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That's where Zombie eggs drop, but only at nights on days that don't end in 'y'.


Why is the AP always full?

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Because AP stands for "Advanced Placement" and everyone knows dragons are extremely intelligent, so therefore it is always full.


What is a spriter alt?

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it's an alternate spriter - someone who's willing to step in and sprite if the first spriter is busy! Be sure to post in lots of dragon request threads if you want to be a spriter alt smile.gif


My egg is sick! What do I do? What caused it?

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Your egg is sick because you didn't refresh your own scroll enough times. Fog your egg for five seconds and your egg will become healthy again.


How do I catch a CB Prize?

Edited by obelisk_light

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Use the BSA from the Time Xenos on a 4G Prize dragon and it'll activate the Grandfather paradox. If the dragon survives you'll have a CB. smile.gif


What would happen if my vampire bit a GON egg?

Edited by Syiren

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It will turn into a Shadow GoN, often referred to XD09. It will slowly turn the rest of your dragons evil and eventually you will have to surround the beast with 9 sets of 4 happy dragons. Only then will your GoN be fixed. Otherwise, ... Good luck. tongue.gif



Why can't I hold 100 Crimson Flares at one time?

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You see, let me tell you why. 100 has 3 digits. Crimson flare has 12 letters. 12 divided by 3 is 4. There are 4 sides of a square. Cut a square diagonally, you get a triangle. What looks like a triangle? Illuminati pizza. Everyone likes pizza. So does TJ. TJ doesn't want to share all his pizza at once. That is why you can not have 100 crimson flare pygmies at a time. Sorry.


Why are pygmies small?

Edited by MadameZ

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See, it's because the word pygmy is five letters. Small is five letters. Thus, pygmies are small.


Why isn't everything gold?

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Because you have to bookmark this page and keep checking for the special registration window.


Why can't I breed my Aegis with my Mutamore? They'd look so lovely together... :/

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You have to sacrifice 1,000 dragons to the Aegis while it is enraged before it will be aggressive enough for your Mutamore.


My Dorsal dragon has a red top! What happened?!

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You forgot to pour blue dye on it. That's how you get a Purple Dorsal.


"This egg is soft and smells uncannily like cheese"? If I pick this up will my other dragons eat it???

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Yes, and they're all allergic to cheese. So if you do, they'll DIE.


Why can I never find Halloween dragons in the cave?

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They decided to be polite and not spook you. You should thank them.


I found an origami egg in the cave? Who would leave some paper shaped like an egg there??

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They used the paper dragon's special bsa to make art they can exchange for eggs.


How do I get a prize dragon from the wild? I see a ton of them on the hidden page for the wild...

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You need to compete in the DC Olympics, which occur every odd-numbered Leap Year.


Why hasn't my hatchling grown up yet, and what's that snowflake for?

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It means it has hypothermia, and will soon die. You should probably kill it and put it out of it's misery.


What a GoN?

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Guardian of Nachos.


Why is my Undine a different color than it's parents?

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It's sick! Quick, you need to kill it before it infects your other dragons! Or you could give it to someone else - ask them to take care of it, someone who knows how to cure the disease will take it to their scroll.


I wanted my dragon to be female, but it gendered male! How can I make it female?

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Use the Bruce Jenner action. That should do the trick.


What is a Dorkface dragon and how do I get it?

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A Dorkface dragon is any dragon wearing a pair of glasses with thick black frames that are taped in the middle. Try finding one with an "Oculus Reparo" spell.


What does the BSA "Summon" summon?

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It Summons a level 10 Water dragon with 1000 hit points.


Oh, you need more slots for eggs? No problem, just "release" your other eggs, and they will be put in a cue and come back as they hatch. (snicker)


Why does the pink I got from the Coast biome look so much different than the pink I got from the Forest biome?

Edited by Riverwillows

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That's one of the damaging effects of saltwater on a growing egg.


About how long does it take for an egg to hatch?

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You gotta think really hard, and then your Celestials will come down from the heavens with some eggs. But be warned - they are only kind enough to give you one.


Why wouldn't I expect to see a purple egg?

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Because you might be color blind.





Can I make my own dragons?

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