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Our War~ Accepting!

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((Awesome. Just me and you for a while.))


"Poor egg would have had to live alone if it weren't for you." Hestia added on, with a smile on her face. "Well, I'm going to explore this place a bit. I think I like it here." Hestia informed.


Hestia flew off to get a drink of water at the Echo River, when suddenly she heard something from that odd, dead looking forest. She backed up slowly and started to walk off towards the Ensia Forest. It was bushy when she first walked in, but it eventually cleared up. It wasn't anything interesting in that forest. Hestia flew back to Mystic. "I've returned," Hestia told Mystic "..and I have a question. Where is this place? What is it called?"


"This forest is the Ensia Forest, the river is the Echo River. I'm not known by clans much, so no one goes looking here for me." she answered, then adding a comment. "Located between the Silent Forest, Hatchling's Care, and the Hatred Lands." She added. "If you want, I can make you a bed off moss, leafs, and wet and soft bark." Mystic said, looking around a moss bag for something to eat.


Xaphan's egg slowly got warmer, thanks to the moss nest. The two new voices he had heard were still there conversing, and the movements have stopped. Xaphan slowly started to kick from inside his shell.. the egg was starting to feel small and cramped...


A small crack appeared on the shell.


Mystic went to check on the egg, and saw the crack. "Its hatching!" she whispered, smiling happily.

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Xaphan nudged at the insides of his egg Shell, kicking and scratching, looking for a way out. *crack*, faint light started to enter from the roof of his shell, at first it startled young Xaphan. He had only known darkness up until this point. Reinvigorated he nudged at this weakness in his shell trying to break free of his confines. A small hole appeared, too small for Xaphan to crawl out of, but big enough for him to look out of with one of his citrine coloured eyes. His eyes started to adjust to the new shapes and colors of the outside world. He could just barely make out two large shapes, one bigger then the other. Scared, Xaphan curled up in his shell, attemping to make himself look small.


*Just incase, Citrine is like a dark yellow ;x

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Xaphan nudged at the insides of his egg Shell, kicking and scratching, looking for a way out. *crack*, faint light started to enter from the roof of his shell, at first it startled young Xaphan. He had only known darkness up until this point. Reinvigorated he nudged at this weakness in his shell trying to break free of his confines. A small hole appeared, too small for Xaphan to crawl out of, but big enough for him to look out of with one of his citrine coloured eyes. His eyes started to adjust to the new shapes and colors of the outside world. He could just barely make out two large shapes, one bigger then the other. Scared, Xaphan curled up in his shell, attemping to make himself look small.


Mystic sighed and walked near the back of the cave, returning with a moss blanket. After putting it on the egg, giving it a bit more warmth, she went to grab some water. She went to Echo River, saw something strange in Silent Forest, but returned to the cave without worrying. She put the bowl of water near the egg, and cleaned the egg a bit more with water magic, showing it to someone else for the first time. She backed away, not wanting to scare the hatchling, but anough so he could see that she was a kind, White Dragon.

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"That would be lovely," Hestia replied. She thought about the Ensia Forest and exploring all of those places, but she wasn't done asking questions.


"Down by the Echo River. Why are all the trees dead?" Hestia was still curious.

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Dracouraca lisened back to Midnight's thoughts. Maybe they could just walk off to leave these adult dragons to help each other and everything but this would be a good time to abush the dragons, maybe even take out the big dorsel one. But they couldn't risk killing theirselfs and couldn't break Midnight's cover. But they couldn't also let the dragons go back and reform and wipe them later on.

We will kill them one day, but maybe we shouldn't blow your cover now. But if we did kill them then your cover wouldn't be blown. I do fancy a little killing today, but do you fancy a taste of blood or you want to be Mr.Nice for another day? He thought back to Midnight.

