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10 Things I Hate About Me

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1. My attention span. A bird flies by, I see something shiny, I'm gone. Sometime it lasts a few seconds and sometimes it lasts maybe half an hour. I'm like a cat with a laser pointer. .... Well I do that with a laser pointer too, but that's not the point.


2. My eyesight. I am near-sighted but it's so bad cause I can only see a foot away from my face. I have gotten used to seeing blurs though so I can now make things out when my glasses break. But my glasses are almost a cm thick now.


3. Caring too much what people think. I'll overthink my actions, or other people's actions or what they say. I can't sleep when I'm like that, which is usually every night.


4. Inability to tell how much time has passed. I have annoying kitchen timers to tell me how much time has passed. (my time management skills are also non-existant)


5. Depression. Cause of it I sometimes cannot do work or even get out of bed. I also wont take the pills they give me (they know this).


6. Upperback spine and neck. It doesn't help that I will one day get some sort of problem with my spine (most likely a degenerating of some of the bones in my spine) that is biological. It kills when you get phantom pains and can't move your neck all the way to your pelvis and you kind of have to stay in that position for like 20 minutes until it goes away.


7. Pestimistic towards myself, optimistic towards others. All in all I believe my life sucks, so I have to make everyone else's better to compensate for it.


8. My inability to detect change in pitch and volume in my voice. When I get excited I have this really squeaky I'm-gunna-break-your-eardrums voice, so I scare people a lot. Also I have a loud voice and I am inable to tell if my voice is too loud.


9. My metabolism. Everyone complains on how they're too fat, I complain on how I am too skinny. If only I could gain weight from all the food I eat.


10. Compulsive disorder with acne. I can't stand the sight of them and I get urges to pop them immediately when I see them. It also doesn't help that I had bad acne when I was younger. I sometimes would just start touching people's faces and pop a pimple without realising. I am learning to stop, but I've limited it to myself and sometimes my bf if he has a large one that will stare me down.

Edited by May50555

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Only now I've found this topic.


1. I'm too reserved - I wish I could be able to talk comfortably around people and groups I'm not familiar with.


2. I'm self-absorbed - Often times I focus on my happiness over what is the right thing to do.


3. I'm conceited - I find myself thinking that I am somehow better than everyone and that I'm always right.


4. I can't stand criticism - I think whatever I do is acceptable.


5. I'm too serious - I rarely allow myself to lighten up unless I'm over-exhausted.


6. I worry too much about my safety and others' safety - Anything that represents itself as danger I find myself constantly warning others about.


7. I make decisions based on feeling rather than thinking - My heart usually wins over my mind.


8. I'm too moral - In other words, the opposer of reckless fun.


9. I'm too underweight - Most sports are just a dream for me.


10. I share too much information online - Why did I tell you all this?



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1. My increasing social anxiety and terror. I used to just be shy, but now it's getting worse and I'm a bit worried.

2. My intense fear of anything medical. Anything related to medical procedures, shots, etc. drives me to hysterics and it embarrasses me that I can't control it. I've started fainting too, which I didn't used to do.

3. I wish I was better at art. I've wanted to be a graphic designer for years and that's what my family has expected me to go into, but I've realized that I just can't make it professionally. So now I have no idea what I'm going to study for.

4. My hair. I don't mind the color even if it is brown, but it's a hassle. It's frizzy and dry, with weird waves that aren't the attractive kind. It doesn't like staying straight either, and my mom's controlling attitude about it doesn't help.

5. The fact that even though I know it's better for me to not be in a relationship or have feelings for people, I fall hard anyway.

6. How I keep my depression and despair and bitterness locked inside and try to act nonchalant.

7. I tend to take things too far sometimes and regret many things I have said to others.

8. My disinterest in academics and learning Spanish, even though I'm good at both.

9. How quickly I both annoy and get annoyed.

10. My inability to take criticism or corrections well, as well as perfectionism and unhappiness with perceived failure.

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1. I'm excessively shy. I'll go to a public place or a club gathering fully expecting to make dozens of friends, then end up standing in the corner watching everyone else have a good time instead. I have one serious friend, everyone else just seems to...fade away as time goes on, until I never see them again. I also end up starting to behave more like a creature or something when I'm nervous or trying to act defensive, growling, using my fingernails as claws, and jerking my head around to make myself look "tougher." Ergo: "Too many Nature videos, not enough human contact." I wish I could be more sociable and make friends easier.


