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Dragon Clans of the Elements

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-Iriseseble began to feel uncomfortable under the pleadings of the young ice dragon and the looks he was getting from them all. He caved.-"Alright but BlazingSoul is going to accompany you and I will as well." Iris smiled and began to chant another spell.


As he did so the ice weaved into a intricate ball, then it separated into particles once more, dissapearing fro the view of the naked eye but it was still there, invisibly protecting the ice dragon.-"There," -he said- "That should help to keep you from being affected by the intense climate here."

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Siidrakon nodded his head, never taking his eyes off the vampire.


"It would be a rational time to have our meeting seeing as these Dark Clan vermin seem to be becoming more bold." He let out a low growl towards the vampire dragon.




Dharsii laughed as he and Dreams plummeted towards the ground. He scream and struggle to get away confirmed his attemt to scare her successful. When she headbutted him he decided to scare her once more. He swung his head back with a screech and released her, dropping towards the ground as though she had knocked him senseless.

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Watching StrongSHields movements Shatterheart thought carefully. "StrongShield you should go visit RiverDancer and get healed." Bending his neck the ice dragon snarled letting his icy breathe fall upon the darkclan dragon. Raising his eyes to Siidrakon. "Not only bolder but perhapes a bit smarter."




Hearing Dharsii screehed dreams watched as he plumited down. Oh No! the female said sharply inhaling. Diving downward the daydream folded her wings so she could get speed and get Dharsii.

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"Hooray!" Zalazak cheered, jumping up from her sitting position. "Thank you!" she exclaimed, looking at Iriseseble and BlazingSoul. She was confused by all of the strange chanting and magic, but didn't really think too much about it. Who needs fancy words and spells if you want to be a warrior? she thought, jumping up and batting at one of the craggy claws on the cave ceiling.

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Siidrakon kept his eyes locked on the Vampire dragon.


"I don't think smarter really fits with one who invades the Water Clan's territory alone and stands to fight when he is against two Clan Leaders." he said with a slight chuckle.




Dharsii allowed himself to plummet earthward with his eyes closed for several seconds until he felt Dream's presence nearby. He then opened the eye nearest to her and smiled mishivously before rolling himself over in the air and pulling into a dive alongside his friend.

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Tyra jumped about excitedly as the magi agreed to let them play. 'Y-you mean it?! Yes!!" she exclaimed. As soon as the shield of ice dispersed, she growled playfully at tackled Zalazak, laughing. "Gotcha!" she stated triumphantly. Her tail flicked back and forth and her violet eyes lit up with excitement.

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Returning the fireclan leaders chuckle Shatterheart agreed" Especialy one who does not answer."((Where is pinkiesb T^T))




All of Dreams worries ended when Dharsii pulled up and was next to her. leveling her self the blue dragoness levitated and pouted. "That wasnt funny Dharsii I thought you were going to die." she said with concern in her voice.

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Starri looked around. The Windclan camp was so boring! She walked around, looking for something to do. She went around, talking to everyone she could. "Fftt, this is boring!" She murmured.

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((Is Starri an apprentice or what? I couldn't find your form in the OOC and you aren't on the list on the first page.))


Song was looking around when suddenly a "This is boring!" caught her ear. She turned her head to the sound, just in time to see Starri walk by. "Hello dearest," she said, greeting the dragoness. "Would you like to go out and train? I can teach you just about anything you would like to become more skilled in," the great leader offered kindly.


Zalazak squeaked in surprise as she was knocked over by Tyra. "Hey, no fair!" she growled playfully, wiggling out from under the Ice. "I'll get you!" With that, she took a few steps back, then started to run. As she neared Tyra, she sprang and wrapped her paws around her shoulders and neck, pushing her across the floor.

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The ice hatchling squeaked in laughter, tumbling forward across the cave. "Hey!" Laughing, she chewed on Zalazak's wing playfully. She couldn't remember a time when she'd had this much fun! Finally, there was another hatchling for her to play with. "Rawr!!' Tyra growled happily, batting at the other young dragoness with her paws.

