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Fell Haven 2

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((@Laura: survalence is watching carefully))

((@Fortune: Did you see my suggested victim yet? He's in the OOC))


By the time Cizzur had picked up the damaged watcher, it was no longer functioning. It had deactivated itself out of artificial fear.


But other watchers were still following Eli. They crawled over rooftops, under parked cars and in shaded alleyways and sewer covers. Each and every one of them was barley noticeable other than by a faint symphony of clicks, and the ocoasional flash of light reflecting off a lens. All of them acting as eyes and ears for Talon.

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Issac, while walking with Leon and Isis, decided he'd best start focusing his metal powers again for long ranges now that his energy was back up to par. He figured he'd see if he could locate Eli, since Eli was a familiar feeling object and he had seen Eli close enough now to know how he 'felt.' Surely, he managed to locate Eli. Then something caught and shocked Issac, well two things actually...


Is that a SKELETON walking with Eli? Issac's right eye twitched. Issac shook his head to clear the image, but when he recentered on Eli, it was suddenly feeling like a normal person. Maybe my powers are a little shaky... I haven't had to use my people locating abilities in a while... Then the second object caught his attention. Object that had the same build as what was in the dwarf's place were crawling around near Eli. They were observing him and following him. Talon... Just what are you up to now? You'd better be planning a welcoming committee and not a stalker-ish obsession...

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((People locating powers?


@ Sailing: Yes I have, but decided against. Not really a heroic kind of person. Also, I'm sorry but I am going to have to say no to small army of watcher robots. One or two is fine, but not an entire legion. That's pushing it too far.))

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Melodee stepped closer, as if trying to look over his shoulder. "Sure. What do you have?" She took another step, then another, and suddenly found herself with a hand on his arm, peering into the fridge. She wondered why Tegan was flirting with her like this; didn't Miguel say he had fallen for Moonshine?


She wondered why she was acting this way around him. Maybe she liked him. Maybe she didn't. Maybe it was just so long since she had had a guy around who was as gentlemanly as Tegan. Or maybe she was just having a bit of fun.

"The usual. Water, Coke.." His voice trailed of as she put her hand on his arm. Touch didn't mean the same for him as for another person. His power became stronger the closer he was to a person and touching someone was about as close as it could get.


He turned his head to look at the hand, then into her eyes and a small grin emerged on his lips. It was half warning, half challenge, asking wordlessly if she knew what she was getting into all the while daring her to leave her hand right were it was.



Triumphant Cizzur put what was left of the watcher into a pot and put the lid over it.


He looked over to Tegan and his mouth opened a little in surprise and then he clenched his hands in anger. Tegan was an incorrible flirt, but while he had a girlfriend he usually kept it harmless especially if the girlfriend in question was watching.


This didn't look harmless and that after Tegan had told him Moonshine was his great love and he wasn't playing games with her.


"I think someone would benefit from a broken arm.", he growled in a low voice that probably didn't carry farther than Moonshine.

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"The usual. Water, Coke.." His voice trailed of as she put her hand on his arm. Touch didn't mean the same for him as for another person. His power became stronger the closer he was to a person and touching someone was about as close as it could get.


He turned his head to look at the hand, then into her eyes and a small grin emerged on his lips. It was half warning, half challenge, asking wordlessly if she knew what she was getting into all the while daring her to leave her hand right were it was.

She froze as he turned and looked at her hand. She panicked and almost pulled away. Had she done something wrong? Was it wrong just to touch him? Then he looked up into her eyes, and he grinned. She read his warning and his challenge, it was hard not to. She knew her confusion showed in her eyes, but she smiled back at him and was about to loop her arm through his when she heard a rough whisper coming from behind, probably Cizzur. She glanced in that direction and she spotted Moonshine in the corner of her eye. She realized what they were doing and it wouldn't look good from their point of view. She pulled herself away from the irresistible Tegan and muttered, "I'll have a coke..."

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((People locating powers?))

((If he's close to someone he gets a general idea of their shape and size through their bones and blood... which are heavy in metallic elements... he used it to find Isis and Leon earlier from a chopper with Talon, remember? It was easier to find Leon because of his armor. Issac has a sixth sense with metal and can feel it out. Each person Issac meets "feels" differently since no two people are exactly alike. Can do just about anything with metal, so it's allowed I think?))

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Moonshine had taken her eyes off Tegan and Melodee to reply to Cizzur when he had asked before Melode had turned away from the fridge. "He'd get more then that, if I had not asked him to do it." she replied in an even softer voice, barely audiable even to Cizzur. She turned to Tegan and said "Grab me a coke too please." She was not being overly polite, but not overly not polite either. Turning back to Cizzur she motioned to the droid "Is it dead? I hate nusances like that."

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((Also, I'm sorry but I am going to have to say no to small army of watcher robots. One or two is fine, but not an entire legion. That's pushing it too far.))

