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Trials and Travels OOC

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Would you like me to PM you Promise's profile in the meantime, Lachrymation?

Sure, why not? ^^ Ah, also, I just realized, but the picture for it is unavailable.

Edited by lachrymation

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I will be away starting Monday 4/9/12 thru Friday 4/13/12. I will have no access to a computer during that time. I am going to be on the small island of Catalina.

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Ooh! Catalina? I've been there! Have fun! You'll have a great time snorkeling if the waters are clear.

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Actually I'm not going for snorkeling. I'm going to be hiking the island.

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Ahh I'm not a squid! Anyways, I'll post, but we really need Nat, don't we? Jahan has to take care of the girl in the attic and let Promise to join the dark side...


Cookies. :3

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*glomps unsuspecting Lach* I never said you were! I was looking for squids to take back to Lore. Who has been lurking. online but not posting.


Yeah, we kind of do... Do you want to wait for her before we move further?

Edited by Silver_Voices

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Hi hi~ I'm submitting a form based on a recommendation from Lachy 8D I trust her word that this RP is alot.png of fun


Username: 98hime ( Please, just Hime or Dana is fine)

Name: Cain

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Looks: Cain is a rather intimidating figure, coming in at 5'6 and a mere 120 pounds. He's a rather lean young man, tall and lanky, just like his father was. He kept expecting to fill out once he hit his later teenage years, but that never happened. He isn't the fittest man in Terra, but he can defend himself if necessary. He has cobalt blue eyes and a shock of tawny colored hair on top of his head. Cain has very pale skin, from spending most of his life in Terra. He's never been out in the sun for too long, but if he did go out for an extended period of time, he imagines he would freckly quite easily. Cain always has an easy going smile on his face, and it rarely ever slips away. He wears simple, down to earth clothes. A dark green cotton shirt with a brown tunic over it, and pair of work pants and heavy steel toed boots.

Personality: Cain's personally is extremely selfless. He is always willing to help anybody, no matter who they are. He is a big believer in second ( and third...fourth...fifth...) chances, and will always look past a person's past and focus on who they are in the present. For Cain, other people always come first. This also proves to be a major fault of his though. Sometimes he chooses to help people who then backstab him and betray him. Even though this has happened a couple of times, Cain never learns from his mistakes and continues to help untrustworthy people. Cain is also often detached and aloft, though not always in a bad way. He helps people as much as he can, but never really sticks around afterwards. In some ways you could say he is only attracted to broken things, and once he fixes them, he just leaves them. He feels that he cannot trust anyone but himself.

History: Cain grew up in a household where his mother and father were constantly arguing. They would always badger him to about which side he took in each argument. Trying not to favor one parent over another, Cain became adept at being a peacemaker, and often settled arguments for them. After many years of this, even the kind-hearted Cain grew tired of their constant bickering. At the age of 13, he left his home and drifted through the city for a few weeks, until he landed in an orphanage. There, he found his calling. He began working there after finding that he was able to comfort and connect with children who had been through traumatic experiences. While he was there, he made many friend, however, they were all soon adopted or left... leaving him with feelings of isolation. When he turned 16, the owner of the orphanage encouraged him to enroll in the Academy, after noticing his skills with the Element of Earth. Agreeing with him, Cain went to the Academy, where he studied hard and helped anyone he could. However, he didn't make any friends, for fear of losing them. His free time filled with studying and books, he rocketed ahead and graduated in three years. Now he is wandering around, taking a little time off before looking for a real job.

Element(What can they do with their Element?):


Element: Earth


1. Rumble Cain is able to cause tremors in the ground beneath him, these can extend to up to twenty feet in a circle around him.


2.Pelt He can lift up small pebbles and chunks of earth from his surroundings and pelt them in whichever direction he pleases


3. Sculpting Cain usually uses this power to create small rock toys or tools that he can use. But he can also use it to twist the earth around him to create a makeshift shelter if need be.


4.Pits He has the ability to create indentations in the earth. Either beneath him or an opponent.


Other (optional): Regarding girls... Cain isn't quite the expert in the area. Having grown up with a screechy mother, and then moved on to sweet little girls and children, Cain isn't sure what to think of the other gender. He's willing to help them out, but if one made a move on him... he wouldn't know w hat to do. Perhaps treat them like a child? That's the only real contact he's had with girls.

Edited by 98hime

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I like it, 98hime! *waits for LL's take on the character*


I like your post, Lach. I have a million responses in my head, swirling around in a stew. But none of them seem complete without Jahan. *sigh* I suppose I'll wait for LN to be able to post before I have her say anything.

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I'm here! And encouraging LL to be here as well. ^^ LL has been busy with finals and what not.


I like it, Hime! He seems fair to me, but we'll see what LL says. :3


I is going to post now, if I get time before track. :'D

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Yes, yous please post, Nat! xd.png


I love your character, Hime! ^^ As I said, I don't know what's going on on the light side, but the dark I can definitely recap.


Silver: Ahhh thanks! hmm... He just started flirting... le facepalm

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whoops, gotta go. No! I really want to make a post right now but I can't. The fastest I can make is tonight at like... 11?


Unless the internet shuts off at eleven... sad.gif

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*passes out in front of the RP* Sooo sorry guys *gasp* finals, book, and life ar in the way at the moment. PLEASE keep going, I will try and post later. as usually, those who can take over my characters are: DP, LN, Rak, and Lore.


It will be around another month of this stuff, BUT I will do my best to read and post because I need to take a break from my book smile.gif


*passes out again and starts snoring*

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*huggles LL* Don't worry! And don't stress yourself out too much :3 *pokes Lach*

Edited by Silver_Voices

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*jumps* Ahh! Sorry! I'll get a post up immediately, ma'am!


Lovey, don't stress yourself out too much! There should never be a rush! RL comes first! Just make sure to post once in a while in the OOC thread just to let us make sure that you haven't died or something... tongue.gif


EDIT: No wait, I'll post after dinner. My aunt is here.

Edited by lachrymation

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