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Xaphan watched from within the confines of his egg, as the big white figure stepped away from the egg. Regaining his courage he lifted his head causing he roof of the egg shell to fall onto the cave floor. Xaphan was now exposed to whatever the outside world had to offer him. He instinctively cowered back down, from the shock, before starting to crawl out of the now broken egg shell. His claws gripped on the moss below, the moisture on the moss sending a tingle up his spine. Crawling across this soft cushiony material was tiring him out... there had to be a faster way to move. He looked over at the two giant figures in the cave and tried to mimic their stance.


He summoned all of his strength into his legs and started to push down on the ground below, he made it halfway up, however his muscles would not support the weight and he fell back down, determined to stand he attempted it again, this time managing to hold this position for a few seconds before his legs once again buckled under his weight and he collapsed.


He lay there defenseless, and tired.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Midnight had to think for a few seconds about what Dracouraca had said. He did have a thirst for blood that he would need to quench sometime soon or he would snap and blow his cover. After pondering his choices a while longer he decided on a course of action, I've decided that now is not the time to blow my cover. I will assist them in freeing the hellfire wyvern. If I can gain enough trust to be left alone with the hatchlings at some point I can capture them and bring them to Inkheart who can slaughter the adults after draining the guardian of nature's powers. You'd best make yourself scarce so that they won't susspect anything is up. What you decide to do is up to you my friend. We will speak again the next chance we get. With that, Midnight silently lifted off into the sky before circling back around and dissolving his invisibility. "Miss Shawnee. What is the problem here? You seem quite frantic." He looked at the oddly colored electric dragon but didn't know his name so he simply nodded his head respecfully.

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Dracouraca nodded to Midnight's answer but didn't bother to answer back to him. He licked more of his own black blood off his face as he watched Midnight take flight and land next to Shawnee as if nothing had happened. He knew that it was temping for the vampire/black to jump at her throat and drain the blood out of her, so it must had been hard for him. But it wasn't any of his work anyway, his master, Inkheart only ordered for the marrow dragon to just do one little thing for him. Get the guardian of nature, piece of cake. But nothing was easy when everyone shared the love for each other and will protect each other from every single little thing that seems a little dangerous or not.

He chanted his vanish spell lowly and the black mist cricled around him, dancing like fire beautifully but however dully. It wasn't long before when the mist was gone, the marrow dragon was gone with it.

The marrow dragon reapeared in the sky, high above the black/vampire and the dorsel with the other hatchling, gliding silently and slowly not dareing to make a sound...

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Shawnee was starting to dig deeper into the rock, getting past the freshly turned, moist dirt and rock and onto the dry, cold rock that barely blocked the cave. "Midnight!" She looked up as she heard his voice, glad to hear it, it meant more help. "Flaming got trapped in the cave, I don't know how, but she won't rrespond to telepathy. I think she's hurt, we have to get her out!" The dragoness said before starting the dig again, her paw hit air, now she only had to make the hole bigger. It was a small hole, but a start.

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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The black dragon's scent reappeared just as instantly as it had dissappeared earlier. Phayne craned his neck backwards looking for the source and noticed the larger black dragon descending onto the ground.


"wierd..something does not feel right" Phayne thought to himself, he would have noticed the scent getting stronger as he flew closer to the area... it would not have just appeared and disappeared the way it did. Phayne decided not to pursue the matter, there were more pressing matters at hand. They had a dragon to rescue.


Phayne let out a roar, as he pulled down a relatively large boulder onto the ground. This feat had drained him of quite a bit of energy, however it was important they rescued the dragon trapped inside.






Vrael slowly opened his eyes, his throat felt dry and it was causing him some discomfort. He decided to make his way over to the river to take a drink in order to relieve himself of this discomfort. Turning towards the cave entrance, Vrael noticed two roundish figures entering the cave. He walked over to get a closer inspection, on each of these two giant balls of fluff where smaller hatchlings. One of them looked to be asleep, whilst the other 2 smaller dragons were covering their noses. Vrael sniffed the air, but could not smell anything wrong.