((I never specified the exact number for that reason, (Making things free to interpretation is prone to misenterpretation.) ))


When too many of his screens had turned into images of Eli and his companion, Talon realized that more watchers' were being diverted from their usual duties than he had orrigonally intended. Their hard-wired curiosity had gotten the better of them again, so Talon sent out the order for them to reduce their numbers around the necromancer, to which they reluctantly complied.

Talon then contacted Cyrus and, after confirming that the android had finished his first scans, sent him to scan the same death scene to which Eli was heading.

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"Okay...so where does this Firefly live?"


"Some distance away, but he was actually found dead in a park not far from here."


Eli put the notepad back in his pocket and looked around until he could see the right route to take.


"It shouldn't take long to get there. Hopefully we'll be able to find someone who can tell us something. The park is fairly large. I doubt our killer would be able to empty all of it spiritual residue."


Caim nodded and followed after his master as he began to move on. As he did so he became aware of the feeling of being watched. Then again, half the city knew what he was and kept a beady eye on him whenever he was spotted, so he just shrugged the feeling off.

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Fikel realised he was following two people and blinked. He reconised one of them from the police station. He shuddered, thinking silently to himself about that encounter. Why had he decided to come this way? He couldn't remember, but he would head into the park and find a bench to sit at. Satisfied he had a plan, he made a beeline for the park. He shivered again, why was it that people like this were everywhere he went? He sighed, tyring not to look at the two in front of him. He focused on the ground at his feet, that should work. He would walk into the park, and that would be that.

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Cyrus was near the center of the park, unloading the scanning equipment from a modified smart car that was parked on the path. A few passerby had paused to watch as the android continued to unload a seemingly impossible amount of odd machinery like some cyber clown car act. By the time he noticed Eli, the android was pulling a twelve foot long pole out of he three foot wide trunk. He paused to wave, hoping to get he necromancer's attention.

Edited by sailing101

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As Eli and Caim approached the park they spotted the nervous looking man from before. He seemed to have also seen them, as he rushed straight off into the park when he glanced in their direction. Eli could only guess that he was trying to avoid them, although unfortunately he had gone in the same direction they were heading.


Inside the park Eli was going to head straight towards where Firefly's body had been found, although his attention was pulled towards someone waving at him. It was the cyborg from the day before.


He walked over and stopped a few feet away.


"Hello. How are you?"

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Melodee smiled back at him and though Tegan felt confusion he felt also determination to rise to his challenge. He doubted she knew he was an empath or she wouldn't have been confused, but he couldn't be sure about it. What he was sure of was that she was no chicken ... and that she had a lovely smile.


He heard Cizzur wisper something to Moonshine in a harsch tone and felt enough anger coming from his friend that his grin vanished from his face in an instant .

He hadn't had time to tell Cizzur about Moonshine's request and since Cizzur apparently liked Moonshine he was in for a rough time.

Luckily a moment later that anger cooled down. Tegan supposed Moonshine had filled him in.


Meanwhile Melodee had regrettably become as alarmed as him and retreated a bit.


Pretending nothing had happpened Tegan took out two cokes out of the fridge and looked over to Cizzur.




"Proteinshake, if you have it."




He produced a strange pinkish bottle, looked at Melodee and winked.


"I hope you don't take me for a weirdo for having such things in my fridge. It's just that I've been friends with this loon for a long time now. Apparently bodybuilding makes you crave all kinds of strange foods."


"Healthy food. You wouldn't die if you tried it yourself."


"So you say." The doubt in Tegan's voice couldn't be missed.


He threw one cola and the proteinshake over to Cizzur and Moonshine, then he handed the other one to Melodee with a little bow.


"Glasses are on the cupboard. Now if the ladies and the gentleman will excuse me for a minute, I'll be right back."


Tegan left the room to make the call about Melodees piano, ignoring Cizzur, who was rolling his eyes over Tegan's latest comment.


Luck was with her. The pair didn't notice Moira and started moving again. Moira found a corner that was shielded from sight and used it to sink into the street, than she kept following them.

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"I'm fine, thanks," Cyrus replied, "I would like to apologize for what happened yesterday, even if I had no controll of my actions at the time." He set down the pole and turned to face Eli. "Are you all right?" the android asked.

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Melodee smiled as he winked at her. She wasn't ashamed of her attraction towards him, she just had to be careful to keep it hidden.


"Glasses are on the cupboard. Now if the ladies and the gentleman will excuse me for a minute, I'll be right back."


Melodee nodded, then turned to Moonshine when he left. "Well, if you haven't started something with him, I think you should. He's gorgeous." She forced a dreamy look into her eyes. "He reminds me of this guy back in my hometown. I really miss seeing him." She paused as she though about Jason. She really did miss him. But he had made it clear that they could never be together. Well, I suppose I've actually let him go, she thought to herself.


She went to the cupboard and found the glasses. She pulled two out and offered one to Moonshine.