2. I like words. My sentences are way too long and complicated, and I tend to use words practically straight out of the dictionary. Unfortunately I have trouble spelling some such words, or my fingers skip all over the keyboard and make typing troublesome. I either need to dumb down my vocabulary, or take typing classes. xd.png


3. Sometimes when I'm chatting with the few people I know, my brain will think the right word, but my mouth says something completely different that messes up the entire meaning of what I'm saying. It's a pain, dry.gif and it also make me look like a derp when I'm trying to say something important.


4. I over analyze things. I might be about to say something, but pause to consider the ramifications and decide not to open my mouth. Or I'll sit and think about whether or not my comment is acceptable and will be received in the spirit it is intended, and by the time I decide to say something the time when it would have been meaningful of funny has passed and I've missed the opportunity to say something funny or meaningful. So much humor has been lost to this one, it's not even funny. I've also thought about replying in a topic on the forum, hit reply, typed out a response, then deleted everything and closed the page I was on because I started to think people would take my thoughts wrong or hate me for saying something. I wish I could just speak my mind sometimes without feeling like people will judge me or hate me for saying something.


5. I trust no one with the characters in my stories or the random ideas that flit through my head. Who would want them is beyond me, but I still keep them bottled up inside for fear of losing them to someone else with better resources who could publish my ideas as their own and beat me out of my lifetime's worth of imagination. I wish I could be more open when it comes to my stories, since I think they are fun and original, but I just can't bring myself to expose the ideas to the wider world. Not sure if I'd want to change this one; at least protected in the confines of my mind nobody can steal them. I've seen too many people whose characters are stolen because they were posted online.


6. My hair is insane. I have always wanted to grow it out and have it long, lively, and shiny like in shampoo commercials, but it always bunches up and turns into a curly mess when I put it up in a ponytail. When I don't put it up, it proceeds to attack the world, especially the food and clothes of the people around me, which it attempts to assimilate by absorbing or shedding all over the object of person in question. blink.gif I really wish for straight hair that is lively, and yet tame and predictable. (This also comes back to my terrible fear of straightening my hair for fear of killing it and turning it into "zombie hair" with no life or bounce. I'd rather have lively, uncontrollable hair than hair that crackles when you touch it.)


7. My fear of needles. Ever since I was little, needles absolutely terrified me, and I cannot stand any kind of pain inflicted by needles. Of course, not being fully numbed up when I cracked my head open and needed stitches probably didn't help, and my muscles' habit of becoming stiff and non-functioning from a simple flu shot only escalates this every time. Needles. *shudders*


8. I cannot drink carbonated beverages. Period. It feels like fire is burning my throat whenever I try, and I end up in excruciating pain for some time afterwards. I wish my throat was normal so I could drink soda like everyone else, if only because I've never been able to taste soda like normal people.


9. My terrible, irrational fear of electricity. I'm scared to death of the stuff, despite it being inside of every bit of machinery around me. It's not so bad when it's being controlled and used in a safe manner, but the moment I sense even the slightest possibility of being zapped, even a little, I start to panic and freak out. Seeing this would probably make me black out from panic, if I wasn't already running in screaming terror in the other direction. Lightning both fascinates and terrifies me, I'm both drawn to it and paralyzed by fear of it, which makes for an interesting paradox. I think if I could change this, I might be able to understand concepts relating to electricity, but so far I can't even learn about it in a controlled setting.


10. I get irritated easily, and can be downright vindictive when I'm mad. I use my sarcasm and quick thinking to make my point, and it's often not very nice. If nothing else, I wish for a deeper well of patience, because mine seems about two inches deep.

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1. social anxiety

2. my body

3. my complexion

4. depression

5. I'm rude

6. I'm judgmental

7. I'm lazy

8. I have no self control

9. I'm codependent

10. idk

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1. I get REALLY awkward in public. I saw completely idiotic things and then just kind of sit there as everyone looks at me like /what/

2. I live in the past. I always regret past decisions too deeply, even if it doesn't even matter.

3. My body in general. I weigh like 85 pounds right now, and everyone comments on it. I know they just wish they had my shape, but I hate being wanted like that.