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Leaza wiggled her bum like all cute little predators do when they're about to pounce on something. She launched herself on to Shadow's tail, yanking, pulling, gnawing, and clawing at it; growling playfully all the while. "I am your alpha now." She said, her mouth full of tail. The Night Glory growled and snarled in what she thought was a threatening way, but anyone older than her would just go 'D'awww'.

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(Yeah, she is. and it's there somewhere.)

She nodded. "Yes, that would be fun!" She said quietly. "Where are we gonna hunt?" She asked the dragoness politely.

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Song thought for a second, then shook her head. She noted the heap of mountain goats Glaedr had brought back. "You see the food pile, yes? It is very full as is. It would not be wise to take the lives of anymore food animals for that would be wasteful. "Is there something else you may want to do?" She leaned over and winked at the young apprentice. "I can do a lot of things, being the leader," she chuckled.


Zalazak brought her paws up in a feeble attempt to cover her face from Tyra's barrage of attacks. With her back legs she kicked out, trying to dislodge the relentless hatchling. "I'll get you!" she mumbled around her claws.

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She nodded, eyes wide. "I almost forgot you were leader..." She said, and scuffed her foot. She was so stupid! She looked at the leader again, but with more respect. "Umm... Well, I was always intrested in being leader, so can you show me what you have to do each day?" She asked politely.

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"Oh yeah?" taunted the ice hatchling, grinning. "oof!" Suddenly, Tyra felt herself being launched across the slippery cave floor by Zalazak's legs. Laughing, she tried to slow herself down but failed and bumped into the wall. "Hey!" she retorted playfully. Jumping to her feet, she then raced out of the cave, initiating a game of tag.




Back at the lake, River waited until the sounds of battle had died down before making her way to the surface. He smooth head broke through the water into the fresh air and she swam to shore. "Is everyone alright? Any injuries?" she asked quickly, getting straight to the point. Noticing Strongshield wasn't doing very well, she immediately looked into her medicine bag for some herbs and began dressing the warrior's wounds.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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Azael turned his head around as he watched Leaza attack Shadow's tail. A sudden thought came to Azael, maybe it was time for the boys to gang up on the girl. Azael leaped off from Shadow's back and circled around till he was behing Leaza and started nipping at her tail. "Shadow... mmphh.. help..." he said as his mouth was now full of tail.

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Strongshield heard the water ripple behind him and turned around. River was getting out of the water, asking them a question. Knowing he would be attacked by the healer anyway because of his wounds, he decided to abandon the "tough guy-I'm not hurt" facade and say, "over here, I got a few wounds." raising his head. He was about to add-"it's not really that bad"- but the healer had already come over and started fixing him up.




BlazingSoul turned his head towards Iriseseble with a look of astoundment on his face, but also a smile, "now who's the irresponsible one? You manage to convince me that it's a bad idea and then all of a sudden you're fine with it?" he asked, half-seriously, half-jokingly. "well, either way, it's too late to stop them now." he said, watching the young dragons play. When Tyra left the cave, blaze ran after her to the ledge, "Stay within view!" he called after her as she ran off, "and don't play near the lava!"

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((Hello guys, Im baaaaaacccckkkk!!!))

Bloodvein stood there watching the other dragons around him. He foolishly but with the right thought lunged at ShatterHeart and threw him to the ground. He screamed DONT ATTACK ME OR SHATTERHEART GETS HIS NECK SLICED!!!! Hoping the other dragons wont attack him. He realised a scout would be quiet enough to sneak up on him, But he didnt know any scouts so it didnt bother him. The only thing that he thought could go wrong is if ShatterHearts stupidly brave daughter sneaks up on me. She got me frozen to a wall ladt time we fought.... He thought to himself. Oh well shes not anywhere nearby...

Edited by pinkieseb

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He foolishly but with the right thought lunged at ShatterHeart and pinned him to the ground.

((This is godmodding. You cannot control GuardianProtector's character like that. Please edit your post.))


Oceania groaned as she came back into conciousness. Her vision was still slighly blurred and her body ached all over. Keeping her movements as slight as she could, the waverunner made her way towards the healers den.




Seeing there wasn't much else to do, Fyria flew off back to the volcano. Knowing that her hatchlings would be hungry, she picked up a nice fat lizard before she arrived at the den. She was met with happy squeals, as the two newborns scrambled out of their nest to greet her. She laughed and murmerd, "Hello little ones, are you hungry?"