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(Yeah...'Hidden' xd.png)


Moonshine took a sip of her Coke, putting the glass away and mumbling something about not liking to waste a glass on a can of drink. "I might," she replied, taking another sip of her coke. Her indiference was thick in the air, "If I was into men." She took another sip of her drink, her trademark malicious humor rising in her stomach. Turning to gaze at the door he had left through, she continued "He's an okay guy, but a bit too over the top of my taste." She shrugged "It's no offense to him, but I just prefer something different to what he is offering." She finished her drink in three big gulps then deposited of the can.

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Melodee nodded. "Oh, I see. Well, that's fine too." She watched as Moonshine quickly finished her soda and threw it away. She opened her can, poured half of the coke into it, then put the can back into the fridge. She sipped at the soda as she leaned on the counter. "So, what's college life like? I asked Moira, and see seems to have no opinion on it." She chose her words carefully, hoping she didn't sound like she was insulting her new roommate.

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Moonshine nodded, "Moria has different priorities. It's fine, but I don't realy got that much. I mainly come the lesson before the test, find out what I need to know, take the test. Rinse repeat, you know the drill." She paused and turned to Cizzur "I haven't had a chance to properly talk to you yet other then some light conversation either." She smirked and couldn't help but laugh, "I'm sure you'd love a 'talk' with two girls." Shaking her head she turned ack to Melodee and said "So, classical or just whatever?" she said, refering to the paino.

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"So, classical or just whatever?" she said, refering to the paino.

Melodee shrugged. "Anything you put in front of my I can usually play without too much trouble. I like to compose a bit as well... Usually slower songs though, without lyrics." She finished her coke and started washing it out in the sink. "Honestly, I like classical better. The songs nowadays are all about relationships gone wrong and one night stands." Shakes her head. "That's not anything I want to get into."

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"Oh I'm fine" said Eli waving any concerns away. "It'll take a lot more than a knock on the head to worry me."


Caim made an impatient sound and Eli rolled his eyes.


"I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse me. There is something I need to do."


He nodded his head at Cyrus and walked away, towards the grassy area of Firefly's supposed death. It didn't take long for him to find that as he had suspected, there was nothing there.


"This is bad" he told Caim. "The nearest spiritual residue is some distance away, and I believe its nothing more than a dog."


"How is this possible?" demanded Caim, angry at being thwarted yet again by the killer.


"They may be another necromancer" mused Eli. "Only we have such power over souls. It might also explain the strange manner of their death."

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Cyrus had finished setting up the scanning array, and proceded to take an area scan of the park. The android still was not sure why his master was suddenly interested in The electromagnetic afterimiges made by flesh bound life forms, but if he wanted a scan of the park, then Cyrus would scan the park. The android looked into the imaging scope to get a view of the park through the scanner's eye, and immediately pulled back in supprise. Cyrus then adjusted several dials, and looked again. There was no denying it, a blank spot covered a section of the park.


"This is bad" he then heard Eli say. "The nearest spiritual residue is some distance away, and I believe its nothing more than a dog."


Cyrus looked over at Eli, then on a hunch, set the array to scan for life signs. A quick look into the scope confirmed his suspicions, Eli's companion didn't regester either. Cyrus then grabbed a close range scanner and aproached the pair, saying "Excuse me"

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"Oh don't worry. I hate all people equally, regardless of gender."


He made a scowl when Melodee spoke about her love of music. To him it was not much better than noise.


Moira made a mental note to do some reserach about Nekromants. She had had no idea they dealt with souls. Movies seemed to portray them as people who animated soulless zombies and sat in dark crypts most of the time.

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((Would Cyrus' scanner pick up Moira?))


Eli turned when the cyborg approached and spoke to him. There was a strange look in his eye and he was holding some unknown object. The Necromancer glanced briefly at Caim before addressing Cyrus.


"Can I help you?"

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((It does depend on what his scanners are searching for. Moiras atoms are between the atoms of the stone, so there shouldn't be enough left of her to be picked up if he is searching for humans. On the other hand if he were to evaluate the stone he should notice that a (moving) part of it is rather unusual. For once the density of it is higher than it should be))


"I am good." Tegan announced as he came back into the room.


"There is a musicroom in the department of arts that is used in the mornings but almost never in the afternoons or evenings. I've just finished talking with Professor Loyne and you milady.."


He looked at Melodee, held his hand over his heart and bowed as if he were still in the middle ages and speaking to royality.


".. will get a key so you can go there whenever you will. Which is not only practical, because Moira lives on the campus too, but there are all kinds of notes there and other instruments if you get tired of the piano. And Professor Loyne said, if you want to he'd come and listen to decide if he could grant you a scholarship once you are old enough to attent the academy."


"No one who is that proud of himself is good. Try evil. The eternal enemy of good"


Tegan grinned. "The eternal enemy of good is better ."

Edited by Laura-Lana

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"Sorry to intrude," Cyrus explained, "your friend here doesn't appear on the wide area scans," the android then turned to Caim. "With your permission, I'd like to take a focused scan of you to try to identify your energy signature, then scan the area for anything similar."

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