4. I get overly attached to anyone I get a crush on. I just can't let them go, even if they end up being giant *youknowwhatImean*bags.

5. Anger issues. I get really worked up over EVERYTHING that doesn't go my way.

6. I cry entirely too much. Once my dad told me I couldn't stay over at my friend's house and I started bawling. I am not proud of that dry.gif

7. My eyesight, I wear glasses/contacts and I hate them.

8. I talk really loud. Nuff' said.

9. I have to be friends with everyone. I get really upset if I find out that someone doesn't like me, and I end up trying to impress them for some reason.

10. I'm addicted to the computer. I'm on it ALLL the time.

Edited by Oasis

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1. My bad teeth ... they're breaking off easily,and the dentist don't know why dry.gif


2.My disability,it really pisses me off


3.My fear for needles,bugs and elevators


4.My hair,serious .. it's only under controll wet blink.gif


5.My legs ... serious I just lost 14 KG and I still have very thick legs blink.gif


6.My fingers .. they never do what I want (got maybe to do with number 2)


7.That I forget quick things unsure.gif


8.My eyesight also .. I need to have every year new glasses ...


9.Sentimental .. why do I cry so quick for nothing blink.gif Sometimes i'm just busy with my dragons and I start to cry out of nowhere blink.gif


10.Can't stand noises mad.gif

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1. My immaturity.

2. I stutter. Heck, it really gets on my nerves when I stutter and somebody 'completes' the sentence for me.

3. My extremely slow metabolism.

4. The fact that I can't impose authority.

5. My excessive shyness.

6. I can't stand up for myself. Ugh, it makes me want to slap my own face.

7. My short temper.

8. I move my hands a lot when I talk, and it just freakin' embarasses me.

9. My addiction to the Internet. But hey, it's the only place I can actually express myself without being interrupted.

10. I procrastinate too much.

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1. I'm too soft. Seriously. Sometimes I just wish I could be cruel because I'm so censorkip.gif afraid of offending people. I'm not always like that though.

2. I tend to over think things. Someties, i just wish I could keep things simple inside my own mind

3. I'm not reckless enough in some cases... I'm too afraid to be wrong or bad at something.

4. I need more courage. I'm rather good at the writing the essay-part of public speaking, but I suck at presenting and being on stage...

5. I wish I were more motivated to do things.

6. The fact that I'm just too nice to be truly mad at someone/hate someone

7. I'm not observant enough.

8. I'm so lazy...

9. I procrastinate a lot

10. I'm way too forgetful. Oh yeah, I just remembered that I have homework to do...

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1.my eyesight

2.my tendency to get paranoid over nothing.

3.the people who only 'like' me for being skinny.

4.my addiction to Japanese music.

5.my randomness ((but I also love it. blink.gif ))

6.people who hate on me because I like Pokemon.

7.I overuse smilies. m(_ _)m

8.my shyness towards people older than me. blink.gif

9.When my friends get upset, I bawl my eyes out.

10.I tend to start talking about stuff my friends don't even know about when I mean something completely different.


Edit: forgot # 7

Edited by Jsward322

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1. Eyesight. I'm probably going to go blind, my eyes are so bad.

2. Appearance. If this changed, literally all my worries would be gone. Shallow, oh yes, but true nevertheless.

3. How upset/worried I get over little things sometimes.

4. The fact I literally have like no talents whatsoever

5. My addiction to the internet I literally do nothing but sit on it all day long

6. Embarrassment. I'm so bad with it I'll remember something I did years ago and get too embarrassed to even think.

7. Literally everything

8. I never really fit in anywhere; not in real life, nor on the internet.

9. Anxiety. I get anxious about every little thing.

10. My choices in life. I've lost a lot of good friends and chances because of the wrong choices.

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1. My body...i'm the most hideous thing on Earth :'(

i'm fat, I wear glasses and my ethnicity adds on to the problem :/

2. My luck. I am severely unlucky mad.gif

3. My ethnicity...I could do so much and be so much more if I were Caucasian. dry.gif Plus I would have more confidence and self esteem tongue.gif (even my big bro knows...which is sad :/ )

4. My living situation...seriously the majority of high school kids at my school would kill for parents like mine :/ I don't want to be around people, especially PARENTS, that smoke marijuana sad.gif



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I don't really hate anything about me...I love myself for who I am. But I wouldn't mind changing a few things I suppose.