"uh.. excuse me... coming through...." Vrael yawned at the two giant balls of fluff, during his yawn, he had accidently frozen some of the fur on one of the fluffballs, it was the one carrying the sleeping dragon (Vrael can't tell that Crisie is unconcious) he walked in between them, their fur rubbing against his scales. A warm tingle spread through Vrael's body, this felt really good. Forgetting why he got up in the first place, Vrael walked under the fluffball that carried the two identical hatchlings and curled up. Yes, it was much warmer here then sleeping outside on the cave floor, however whatever this giant ball of fluff was, gave Vrael a sense of protection, on top of that the fur was really comfy, it was much better then the wet moss.. Vrael yawned and went back to sleep.


Edited by TotallyDrow

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Midnight approached the other two dragons calmly. He could smell where the hellfire wyvern was beneath all of the rubble, he could hear her breathing and heartbeat, and when he tested the air with his forked tongue he could taste the tang of blood from her injuries Dracouraca had caused. He could also smell and taste Shawnee's blood from her broken claws. He swallowed the saliva that gathered in his mouth at the temptation of such a fresh meal right in front of him. He fought down his urge to latch on to the dragoness's neck and quench his thirst and walked up to the spot he sensed Flaming was beneath. "Here let me help." He closed his eyes and focused his power onto the landslide. The ground began to shake and smaller rock bounced up and floated in the air from the buildup of sheer magic power. Gritting his teeth, Midnight forced his magic upon the larger rocks that had been uncovered by the other dragons. They began to slowly but steadily pull apart and move out and away from the landslide. Midnight's reflector magic that he used to manipulate the rocks away from Flaming also held up the rest of the landslide to keep her from simply being re-buried. THe black/vampire opened an eye as Flaming was uncovered and sent through thought to the others, Someone get her out quickly! I can't hold it for much longer. He could have easily held it up for a while longer. But no need to go showing his true amount of power to these others.

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Shawnee stood back as Midnight quickly uncovered Flaming with his magic. She saw the hellfire's scales being uncovered and dove into the cave to pick up the small dragon's body. The dragoness picked Flaming up by the back of her neck, taking great care as she dragged her body out of the cave. Shawnee didn't mean to act like a mother having an anxiety attack when she had tried to dig Flaming out, she was worried about her, that's all. Plus, the stress was starting to get to her. She laid Flaming on the ground and listened for the hatchling's heartbeat. Relieved when she heard it. "Thank you, Midnight. Thank you, Phayne. She's safe now, and everyone is back at the cave." Her voice trembled as she spoke, she couldn't help it. "Come on." Shawnee mumbled as she picked up Flaming again and started to flap her wings. She was able to gain lift and was soon hovering over Phayne and Midnight. "We need to get back to them."

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Amazon frowned and looked around the cave. Two seconds ago Vrael had been sitting here and now he was gone. "How does he keep escaping me?" he thought to himself. He examined the dark cave once again and saw a lone figure walking toward the entrance of the cave and what appeared to be a large group of dragons. Amazon ran after the figure and soon caught up with it. It was Vrael. "Yes! Now I can get revenge!" he thought to himself, "But how should I do it?" Then Vrael yawned and some of the first dragon, which looked more like a puffball, was covered in ice. Amazon stifled a laugh. That is what Vrael had done to him. He watched as Vrael laid down in one of the puffballs. That dragon had two hatchlings on their back and the other puffball had an unconscious dragon on its back. Amazon did not know who any of these dragons were so he was curious what they were doing here. He decided not to wake them up but he laid down near them, keeping a close watch on Vrael.

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Phayne watched in amazement as the black dragon easily lifted the stones off the ground. Phayne could not explain how exactly he did it, but regardless it got the job done, and it did it quickly. Phayne saw the unconcious Hellfire Wyvern and watched as Shawnee retrieved her from the cave.


Thank you, Midnight. Thank you, Phayne. She's safe now, and everyone is back at the cave." Her voice trembled as she spoke, she couldn't help it. "Come on." Shawnee mumbled as she picked up Flaming again and started to flap her wings. She was able to gain lift and was soon hovering over Phayne and Midnight. "We need to get back to them."


