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little lost dragon

The Great Divide

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Kadaen smiled when he saw Vrans was still sleeping. He was glade that he didn't wake her up. He placed his head back down, and waited. He didn't fall back asleep.


Tetra looked over at Vita. "So what is the game plan today?" she asked.

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Vita looked fron the eletric to Tetra "For now the clan will rest in peace, but tomorrow we start preperations for a human attack." he said with a sigh. "Once you have the human book desiphered hand the poison results to Dharsii as soon as you can so she can work on a permanent cure." he said.


After a while Vrans woke up to see Kadean up, though he looked a bit disturbed. "Everything alright Kadaen?" she asked.

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Spearmint told the white dragon her name. "My name is Spearmint. What's a haven? What is this place called?", the inquisitive hatchling asked.

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"It should be done tonight," Tetra said as a promis. "If not it'll take me tomorrow night. I don't want poisons and stuff going unatended. Vamps have it lucky cause they don't have to use their blood, but the blood of others."


"I just had a nightmare, that is all Vrans," Kadaen said as he lifted his head and licked Vrans' cheek. He didn't know if he was allowed to do that, but he wanted to.

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Vita nodded "Vamps are targeted with acid most of the time." he said "Either way though. The sooner she can work on a cure the sooner the clans better off." He said.


Vrans almost shot her head back when he licked her cheek. She was not ready to be kissing right now. But she allowed him to lick her cheek. "What was it about?" she asked wondering.

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"You don't want to know. Trust me on that one. I wish I never saw it," Kadaen said. His voice and eyes showed worry.


Tetra nodded. "I need darkness to read human, wierd but that is just how my mind works," she said.

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Vrans looked into Kadaens eye's seeing his worried look "Something to do with you and me?" she asked eye's showing a bit of worry for him "If your scared of biting me, I do know how to beat a blood lusted vamp." she said to assure him. "Come on, we should move to the den, My arm feels ok enough to be moved." she said getting up and stretching. Back arching down and her front lowered to the ground like a cat then streched her hind legs like a cat. Her wings quivered as they streched as well. No she was not showing off, though who knows what the onlookers may think.


Vita nodded.

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"Trust me you wouldn't beable to beat me," Kadaen said as he saw Vrans streatch. He smiled at her, to him she looked so hatchling like. He also got up, but he didn't need to streatch. His bones were just cracking as he got up.

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When the little royal blue scampered behind her to hide Dharsii bent her head down and gently picked him up in her jaws by the skin at the base of his neck, similar to a cat picking up a kitten. she gently sat him on her back.


"Don't be afraid little one. We'll get you home here shortly. Jst hold on to me please."


She then turned to Spearmint.


"Well Spearmint, it is nice to meet you. This place is known as the Great Divide. and a haven is a safe place. This place is one of the last places where we dragons can live without constant fear of the humans. I will show you around if you wish while I try and find this one's home. Would you like a ride as well?" she spoke calmly and comfortingly to both hatchlings, in an almost motherly tone.

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Vrans left the den after stretching and got a few odd looks right away with the way her arm was. But she ignored them and went to the warriors den and settled down in the bedding on the floor. A Night Glory came over and bent her head down "What happened to your arm?" She asked and Vrans looked at her "LEts say I don't fare well with poison." she said and the Night Glory nodded "Not many do." she said then looked up "Whats he doing here?" she asked with a slight growl "Hey blood sucker! Get back to your ar- *thunp* *thud* -Vrans wh- *tail slap* Vrans had the night glory pined in a flash. "You know not to speak to my friends like that. I know when others are following me." she stated then let the night glory up "Don't come to me if his fangs end up in your neck." she hissed before leaving the den.

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"A ride? Yes please! Only if that's okay with you, though. What's your name, White Dragon?", Spearmint asked.

((She is an energetic little hatchie!))

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Kadaen was shocked that Vrans was able to pin the night Glory so quickly. She might have a chance agest him. He only rolled his eyes ay the day glory when she called him a blood sucker. He was use to names like that and he could tell that the Dragon didn't like him because of his kind. Didn't anyone repected their beta's anymore? He was a beta by full right. He had earned his rank. "Hey Night Glory, I am not the average vampire, I am also Beta of this clan so don't say stuff like that around me okay?! Vite himself has appointed me as Beta and I have yet to bite anyone inside this clan, and besides I normally don't go to the throat," He pratically yelled at the Night Glory.