1. My tailbone. It's been broken twice, and now it hurts to run, exercise, sit, lay down, you name it. I can't do anything without it aching or sending jolts of pain down my legs.

2. My left ring finger. It's all deformed from a callous because I write and draw so much. And when I was six I thought ripping off that nail would be fun, so it grew back sort of weird.

3. My scars. I don't really mind the ones I have on my hands from playing with my dogs and my friends, but the ones on my legs from itching mosquito bites I could definitly do without.

4. My hearing. I swear I'm deaf sometimes. xd.png I hear the randomnest things ever.

5. I'm very outgoing. I love being the center of attention, and I can feel myself get to the point where I need to stop and get serious, but I sometimes don't, which annoys me.

6. I guess I'm also extremely competitive, and a bit of a show off. I expect myself to be better than most. It really ticks me off when people don't think I'm smart, so I go out of my way to prove it and end up messing up somehow. I know I do much better when I don't even try to show off, but I still do it. tongue.gif

7. I always fear I didn't react correctly. I fear being looked at differently I guess, even though I go out of my way to be different. I'm so contradictive. xd.png


EDIT: Guess I should add that (8) I have a really short attention span and get distracted by amusing things very easily. Like this. I wasn't supposed to be here. I'm supposed to be studying. Oops. xd.png

Edited by Lythe

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1. My looks. Especially the fact I have a habit of staying up late and have heavy bags under my eyes. And I just don't look... good.

2. Glasses. I look awful in them.

3. Dirty mind ovo;; that's just due to my friends imprinting on me.

4. When I was 10 I used to lie down in this bad position with my laptop. My back now ocassionally hurts and I have to be careful. It's easier to break my spine now.

5. I love my mum so much, like 100% and I know this is just how it was, but her epilepsey has an impact on us, a lot. Her newest medication made her hit dad due to anger side effects and she's had to change.

6. The fact I hurt people. A lot. Emotionally. Not a bully type thing, but with friends... I dunno.

7. My friend skills. I have 2 rl friends ovo;; I have more internet friends than real life friends, but I love them still.

8. I always embaress myself in one way or another but it isn't always on purpose (my swimming top loves lifting itself up in the pool)

9. How I choose my friends. Of course I had to be friends with that jerk, didn't I?

10. Everything about me.

Edited by DragonGirl10188

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1. That I cry so fast

2. My stupid ugly hair xd.png

3. That I listen so much about what other people say

4. That I say stupid things to people, and that I hurt them with that

5. That I'm so fast jealous

6. That I can't sport, dance, sing, draw, write stories, ...

7. That I always have to be in the middle point

8. That I think so much about ''things''... >.<

9. That I don't have a best friend or so

10. That I am almost always in my room

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I can think of my body. I should fatten up more.

My laziness. I should work better.

My grades, I should study more.

My art is ugly. I should practice more.

My colour, it should be violet, not blue.

My username, it should be more special.

My looks with glasses. I should wear contacts.

My skill in table tennis, I should practice more.

My skill in badminton goodminton. I should practice more.

My shyness. I should be more outgoing.

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1. Can't tolerate anyone that has even 5% of immaturity

2. It takes me 10 mins to try to figure out how to word a sentence...

3. My interest are ones no one can relate at my school or any ware.

4. I feel like if a say something, Anytime, Any ware. I kill the conversation.

5. I get stressed out from everything.

6. No control for my anger.

7. My depression. It happens daily and almost most of the day.

8. I don't know my own strength. Read 6 again for why this is bad.

9. I have no energy ever. ITS really annoying dry.gif

10. My inability to make friends. On the internet or real life. It takes me few months to make a friend, Then I screw something up and bam back at square one...