Phayne took a running start before leaping into the air, he circled above the three of them waiting for either one to take the lead. Phayne was not familiar with the geography of Ensia forest and failed to note down any landmarks on his way over here. It would have been difficult for him to locate the hatchling's cave. Up this high, Phayne could see the horizon, the sky was slowly getting brighter. Only a few more hours before morning.

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Midnight watched as Shawnee retrieved Flaming from the opening he had created. He was tempted to drop the boulders back down onto them and attack the electric dragon, but he held his morale for the sake of his plan. Once Flaming and Shawnee were clear, he cut off his magic and the rubble crashed back down to earth. He took a moment to "catch his breath" before looking at Shawnee after she said they should return to the cave. He nodded his head respectfully and spoke, "I will return to the cave shortly. I have yet to finish my hunt. I shall bring back some breakfast for the hatchlings." With that he leapt up into the air and took off towards the west. After searching for several moments he came upon a herd of elk in a clearing. The vampire silently dropped upong them, trapping two beneath his claws and grabbing a third in his jaws. He guzzled the warm blood from the elk in his mouth before tossing it aside. Having held off his thirst for now, Midnight launched back into the sky and flew back towards the cave.

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What a waste. Dracouraca thought to himself as he watched the hellfire wyven get recovered. He lazily flapped his wing again to keep himself in air. All of that time, was just a waste.




Flaming eyes shot open for a start. Everything was blurry and fizzy. She blinked again to clear away the blur and saw Shawee's face. She didn't if she should feel embassed or happy to see her. Then she saw a stranger in a small distance. It was black with green eyes. She couldn't tell what breed of dragon it was then she remembered it was just a black dragon. It took of after telling the dorsel a few words which Flaming couldn't understand as her ears rang like bells. She tried to get back up but then a wave of dizzynes hitted her and she fell back down. Flaming signed, a little annoyed with herself. She tried to get back up again, leaning her wing on Shawee shoulder for surrport as she pulled herself back up.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. Flaming never felt so stupid in her life before, apart from the time when she touched a sword without knowing it was dangerous and cutted her tail. She closed her eyes and signed again, almost reliefed that she got air again. Flaming opened her heavy eyes and looked down herself, cheaking for any wounds. Then she spotted a bloody mark on her chest which may had been a cut from a sharp rock or the claws of the marrow dragon when they fighted. "Oh, i'm such a mess." She managed to crack a smile as she forced laugh at herself. Her wings were covered in cuts and scars and she felt like her back will snap in half soon. Then she felt Shawee trying to put her up. "Shawee, stop it." She moaned. She wasn't a hatchling any more and Shawee was still treating her like one. Flaming twisted around, making her loose grip of the hellfire wyven which was almost a adult and Flaming fell back down. Landing on her feet dizzyly and she shoke her head a little in pain. She wanted to handle her pain like an adult without everyone having to help her all of the time. Flaming stood back up, carefully keeping her balance. "I can handle myself," Flaming told her, trying to pull on the brave face.




Dracouraca had enough of watching this drama. He decided it was time to head back home. He chanted his vanish spell but then something hitted him. His home was half destoryed by the lava. Well Inkheart's cave was so yeah... he will just go back and cheak on Inkheart, just making sure that he didn't get destoryed by the lava or anything while he was sleeping. The black mist circled and Dracouraca snarled with annoyance and tried to stop his vanish spell. The black mist quickly fladded away and Dracouraca shook his head a little, then he decided to keep watching about whats going on under him.

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Jigsaw walked up to Crisie and nuzzled her gently. "Crisie? Please wake up, please." She sat down by her and stared out the cave, wondering when Flaming would come back, if she was alive. Of course she's alive, don't think like that! Jigsaw sighed and continued to watch the entrance. Hope Shawnee gets back soon. The cave was cold, but slowly getting warmer as the sun rose. "Who's that?" asked a small voice. "Hello, Glace. This is Crisie; be quiet she's sleeping." Jigsaw felt bad about lying, she she didn't want Glace to know the terrible reality: She had been knocked out because Inkheart had done something that made her evil. She shook her head and let Glace crawl under her wing while she watched the sun rise.