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When the little royal blue scampered behind her to hide Dharsii bent her head down and gently picked him up in her jaws by the skin at the base of his neck, similar to a cat picking up a kitten. she gently sat him on her back.


"Don't be afraid little one. We'll get you home here shortly. Jst hold on to me please."


She then turned to Spearmint.


"Well Spearmint, it is nice to meet you. This place is known as the Great Divide. and a haven is a safe place. This place is one of the last places where we dragons can live without constant fear of the humans. I will show you around if you wish while I try and find this one's home. Would you like a ride as well?" she spoke calmly and comfortingly to both hatchlings, in an almost motherly tone.

((Ack oops I was ninjaed here, sorry))


The royal blue looked around with wide eye's when he was picked up. When he was put on her back he looked up at her. When she asked him to hold on he looked at the nearest thing to hold onto, her right wing joint.


Kadaen was shocked that Vrans was able to pin the night Glory so quickly. She might have a chance agest him. He only rolled his eyes ay the day glory when she called him a blood sucker. He was use to names like that and he could tell that the Dragon didn't like him because of his kind. Didn't anyone repected their beta's anymore? He was a beta by full right. He had earned his rank. "Hey Night Glory, I am not the average vampire, I am also Beta of this clan so don't say stuff like that around me okay?! Vite himself has appointed me as Beta and I have yet to bite anyone inside this clan, and besides I normally don't go to the throat," He pratically yelled at the Night Glory.


Vrans looked at Kadaen "You maybe a beta here, but to most it does not excuse your breed type." she said "You'll have to excuse her, she's often against the breed, had a few near deaths through her years on full moon nights." she explained.

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"Most of my bread is different from me though, and I was just poiting that part out, and besides I don't just narrow mindedly go for the throat, I'll go for almost any part that has blood in it," Kadaen said. "Okay that just made me sound more like a monster then my kind is." He scratched his chin like a puppy.

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Vrans looked at him as well as a few others "Well, you just made your self sound worse then a normal vamp." she said then looked at him, her eye's showing a combo of worry and yet hardness "If you want things between us to work out, I will need to be ready for one of your blood lust cases. At some point I will need to face you off when you enter that state. For safety reasons." she said in a 'matter of fact' tone

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"When I start to get that feeling I go off hunting so I don't have you guys facing me and possibly get killed," Kadaen said truthfully. He felt like a odd ball.

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Vrans sighed and shook her head "And what if you can't go hunting?" she asked "What if your ordered to stay at your post to watch for an enemy? I need to face you in that state so I can help others train to avoid such a case, regardless of the chance of it happening, better safe then sorry." she said "We won't do so today, not till my arm is done healing." she said looking at it then lifted her head to look at him again and waited for his response.

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"Before that happens I tend to go hunting, but fine, you win this round," Kadaen said. He sighed. "No use aguring with someone as stuborn as you. You'll find a way to get me to that state and pratically do it your way." He did wait until Vrans was done. "And about 100% of the time, others do not come to me unless I just got done hunting."

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Vrans looked at him and if she had been human, her hands would be on her hips. "Kadaen......" she started then shook her head. He was fighting her and not wanting to make sure he will not kill her or bite her. She looked around "Let me know when your done fighting me, I'm trying to minimize then chances of the worst happening." she said then turned around and went a bit further into the den.

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Kadaen viewed it as him putting her in danger and he was not willing to do that. He knew there was a reason why Vrans said what she said, but the piture of putting Vrans inside the situation just made him shiver. He followed Vrans. "Alright, like I said you win," he said to Vrans. He felt like he was trapped.

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Vrans looked at him then away and went into a half laying half crouching position.


Vita looked at the 2 in his den "I'm going to go for a flight, maybe my last if the humans attack again. Tomorrow training starts." he said as he began to leave "Your free to join me if you want." he said over his shoulder.

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"So a week after it is fully healed? Just incase," Kadaen asked. He ducked his head, ready to hear any more complants from Vrans.


"I'm about to hit the hey," Tetra said to Vita. "Have fun with your flight."

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Vita nodded then took to the air and flew towards the clouds. The air under his wings felt good.


Vrans looked up at Kadaen "Alright, a week after my arms healed." she said


((Brain fart sorry))

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Kadaen smiled, showing his fangs in the non threating manner again and he curled around Vrans. If she was allowed to curl up around him, then he should be allowed to curl around her.

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Vrans sighed when Kadaen curled up around her. She almost growled but only sighed. She rested her head allowing him to curled up around her. Well aware of the eye's they where getting from others who may happen to see the odd pair in the den.

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