Dharak studied the map carefully, muching on a few diesied rats he had found dead in his nest. Using the rat's blood, her traced the path that her would take to the Spires. He would leave the following day, but he felt the Clan needed to know that he was leaving. Not where of course. Rolling the map back up, the Zombie trekked out into the center of the "camp" and roared to signal a Clan meeting.

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-Iresiseble frowned at Blazingsoul."If something happens, I'm responsible for them as a healer and as a member of the Fire Clan. I'd rather make my job easy but I'm not about to extinguish their flaming youth."


Ambling up to the ledge he looked at Tyra and then cast a glance at Zalazak who seemed to be losing, and who also seemed to be 'it'. Now that he had something to do his character was changing to that of his usual stern and wise one. He bears great knowledge and power but he's always so quick to get things done ahead of time that he somehow goes almost entirely dormant when he's got nothing to do. Feeling like he'd been restored and revitalized he managed to sit in a proper posture which depicted his confidence and elegance, but not over-confidence or vanity. He stayed well on the good side of that fine line.-

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Siidrakon bellowed as the Vampire lunged at Shatterheart and swung his massive tail around to intercept the vampire. Hoping to crack the other dragon across the snout hard enough to knock his senses off balance for long enough so Shatterheart could force the Vampire off of him.




Shadow snickered as Azael turned to attack Leaza. The young pygmy beat his wings and whipped back around on both of the hatchlings driving down on both of them to try and pin one under each of his forepaws. He was glad to be in the company of hatchlings small enough for him to play with and let out playful growls as he wrestled with the other two hatchlings.




Dharsii circled around Dreams as she floated in the air, unable to do so himself. Hearing the concern in her voice made him regret his little trick.


"I-I'm sorry..." he said quietly, blushing in embarassment.

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Growling Shatterheart fund himself on the ground. "Get off of me!" The leader screamed, his icy breath shooting at Bloodvein.




As Dharsii flew around her Dreams watched him. When she heard his apology the daydream lightly pushed his shoulder with her head "Its ok.." She said with a small smile. Looking up towards the sky, Dreams stared out into the blue horizon her eyes memorizing ever detail.



Guideful Waters looked around the surface of the lake. She noticed the clans loyal scout Oceania heading towards Riverdancers den. Swimming over the deputy looked at the waveruner. "How are your wounds?" The bluna asked with a calm concerned voice.

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Strongshield had a slow reaction time because of his blood loss and didn't manage to block shatterheart in time. However, once he realized what was happening, he lunged closer to the tussle and swung his heavy, shielded tail in front of the two leaders; hopefully guarding them from

any attempt at retaliation from the vampire. He scolded himself in his head for not being on better alert.

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Song thought for a second about what it was that she did. "Well, would you like to see my den? It is where I sleep and even hold important meetings sometimes." She paused for a second to point with her tail to the indent in the mountain, which was covered by a curtain of brown and green lichen. As she began to walk, she started to explain other things she did. "As a leader, I have to possess talent in many skills, namely hunting, fighting, and being able to lead with strength and mercy. A good leader must learn to love every egg, hatchling, adult, and elder as if they were her own children. However, she must be strong and willing to protect her Clan and make sacrifices in hard time. The leader is first into battle and last to eat if food is scarce. She must put herself aside for the better of her Clan," she explained, her voice taking a more serious tone.


Zalazak raced after Tyra up the spiraling path carved in the rocky wall. "Just keep following this path and we'll be out!" she called, glancing up at the nearing clouds. "Oh yeah, and don't look down!" she warned. The lava glowed a warm orange far below. It was a dizzying and scary sight when you were up so high. The temperature began to drop as Zalazak neared the sky then took off above, riding on a wind. She landed safely on the lip of the massive volcano while waiting for Tyra.

Edited by UmbreWulf

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Bloodvein realised no matter what he did to ShatterHeart the other dragons would still kill him. Bloodvein got off ShatterHeart and said I Surrender as quietly as possible he turned his back on them and said Go On, Lock Me Up. Then Ill Just Break Out. Bloodvein gave a laugh and waited for their reaction.

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