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1. My lack of self control. I'm trying to lose weight in order to join the Army, but if junk food crosses my path, I can't help but to eat until I'm ready to burst (although I did drop 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks. Yay me!)


2. My "popularity". In a certain fandom, I'm well known for my art and characters on deviantART. Don't get me wrong, I love getting comments on my work and such, but the attention makes me more open to art thieves and trolls :\


3. My sheer laziness.


4. My inability to control my temper sometimes.


5. Again, my lack of self control. Only this time, how easily I spend money and I end up scrambling to pay off something later on. I buy on impulse.


6. My allergies.


7. My own self pity, knowing although I'm older than most of my friends, they're far more experienced than I am with some things.


8. My jealousy over the previous mention.


9. I sometimes do or say something stupid that makes me hate myself for the rest of the day.


10. ...I honeslty don't have a 10th. it actually took me a while to figure out this list.


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1. I have extremely poor eye sight. I hate wearing glasses but I don't really have a choice.

2. My anxiety. I have to take medication to stay calm.

3. I still have an anxiety mindset that I wish would go away.

4. I tend to give second chances to people who don't deserve them.

5. My body. I'd prefer to be male over female.


This is all I can really thing of.

I've been trying to keep away from self loathing thoughts.

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1. Feeling like a Failure

I have a beautiful amazing daughter - she's smart, happy go lucky, a real character. And all I can think when I look at her is that I'm going to ruin her.


2. That I didn't get to choose my family

I hate my family. I loved my grandfather - and when he died Sept 3rd of this year I was/am devastated - my grandmother and aunt went off the deep end (I was living with them, I was the one to call the paramedics when I noticed he wasn't acting right, etc). At this point I don't plan on seeing my maternal family ever again - they've ruined me, and my daughter is better without them in her life.


2.5/3. I blame my grandmother for my grandfather passing away

They were together for 45 years - and she didn't notice anything was wrong after he'd had a stroke. His bartender noticed he was different and sent him home early, I noticed something was wrong before I went to work the next morning. They think he had the stroke about 36 hours before I called and had him brought in (I was working and he was out of the house the day before so I didn't see him at all). She'd seen him multiple times in those 36 hours but is always too absorbed in herself. At the hospital even on medication he was complaining of being uncomfortable and a bad headache and she (a nurse even who works at that hospital and deals with emergency room situations) didn't even ask for a dr to take another look at him. He went into a coma with a brain bleed a few hours after she left. And then she has the audacity to say that he was her entire world and that she loved him so much - I was with him for 15 minutes and knew something was wrong and I've only been living there for a few years; she's been living with him for 45 years, exposed to him no less than 5 times over a 36 hour window and didn't notice anything.


4. Borderline Personality Disorder


5. comorbid Bipolar Disorder


6. Perfectionistic Tendencies

I don't want to do anything if I can't do it right or perfectly; I'd rather not even try if I can't.


7. I love too hard


8. Overly Analytical


9. Anti-Social

Friends? Those people exist in the fake world created by tv, movies and books.


10. How much I feel like a fraud every moment of my life.

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This thread looks slightly depressing with all the negative thoughts, you guys shouldn't always feel so down on yourself. Anyway, I guess even I have a few flaws that I wish could change


1. My OCD


2. That I'm really bad at most sports. I'm only good at basketball and tennis.


3. My popularity at school


4. How my friends think I'm a nerd even though they say they're joking I can't help but think if I really am one


5. My love of wi-fi


6. My name, I wish my parents chose something more modern


7. The fact that I don't have the 'perfect' body


8. How I can forgive people easily when they don't deserve my kindness


9. How I can laugh at the pain of other people, it just makes me sad to think am I that sadistic?


10. Kind of relates to #9 but I can never cry when sad things are happening. When my grandparents died did I cry? No, I just stood there like nothing happened. I wish I wasn't so cold-hearted although I am getting better. This year I've already cried four times when sad things have happened (but it was only in movies sad.gif)

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What a depressing thread...


There isn't a soul on the planet that's perfect and without flaws. All we can do is work on them and try to improve things we don't like.

Edited by MedievalMystic

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