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Shawnee frowned as Flaming twisted out of her grip. She stopped flapping her wings and drifted back down beside the hellfire, staying close in case she lost her balance again. "Flaming, hold in your pride for a little longer, dear. I understand you want to be treated like an adult, but let me take you back to the cave, that is... Unless you want to walk there." She nuzzled Flaming, worry in her eyes.

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From above, Phayne watched as Shawnee tended to the hellfire wyvern like a mother would. Flashbacks of his childhood swarmed and invaded his thoughts. One particular memory stood out....


..."Aww... come on, let me do it!, I'm old enough now....please....." Phayne whined. His mother had decided to go out hunting in the forest below the mountain's where they lived. Phayne followed close behind her... he had yet to hunt and kill his first animal and was eager to do so. His father had always said that to truly be regarded as a dragon, a young one must pass a test. The clan had labelled this tradition the 'Trial of the Hunt'. The bigger the kill was, the more respect you earned. Up to this point, his mother had been preventing him from getting his first kill... she would often state that he was too young... he wasn't ready... maybe next time...


Crouching low in the bush, Phayne watched as his mother stalked a herd of deer. She leaped from the shadows of the forest and sunk her claws into the side of a young buck. Turning her head to the left, she stunned a second deer by letting lose a jet of electricity from between her horns. This commotion had scared the other deer, causing them to run in several different directions, all motivated by their will to live. From the corner of his eye, Phayne saw the biggest deer he had ever seen in his life, and it was running right at him. Adrenaline filled his body, "This... This is it...This is my chance..." Phayne leaped from his crouched down position and took the deer by surprise, sinking his teeth into the neck of the lead buck. Due to his size, he was not heavy enough to force the deer to the ground and was forced to hang on for the ride while the deer ran through the forest. His mother took to the sky and followed, a worried expression on her face. The tree cover made it near impossible for her to get a clear shot at the deer, and there was no way she could catch the deer without injuring Phayne in the process. "Phayne!, LET GO!, THAT DEER IS TOO BIG FOR YOU!" she roared, "NO!, I CAN DO THIS" he said through clenched teeth, he wanted to impress his father. He wanted to truly be considered a Dragon worthy of respect. Motivated, Phayne did the only thing he could do, he clawed at the underside of the deer getting a better grip, and started to let off several shocks. The voltage was nothing compared to that of his mother's, however the repeated shocks had caused the deer's heart to stop beating... the deer's body went limped and crashed into the ground below crushing Phayne under its weight.


"Phayne, Honey are you alright... Phayne!" his mother said, her voice full of worry."I'm...I'm.... fine..." Phayne responded, picking himself up. "Ow!" he roared, and fell back down. Pain shot up through his body, the moment he tried to put pressure on his right front paw. He looked up at his mother, a cheeky grin on his face... "I told you... I told you I could do it....father will be proud..." His mother interrupted, "Proud?!... I was worried sick!, That deer was too big for you, you shouldn't have tried to kill it!, Do you know what could have happened to you?!?!, Your lucky you escaped with only a twisted ankle!...." she paused. "You are not to leave my sight, and you are grounded until your ankle heal's, is that clear?" she gave a stern look to Phayne, she meant business. "But... But mom... That's not fair!, isn't my ankle punishment enough...." he whined, "I said, is that clear?"..."Hmph.. fine..."


His mother carried Phayne back to their nest, alone with the lead buck that Phayne managed to kill. Phayne did not once let go of the deer during the flight back. This was his trophy, his proof that he was truly a dragon, and his first step in earning the respect of his fellow dragonkin.....



The memory vanished, and Phayne looked on. He missed his family...

