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I go through shelter grabs way too quickly.




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Never doing that one again.

Edited by Storm_Dragoon

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right now i am breeding a ditto with dragonite, so if anyone finds an egg that was bread and donated by zorua9, that is one that i donated from the shelter.


i am on a caterpie shiny hunt.

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Looks like the trinket set will be delayed until January...


Understandable, but still kinda disappointing. I was looking forward to seeing if any of my clocks would make it this time.


(Then again maybe the Delibird will have a shot for the December set?)

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going for Girafarig first and then mienfoo

i am already hunting growlith so that will be kept for last (if i get the other two)


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Looks like the trinket set will be delayed until January...


Understandable, but still kinda disappointing. I was looking forward to seeing if any of my clocks would make it this time.


(Then again maybe the Delibird will have a shot for the December set?)

Agreed. I was so looking forward to my trinkets being in there too. Maybe they'll make it in the December set, they are kind of christmas... We'll see.


For now, waiting to see the new exploration and going to try to knock off some more trinkets from old sets. And the shiny hunt.

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Too lazy to check the dex, so I grabbed some Girafarig and Growlithe eggs to remind myself of their egg steps (or maturity, whichever it's called) ^^;

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Too lazy to check the dex, so I grabbed some Girafarig and Growlithe eggs to remind myself of their egg steps (or maturity, whichever it's called) ^^;

Glad you did....because I was planning on hunting Girafarig if it made it as one of the top three, but I completely forgot what their eggs look like. tongue.gif


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It figures, as soon as I make it to this leveling step, there isn't a multiplier for a couple days...

Edited by Alpha Gryph

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Going to go with Girafarig for the first round, and go after the others once it shines. At least I'll be dedicated to the shiny hunt, seeing as my work hours got slashed :/.

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I'm going to hunt Mienfoo because I already have the other two. Though I would like to get another shiny Growlithe sometime.

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Leveling these guys until the SWSH starts rather than getting some eggs.

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At least I snagged a Ditto egg while waiting for Girafarig eggs tongue.gif.


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Edited by Storm_Dragoon

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