?

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it's a big hefferlumping monster that will stomp on your eggs if you don't use proper grammar on your scroll.


Why is my pygmy dragon so small?

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A normally kind and cuddly creature, the alot.png can turn vicious when confronted with terrible grammar. ninja.gif'D!


Because you haven't used an enlarging potion on it.


If I breed a White and a Red or a Red and a Water, will I get a Bright Pink or a Purple?

Edited by Denwayasha

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Not for the purple... The water dragon is clearly called a water dragon, not a blue dragon! xd.png


What kind of BSA does the purples have?

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They can turn things purple.


How do you get an inbred caveborn dragon that's purebreed?

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You preed it with a cheese dragon and keep trying till it works then do a little dance.


What happens if i freeze a hatchling?

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It grows up into an adult, but there will be a 25% chance it will lay an Ice dragon egg if bred.


Why is there a cool down period between each use if the "influence" BSA?

Edited by Mala-Ivy

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It's called influence for a reason! It influences the gender and it influences the dragon casting it, making the dragon need to rest!


Why not put eggs in fire to incubate them?

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Unless you want fried egg do it!


I grabbed a hatchling real quick but I didn't get it? Why not?

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The mother dragon saw her baby and she wanted it back, and the hatchling had cleared itself of human scent so the mother took it back before anyone could catch it.


Who should I ask for a ND other than TJ or the mods?

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By getting all the breeds of dragon in all genders and getting a gold trophy and sending TJ 42 PMs saying you want to be a mod, and link him your scroll so he can approve.


What's a MoD? (Like GoN, only MoD. Get it.)

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I accidently killed my egg why can't I bring it back?

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Because your other dragons came and ate the yolk of it. Feed your dragons more!


What's the giving tree?

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