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As thorn bushes russeled teal eyes snapped open, muscles tensed under a bulky frame. After living in the Silent Forest for sometime, the lone dragon had learnt which noises ment food, and which ment to run. This was one of the run noises. Silently Akuuma backed further into the cave in which she chose for shelter the night before. Her senses honed in on the noise, her nostrels flared as she tried to identify the maker of the russel. Tense minutes pasted as slowly the russeling faded into the night. Akuuma sighed "That was too cose for comfort that one" She thought. Getting up and crawling form the cave she streched wings out and legs, she had much walking ahead of her if she was going to reach the outskirts by the end of the day. It would be easier to fly but Akuuma always felt vonurable in the open sky, there was no bushes or caves to hide in incase of an attack. Shaking herself to be rid of any foilage that stuck to her through the night, she started off.


Rumors had ben going around the forest of some Guardian dragon gathering others to help put an end to the war. Akuuma felt it was a duty of hers to help end the suffering of dragons and humans alike. Wether it be wiping out the humans or the dragons, Akuuma didn't really care. But what possesed her to leave the relative safety of her forest home? She didn't really know, maybe it was the constant nightmares of others she witnessed during her sleep? Maybe it was the painfull howls that echoed through the near silent forest? Or the Bloody carcasses that she found on a daily schedule of wandering dragons that sought out the Stone Of Dreams? Akuuma sighed again as clambered over a fallen tree, she'll just have to wait and see what lies in store for her.

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"Do you have anything to... stop the pain?" She asked the dorsel dragon. Flaming always felt like a child when she was near her. Shawee was such a motheric dragon or something and she was really loving and kind. Sometimes she could get too friendly towards strangers and be really trusting. Flaming groaned a little when she felt her wing moved and gave her a small wave of pain. Maybe I should just be a hatchling for a little longer... there is no way where I can get out of here alive without the help of Shawnee. She thought to herself. She could just walk back easily if she wasn't covered in bleeding wounds and a really sore wing and Flaming couldn't tell if it was brocken or not.




"Massster?" asked the snake like voice in the cave. "Are you okay...?" Dracouraca looked around the cave. His master, Inkheart wasn't in sight anywhere which worried the marrow dragon a little. Inkheart could had easily survined the landside, right?

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"That would be lovely," Hestia replied. She thought about the Ensia Forest and exploring all of those places, but she wasn't done asking questions.


"Down by the Echo River. Why are all the trees dead?" Hestia was still curious.


"The trees are dead....because once you walk into there, your in the Silent Forest.Also known as Land of the Dead. I'm one of the only dragons that made it out alive." Mystic answered.


Xaphan watched from within the confines of his egg, as the big white figure stepped away from the egg. Regaining his courage he lifted his head causing he roof of the egg shell to fall onto the cave floor. Xaphan was now exposed to whatever the outside world had to offer him. He instinctively cowered back down, from the shock, before starting to crawl out of the now broken egg shell. His claws gripped on the moss below, the moisture on the moss sending a tingle up his spine. Crawling across this soft cushiony material was tiring him out... there had to be a faster way to move. He looked over at the two giant figures in the cave and tried to mimic their stance.


He summoned all of his strength into his legs and started to push down on the ground below, he made it halfway up, however his muscles would not support the weight and he fell back down, determined to stand he attempted it again, this time managing to hold this position for a few seconds before his legs once again buckled under his weight and he collapsed.


He lay there defenseless, and tired.


Mystic slowly walk towards the hatchling, not trying to scare him. She gently took him off the moss, and put him on the cave floor. Then Mystic backed away, allowing Xaphan to have his space.

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Xaphan struggled at the initial contact of being lifted, however soon stopped. Rather then being scared, Xaphan felt safe. It was almost as if he were within the comfort of his egg again.


The cave floor felt much different, Xaphan sniffed at it, trying to figure out why it felt so different however he was unable to do so. Once again Xaphan tried to stand, this new surface was much more practical, it did not shift with his weight and therefore made it much easier for him to get on all fours. He tried to walk forward slowly, in the direction of the other dragon's. Slow and steadily he made his way over, before tripping over his own paw and rolling into one of Mystic's legs. He shook his head, trying to regain his senses.

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